45Th President Will Become The 47Th: Trump Wins

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Republican declares ‘historic realignment’ of U.S. interests
Relentless He wins
path back decisively
to White as Harris
House concedes
By James Rainey By Jenny Jarvie
and Noah Bierman
Donald Trump was
From the moment he elected the 47th president of
rode a golden escalator the United States on
downward and into the Wednesday, fulfilling his
queasy gut of American po- promise to shatter Ameri-
litical life, Donald Trump ca’s political status quo after
has done it his way — unbri- he refused to accept his loss
dled by precedent, often to Joe Biden four years ago
powered by “alternative and inspired a mob of sup-
facts” and dedicated to the porters to violently storm
proposition that only he the U.S. Capitol.
could “make America great The Republican presi-
again.” dent-elect’s victory over
The real estate mogul Democratic Vice President
and onetime reality TV star Kamala Harris — after an
captured a second term as extraordinary campaign in
president of the United which he was convicted of
States early Wednesday felony charges and survived
morning — nearly a decade two assassination attempts
after his now iconic entrance — was decisive: Trump
on the nation’s political trounced Harris in all the
stage. His candidacy again key “blue wall” and South-
surmounted innumerable ern battleground states and
obstacles and defied much maintained leads in Arizona
of a political establishment and Nevada, prompting a
that views him with utter torrent of anguish among
disdain. Democrats.
The former president de- As Trump secured 295
feated Vice President Ka- electoral votes to Harris’ 226,
mala Harris by harnessing Democrats could not take
the abiding dissatisfaction comfort in winning the
of many Americans — un- popular vote, as they did
easy about the high cost of when Trump defeated Hilla-
living, unsettled about a ry Clinton in 2016. With more
southern border they view than 139 million ballots
as insecure and disturbed counted, Trump had 4.8 mil-
over an evolving culture they lion more votes than Harris.
feel has strayed too far from “This will forever be re-
[See Return, A1] membered as the day the
American people regained
control of their country,”

Trump told a crowd at
around 2:30 a.m. Wednesday
from a stage adorned with
star-spangled banners at his

readies to campaign headquarters in

West Palm Beach, Fla.
Trump, who won by ap-

again lead pealing to Americans’ anxi-

eties about the economy and
immigration and slamming
Democrats as excessively

resistance Evan Vucci Associated Press

“woke” and out of touch, said
the election represented a
“massive victory for democ-
PRESIDENT-ELECT Donald Trump, accompanied by his wife, Melania Trump, claimed victory in West racy and for freedom.”
Palm Beach, Fla., after sweeping the key “blue wall” and Southern battleground states in Tuesday’s election. “The people who voted
Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta for us, they came from all
says he’ll defend quarters — union, non-
226 295 union, African American,
against attacks from Hispanic American, Asian
another Trump American, Arab American,
Muslim American,” Trump
administration. Harris 270 to win Trump said. “We had everybody,
and it was beautiful. It was a
By Kevin Rector historic realignment, unit-
and Angie Orellana ing citizens of all back-
Hernandez The world reacts Mixed economic outlook grounds around a common
Trump’s victory is met largely Stocks rally as big business and core of common sense.”
The last time Donald with shock and concern, plus a the rich expect gains. The rest of Harris conceded to
Trump was president, Cali- few hearty congratulations. A3 us and larger economy may pay. A8 Trump on Wednesday in a
fornia led the liberal resist- phone call before she ad-
ance to his agenda. Now it is dressed the American peo-
poised to reprise the role.
Abortion rights divide Schiff glides into Senate ple. A senior Harris aide said
In fact, as Trump’s return Seven more states protect ability Burbank Democrat and nationally the vice president congratu-
to power came into focus late to end pregnancy, but advocacy prominent Trump antagonist lated Trump on his victory.
Tuesday, California Atty. isn’t enough to help Harris. A7 easily defeats Steve Garvey. B1 A Trump official said
Gen. Rob Bonta said he al- Trump, in turn, acknowl-
ready had a plan to do so — edged Harris’ “strength,
that the state was “1,000% fo-
The keys to the House Jacquelyn Martin Associated Press
Winning propositions professionalism, and tenac-
cused” and ready to fight, in Control of Congress could hinge KAMALA HARRIS, in her conces- Californians dial back criminal ity.”
court and beyond, for Cali- on still-undecided contests in sion speech, said she did “not concede justice reform, and approve same- The two candidates who
fornia’s progressive way of these California districts. A6 the fight that fueled this campaign.” sex marriage rights and more. B1 [See Trump, A1]
“We will use the full force
of the law, the full authority
of the office, to defend and
protect California’s prog-
ress, our people, our values,”
said Bonta, who is eyeing a
run for governor.
3 strikes against criminal justice reform
“We’ve been spending
months, in some cases over a
Defeat of two progressive D.A.’s and approval of Prop. 36 signal a shift in California
year,” Bonta added, “plan-
trict attorney. night. homelessness. It was the an drug war policies, leading
ning on potential attacks By James Queally And statewide, a tough- Former federal prose- second time in three years a to longer prison terms for
and our responses to them and Anabel Sosa on-crime ballot initiative cutor Nathan Hochman, progressive Bay Area dis- many crimes.
across all the different issues
passed with overwhelming who ran a law-and-order trict attorney has been Dan Schnur, a former ad-
and areas — from attacking
In deep-blue L.A. County, support. campaign against incum- booted from office before fin- visor to Republican politi-
our environment to attack-
the “godfather of prog- Four years after nation- bent Dist. Atty. George ishing their term. cians in California who
ing reproductive freedom,
ressive prosecutors” lost his wide calls for police account- Gascón in Los Angeles, won Proposition 36, which will teaches political communi-
[See California, A1]
reelection bid by more than ability and a reimagining of by 23 points. essentially erase California’s cations at USC, said that
20 percentage points to a for- the criminal justice system Nearly two-thirds of vot- landmark 2014 sentencing since the last election, “the
mer Republican. led to big wins for reform ers supported the recall of reform bill, received support culture in both California
In the Bay Area, voters candidates in California, Alameda County Dist. Atty. from 70% of voters Tuesday. and across the country has
appear to have recalled an- voters dramatically re- Pamela Price amid concerns Democrats have warned the become more concerned
other reform-minded dis- versed course Tuesday over crime and rampant move will reinstate draconi- [See Crime, A1]
A2 T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M


Vote marks dark night for America’s soul

Donald Trump’s victory proves the better angels of our nature have been outmatched by fear and hatred

A convicted
felon and
sex offender is
returning to
the White
A candi-
date who
spoke of using the military
against political foes and
called for the summary
execution of his critics will
again be commander in
A 78-year-old man, at
sea, who prattled on about
Hannibal Lecter and Pava-
rotti and the size of Arnold
Palmer’s penis will once
more control the country’s
nuclear codes, and with
them the fate of all human-
Donald Trump is presi-
dent-elect of the United
States after arguably the
most stunning political
comeback in American
Read it and weep.
David Axelrod, the
Democratic strategist, once
said that “campaigns are
like an MRI of the soul —
whoever you are, eventually
people will find out.”
The soul of America, on
this November day of our
Lord, is a dark and forebod-
ing place. A place where the
better angels of our nature
have been outmatched by Evan Vucci Associated Press
the dark impulses of hatred THE CHOICE to send a brazen liar and criminal back to the White House has already undermined our nation’s honor and integrity.
and fear.
Inflation has taken a bite ity and a willingness to publican to win the popular Politically, we live in my that, by many measures, A more dangerous world
out of our wallets. Restoring overturn convention and vote in 20 years. He made volatile times, which makes is firing on all cylinders. as Trump coddles foreign
a brazen liar and criminal to break some china that badly gains with just about every the hair-trigger Trump a That’s another discon- dictators, severs critical
the White House has taken needed breaking. demographic group com- perfect totem for our unpre- nect that will keep the politi- overseas alliances and ena-
an even bigger bite out of What followed was stag- pared with his 2020 per- dictable age. cal seminar circuit abuzz for bles aggression like Russia’s
our nation’s honor and gering in its breadth, cruelty formance. For nearly two decades, years to come. rape and pillage of Ukraine.
integrity. and recklessness. Washington and Lincoln from 1960 to 1978, there were Soon enough it will come A not-insignificant
Lady Liberty shudders. Countless people died turn in their graves. three elections in which time for Trump, a superla- amount of Trump’s support
In 2016, Trump won a because of Trump’s mishan- Perhaps most note- control of the White House, tive self-promoter and is predicated on that notion
seeming black swan elec- dling of the COVID-19 pan- worthy, the candidate with a the Senate or the House of indifferent executive, to that his outrageous rhetoric
tion, scratching out victory demic. He was impeached long history of racist words Representatives switched deliver on his many extrava- and belligerent policy pro-
by fewer than 80,000 votes in twice. Indicted four times. and deeds, who slandered parties. Between 1980 and gant promises. posals are merely performa-
three states, even as he lost Convicted of 34 felony Mexicans and promised to 1998, there were four. To bring down grocery tive — Trump being Trump,
the national popular vote. counts for covering up an deport dark-skinned Since the beginning of and gas prices overnight, to use the shorthand.
He won despite a long, extramarital dalliance that immigrants who came to this century, there have end the wars in Gaza and We’ll see.
ignoble record. could well have cost him the the country legally, man- been 10 elections in which Ukraine instantly, hermeti- Those proverbial guard-
Multiple bankruptcies. 2016 election. aged to significantly grow power shifted, with Tues- cally seal the U.S. border rails that kept him in check
Thousands of lawsuits. Tax He summoned a mob his support among Black day’s being the latest and and fill our households to his first term may no longer
cheating. Business fraud. that invaded the U.S. Capi- and Latino men. third in a row. bursting with sudden and be there — Trump has said
Draft evasion. Adultery. A tol and tried to overturn the The political pundits and The word “change” ranks abundant wealth. he will see to that — and
boast of sexually mauling 2020 election, egged on by armchair psychiatrists will right up there with “new and None of that will happen. with carte blanche from a
women. his unremitting and self- be hashing that one out for improved” as among the What very well might is a supine Supreme Court, his
He represented change, serving lies. He spent years decades. most powerful pitches in return to soaring inflation, if maliciousness may be lim-
many voters said, as a busi- sowing doubts and corrod- What is immediately salesmanship, as well as Trump manages, with a ited only by Trump’s febrile
nessman and reality TV ing faith in our judicial and clear is that Trump’s victory flimflammery. pliant Republican Con- imagination.
celebrity who would bring political systems, spraying was a reward for bad behav- Exit polls showed by a gress, to impose the massive The acerbic wit H.L.
long-needed disruption to insults like a spiteful crop ior at such a high level that crushing 73% to 25% that tariffs that set his heart Mencken once said, “Demo-
Washington. If his puerile duster. — as the braggadocious voters saw Trump and not afire. And a widespread cracy is the theory that the
social media posts, uncouth And he won Tuesday’s Trump might put it — no Vice President Kamala uprooting of families and common people know what
behavior and playground election in far more com- one has ever seen anything Harris as the candidate who innocents as a heedless and they want and deserve to
insults were unpresidential, manding fashion than his like it. could bring about change — heartless deportation policy get it good and hard.”
the thinking went, well, that previous bare victory. He The malevolent among which Americans desper- drives a scythe through And so, with Trump’s
showed a certain authentic- may become the first Re- us will surely take heed. ately seek despite an econo- immigrant communities. restoration, it will be.

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Israeli strike kills 30 in Lebanon
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For submission guidelines, [email protected] a late-night Israeli strike on prime minister had avoided
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latimes.com/readersrep. night airstrike, which came RESCUE WORKERS search for victims at the de- lease, and was seen as more
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eli military and the strike’s salvage of the family’s be- tionality was not immedi- The Hamas attack that
intended target was un- longings on Wednesday ately known. triggered the war killed
known. morning. Sirens blared across some 1,200 people — mostly
Barja, a town just north Civil Defense official northern and central Israel civilians — and Palestinian
A Publication of the port city of Sidon in Mostafa Danaj said some of earlier in the day, including militants abducted 250 oth-
Founded Dec. 4, 1881 central Lebanon, has not the neighbors have reported in the populous metropoli- ers that day. Around 100 hos-
Vol. CXLIII No. 340
been regularly targeted in there are still people miss- tan area of Tel Aviv, as tages are still inside Gaza,
LOS ANGELES TIMES Print + unlimited digital rates:
(ISSN 0458-3035) Seven-day $28/week, $1,456 annually. the conflict. ing. Hezbollah launched 10 rock- around a third of whom are
is published by the Los Angeles Times, Thursday–Sunday $16/week, $832 “Something pulled me Israeli forces and the ets. A large portion of a believed to be dead.
2300 E. Imperial Highway, El Segundo, CA annually. Thursday & Sunday $10/week,
90245. Periodicals postage is paid at Los $520 annually. Saturday & Sunday hard, and then the explosion Hezbollah militant group rocket slammed into a Israel’s offensive has
Angeles, CA, and additional cities. $9/week, $468 annually. Sunday
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to $8.50/week, $442 annually. happened,” said Moussa have been clashing for more parked car in the central Is- killed more than 43,000 peo-
the above address. Monday–Saturday $18/week, $936 Zahran, who was at home than a year, since Hezbollah raeli city of Raanana. Rock- ple, Palestinian health offi-
annually (also includes Sundays, except
Home Delivery Subscription Rates (all rates 3/31, 5/26, 9/1, and 10/13). Monday–Friday with his wife and son when started firing rockets across ets also struck an open area cials say. They do not distin-
include applicable CA sales taxes and apply $16/week, $832 annually.
to most areas) the building was hit. He said the border soon after the near Israel’s main airport, guish between civilians and
Printed with soy-based ink on recycled newsprint from wood byproducts.
he couldn’t see but started Palestinian militant group Israeli media reported, combatants, but say more
digging through the rubble Hamas attacked southern though the airport said than half of those killed were
until he found his wife and Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, spark- flights were operating nor- women and children.
son — alive but injured — ing the war in Gaza. mally. Since the conflict be-
and pulled them out. Both The war on the Lebanese On Tuesday, Israeli tween Israel and Hezbollah
are still in the hospital, he front has substantially esca- Prime Minister Benjamin erupted in 2023, at least
said. lated since mid-September, Netanyahu dismissed De- 3,000 people have been killed
Another building resi- with Israel launching a mas- fense Minister Yoav Gallant and some 13,500 have been
Download the app. dent, Muhyiddin Al-Qalaaji, sive aerial bombardment in a surprise announcement wounded in Lebanon, about
Discover more. said he was at work when the and ground invasion. that sparked protests across a quarter of them women
strike happened and heard A rocket attack killed a the country. and children, the health
the news from his wife, who foreign worker near the Gallant’s replacement is ministry reported.
called him frantically. northern Israeli city of Acre Foreign Minister Israel Hezbollah aerial attacks
“There are many dead on Wednesday, according to Katz, a longtime Netanyahu have killed 73 people in Isra-
and injured,” he said as he the Magen David Adom res- loyalist and veteran Cabinet el, including 30 soldiers, ac-
carried out what he could cue service. The worker’s na- minister. cording to local authorities.
L AT I M E S . C O M T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 A3


World reacts with worry and joy to election

News of outcome elicits wariness in Europe, shock and happiness in Middle East and unease in Mexico
raling hostilities, news of
By Laura King, Trump’s victory left many
Sabra Ayres, shocked.
Max Kim, Israel is fighting multi-
Michael Finnegan, front battles against the
Nabih Bulos, Palestinian militant group
Stephanie Yang Hamas, which launched a
and Kate Linthicum shock attack on southern Is-
rael from the Gaza Strip
A thunderstruck world more than a year ago that
on Wednesday took in Don- killed about 1,200 people,
ald Trump’s victory in the and the Lebanese group
U.S. presidential election Hezbollah, which began at-
with varying expressions of tacking Israel thereafter.
jubilation, dismay or baffle- Both Hamas and Hezbol-
ment as allies and adver- lah are proxies of Iran, which
saries recalibrated their has also traded missile fire
vision of a vastly altered with Israel, raising fears of a
American landscape. wider regional conflict. In
On Ukraine’s frosty Tehran, a 25-year-old thea-
battlefields, in bustling ur- ter studies graduate named
ban cafes in Europe and Hoda, who did not want her
Asia, on Middle Eastern full name used for safety rea-
street corners, there were sons, said she could not envi-
gasps and widened eyes sion a positive result from
as the news flashed on tele- Trump’s presidency.
visions and smartphone “Nothing seems like it will
screens. But in some quar- be in our favor,” she said.
ters, a certain sense of de- The catastrophic war in
tachment stemmed from Gaza, which has killed more
this faraway political earth- than 43,000 Palestinians,
quake. was seen as one factor that
World leaders swiftly hurt Harris among young
weighed in, ranging from en- voters and Arab Americans
thusiastic congratulations Oded Balilty Associated Press in crucial swing states.
to more somber and circum- A BILLBOARD in Israel congratulates President-elect Trump on his election victory on Wednesday. “Histo- For some, the result
spect assurances of continu- ry’s greatest comeback!” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted on the social media platform X. raised fears of even greater
ity in the relationship with suffering to come. Nader
Trump, whose mercurial full-scale Russian invasion tially radical shift on key is- again “be key to keeping of a U.S. leader who “re- Abdelqader, 43, an architect
first presidency upended that began in February 2022. sues: migration, trade and our alliance strong.” In the serves his harshest words in the Gaza city of Khan Yu-
many long-standing diplo- “In the bigger picture, the the fight against drug traf- same vein, Ursula von der for his allies but spares the nis, said he expected Trump
matic norms. war isn’t going anywhere,” ficking. At a news confer- Leyen, president of the autocrats, who are seen as to offer “unconditional sup-
“History’s greatest come- said Serhiy, a Ukrainian ence, Mexican President European Commission, said partners rather than adver- port” to the Israeli govern-
back!” Israeli Prime Min- marine sergeant serving on Claudia Sheinbaum sought she looked forward to saries.” ment.
ister Benjamin Netanyahu the southern front lines. In to allay jitters. working again with Trump Joey Chao, a 32-year-old In Lebanon, where health
posted on the platform X. keeping with Ukrainian mili- “Mexico always comes on “a strong transatlantic English teacher in Taipei, officials say Israeli attacks
French President Emman- tary protocol, only his first out ahead,” Sheinbaum agenda.” Taiwan’s capital, checked have killed more than 3,000
uel Macron, in a message name was shared. said. “There is no reason for Italian Prime Minister his phone throughout the people over the last year,
more typical of Washing- In a Seoul cafe with concern.” Giorgia Meloni, a far-right day Wednesday for election most of them in the last two
ton’s closest Western allies, sweeping river views, South In Europe, where several leader who shares Trump’s updates before Trump’s vic- months, there was an air of
declared himself “ready to Korean media production dozen heads of state were aggressive posture against tory was sealed. fatalism over the outcome.
work together as we did.” company owner Jeon Ji, 35, set to gather Thursday illegal immigration, vowed “There’s a little bit of Sanaa, 26, who was tak-
Hungary’s nationalist- said she had never seen such at a summit in Budapest, to work with Trump to shock,” he said. “People ing her dog for a walk along
populist Prime Minister a polarized political climate. Hungary, Trump’s victory strengthen their nations’ couldn’t imagine Trump Beirut’s waterfront prome-
Viktor Orban, a longtime “I am beginning to won- was seen as holding major “strategic bond.” winning again.” nade and did not want to
Trump ally, called his elec- der if the U.S. might actually consequences for security, But Europe’s left was With his criminal convic- give her name for privacy
tion “a beautiful victory.” break out in civil war,” she the economy and climate appalled. Raphael Glucks- tions and defense of the reasons, said she expected
Right-wing former Brazilian said. change. mann, a leading French so- Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol insurrec- little to change under a new
President Jair Bolsonaro, Some onlookers The former and incoming cialist in the European Par- tion, the former president U.S. administration.
another backer, described mourned the stinging de- president’s promise to end liament, said Trump’s re- loomed large as a divisive “It’s the same either way,”
Trump’s win as the “rebirth feat, once again, of a female the war in Ukraine “within turn to the White House will political figure in Taiwan, she said. “Both Trump and
of a true warrior.” Democratic presidential 24 hours,” coupled with threaten Europe’s alliance Chao said. By contrast, few Harris don’t care about us.”
While most Americans ei- contender. his friendly posture toward with the United States. of his friends knew much
ther followed the tallies into “For many, Trump’s vic- Russian President Vladimir “We will now find our- about Harris at all. Times staff writers King,
the bleary-eyed early-morn- tory will remind them of Putin, cast a cloud over selves alone in Europe,” he “We feel that if Trump Kim, Bulos, Yang and
ing hours or awoke to news of nothing so much as his 2016 what has been an overarch- said. “Alone in the face of war wins, there is more unpre- Linthicum reported from
Vice President Kamala Har- upset over Hillary Clinton,” ing common goal for nearly on our continent, alone in dictability in terms of the Washington, Seoul, Beirut,
ris’ defeat, people in much of columnist Moira Donegan three years, assisting the face of Putin, alone in the U.S.-Taiwan relationship,” Taipei and Mexico City,
the world were in daytime wrote in Britain’s Guardian Ukraine in its fight against face of the wave of far-right he said. “But on the other respectively, and special
work mode when the race newspaper. The outcome, Russia. authoritarians sweeping hand, we are not worried corrrespondents Ayres and
was called. she said, prompted “a cold Nonetheless, Mark through our nations and the about him giving up his Finnegan from Kyiv,
Attention swiftly turned kind of anticipatory grief.” Rutte, the secretary general world, alone in the face of the tough stance on China.” Ukraine, and Paris,
to Ukraine, where a Trump In the United States’ of the North Atlantic Treaty climate catastrophe. Alone.” In the Middle East, where respectively. Special
presidency could have a southern neighbor Mexico, a Organization, struck an In an editorial, Le Monde, the Biden administration correspondent Ramin
dramatic effect on the coun- forthcoming Trump presi- optimistic note, saying the leading French news- has struggled for the last Mostaghim in Tehran
try’s ability to fight off the dency represents a poten- Trump’s leadership would paper, lamented the return year or more to contain spi- contributed to this report.

Anxiety in Mexico amid potentially radical shifts

Economists had warned think tank.
Country’s president that even a small rise in tar- Trump may also use the
iffs on Mexico’s goods could threat of tariffs to revive the
downplays worries as lead to more unemployment Remain in Mexico program,
others ponder earlier and poverty, potentially which required asylum seek-
leading more people to mi- ers to stay in Mexico until
threats from Trump. grate to the United States. their dates in U.S. immigra-
“We’re already at a very tion courts.
By Patrick J. fragile point. Now Trump is Some observers have
McDonnell and coming to hit us some more,” predicted an upsurge in mi-
Kate Linthicum Moreno-Brid said. “We gration in the coming
really, really, didn’t need months. This week, more
MEXICO CITY — The this.” than 2,000 migrants
election of Donald Trump — The landmark United launched a northbound
whose campaign featured States-Mexico-Canada “caravan” from Mexico’s
incendiary proposals on tar- Agreement — which re- southern city of Tapachula.
iffs, immigration and com- placed the North American “We can expect an in-
bating drug trafficking — is Free Trade Agreement dur- crease in migration over the
sending shock waves ing the first Trump adminis- next few months as people
through Mexico, a nation tration — is up for review in seek to get to U.S. soil before
with close economic, social 2026. What revisions Trump the new administration
and cultural ties to its north- will seek remain unclear, but starts closing down existing
ern neighbor. the multitrillion-dollar ac- pathways,” Isacson said.
The president-elect’s cord is pivotal to Mexico’s Meantime, many in Mexi-
vows to impose steep taxes economy. co were worried about
on goods imported from The hope among many in Trump’s avowed plans to de-
Mexico — up to 100% or more Mexico is that, once in office, port millions of immigrants
on vehicles — is viewed as a Trump’s actions will prove Yuri Cortez AFP/Getty Images in the U.S. illegally, many of
profound threat in a nation less harsh than his cam- NEWS OF Donald Trump’s election victory dominates the front pages Wednes- them Mexican nationals.
heavily dependent on trade paign bombast. Eight years day in Mexico City. The two nations share close economic, social and cultural ties. “Trump can do whatever
with the United States. ago, Trump launched his he wants now. He has all the
“It’s a disaster,” Juan election bid denouncing pragmatism dominates part of his strategy to crack Mexico City who was asked support he needs” said Iri-
Carlos Moreno-Brid, an Mexican immigrants as United States’ interests,” down on drug trafficking. about Trump’s plans. “It’s a neo Mujica, who heads Peo-
economics professor at the criminals and “rapists,” but columnist Kimberly Armen- “We will immediately publicity stunt.” ple Without Borders, a mi-
National Autonomous Uni- later developed a close work- gol wrote Wednesday in stop the drugs pouring On immigration, Trump grant advocacy group. “Mi-
versity of Mexico, said of ing relationship with Andrés Mexico’s Excélsior news- across our border,” Trump has made it clear that he will grants are going to be run-
Trump’s election. “I mean, it Manuel López Obrador paper. “The interests of the told a crowd Monday in move to curtail pathways to ning to the border to get in
couldn’t be worse.” when the leftist gained the United States with respect Pittsburgh. “Every damn migration, likely scrapping before Trump takes over.”
Mexico’s economy — presidency. The two men re- to Mexico transcend party thing that they sell into the the CBP One smartphone Apart from the humani-
driven almost exclusively by ferred to each other as divisions.” United States is going to app. That program has al- tarian toll, mass deporta-
trade, with more than 80% of friends. Two-way trade between have like a 25% [tariff], until lowed more than 800,000 tions could devastate the
exports sent north of the Mexico’s new president, the U.S. and Mexico topped they stop drugs from coming asylum seekers from across Mexican economy: Each
border — is already on the Claudia Sheinbaum, on $800 billion last year, accord- in. And let me tell you some- the globe to enter the United year, immigrants in the
brink of recession after years Wednesday aimed to down- ing to U.S. figures, making thing, those drugs will stop States with provisional stat- United States ship some $60
of sluggish growth, said play worries. Mexico the United States’ so damn fast that your head us after interviews at U.S. billion back to relatives and
Moreno-Brid. “There’s no reason to leading trade partner. will spin.” border posts. others in Mexico. Those
The peso slumped to a be worried,” Sheinbaum, “We are going to keep In addition, Trump has Also likely on the chop- remittances represent a pil-
two-year low Wednesday López Obrador’s successor, working in a very important raised the possibility of de- ping block in the new Trump lar of the Mexican economy.
against the dollar amid fears told reporters. “There’s go- way with business leaders in ploying the U.S. military to administration is a humani- “He can’t send all the
that Trump will follow ing to be dialogue.” The two Mexico and those in the take down Mexican drug tarian parole program that Mexicans back from the
through on his tariff pro- nations have closely inte- United States, who have cartels — a notion widely re- Biden put in place for citi- United States, can he?”
nouncements. grated supply chains that, their investments in Mexi- jected in a nation that has zens of Cuba, Haiti, Nicara- asked Emi Pérez, a street
“We should take seriously experts say, could put a co,” said Sheinbaum. “In suffered several historical gua and Venezuela, as well vendor in the capital. “Who’s
the threats and promises of brake on Trump’s provoca- this case there are no differ- invasions from the north. as a program that allows going to do all the work in the
Trump,” Martha Bárcena, a tive tariff plans. U.S. compa- ences — on the contrary Many in Mexico don’t take Central American children United States if there are no
former Mexican ambas- nies have ownership control there is a lot of unity to the military deployment to seek refugee status in the Mexicans?”
sador to Washington, wrote or other financial stakes in strengthen the national idea seriously. United States, according to
Wednesday on the social me- many Mexican manufactur- economy.” “He’s saying that just to Adam Isacson, a border re- Special correspondent
dia platform X. “It’s not just ing firms. Trump has suggested make noise,” said Alejandro searcher at the Washington Cecilia Sánchez Vidal
campaign rhetoric.” “In economic matters, that tariffs would also be Vázquez, a bookseller in Office on Latin America, a contributed to this report.
A4 T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M


