45Th President Will Become The 47Th: Trump Wins
45Th President Will Become The 47Th: Trump Wins
45Th President Will Become The 47Th: Trump Wins
Republican declares ‘historic realignment’ of U.S. interests
Relentless He wins
path back decisively
to White as Harris
House concedes
By James Rainey By Jenny Jarvie
and Noah Bierman
Donald Trump was
From the moment he elected the 47th president of
rode a golden escalator the United States on
downward and into the Wednesday, fulfilling his
queasy gut of American po- promise to shatter Ameri-
litical life, Donald Trump ca’s political status quo after
has done it his way — unbri- he refused to accept his loss
dled by precedent, often to Joe Biden four years ago
powered by “alternative and inspired a mob of sup-
facts” and dedicated to the porters to violently storm
proposition that only he the U.S. Capitol.
could “make America great The Republican presi-
again.” dent-elect’s victory over
The real estate mogul Democratic Vice President
and onetime reality TV star Kamala Harris — after an
captured a second term as extraordinary campaign in
president of the United which he was convicted of
States early Wednesday felony charges and survived
morning — nearly a decade two assassination attempts
after his now iconic entrance — was decisive: Trump
on the nation’s political trounced Harris in all the
stage. His candidacy again key “blue wall” and South-
surmounted innumerable ern battleground states and
obstacles and defied much maintained leads in Arizona
of a political establishment and Nevada, prompting a
that views him with utter torrent of anguish among
disdain. Democrats.
The former president de- As Trump secured 295
feated Vice President Ka- electoral votes to Harris’ 226,
mala Harris by harnessing Democrats could not take
the abiding dissatisfaction comfort in winning the
of many Americans — un- popular vote, as they did
easy about the high cost of when Trump defeated Hilla-
living, unsettled about a ry Clinton in 2016. With more
southern border they view than 139 million ballots
as insecure and disturbed counted, Trump had 4.8 mil-
over an evolving culture they lion more votes than Harris.
feel has strayed too far from “This will forever be re-
[See Return, A1] membered as the day the
American people regained
control of their country,”
Trump told a crowd at
around 2:30 a.m. Wednesday
from a stage adorned with
star-spangled banners at his
A convicted
felon and
sex offender is
returning to
the White
A candi-
date who
spoke of using the military
against political foes and
called for the summary
execution of his critics will
again be commander in
A 78-year-old man, at
sea, who prattled on about
Hannibal Lecter and Pava-
rotti and the size of Arnold
Palmer’s penis will once
more control the country’s
nuclear codes, and with
them the fate of all human-
Donald Trump is presi-
dent-elect of the United
States after arguably the
most stunning political
comeback in American
Read it and weep.
David Axelrod, the
Democratic strategist, once
said that “campaigns are
like an MRI of the soul —
whoever you are, eventually
people will find out.”
The soul of America, on
this November day of our
Lord, is a dark and forebod-
ing place. A place where the
better angels of our nature
have been outmatched by Evan Vucci Associated Press
the dark impulses of hatred THE CHOICE to send a brazen liar and criminal back to the White House has already undermined our nation’s honor and integrity.
and fear.
Inflation has taken a bite ity and a willingness to publican to win the popular Politically, we live in my that, by many measures, A more dangerous world
out of our wallets. Restoring overturn convention and vote in 20 years. He made volatile times, which makes is firing on all cylinders. as Trump coddles foreign
a brazen liar and criminal to break some china that badly gains with just about every the hair-trigger Trump a That’s another discon- dictators, severs critical
the White House has taken needed breaking. demographic group com- perfect totem for our unpre- nect that will keep the politi- overseas alliances and ena-
an even bigger bite out of What followed was stag- pared with his 2020 per- dictable age. cal seminar circuit abuzz for bles aggression like Russia’s
our nation’s honor and gering in its breadth, cruelty formance. For nearly two decades, years to come. rape and pillage of Ukraine.