A rundown of major Trump proposals

His agenda would scale back climate and civil rights protections and expand tariffs and presidential powers
ition charges. “It will be
By Bill Barrow strictly non-political, and
there will be no wokeness or
WASHINGTON — Don- jihadism allowed — none of
ald Trump has promised that’s going to be allowed,”
sweeping action in a second Trump said on Nov. 1, 2023.
The former president Social safety nets
and now president-elect Trump insists he would
often skipped over details protect Social Security and
but through more than a Medicare, popular pro-
year of policy pronounce- grams geared toward older
ments and written state- Americans and among the
ments outlined a wide-rang- biggest pieces of the federal
ing agenda that blends tra- spending pie each year.
ditional conservative ap- There are questions about
proaches to taxes, how his proposal not to tax
regulation and cultural is- tip and overtime wages
sues with a more populist might affect Social Security
bent on trade and a shift in and Medicare. If such plans
America’s international eventually involved only in-
role. come taxes, the entitlement
Trump’s agenda also programs would not be af-
would scale back federal fected. But exempting those
government efforts on civil wages from payroll taxes
rights and expand presi- would reduce the funding
dential powers. stream for Social Security
A look at what Trump and Medicare outlays.
has proposed: Trump has talked little
about Medicaid but his first
Immigration administration, in general,
“Build the wall!” from his defaulted to approving state
2016 campaign has trans- requests for waivers of vari-
formed into a plan to create ous federal rules and it
“the largest mass deporta- broadly endorsed state-level
tion program in history.” Julia Demaree Nikhinson Associated Press work requirements for re-
Trump has called for using PRESIDENT-ELECT Donald Trump’s approach to world affairs is more isolationist and protectionist than cipients.
the National Guard and em- the U.S. has been since World War II. His tax policies broadly tilt toward corporations and rich Americans.
powering domestic police Affordable Care Act
forces in the effort. Still, As he has since 2015,
Trump has been scant on Trump calls for repealing
details of what the program the Affordable Care Act and
would look like and how he its subsidized health insur-
would ensure that it tar- ance marketplaces. But he
geted only people in the U.S. still has not proposed a re-
illegally. He’s pitched “ideo- placement: In a September
logical screening” for would- debate, he insisted he had
be entrants and ending the “concepts of a plan.” In
birthright citizenship the latter stages of the cam-
(which almost certainly paign, Trump played up his
would require a constitu- alliance with former presi-
tional change), and said he’d dential candidate Robert F.
reinstitute first-term poli- Kennedy Jr., a longtime
cies such as “Remain in critic of vaccines and of pes-
Mexico,” limiting migrants ticides used in U.S. agricul-
on public health grounds ture. Trump repeatedly told
and severely limiting or ban- rally crowds that he would
ning entrants from certain Evan Vucci Associated Press Sebastian Scheiner Associated Press put Kennedy in charge of
majority-Muslim nations. STEELWORKERS appear with Trump last month. TRUMP, above with Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, “making America healthy
Altogether, the approach He could make it harder for workers to unionize. says he can end the Mideast war, without saying how. again.”
would not just crack down
on illegal migration but cur- Climate and energy
tail immigration overall. Trump, who claims false-
ly that climate change is a
Abortion “hoax,” blasts Biden-era
Trump played down spending on cleaner energy
abortion as a second-term designed to reduce U.S. reli-
priority, even as he took ance on fossil fuels. He pro-
credit for the Supreme poses an energy policy —
Court ending a woman’s fed- and transportation infra-
eral right to terminate a structure spending — an-
pregnancy and returning chored to fossil fuels: roads,
abortion regulation to state bridges and combustion-en-
governments. At Trump’s gine vehicles. “Drill, baby,
insistence, the GOP plat- drill!” was a regular chant at
form, for the first time in dec- Trump rallies. Trump says
ades, did not call for a na- he does not oppose electric
tional ban on abortion. vehicles but promises to end
Trump maintains that over- all Biden incentives to en-
turning Roe vs. Wade is courage EV market devel-
enough on the federal level. opment. Trump also
Trump said last month on pledges to roll back Biden-
his social media platform era fuel efficiency standards.
Truth Social that he would
veto a federal abortion ban if Workers’ rights
such legislation reached his Trump and Vice Presi-
desk. dent-elect JD Vance framed
But in an example of how their ticket as favoring work-
the conservative movement ers. But Trump could make
might proceed with or with- it harder for workers to
out Trump, antiabortion ac- unionize. In discussing au-
tivists note that the GOP toworkers, Trump focused
platform still asserts that a almost exclusively on Bid-
fetus should have due proc- en’s push toward electric ve-
ess protections under the hicles. When he mentioned
14th Amendment’s equal unions, it was often to lump
protection clause. That con- Eric Gay Associated Press “the union bosses and
stitutional argument is a IN TEXAS in 2021, Trump visits an unfinished section of border wall. The call to “build the wall!” from his CEOs” together as complicit
road map for conservatives 2016 campaign has transformed into a plan to create “the largest mass deportation program in history.” in “this disastrous electric
to seek a national abortion car scheme.” In an Oct. 23,
ban through federal courts. servers, bartenders and extending Title IX civil ment’s power to enforce maneuvers, using federal 2023, statement, Trump said
other service workers. rights protections to trans- statutes and rules by reduc- funding as leverage to pres- of United Auto Workers, “I’m
Taxes gender students, and he ing the number of employees sure K-12 school systems to telling you, you shouldn’t
Trump’s tax policies Tariffs and trade would ask Congress to re- engaging in the work and, abolish tenure and adopt pay those dues.”
broadly tilt toward corpora- Trump’s posture on in- quire that only two genders potentially, impose a chilling merit pay for teachers and to
tions and wealthier Ameri- ternational trade is to dis- can be recognized at birth. effect on those who remain. scrap diversity programs at National defense
cans. That’s mostly due to trust world markets as Trump also claims that all levels of education. He Trump’s rhetoric and
his promise to extend his harmful to American inter- Presidential power presidents have exclusive calls for pulling federal fund- policy approach in world af-
2017 tax overhaul, with a few ests. He proposes tariffs of The president-elect power to control federal ing “for any school or pro- fairs are more isolationist
notable changes that in- 10% to 20% on foreign goods seeks to reduce the role of spending even after Con- gram pushing critical race diplomatically, noninter-
clude lowering the corporate — and in some speeches has federal bureaucrats and gress has appropriated theory, gender ideology, or ventionist militarily and
income tax rate to 15% from mentioned even higher per- regulations across economic money. Trump argues that other inappropriate racial, protectionist economically
the current 21%. That also in- centages. He promises to re- sectors. Trump frames all lawmakers’ budget actions sexual, or political content than the U.S. has been since
volves rolling back Demo- institute an August 2020 regulatory cuts as an econo- “set a ceiling” on spending on our children.” World War II. But the details
cratic President Biden’s in- executive order requiring mic magic wand. He pledges but not a floor — meaning In higher education, are more complicated. He
come tax hikes on the that the Food and Drug Ad- precipitous drops in U.S. the president’s constitu- Trump proposes taking over pledges expansion of the
wealthiest Americans and ministration buy “essential” households’ utility bills by tional duty to “faithfully ex- accreditation processes for military, promises to protect
scrapping Inflation Reduc- medications only from U.S. removing obstacles to fossil ecute the laws” includes dis- colleges, a move he describes Pentagon spending from
tion Act levies that finance companies. He pledges to fuel production, including cretion on whether to spend as his “secret weapon” austerity efforts and pro-
energy measures intended block purchases of “any vital opening all federal lands for the money. This interpreta- against the “Marxist Mani- poses a new missile defense
to combat climate change. infrastructure” in the U.S. by exploration — even though tion could set up a court bat- acs and lunatics” he says shield — an old idea from the
Those policies notwith- Chinese buyers. U.S. energy production is al- tle with Congress. control higher education. Reagan era during the Cold
standing, Trump has put ready at record highs. As a candidate, he also Trump takes aim at higher War, then known as “Star
more emphasis on new pro- Civil rights Trump promises to unleash suggested that the Federal education endowments, Wars.” Trump insists he can
posals aimed at working- Trump has called for housing construction by cut- Reserve, an independent en- saying he will collect “bil- end Russia’s war in Ukraine
class and middle-class rolling back societal empha- ting regulations — though tity that sets interest rates, lions and billions of dollars” and the Israel-Hamas war,
Americans: exempting sis on diversity and legal pro- most construction rules should be subject to more from schools via “taxing, fin- without explaining how.
earned tips, Social Security tections for LGBTQ+ citi- come from state and local presidential influence. ing and suing excessively Trump summarizes his ap-
wages and overtime wages zens. Trump has called for government. He also says he Though he has not offered large private university en- proach through another
from income taxes. It’s note- ending diversity, equity and would end “frivolous litiga- details, any such move dowments” at schools that Reagan phrase: “peace
worthy, however, that his inclusion programs in gov- tion from the environmental would represent a momen- do not comply with his through strength.” But he
proposal on tips, depending ernment institutions, using extremists.” tous change to how the U.S. edicts. That almost cer- remains critical of NATO
on how Congress might federal funding as leverage. The approach would in economic and monetary sys- tainly would end up in pro- and top U.S. military brass.
write it, could give a back- On transgender rights, many ways strengthen exe- tems work. tracted legal fights. “I don’t consider them lead-
door tax break to top wage Trump promises generally cutive branch influence. As in other policy areas, ers,” Trump said of Penta-
earners by allowing them to to end “boys in girls’ sports,” That power would come Education Trump isn’t actually propos- gon officials that Americans
reclassify some of their pay a practice he insists, without more directly from the White The federal Department ing limiting federal power in “see on television.” He has
as tip income — a prospect evidence, is widespread. But House. of Education would be tar- higher education but repeatedly praised authori-
that at its most extreme his policies go well beyond He would make it easier geted for elimination in a strengthening it. He calls for tarians including Hungary’s
could see hedge fund man- standard applause lines to fire federal workers by second Trump administra- redirecting the confiscated Viktor Orban and Russia’s
agers or top-flight attorneys from his rally speeches. classifying thousands of tion. That does not mean endowment money into an Vladimir Putin.
taking advantage of a policy Among other ideas, Trump them as being outside civil that Trump wants Washing- online “American Academy”
that Trump frames as being would roll back the Biden service protections. That ton out of classrooms. He offering college credentials Barrow writes for the
designed for restaurant administration’s policy of could weaken the govern- still proposes, among other to all Americans without tu- Associated Press.
L AT I M E S . C O M T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 A5

Harris concedes election, but not ‘the fight’

Vice president voices defiance in speech at Howard University to an anguished audience
showcase for Howard and
By Seema Mehta, the wider network of schools
Noah Bierman serving mostly Black stu-
and Daniel Miller dents. Many attendees wore
their sorority or fraternity
WASHINGTON — Ka- colors — a celebration of a
mala Harris’ supporters fi- storied strand of Black cul-
nally heard from the vice ture in America.
president on Wednesday Before the vibes shifted,
afternoon. But her address several people told The
at Howard University was Times about their admira-
far from the speech they tion for Harris — and the
wanted, and many listened pride they felt watching the
in tears. Democratic nominee strive
In somber remarks deliv- for the presidency.
ered at the Yard, a large out- “It means so much more
door space on the Washing- than you can imagine,” said
ton, D.C., campus, the Marissa Jennings, 43, who
Democratic presidential no- grew up in the Crenshaw
minee said she had con- neighborhood of Los Ange-
ceded the race to Donald les and attended Bennett
Trump and urged a divided College, a historically Black
country to come together. institution in North Car-
“The outcome of this olina. “... It was something I
election is not what we couldn’t have dreamed of.”
wanted — not what we Harris’ time at Howard —
fought for, not what we voted she graduated from the
for,” said Harris, 60, a How- school in 1986 — helped
ard alumna whose surprise shape her political identity.
candidacy began in July af- During her unsuccessful bid
ter President Biden an- for the Democratic presi-
nounced he would not seek dential nomination in 2019,
another term. “But hear me Harris took to telling voters
when I say: The light of that her toughest political
America’s promise will al- race was at the university,
ways burn bright.” Tom Williams CQ-Roll Call Inc. where she won a seat on the
Harris spoke from the “THE LIGHT of America’s promise will always burn bright,” said Vice President Kamala Harris during a Liberal Arts Student Coun-
same place where her sup- speech Wednesday conceding the presidential race to Donald Trump at Howard University, her alma mater. cil during her freshman year,
porters had gathered a day The Times has reported.
earlier hoping to celebrate a The Republican, who de- migrants, belittle just ... ev- Yard, where thousands of to victory for Harris. Well af- The vice president was
historic breakthrough: the clared victory in a speech ery type of group except a students and alumni were ter midnight, Cedric Rich- also a member of the How-
election of the first Black early Wednesday morning, particular group. And peo- dancing even before How- mond, co-chair of the vice ard chapter of the Alpha
woman to the presidency. won several key battle- ple think that’s OK?” ard’s gospel choir sang “Lift president’s campaign, told a Kappa Alpha, the country’s
But on Wednesday, some of ground states. Trump, who Jessica Finkel, a prog- Every Voice and Sing,” the dwindling audience that first Black sorority. Among
the patriotic regalia that ran a grievance-driven cam- ressive fundraiser from hymn adopted by some as a Harris would not be taking attendees on Tuesday were
had made the Yard an ar- paign suffused with racial Charlotte, N.C., who took in Black national anthem. the stage. women wearing the organi-
resting backdrop was in dis- animus, could also win the Harris’ muted speech, said But that enthusiasm was South Carolina native zation’s signature salmon
array or gone. popular vote. that her loss “felt crushing.” soon overtaken by anxiety Nicole Harrison, 42, who pink and apple green colors.
“While I concede this Among those who came “It feels like since the that curdled into crushing wore a sparkly blue and gold On Wednesday, Doherty,
election, I do not concede to hear Harris on Wednes- founding of the country, we despair. Revelers directed jacket Tuesday, recalled liv- the former school teacher
the fight that fueled this day was Rebecca ‘Toyin just haven’t gotten away their nervous energy toward ing through Trump’s presi- who has segued into a career
campaign,” said Harris, Doherty, a Howard alumna from our racist and bigoted a large screen showing dency, and the fear some practicing law, said that the
whose voice momentarily living in Washington. The ideals,” said Finkel, 27. CNN’s election coverage. people felt while walking the vice president’s loss had
quivered early in her re- former middle and high On Tuesday night, the The festivities were damp- streets of Washington. caused her to reflect on a les-
marks. As the vice president school teacher said the gathering at Howard had be- ened when the network’s “That’s the scary part son she had shared with her
spoke about her 107-day, country must “admit that gun before 7 with a sense of John King said that Harris about it — safety,” said Har- pupils.
whirlwind campaign, some we have misogyny, we have optimism — one buoyed by a trailed President Biden’s rison, who graduated from “I remember teaching my
attendees wiped away tears sexism and we have racism.” playlist that included 1990s performance in the 2020 the University of South Car- students that one of the pri-
and wrapped their arms “I’m holding back tears,” hip-hop and modern female election in key areas. olina. orities was to make sure that
around each other. said Doherty, 42, her voice empowerment anthems. By 11 p.m., the mood had “Someone’s going to be you understood the impor-
The raw anguish on dis- breaking. “I’m sorry. It just The possibility that Har- darkened considerably — upset,” she said, adding that tance of voting,” she said.
play at the prestigious his- really speaks to America, the ris might become the first the dancing had long since she hoped people channel
torically Black university spirit of America. How president to graduate from a stopped — and attendees their frustrations into Mehta and Bierman
was emblematic of what would you run a campaign historically Black college or watched in near silence as change, not violence. “I don’t reported from Washington
many Democrats were expe- and belittle women, belittle university had animated the CNN telecast projected want to live like that again.” and Miller from Los
riencing across the country. Puerto Ricans, belittle im- much of the action on the an increasingly narrow path The event had been a Angeles.

Trump scores a decisive victory, dealing Harris a bitter defeat

[Trump, from A1] Seven of 10 states passed Earhardt, one of the show’s
for months lobbed insults at measures to protect abor- hosts.
each other — Harris called tion rights, according to the Nancy Northup, presi-
Trump “unhinged” and a Associated Press. Abortion dent and chief executive of
“fascist” while Trump restrictions will remain in the Center for Reproductive
dubbed Harris “crazy Ka- place in Florida, Nebraska Rights, called Trump’s win
mala” and “a low-IQ individ- and South Dakota. “a deadly threat to the
ual” — both spoke of the im- Early Wednesday, morn- democratic values of liberty
portance of uniting the na- ing cable TV shows and so- and equality, the rule of law,
tion. cial media offered dueling and reproductive health,
“The outcome of this is interpretations of Trump’s rights and justice in the
not what we wanted, not victory: Liberals — including United States and around
what we fought for, not what many in California — argued the globe.”
we voted for,” Harris said that the American people The second Trump ad-
Wednesday afternoon as she had delivered a death blow ministration, Northup
addressed her supporters to democracy while conser- warned, would probably
and the nation at her alma vatives celebrated Trump’s work to stop the provision of
mater, Howard University in victory as the people’s revolt medication abortion by
Washington. “But hear me against technocratic elites. mail, push a national abor-
when I say: The light of “California will fight to tion ban, and embolden
America’s promise will al- protect our democracy, our conservative states to lead
ways burn bright as long as freedoms & the basic dignity more prosecutions and in-
we never give up and as long of all people,” state Sen. vestigations against pro-
as we keep fighting.” Scott Wiener (D-San Fran- viders and patients who
Four years after Trump cisco) said on X. “California sought to cross state lines.
contested his loss to Biden, won’t roll over for fascism.” “The Center for Repro-
Harris told her supporters Hakeem Jefferson, an as- ductive Rights is ready for
that she would accept her sistant professor of political this next fight,” she said. “We
opponent’s victory. science at Stanford Uni- will vigorously oppose any
“While I concede this versity, described Trump’s and all attempts to roll back
election,” Harris said, “I do win as “a dark and scary mo- progress.”
not concede the fight that ment” for American democ- Conservatives rejected li-
fuels this campaign, the racy. beral commentators and ac-
fight for freedom, for oppor- A few moderate Demo- tivists’ narrative of a dark,
tunity, for fairness and the Evan Vucci Associated Press crats were quick to critique vengeful Trump presidency.
dignity of all people: a fight GLEEFUL Trump supporters celebrate returns showing their candidate building the Democratic Party and Scott Jennings, a conser-
for the ideals at the heart of an insurmountable lead at the Palm Beach Convention Center on Tuesday night. the Harris campaign. vative political strategist,
our nation.” Democratic strategist said on CNN he saw the re-
Harris’ team sought to “Kamala Broke It. Trump CNN exit polls showed a cratic norms and roll back Josh Lafazan, a former New sults as a “revenge of just the
win over voters in battle- Will Fix It” — emphasized significant gender gap in the years of hard-won civil York legislator, said his par- regular old working-class
ground states — amping up Harris’ role in the Biden ad- results, with the majority of rights. ty’s failure to hold an open American, the anonymous
their base while also appeal- ministration and aimed to women backing Harris and “We’re not going back!” primary opened Harris up to American who has been
ing to moderate Republi- position Trump as the can- the majority of men backing she and her supporters GOP criticism that the proc- crushed, insulted, conde-
cans and suburban women didate of change. Trump. chanted at rallies. ess was undemocratic and scended.”
— by focusing on abortion Some Trump allies wor- Trump made significant When asked last month if that Harris had not won a The American political
and democracy. But in the ried that he would turn off gains with Latino men, win- she believed Trump was a single primary vote. and media class, Jennings
end, Trump won by promot- critical demographics of ning their vote by 8 percent- fascist, Harris replied: “Yes, But Lafazan went fur- argued, had ignored the fun-
ing himself as a plain-speak- Latinos and women after he age points four years after he I do.” ther, arguing Harris wasn’t a damentals of inflation and
ing candidate and appealing held an incendiary rally in lost them by 23 points. He The GOP’s victory ex- strong Democratic candi- “people feeling like they were
to Americans who said they the campaign’s final days at also won over Black men in tended beyond Trump. Re- date and failed to make a ro- barely able to tread water.”
were weary of liberal elites New York City’s Madison battlegrounds, more than publicans also secured con- bust case that the Biden- “The Democrats thought
and the status quo. Square Garden, featuring doubling his 2020 support trol of the Senate after Tim Harris administration had there were enough people
He promised to secure speakers who called Harris from that cohort in North Sheehy in Montana, Sen. delivered important policy who hated Trump or were
the southern border and de- “the Antichrist,” referred to Carolina. The only bright Deb Fischer in Nebraska, wins, such as passing the In- willing to fear him to win the
port millions of people living “her pimp handlers” and spot for Harris was college- Bernie Moreno in Ohio and flation Reduction Act that race,” Jennings said. “And it
in the country illegally, im- dubbed Puerto Rico “a float- educated women. Jim Justice in West Virginia had created hundreds of turns out, there’s more to be-
pose tariffs that he claimed ing island of garbage.” Trump’s win represents a won their races. thousands of jobs. ing president than simply
would revive the economy But after months of bitter defeat for Harris, who The House remained up When asked by a major not being Donald Trump, in
and restore American man- polling showing the candi- sought to make history not for grabs as election officials network what she would do the eyes of the American
ufacturing, and withdraw dates neck and neck, only as the first female presi- continued to count votes. differently from Biden, people.”
the nation from the interna- Trump’s victory was swift, dent but also as the first Republicans hoped to hold Lafazan noted, Harris had Some political observers
tional stage. defying pundits’ expecta- Black and Asian American their House majority. Early no answer. urged Democrats to exam-
Throughout his cam- tions of a protracted vote female president. Instead, Wednesday, the Associated “That was political mal- ine closely the failure of Har-
paign, Trump drew criticism count. she became the second fe- Press reported that GOP practice,” Lafazan said. ris’ campaign.
for spreading falsehoods. He Trump flipped Georgia, male candidate in eight Rep. Mike Lawler, who holds On “Fox & Friends,” “It’s time for the Demo-
claimed, without evidence, Michigan, Pennsylvania and years to become the Demo- a suburban New York seat, there was much gloating as crats to take a good, long
that immigrants were “eat- Wisconsin — states Demo- crats’ presidential nominee, managed to eke out a second commentators argued the li- hard look at how this hap-
ing the dogs” in Springfield, crats won in 2020 — winning only to fail to secure enough term. beral establishment — a pened,” said Joe Scarbor-
Ohio, and that crime had by clear margins of several votes to win. On abortion — a key issue group that they say includes ough, the host of MSNBC’s
gone “through the roof,” percentage points. He kept Throughout her cam- after Trump appointed not just politicians, but also “Morning Joe,” as he opened
when violent crime rates fell hold of North Carolina. On paign, Harris painted her Supreme Court justices who news outlets — had misread up the show.
sharply under President Wednesday afternoon, he opponent as a “petty ty- in 2022 helped overturn the the will of the American peo- “And if they just say,
Biden. was ahead by about 5 per- rant,” an “unhinged” and landmark 1973 Roe vs. Wade ple. ‘Trump bad, Democrats vir-
The GOP candidate’s centage points in Arizona “racist and divisive” figure decision — there were some “This is the end of the leg- tuous,’ they’re going to keep
closing campaign slogan — and Nevada. who would destroy demo- bright spots for Democrats. acy media,” said Ainsley losing.”
A6 T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M

California is key in fight for control of House

member of California’s con-
With GOP clinging to gressional delegation,
staved off a surprisingly
a slim majority, these close challenge two years
six Golden State seats ago from former federal
prosecutor Rollins, a Demo-
are seen as highly crat who got almost no sup-
competitive. port from the Democratic
The district became
By Laura J. Nelson more competitive after Cali-
fornia’s redistricting proc-
The fight for control of ess swapped reliably red
the U.S. House of Repre- areas of Calvert’s district —
sentatives remained unre- including Temecula and
solved Wednesday as votes Murrieta — for a more liberal
were still being counted in swath of the Coachella Val-
several competitive races in ley, including Palm Springs,
California that could deter- home to one of the largest
mine whether Democrats or concentrations of LGBTQ+
Republicans win the major- voters in the country.
ity. Rollins, who is gay, be-
Golden State voters held came one of the best-funded
unusual power in the na- challengers in the country as
tional fight this year, with he campaigned for a second
the suburbs of Orange time to oust Calvert, who
County, the Central Valley’s has been in Congress since
farm belt and desert com- 1993.
munities around Palm
Springs and Lancaster
Rep. Michelle Steel
playing an outsized role in
shaping the next Congress. vs. Derek Tran
“The race for control of Steel, a two-term incum-
the U.S. House remains as bent and powerhouse fund-
close as it’s ever been,” said raiser, is facing a challenge
Erin Covey, the U.S. House from Tran in what has be-
editor for the nonpartisan come one of the most explo-
Cook Political Report. sive, expensive races of 2024.
Going into election day, The 45th Congressional
Republicans were clinging District, home to Little
to a razor-thin, four-seat Saigon, has the largest
majority in the House and population of people of Viet-
defending 15 seats nationally Jason Armond Los Angeles Times namese descent outside of
seen as toss-ups. REPUBLICAN Scott Baugh speaks at an election night event at Muldoon’s Irish Pub in Newport Beach. He is Vietnam, but has never had
No state has more swing up against Dave Min in a close race to assume Democratic Rep. Katie Porter’s seat in coastal Orange County. a Vietnamese American rep-
seats than California, where resentative in Washington.
six seats are considered Katie Porter’s seat in coastal challengers to President California. Salas, his Democratic op- Tran, born in the U.S. to Vi-
highly competitive. Five cur- Orange County, said he was Biden and California Gov. ponent, is a former state law- etnamese refugees, is hop-
rently are represented by optimistic but nervous as re- Gavin Newsom, Democrats maker who would become ing to change that.
Republicans and four are in sults began to arrive in the whose popularity has
Rep. John Duarte the first Latino elected to Both candidates fought
districts President Biden 47th Congressional District. sagged. vs. Adam Gray Congress from the Central hard for older Vietnamese
won in 2020. Early results showed Min Many Democratic chal- Two years ago Duarte, a Valley if he wins. residents who have tradi-
The outcome of some of with a healthy lead over Re- lengers sought to cast Re- Republican, won this agri- tionally supported the Re-
the highly competitive races publican Scott Baugh, but publicans as self-dealing, ex- cultural district by just 564 Rep. Mike Garcia publican Party.
could take days, or even the race is expected to be treme conservatives who are votes, the second-closest Accusations of “red-
weeks, to resolve. Mail bal- very close. out of step with their dis- margin in the nation. The
vs. George baiting” flew after both cam-
lots in California can be Baugh addressed a loud tricts. A number of ads fo- race wasn’t called until Whitesides paigns attempted to link
counted for up to a week af- and rowdy crowd at Mul- cused on abortion, making nearly a month after the The 27th Congressional their opponent to Commu-
ter election day as long as doon’s Irish Pub in Newport the claim that California Re- election. District, which covers large nist China.
they were postmarked by Beach. publicans could, with the Democrats have a signifi- swaths of the Antelope Val-
Tuesday. “There’s a red wave com- help of a GOP-held House, cant voter registration ad- ley, has deep ties to the mili-
Scott Baugh
As the first waves of bal- ing and we’re very excited,” erode access to abortion vantage in the district, but tary and the aerospace in-
lots from Orange County on Baugh said. nationwide. the party’s turnout was low dustry. Democrats have a 10- vs. Dave Min
Tuesday night showed For Democratic Rep. Ad- Nearly $150 million in 2022. point voter registration ad- The 47th District in
Democrat Derek Tran mar- am B. Schiff, who won Cali- poured into California’s six They’re hoping that vantage over Republicans. coastal Orange County has
ginally ahead of Republican fornia’s U.S. Senate race most competitive districts higher turnout in a presi- The district has been in a no incumbent candidate be-
incumbent Rep. Michelle Tuesday, the state’s role in from outside spenders, in- dential year will swing their political tug-of-war since the cause Porter (D-Irvine) ran
Steel in the 45th Congres- the fight for the House this cluding more than $105 mil- fortunes in the Central Val- blue wave of 2018, when unsuccessfully for the U.S.
sional District, his support- year was a point of pride. lion from groups linked to ley, where Duarte is facing Democrats retook the Senate rather than seek re-
ers smiled to one another — “California will singularly the national Republican and off again against Democrat House and Democrat Katie election to the House.
but with the sense that they determine whether we’re the Democratic parties. Adam Gray, a former state Hill unseated the district’s Democrats need to hold
were settling in for a long majority or the minority,” Two political newcomers lawmaker from Modesto. Republican incumbent — the open seat — or win seats
night. Schiff said. “Unless we can also spent heavily. only to resign less than a elsewhere to make up
Tran said he was “very win a number of these races, A super PAC backed year later after a sex scandal. ground — to claw back the
Rep. David Valadao
optimistic,” but alluded to there’s no way we take back by crypto companies and Garcia won the seat in House majority. Republi-
how narrow the margin of the House. If we win all these investors spent nearly vs. Rudy Salas the special election that fol- cans see the race as their
victory could be. races, there’s almost no way $7 million — more than any Once a safely ruby-red lowed and has won twice best opportunity to pick up
At Steel’s election night we fail to take back the other industry group — to district, this swath of the more since then, including another seat in California.
party in Buena Park, the House. California is going to back Steel and fellow Re- San Joaquin Valley is now by 333 votes in 2020. This Min, a Democrat, is run-
crowd erupted in cheers as decide. That’s pretty excit- publican Reps. Mike Garcia, decidedly purple. year, Garcia is facing White- ning against Baugh, the for-
Steel took the stage, saying ing.” David Valadao and Young Voters in the district — sides, a Democrat, former mer Orange County GOP
she was confident she would California’s Republican Kim. And a super PAC which includes parts of Bak- NASA administrator and chair. Baugh narrowly lost
win a third term in Congress. House incumbents cam- funded by Elon Musk spent ersfield and portions of former chief executive of Vir- to Porter in a bruising and
“Tomorrow morning paigned on inflation, crime more than $4 million on can- Kern, Tulare and Kings gin Galactic. expensive campaign two
when we wake up, we’re go- and U.S.-Mexico border se- vassing efforts, digital ad- counties — favored Biden years ago.
ing to have great news,” she curity, painting their oppo- vertising and text messages over Trump by 13 percentage
Rep. Ken Calvert
said. “We have so many nents as out-of-touch radi- to help turn out voters for points in 2020, making Val- Times staff writers Hannah
things to do.” cals who have caused higher Calvert, Steel and Valadao. adao one of the most vulner- vs. Will Rollins Fry and Caroline
Dave Min, the Democrat taxes and gas prices. Repub- Here are the closest able GOP incumbents in the Calvert (R-Corona), the Petrow-Cohen contributed
running to assume Rep. licans also sought to tie their House races to watch across country. longest-serving Republican to this report.