integrity. and recklessness. Washington and Lincoln from 1960 to 1978, there were Soon enough it will come A not-insignificant
Lady Liberty shudders. Countless people died turn in their graves. three elections in which time for Trump, a superla- amount of Trump’s support
In 2016, Trump won a because of Trump’s mishan- Perhaps most note- control of the White House, tive self-promoter and is predicated on that notion
seeming black swan elec- dling of the COVID-19 pan- worthy, the candidate with a the Senate or the House of indifferent executive, to that his outrageous rhetoric
tion, scratching out victory demic. He was impeached long history of racist words Representatives switched deliver on his many extrava- and belligerent policy pro-
by fewer than 80,000 votes in twice. Indicted four times. and deeds, who slandered parties. Between 1980 and gant promises. posals are merely performa-
three states, even as he lost Convicted of 34 felony Mexicans and promised to 1998, there were four. To bring down grocery tive — Trump being Trump,
the national popular vote. counts for covering up an deport dark-skinned Since the beginning of and gas prices overnight, to use the shorthand.
He won despite a long, extramarital dalliance that immigrants who came to this century, there have end the wars in Gaza and We’ll see.
ignoble record. could well have cost him the the country legally, man- been 10 elections in which Ukraine instantly, hermeti- Those proverbial guard-
Multiple bankruptcies. 2016 election. aged to significantly grow power shifted, with Tues- cally seal the U.S. border rails that kept him in check
Thousands of lawsuits. Tax He summoned a mob his support among Black day’s being the latest and and fill our households to his first term may no longer
cheating. Business fraud. that invaded the U.S. Capi- and Latino men. third in a row. bursting with sudden and be there — Trump has said
Draft evasion. Adultery. A tol and tried to overturn the The political pundits and The word “change” ranks abundant wealth. he will see to that — and
boast of sexually mauling 2020 election, egged on by armchair psychiatrists will right up there with “new and None of that will happen. with carte blanche from a
women. his unremitting and self- be hashing that one out for improved” as among the What very well might is a supine Supreme Court, his
He represented change, serving lies. He spent years decades. most powerful pitches in return to soaring inflation, if maliciousness may be lim-
many voters said, as a busi- sowing doubts and corrod- What is immediately salesmanship, as well as Trump manages, with a ited only by Trump’s febrile
nessman and reality TV ing faith in our judicial and clear is that Trump’s victory flimflammery. pliant Republican Con- imagination.
celebrity who would bring political systems, spraying was a reward for bad behav- Exit polls showed by a gress, to impose the massive The acerbic wit H.L.
long-needed disruption to insults like a spiteful crop ior at such a high level that crushing 73% to 25% that tariffs that set his heart Mencken once said, “Demo-
Washington. If his puerile duster. — as the braggadocious voters saw Trump and not afire. And a widespread cracy is the theory that the
social media posts, uncouth And he won Tuesday’s Trump might put it — no Vice President Kamala uprooting of families and common people know what
behavior and playground election in far more com- one has ever seen anything Harris as the candidate who innocents as a heedless and they want and deserve to
insults were unpresidential, manding fashion than his like it. could bring about change — heartless deportation policy get it good and hard.”
the thinking went, well, that previous bare victory. He The malevolent among which Americans desper- drives a scythe through And so, with Trump’s
showed a certain authentic- may become the first Re- us will surely take heed. ately seek despite an econo- immigrant communities. restoration, it will be.
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Israeli strike kills 30 in Lebanon
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For submission guidelines, [email protected] a late-night Israeli strike on prime minister had avoided
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eli military and the strike’s salvage of the family’s be- tionality was not immedi- The Hamas attack that
intended target was un- longings on Wednesday ately known. triggered the war killed
known. morning. Sirens blared across some 1,200 people — mostly
Barja, a town just north Civil Defense official northern and central Israel civilians — and Palestinian
A Publication of the port city of Sidon in Mostafa Danaj said some of earlier in the day, including militants abducted 250 oth-
Founded Dec. 4, 1881 central Lebanon, has not the neighbors have reported in the populous metropoli- ers that day. Around 100 hos-
Vol. CXLIII No. 340
been regularly targeted in there are still people miss- tan area of Tel Aviv, as tages are still inside Gaza,
LOS ANGELES TIMES Print + unlimited digital rates:
(ISSN 0458-3035) Seven-day $28/week, $1,456 annually. the conflict. ing. Hezbollah launched 10 rock- around a third of whom are
is published by the Los Angeles Times, Thursday–Sunday $16/week, $832 “Something pulled me Israeli forces and the ets. A large portion of a believed to be dead.