California prepares to be a bastion of progressive resistance, again

[California, from A1] During a stop in Coa- touted Tuesday — on immi- racy, the champion of inno-
our common sense gun laws, chella last month, for exam- gration, and the environ- vation and the protector of
our LGBTQ+ community, ple, Trump blasted the state ment and the LGBTQ+ our rights and freedoms,”
our civil rights, different con- as a wasteland of high costs, community. “We are all Cali- the senator-elect said.
stitutional rights.” overregulation, homeless- fornians. Wear it with pride. Trump did not speak di-
California sued the first ness and crime, mixing real This is our moment,” New- rectly to the idea of winning
Trump administration problems facing the state som said then. over blue states like Califor-
more than 100 times — often with a litany of falsehoods. By August 2020, just nia in his own acceptance
successfully — and Bonta He also blasted Newsom months before Trump speech, but did promise to
said a similarly litigious ap- over the state’s handling of would lose his reelection bid deliver for all Americans.
proach was almost certain its water supply — and to Joe Biden, the state had Schickler said California
during the former presi- threatened to cut off federal made good on its promises. will face special challenges
dent’s second term. disaster aid for wildfires if Then-California Atty. Gen. during Trump’s second
“If Trump doesn’t break California doesn’t make Xavier Becerra — now Bid- term.
the law, if he doesn’t violate more water available to far- en’s health and human serv- “There just are a lot of
the Constitution, if he mers and homeowners. ices secretary — announced federal policies that Trump
doesn’t overreach his au- “We’re going to take care the state’s 100th lawsuit will push that can have a big
thority in unlawful ways, of your water situation, force against the Trump adminis- impact on the state, and the
there’ll be nothing for us to Josh Edelson For The Times it down his throat, and we’ll tration. tools to resist it may be lim-
do,” Bonta said. “But if he AUDIENCE members wait for results during an say: ‘Gavin, if you don’t do it, More than half of those ited, especially given
does what he did last time, election watch party Tuesday in San Francisco. we’re not giving any of that suits alleged the administra- Trump’s aggressive willing-
and if he does what Project fire money that we send you tion had undermined or ness to use executive power,
2025 suggests he will do, of the archconservative and Chemerinsky, dean of all the time for all the fire, failed to comply with federal and then the fact that the
course we will clash with him anti-California Project 2025 Berkeley Law. forest fires that you have,’ ” environmental rules. Others courts are generally con-
in court — because he will be playbook that Trump has “There is an enormous Trump said. challenged the administra- trolled by conservatives who
breaking the law.” distanced himself from but ideological difference be- In a statement Wednes- tion’s policies on immigra- take a strong view of presi-
Bonta’s message was one many see as a likely policy tween California voters and day, Newsom said California tion, education, healthcare, dential power,” he said.
of defiance in the face of a guide for his second term — Donald Trump,” Chemerin- “will seek to work” with guns and civil rights. There could be big fights
sweeping defeat for Demo- said Trump had “triumphed sky said. “California officials, Trump, but also intends “to Democratic attorneys over issues that the Trump
crats and a stinging one for over a relentless left-wing such as the attorney general, stand with states across our general won 83% of the 155 administration and Califor-
Vice President Kamala Har- machine intent on stopping will use the law to fight nation to defend our Consti- lawsuits they brought nia hold different positions
ris, a Californian who was him,” and “the entire conser- back.” tution and uphold the rule of against the first Trump ad- on — including abortion pills
ridiculed by Trump as a vative movement stands Eric Schickler, co-direc- law.” ministration, according to a in the mail, the focus on di-
“radical left lunatic who de- united behind him.” tor of the Institute of Gov- Last week, he said “no tally by Paul Nolette, a politi- versity, equity and inclusion
stroyed San Francisco.” In the Golden State, the ernmental Studies at UC state has more to lose, or cal science professor at Mar- and race-conscious educa-
Trump in his early nation’s most populous and Berkeley and author of the more to gain, in this elec- quette University. tion in public universities
Wednesday victory speech economically mighty, new book “Partisan Nation,” tion.” California Democrats and colleges, and protec-
said the American people Trump’s claimed mandate said he has no doubt that Trump’s promised mass were already pledging to tions for vulnerable popula-
had given Republicans an seemed muted, like a rum- California will continue to be deportation of undocu- fight again as it became clear tions such as transgender
“unprecedented and power- bling from elsewhere. a “focal point of resistance” mented immigrants alone Tuesday night that Trump people and children.
ful mandate” to usher in As of Wednesday, Harris to Trump. would devastate California’s was ascendant once more. More volatile than any-
their conservative agenda — was beating Trump in Cali- “It fits generally where economy — and the national “To be clear: California thing else, Schickler said,
which includes the largest fornia by nearly 1.7 million the state’s electorate is, and and global economies as a will fight to protect our could be the standoff over
mass deportation in U.S. votes with nearly half the certainly the national ambi- result — if implemented, democracy, our freedoms immigration.
history, sharp restrictions state’s ballots still to count tions of somebody like New- Newsom said, with “impacts [and] the basic dignity of all “Immigration is going to
on abortion, slashed envi- — or by more than the entire som,” he said — referring to from valley to valley, Silicon people,” state Sen. Scott be one of the main flash-
ronmental regulations, population of many U.S. Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Har- Valley to Central Valley.” Wiener, a San Francisco points, assuming there are
strengthened gun rights states. Rep. Adam B. Schiff, ris surrogate and constant Just months into Democrat, wrote on X. “Cali- efforts at mass deporta-
and fewer queer rights. one of Trump’s chief antago- Trump critic. Trump’s last term, then-Lt. fornia won’t roll over for fas- tion,” Schickler said. “That’s
“This will truly be the nists during his first term, But it also “does carry Gov. Newsom gave a rousing cism.” going to involve the federal
golden age of America,” had been swept to victory as downstream risks or costs,” speech at the state Demo- Schiff hit on similar government doing things
Trump said. the state’s newest senator. Schickler said, particularly cratic Party’s 2017 conven- themes in his victory speech. within the states, and you
Kevin Roberts, the presi- In that way, Californians given Trump’s penchant for tion about California fight- “California will continue to can imagine some resist-
dent of the Heritage Foun- gave their leaders a mandate “retribution politics” and ing for all the same prog- be at the forefront of prog- ance to that from folks in
dation — which produced of their own, said Erwin outright threats to the state. ressive beliefs that Bonta ress, the bulwark of democ- California.”
L AT I M E S . C O M T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 A7

Abortion rights measures win as Harris loses

the 2022 wins.
The Democrat fell Unlike Biden — a Catho-
lic who spoke less frequently
short of election but about abortion as a candi-
her bedrock campaign date — Harris spoke force-
fully and passionately. She
issue continued to labeled states’ laws limiting
show broad support. abortion access as “Trump
abortion bans,” and painted
her opponent as someone
By Faith E. Pinho who “does not believe wom-
en should have the agency
PHOENIX — Abortion and authority to make deci-
access was on the ballot sions about their own.”
Tuesday and voters sup- “We trust women,” she
ported it in seven of 10 states would tell her supporters at
nationwide, giving an over- every campaign stop, elic-
whelming win for the abor- iting some of their wildest
tion rights movement since cheers when she repeated
the matter became a states’ her campaign promise: “It is
issue after the fall of Roe vs. my pledge to you, when Con-
Wade. gress passes a bill to restore
But the issue’s biggest reproductive freedom — as
proponent on a national the president of the United
ticket? She couldn’t win. States, I will proudly sign it
Vice President Kamala into law.”
Harris, who made reproduc- But Harris glossed over
tive rights a cornerstone of the details of how abortion
her campaign, lost to former legislation could pass Con-
President Trump, who had gress. And the fuzziness
repeatedly boasted about around a national measure,
appointing the Supreme coupled with the fact that
Court justices who were many states had already
among the majority that moved to protect abortion
scuttled Roe. Ross D. Franklin Associated Press access, left some voters un-
“People, I don’t think, felt ABORTION RIGHTS supporters watch returns at an election night event in Phoenix for Kamala Harris. convinced, Ziegler said.
they had to choose between Arizona was among seven states that approved reproductive rights measures while three rejected them. “I think a lot of voters
Trump and their position on didn’t believe Trump’s
abortion,” said Mary Ziegler, Love, spokesperson for the move to restrict abortion ac- versation for decades, but it sence abdicating a strong states’ rights line. They
a legal historian and author “Arizona for Abortion Ac- cess in charge of the Food took on new importance in stance on abortion access. didn’t understand what
of several books on abortion, cess” campaign. and Drug Administration or the Dobbs vs. Jackson Wom- Antiabortion advocates — Harris could do,” Ziegler
including the forthcoming The future of abortion ac- the Department of Health en’s Health Organization including many of his most said. “And so then it was sort
book “Personhood: The New cess under a second Trump and Human Services. case of 2022, when the ardent supporters among of like, ‘OK, well, I like Harris’
Civil War Over administration remains un- Trump has said he would Supreme Court — with three conservative evangelicals — position on abortion better,
Reproduction.” “They clear. If Republicans win put Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — conservative justices ap- pushed him to go further, ad- but what is that going to
thought they could have both chambers in Congress his onetime opponent pointed by Trump — over- vocating for a national abor- change in my life? Like, if
both.” — they have already turned supporter — in turned national abortion ac- tion ban. Trump wins, eggs aren’t go-
A mix of red, blue and clinched the Senate — they charge of health issues. cess protections under Roe. Many of his supporters ing to cost as much, and gas
swing states handily passed could try to bring legislation “Bobby, I love you looking Suddenly, abortion access expressed disappointment isn’t going to cost as much,
measures related to restor- to ban abortion nationwide. at health,” Trump said at an was thrust back into states’ when he waffled over how he and that’s going to affect
ing abortion access or codi- Trump could also enforce event with Tucker Carlson hands, creating a patchwork would vote in Florida’s re- me.’ ”
fying it in their state consti- the Comstock Act, a law re- last week at which Kennedy of laws across the nation. peal of a six-week abortion Unfortunately for Demo-
tutions. Unsurprisingly, the stricting abortion-related made an appearance. “I Abortion rights activists ban. When a reporter crats, Ziegler said, they fell
measures succeeded in Col- materials since 1873, al- want you to take care of the decried the move and pressed Trump on Tuesday into the trap of believing
orado, New York and Mary- though it not been used for women of this country, the quickly organized to put for how he voted on Florida’s that support for abortion
land. But they also passed in decades. men of this country and the abortion measures on state abortion ballot measure rights would translate into
Arizona, Nevada and in “Without question, Don- children of this country.” ballots, winning measures in that would prevent any laws widespread wins. Republi-
deep-red Missouri and Mon- ald Trump is an existential It’s also possible that Kansas, Michigan and Ohio. restricting abortion until fe- cans could still fall into a
tana. threat to the health, well-be- Trump could decide to drop The Dobbs decision is also tal viability, he snapped, trap of believing that abor-
A ballot measure in Flor- ing, privacy, and autonomy the issue of abortion alto- widely credited with helping “You should stop talking tion bans are popular, she
ida failed, despite getting of women and pregnant peo- gether. to stave off a “red wave” of about that.” added.
57% of the vote — just shy of ple across the country,” Jodi It could be “that he’s just victories in the 2022 When Harris became the “I think we can read this
the 60% measure needed to Hicks, president and chief like, ‘You know what? Forget midterm elections for Con- Democratic Party’s last- as saying that anger about
pass. South Dakota and Ne- executive of Planned Par- it. Like, this whole abortion gress. minute nominee after Presi- what’s already happened on
braska voters declined to in- enthood Affiliates of Califor- thing is an albatross, and I While Trump took credit dent Biden abruptly left the abortion wasn’t enough to
crease abortion access. nia, said in a statement. “His don’t want to deal with it, for overturning Roe, he re- race after a disastrous de- bring Harris into office,”
“I’m so excited that we reelection is a devastating and I don’t really care any- mained vague about where bate performance in June, Ziegler said. “But I don’t
won and — putting that into blow to reproductive free- way,’ ” Ziegler said. “But we he stood on abortion in its she made reproductive think we can necessarily
context of everything else dom.” just aren’t going to know.” aftermath. In April, he an- rights a central pillar of her conclude that the abortion
that’s happened — I feel al- Trump could also put ad- Abortion has animated nounced his position to campaign, hoping to capi- issue stopped being danger-
most guilty,” said Chris ministrators who would the national political con- “leave it to the states,” in es- talize on the momentum of ous for Republicans.”

Safety-minded voters rethink criminal justice reform in California

[Crime, from A1] ‘Come on back,’ is to say,
about violent crime and re- ‘We’ve done something
tail theft.” about retail theft or people
“Voters are notorious loitering outside using
course correcters,” Schnur drugs,’ ” she said.
said. “They are always ad- Another setback for
justing their last decisions to criminal justice advocates
try to make them a little bit this year was the failure of
better.” Proposition 6, which trailed
Violent crime surged Wednesday morning with
nationwide early in the 54% of voters casting a “no”
COVID-19 pandemic, and vi- vote. This marks the second
ral videos of so-called failed attempt to ban invol-
smash-and-grab robberies untary servitude and man-
at retail stores became sta- datory work requirements
ples of nightly news in Los for state prisoners. A similar
Angeles and San Francisco. measure is likely to pass in
Donald Trump spent much Nevada.
of his successful presidential Assemblymember Lori
campaign painting the U.S. D. Wilson (D-Suisan City)
as lawless and unsafe under who authored the legislation
the Biden administration. that became Proposition 6,
Statewide, violent crime questioned whether crimi-
rose by 15% from 2020 to nal justice reform “has gone
2023, according to California too far.”
Department of Justice data, Amid polling that
while property crime showed the measure un-
jumped about 5.5%. Proper- likely to pass, Wilson told
ty crimes began to decrease The Times before Tuesday’s
in 2023 in 46 counties, includ- vote that voters “are con-
ing nine of the 15 largest. The cerned about their safety,”
remaining six of the largest Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times which has seemingly trans-
counties saw a jump, includ- NATHAN HOCHMAN, shown at an election night party in Beverly Hills, defeated incumbent L.A. County lated into resistance to pris-
ing Alameda. Dist. Atty. George Gascón. Hochman said California voters are looking for someone to make them feel secure. on reforms in general. But,
Chesa Boudin, the for- Wilson said, it doesn’t mean
mer district attorney of San has served less than two to be resentenced or re- voters. Whether most coun- moment in 2020, but said he voters support slavery.
Francisco who was recalled years of a six-year term. leased if the crime they were ties have the funding or pro- didn’t find Hochman to be a Rahman viewed the elec-
in 2022, understands that “It’s crazy to expect that convicted of had been reclas- grams ready to make that credible alternative. tion day results as a sign of a
voters are outraged. someone new to office … sified. component of the law viable Business interests panicky electorate that was
“Across the state, voters would be able to achieve In the decade since its in January remains uncer- played a role in driving con- hammered with alarmist
are really concerned about something voters want in passing, the ballot measure, tain. cerns about property crime rhetoric about violence and
public safety and are frus- two years,” Boudin said. “It’s which Gascón helped write, There are also still loom- and organized retail thefts, thefts for months.
trated with incumbents,” just not realistic.” has persistently been ing questions as to how the which were repeatedly high- “When voters are frus-
Boudin said. Tyrell Baker, 60, a voter blamed by critics for in- measure may conflict with a lighted by proponents of trated, when voters are fear-
Panic over lawlessness in from San Leandro, also creases in shoplifting and re- package of retail theft bills Proposition 36, even though ful, criminal justice reform is
San Francisco drove the questioned whether a recall tail theft. that Newsom signed into law a Times investigation previ- an easy target to exploit that
progressive Boudin’s ouster would resolve the issues that Studies by the Public Pol- in August. ously suggested such groups fear and frustration,” she
two years ago, even though voters are most concerned icy Institute of California Nicholas Hobbs, 32, a often grossly inflate the fi- said. “We saw the GOP and
crime rates fell while he was about. have questioned whether downtown L.A. resident, is nancial losses they suffer conservative forces from
in office. His more tradi- “The people that came Proposition 47 is to blame for among those who wanted to due to crime. Walmart, Trump on down the ticket
tional successor, Brooke up with the recall want increases in crimes such as see more concerted efforts Home Depot and Target use the fear of crime as a po-
Jenkins, glided to reelection someone to do something larceny and commercial bur- to clean up the streets. were among the initiative’s litical cudgel.”
Tuesday night despite data undoable,” Baker said. glary, also pointing to low He cast votes for Gascón most generous donors. Hochman, who ran as an
showing that violent crime “They want this superhero solve rates by police. Overall, and Proposition 36, noting Backing from big businesses independent in a race during
increased during her tenure. politician to come in.” property crime is down 6% that though he rejects the also helped Hochman gain a which Gascón repeatedly
Across the bay, Price Although there is no sin- statewide from 2014 to 2023, idea that crime is out of con- massive fundraising advan- tried to paint him as an
faced a recall movement al- gular facet that causes according to the state De- trol, living near Skid Row he tage over Gascón. ultraconservative, scoffed at
most as soon as she was crime statistics to rise or fall, partment of Justice. sees firsthand the effects of Insah Rahman, vice pres- the idea that partisanship
elected. Alameda’s first victims’ rights advocates Proposition 36 will essen- mental illness and addic- ident for advocacy and part- had anything to do with
Black female district attor- and law enforcement lead- tially undo the 2014 law by in- tion. Encampments contin- nerships at the Vera Insti- Tuesday’s results. He de-
ney, she pledged to address ers have recently aimed their creasing penalties for theft ue to encroach on his neigh- tute, a nonprofit organiza- scribed public safety as a
police misconduct and stop frustrations at two targets: and certain drug crimes. It borhood, he said, and some- tion that advocates for crim- “crossover issue” and said
overcriminalizing young progressive prosecutors faced resistance in Sacra- one recently broke into his inal justice reform, said the California voters are simply
people. She has been such as those in L.A. and the mento and from Gov. Gavin apartment building by sight of items at pharmacies looking for someone to make
criticized for her failure to Bay Area, and Proposition Newsom, despite polls long throwing a stanchion pole and big-box stores locked them feel secure.
prosecute crimes, even 47. forecasting its passage. through a window. behind protective glass to “In a hyperpartisan polit-
though county data show The 2014 ballot initiative Some experts have sug- “The general gist of say- prevent shoplifting has a ical environment in which
she filed cases at nearly the — which came at a time gested the bill’s inclusion of a ing everything is worse, is more immediate effect on this election took place,” he
same rate as her prede- when California wanted to component that gives nonvi- dangerous — it’s not true. voters than any data point. said. “An independent just
cessor, according to news reduce its prison population olent drug offenders the op- But aesthetically, things “The retailers’ incentive beat a Democrat who tried
site Berkeleyside. and limit its reliance on in- tion to enroll in rehab rather have gotten worse,” he said. to push the tough-on-crime to politicize the race. ... Peo-
Early returns showed carceration — reduced some than jailing them may have He had concerns that measures is that they’re see- ple ultimately want to have
65% of Alameda County vot- felonies to misdemeanors made it more appealing to Gascón’s policies were too ing declines in sales, and a safety for themselves and
ers supported her recall. She and allowed some prisoners moderate and left-leaning “reactionary” to the political way to say to customers, their families.”
A8 T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M

How will Trump win affect the economy?
Dow soars 1,500 points amid expectations for tax cuts, new tariffs, less regulation and mass deportations
and overall European secu-
By Don Lee rity in the region.
“No one thinks there’s an
What President-elect upside,” said Zandi, who was
Donald Trump says he will in Brussels on Wednesday
do and what he actually does for meetings with business
have not always been a leaders. “All in all, it’s a pic-
straight line, but if he follows ture of a weaker global econ-
through on his declared in- omy and the U.S. not being
tentions for the economy, it the engine of global growth
bodes well for American cor- that it was in the last couple
porations and high-income of years.”
individuals, at least in the Another key element in
short term. The same can- Trump’s economic policy in-
not be said for the millions of volves tightening the bor-
middle-income and even ders and undertaking mass
lower-income voters who re- deportations of undocu-
turned him to the White mented immigrants. Mil-
House. lions of new arrivals in recent
And down the road, years, including many asy-
things could turn bumpy for lum seekers, have played a
the whole economy, with a key role in meeting employ-
return of higher inflation, la- ers’ labor needs and helping
bor shortages and slower keep the nation’s economy
trade and tourism driven by growing at a robust pace.
the new broad-based tariffs Trump’s promise to re-
and mass deportations that turn “millions” of people will
Trump promised to pursue be hard to fulfill, given the
on the campaign trail. His cost, logistics and demands
general orientation is to pull from businesses. In his first
back from globalization, term, his administration de-
which would probably have a Brandon Bell Getty Images ported an annual average of
bigger effect on more inter- PRESIDENT -elect Donald Trump, shown at a Sept. 24 rally in Georgia, will lift up U.S. corporations and about 80,000 unauthorized
nationally dependent econ- high-income individuals in the short term. Down the road, things could turn bumpy for the whole economy. immigrants residing in the
omies such as California’s. U.S.
A Trump presidency also Economists were expect- autos coming from Mexico. Neither higher tariffs nor
will complicate the task of ing an early Trump-bump In his first term, Trump large-scale deportations are
the Federal Reserve. If Major stock indexes on Wall Street given his pro- engaged in a trade war with expected to happen right
Trump’s tax cut plans and Daily Daily % YTD % business stance, but the Re- China and slapped tariffs on away — analysts expect
other moves stimulate the Index Close change change change publican Party’s reclaiming steel from many countries, them in the second half of
economy and drive up con- Dow industrials 43,729.93 +1,508.05 +3.57 +16.03 of the Senate and possible often as a political weapon, next year, at the earliest, as
sumer prices, the central S&P 500 5,929.04 +146.28 +2.53 +24.30 retention of the House sug- straining international rela- Trump appoints his Cabinet
bank could decide it needs to Nasdaq composite 18,983.46
7 +544.29 +2.95 +26.46 gest he will have a clearer tions, convulsing financial and works out concrete
end its interest rate-cutting path to reduce the corporate markets and hurting U.S. plans. The same goes for tax
S&P 400 3,286.71 +130.86 +4.15 +18.16
plans earlier and leave rates tax rate even further, to 15% growth. Ultimately, Ameri- cuts, which will take time to
Russell 2000 2,392.92 +132.08 +5.84 +18.05
higher. The Fed is expected from the current 21%. Before can consumers end up foot- get through Congress.
to announce a quarter-point EuroStoxx 50 4,800.63 -69.70 -1.43 +6.17 the big tax cuts passed dur- ing the bill of higher tariffs by What’s more, Trump’s
rate cut Thursday — its sec- Nikkei (Japan) 39,480.67 +1,005.77 +2.61 +17.98 ing Trump’s first term in 2017 paying more for imported most aggressive economic
ond cut in recent months. Hang Seng (Hong Kong) 20,538.38 -468.59 -2.23 +20.48 the rate was 35%. goods. policies are likely to be tem-
For now, though, the ex- Associated Press Any such large-scale tax “If you don’t own stocks pered by reaction from fi-
pectation of good times for cuts, however, will probably or don’t own a home, and nancial markets and U.S.
those at the top of the econo- corporate taxes and less Some of Wednesday’s add to the nation’s budget you’re in the bottom third or business leaders, as they
mic pyramid was immedi- regulation. Top regulators biggest stock winners were deficits and public debts, in- half [on incomes], you’ll feel were in his first term. And for
ately signaled by a leap up- at agencies such as the Secu- banks and oil and gas com- creasingly crowding out in- the negative fallout much now, Trump has the benefit
ward in U.S. financial mar- rities and Exchange Com- panies. Trump’s firm that vestment and the potential more quickly because of the of having inherited a U.S.
kets. mission and the Federal runs his social media plat- for greater economic output. higher share of your budget economy that has per-
On Wednesday after- Trade Commission are likely form took off, as did bitcoin, Interest payments on U.S. paying for the tariffs,” said formed very well, despite the
noon, after Trump’s decisive to be replaced, easing the thanks to his remarks that Treasury debt reached $1 Mark Zandi, chief economist many voters who voiced un-
election victory, the Dow path for more mergers and he would make the U.S. the trillion this year for the first at Moody’s Analytics. happiness about the econo-
Jones industrial average had acquisitions. dominant cryptocurrency time, even more than the But it’ll be even harder my that may have been Vice
surged more than 1,500 “While Trump’s policy on market in the world. federal defense budget. for many other economies President Kamala Harris’
points, or 3.6%, as investors tariffs and trade could bring Tesla, the electric vehicle Trump’s plan is to fi- around the globe as they de- undoing.
priced in potential gains for volatility, the promise of de- maker owned by Elon Musk, nance his tax scheme, which pend more on trade than the Through the third quar-
a swath of industries and a regulation and a more activ- a big Trump backer, was also includes extending tax pro- U.S. ter, U.S. growth has been
near-term boost to econo- ist-friendly SEC might en- an early beneficiary. Its visions set to expire in 2026, Stocks in Europe fell strong; unemployment very
mic growth. courage dealmaking and shares jumped by 14.8% even by imposing new tariffs. He Wednesday, and not just be- low, at a little more than 4%;
A second Trump presi- shareholder activism in mul- as other green energy stocks has spoken about levying cause of the threat of higher and consumer price infla-
dential term is expected to tiple sectors,” said Lucinda sank under the weight of tariffs on imports by 10% to tariffs, but also what a tion — which soared in 2022
bring significant policy Guthrie, head of financial Trump’s well-known bash- 20% across the board, and Trump presidency may to about 9% — has come
changes favorable to big data company Mergermar- ing of climate change pro- much steeper taxes on mean for Ukraine and its war down to about 2.5%, lower
business, including lower ket in New York. grams. goods from China and for with Russia, and for NATO than average wage gains.

What’s in store for Big Tech under new administration

critical of policies that bene- Antitrust
By Queenie Wong fit electric vehicles, Trump
and Wendy Lee and TikTok
softened his tone after Musk
endorsed him. U.S. regulators have been
SAN FRANCISCO — On Trump’s and Harris’ trying to rein in the power of
election night, as Republi- campaigns didn’t respond tech heavyweights such as
can Donald Trump inched to requests for comment. Meta, Amazon and Google,
closer to reclaiming the U.S. Here’s how a Trump which the U.S. government
presidency, some tech exe- presidency could reshape is considering breaking up
cutives and venture capi- the tech industry: after a federal judge de-
talists rejoiced. clared that the search giant
“The people of America has an illegal monopoly on
gave @realDonaldTrump a
Artificial search.
crystal clear mandate for intelligence For all his concerns about
change tonight,” Elon Musk Trump plans to repeal the power of tech compa-
posted on his social media President Biden’s 2023 AI nies, Trump signaled he’s
platform X, formerly Twit- executive order, which aims wary about breaking up
ter. to ensure businesses devel- Google.
The eccentric billionaire, op technology responsibly In an October interview
who shared a Photoshopped because he thinks it hinders moderated by Bloomberg
image of himself carrying a innovation. News, Trump said he would
sink into the Oval Office, has “In its place, Republicans “do something” but stopped
been a vocal supporter of support AI Development short of saying he would
Trump, who defeated Vice rooted in Free Speech and break up the search giant.
President Kamala Harris to Human Flourishing,” ac- Evan Vucci Associated Press “It’s a very dangerous thing
win the White House. cording to a document that “THE PEOPLE of America gave @realDonaldTrump a crystal clear mandate for because we want to have
The 2024 U.S. presi- outlines policies he sup- change,” tech billionaire Elon Musk posted Tuesday on his social media site X. great companies,” he said.
dential election has been a ports. “We don’t want China to
wild ride, highlighting a di- There will probably be technologies” in part to parent Meta Platforms and tration of trying to destroy have these companies.
vide between venture capi- some form of AI regulation modernize the military, Google, accusing them of their industry. Right now, China is afraid of
talists and tech executives — under Trump, analysts say, which would benefit tech censoring his speech, allega- A Trump presidency is a Google.”
some of whom spent mil- but exactly what that will firms such as Palantir and tions they deny. “huge win for crypto,” said Some tech industry ob-
lions of dollars backing look like is unclear. Anduril Industries. Citing competition with Daniel Ives, a managing di- servers expect that Trump
Trump while others poured “Knowing what you’re go- Palmer Luckey, who China, Trump has proposed rector at Wedbush Securi- will name a new Federal
money into Harris’ cam- ing to be dealing with really founded Anduril Industries imposing tariffs so busi- ties. Trade Commission chair,
paign. Both sides argued the matters for the business and supports Trump, urged nesses prioritize American The Biden administra- pushing out Lina Khan.
candidates they support community,” said Todd his followers on X to “Poke- suppliers. In the past, tech tion has proposed tax re- The previous Trump ad-
would benefit the tech in- O’Boyle, senior director of mon Go to the polls.” As titans such as Apple that porting requirements for ministration pushed for Chi-
dustry. technology policy with the Trump moved closer to vic- rely heavily on China to man- cryptocurrency brokers and nese tech company Byte-
Box Chief Executive Chamber of Progress, a tech tory on election night, ufacture products such as issued an executive order in Dance to sell TikTok due to
Aaron Levie, who backed industry advocacy group. Luckey posted a photo of the iPhone and the Apple 2022 to crack down on cryp- the U.S. government’s secu-
Harris and made the case “We are entering really un- Pokémon character Ash Watch have managed to get tocurrency scams, fraud and rity concerns with the popu-
the Democrat is pro-busi- charted waters.” Ketchum with a tear (appar- tariffs waived. theft. The order also men- lar video app’s ties to China.
ness, congratulated Trump Under Trump, there ently of joy) streaming down O’Boyle said that the tions exploring the creation Trump, who has raised free
on his win late Tuesday could be “rejuvenated inter- his face. tech industry is “tariffs skep- of a digital U.S. dollar. speech concerns about ban-
night. “What’s great about est” for state AI regulation, “When it comes to AI, tical.” In his policy document, ning TikTok, might be open
America is that we’re on a he said. what will rule is, if there’s “Tariffs are a tax on con- Trump’s campaign signaled to allowing the tech platform
rocket ship right now and In California, lawmakers money to be made, it’ll be sumers,” O’Boyle said. “It’s he would be more friendly to stay in the U.S. so it can
can keep accelerating with proposed a slew of AI-re- supported,” said Olaf Groth, hard to see how tariffs are toward the cryptocurrency compete with Google and
the right policies and execu- lated bills this year and faculty member at UC going to address the econo- industry and roll back the Meta, analysts say.
tion,” Levie posted on X. O’Boyle expects that will Berkeley’s Haas School of mic challenges in the coun- Biden administration’s ac- “The irony is, even
Musk stands to benefit continue. Gov. Gavin New- Business. try. Tariffs slow trade. They tions. Republicans oppose though Trump started the
from a second Trump presi- som vetoed Senate Bill 1047, Trump could also punish create friction to trade.” the creation of a digital U.S. TikTok ban narrative, he’s
dency. He runs companies a hotly contested bill that companies that cross him. dollar. changed his tune signifi-
such as Tesla and SpaceX aimed to require developers His campaign has said he “To the extent that the cantly and would actually
that hold billions of dollars of advanced AI models to would pass a digital bill of Biden administration was support TikTok within the
in government contracts, adopt safety measures. rights and legislation to regulation skeptical of fintech and U.S. with restrictions, and
but has also clashed with Trump could make a big “drastically limit the ability Some of Trump’s vocal crypto, it’s a reasonable bet any talk of a ban would actu-
regulators. Trump said he push into AI innovation, of big social media platforms supporters include in- that the Trump administra- ally dissipate for TikTok,”
would make Musk the head analysts say. As the use of AI to restrict free speech.” vestors and twins Cameron tion will reverse any fintech- Ives said.
of a new “government effi- in the military rises, Trump, who operates his and Tyler Winklevoss, who and crypto-skeptical poli- In a video posted on so-
ciency commission,” spark- Trump’s campaign says he own his own social media co-founded cryptocurrency cies that the Biden adminis- cial media in September,
ing concerns about potential would “invest in cutting edge platform, Truth Social, has exchange Gemini, and have tration stood up,” O’Boyle Trump said, “We’re not do-
conflicts of interest. Once research and advanced been critical of Facebook accused the Biden adminis- said. ing anything with TikTok.”
L AT I M E S . C O M T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 A9

Trump victory could put

75% OFF
a chill on movie industry EVERYTHING!

By Samantha Masunaga

Already facing retrench-

Unbelievable Savings!
ment and existential con-
cerns about its business
All Must Go!!
model, Hollywood is bracing
for more potential volatility
from the incoming Trump
ber 1st !
s De cem
Store Clo E K
While President-elect

Donald Trump has not laid

out specific plans for the en-

E N 7
tertainment industry, ana-

lysts said his proposed
broader policies on global
tariffs, as well as the threat of Reed Saxon Associated Press HU G E S
retaliation against compa- DONALD TRUMP’S proposed tariffs and penchant
nies, could put a chill on Los for retaliation could rattle Hollywood, analysts say.
Angeles’ signature business.
“If I were wealthy today, I would pave the way for more swers during her interview
would not be buying stock in consolidation. on “60 Minutes.” The news
the entertainment world,” On Thursday, the Motion program has flatly denied al-
said Stephen Galloway, Picture Assn. trade group, legations of deceptive edit-
dean of Chapman Universi- which lobbies on behalf of ing to help Harris.
ty’s Dodge College of Film the studios, congratulated That type of directive
and Media Arts. “There’s go- Trump and the incoming would probably get tied up
ing to be a lot of turbulence.” Congress on their victories. in the courts, but “it’s the
California Gov. Gavin “We look forward to work- threat that becomes the is-
Newsom recently proposed ing with them on a wide sue,” Klowden said.
upping the annual cap on range of important issues for Films and TV shows that
state film and TV tax credits the film, TV, and streaming paint Trump in a negative
to $750 million, from its cur- industry, which supports light run the risk of drawing
rent total of $330 million. He more than 2.7 million Ameri- his ire, which could then af-
and others have called for can jobs, boosts more than fect their parent companies,
the federal government to 240,000 businesses in cities Galloway said. Media and
step in and keep the U.S. and small towns across the entertainment giants might
competitive in global pro- country, and delivers over be wary of the situation Walt
duction. $242 billion in wages to our Disney Co. found itself in af-
But it’s unlikely that workforce each year,” the ter it battled Florida Gov.

Trump would throw the film group said in a statement. Ron DeSantis over the
and TV business a lifeline, Analysts were also con- state’s anti-LGBTQ legisla-
especially in any way that cerned about the effect a po- tion.

Pridmore Designs
could help Newsom and tential tariff war could have Recently, the Trump bio-
deep-blue California. on the entertainment indus- pic “The Apprentice” strug-
“Let’s face it, liberal Hol- try. gled to find a distributor af-
lywood is the enemy,” Gallo- If Trump follows through ter the former president’s

3089 Bristol St. Costa Mesa, CA 92626

way said. “Even though this with his threats of global tar- team threatened legal ac-
is a guy who made his name iffs, nations such as China tion. The film fared poorly at

in entertainment, he’s not could ban U.S. imports, in- the U.S. box office.
going to be a pro-entertain- cluding film and TV shows, More conservative me-
ment-industry politician.” which would dent the al- dia, on the other hand, could
Many Hollywood stars ready-reeling distribution see a boost in their stock, in-
and executives were vocal market, Galloway said. Dur- cluding the Murdoch family-


backers of the Democratic ing Trump’s first term, the owned News Corp., which
nominee, Vice President Ka- president’s trade war with publishes the New York
mala Harris, lending her China was partly blamed for Post, Wall Street Journal
their endorsements and derailing Hollywood’s rela- and Investor’s Business
their pocketbooks after tionship with the country. Daily, and Fox Corp., parent

pushing for President Biden The potential for retalia- company of Trump’s favored
to withdraw from the race. tion could also be a problem, Fox News.
Some executives hedged said Kevin Klowden, execu- “Back in the day, studios
their bets, though. Warner tive director of the Milken fi- were little companies mak-

Bros. Discovery Chief Exe- nance institute. ing movies,” Galloway said.
cutive David Zaslav de- As a candidate, Trump “Now they’re cogs in enor-
murred when asked in the railed against CBS and said mous, multinational opera-
summer whom he sup- he wanted the network’s tions where one domino sud-
ported for president, saying broadcast license pulled for denly sends 50 others fall-
he preferred someone who editing one of Harris’ an- ing.”

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A10 TH U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M / O P I N I O N



uch will be studied, been eager to undo environmental

M analyzed and writ-

ten for years to
come about why
Americans voted
an openly authoritarian leader
back into power by apparently
greater margins than they did
and climate protections. There
will be more attacks on science, as
evidenced by his willingness to
give Robert F. Kennedy Jr. control
of health policy. And he has
threatened to round up millions of
immigrants in deportation
eight years ago. What’s clearer camps.
and more important at this mo- Thanks to a deferential
ment is what millions of our fellow Supreme Court, a subservient Re-
citizens did by putting Donald publican Party that won a Senate
Trump back in the White House. majority and a determination to
Today we must reckon with the assemble a more pliant adminis-
harsh reality that authoritarian- tration, there will be fewer checks
ism has arrived in America, that on his power.
it’s broadly popular and that mil- Many of Trump’s former staff
lions of our fellow citizens have members who have worked clos-
given it their votes. We are enter- est with him have warned that he
ing a dark and dangerous time. is unfit for office and a grave
But while this is a moment of reck- threat to our democracy. His elec-
oning that we must acknowledge, Evan Vucci Associated Press tion does not change any of that.
we should also refuse to give in to DONALD TRUMP speaks at a campaign rally in Latrobe, Pa., last month. His power in a second History has shown that dictators
despair and continue to assert administration will be less constrained than it was during his first term, but it won’t be unlimited. often come into power through
and rely on our rights and protec- democratic means.
tions as Americans. Times like these test the Rev.
Over the next four years, the
world’s most powerful office will
be inhabited by a twice-im-
peached convicted felon with a
What voters chose — and Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous
words that “the arc of the moral
universe is long, but it bends
towards justice” — even as modi-
history of flouting laws and norms
— a narcissist who fomented the
violent Jan. 6 insurrection and has
promised to make decisions based
hope for those who didn’t fied by former President Obama,
who added that “progress is
bumpy. It always has been.”
But we still enjoy safeguards in
on retribution and prejudice
rather than what’s best for the
A majority elected a candidate who embraced authoritarianism, the state and federal constitu-
tions, the courts, the rule of law,
country. Americans are right to be
frightened and disillusioned by
division and dehumanization. It’s a dark moment for the country, the free press and democracy —
even if they are tested like never
the resurgence of a man who ran
on racism and sexism. Trump and
but those who preferred Kamala Harris aren’t without recourse. before. We still have legions of
elected officials, civil servants, ad-
his running mate, JD Vance, spent vocates and journalists who will
the closing days and weeks of their American voters, some concerned Trump’s agenda is poised to including Ukraine, and give Israel use their positions to resist the
campaign spewing racist vitriol about immigration and the rising further erode many of our rights, free rein to, as he told Benjamin next administration’s excesses.
and calling Vice President Kamala cost of living, preferred Trump, especially those of women, Netanyahu last month, “do what California will once again play
Harris a “b—.” with all his glaring flaws and dem- LGBTQ+ Americans and immi- you have to do.” an indispensable role in defending
Though large swaths of the onstrated incompetence, to a grants. We can expect him to use We can also expect the weap- individual liberties and protecting
country, chief among them Cali- more qualified woman of color. His the office in blatantly trans- onization of basic government vulnerable communities as well as
fornia, rejected Trump’s fear- victory has us wrestling with the actional ways and be easily ma- services, including aid for disas- defending environmental protec-
mongering, it was not enough to question of how two such starkly nipulated by opportunistic actors, ters such as wildfires, which tions. We endured Trump’s tumul-
overcome his appeal across much different visions of the United foreign and domestic. He has Trump has said he could withhold tuous first term and we will get
of the nation. Huge segments of States coexist. promised to abandon U.S. allies, from California. He has always through the next one.


Finally, America is not and governance fairly and

mega-donors (of which on their merits and sub-
there aren’t really that stance.
many compared to the Half of what comes out of
entire population). his mouth is drivel, but he
America, to me, is the will have a whole adminis-
average person on the tration at work, presumably
street, with an average job, on behalf of what’s good for
and an average family. our country. That is what I
They’re not rich or famous want to be reading about
or powerful. They’re just the next four years, not his
people, and on Tuesday, latest hair-raising sound
Nov. 5, 2024, those people bite.
spoke. And they said that Ann Bowman
they prefer what Trump Santa Monica
represents over what Harris
represents. ::
Simple enough?
Arthur Saginian Remember less than 40
Santa Clarita years ago when a photo of a
man with a woman who was
:: not his wife sitting on his lap
was enough to disqualify
It was so hard to get up him for the presidency in
Wednesday morning (after the court of public opinion?
not sleeping), look at my Gary Hart was clearly a
two girls and think of the man ahead of his time.
America I brought them Ronald O. Richards
into. Los Angeles
Evan Vucci Associated Press Then one smiled at me,
SUPPORTERS of Donald Trump cheer while watching returns at an election night party in Palm Beach, Fla. blissfully unaware, and the ::
other happily said, “Good
morning, Dad.” To all those who voted

The future that Americans have picked The next four years will
be hard, the damage will last
even longer, but they have
for Trump, I welcome you to
the real world. The Great
Delusion will soon be un-
four presidential cycles to veiled and unmasked.
rowing up, I was taught and inculcated with certain values.

G Treat everyone with respect. Be tolerant of and learn from a diverse population. Take care of those who need
help. Don’t bear false witness. Don’t steal. Think critically in evaluating someone’s motives. Make your life what
you want your eternity to be.
grow up in, and then vote
and push this country for-
ward into the America it
should be.
Lower prices on con-
sumer goods such as grocer-
ies — not going to happen.
Deportation of millions of
My definition of democracy became the metaphor of a dinner table with room for everyone. With this election, America That gives me hope. immigrants — never going
has chosen to become selfish and exclusive. President-elect Trump has none of the values I was taught, and apparently Michael Smallberg to take place. You won’t find
that is fine with a majority of Americans. Menlo Park, Calif. the “vermin,” because they
After World War II, I recall we were all against fascism; now it is becoming a preference. Are we seriously thinking of never existed.
“realigning”? Individuals and their rights don’t do well under authoritarians. :: Tariffs that will improve
James Severtson, Reseda the economy — no way that
I thought I had seen just works. Making America a
about everything in my 93 better place for all, including
Despite hundreds of I pray that Democrats Trump’s voters see is vastly Not only did Trump years. I think I have now equal justice under the law
millions of dollars (if not will do some soul-searching different from what Vice collect enough electoral that a lying, cheating, mor- — forget that.
billions) squandered, hyper- in the next four years to President Kamala Harris’ votes needed to win the ally bankrupt snake oil Those under the Great
bolic rhetoric invoking Adolf realize that Americans want voters see in these polls: presidency, he seems to salesman has been elected Delusion will soon “reap the
Hitler, relentless politically their elected officials to Most perceive the nation’s have gotten the popular to the highest office. whirlwind” of reality, but we
motivated lawfare that has focus on them and not per- economy as poor, feel worse vote as well — quite an Our Supreme Court is a all better buckle up, as it is
undermined faith in our sonal vendettas. off than four years ago and eye-opener. What that tells sham, and Republicans going to be a bumpy ride the
justice system, assassina- Michael Pravica are angry about the direc- me is that America has place party above country. I next four years.
tion attempts and the in- Henderson, Nev. tion in which the country is spoken. But who and what have lost all respect for just Rex Altman
sulting of more than half of headed. is America (and are Demo- about everything in this Los Angeles
Americans who supported :: Democrats failed to crats listening)? country.
him, Donald Trump has clearly communicate how America is certainly not The only smarts Trump ::
prevailed. “My last grocery bill was they would address these a gaggle of A-list celebrities has are how to manipulate
Instead of trying to end $500 for five days’ worth of problems for the average in the entertainment indus- and lie. He is good at that. I ... can’t ... breathe.
warmongering, adopt sound groceries,” my cousin in American. For many of us, try, and I’ll throw most of God bless our country; Judith Braun
fiscal policies and address Texas wrote on Facebook, concerns about losing rights the mainstream “news” we’re really going to need it. Woodland Hills
the myriad domestic prob- just two days before the become secondary when we media into that barrel — not Ardyce Martin
lems facing our struggling election. are struggling to put food on all of them, but most of Banning
nation, the Democrats chose As I read the exit polls the table. them. “Real” journalists HOW TO WRITE TO US
to focus on “getting” Trump. from Wisconsin, I am struck The polls painted this were not backing Harris or :: Please send letters to
This only elevated his by the pain, anxiety and fear fact in splashes of red across Trump; they were too busy [email protected]. For
status to that of a martyr, that drove average voters the heart of America. doing their jobs, covering I wanted Harris to win, submission guidelines, see
and now the American peo- this election. Christina Cutting the chaos as objectively as but now that Trump has, latimes.com/letters or call
ple have reacted accordingly. The America that Van Nuys they could. please just cover his policies 1-800-LA TIMES, ext. 74511.

Executive Chairman Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong

News: Executive Editor Terry Tang • Managing Editor Hector Becerra • Editor at Large Scott Kraft • Deputy Managing Editors Shelby Grad, Amy King, Maria L. La Ganga • Assistant
Managing Editors John Canalis, Steve Clow, Angel Jennings, Iliana Limón Romero, Craig Nakano, Ruthanne Salido • General Manager, Food Laurie Ochoa • Opinion: Op-Ed Editor Susan
FOUNDED DECEMBER 4, 1881 Brenneman • Business: President and Chief Operating Officer Chris Argentieri • Chief Human Resources Officer Nancy V. Antoniou • President of L.A. Times Studios Anna Magzanyan •
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L AT I M E S . C O M / O P I N I O N T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 A11


Elon Musk Trump won’t

lands a new be only voice
starring role inciting attacks
By Colin P. Clarke
Trump’s win is an urgent threat to Although there have been no credible
claims of fraud contributing to Donald
the republic. His promises to the Trump’s victory on Tuesday, and the vote
richest man in the world prove it. does not appear to have even been close, the
election was marred by foreign interference,
a commonplace occurrence in every U.S.
By Virginia Heffernan election since 2016.
There was a steady stream of disinforma-

star is born — Elon!” Donald tion and multiple attempts by Russia to med-
Trump shouted early Wednes- dle in the electoral process this year. In the
day morning, giving thanks to lead-up to the election, the Federal Bureau of
Elon Musk for helping him win Investigation singled out Russia as the “most
the presidential election. active” foreign threat, noting that Moscow
When you’re a star, they let you do it, as was conducting influence operations with
Trump once said, speaking of mauling wom- the goal of undermining confidence among
en. Americans in the integrity of our elections.
Now Trump and Musk, self-styled stars, On election day, bomb threats were con-
are a match made in some kind of Book-of- veyed to polling sites in battleground states
Revelation living nightmare. With Trump’s Georgia, Michigan, Arizona and Wisconsin,
victory, the duo seem to have put themselves with the FBI stating that the hoax threats
safely out of the reach of the law. emanated from Russian email domains. Two
Over the last months, as Musk, the rich- polling sites in Georgia had to be temporarily
est man in the world, has poured millions evacuated, and it remains unclear whether
into Trump’s campaign by way of his Ameri- this deterred any voters. In early September,
ca PAC, Trump has promised to bring Musk an indictment against two RT (formerly Rus-
into government. sia Today, a Kremlin propaganda outlet) em-
In September, Trump said he would cre- ployees detailed a scheme to funnel $10 mil-
ate a “government efficiency commission” lion to finance prominent right-wing com-
for Musk to lead. This task force would carry mentators in the United States, part of a pro-
out a complete audit of the finances and per- Trump media platform registered in Tennes-
formance of the entire federal government, see.
with a view to smashing it to smithereens — The Russians also ran an effective “dop-
that is, “making it more efficient.” pelganger” network of websites that mim-
“I’d put [Musk] in the Cabinet, abso- icked legitimate American news outlets such
lutely, but I don’t know how he could do that as the Washington Post but published fake
with all the things he’s got going,” Trump news to undermine confidence in elections
also said. “But he could sort of, as the expres- and increase polarization.
sion goes, consult with the country and give Russia was not the only foreign actor in-
you some very good ideas.” volved, as both China and Iran sought to con-
“Very good ideas” that, let’s guess, won’t duct “hack and leak” operations during and
exactly hurt Musk’s bottom line, which is Laurent Caron Hans Lucas / AFP/Getty Images after the elections.
currently set at more than $285 billion. (In TELEPROMPTER Trump spoke about unity to his supporters Wednesday Trump’s predilection for praising Russian
the hours since Trump’s victory, Musk morning in Florida. But Real Trump talked about an “enemy camp.” dictator Vladimir Putin makes it unlikely
gained $20 billion.) that he will raise this issue during their future
For a person who controls this much pri- conversations or meetings. In the past,

Coming soon to
vate wealth to have a starring role in the U.S. Trump has sided with Putin over the U.S. in-
government is to open the door to conflicts telligence community and constantly refers
of interest so immense that, if Trump didn’t to the “Russia hoax” to downplay past Rus-
already pose such an urgent threat to the sian interference in U.S. elections.
survival of the republic, it would be all we’d With such a passive approach from the
talk about.
For any other businessman, a chance to
serve his country might seem like a good
idea. But Musk has held vast governmental
Washington — an federal government, Russian interference in
the U.S. political system and American cul-
ture is an inevitability. Many are concerned
about these and other potential sources of

American dark age

power for a long time — and for years has ex- domestic instability, including a surge in far-
erted unholy influence over Washington. right violence that could be encouraged by
To see just a fragment of what Musk foreign actors or by Trump himself.
might do during a second Trump term, look We would have been in a perilous situation
to the current state of play. NASA and the if Vice President Kamala Harris had won by a
Pentagon now depend on Musk so JACKIE CALMES small margin and Trump had called the re-
profoundly that they could barely survive sults “rigged”: A few days ago, that looked like
without SpaceX, which controls U.S. space the most direct line to political violence in the
launches and internet satellites. In 2023 God help us. No, sadly, we aren’t. election’s aftermath.
alone, Musk’s companies signed $3 billion in I can’t do better than Harris envisioned a United States And to be sure, there are counterterror-
contracts with 17 federal agencies, including those words, uttered last “where we see our fellow Americans not ism analysts who are concerned about a
the departments of State, Energy and Agri- year by Donald Trump’s as an enemy, but as a neighbor.” Trump, violent reaction by the far left to another
culture. longest-serving White who began his campaign last year vowing Trump presidency. Some on the far left
Musk also holds a top secret security House chief of staff, retired “retribution,” couldn’t get through his view a second Trump term as an existential
clearance, which gives him access to infor- Marine Gen. John F. Kelly, 10-minute victory lap early Wednesday crisis and probably will be motivated to take
mation that could gravely damage national when he dolefully contem- morning without referring to “the enemy to the streets to protest. Trump has threat-
security if disclosed. plated Trump returning to camp.” He was talking about the TV ened to deploy the U.S. military to quell dem-
And yet Musk has reportedly been con- power. networks, but for weeks in his closing onstrators, and if he follows through, that
spiring — no other word for it, in my estima- This is not going to be a standard campaign arguments he’d expansively — could result in a serious escalation of left-
tion — with the leaders of powers extremely day-after reflection on how the election and ominously — defined an “enemy wing violence. Other issues — including
hostile to the United States. is over, the voters have spoken and now within” that included Democrats, jour- access to abortion, climate change and the
According to the Wall Street Journal, we can look forward to the next presi- nalists, his Republican critics and former war in Gaza — also could mobilize some on
Musk has had secret conversations with dent’s leadership of our nation and hope advisors-turned-Cassandras, a la Kelly. the left to see their causes as justifying violent
Russian President Vladimir Putin since for the best. That’s what I felt eight years Democrats are “demonic,” Trump resistance.
2022. The conversations reportedly included ago, after Trump had upset another said Sunday, and he repeatedly singled But another byproduct of four more years
Putin’s request for a favor for Chinese leader Democrat who would have been the first out Californians Nancy Pelosi, the for- of Trump could very well be a rash of inci-
Xi Jinping: Musk should avoid turning on his female president. mer House speaker (“an evil, sick, crazy, dents such as the country experienced dur-
Starlink internet service for Taiwan. In 2016, having covered presidents of b-b-b ... starts with a ‘b’ ”), and “pencil ing his first term, when racially and ethnically
Taiwan, of course, is a United States ally, both parties as they came and went, I neck” Adam Schiff, now a senator-elect. motivated violent extremists, including neo-
albeit an unofficial one. China and Russia naively believed that even the narcissist Both are among the many Trump tar- Nazis and white supremacists, launched at-
are officially not. For anyone at any level of Trump would be humbled by the august gets who’ve needed costly security as a tacks at: the “Unite the Right” rally in Char-
government to scheme with adversaries power and responsibility of being the consequence of his attacks. lottesville, Va., where a woman was killed af-
would almost certainly be actionable. NASA leader of the free world. That he would Trump repeatedly demeaned Harris ter being run over with a car; a Pittsburgh
Administrator Bill Nelson has called for an grow in the job. as stupid and worse. His running mate, synagogue, where violence killed 11 people
investigation. He wasn’t, and he didn’t. We know Mini-Me JD Vance, called her “trash” at and injured six more; and a Walmart in El
But because this particular schemer is that now — after his tens of thousands of the campaign’s end. Trump’s former vice Paso, where a gunman killed 23 people and
Elon Musk, it’s been hands off. Musk is an ex- lies in office, the near-daily chaos, his president would never have said such a injured nearly another two dozen.
pansively free man, telling cable TV viewers deadly botched response to the pan- thing, but Mike Pence also wouldn’t help The attackers in both the Pittsburgh
about taking ketamine and turning Twitter- demic, undermining of Americans’ faith Trump overturn the 2020 election, which and El Paso incidents were motivated in
now-X, which still has around 300 million in elections, flirtations with autocrats, is why Trump dumped him for someone part by the “Great Replacement” theory, a
daily users, into his very own Pravda — a unprecedented refusal to accept loss and who said he would have. So the 40-year- white supremacist trope claiming that the
dark MAGA propaganda site so influential peacefully transfer power in 2020, and his old Vance will be the MAGA heir appar- ongoing “replacement” of the white, Chris-
that Rolling Stone dubbed Musk and X “the absconding with the nation’s top secrets. ent to the oldest person ever elected as tian population in the United States is the de-
biggest purveyors of online disinformation.” In 2017, it was possible to believe that U.S. president. liberate strategy of a nefarious cabal. In De-
In the early hours of election day, Musk Trump, the purported dealmaker, meant In victory, Teleprompter Trump cember 2023, Trump said that undocu-
shared a video on X that glorified Jan. 6 and it when he said he wanted to compromise mostly said the right things: “We’re mented immigrants were “poisoning the
flashed QAnon references. IBM, Disney and with Congress on both gun control and going to try to help our country heal,” he blood of our country.” As historian Anne Ap-
Coca-Cola used to advertise on Twitter; on immigration. He did neither, vexing read, eyes shifting left to right to scan plebaum has pointed out, Trump has fre-
X, you’re more likely to see entries from the Democrats and Republicans alike with prepared remarks. “This will truly be quently used dehumanizing language such
far-right, pro-Trump Epoch Times, a media his deal-breaking. Not only that, Trump the golden age of America.” (Real as “vermin,” a style and approach that is rem-
organization affiliated with the Falun Gong ever after demagogued immigration — Trump ad-libbed the “enemy camp” iniscent of Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Ben-
religious movement. right back to the White House, it seems. remarks.) ito Mussolini.
More than 20 recent federal And now, if he’s true to his dystopic But we know Trump too well. We are Speaking in October in Arizona, Trump
investigations or reviews have targeted words on the campaign trail about mur- entering not a golden age but a new dark said, “When I win on Nov. 5, the migrant inva-
Musk’s companies. Some are fueled by con- derous migrants “poisoning the blood of age in America. sion ends and the restoration of our country
cerns about the safety of Tesla cars and envi- our country,” we can look forward to The Constitution-respecting advisors begins.” There’s no reason to not take Trump
ronmental damage caused by SpaceX rock- “bloody” deportations of millions of who acted as guardrails in his first term at his word. Just how he intends to end the
ets. Tesla has also faced a raft of lawsuits people, starting on Day One. Which, if have been banished. The Supreme Court “invasion” has never been clear. Some Ameri-
charging racial discrimination and harass- carried out, would doom Trump’s other he packed has given presidents virtual cans, as was the case in Pittsburgh and El
ment at its plants, union interference and big promise: to further grow the econo- immunity from criminal prosecution. Paso, may seek to take matters into their own
wage theft. my. Nonpartisan economic analyses He’s surrounded by sycophants who’ve hands. It is not unrealistic to see a spike in
In October, the Washington Post pub- suggest mass deportations of workers — compiled the extremist Project 2025 far-right attacks on immigrants, with the
lished evidence that Musk, after coming to because that’s what the undocumented agenda and a database of vetted MAG- perpetrators claiming that they are doing
Palo Alto on a student visa in 1995, over- residents are: tax-paying workers — Ats for federal jobs. As president, he will what the president asked, taking back the
stayed his visa and worked illegally in the would hit the economy harder than the escape legal accountability for the al- country from what he called the “enemies
U.S. for years. For Musk, who these days ech- last decade’s financial collapse. leged federal crimes of his first term, and within.” He could even pardon them from
oes Trump’s spitting nativist rage about un- Many years ago, a well-known Repub- probably the sentencing for 34 felony federal charges, as he has said he would par-
documented immigrants, the exposure of lican strategist first schooled me in the convictions in New York that he faces in don the terrorists who attacked the Capitol
this secret could have meant deportation — political truism that although Ameri- just three weeks. on Jan. 6, 2021.
and even loss of U.S. citizenship. cans profess to want our candidates to Unlike Trump and his supporters As demonstrated by the terrorist attack
Today, with Trump’s victory, any saber- embody hope and comity, fear and anger who never accepted Joe Biden as their by a far-right extremist against African
rattling by federal agencies or immigration are by far the stronger vote motivators. president, I will recognize Trump as Americans at a Buffalo, N.Y., supermarket in
watchdogs seems almost laughable. Trump never needed to be schooled. His mine. And I trust Biden and Harris will May 2022 or the shooting of three African
Deportation? Loss of citizenship? Inves- superpower is his innate grasp of the be at the west front of the Capitol — Americans at a Dollar General store in Jack-
tigations, even? power of fear and anger to build an ag- where Trump’s violent supporters first sonville, Fla., in August 2023, racially moti-
Sure, for other immigrants who’ve over- grieved following, what he called in his breached the building in their attempted vated violence is not unique to the Trump ad-
stayed a visa. Sure, for Trump’s political ene- victory declaration early Wednesday coup — to witness his swearing-in on ministration. However, what violent extrem-
mies. “the greatest political movement of all Jan. 20, despite his failure to do the same ists perceive as a tacit nod of approval —
But absolutely not for Musk, mega- time.” for them four years ago. based on Trump’s own violent rhetoric —
American, the brightest star in Trump’s om- The now-vanquished Kamala Harris Eight years ago, it wasn’t completely could lead to a surge in domestic terrorism in
inous firmament. said at her final, hopeful rally in Philadel- nuts on the morning after election day to a country that remains anxious, angry and
phia on Monday night: “We have an hope that Trump could be a president well-armed.
Virginia Heffernan is a contributing opportunity in this election to finally for all of us. Fool me once ... well, you
editor at Wired magazine. Her turn the page on a decade of politics that know the rest. Colin P. Clarke is the director of research
newsletter can be found at has been driven by fear and division. We at the Soufan Group, an intelligence and
virginiaheffernan.substack.com. are done with that.” @jackiekcalmes security consulting firm in New York City.
A12 T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M