2300 E. Imperial Highway, El Segundo, CA annually. Thursday & Sunday $10/week,
90245. Periodicals postage is paid at Los $520 annually. Saturday & Sunday hard, and then the explosion Hezbollah militant group rocket slammed into a Israel’s offensive has
Angeles, CA, and additional cities. $9/week, $468 annually. Sunday
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to $8.50/week, $442 annually. happened,” said Moussa have been clashing for more parked car in the central Is- killed more than 43,000 peo-
the above address. Monday–Saturday $18/week, $936 Zahran, who was at home than a year, since Hezbollah raeli city of Raanana. Rock- ple, Palestinian health offi-
annually (also includes Sundays, except
Home Delivery Subscription Rates (all rates 3/31, 5/26, 9/1, and 10/13). Monday–Friday with his wife and son when started firing rockets across ets also struck an open area cials say. They do not distin-
include applicable CA sales taxes and apply $16/week, $832 annually.
to most areas) the building was hit. He said the border soon after the near Israel’s main airport, guish between civilians and
Printed with soy-based ink on recycled newsprint from wood byproducts.
he couldn’t see but started Palestinian militant group Israeli media reported, combatants, but say more
digging through the rubble Hamas attacked southern though the airport said than half of those killed were
until he found his wife and Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, spark- flights were operating nor- women and children.
son — alive but injured — ing the war in Gaza. mally. Since the conflict be-
and pulled them out. Both The war on the Lebanese On Tuesday, Israeli tween Israel and Hezbollah
are still in the hospital, he front has substantially esca- Prime Minister Benjamin erupted in 2023, at least
said. lated since mid-September, Netanyahu dismissed De- 3,000 people have been killed
Another building resi- with Israel launching a mas- fense Minister Yoav Gallant and some 13,500 have been
Download the app. dent, Muhyiddin Al-Qalaaji, sive aerial bombardment in a surprise announcement wounded in Lebanon, about
Discover more. said he was at work when the and ground invasion. that sparked protests across a quarter of them women
strike happened and heard A rocket attack killed a the country. and children, the health
the news from his wife, who foreign worker near the Gallant’s replacement is ministry reported.
called him frantically. northern Israeli city of Acre Foreign Minister Israel Hezbollah aerial attacks
“There are many dead on Wednesday, according to Katz, a longtime Netanyahu have killed 73 people in Isra-
and injured,” he said as he the Magen David Adom res- loyalist and veteran Cabinet el, including 30 soldiers, ac-
carried out what he could cue service. The worker’s na- minister. cording to local authorities.
L AT I M E S . C O M T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 A3
How will Trump win affect the economy?
Dow soars 1,500 points amid expectations for tax cuts, new tariffs, less regulation and mass deportations
and overall European secu-
By Don Lee rity in the region.
“No one thinks there’s an
What President-elect upside,” said Zandi, who was
Donald Trump says he will in Brussels on Wednesday
do and what he actually does for meetings with business
have not always been a leaders. “All in all, it’s a pic-
straight line, but if he follows ture of a weaker global econ-
through on his declared in- omy and the U.S. not being
tentions for the economy, it the engine of global growth
bodes well for American cor- that it was in the last couple
porations and high-income of years.”
individuals, at least in the Another key element in
short term. The same can- Trump’s economic policy in-
not be said for the millions of volves tightening the bor-
middle-income and even ders and undertaking mass
lower-income voters who re- deportations of undocu-
turned him to the White mented immigrants. Mil-
House. lions of new arrivals in recent
And down the road, years, including many asy-
things could turn bumpy for lum seekers, have played a
the whole economy, with a key role in meeting employ-
return of higher inflation, la- ers’ labor needs and helping
bor shortages and slower keep the nation’s economy
trade and tourism driven by growing at a robust pace.
the new broad-based tariffs Trump’s promise to re-
and mass deportations that turn “millions” of people will
Trump promised to pursue be hard to fulfill, given the
on the campaign trail. His cost, logistics and demands
general orientation is to pull from businesses. In his first
back from globalization, term, his administration de-
which would probably have a Brandon Bell Getty Images ported an annual average of
bigger effect on more inter- PRESIDENT -elect Donald Trump, shown at a Sept. 24 rally in Georgia, will lift up U.S. corporations and about 80,000 unauthorized
nationally dependent econ- high-income individuals in the short term. Down the road, things could turn bumpy for the whole economy. immigrants residing in the
omies such as California’s. U.S.
A Trump presidency also Economists were expect- autos coming from Mexico. Neither higher tariffs nor
will complicate the task of ing an early Trump-bump In his first term, Trump large-scale deportations are
the Federal Reserve. If Major stock indexes on Wall Street given his pro- engaged in a trade war with expected to happen right
Trump’s tax cut plans and Daily Daily % YTD % business stance, but the Re- China and slapped tariffs on away — analysts expect
other moves stimulate the Index Close change change change publican Party’s reclaiming steel from many countries, them in the second half of
economy and drive up con- Dow industrials 43,729.93 +1,508.05 +3.57 +16.03 of the Senate and possible often as a political weapon, next year, at the earliest, as
sumer prices, the central S&P 500 5,929.04 +146.28 +2.53 +24.30 retention of the House sug- straining international rela- Trump appoints his Cabinet
bank could decide it needs to Nasdaq composite 18,983.46
7 +544.29 +2.95 +26.46 gest he will have a clearer tions, convulsing financial and works out concrete
end its interest rate-cutting path to reduce the corporate markets and hurting U.S. plans. The same goes for tax
S&P 400 3,286.71 +130.86 +4.15 +18.16
plans earlier and leave rates tax rate even further, to 15% growth. Ultimately, Ameri- cuts, which will take time to
Russell 2000 2,392.92 +132.08 +5.84 +18.05
higher. The Fed is expected from the current 21%. Before can consumers end up foot- get through Congress.
to announce a quarter-point EuroStoxx 50 4,800.63 -69.70 -1.43 +6.17 the big tax cuts passed dur- ing the bill of higher tariffs by What’s more, Trump’s
rate cut Thursday — its sec- Nikkei (Japan) 39,480.67 +1,005.77 +2.61 +17.98 ing Trump’s first term in 2017 paying more for imported most aggressive economic
ond cut in recent months. Hang Seng (Hong Kong) 20,538.38 -468.59 -2.23 +20.48 the rate was 35%. goods. policies are likely to be tem-
For now, though, the ex- Associated Press Any such large-scale tax “If you don’t own stocks pered by reaction from fi-
pectation of good times for cuts, however, will probably or don’t own a home, and nancial markets and U.S.
those at the top of the econo- corporate taxes and less Some of Wednesday’s add to the nation’s budget you’re in the bottom third or business leaders, as they
mic pyramid was immedi- regulation. Top regulators biggest stock winners were deficits and public debts, in- half [on incomes], you’ll feel were in his first term. And for
ately signaled by a leap up- at agencies such as the Secu- banks and oil and gas com- creasingly crowding out in- the negative fallout much now, Trump has the benefit
ward in U.S. financial mar- rities and Exchange Com- panies. Trump’s firm that vestment and the potential more quickly because of the of having inherited a U.S.
kets. mission and the Federal runs his social media plat- for greater economic output. higher share of your budget economy that has per-
On Wednesday after- Trade Commission are likely form took off, as did bitcoin, Interest payments on U.S. paying for the tariffs,” said formed very well, despite the
noon, after Trump’s decisive to be replaced, easing the thanks to his remarks that Treasury debt reached $1 Mark Zandi, chief economist many voters who voiced un-
election victory, the Dow path for more mergers and he would make the U.S. the trillion this year for the first at Moody’s Analytics. happiness about the econo-
Jones industrial average had acquisitions. dominant cryptocurrency time, even more than the But it’ll be even harder my that may have been Vice
surged more than 1,500 “While Trump’s policy on market in the world. federal defense budget. for many other economies President Kamala Harris’
points, or 3.6%, as investors tariffs and trade could bring Tesla, the electric vehicle Trump’s plan is to fi- around the globe as they de- undoing.