As candidate, Trump thrived on adversity

[Return, from A1] But for Team Trump, the
traditional values. evening was not entirely lost.
“The closing argument Near the end, Trump got his
was basic and it worked: The cleanest shot at Harris.
country is broken. I’m a “She’s been there for 3½
builder. I will fix it,” a senior years,” the Republican said.
Trump campaign advisor “They’ve had 3½ years to fix
told The Times. “The econo- the border. They’ve had 3½
my is better under Trump. years to create jobs. ... Why
Illegal immigration will stop hasn’t she done it?”
under Trump. You will have The Republicans were
more of your money in your convinced they would win if
pocket under Trump. And they made the election a
also, with Trump, we will prosecution of the last four
prevent boys from playing years of Democratic rule.
girls’ sports.” They knew they could lose if
His victory makes the 78- the contest became about
year-old Trump the oldest Trump’s behavior and divi-
person elected president siveness.
and only the second to win Trump’s determination
nonconsecutive terms. to hold the Democrats re-
(Grover Cleveland accom- sponsible for the country’s
plished the feat at the close generally sour mood proved
of the 19th century.) to be a winning one. And
multiple observers in both
Ferocity and parties said Harris did not
do enough — perhaps given
flights of fancy her loyalty to Biden — to
In its nearly 250-year his- separate herself from the
tory, America has never be- Evan Vucci Associated Press unpopular president.
fore chosen a president who THIS IMAGE of former President Trump raising his fist as blood trickled down his face while Secret Service Early last month, during
was convicted of a felony, agents rushed to surround him after an assassination attempt became a potent symbol for his campaign. an appearance on ABC’s
judged liable for sexual “The View,” Harris damaged
abuse and took extraordi- stream journalists who enough.” years before election day, his junior. her effort to exemplify her in-
nary steps to overturn the painstakingly parsed But the populist presi- Trump declared he would It seemed that allega- dependence. When one of
result of the previous Trump’s myriad lies (for in- dent never lost his base, at run again. Ambitious Re- tions of frailty and inability the hosts asked what she’d
election. Trump also sur- stance, claiming that Hai- first largely white and work- publicans lined up to take on to lead did not stick to do differently than Biden,
vived a gunshot that could tian immigrants in Ohio ing class but growing mar- the politically wounded 45th Trump — who might ramble Harris responded: “There is
have taken his life, and a lit- were eating dogs and cats, ginally more diverse over president. But he positioned and give odd answers but not a thing that comes to
tle more than a week later and that children are under- time. They remained unified himself as a singular, his- typically sounded forceful mind,” adding, “and I’ve
absorbed another thunder- going sex changes at public behind a president who toric figure. and self-assured. been a part of most of the de-
bolt — President Biden’s schools without their par- promised to stick it to un- “I stepped up to fight for On June 27, a CNN debate cisions that have had im-
departure from the race. ents’ permission) to every- documented immigrants, America because no one else essentially settled the mat- pact.”
Again in 2024, Trump ag- day voters who shuddered ungrateful foreign leaders would do it or would do it ter, as Biden appeared list- Steve Schmidt, a former
gressively tossed aside im- when the Republican vilified and out-of-touch elitists in properly,” Trump said at an less and unable to fend off Republican political con-
peratives of traditional cam- immigrants as “poisoning academia and the media. early rally. Any attacks on Trump. sultant and Trump oppo-
paigns — such as striking a the blood” of America and him were really an attack on Less than a month later, nent, described the com-
more conciliatory tone to try pledged retribution against everyday Americans, he Biden dropped out of the ment as a potential “killer
to win over moderate and
Fending off
opponents he called “the en- said, adding: “When they go race and endorsed Harris. asteroid” moment for the
nonpartisan voters. His fe- emy within.”
GOP challengers after me, they’re going after With a little more than three Harris campaign. Trump
rocity and flights of fancy Dating to Jan. 6, 2021, Myriad pundits predic- you.” months left before election soon had an ad on the air,
alienated some voters, but when he rallied thousands of ted Trump couldn’t survive In an early poll last day, Democrats quickly juxtaposing the vice presi-
endeared him to many oth- his most fervent acolytes multiple criminal indict- spring, Trump won nearly agreed to band together be- dent’s comment with images
ers, who considered him and urged them to march on ments. Those included state 50% approval among Re- hind the vice president. By of chaotic crossings at the
more authentic than stand- the U.S. Capitol, the former and federal charges of elec- publican voters, far ahead of definition, that meant there southern border, bloody
ard-issue politicians. president seemed like any- tion tampering and another the rest of the GOP field. His would be no primaries, open overseas wars and a head-
“People were tired of thing but a sure thing to rise federal indictment alleging closest rival, Gov. Ron De- to popular Democrats like line: “Prices still rising.”
someone talking in this again. the criminal mishandling of Santis of Florida, attracted Michigan Gov. Gretchen After his humbling first
bull—, pre-prepared politi- Even mainstays of his secret documents. But, one only half that level of sup- Whitmer and Pennsylvania confrontation with Harris,
cian lingo,” Joe Rogan, one of own party, such as Senate by one, procedural and legal port. Gov. Josh Shapiro. Trump didn’t agree to any
America’s most popular Republican leader Mitch challenges assured that The Republican favorite “The fault lies with Joe other debates.
podcast hosts, told Trump McConnell and House Re- those cases against Trump saw no reason to debate his Biden and his selfish hold on
during an interview a little publican leader Kevin Mc- would not be tried until after rivals, and he didn’t. They the office, when it was obvi-
more than a week before the election.
Interviews on
Carthy, talked privately struggled to distinguish ous to everyone that he was
election day. “Even if they about their support for im- Later this month, howev- themselves, while Trump not capable of serving an-
friendlier turf
didn’t agree with you, they at peachment, before they re- er, the president-elect will be seemed to make news virtu- other four years in the White He chose to spend the
least knew, whoever that guy versed course. Threats on sentenced for his criminal ally every time he opened his House,” said Whit Ayres, a closing two months of his
is, that’s him. That’s really lawmakers and Vice Presi- conviction in New York state mouth. veteran Republican pollster campaign on rallies in the
him.” dent Mike Pence left Trump related to hush money pay- “They’re poisoning the who was not working for a battleground states, ap-
That kind of acceptance loyalist Sen. Lindsey Gra- ments to a porn actor before blood of our country,” presidential candidate this pearances before male-ori-
infuriated millions of other ham (R-S.C.) declaring, the 2016 election. Trump said of the immi- year. “It prevented the ented podcasters and sit-
Americans — from the main- “Count me out. Enough is A little less than two grants coming to the U.S. Democrats from having a down chats with friendly Re-
from Mexico and other coun- full-blown primary process publican women.
tries. The media and others that could have yielded a Trump treated his ap-
slammed him for adopting stronger candidate than Ka- pearance with Rogan as a
language Adolf Hitler once mala Harris.” gift, repeatedly thanking
used. Still, members of and praising the host. The
But Republicans in early Trump’s team acknowl- three-hour bull session al-
voting states shrugged, or edged that the presence of a lowed the Republican nomi-
even registered their ap- younger and more dynamic nee to launch fact-light
proval. A poll in Iowa found leader in Harris had ener- tirades, including a riff
that 42% of those likely to gized Democrats and some about children undergoing
participate in the state’s of the “double haters” who sex change operations at
first-in-the-nation caucuses had bemoaned having to school, along with boasts
would be more likely to sup- choose between two senior about his own toughness
port him for the “poisoning citizens, Biden and Trump. with adversaries such as
the blood” comment, while The former president China.
29% said it made no differ- also struggled for a time to A week out from election
ence. adjust to Biden’s absence day, the session with Rogan
Trump went on to carry from the race. More than a had been viewed 40 million
Iowa with 51% of the vote, to month later, he complained times.
21% for DeSantis and 19% for at a rally that he had spent In the last days of Octo-
former South Carolina Gov. $100 million to defeat the ber, both Harris and Trump
Nikki Haley. man who had beaten him in delivered closing argu-
His Republican rivals be- 2020. “We weren’t fighting ments. Trump went to Madi-
gan to drop from the field. anyone else,” Trump said, son Square Garden on a
Haley would hold on for two suggesting later that the Sunday. And it was every-
more months — perhaps U.S. electoral system was thing Democrats had hoped
betting that one of Trump’s once again being rigged for: racist jokes from a come-
legal problems would trip against him. “It’s a very un- dian, sexist remarks com-
him up — but no one seri- fair thing.” paring Harris to a prostitute
ously challenged his grip on A senior Trump cam- and a cascade of anger un-
the Republican Party. paign advisor, who asked leashed by Trump.
One of the primary argu- not to be named discussing Trump strategists knew
ments against Trump, that internal deliberations, con- they were winning a majority
he couldn’t win in the gen- ceded that the Republicans of Americans if the conver-
eral election, never gained had been caught “flat- sation turned to inflation or
traction. Polls showed he footed” on how to approach immigration. But particu-
was competitive with Biden, a candidate who was young- larly in the closing days of
or even ahead. And Trump er (now 60) and a woman of the campaign, they also
exuded bravado and color. broadcast ads that plunged
strength. into the heart of the nation’s
By some measures, Bid- culture wars.
Bloodied Trump One showed a video of
en had achieved a lot in his
term — passing a $1-trillion a symbol of defiance Harris from her days as at-
bipartisan measure to re- But the Republican no- torney general of California,
build the nation’s infrastruc- minee had shown a habit for telling an interviewer she
ture, bolstering the critical transcending and even supported giving access

An Exclusive Ofer for Readers microchip industry with an-

other law, forgiving debt on
some student loans, capping
thriving in moments of ad-
versity. Eight days before
Biden exited the race, a rifle-
to gender-reassignment
surgery to prison inmates,
saying “every transgender
inmate would have access.”
of The Los Angeles Times insulin prices for senior citi-
zens and increasing subsi-
dies for insurance under the
man had opened fire on
Trump while he spoke at a
campaign rally in Butler, Pa.
A narrator concludes:
“Crazy liberal Kamala is for
Affordable Care Act. A bullet clipped Trump’s they-them. President
Some of those measures ear and sent blood stream- Trump is for you.”
25% OFF thousands of styles sitewide will have longer-term im- ing down his face. Barely “Spending money on sur-
geries for those that want to
pacts, and many Americans missing a beat, Trump
said they didn’t feel them as waved his fist and shouted in transition from male to fe-
viscerally as they did in- defiance, “Fight, fight, male, I’m not for any of that,”
creasing prices of groceries fight!” It became an image said Rachel Rogstad, a re-
and gasoline. Word of new that his campaign would tired registered nurse from
manufacturing jobs couldn’t broadcast repeatedly in ads Mount Pleasant, Wis., who
compete with reports about in the final weeks of the cam- was undecided in the weeks
record-high levels of illegal paign. before the election.
crossings at the U.S.-Mexico The Republican still ap- Rep. Jared Huffman, a
border, even if those de- peared flummoxed on Democrat from San Rafael,
clined markedly late in the Sept. 10, however, when he accused Trump of appealing
Democratic administration. faced Harris in their lone de- to “the darkest underbelly of
bate. She put Trump on the our society.”
defensive for much of the But Trump’s team had
Age concerns that long since grown numb to
night, baiting him into ob-
with code LATBONUS don’t cut both ways sessing about crowd sizes at such critiques.
By the summer, 57% of his rallies and fixating on an “People are willing to put
Americans said they disap- imagined crisis — Haitian some of these things aside,”
proved of Biden’s job per- immigrants eating house- said the Trump advisor, “be-
formance. The octogenarian hold pets in one Ohio town. cause they feel their own
president’s bent posture and It was a low moment, one lives were better when he
halted speaking manner Trump insider said. “He got was president.”
didn’t reassure many Demo- stuck in the minutiae and
crats, even as they pointed sucked into these peripheral Rainey reported from Los
to the many verbal miscues things,” said the person, who Angeles, Bierman from
ROSS-SIMONS.COM Ofer expires 11/10/2024 of Trump, just three years declined to be named. Washington.

CALIFORNIA T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L I F O R N I A

Voters reverse
course on criminal
justice reform
and was later declared un-
Prop. 36 is approved constitutional.
The measure repeals the
overwhelmingly. outdated clause and en-
Same-sex marriage shrines marriage as a “fun-
damental right” for all — a
measure also wins. precaution that supporters
including Gov. Gavin New-
By Mackenzie Mays som said was necessary in
and Anabel Sosa case of potential Supreme
Court rulings by a conserva-
California voters on tive majority of justices ap-
Tuesday overwhelmingly pointed by former President
approved a ballot measure Trump.
to reverse course on prog- Proposition 32, a state-
ressive criminal justice re- wide ballot initiative to in-
form, cracking down on theft crease California’s current
crimes and the use of the $16 minimum wage by $2 for
deadly drug fentanyl. all employees by 2026, ap-
Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times Proposition 36 reforms a peared to be in a closer race
FLAMES engulf a structure Wednesday near Camarillo as the Mountain fire had burned thousands of acres. law approved a decade ago but headed toward failure.
that reduced some felonies The measure received
to misdemeanors and was support from labor unions

Wind-fanned flames trap

seen as a milestone in Cali- and anti-poverty advocates
fornia’s attempt to end the but was opposed by influen-
harsh tough-on-crime poli- tial business interests.
cies of the past. Proposition 36 was by far
Support for Proposition the highest-profile measure,

residents and burn homes

36 comes amid rising con- with millions raised on both
cerns about crime, home- sides, and so politically
lessness and drug use in the tricky that Democratic pres-
state, an issue seized upon idential nominee Vice Presi-
by Republicans and some dent Kamala Harris, a for-
big-city Democratic mayors mer California attorney gen-
during the 2024 election. eral, refused to say whether
Santa Ana gusts prompt highest level of red flag warning, not seen “For more than a decade, she supported it.
California voters have urged Opinion polls leading up
since 2020, stoking wildfires in Ventura County and the Malibu area state leaders to reduce ex- to Tuesday’s election
cessive incarceration and showed strong voter sup-
wasteful spending on pris- port for Proposition 36 de-
which exploded Wednesday nia, leading to evacuation eral homes have burned in ons and expand invest- spite warnings from New-
By Noah Goldberg, amid fierce winds and had orders Wednesday as au- Camarillo Heights, includ- ments into programs proven som and the California Leg-
Grace Toohey already burned 9,000 acres thorities rushed to save peo- ing on Richards’ street, and to prevent crime in the first islature’s Democratic lead-
and Clara Harter as firefighters battled the ple from the fast-moving many others are threatened. place and stop crime cycles ership, who urged voters to
flames. The 81-year-old took flames. The high winds mean re- through rehabilitation,” take a cautious approach to
Ron Richards saved his Coco and his laptop and “What’s going on on the tardant-dropping airplanes said Anthony York, a the ballot measure, saying it
cat Coco, but he has no idea some other belongings and ground right now is a very are unable to aid in the fire- spokesperson for the No on would take away state sav-
if his house will survive. got in the car to head to a aggressive effort by our Fire fighting effort, the depart- 36 campaign. “The broad co- ings that are allocated to
He went outside his friend’s residence in Ojai. Department and our mutual ment said. The fire had hop- alition of organizations that anti-recidivism programs
Camarillo Heights home Now all he could do is hope aid partners who have re- ped the 118 Freeway and was opposed Prop. 36 will contin- and dramatically increase
Wednesday morning to that his house was not sponded to support us to marching into Camarillo ue to advocate for smart and prison populations.
check the Santa Ana winds. among those that had been protect life first and then fol- Heights. As a result, the Cal- effective criminal justice re- The support for Pro-
He smelled and saw smoke claimed in his neighbor- low that up by protecting ifornia Highway Patrol form and new safety solu- position 36 alarmed criminal
in the distance. The wind hood. property,” Andrew Dowd, closed the 118 Freeway be- tions that work for all com- justice advocates, who argue
was blowing the smoke di- “If my house isn’t there Ventura County Fire De- tween Oxnard and Camaril- munities.” that Proposition 47 helped
rectly toward him. It got when I get back ...” he said, partment public informa- lo on Wednesday afternoon. Californians also voted to reduce incarceration and
thicker and thicker by the trailing off. tion officer, told KTLA-TV. Meanwhile, a 50-acre approve Proposition 3, shed- promote reform, while crit-
minute. The Mountain fire is one The fires, driven by the brush fire in Malibu Bluffs ding the last vestiges of Pro- ics claim it contributed to
Richards’ home on Gold- of a pair of fires that have ig- region’s most extreme wind Park in Los Angeles County position 8, the 2008 voter-ap- rising crime rates in the
enspur Drive was in the di- nited amid an extreme wind event in years, have caused has burned one structure, proved measure that state.
rect line of the Mountain fire, event in Southern Califor- injuries, officials said. Sev- [See Fires, B6] banned same-sex marriage [See Propositions, B2]

With Trump win, California is in for big fight

It must resist deportations, shield reproductive and LGBTQ+ rights
ANITA CHABRIA the ideas of equality; of respect for all The so-called blue wall of Mid-
people and our planet; of a rejection western states that put Joe Biden in
Donald Trump of racism and misogyny; of a desire to the White House tumbled down, as
has soundly won advance civil rights rather than roll did most of the swing states the
another term as them back in the name of Christian- Democrats had been banking on.
president and in ity. And then there is the Senate,
perhaps the most Trump not only won the electoral where the Republicans also took
stunning part of college, but he also took the popular control. The House of Representa-
this election, it vote, something he failed to do the tives is up in the air but may also go
wasn’t even that last time he won. Trump has grown MAGA. And of course, Trump al-
close. his support, despite (or I am begin- ready seems to run the Supreme
As much as California is waking ning to see, because of) his vicious Court. Josh Edelson For The Times
up to a new era of Trump power, we and repressive promises. America isn’t just looking at an- PEOPLE react to Tuesday night’s election results at
are also waking up to the fact that the America made it clear at the polls, other Trump term, though, but a a watch party at Manny’s in San Francisco. Califor-
majority of Americans do not share this strongman is what they want. second Trump presidency in which nians woke up to the fact that the majority of Ameri-
the values that this state holds dear: This is us, now. he might [See Chabria, B2] cans do not share the values that they hold dear.

Schiff defeats Garvey in U.S. Senate race Jurado maintains

By Laura J. Nelson lead over De León
Democratic Rep. Adam crude remarks.
B. Schiff of Burbank, who Nazarian and Hutt are Jurado said her cam-
rose to national prominence paign was about making
as a key antagonist of former also ahead in L.A. sure that city services are de-
President Trump, easily races. Voters approve livered equitably, among
beat Republican and former other things.
Dodgers All-Star Steve Gar- city measures. “It’s about racial justice.
vey on Tuesday night to win It’s about change. It’s about
California’s open seat in the By David Zahniser, bringing good governance,
U.S. Senate. Dakota Smith and local government that
The Associated Press de- and Gustavo Arellano works for people,” she said.
clared Schiff, 64, the winner Addressing about 200
shortly after polls closed, an Tenants rights attorney cheering supporters Tues-
indication of the congress- Ysabel Jurado held a signifi- day night, she said her cam-
man’s substantial support cant lead over Los Angeles paign had been ridiculed and
in a state where Democratic City Councilmember Kevin belittled, yet remained “un-
voters outnumber Republi- de León on Wednesday in the broken” and “unyielding.”
cans by nearly 2 to 1. race to represent an East- De León, appearing at his
“I will spend every day side district, according to election night party, said he
trying to repay the trust that partial returns. was proud of his work over
you have placed in me by The bruising, yearlong the last four years creating
serving this Golden State contest pitted Jurado, a park space, fighting home-
with all of my heart and first-time candidate, against lessness, removing trash
soul,” Schiff told a crowd of De León, a veteran lawmaker from city streets and provid-
supporters gathered at the who was politically wounded ing meals to needy families.
California Democratic Party Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times by his participation in a “It’s always, always been
event in downtown Los An- SENATOR-ELECT Adam B. Schiff delivers a victory speech at an election night secretly recorded conversa- about making everyday life
[See Schiff, B4] party. The Democrat will take over a seat long held by late Sen. Dianne Feinstein. tion that featured racist and [See L.A., B4]

SPORTS ON THE BACK: Dodgers fans mourn L.A. legend Valenzuela at public Mass. B10
B2 T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M

Levi’s heir is ahead in contest for San Francisco mayor

Haas, contributed more
Lurie leads incumbent than $1 million to an inde-
pendent committee backing
Breed in race where his mayoral bid. She mar-
homelessness, crime ried her second husband,
Lurie’s stepfather Peter
were major issues. Haas, when Lurie was a boy.
Peter Haas, now deceased,
By Hannah Wiley was the great-grandnephew
of the Levi’s founder and a
SAN FRANCISCO — longtime executive at the
Philanthropist and Levi’s company.
heir Daniel Lurie main- Breed frequently charac-
tained his lead in early re- terized Lurie as an inexperi-
turns Wednesday, holding a enced leader who relied on
solid edge against incum- his family’s money to get
bent Mayor London Breed ahead.
and three other Democrats Lurie responded by tout-
vying in the heated race for ing his role as founder of
San Francisco mayor. Tipping Point, a San Fran-
But with votes still un- cisco nonprofit that funds
counted, the final results efforts to lift people out of
were not expected before poverty, to highlight his
Thursday. San Francisco’s commitment to solving in-
ranked-choice voting sys- tractable problems. He said
tem, which allows voters to the organization has fun-
select multiple candidates neled $500 million to Bay
by order of preference, com- Area organizations focused
plicates the process of on early childhood educa-
quickly identifying a winner. tion, scholarships, housing
The city uses a multi- and job training since its
round process to count the founding nearly two dec-
ranked-choice ballots, and ades ago.
it can take several rounds of Farrell entered the race
tallying before a winner re- amid fanfare from support-
ceives more than 50% of the Jeff Chiu Asscociated Press ers garnered during his sev-
vote. After each round, the LEVI STRAUSS heir Daniel Lurie, shown last month, leads in the race for mayor of San Francisco. “We en years as a supervisor and
candidate with fewest votes launched this campaign ... because we believe strongly it is time for accountable leadership,” he said Tuesday. six months as interim mayor
is eliminated and those before Breed was elected in
votes are redistributed to what at times felt like a vic- rell and Breed. is really a difficult year be- trail. 2018. He marketed himself as
the remaining contenders. tory speech to a jubilant Breed, a San Francisco cause people are really look- Her opponents dis- the candidate whose blend
Breed, a moderate crowd gathered at the native, was first elected in ing at you as ‘What have you missed that progress as too of political and business ex-
Democrat and the first Chapel, a live music venue, 2018, winning a special elec- done?’ ” little, too late. perience made him most
Black woman to hold the after early results came in. tion after the unexpected Breed has highlighted re- Both Lurie and Farrell qualified to get San Fran-
city’s mayoral post, had 25% “We launched this cam- death of then-Mayor Ed Lee. cent data showing improve- promised a more concerted cisco back on track.
of first-choice votes in early paign 13 months ago, be- She has led the city through ments on some of those is- crackdown on crime and But his campaign was
returns, compared with 28% cause we believe strongly it a challenging period that in- sues, notably a reduction in homelessness and to rein- clouded by ethical concerns.
for Lurie, a fellow centrist is time for accountable lead- cludes the unsettling early property crime and violent vigorate the downtown This week, Farrell agreed to
Democrat. ership in City Hall,” he said spread of COVID-19 and the crime over the last year. She economy. They emerged as pay a fine of $108,000 follow-
The early returns to cheers. “Some have said subsequent exodus of has touted her policies to appealing alternatives ing an ethics investigation
showed Board of Supervi- that our campaign was scores of downtown tech bolster police staffing, in- among voters who appreci- that determined he had il-
sors President Aaron Pe- underestimated. But they workers who, amid pan- crease drug-related arrests ated Breed’s messaging but legally financed his mayoral
skin, the only candidate in didn’t underestimate us. demic-related shutdowns, and clear homeless had lost confidence in her campaign with money
the race running as an old- They underestimated you, found themselves able to encampments. And she has ability to guide San Fran- poured into a separate bal-
school progressive, with the people of San Francisco, work remotely — and more promoted new initiatives to cisco out of crisis. lot measure committee he
22% of first-choice votes; who demanded change.” cheaply — from other cities. repopulate empty store- Lurie distinguished him- sponsored to reduce the
venture capitalist Mark Far- In a marked shift for San Detractors painted the fronts and enliven the night self as the political “out- number of government com-
rell, a moderate, with 18% of Francisco, the city’s tech election as a referendum on life with markets and music sider” running against four missions in San Francisco.
first-choice votes; and Su- sector played an influential Breed’s efforts to address festivals. City Hall veterans. He Peskin, a longtime su-
pervisor Ahsha Safaí trail- role in this year’s mayoral sprawling homeless en- Many of her supporters pledged to root out govern- pervisor, organized a robust
ing with 3% of first-choice race. campments, rampant prop- touted her quick action to ment corruption, a concern grassroots campaign that
votes. Wealthy tech titans who erty crime and a flagging shut down San Francisco in among voters following a se- openly embraced a liberal
Speaking to supporters have put down roots in the post-pandemic economy the early days of the COVID ries of political scandals in agenda. He frequently con-
Tuesday night at the bar city — and see San Fran- that cut at voters’ sense of a emergency, a decision cred- city departments and trasted his working-class
Victory Hall in the South of cisco as an international safe, well-functioning city. ited with saving thousands nonprofits in recent years. donors with the influx of
Market district, Breed hub for high tech — poured “People in San Francisco of lives. And she earned in- Lurie had the advantage tech money flowing to Lurie,
struck an upbeat tone and millions of dollars into cam- are frustrated. On crime, on fluential endorsements of his family’s vast wealth Farrell and Breed. He fo-
urged patience. “It ain’t over paign contributions, press- homelessness, on condi- from housing advocacy or- from the Levi Strauss for- cused his campaign on tra-
‘til it’s over,” Breed told the ing for an outcome that tions of the streets,” said ganizations based on her tune to buoy his advertising ditional San Francisco ide-
crowd. “I have been behind would infuse this famously Jim Ross, a Bay Area Demo- work to ease San Francis- and name recognition. He als, such as making the city
before. I have been counted liberal city with more cen- cratic strategist. “The other co’s affordable housing showered his campaign affordable for nurses, teach-
out before.” trist politics. issue is, this is Year 6 for shortage. with more than $8 million of ers and the artists and bohe-
Meanwhile, in the Mis- That money overwhelm- London Breed. Any politi- “I am the change,” she his own money. mians who have long made
sion district, Lurie delivered ingly benefited Lurie, Far- cian, their sixth year in office often said on the campaign His mother, Miriam the city a creative hub.

The next four years will be a test of California ideals, values

[Chabria, from B1] Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in still fight — California must policies, including on immi-
hold sway over all branches charge of the U.S. Food and fight. gration and emissions. That
of government, giving him a Drug Administration, And as much as no one, was mostly under the lead-
level of power exponentially which Republicans have myself included, wants to ership of then-Atty. Gen.
greater than the first time long pushed to undo ap- think about another elec- Xavier Becerra, who was
around. Trump will seek to provals for such medica- tion, this is also the morning appointed to that job after
force upon us an agenda of tions. Californians should start Kamala Harris was elected
international isolationism And then there will be thinking about who will be to the U.S. Senate (and who
and domestic repression. the fight for LGBTQ+ our next governor and our has hinted at a possible run
First and foremost — rights, going far beyond next attorney general. Be- for governor). The state
this was a free and fair elec- Trump’s promise to further cause in 2026, we will elect filed more than 100 lawsuits
tion. Trump was elected by scapegoat transgender new state leaders who will against the Trump adminis-
the will of the people, and people. Though Califor- need resolve and skill. tration, if not stopping his
democracy demands we nians just passed Pro- For now, Gov. Gavin policies, at least tying them
accept that. position 3 on Tuesday night, Newsom has the unenviable up in court.
The next four years will which repealed a ban on job of attempting to pacify This time, Rob Bonta
be a test of those California same-sex marriage and and combat Trump at the (who may also have ambi-
ideals, though, and how instead made it a “funda- same time — much as he tions to become governor)
committed we really are to Evan Vucci Associated Press mental right,” it is not too tried to do during the first holds that office, and has
them — because if we want AMERICANS on Tuesday handed Donald Trump a far-fetched that MAGA will Trump presidency. already said he too has
to keep them, we will need second term as president, one in which the Republi- go after the 2015 Supreme While I don’t doubt he plans in place to fight
to fight for them. can might hold sway over all branches of government. Court Obergefell decision has many good reasons for Trump policies.
And as hard as it is for that made gay marriage leading that fight, Newsom Our state leadership is
this bright blue, democracy- economically. How California and legal. Overturning that also has a personal one: most certainly going to
loving free-for-all to grapple Already, many immigra- Californians respond to ruling could undermine the Kamala Harris is highly battle with this White
with our government turn- tion groups have created these deportations may be validity of LGBTQ+ mar- unlikely to come back for House. But ultimately, they
ing authoritarian overnight, game plans on how to pro- our first and most distress- riage at the federal level and another run. will only fight as hard and as
we have to get up and get tect our hardworking neigh- ing challenge. in other states, potentially That means the field is long as their constituents
ready for that fight. bors and stop families from But it will not be the only stripping away the rights wide open for Democrats, want them to.
The most troubling being separated. one. Despite our commit- marriages convey except in and Newsom has a fresh So this is our fight, as
promise Trump has made is But immigration is ment to reproductive rights, unions of a biological man window to make his own bid Californians.
that he will immediately ultimately a federal issue, Trump does not need to and a biological woman. for the nomination in 2028. It’s up to us to protect
begin a massive deporta- and the state has few pow- pass a national abortion There are more fights So expect him to spend this what now seems to be only a
tion of undocumented ers to stop deportations. ban to curtail access to that than this, but how much remaining time in office California dream — that all
people. With more than Trump is likely this time procedure. He need only can we take in at once? So building his reputation as people have a right to pur-
1 million undocumented around to crack down on invoke the existing Com- I’ll stop. the answer to Trump crack- sue life, liberty and even
people living in California — sanctuary cities and states, stock Act, which would The point is that even downs. happiness — in the hopes
many parents in blended and even perhaps use the make it illegal to transport with an authoritarian with California last time that we can once again,
status families — this could National Guard to help with abortion medications, or unprecedented power in the around also used the courts someday, restore that belief
be devastating socially and his plans. even put someone like, say, White House, California can to push back on Trump as the American dream.

Voters approve disaster response funding, reject rent proposition

[Propositions, from B1] passed by voters in 2016, has tion. California taxpayers parks and wildfire resilience. that a majority of voters op- viders spend most of the rev-
Proponents of the mea- been spent, and school dis- will pay the bond back with Early poll results showed posed this measure. enue they get from federal
sure said Tuesday’s results tricts report aging buildings, interest, with the cost esti- that a majority of voters op- prescription drug discount
“reflect Californian’s strong hazardous mold and leaky mated at $400 million a year posed this measure. Proposition 33 programs on direct patient
desire for safer communi- roofs. for the next 40 years, or $16 California voters rejected care.
ties.” Poll results Tuesday billion, according to the non- Proposition 6 this measure, which would It applies only to a very
California voters also showed that a majority of partisan Legislative Ana- This measure would ban have allowed cities and specific subset of doctors
weighed in on propositions voters support this measure. lyst’s Office in Sacramento. involuntary servitude and counties to enact rent con- who have spent more than
that would affect the state’s end mandatory work re- trol. Proposition 33 would $100 million over a decade on
climate change response, Proposition 4 Proposition 5 quirements for state pris- have repealed a 1995 law “anything other than direct
rent and more. California voters ap- This measure would oners. The proposed consti- called the Costa-Hawkins patient care.”
proved this bond measure, make it easier for local gov- tutional amendment is part Rental Housing Act, which Early poll results showed
Proposition 2 which will authorize the ernments to approve bonds of a reparations package for generally prohibits local gov- this measure had a modest
This bond measure state to borrow $10 billion to and tax measures that fund descendants of African ernments from limiting rent- lead.
would authorize the state to help fund the response to cli- affordable housing and Americans enslaved in the al rates as issued by land-
borrow $10 billion to modern- mate-related disasters such some public infrastructure. U.S. lords. Proposition 35
ize K-12 schools and commu- as drought, flooding and ex- Proposition 5 lowers the re- California is one of eight The measure would have California voters ap-
nity colleges. The funding is treme heat. It will also help quired vote threshold to ap- states that still allow invol- given local jurisdictions proved a measure to provide
to be used to repair outdated to ensure clean drinking wa- prove those measures from a untary servitude as a crimi- more power to regulate rent permanent funding for
school buildings and to up- ter. It is the largest invest- two-thirds supermajority to nal punishment. Pro- and allowed them to man- Medi-Cal, California’s ver-
grade libraries, heating and ment in combating climate 55%. position 6 would end work date price caps. sion of Medicaid.
cooling systems and broad- change in California history. The new threshold would mandates for state pris- Right now, a tax on man-
band internet. The bond will be allocat- apply to local measures af- oners, instead creating vol- Proposition 34 aged health insurance plans
The money from the last ed to ensure safe drinking fecting low-income housing, untary work programs. This measure would re- that funds the program is set
successful school bond, water and wildfire protec- road and transit expansions, Early poll results showed quire that healthcare pro- to expire in 2026.
L AT I M E S . C O M T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 B3


L.A. County sales tax for homeless has a large lead

$8 million, but critics ex- bring bold new solutions to
Voting on Measure G pected the ultimate price tag tackling homelessness and
to be much larger. improving the lives of all who
to expand ranks of the County attorneys esti- call Los Angeles County
Board of Supervisors mated last month that the home,” said Scott Mann, a
ethics reforms detailed in spokesperson with the Mea-
remains deadlocked. the measure could cost sure A campaign in a state-
$21 million yearly, mostly be- ment.
By Rebecca Ellis cause of staff salaries. The Campaign consultant
campaign for Measure G dis- Yusef Robb said his team
A ballot measure aimed puted the estimate. was feeling “very optimistic”
at enlarging the pot of mon- Voters have rejected the about the results.
ey available for homeless idea of expanding the Board “This is the most chal-
services in Los Angeles of Supervisors at least eight lenging environment for a
County was substantially times — most recently in tax measure I have ever seen.
ahead in partial returns 2000. The No. 1 pressure on the
Wednesday morning, while The quarter-percent voter is the cost of living,” he
voters were deadlocked on sales tax approved by voters said. “Voters are frustrated
another measure expanding to fund homeless services with the homeless crisis.”
the county Board of Supervi- through Measure H is sched- After climbing for the last
sors. uled to sunset in 2027. A co- five years, overall homeless-
Measure A would double Francine Orr Los Angeles Times alition of labor unions, non- ness leveled off in Los Ange-
the quarter-percent sales MEASURE A would double Los Angeles County’s quarter-percent sales tax for profits and homeless service les County in 2024, according
tax that voters approved in homeless services and extend it indefinitely. Above, Echo Park Lake in March. providers helped put Mea- to the annual count released
2017 for homeless services sure A, which would raise the in June.
and extend the tax indefi- budget. Under the measure, cially from those who voted sic form of county govern- tax to a half-percent with no There were 75,312 home-
nitely, ensuring that a major the executive would be in the final days and hours of ment has not changed sub- expiration date, on the bal- less people across the
funding stream won’t dry up elected by county voters. this election,” she said. stantially since the county’s lot. county, including in the city
in a few years. The new ethics commis- “Measure G marks a new era founding in 1850. They say There has been no organ- of L.A., the count showed,
Measure G would dra- sion would be designed to for a better and brighter LA the restructuring would also ized opposition, though the down 0.3% compared with
matically shift power within punish corrupt officials and County for all of us.” pave the way for a more ra- measure has faced the previous year.
L.A. County government, crack down on the “revolving Horvath and Supervisor cially diverse board. skepticism from some resi- Measure H generates
nearly doubling the size of door” of county officials- Janice Hahn got the ball Five supervisors are no- dents who believe the region about half a billion dollars a
the Board of Supervisors turned-lobbyists. rolling on Measure G this where near enough to prop- has little to show for the mil- year, which is most of the
and creating a new ethics The deadline to create spring, arguing that the erly represent the county’s 10 lions already generated money the county spends on
commission as well as a new the ethics commission county’s outdated govern- million constituents, who through Measure H. homeless services, including
elected executive position would be 2026, and the ment structure was long rely on the board to oversee But supporters of Mea- mental health treatment,
that functions almost like a county executive would be overdue for a refresh. the region’s jails, public hos- sure A warn that homeless- drug treatment and job
mayor. elected by 2028. All nine su- The proposal won the pitals and child welfare sys- ness will spike dramatically counseling.
The board would expand pervisors wouldn’t come on support of Supervisor Hilda tem, among other critical if the sales tax expires, dry- The sales tax measure is
from five to nine supervisors, board until 2032, following a Solis, and the board voted services, supporters argue. ing up funds for temporary estimated to raise more than
with each politician repre- redistricting process. 3-2 to refer the mammoth Opponents of Measure G beds and rental subsidies, $1 billion each year, with 60%
senting about 1.1 million peo- Supervisor Lindsey Hor- overhaul of county govern- argued that a new elected among other services. going to homeless services
ple. Each supervisor cur- vath, the measure’s co-au- ment to voters. Supervisors position overseeing the A cheer went up at the and nearly all the rest to
rently represents 2 million thor, said in a statement that Holly Mitchell and Kathryn county’s executive branch campaign party for Measure housing production.
constituents in America’s she was “feeling hopeful” Barger voted against it, criti- would create unnecessary A when the first round of The tax would be perma-
largest county. about the partial returns, cizing the process as rushed power struggles and that the early results hit the board nent unless it is repealed by
The county’s current which showed the measure and the proposal as ill-con- proposal could needlessly Tuesday night, showing the another ballot measure.
chief executive, appointed by leading by a very narrow ceived. It proved instantly drain the county’s coffers. measure headed for passage
the supervisors, is responsi- margin. controversial. The county auditor’s of- with a healthy lead. Times staff writer Doug
ble for daily operations and “We know there are still Supporters like Horvath fice has put one-time costs “Each vote brings us one Smith contributed to this
drafting a $49-billion annual more votes to count, espe- and Hahn argue that the ba- for the measure at about step closer to being able to report.

Incumbents lead in L.A. Community College board races

in education on behalf of frequently about a number and announced in August
The four trustees in a the students and staff of of changes to education, that he would step down
our district. Education has Henderson said that she Nov. 2, roughly a year into a
field of 12 candidates been my life’s calling and I would also focus on “main- four-year contract renewal.
appear poised to keep look forward to meeting the taining funding for the pro- Rodriguez and the board
challenge of providing great- grams that we currently have also faced other hur-
their district seats. er educational opportuni- have.” dles, including criticism
ties for all those in our com- Iino, who has been a from faculty members, sev-
By Jaweed Kaleem munity.” trustee since 2022, said she eral of whom have filed civil
Elected in 2015, Hoffman was thankful for “voters’ lawsuits alleging sexual
Incumbents were is one of the longest serving confidence” in her. She said harassment and retaliation.
strongly ahead in all four members of the board. An- it was a “privilege to advo- In May, the Academic Sen-
races to serve on the Board other board member whose cate for public education, ate cast a vote of no confi-
of Trustees for the Los Ange- seat was not up for election, our students and communi- dence in the chancellor and
les Community College Dis- Steve Veres, has served ty in this trustee role, espe- board. Faculty leaders have
trict, according to election since 2011 with a two-year cially during these critical also called for an overhaul of
results Wednesday. gap from 2015 to 2017. times.” how the system responds to
Andra Hoffman (Seat 1), Vela said in an email Earlier she told The sexual harassment.
David Vela (Seat 3), Nichelle INCUMBENTS Andra Hoffman, Kelsey Iino, Ni- that he would “continue Times that her priorities in- Trustees are paid $2,000
M. Henderson (Seat 5) and chelle Henderson and David Vela are pictured second, fighting for students’ basic cluded “offering affordable/ per month. The total district
Kelsey Iino (Seat 7) were eighth, ninth and twelfth, clockwise from top left. needs” and “ensuring they free education, addressing enrollment of 194,000 stu-
poised to retain their seats have the resources and housing and food insecuri- dents is recovering from pre-
on the seven-member board, each seat. Members are not student employment at support they need to suc- ties for students” and “im- pandemic levels in 2019-2020,
emerging far ahead in races elected to represent specific Glendale Community Col- ceed. I am equally commit- proving enrollment and re- when 210,445 students stud-
packed with newcomers. geographic areas and candi- lege. Vela was previously ted to preparing them for tention.” ied at the district’s nine cam-
On Wednesday they out- dates chose the seats they on the board of the Monte- the future, equipping them The district faces myriad puses.
lined priorities for the nine- ran for. Reelected board bello Unified School Dis- with the skills and opportu- challenges, including turn- Data from a 2022 survey
campus district, including members start their new trict. Henderson is a Fresno nities to thrive in their ca- over in system leadership. showed that about 75% of
pledges to promote initia- terms in January and serve State faculty advisor and reers.” The current board met L.A. Community College
tives that help to meet for four years. There are no clinical field supervisor Henderson, the current Wednesday and approved District students were peo-
students’ basic needs and board term limits. There with the CalStateTEACH board president, said she the appointment of Alberto ple of color while 64% had
boost job opportunities. The was no primary, and the teacher preparation pro- was “looking forward to an- J. Román as interim chan- lower incomes, 53% lived at
board is also embarking a person who receives the gram. Iino is a counselor and other four years on the cellor for the district. He will or below the federal poverty
search for the next system most votes in each race is faculty member at El Ca- board and working on initia- leave his position as presi- line, and 22% were enrolled
chancellor. the winner. mino College. tives we have going on work- dent of East Los Angeles in public assistance pro-
The Board of Trustees The incumbents have all In an email to The Times, force opportunities and in- College and start in the new grams. Many students are in
seats are at large, which worked in the education Hoffman said she was “grati- creasing enrollment.” districtwide role Thursday. their mid-20s and go to
means all voters in the system. Hoffman serves as fied that the voters have Referring to the presi- Román would replace school part-time while jug-
nearly 900-square-mile dis- the director of the transfer chosen to give me the oppor- dential election win for Don- Francisco Rodriguez, who gling work and family re-
trict chose a candidate for center, career services and tunity to continue my work ald Trump, who has spoken led the district for a decade sponsibilities.

Race tightens for LAUSD board seat in Valley; school bond leads
County cities — longtime berto Carvalho. selors and nurses — has put geles supported Griego, who contributed less than $1,000
Outcome of contests teacher Karla Griego re-
District 3
in virtually all of the $2.4 mil- finished ahead in the in spending on her behalf.
mained solidly ahead of lion in independent spend- primary. A UTLA political McKenna had backed
could shift system Graciela Ortiz, a school This contest attracted ing on Schmerelson’s behalf action committee has spent Hendy Newbill all along. She
policy. Redistricting district counselor supervi- the most outside spending in this San Fernando Valley virtually all of about $2.4 mil- had recently worked for him
sor. — more than $7.8 million — race. lion in outside spending to as a senior policy advisor
change is well ahead. Strong results were because it pitted the teach- Although he currently boost Griego. and had a long career as a
emerging in District 1 — cov- ers union against a coalition teaches in public school, Local 99 of the Service teacher, dean and coach at
By Howard Blume ering south and southwest of teacher-union critics and Chang has spent much of his Employees International Dorsey High. She’s also a
L.A. — where veteran educa- charter-school supporters. career as a charter-school Union backed Ortiz, provid- parent of current district
A key race for a Board of tor Sherlett Hendy Newbill The Schmerelson cam- organization senior man- ing most of more than $2.2 students.
Education seat in the San had a commanding lead over paign deferred comment on ager or with pro-charter million in independent
Fernando Valley has tight- Kahllid Al-Alim, a communi- the election results until groups. spending on her behalf. Lo- LAUSD bond
ened, with two-term incum- ty activist and parent. more of the votes are The top funders of inde- cal 99 members include cus- In returns through early
bent Scott Schmerelson’s The seven-member counted, but Chang ex- pendent campaigns on be- todians, cafeteria workers, Wednesday, Measure US is
lead over challenger Dan school board sets policy for pressed hopeful optimism. half of Chang are retired bus drivers, teacher aides strongly ahead. It needs a
Chang shrinking to less than the nation’s second-largest “If there is a campaign businessman Bill Bloom- and security aides. 55% majority to pass and
3 percentage points Wednes- school district, which edu- anywhere that can come field and California Charter had 66% support from vot-
day morning. cates about 420,000 stu- back from an 11 point deficit, Schools Assn. Advocates. District 1 ers.
In a high-cost contest, dents. while taking on a 2-term in- Combined independent The race that appears all The measure would pro-
Schmerelson was heavily The District 3 and Dis- cumbent, the entire LAUSD spending on Chang’s behalf but settled is the contest be- vide $9 billion in school con-
backed by the teachers trict 5 races for the Los An- bureaucracy and the entire has surpassed $5.4 million. tween Hendy Newbill and struction bonds for the Los
union. Chang, a math geles Board of Education be- Los Angeles County Demo- Al-Alim, with Hendy New- Angeles Unified School Dis-
teacher at a Valley public came high-spending cam- cratic party establishment District 5 bill, who maintained a com- trict. The funds would be re-
middle school, had even paigns between two compet- to win, it could only be us,” The winner of this con- manding lead Wednesday, paid over time by increases
more financial support — ing political interest groups, Chang told his supporters. test will replace school claiming 70.5% of the vote. in property taxes at a rate
from backers of charter but the groups were not the “So hold on tight friends!” board President Jackie Hendy Newbill is poised to that would average about
schools and those allied with same in each race. Total out- Schmerelson has not Goldberg. The 20 percent- replace George McKenna, $25 for every $100,000 of as-
them. side spending through Mon- been hostile to charter age point gap separating who is retiring. sessed valuation on residen-
In ballot counting that day for both races was ap- schools but has been a reli- Griego and Ortiz will be diffi- UTLA’s candidate, Al- tial properties.
ended early Wednesday, proaching record levels set able vote to place more re- cult for Ortiz to overcome. Alim had been strongly posi-
Schmerelson had 51.9% of in 2017 of more than $15 mil- strictions and increased “I think we’re doing really tioned in the primary. But Redistricting effort
the vote and Chang 48.1%. lion. oversight on charters when well,” Griego said Wednes- evidence surfaced that he re- Charter Amendment LL
That translated to 89,674 When the outcomes are those proposals have come day morning. posted or “liked” social me- was leading strongly, with
votes for Schmerelson and known, the district’s evolv- before the school board. In this contest, the dis- dia posts with content that 74.1% of the vote through
83,256 votes for Chang. ing leadership could swing Chang had courted Val- trict’s two most powerful was antisemitic, pro-gun or early Wednesday.
The other school board either more strongly or less ley charter school parents unions — which are fre- pornographic. He apolo- The charter amendment
races are not as close. favorably to charter schools, and portrayed Schmerelson quently allies — faced off in gized, but UTLA dropped its would move control of redis-
In District 5 — which while also affecting the fu- as a threat to their interests. an effort to gain a political support just before primary tricting away from current
makes an arc north and west ture of school police and the United Teachers Los An- edge in their leverage with election day. elected officials to a citizens
of downtown and takes in level of support for initia- geles — which represents the Board of Education. UTLA belatedly en- commission that is designed
several Southeast L.A. tives of L.A. schools Supt. Al- the district’s teachers, coun- United Teachers Los An- dorsed Hendy Newbill, but to be independent.
B4 T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M

3 hold double-digit leads in L.A. City Council races

[L.A., from B1] elected official who listens to Commission, also coasted to
better for residents of our the people about basic city victory. That measure,
district,” he said, addressing services, about taking care of drafted in the wake of several
a crowd that included Coun- problems,” she said. City Hall corruption scan-
cilmembers John Lee, Moni- Early Wednesday, all dals, would ensure the
ca Rodriguez and Traci three of the leading candi- agency has a minimum
Park. dates were ahead by double budget of $7 million starting
The 14th District, which digits. Still, late-arriving in 2025-26.
takes in neighborhoods mail-in ballots will be Krekorian, who worked to
stretching from downtown counted in the coming days get DD, ER and several other
to Eagle Rock and El Sereno, by the Los Angeles County measures on the ballot, said
was one of three council Registrar-Recorder/County voters had embraced “a new
seats up for grabs Tuesday. Clerk. In previous years, way of doing business in Los
In the San Fernando Val- some election results have Angeles.”
ley, former state Assembly- shifted as those ballots were “This is the end of gerry-
member Adrin Nazarian tabulated. mandering in Los Angeles,
held a double-digit lead over Residents of Los Angeles and it’s the beginning of a
small-business owner Jillian also signed off on several new era of focusing on ethics
Burgos in the race to replace amendments to the City and a more robust democ-
Councilmember Paul Kreko- Charter, the document that racy,” he said.
rian, who is departing be- spells out government oper- Voters also appeared on
cause of term limits, accord- ations at City Hall. their way to approving Char-
ing to partial returns. Voters overwhelmingly ter Amendment FF, which
Nazarian was “cautiously supported Charter Amend- would allow officers in some
optimistic” about the initial ment DD, which would take of the city’s smaller law en-
results, saying he thinks his redistricting — the process forcement agencies to switch
message resonated with vot- of creating new boundary into the more lucrative Los
ers. lines for the city’s 15 council Angeles Fire and Police Pen-
“My campaign was about districts — out of the hands sions system.
making Los Angeles a place of city politicians, turning it Charter Amendment FF
where businesses can thrive, over to an independent would apply to about 460
where families can thrive, Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times panel of citizen volunteers. park rangers, port police offi-
where people can feel safe LOS ANGELES City Council candidate Ysabel Jurado receives flowers from a The proposal was first cers and law enforcement of-
and have an affordable, sus- supporter as she arrives at her election night party in Highland Park on Tuesday. unveiled in the wake of the ficers assigned to the city’s
tainable life,” he said. 2021 redistricting process, airports. It would cost the
Jurado and Burgos were peatedly voiced fears about mento from 2012 to 2022 and closed, Hutt said her cam- following frustration over ef- city’s general fund $23 mil-
running to push the council high housing costs, with was at one point a high-level paign was about “bringing forts to redraw several dis- lion at the outset and about
further left on such issues as many saying they had to Krekorian aide. District 2 commonsense resources to tricts in the Valley. It gained $1 million per year after that.
public safety and city spend- work multiple jobs or live takes in all or parts of North the community,” such as new momentum after the Yet another city measure,
ing. Backed by the Demo- with multiple people in order Hollywood, Studio City, To- trimming trees and picking 2022 audio leak scandal, Charter Amendment HH,
cratic Socialists of America, to afford the rent. luca Lake, Valley Glen, Valley up “bulky items” from the when three council mem- passed easily. That measure
LA Forward and other prog- “A lot of people are afraid Village and other areas. curb and sidewalk. She said bers, including De León, and would expand the subpoena
ressive groups, they have that unless we expand rent In a district stretching she had followed in the foot- a high-profile labor leader powers of the city attorney
been looking to expand the control and work on imple- from Koreatown to the Cren- steps of U.S. Sen. Alex were heard on a recording and clarify that the city con-
bloc of council members who menting our tenant anti- shaw Corridor, Coun- Padilla (D-Calif.) and former discussing ways of drawing troller can obtain records in-
would rein in spending at the harassment ordinance, that cilmember Heather Hutt Councilmember Gilbert the lines that would benefit volving city contractors. It
Los Angeles Police Depart- people are going to be held a lead of more than 20 Lindsay, who were ap- either themselves or their al- would also require that the
ment and carry out new ten- pushed out of the district,” percentage points over at- pointed to their offices. lies. Board of Harbor Commis-
ant protections. Burgos said. torney Grace Yoo, partial re- “I think that’s great com- Voters also approved a sioners have at least two lo-
Burgos said voters re- Nazarian served in Sacra- turns showed. pany to be in,” she said. companion measure, Char- cal representatives — one
Hutt, a onetime staffer to Yoo ran for the 10th Dis- ter Amendment LL, which from San Pedro, the other
several state elected offi- trict seat twice before — in would put independent re- from Wilmington.
cials, was appointed to the 2015 and 2020 — losing both districting in place at the Los Charter Amendment II,
City Council in 2022 as a tem- times. She promised to be Angeles Unified School Dis- which makes a series of tech-

Place a paid notice latimes.com/placeobituary
Search obituary notice archives:
porary replacement for
Mark Ridley-Thomas after
his indictment on corruption
charges. After Ridley-Thom-
as was convicted, the council
more aggressive than Hutt
in tackling homelessness,
trash removal and neighbor-
hood quality-of-life issues.
In an interview, Yoo said
trict. Both DD and LL would
go into effect in time for the
next redistricting, which
coincides with the release of
U.S. census results in 2030.
nical changes to the City
Charter, won voter approval.
That measure would, among
other things, clarify that the
Los Angeles Zoo and the El
legacy.com/obituaries/latimes reappointed Hutt to the in- her campaign was about Charter Amendment ER, Pueblo de Los Angeles His-
terim post. change. a plan to strengthen the toric Monument are park
Minutes after the polls “It was about having an power of the City Ethics property.

Schiff easily defeats Garvey for U.S. Senate

[Schiff, from B1] Representatives, the Bur-
geles. bank Democrat — once
With returns from the mocked by the former presi-
East Coast and Midwest dent as a “little pencil neck”
Stephen Miller showing that Republicans — used Trump’s vitriol to
S t e p h e n M i l l e r, b e - were on track to retake con- propel himself to national
loved brother, husband, trol of the U.S. Senate, Schiff fame. His role in the im-
uncle, friend, a lion of the cast himself as a protector of peachment lionized him
Los Angeles legal community, the causes that Californians among fellow Democrats,
and a son of Washington, DC, hold dear. demonized him among
passed away peacefully at
“I am committed to tak- Republicans and seeded his
home in the West Hollywood
Hills on October 31. To place ing on the big fights to pro-
tect our freedoms and to
campaign for the Senate.
Both men invoked
Stephen was the son
of Louis and Geraldine
an obituary protect our democracy,”
Schiff said. “California will
Trump frequently on the
campaign trail.
Miller and brother of Sylvia
Miller Shenk. He grew up a ad please go continue to be at the fore-
front of progress, the bul-
Schiff criticized Garvey
for voting for Trump three
popular kid in Northwest
D.C., attending Coolidge online to: wark of democracy, the
champion of innovation and Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times
times, including in this
year’s primaries, and sought
High School, Washington
the protector of our rights ADAM B. SCHIFF and his wife, Eve, celebrate his to yoke him to Trump’s most
and Lee University, and
Georgetown University Law and freedoms.” victory in the California Senate race, easily beating unpopular policy proposals,
School, before moving in the latimes.com/ Schiff said he was reflect-
ing on the legacy of the late
Republican and former Dodgers star Steve Garvey. including mass deporta-
tions of people living in the
1960s to Los Angeles to join
the U.S. Attorney’s Office. As placeobituary Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a “gi- by Frank Sinatra played. appointed to his post the country illegally.
an Assistant United States ant of the U.S. Senate,” The event, hosted by the year before when his prede- California voters, Schiff
Attorney, Stephen distin- whose seat he will fill. Schiff East Valley Republican cessor, Harris, became vice said, do not want “some
guished himself as a fair but also wished Garvey well, Women Patriots, was deco- president. MAGA mini-me in a base-
feared federal prosecutor, saying he understands that rated with cardboard cut- Garvey and Schiff en- ball uniform.”
and after leaving the office it’s “not easy to be a candi- outs of Trump, including tered the Senate race with Garvey called Schiff a liar
Stephen formed a respected date for any office.” one that showed him as the name recognition and na- for telling the American peo-
criminal boutique firm and After an expensive and Terminator. Supporters tional profiles crafted in very ple there was evidence of col-
became a leading light of acrimonious primary battle dined on seared chicken different arenas: Garvey in lusion between Russia and
the L.A. criminal defense bar. among Democrats, the gen- breast with champagne Di- Chavez Ravine, and Schiff Trump’s 2016 campaign. He
His criminal clients included or call eral election race for the jon sauce and chilled on Capitol Hill. also accused Schiff of pursu-
Hollywood celebrities such
as Frank Zappa; major cor- 1-800-234-4444 Senate seat was sleepy, bor- roasted asparagus. During 18 years playing ing a vendetta against
dering on dull. “We took a stand on what first base for the Dodgers Trump to burnish his own
porations including Sears and
General Dynamics; politicians Schiff and his allies spent impacted Californians,” and San Diego Padres, Gar- career.
such as Los Angeles Mayor more than $35 million during Garvey said. “I will still fight vey was known as “Mr. “How can you think
Tom Bradley and State the primary on ads that with this new platform we’ve Clean” for his sweet-swing- about one man every day
Senator Frank Hill; and any- called Garvey “too conser- created.” ing home runs and his and focus on that when
one challenged by the crimi- vative for California.” The Garvey called the night wholesome image. you’ve got millions of people
nal justice system. Stephen strategy helped to consoli- bittersweet in many ways, Garvey toyed with the in California to take care of?”
used his unparalleled gifts of date Republican support saying that he believed idea of running for Senate Garvey said during the only
charm, quick wit, and brilliant behind Garvey and vault Trump would be reelected shortly after his 1988 retire- debate between the candi-
mind to connect with judges him past fierce competitor and “he’ll be supported by a ment. But he was instead dates last month. “I think it’s
and juries alike. Famously, a Rep. Katie Porter, an Or- strong Senate.” He added mired in scandal, including unconscionable.”
federal jury once sang happy ange County Democrat, who that he wished he could have mounting debts and Garvey said repeatedly
birthday to Stephen. Stephen finished a distant third. been part of that Senate. lawsuits and backlash from that he voted for “the best
was highly respected by his Garvey, 75, held few pub- A seat in the Senate, one two children born out of man for the job,” but didn’t
peers and was elected as lic events and struggled to of the most coveted in Cali- wedlock. seek the former president’s
a Fellow of the American
gain traction with voters in a fornia politics, rarely comes He finally decided to run endorsement, which Trump
College of Trial Lawyers.
state that has not elected a open. Feinstein served in the last year, he said, after decid- described as a “big mistake.”
Known for his wonderful Republican to statewide of- Senate for more than three ing that the dysfunction in The sharpest elbows of
sense of humor, a passion for fice in nearly two decades. decades, and Sen. Barbara Washington was too much to the race were thrown during
pulling pranks, and a deep, With a healthy lead in the Boxer for nearly a quarter- bear. the primary, when Califor-
generous commitment to polls, Schiff turned his atten- century. Garvey leaned heavily on nia’s Democrats were forced
his family, friends, and col- tion to boosting Democrats A Senate seat can also be nostalgia to promote his to choose among Schiff,
leagues, Stephen lived life in swing states, raising mon- a launching pad for higher campaign to California’s Porter and Rep. Barbara
to its fullest: travel around
ey for California’s House office, as was the case for older voters. He sold signed Lee of Oakland, all popular
the globe, golf and hunting
candidates and traveling Harris, President Nixon and baseballs for $100 on his Democrats in their own
trips, reading the classics
(especially Shakespeare), out of state to stump for Vice California Gov. Pete Wilson. campaign website and ap- right.
and enjoying each moment President Kamala Harris California’s ballot in- peared at fundraisers be- Schiff focused on his
that he spent with those and his future colleagues in cluded two Senate ques- neath a banner showing him decades of experience, in-
many people who loved him. the Senate. tions. One asked voters to slugging a baseball. cluding his high-profile work
Stephen became practically “If this were the 2000 Sen- select Schiff or Garvey to As an assistant U.S. at- managing Trump’s first
a native of Los Angeles, and ate race, then the competi- serve out the remainder of torney in Los Angeles, Schiff impeachment trial and his
was delighted to wear a tive nature of California’s Feinstein’s term, which ends won the conviction of Rich- role on the Jan. 6 House
Dodgers cap while watching politics and Garvey’s rela- in early January. ard Miller, a former FBI committee investigating
his team win the World Series tively recent sports suc- The other asked voters to agent charged with passing the 2021 attack on the Capi-
the night before he died. cesses might have made him select one of the men to classified documents to the tol. Lee leaned on her long-
Stephen is survived by his a very competitive candi- serve a subsequent six-year Soviet Union. After serving time progressive, antiwar
sister Sylvia, nephews Maury date,” said Dan Schnur, a Senate term. in the California Legislature credentials. And Porter
and Gary Shenk, niece Julia professor of political com- Schiff led in both races in as a pro-law enforcement struck a populist tone,
Godfrey, the extended Miller munication at USC, UC early returns Tuesday. Cali- Democrat, he was first promising to stand up to cor-
Berkeley and Pepperdine. fornia’s election results will elected to the House in 2002 porate influence in Washing-
family, late wife Jeanne who
passed in 2020, ex-wives Share a “But given how the state has need to be certified before and rose to national promi- ton.
Sandy and Priscilla, and dear
friends. He is returning to
rest in the D.C. area along-
memory changed, and how many
years have passed, it became
Schiff can be sworn in, a
spokesperson for Senate
nence 15 years later as a
member of the House Intelli-
Garvey painted himself
as an antidote to what he
almost an impossible uphill Majority Leader Charles E. gence Committee, investi- called California’s failed libe-
side his parents. Graveside climb for him.” Schumer (D-N.Y.) said. gating the Trump cam- ral leadership.
service will be held Sunday, To sign a guest book
please go to Garvey joined more than California will have two paign’s alleged ties to Russia
November 10, 2024, at 1pm, 400 supporters in Rancho male senators for the first in 2016. Times staff writers Angie
at Judean Memorial Gardens latimes.com/guestbooks
Mirage on Tuesday night, time in more than three dec- As the lead prosecutor in Orellana Hernandez and
in Olney, Maryland. His family
shaking hands and, later, ades. Sen. Alex Padilla was the first impeachment trial Alex Wigglesworth
welcomes gifts to the City of
Hope hospital in Los Angeles taking the stage as “My Way” elected in 2022 after being of Trump in the House of contributed to this report.
in lieu of flowers.
L AT I M E S . C O M T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 B5