priced in potential gains for volatility, the promise of de- maker owned by Elon Musk, nance his tax scheme, which pend more on trade than the Through the third quar-
a swath of industries and a regulation and a more activ- a big Trump backer, was also includes extending tax pro- U.S. ter, U.S. growth has been
near-term boost to econo- ist-friendly SEC might en- an early beneficiary. Its visions set to expire in 2026, Stocks in Europe fell strong; unemployment very
mic growth. courage dealmaking and shares jumped by 14.8% even by imposing new tariffs. He Wednesday, and not just be- low, at a little more than 4%;
A second Trump presi- shareholder activism in mul- as other green energy stocks has spoken about levying cause of the threat of higher and consumer price infla-
dential term is expected to tiple sectors,” said Lucinda sank under the weight of tariffs on imports by 10% to tariffs, but also what a tion — which soared in 2022
bring significant policy Guthrie, head of financial Trump’s well-known bash- 20% across the board, and Trump presidency may to about 9% — has come
changes favorable to big data company Mergermar- ing of climate change pro- much steeper taxes on mean for Ukraine and its war down to about 2.5%, lower
business, including lower ket in New York. grams. goods from China and for with Russia, and for NATO than average wage gains.
By Samantha Masunaga
Donald Trump has not laid
out specific plans for the en-
E N 7
tertainment industry, ana-
lysts said his proposed
broader policies on global
tariffs, as well as the threat of Reed Saxon Associated Press HU G E S
retaliation against compa- DONALD TRUMP’S proposed tariffs and penchant
nies, could put a chill on Los for retaliation could rattle Hollywood, analysts say.
Angeles’ signature business.
“If I were wealthy today, I would pave the way for more swers during her interview
would not be buying stock in consolidation. on “60 Minutes.” The news
the entertainment world,” On Thursday, the Motion program has flatly denied al-
said Stephen Galloway, Picture Assn. trade group, legations of deceptive edit-
dean of Chapman Universi- which lobbies on behalf of ing to help Harris.
ty’s Dodge College of Film the studios, congratulated That type of directive
and Media Arts. “There’s go- Trump and the incoming would probably get tied up
ing to be a lot of turbulence.” Congress on their victories. in the courts, but “it’s the
California Gov. Gavin “We look forward to work- threat that becomes the is-
Newsom recently proposed ing with them on a wide sue,” Klowden said.
upping the annual cap on range of important issues for Films and TV shows that
state film and TV tax credits the film, TV, and streaming paint Trump in a negative
to $750 million, from its cur- industry, which supports light run the risk of drawing
rent total of $330 million. He more than 2.7 million Ameri- his ire, which could then af-
and others have called for can jobs, boosts more than fect their parent companies,
the federal government to 240,000 businesses in cities Galloway said. Media and
step in and keep the U.S. and small towns across the entertainment giants might
competitive in global pro- country, and delivers over be wary of the situation Walt
duction. $242 billion in wages to our Disney Co. found itself in af-
But it’s unlikely that workforce each year,” the ter it battled Florida Gov.
Trump would throw the film group said in a statement. Ron DeSantis over the
and TV business a lifeline, Analysts were also con- state’s anti-LGBTQ legisla-
especially in any way that cerned about the effect a po- tion.
Pridmore Designs
could help Newsom and tential tariff war could have Recently, the Trump bio-
deep-blue California. on the entertainment indus- pic “The Apprentice” strug-
“Let’s face it, liberal Hol- try. gled to find a distributor af-
lywood is the enemy,” Gallo- If Trump follows through ter the former president’s
in entertainment, he’s not could ban U.S. imports, in- the U.S. box office.
going to be a pro-entertain- cluding film and TV shows, More conservative me-
ment-industry politician.” which would dent the al- dia, on the other hand, could
Many Hollywood stars ready-reeling distribution see a boost in their stock, in-
and executives were vocal market, Galloway said. Dur- cluding the Murdoch family-
pushing for President Biden The potential for retalia- company of Trump’s favored
to withdraw from the race. tion could also be a problem, Fox News.
Some executives hedged said Kevin Klowden, execu- “Back in the day, studios
their bets, though. Warner tive director of the Milken fi- were little companies mak-
Bros. Discovery Chief Exe- nance institute. ing movies,” Galloway said.
cutive David Zaslav de- As a candidate, Trump “Now they’re cogs in enor-
murred when asked in the railed against CBS and said mous, multinational opera-
summer whom he sup- he wanted the network’s tions where one domino sud-
ported for president, saying broadcast license pulled for denly sends 50 others fall-
he preferred someone who editing one of Harris’ an- ing.”
*75% Off Of
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The future that Americans have picked The next four years will
be hard, the damage will last
even longer, but they have
for Trump, I welcome you to
the real world. The Great
Delusion will soon be un-
four presidential cycles to veiled and unmasked.
rowing up, I was taught and inculcated with certain values.
G Treat everyone with respect. Be tolerant of and learn from a diverse population. Take care of those who need
help. Don’t bear false witness. Don’t steal. Think critically in evaluating someone’s motives. Make your life what
you want your eternity to be.
grow up in, and then vote
and push this country for-
ward into the America it
should be.
Lower prices on con-
sumer goods such as grocer-
ies — not going to happen.
Deportation of millions of
My definition of democracy became the metaphor of a dinner table with room for everyone. With this election, America That gives me hope. immigrants — never going
has chosen to become selfish and exclusive. President-elect Trump has none of the values I was taught, and apparently Michael Smallberg to take place. You won’t find
that is fine with a majority of Americans. Menlo Park, Calif. the “vermin,” because they
After World War II, I recall we were all against fascism; now it is becoming a preference. Are we seriously thinking of never existed.
“realigning”? Individuals and their rights don’t do well under authoritarians. :: Tariffs that will improve
James Severtson, Reseda the economy — no way that
I thought I had seen just works. Making America a
about everything in my 93 better place for all, including
Despite hundreds of I pray that Democrats Trump’s voters see is vastly Not only did Trump years. I think I have now equal justice under the law
millions of dollars (if not will do some soul-searching different from what Vice collect enough electoral that a lying, cheating, mor- — forget that.
billions) squandered, hyper- in the next four years to President Kamala Harris’ votes needed to win the ally bankrupt snake oil Those under the Great
bolic rhetoric invoking Adolf realize that Americans want voters see in these polls: presidency, he seems to salesman has been elected Delusion will soon “reap the
Hitler, relentless politically their elected officials to Most perceive the nation’s have gotten the popular to the highest office. whirlwind” of reality, but we
motivated lawfare that has focus on them and not per- economy as poor, feel worse vote as well — quite an Our Supreme Court is a all better buckle up, as it is
undermined faith in our sonal vendettas. off than four years ago and eye-opener. What that tells sham, and Republicans going to be a bumpy ride the
justice system, assassina- Michael Pravica are angry about the direc- me is that America has place party above country. I next four years.
tion attempts and the in- Henderson, Nev. tion in which the country is spoken. But who and what have lost all respect for just Rex Altman
sulting of more than half of headed. is America (and are Demo- about everything in this Los Angeles
Americans who supported :: Democrats failed to crats listening)? country.
him, Donald Trump has clearly communicate how America is certainly not The only smarts Trump ::
prevailed. “My last grocery bill was they would address these a gaggle of A-list celebrities has are how to manipulate
Instead of trying to end $500 for five days’ worth of problems for the average in the entertainment indus- and lie. He is good at that. I ... can’t ... breathe.
warmongering, adopt sound groceries,” my cousin in American. For many of us, try, and I’ll throw most of God bless our country; Judith Braun
fiscal policies and address Texas wrote on Facebook, concerns about losing rights the mainstream “news” we’re really going to need it. Woodland Hills
the myriad domestic prob- just two days before the become secondary when we media into that barrel — not Ardyce Martin
lems facing our struggling election. are struggling to put food on all of them, but most of Banning
nation, the Democrats chose As I read the exit polls the table. them. “Real” journalists HOW TO WRITE TO US
to focus on “getting” Trump. from Wisconsin, I am struck The polls painted this were not backing Harris or :: Please send letters to
This only elevated his by the pain, anxiety and fear fact in splashes of red across Trump; they were too busy [email protected]. For
status to that of a martyr, that drove average voters the heart of America. doing their jobs, covering I wanted Harris to win, submission guidelines, see
and now the American peo- this election. Christina Cutting the chaos as objectively as but now that Trump has, latimes.com/letters or call
ple have reacted accordingly. The America that Van Nuys they could. please just cover his policies 1-800-LA TIMES, ext. 74511.
star is born — Elon!” Donald tion and multiple attempts by Russia to med-
Trump shouted early Wednes- dle in the electoral process this year. In the
day morning, giving thanks to lead-up to the election, the Federal Bureau of
Elon Musk for helping him win Investigation singled out Russia as the “most
the presidential election. active” foreign threat, noting that Moscow
When you’re a star, they let you do it, as was conducting influence operations with
Trump once said, speaking of mauling wom- the goal of undermining confidence among
en. Americans in the integrity of our elections.