Don’t despair — California will remain a force for good and innovation
State’s demise: “California: fortably. The booms and Hollywood recently de- what it can do to move the California goes, so eventu-
Despite expected The Endangered Dream.” busts of an innovation econ- clared, “L.A. is a much-bet- world forward? ally goes the country, and
“California: State of Shock.” omy. It’s the story of Califor- ter-weather version of De- James Fallows makes eventually much of the
hostility from Trump, “Los Angeles: Is the City of nia — thrilling and a bit un- troit right now.” that case in a pre-election world.”
state can move ahead Angels Going to Hell?” Not stable at the same time. It’s easy to see Kamala essay in Wired, where he ar- Fallows, a noted Ameri-
to be outdone, Newsweek Back in the 1990s, the Cali- Harris’ defeat as one more gues that California’s role as can chronicler who grew up
as a bellwether. weighed in with “California: fornia-as-disaster-epic nar- loss for California, both be- a force for good and innova- in Redlands, offers coun-
American Dream, American rative was tinged with some cause she is a product of the tion will continue despite ternarratives to some of Cal-
By Shelby Grad Nightmare” and a few years gloating — a comeuppance state and because so much the election results. He says ifornia’s bigger black eyes.
later with “California in Cri- for a star-making destina- of her political philosophy the state’s pushback against Our grossly over-budget
By the time I started sis,” complete with a cartoon tion that for decades was was formed here. the rise of Trumpism is far “train to nowhere” high
working as a reporter at the showing the state literally America’s postwar wonder- Many Californians woke from its most important speed rail system? It’s an
Los Angeles Times three breaking apart and falling land. Now, the narrative feels up Wednesday with a deep contribution. epic project that, when fi-
decades ago, the California into the Pacific Ocean. more like a permanent state sense of darkness about the “California deserves new nally completed, will funda-
dystopia genre was already Earthquakes. Wildfires. of mind as well as a culture future of the state and the attention as the ‘reinvention mentally change the way we
well established. The palpable effects of cli- war weapon. In a sign of the nation. state’ rather than a ‘resist- get around and potentially
Three times in the early mate change. Racial injus- times, one popular pod- But does fatalism blind ance state,’ ” he writes. open up the Central Valley
1990s, the cover of Time mag- tice. The very rich and the caster talking about the us to what California’s role “Even under Trump, there’s as a hub for desperately
azine trumpeted the Golden very poor coexisting uncom- painful recession gripping needs to be right now and still a good chance that as [See California, B6]


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Cash paid 4 pre1975. Buying Equal Opportunity Employer, with funding assistance Amended Summons/Orlando Mota/Marlan from state’s direct allocation of Coronavirus State Equal Opportunity Employer, with funding assistance
all SPORTS CARDS of any size from state’s direct allocation of Coronavirus State Mota/Joana M. Sosa/Does 1 to 10, inclusive from state’s direct allocation of Coronavirus State and
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Notice To Defendant (Aviso Al Demandado): General Fund for Homekey sites, is seeking qualified Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSFRF) and state’s Gen-
General Fund for Homekey sites, is seeking qualified eral Fund for Homekey sites, is seeking qualified Li-
Licensed Contractors to Bid on a project involving Orlando Mota, an individual; Marlan Mota, an Licensed Contractors to Bid on a project involving
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building improvements in an existing facility located ing improvements in an existing facility located at
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the El Sereno neigh- Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices
borhood of northeast Legal Notices Legal Notices county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If
Los Angeles. The deve- you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for
lopment will include
Installation Restoration Program Sites 1, 2, 3, 5, 16, 17, on time, you may lose the case by default, and your (CITACION JUDICIAL) IMPACT REPORT (ENV-2022-6688-EIR): 5950-6048 W
seven buildings of 18, and 24 and Anomaly Area 3
wages, money and property may be taken without CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso): Hollywood Blvd & 6037 West Carlton Way, LA, CA 90028.
multi-family residential Former Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, Irvine, Califor-
affordable housing nia, October 2024 further warning from the court. There are other 24NNCV02810 The 6000 Hollywood Boulevard Project proposes a
and one community The United States Department of the Navy (Navy), legal requirements. You may want to call an mixed-use development comprised of 350 residential
building. Construction is as the lead agency, has completed the Fourth Com- attorney right away. If you do not know an NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: units (including 44 units for Very Low-Income
scheduled to start in the prehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): households), 136,000 sf of office, 18,004 sf of retail, and
first quarter of 2025. and Liability Act (CERCLA) Five-Year Review (FYR) for service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may MAURICIO VIVANCO, An Individual; DE LOS 4,038 sf of restaurants within three primary buildings
Interested contractors Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Sites 1, 2, 3, be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit ANGELES, a California Limited Liability Company; (Buildings A, B, and C) and 11 low-rise structures. The
should contact: Jack 5, 16, 17, 18, and 24 and Anomaly Area 3 at Former legal services program. You can locate these and does 1 through 100, inclusive Project would result in a total floor area of 501,185
Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) El Toro, Irvine, Cali- nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services square feet on a 3.7-acre site, with a maximum building
Wickersham at jmwick
fornia. Former MCAS El Toro is located approximately Web site (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), the height of 419 feet. All existing improvements and uses
[email protected] 8 miles southeast of Santa Ana and 12 miles northeast YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF:
California Courts Online Self-Help Center (LO ESTÁ DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE)
on the site would be demolished.
of Laguna Beach. The Navy conducted the FYR in ac- (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or by contacting
cordance with the requirements of CERCLA Section ANIL GOPALA, An Individual
121(c) to determine whether the remedies are being your local court or county bar association. Note:
Based on the Draft EIR, the Project would result in
implemented in accordance with the Final Records of The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and
NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide significant and unavoidable impacts related to on-site
Decision and continue to remain protective of human costs on any settlement or arbitration award of
against you without your being heard unless you construction noise, off-site construction noise, on-site
health and the environment. The remedies at IRP Sites $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien
respond within 30 days. Read the information construction vibration for human annoyance, and off-
1, 2, 5, 16, 17, 18, and Anomaly Area 3 remain protec- must be paid before the court will dismiss the case.
site vibration for human annoyance, cumulative on-site
tive of human health and the environment. The rem- ¡Aviso! Lo han demandado. Si no responde dentro below.
edies at IRP Sites 3 and 24 were found to be protec- You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and off-site construction noise, and cumulative on-site
de 30 días, la corte puede decidir en su contra sin
tive in the short-term, and the review recommended and legal papers are served on you to ile a written and off-site construction vibration for human
escuchar su versión. Lea la información a
actions to ensure they will be protective in the long response at this court and have a copy served on the annoyance. All other potential impacts would be less
continuación. Tiene 30 Días De Calendario después
term. plaintif. A letter or phone call will not protect you. than significant or mitigated to less-than-significant
de que le entreguen esta citación y papeles legales
para presentar una respuesta por escrito en esta Your written response must be in proper legal form
Remedies, Protectiveness Statements, and Recom-
mended Actions corte y hacer que se entregue una copia al if you want the court to hear your case. There may
IRP Sites 1 and 2 Groundwater – conduct in-situ bio- demandante. Una carta o una llamada telefónica be a court form that you can use for your response. Review and Comment: Submit comments on the DEIR
remediation and monitoring to address perchlorate no lo protegen. Su respuesta por escrito tiene que You can ind these court forms and more in writing, and reference the case number above, by
in groundwater (GW); implement monitored natural estar en formato legal correcto si desea que information at the California Courts Online Self-Help 4:00 pm on Monday, December 23, 2024, to Kathleen
attenuation (MNA) to address volatile organic com- procesen su caso en la corte. Es posible que haya Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your county King, Department of City Planning, 221 N Figueroa St,
pounds (VOCs) in groundwater; and implement insti- un formulario que usted pueda usar para su Ste 1350, Los Angeles, CA 90012, or by email to
law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you
tutional controls (ICs). Remedy is Protective. respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formularios de la [email protected]. Documents are available for
IRP Sites 2 and 17 Landfills – consolidate and cap cannot pay the iling fee, ask the court clerk for a fee
corte y más información en el Centro de Ayuda de waiver form. If you do not ile your response on review at the address listed above by appointment only
waste to prevent contact with and migration of sub- las Cortes de California (www.sucorte.ca.gov), en la
surface contamination; monitor landfill gas (LFG) and time, you may lose the case by default, and your by calling (213) 847-3624; at the following libraries: Los
GW; and implement ICs. Remedy is Protective. biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en la corte que Angeles Central Library, 630 W 5th St, 90071; Frances
wages, money, and property may be taken without
IRP Sites 3 and 5 Landfills – consolidate and cap waste le quede más cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota de Howard Goldwyn-Hollywood Regional Library, 1623 Ivar
presentación, pida al secretario de la corte que le further warning from the court.
to prevent contact with and migration of subsurface Ave, 90028 ; and Will and Ariel Durant Branch Library,
dé un formulario de exención de pago de cuotas. Si There are other legal requirements. You may want 7140 W Sunset Blvd, 90046; and online at
contamination; monitor LFG and GW; and implement
ICs. Remedy is Short-Term Protective at IRP Site 3. no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an http://planning.lacity.gov/development-services/eir
Remedy is Protective at IRP Site 5. Conduct LFG inves- caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podrá quitar attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral
tigation at IRP Site 3, Waste Area C1 to support Long- su sueldo, dinero y bienes sin más advertencia. Hay service. If you cannot aford an attorney, you may be
Term Protectiveness. otros requisitos legales. Es recomendable que eligible for free legal services from a nonproit legal SUMMONS
IRP Site 16 – implement MNA of VOC-impacted GW llame a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no conoce services program. You can locate these nonproit CITACION JUDICIAL
and ICs. Remedy is Protective. a un abogado, puede llamar a un servicio de groups at the California Legal Services Web site
IRP Sites 18 and 24 – extract and treat VOC-impacted Case Number (Numero del Caso): 24STCV04912
GW; prevent VOC-impacted GW migration; monitor remisión a abogados. Si no puede pagar a un (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), the California Courts
GW quality; and implement ICs. Remedy is Protective abogado, es posible que cumpla con los requisitos Online Self-Help Center NOTICE TO DEFENDANT:
at IRP Site 18. Remedy is Short-term Protective at IRP para obtener servicios legales gratuitos de un (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or by contacting (AVISO AL DEMANDADO):
Site 24. Restrict residential use or require vapor intru- programa de servicios legales sin fines de lucro. your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The Testate and Intestate Successors of the Estate of
sion evaluation before potential future residential use Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines de lucro en The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and Gilbert Spaan, deceased, and all persons claiming by,
at IRP Site 24 to support Long-Term Protectiveness. el sitio web de California Legal Services, costs on any settlement or arbitration award of through, or under such decedent; (“Additional Parties
Anomaly Area 3 Landfill – cap waste to prevent con- (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), en el Centro de Attachment Form is Attached”)
tact with and migration of subsurface contamination; $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must
Ayuda de las Cortes de California,
provide stormwater control; monitor LFG and GW; and be paid before the court will dismiss the case. YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF:
(www.sucorte.ca.gov) o poniéndose en contacto
implement ICs. Remedy is Protective. con la corte o el colegio de abogados locales. ¡AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde dentro (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE):
The Navy has identified the presence of certain per- de 30 días, la corte puede decidir en su contra sin SATISHBHAI J. PATEL, an individual; SEJAL S. PATEL, an
and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in groundwa- Aviso: Por ley, la corte tiene derecho a reclamar las individual; SATISHBHAI JETHABHAI PETEL, as Trustee
cuotas y los costos exentos por imponer un escuchar su version. Lea la información a
ter at IRP Sites 1, 2, 16, 18, and 24. Certain PFAS are continuación. and SEJAL SATISH PATEL, as Trustee of the PATEL
now listed as a CERCLA hazardous substances, and gravamen sobre cualquier recuperación de $10,000 FAMILY TRUST dated June 23, 2023;
the Navy has initiated the CERCLA process for these ó más de valor recibida mediante un acuerdo o una Tiene 30 DÍAS DE CALENDARIO después de que le
chemicals pursuant to United States Department of concesión de arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. entreguen esta citación y papeles legales para NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide
Defense guidance. A basewide Preliminary Assess- Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte antes de presenter una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y against you without your being heard unless you
ment/Site Inspection was finalized in November 2021 que la corte pueda desechar el caso. The name and hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. respond within 30 days. Read the information below.
and additional investigations were completed in Sep- address of the court is: (El nombre y dirección de la Una carta o una llamada telefónica no lo prolegen. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons
tember 2022 and May 2023. The Navy is conducting corte es): Stanley Mosk Courthouse 111 North Hill Su respuesta por escrito tiene que estar en formato and legal papers are served on you to file a written
further investigation of PFAS impacts to GW and soil Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 Case Number: response at this court and have a copy served on the
at IRP Sites 1, 2, 16, 18, and 24. legal correcto si desea que procesen su caso en la plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you.
The Final Fourth CERCLA FYR Report is available for (Número del Caso): 21STCV36300 The name, corte. Es posible que haya un formulario que usted Your written response must be in proper legal form if
public inspection at the following website and loca- address, and telephone number of plaintiff's pueda usar para su respuesta. Puede encontrar you want the court to hear your case. There may be
tion: https://go.usa.gov/xhqEK attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney, is: (El estos formularios de la corte y más información en el a court form that you can use for your response. You
nombre, la dirección y el número de teléfono del Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California can find these court forms and more information at
Administrative Record File abogado del demandante, o del demandante que the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.
(www.sucorte.ca.gov), en la biblioteca de leyes de su
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command no tiene abogado, es): John C. Steele, Steele LLP, courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your county law library, or
Southwest condado o en la corte que le quede más cerca. Si no the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the fil-
17272 Red Hill Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614 (949)222-
750 Pacific Highway, Code EV33 1161 Date (Fecha): 10/18/2021 Sherri R. Carter puede pagar la cuota de presentación, pida al ing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you
Naval Base San Diego Building 3519 Executive Officer / Clerk of Court Clerk (Secretario), secretario de la corte que le dé un formulario de do not file your response on time, you may lose the
San Diego, CA 92132 by /s/ J. So, Deputy (Adjunto) extención de pago de cuotas. Si no presenta su case by default, and your wages, money, and property
respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el caso por may be taken without further warning from the court.
For information about the Fourth CERCLA FYR or any Published in the Los Angeles Times on: There are other legal requirements. You may
11/7, 11/14, 11/21 & 11/28/2024 incumplimiento y la corte le podrá quitar su sueldo,
environmental cleanup activities at Former Marine want to call an attorney right away. If you do not
Corps Air Station El Toro, please contact the following: dinero y hiener sin más advertencia. know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney
Ms. Elizabeth Roddy Hay otros requisitos legales. Es recomendable que referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you
Base Realignment and Closure Environmental Coor- llame a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no conoce a may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit
dinator un abogado, puede llamar a un servicio de remision legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit
Base Realignment and Closure Program Management Don’t let the phone a abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abogado, es groups at the California Legal Services Web Site (www.
Office West
33000 Nixie Way, Building 50, Suite 207 stop ringing posible que cumpla con los requisitos para obtener lawhelpcalifornia.org), the California Courts Online
Self-Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or
San Diego, CA 92147 servicios legales gratuitos de un programa de by contacting your local court or county bar associa-
(619) 524-4048 servicios legales sin ines de lucro. Puede encontrar tion. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived
[email protected] estos grupos sin ines de lucro en el sitio web de fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award
Advertise with of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must
California Legal Services,
LA Times Classified (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), en el Centro de Ayuda be paid before the court will dismiss the case.
de las Cortes de California, (www.sucorte.ca.gov) o іAVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde
LA Times Classified dentro de 30 dias, la corte puede decider en su
poniéndose en contacto con la corte o el colegio de contra sin escuchar su version. Lea la informacion a
(800) 234-4444 abogados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte tiene continuacion.
derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los costos extentos Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO despues de que
por imponer un gravamen sobre cualquier le entreguen esta citacion y papeles legales para
THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME recuperación de $10,000 ó más de valor recibida presenter una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y
By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una
mediante un acuerdo o una concesión de arbitraje
carta o una llamada telefonica no lo protegen. Su
Unscramble these Jumbles, en un caso de derecho civil. Tiene que pagar el
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

one letter to each square, respuesta por escrito tiene que estar en formato legal
gravamen de la corte antes de que la corte pueda correcto si desea que procesen su caso en la corte. Es
to form four ordinary words. desechar el caso. posible que haya un formulario que usted pueda usar
para su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formularios
PNEIT The name and address of the court is: de la corte y mas informacion en el Centro de Ayuda
(El nombre y dirección de la corte es): de las Cortes de California (www.sucorte.ca.gov), en
la biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en la corte
COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES que le quede mas cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota
Glendale Courthouse de presentacion, pida al secretario de la corte que le
600 East Broadway
CBEHA Glendale, CA 91206
de un formulario de exencion de pago de cuotas. Si
no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el
caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podra quitar su
The name, address, and telephone number of the sueldo, dinero y bienes sin mas advertencia.
plaintif’s attorney, or plaintif without an The name and address of the court is: (El nombre y
attorney, is:
UAAING (El nombre, la dirección y el número de telefono del
direccion de la corte es):
abogado del demandante, o del demandante que 111 N. Hill Street
no tiene abodgado, es): Los Angeles, CA 90012
Ajay Scott Narayan, 695 Town Center Drive #1200,
The name, address, and telephone number of
CNELTU Costa Mesa, CA 92626,
[email protected]
310-717-9907, plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an at-
torney, is: (El nombre, la direccion y el numero
de telefono del abogado del demandante, o del
Now arrange the circled letters Date: 07/10/2024 demandante que no tiene abogado, es):
©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as Lori C. Hershorin, Esq. of Hershorin & Henry LLP
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon. David W. Slayton Executive Oicer/ 26475 Rancho Parkway South
Lake Forest, CA 92630
Clerk of the Court 949-859-5600
A Oliva Deputy Date: (Fecha) 04/05/2024
(Answers tomorrow) (Adjunto)
Jumbles: PEACE BRINK CROUCH GALLOP David W. Slayton Clerk
Yesterday’s (Secretario)
Answer: The tiger leapt at his prey but totally missed. He Published in the Los Angeles Times 11/7, 11/14,
S. Bolden Deputy
was very bummed, but he’d — “POUNCE” BACK 11/21, and 11/28/2024 (Adjunto)
B6 T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M

Today in Southern California Today in North America

Winds abating: Santa Ana winds, though less strong than on Wednesday, will still still be powerful enough Snow in the southern Rockies: A storm coming out of the Southwest
when combined with dry vegetation and low relative humidity to keep the fire spread and new fire start risk will bring snow to the mountains and high ground of New Mexico and
high Thursday. As high pressure to the north and east continues to slide away, winds will not be a factor on Colorado. Locally severe thunderstorms will develop late in West Texas.
Friday and Saturday. Dry weather will continue Sunday as fronts stay to the north. Flooding rain will fall across part of the Carolinas and Georgia.

5-day forecasts Pressure: L Low H High Warm Front Cold Front Jet Stream Trough
High/low temperatures are average forecasts for entire zone.
Temps –0 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100+ Rain T-storm Snow Ice
L.A. Basin Valleys Beaches Mountains Deserts
Today 75/50 73/46 72/47 47/20 76/50 Winnipeg
Sunshine Sunny and windy Sunshine Sunny; windy, chilly Sunny, but cool Montreal
Friday Sunny 75/53 Sunny 77/48 Sunny 73/51 Sunny; milder 57/22 Sunny 80/50 57/45 52/42
Saturday Sunny 75/52 Sunny 76/49 Sunny 73/50 Sunny 61/29 Sunny 80/53 Billings Toronto
Sunday Partly sunny 75/51 Partly sunny 75/51 Some sunshine 70/50 Partly sunny 62/29 Hazy sun 81/54 54/32 57/44
Monday Partly sunny 66/56 Partly sunny 69/52 Rather cloudy 64/53 Partly sunny 55/28 Hazy sun 81/56 Minneapolis 60/43
50/37 New York
Air quality Good Moderate Unhealthful for: Sensitive people All Not Available San Francisco
59/41 Washington
70/49 Denver
SANTA Santa Clarita South Coast Air Quality Management District forecasts air quality 34/27 78/54
BARBARA CO. Santa Paula 73/42 Hesperia Kansas City
Santa Ojai78/44 64/27 Los Angeles
Barbara 76/46 Simi Valley 75/50
Chatsworth SAN BERNARDINO CO. Atlanta
71/42 73/43 Burbank Monrovia
Ventura Camarillo 73/46 77/65
74/45 74/49
72/50 77/46 Pomona/ Yucca Valley
El Paso
UCLA 62/38
Westlake 73/47 L.A. Downtown Fairplex Ontario San Bernardino 63/41
76/50 Woodland 75/50 76/43 74/42 87/71
Village 75/46
Hills Chihuahua
76/45 Whittier 82/45 Miami
76/44 Chino Monterrey 86/77
Santa Monica Hills 78/38 Riverside RIVERSIDE CO. 85/69
72/47 78/48 Fullerton 72/36
Surf and sea Torrance 78/46 U.S. cities
Inner waters: Northeast winds 20- Long ORANGE CO. Hemet Palm WEDNESDAY’S EXTREMES AS OF 2 P.M. FOR THE 48 CONTIGUOUS STATES
40 knots becoming north to north- Beach Newport Irvine 73/35 Springs High 93 in Gonzales, La. Low –2 in Lake Yellowstone, Wyo.
west 15-30 knots. Seas 3-5 feet; 78/47 79/45 76/50
mixed swell 1-3 feet at 8 seconds. Beach
Mission Viejo
76/48 Temecula Wednesday* Today Wednesday* Today
Surf zone: The risk of strong rip cur- Laguna 76/46 City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky
rents is moderate at Ventura County 76/36
Beach San Albany 76 62 .02 63 41 Pc Seattle 55 41 -- 57 45 Su
beaches and low elsewhere. 74/49 Clemente Albuquerque 40 38 .09 38 32 Sn Tampa 91 78 .18 88 72 Ts
76/48 SAN DIEGO CO. Anchorage 43 39 -- 37 30 Pc Tucson 67 44 -- 59 38 Su
Oceanside Aspen 34 19 .16 41 16 Sn Tulsa 68 41 -- 66 50 Pc
Atlanta 74 67 .02 77 65 Sh Washington, D.C. 82 62 -- 78 54 Sh
County Height Period Direction Temp Sun and moon 80/33 Austin 81 43 -- 78 70 Ts Wichita 63 41 -- 60 47 Pc
Santa Barbara 1-3’ 8 sec S 61 Baltimore 80 62 -- 77 45 Cy
Today’s rise/set
Ventura 2-4’ 8 sec SW 61 Escondido Ramona Boise 45 23 -- 49 30 Su World
Los Angeles 1-3’ 8 sec SW 59 Los Angeles Co. Orange Co. Ventura Co. 78/38 74/35 Boston 81 61 -- 70 44 Su Acapulco 86 75 .04 88 77 Pc
Orange 1-3’ 8 sec SSW 61 Sun 6:19a/4:55p 6:17a/4:54p 6:23a/4:58p Bufalo 65 62 .13 57 47 Su Amsterdam 52 43 -- 49 38 Cy
Moon 12:04p/10:01p 12:02p/10:00p 12:08p/10:04p Poway
San Diego 1-3’ 8 sec SSW 64 Burlington, Vt. 70 64 Tr 55 44 Su Athens 64 55 -- 66 54 Su
77/40 Charleston, S.C. 83 65 .01 79 69 Ts Bangkok 86 79 -- 89 77 Pc
Charlotte 74 66 .15 76 64 Sh Barcelona 70 61 -- 69 56 Pc
Tides San Diego Chicago 52 50 Tr 59 41 Su Berlin 55 33 -- 46 38 Cy
L.A. Outer Harbor, in feet. 75/45 Cincinnati 69 63 .55 62 42 Pc Cabo San Lucas 82 57 -- 81 63 Su
Nov. 8 Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 30
Today 11:43a 5.1 Hi 8:24p 0.4 Lo Cleveland 66 64 .28 58 43 Pc Cairo 79 60 -- 83 65 Su
------ Hi ------ Lo Columbia, S.C. 82 65 1.02 74 67 Ts Dubai 95 81 -- 93 78 Su
Fri. 4:50a 3.7 Hi 7:13a 3.7 Lo
Almanac Columbus 68 63 .31 63 38 Su Dublin 63 54 .02 58 52 Cy
Wednesday Downtown readings Dallas/Ft.Worth 73 51 -- 73 63 Ts Havana 81 77 1.96 83 73 Sh
1:16p 4.8 Hi 9:28p 0.3 Lo Denver 30 27 .42 34 27 Sn Ho Chi Minh City 90 76 .19 92 77 Ts
Temperature Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura* Precipitation Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura* Detroit 69 58 .02 60 43 Su Hong Kong 83 73 -- 82 70 Pc
UV index High/low 76/51 76/51 75/52 24-hour total (as of 2 p.m.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 El Paso 72 43 -- 63 41 Pc Istanbul 59 48 -- 65 53 Su
Minutes to burn for sensitive people Normal high/low 75/56 77/53 72/50 Season total (since Oct. 1) 0.00 0.01 0.08 Eugene 51 38 Tr 58 37 Fg Jerusalem 75 56 -- 73 59 Hz
High/low a year ago 76/55 76/51 74/53 Last season (Oct. 1 to date) Trace Trace 0.00 Fort Myers 89 77 .09 87 73 Ts Johannesburg 84 50 -- 82 56 Cy
Las Vegas, 45 Phoenix, 45
Record high/date 95/2006 96/2006 95/2006 Season norm (Oct. 1 to date) 0.68 0.59 0.95 Hartford 83 58 -- 71 39 Pc Kuala Lumpur 89 76 .43 92 76 Ts
Los Angeles, 45 San Francisco, 45 Record low/date 40/1879 47/2011 42/1951 Humidity (high/low) 93/12 96/27 66/8 Honolulu 85 73 .07 85 73 Sh Lima 69 62 -- 70 61 Cy
Houston 86 64 -- 87 71 Ts London 52 48 -- 57 46 Cy
California cities* Indianapolis 69 59 1.05 60 40 Su Madrid 70 48 -- 67 45 Cy
Wed.* Today Fri. Wed.* Today Fri. Wed.* Today Fri. Jacksonville, Fla. 85 72 .52 86 69 Ts Mecca 95 71 -- 96 73 Su
Kansas City 59 38 -- 58 40 Pc Mexico City 78 51 -- 79 51 Pc
City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo Knoxville 78 59 Tr 81 62 Sh Montreal 70 59 .01 52 42 Su
Anaheim 74 51 -- 79 43 80 45 L.A. D’ntown/USC 78 48 -- 75 50 75 53 San Diego 78 48 -- 75 45 77 46 Las Vegas 60 48 -- 64 43 Su Moscow 37 28 .28 41 38 Cy
Avalon/Catalina 65 52 -- 65 58 70 59 L.A. Int’l. Airport 77 50 -- 73 49 73 51 San Francisco 70 50 -- 70 49 68 48 Louisville 71 67 .96 66 47 Sh Mumbai 95 81 -- 97 73 Su
Bakersfield 75 42 -- 73 45 74 46 Laguna Beach 76 53 -- 74 49 72 50 San Gabriel 77 48 -- 76 49 78 53 Medford 61 32 -- 63 35 Su New Delhi 86 65 -- 87 67 Su
Barstow 61 34 -- 65 38 70 42 Lancaster 60 26 Tr 65 27 71 32 San Jose 76 47 -- 75 46 74 47 Memphis 70 63 1.76 67 57 Ts Paris 62 48 Tr 57 46 Pc
Big Bear Lake 39 17 -- 47 20 57 22 Long Beach 78 48 -- 78 47 78 48 San Luis Obispo 75 38 -- 79 43 78 44 Miami 85 81 .08 86 77 Ts Prague 41 39 .01 45 34 Cy
Bishop 53 24 -- 64 27 71 30 Mammoth Lakes 41 13 -- 53 20 60 23 Santa Ana 77 60 -- 78 50 77 51 Milwaukee 53 50 .04 58 43 Su Rome 70 50 -- 71 53 Pc
Burbank 74 48 -- 74 45 77 48 Mission Viejo 76 51 -- 76 46 75 46 Santa Barbara 73 41 -- 71 42 72 44 Minneapolis 49 33 -- 50 37 Su Seoul 54 34 -- 58 32 Pc
Camarillo 73 58 -- 77 46 73 48 Monrovia 75 49 -- 74 49 77 51 Santa Clarita 67 45 -- 73 42 79 46 Nashville 80 68 .19 71 57 Sh Singapore 86 77 -- 86 75 Ts
Chatsworth 67 51 -- 73 46 78 47 Monterey 73 48 -- 69 45 69 43 Santa Monica Pier 78 49 -- 72 47 73 51 New Orleans 87 72 -- 84 75 Pc Taipei City 73 68 -- 72 67 Pc
Chino 71 46 -- 78 38 78 41 Mt. Wilson 57 40 -- 48 42 54 42 Santa Paula 73 51 -- 78 44 76 48 New York 80 64 -- 73 49 Pc Tokyo 61 56 .01 64 52 Su
Compton 79 47 -- 78 48 79 47 Needles 66 50 -- 69 45 73 45 Santa Rosa 74 38 -- 75 37 74 37 Norfolk 82 58 -- 79 61 Sh Vancouver 52 43 -- 54 45 Pc
Dana Point 79 52 -- 75 49 72 47 Newport Beach 77 56 -- 76 48 73 51 Simi Valley 68 50 -- 73 43 78 42 Oklahoma City 69 43 -- 64 51 Cy Vienna 54 36 Tr 53 32 Hz
Death Valley 74 51 -- 77 55 80 50 Northridge 71 51 -- 75 44 79 49 Tahoe Valley 42 16 -- 52 18 58 27 Omaha 56 34 -- 54 36 Pc
Del Mar 82 50 -- 72 47 74 49 Oakland 73 46 Tr 72 46 70 46 Temecula 73 38 -- 76 36 81 41 Orlando 86 75 .50 86 71 Ts Key: Su sunny; Pc partly cloudy; Cy cloudy; Fg
Escondido 74 43 -- 78 38 81 40 Oceanside 83 40 -- 80 33 81 36 Thousand Oaks 70 53 -- 76 45 76 47 Philadelphia 80 61 -- 77 49 Pc foggy; Prcp precipitation; Dr drizzle; Hz hazy Sh
Eureka 59 41 -- 61 40 58 44 Ojai 74 45 -- 76 46 77 48 Torrance 75 51 -- 74 49 71 51 Phoenix 70 50 -- 67 47 Su showers; Ts thunderstorms; R rain; Sn snow; Sf
snow flurries; I ice; Rs rain/snow; W windy; Tr
Fallbrook 75 43 -- 77 39 80 40 Ontario 70 51 -- 75 46 78 48 UCLA 77 50 -- 73 47 75 50 Pittsburgh 72 65 .03 65 40 Pc trace. Notes: National extremes exclude Alaska
Fresno 70 43 -- 72 43 73 44 Palm Springs 72 54 -- 76 50 80 50 Van Nuys 72 55 -- 77 46 81 50 Portland, Ore. 59 43 Tr 61 41 Su and Hawaii. * - data estimated.
Fullerton 76 49 Tr 78 46 78 48 Pasadena 75 48 -- 73 48 77 53 Ventura 75 50 -- 72 50 70 51 Providence 77 59 -- 71 40 Pc Wednesday’s readings as of 2 p.m.
Hemet 70 34 -- 73 35 77 37 Paso Robles 74 29 -- 75 31 76 33 Whittier Hills 77 47 -- 78 48 79 49 Raleigh/Durham 82 58 -- 80 64 Sh
Hesperia 57 29 -- 63 30 70 36 Redding 70 42 -- 74 39 71 41 Woodland Hills 71 52 -- 76 44 78 49 Reno 45 31 -- 55 28 Su
Huntington Beach 76 56 -- 75 47 73 49 Riverside 69 40 -- 72 36 77 40 Wrightwood 45 30 -- 52 34 60 34 Richmond 81 57 -- 82 58 Sh Forecasts by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2024
Idyllwild 53 36 -- 55 36 64 40 Sacramento 73 39 -- 71 38 72 40 Yorba Linda 73 50 -- 77 41 78 39 St. Louis 60 49 -- 61 41 Pc
Irvine 77 55 -- 79 45 77 46 San Bernardino 75 43 -- 74 42 77 45 Yosemite Valley 56 36 -- 66 36 68 36 Salt Lake City 46 29 Tr 46 29 Su