Now Trump and Musk, self-styled stars, On election day, bomb threats were con-
are a match made in some kind of Book-of- veyed to polling sites in battleground states
Revelation living nightmare. With Trump’s Georgia, Michigan, Arizona and Wisconsin,
victory, the duo seem to have put themselves with the FBI stating that the hoax threats
safely out of the reach of the law. emanated from Russian email domains. Two
Over the last months, as Musk, the rich- polling sites in Georgia had to be temporarily
est man in the world, has poured millions evacuated, and it remains unclear whether
into Trump’s campaign by way of his Ameri- this deterred any voters. In early September,
ca PAC, Trump has promised to bring Musk an indictment against two RT (formerly Rus-
into government. sia Today, a Kremlin propaganda outlet) em-
In September, Trump said he would cre- ployees detailed a scheme to funnel $10 mil-
ate a “government efficiency commission” lion to finance prominent right-wing com-
for Musk to lead. This task force would carry mentators in the United States, part of a pro-
out a complete audit of the finances and per- Trump media platform registered in Tennes-
formance of the entire federal government, see.
with a view to smashing it to smithereens — The Russians also ran an effective “dop-
that is, “making it more efficient.” pelganger” network of websites that mim-
“I’d put [Musk] in the Cabinet, abso- icked legitimate American news outlets such
lutely, but I don’t know how he could do that as the Washington Post but published fake
with all the things he’s got going,” Trump news to undermine confidence in elections
also said. “But he could sort of, as the expres- and increase polarization.
sion goes, consult with the country and give Russia was not the only foreign actor in-
you some very good ideas.” volved, as both China and Iran sought to con-
“Very good ideas” that, let’s guess, won’t duct “hack and leak” operations during and
exactly hurt Musk’s bottom line, which is Laurent Caron Hans Lucas / AFP/Getty Images after the elections.
currently set at more than $285 billion. (In TELEPROMPTER Trump spoke about unity to his supporters Wednesday Trump’s predilection for praising Russian
the hours since Trump’s victory, Musk morning in Florida. But Real Trump talked about an “enemy camp.” dictator Vladimir Putin makes it unlikely
gained $20 billion.) that he will raise this issue during their future
For a person who controls this much pri- conversations or meetings. In the past,
Coming soon to
vate wealth to have a starring role in the U.S. Trump has sided with Putin over the U.S. in-
government is to open the door to conflicts telligence community and constantly refers
of interest so immense that, if Trump didn’t to the “Russia hoax” to downplay past Rus-
already pose such an urgent threat to the sian interference in U.S. elections.
survival of the republic, it would be all we’d With such a passive approach from the
talk about.
For any other businessman, a chance to
serve his country might seem like a good
idea. But Musk has held vast governmental
Washington — an federal government, Russian interference in
the U.S. political system and American cul-
ture is an inevitability. Many are concerned
about these and other potential sources of
CALIFORNIA T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L I F O R N I A
Voters reverse
course on criminal
justice reform
and was later declared un-
Prop. 36 is approved constitutional.
The measure repeals the
overwhelmingly. outdated clause and en-
Same-sex marriage shrines marriage as a “fun-
damental right” for all — a
measure also wins. precaution that supporters
including Gov. Gavin New-
By Mackenzie Mays som said was necessary in
and Anabel Sosa case of potential Supreme
Court rulings by a conserva-
California voters on tive majority of justices ap-
Tuesday overwhelmingly pointed by former President
approved a ballot measure Trump.
to reverse course on prog- Proposition 32, a state-
ressive criminal justice re- wide ballot initiative to in-
form, cracking down on theft crease California’s current
crimes and the use of the $16 minimum wage by $2 for
deadly drug fentanyl. all employees by 2026, ap-
Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times Proposition 36 reforms a peared to be in a closer race
FLAMES engulf a structure Wednesday near Camarillo as the Mountain fire had burned thousands of acres. law approved a decade ago but headed toward failure.