Santa Ana winds fan fires in 2 counties

[Fires, from B1]
officials said.
Firefighters in Ventura
County are fighting an uphill
“It’s like trying to put out
a blowtorch with a squirt
gun,” Ventura County Fire
Christopher Reynolds Los Angeles Times Department Capt. Tony Mc-
THERE is a genre of analysis going back decades that Hale told KABC-TV.
sees California on the perpetual verge of failure. Evacuations in the Cam-
arillo Heights neighborhood

California needn’t fall were underway Wednesday.

Authorities ordered people
to clear out in an area from

into despair after vote North Lewis Road to Los

Posas Country Club to north
of Loop Drive, according to
the county’s emergency
[California, from B5] California’s uphill struggle website.
needed affordable housing. to get the rest of America to The fires started amid a
California as a Dickensian, care about smog. L.A. was Santa Ana wind event that
self-interested world of ex- choking, but to the rest of was generating 70- to 80-
cess and disorder? How the country it seemed like a mph wind gusts in some
about the state’s wildly suc- local problem. And the solu- parts of Los Angeles County Jennifer Osborne For The Times
cessful citizen volunteer tion — regulating industry on Wednesday, triggering A GRANDCHILD of a property owner battles a fire Wednesday near a house in
corps that is building com- — seemed downright un- power outages, traffic con- Camarillo as the Mountain fire burned hundreds of acres and led to evacuations.
munity and compassion — American. Washington cerns and warnings of fire
and is being copied across turned its back on us. L.A. risk. Angeles area since 2020, ac- and Ventura counties and Ward Road to the Kern
the country? went to war with Detroit, The wind-driven Moun- cording to Ariel Cohen, the extended through at least County line, where the Cali-
His essay does not dwell which for decades success- tain fire burned through lead meteorologist for the Thursday. Much of the sur- fornia Highway Patrol is urg-
on some of California’s huge fully fought efforts to reduce neighborhoods where weather service’s office in rounding area also is facing ing people to be extra cau-
and seemingly intractable auto emissions. But Califor- ranches, orchards and small Oxnard. dangerous winds, with high- tious driving large vehicles
challenges — homelessness, nia finally prevailed, and in homes dot the landscape, “This is a very rare cate- wind or standard red flag or hauling trailers.
generational poverty in ur- the process it began an envi- McHale said. gory that we use to describe warnings issued for moun- “There’s a lot of damage
ban areas, the housing af- ronmental movement that Meanwhile, the Malibu the most extreme, critical tains in San Bernardino and going on out there, very dan-
fordability crisis, the shock- changed the world for the fire was reported at around conditions,” Cohen said. Riverside counties, the In- gerous driving conditions,”
ing toll rising temperatures better. 9 a.m., according to the L.A. “The potential is there for land Empire and parts of Or- Cohen said. The CHP re-
are playing in so many parts It might be hard this County Fire Department. exceptionally large fires to ange County. sponded to an overturned
of life. But he offers a rare week to take much solace in “We’re faced with ex- form.” “This is definitely a rare semitruck on the 210 Free-
sense of optimism and a re- these lessons if you’re dis- treme fire weather,” McHale In an effort to mitigate footprint size for a Santa way early Wednesday block-
minder of the mid-century mayed at the prospect of said. risks, on Tuesday night Ana wind event,” Cohen ing eastbound lanes, offi-
California exceptionalism President Trump and Re- Video on KTLA showed Southern California Edison said. “It’s rather uncommon cials said.
that is increasingly hard to publicans in Washington people evacuating the area began shutting off power to ... for the high winds to ex- As a result of the elevated
find in the Golden State. turning back the clock on cli- of the Mountain fire, includ- customers in areas where its pand all the way through the fire risk and high winds,
Optimism doesn’t solve mate change regulations, ing a woman removing two equipment was considered L.A. Basin.” Topanga Canyon Boulevard
problems. But what about LGBTQ+ protections and of her horses from the at high risk of sparking a He said high winds were was closed between Mulhol-
the feeling that our prob- other measures that most threatened land. wildfire. expected to affect coastal land Drive and the Pacific
lems are vast and insur- Californians embrace. But A woman who identified More than 65,000 utility areas as well, including the Coast Highway at 6 a.m.
mountable? Fallows sees the holding on to hope and faith herself to KABC-TV as the customers across the South- Palos Verdes Peninsula and Wednesday. The closure is
“declinist alarmism” about is essential in times like this. wife of a Ventura County fire- land had power cut as of Long Beach. expected to continue until 6
California as coming from I devour a lot of self-help and fighter said she saw their Wednesday afternoon due to The strongest gusts are a.m. Friday.
the same mindset that ar- self-improvement books, house begin to burn heightened wildfire risk, ac- expected in the San Gabriel High winds also were ex-
gues America is a failing and many preach about the Wednesday morning. cording to the utility. Shut- and Santa Monica moun- pected in the San Francisco
state (something people dangers of what happens “Our roof is pretty, pretty offs, which had affected L.A., tains, where gusts of 50 to 100 Bay Area and on the Central
have been saying since the when you give up. burned up,” the woman’s San Bernardino, Riverside, mph are predicted and hu- Coast, where the weather
1960s, despite much evi- Few people understand daughter said. “I was in Ventura, Orange and Santa midity levels are expected to service issued a standard
dence to the contrary). the California story better there getting our ducks, and Barbara counties early drop to as low as 8% — cre- red flag warning that
I recently read Chip than Jerry Brown, mocked as I was in there, the pond Wednesday, were extended ating prime conditions for started Tuesday morning
Jacobs and William J. Kelly’s as “Governor Moonbeam” in was just catching flames — into parts of Kern and Tu- “extreme and life-threat- and was set to extend
book “Smogtown,” an excel- the 1970s, hailed as an envi- as I was standing there try- lare counties. An additional ening” fire behavior, accord- through at least 7 a.m.
lent history of L.A.’s long but ronmental savior in the ing to get them out.” 254,000 customers were be- ing to the weather service. Thursday.
surprisingly successful bat- 2010s. The National Weather ing considered for the safety Although fast-moving Pacific Gas & Electric ini-
tle against air pollution. It’s “Every decade since the Service issued a “particu- shutoffs through at least fires are the main concern, tiated more than 19,000
hard to imagine living in that ’60s, dystopian journalists larly dangerous situation” Thursday, SCE said. the weather service also is power shutoffs beginning
world now, where poisonous write stories on the impend- red flag alert, warning of The extremely high urging residents to be on Tuesday night in Lake, So-
air kills children, your back- ing decline of our economy, “widespread, extreme fire winds, low humidity and dry guard for downed trees and noma, Napa and Solano
yard garden, crops and even our culture and our politics,” weather conditions” brush are creating a “very power lines, and for danger- counties, and more were ex-
motorists who crash due to Brown said during his sec- through Friday across volatile combination,” Co- ous winds on certain road- pected through Thursday.
blinding smog. But the most ond turn as governor. southwest California. The hen said. ways. In the Antelope Valley,
enlightening part of the “I see unspent potential alert hadn’t been height- The alert was issued for a high-wind advisory is in ef- City News Service
book was its recounting of and incredible opportunity.” ened to that level in the Los wide swaths of Los Angeles fect on the 14 Freeway from contributed to this report.
L AT I M E S . C O M T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 B7

At public Mass, tributes to Valenzuela pour in

[Valenzuela, from B10]
— sat together. Across from
them were some of Valen-
zuela’s former teammates
and friends.
The public funeral serv-
ice began with a reading by
Valenzuela’s two grand-
daughters. The Rev. James
Anguiano, moderator of the
Curia and vicar general of
the Archdiocese of Los An-
geles, delivered a homily in
Spanish and English.
“Today I wanted to wear
my No. 34 jersey, but I don’t
think I could fit it under
what I’m wearing,” An-
guiano said.
He said Valenzuela was
known and honored for the
person that he was on the
mound, but also for so much
“We are all very aware of
the great baseball player
that Fernando was. We are
aware of the difference he
made in the sport, and even
though we know the great
statistics of him as a pitcher,
there was another side to
him: He was a husband, a fa-
ther, a grandfather, a friend,
a mentor, a leader,” An-
guiano said. “These things
are the unwritten statistics
that made Fernando the
person, the human being,
the man that he was.”
Valenzuela’s son Fer-
nando Jr. and his former
teammate and friend Mike
Scioscia read eulogies.
“Es un día difícil para los
amigos y teammates de Fer-
nando, pero más para la
familia de Fernando,”
Scioscia said in broken Photographs by Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times
Spanish. “It’s a difficult day ARCHBISHOP Jose H. Gomez blesses the casket of Fernando Valenzuela during a public funeral Mass in downtown L.A. on Wednesday.
for the friends and team-
mates of Fernando, but
more so for Fernando’s fam- celebrating the Dodgers’
ily.” World Series championship.
Scioscia said Valenzuela When Fernando Jr. stood
was a humble and gracious at the wooden lectern, he
man who not only was a spoke only in Spanish, trying
tremendous pitcher but also to hold back tears.
had the heart of a lion. “He was one of the most
“Every time he took the important people in my life,”
mound, he did so for his he said. “I want to thank ev-
faith, his family, his team eryone on behalf of the Va-
and his country, and he held lenzuela family for being
that burden from the first here today.”
time he pitched in the major He thanked the Dodgers
leagues until the last time,” for retiring his father’s jer-
Scioscia said. “Fernando sey, for the informal memori-
was humble in victories and al that fans had set up. He
very gracious in his defeats.” described his father as a re-
He also spoke of Valen- spectful and humble man
zuela’s sense of humor and who liked to help people and
shared a memory of when never said no to a fan who
Valenzuela would lasso peo- wanted a photo with him or
ple’s feet in the locker room. to speak to him.
But what brought chuckles “That was my father,” he
from those in attendance said.
was a phone call Scioscia got He said in one of the last
from his wife recently. She conversations with his fa-
told him the TVs were trans- ther, he asked him to stay
mitting in Spanish. put and not leave because he
“Honey, I said, you know was a big part of his life and
who that is? That’s Fer- he still needed advice from
nando,” Scioscia recalled his father.
telling her. “I said a prayer: “He told me, ‘You know
Fernando, por favor, no-no- plenty,’ ” Fernando Jr. said.
no me molestes, yo tengo “And that’s something that
miedo. I’ll carry with me, that he
“Wait until we get up was certain and believed
there and we’ll joke around, that I knew enough to con-
but don’t mess around with tinue to learn from him.
my house. I was scared.” “I want to be a good man,
Scioscia said he took it as a good father and a good son
a sign that Valenzuela was FORMER TEAMMATES Jerry Reuss, left, and Mike Scioscia shake hands at the service. With them in like he was. I want to be like
doing well and that he was the pews are former Dodger Rick Sutcliffe, center left, and Peter O’Malley, the Dodgers’ onetime owner. Fernando Valenzuela.”

Betts to return to infield as Dodgers make shopping list

[Dodgers, from B10] even though the soon-to-be
winter: corner outfielders. 32-year-old is expected to
The easiest way to ad- fetch the kind of nine-figure
dress that would be by re- contract that eluded him
signing Teoscar Hernández, last offseason, his track
who had a resurgent season record of durable success
in his debut with the Dod- (he is top 15 in the majors in
gers and enters free agency both ERA and starts since
looking for a longer deal 2017) should make him a pri-
than the one-year, $23.5-mil- ority target.
lion contract he signed last If not Snell, the Dodgers
offseason. The Betts move could pivot to other big
also could make the Dodgers names. Corbin Burnes is a
more of a player in the Juan former Cy Young winner
Soto sweepstakes, though whom the Dodgers had in-
it’s unclear if they’d be will- terest in last year, though
ing to pay the $600 million or he’s projected to command
more likely needed to land even more money than Snell,
the 26-year-old outfielder. which might price him out of
If Betts primarily plays the Dodgers’ plans. Max
second base — the team Fried is a Harvard-Westlake
does have other shortstop product who has a career
options in Tommy Edman 3.25 ERA but also battled
and Miguel Rojas — that forearm injuries the last two
could cut significantly into seasons, something the
Gavin Lux’s role too after his Dodgers will have to weigh.
strong finish to the season. The next tier of free-
Asked what this means for agent starters includes Jack
Lux, Gomes was coy. Flaherty (the Dodgers’ key
“Gavin’s been a huge part trade deadline acquisition
of our success,” he said. “Es- this year), Nathan Eovaldi (a
pecially in the second half Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times veteran the Dodgers were
getting over the ACL injury SHORTSTOP Mookie Betts avoids sliding Rockies outfielder Brenton Doyle while completing a double play. monitoring at the deadline
[that sidelined him for 2023], before trading for Flaherty),
he was a huge part of our creasingly unlikely. duties. league, it’s uncertain if ered favorites to sign him if Yusei Kikuchi, Sean Manaea
team. I think Mookie’s abil- Though Ohtani’s surgery Sasaki will be posted for he does come to MLB this and Luis Severino.
ity to play so many places is won’t have any “big-picture” MLB clubs to sign this off- winter, he could represent And then there’s Walker
Starting pitching
only beneficial for us.” impact on him as a pitcher, season. But if he is, he will the front office’s dream ac- Buehler, whom the Dodgers
Gomes said, it is likely to fur- market takes shape come as a bargain, since quisition: a young, gifted, remain interested in re-sign-
ther complicate his pitching The Dodgers’ other big league rules for interna- cost-controlled pitcher to ing even after declining to
Ohtani may not be plan for this offseason, since need this offseason, Gomes tional free agents under the bolster a starting rotation extend him a one-year, $21-
ready to pitch he will need added rehab on confirmed, is starting pitch- age of 25 would restrict him beset by injuries. million qualifying offer. The
Shohei Ohtani already his left shoulder over the ing. And while the free-agent to signing only a minor The Dodgers will have Dodgers still could be open
was uncertain to be ready to next couple of weeks. market is rich with veteran league contract with a mod- other avenues if Sasaki to paying Buehler some-
pitch by opening day, after While that probably will talent, the team is monitor- est signing bonus (similar to doesn’t become their latest thing in that ballpark, de-
he and the team decided to rule Ohtani out from pitch- ing star Japanese pitcher when Ohtani, then also 23, Japanese acquisition. Two- pending on how the rest of
delay the completion of his ing in his home country of Roki Sasaki too. signed with the Angels for time Cy Young Award win- his market develops. And
rehab program (including Japan when the Dodgers A 23-year-old right- $2.3 million in 2017). ner Blake Snell would be the Gomes emphasized that
facing hitters) until after the open their season in Tokyo hander with a triple-digit Sasaki has been long cov- most obvious name to pur- Buehler’s contribution in
playoffs. Now, after he next March — he still should fastball and career 2.02 eted by the Dodgers and sue. Last spring the team the postseason, including
underwent labrum surgery be ready to hit by then — it earned-run average in his heavily scouted by their exe- made a late play for the left- closing out Game 5 of the
on his left shoulder Tuesday, won’t change much else native country’s Nippon cutives in recent years. And hander before he signed World Series on one day of
that possibility is looking in- about his return to two-way Professional Baseball with the Dodgers consid- with San Francisco. And rest, “does not go lost on us.”
LAT I M E S . C O M / E N T E RTA I N M E N T T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 E5


to the ace of diamonds at 3NT to offer partner a choice
By Frank Stewart Trick Three, then take the of games. With a hand such
A-Q of spades to pitch his as 5 4, Q 8 3, K 5 4, A K J 7 6,
Unlucky Louie wouldn’t last diamond and exit with a he will pass.
lose as much in his penny trump.
game if he understood that When West wins, he is North dealer
no extra points are awarded stuck. If he leads a club, N-S vulnerable
for speed. Louie plays as if Louie gets a free finesse; if
the idea is to get in as many West leads a diamond, Louie ♠AQ6
deals as possible, and the re- tries dummy’s queen. If East ♥ 10 9 7 4
sult is more of his “bad luck.” had the king, Louie could ♦AQ3
As South, Louie roared still finesse in clubs. ♣ Q 10 5
into six hearts, a fine spot. You hold: ♠ A Q 6 ♥ 10 9 7 4 WEST EAST
♠ J 10 ♠987542
He won the first spade with ♦ A Q 3 ♣ Q 10 5. Your partner ♥K3 ♥ None
the king and cashed the ace opens one club, you respond ♦ K 10 8 5 ♦J976
of trumps, sighing when one heart and he raises to ♣K8743 ♣962
East discarded. Louie then two hearts. The opponents SOUTH
had 11 tricks and needed a pass. What do you say? ♠K3
winning minor-suit finesse Answer: Your partner ♥AQJ8652
for one more. He shrugged, has minimum opening val- ♦42
led a spade to dummy and ues. He will often have four- ♣AJ
tried a club to his jack. West card heart support but may NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST
won and cashed his king of have raised you with good 1♣ Pass 2♥ Pass
trumps. three-card support and un- 3♥ Pass 6♥ All Pass
Louie’s play was hasty — balanced or semibalanced Opening lead — ♠ J
and wrong; he can try both pattern. You certainly have
KENKEN finesses. Louie should lead enough for game, but bid Tribune Content Agency
Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be ASKING ERIC
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.

Dear Eric: I’m 51 years old. Dear Not Sure: Not to be most a year. I realize the only
I’ve been dating “John” for too blunt but I’m confused thing I can control is my own
2 1⁄2 years now. After a year, about what you’re getting behavior, so I have drasti-
he moved in to help with out of this relationship. Part cally cut back on the amount
the mortgage. Most of the of the reason for the move of money I give her.
time he pays, but if he misses was financial, but he is in- But I hate feeling angry
a month and I ask about it consistent and angry about and resentful toward her,
he gets angry, which I find mortgage payments. He and I would love to be able to
to be a very strange reaction. makes a lot of time for his find a way to move forward
If I ever get mad about parents and work, but no and let go of all of this nega-
something he turns around time to build a relationship tive emotion.
and gets mad at me and with you. Funding Family
often blames me. There’s a difference be-
Most of the time he works tween being a workaholic Dear Family: Money talks,
from home and is on many and being a person who isn’t but it mumbles a lot, so
Zoom calls a day. He says the prepared to be an equal we have to be especially clear
11/7/24 work is better than he could partner in a relationship. It in our communications
have imagined. But in this seems he’s the latter and if around it. Cutting back on
time, we have been on zero he isn’t interested in learn- your generosity is fine, but
vacations together. When I ing how to show up for you, it’s not going to get at the
HOROSCOPE ask him about taking a trip you have to show up for your- root issue and is likely to be
together, he always says I self and show him the door. misconstrued.
things that captivate you; Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. should go because he is too It will help a lot if you can
By Holiday Mathis this is your brilliance at play. 18): There’s something good busy and to stop being an- Dear Eric: Over the last 30 both have a conversation
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): in hearing unwanted advice tagonistic. some years, I have been very that’s focused on the way
Aries (March 21-April 19): Today, it seems like every- today. It’s not about the wis- He seems to be a worka- generous with a sibling who you feel about each other
Ambition takes a back seat one around you is on your dom of words but in the op- holic. He likes to watch mov- has never been in very good and about your relationship.
to something even sweeter: side, supporting your mis- portunity to understand ies with me and occasionally financial shape. You need a place to work
contentment. Check off sion to make everything how another person thinks. have dinner out together. I have sensed a certain through your resentment
tasks and savor the feeling of beautiful and functional. Pisces (Feb. 19-March I’m flattered he wants to contempt from her and her and she likely does too.
accomplishment. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): 20): Confidence doesn’t spend time with me but sad family about my generosity. I Before you reach out to
Taurus (April 20-May Fun is in the air, and there’s come from pretending to be we have no community to- get a thank you or an ac- her, think about what you
20): Life is in a constant state more of it to go around than flawless. The truly confident gether. I feel bored and unin- knowledgment maybe half actually want. It may be as
of flux. Instead of clinging to you had in years past. fall in love with their quirks. spired. the time. She is very short- simple as a thank you. But I
an idea of permanence, Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): Today’s birthday (Nov. He doesn’t share tempered and regularly nee- suspect it’s more compli-
you’ll see the scene for what Your personal growth is a 7): Your year will be wonder- anything about his financial dles me about things that cated than that. Is there a
it is — momentary, fluid and DIY project. You get inspira- filled. You’ll learn and dis- situation. He is very secre- happened 20 or 30 years ago. part of you that’s hurt by her
ripe with opportunity. tion from the world, but ulti- cover exciting things that tive. After many years of letting it response to you or her
Gemini (May 21-June 21): mately you act on your own could only happen in this When his parents are in go, I find myself very angry snarky comments? Is there
A whimsical energy sur- accord, putting it all to- time. Your tastes expand as town, he has dinner with about her ungratefulness frustration that the money
rounds you now, encourag- gether in a unique way. you see new places and expe- them at 5 p.m. six nights a and her attitude toward me. you gave didn’t stop the
ing you to enjoy the people Sagittarius (Nov. 22- rience different styles. Your week for a couple months. I I have always felt sorry for hurt? Ask yourself what
around you with no agenda. Dec. 21): The pond is murky, needs for comfort, novelty find this excessive. her and wanted to make her would make you feel valued
Cancer (June 22-July 22): but stirring the water only and friendship are well met. I don’t know if we should life better but maybe in do- in this relationship.
Luck is a fickle fairy who makes it worse. Let it be. Discipline, an excellent plan break up or stay together. ing so I’ve made her feel bad
hates to be chased. It’s bet- Clarity comes from stillness. and a stellar team bring cash Not Sure About about herself. Email questions to
ter to work diligently and ig- Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. rewards. Gemini and Cancer Being Single Again We have not spoken in al- [email protected].
nore her. She’ll flutter by 19): After repeatedly losing adore you. Lucky numbers:
when you least expect it. and finding yourself, you’ll 5, 10, 14, 35, 7.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): realize that neither state is FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keane DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham
Isn’t it funny how the smart- inherently better than the Mathis writes her column
er someone is, the more fas- other. It’s just a fleeting for Creators Syndicate Inc.
cinated they are by the mun- opinion about your relation- The horoscope should be
dane”? Today, it’s the simple ship to your surroundings. read for entertainment.

Edited By Patti Varol
By Simon Marotte & Trenton Lee Stewart © 2024 Tribune Content Agency
1 Mobile app for staying
5 “In your face!”
10 Draw
13 __-gazing
15 “Funeral Blues” poet
16 Short expression of
17 Earnhardt and Andretti
work as ushers?
19 Snub-nosed dog
20 Lyricist Gershwin
21 Assays FREE RANGE By Bill Whitehead MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson
22 Mispronounces esses,
24 “Gracias” response
26 Parcel (out)
27 Gerwig and
DuVernay work at the
33 “We are not amused”
36 Potential queens
37 Sorority letter
38 Texted titters
39 Eyelashes, anatomically
40 Cry of pain
41 Açaí bowl grain
42 Daytona entry
43 Swear words 9 Moose feature 46 Prefix with -vore
44 Austen and Morrison 10 Upper-level clearance 49 Geothermal
choreograph a play? level alternative
47 Surrounds in a rush 11 Cry from the recently 50 Wear away
48 Fools (with) roused 51 Learned ones
52 Chihuahua, for one 12 Spurs (on) 52 Utters
54 “Haters __ hate” 14 Allow to peter out 53 Pants, informally
57 Pop star Rita 18 Caboose 54 College figs.
58 Statues, paintings, 23 “__ not for me to 55 Great Plains people
BLISS By Harry Bliss SPEED BUMP By Dave Coverly
etc. say” 56 Condé __
59 Hook and Kirk haul 25 Puts in 60 Sounds heard at a
timber? 26 Title at the Louvre 61-Down
62 Mirror image? 28 Heroic accounts 61 Massage locale
63 Word from the Greek for 29 McLaughlin of ANSWER TO
“chasm” “Stranger Things” PREVIOUS PUZZLE
64 Fashion designer Kate 30 Take for a spin?
65 Total 31 “Whoops!”
66 Valuable one 32 Tugs along
67 Aphrodite’s consort 33 Ground-breaking
DOWN 34 Crowd eruption
1 Overturned 35 Demand that rarely
2 Dance studio rail ends in compromise
3 Dasani alternative 39 Pixar film set in
4 Fire (up) Radiator Springs
5 Barbershop quartet 40 Hairy beasts
part 42 Only Hitchcock film to
6 Boot from power win Best Picture
7 Praiseful poems 43 Current locations?
8 Affirmative vote 45 Young’un 11/7/24

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