that reduced some felonies The measure received
to misdemeanors and was support from labor unions
SPORTS ON THE BACK: Dodgers fans mourn L.A. legend Valenzuela at public Mass. B10
B2 T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M
Race tightens for LAUSD board seat in Valley; school bond leads
County cities — longtime berto Carvalho. selors and nurses — has put geles supported Griego, who contributed less than $1,000
Outcome of contests teacher Karla Griego re-
District 3
in virtually all of the $2.4 mil- finished ahead in the in spending on her behalf.
mained solidly ahead of lion in independent spend- primary. A UTLA political McKenna had backed
could shift system Graciela Ortiz, a school This contest attracted ing on Schmerelson’s behalf action committee has spent Hendy Newbill all along. She
policy. Redistricting district counselor supervi- the most outside spending in this San Fernando Valley virtually all of about $2.4 mil- had recently worked for him
sor. — more than $7.8 million — race. lion in outside spending to as a senior policy advisor
change is well ahead. Strong results were because it pitted the teach- Although he currently boost Griego. and had a long career as a
emerging in District 1 — cov- ers union against a coalition teaches in public school, Local 99 of the Service teacher, dean and coach at
By Howard Blume ering south and southwest of teacher-union critics and Chang has spent much of his Employees International Dorsey High. She’s also a
L.A. — where veteran educa- charter-school supporters. career as a charter-school Union backed Ortiz, provid- parent of current district
A key race for a Board of tor Sherlett Hendy Newbill The Schmerelson cam- organization senior man- ing most of more than $2.2 students.
Education seat in the San had a commanding lead over paign deferred comment on ager or with pro-charter million in independent
Fernando Valley has tight- Kahllid Al-Alim, a communi- the election results until groups. spending on her behalf. Lo- LAUSD bond
ened, with two-term incum- ty activist and parent. more of the votes are The top funders of inde- cal 99 members include cus- In returns through early
bent Scott Schmerelson’s The seven-member counted, but Chang ex- pendent campaigns on be- todians, cafeteria workers, Wednesday, Measure US is
lead over challenger Dan school board sets policy for pressed hopeful optimism. half of Chang are retired bus drivers, teacher aides strongly ahead. It needs a
Chang shrinking to less than the nation’s second-largest “If there is a campaign businessman Bill Bloom- and security aides. 55% majority to pass and
3 percentage points Wednes- school district, which edu- anywhere that can come field and California Charter had 66% support from vot-
day morning. cates about 420,000 stu- back from an 11 point deficit, Schools Assn. Advocates. District 1 ers.
In a high-cost contest, dents. while taking on a 2-term in- Combined independent The race that appears all The measure would pro-
Schmerelson was heavily The District 3 and Dis- cumbent, the entire LAUSD spending on Chang’s behalf but settled is the contest be- vide $9 billion in school con-
backed by the teachers trict 5 races for the Los An- bureaucracy and the entire has surpassed $5.4 million. tween Hendy Newbill and struction bonds for the Los
union. Chang, a math geles Board of Education be- Los Angeles County Demo- Al-Alim, with Hendy New- Angeles Unified School Dis-
teacher at a Valley public came high-spending cam- cratic party establishment District 5 bill, who maintained a com- trict. The funds would be re-
middle school, had even paigns between two compet- to win, it could only be us,” The winner of this con- manding lead Wednesday, paid over time by increases
more financial support — ing political interest groups, Chang told his supporters. test will replace school claiming 70.5% of the vote. in property taxes at a rate
from backers of charter but the groups were not the “So hold on tight friends!” board President Jackie Hendy Newbill is poised to that would average about
schools and those allied with same in each race. Total out- Schmerelson has not Goldberg. The 20 percent- replace George McKenna, $25 for every $100,000 of as-
them. side spending through Mon- been hostile to charter age point gap separating who is retiring. sessed valuation on residen-
In ballot counting that day for both races was ap- schools but has been a reli- Griego and Ortiz will be diffi- UTLA’s candidate, Al- tial properties.
ended early Wednesday, proaching record levels set able vote to place more re- cult for Ortiz to overcome. Alim had been strongly posi-
Schmerelson had 51.9% of in 2017 of more than $15 mil- strictions and increased “I think we’re doing really tioned in the primary. But Redistricting effort
the vote and Chang 48.1%. lion. oversight on charters when well,” Griego said Wednes- evidence surfaced that he re- Charter Amendment LL
That translated to 89,674 When the outcomes are those proposals have come day morning. posted or “liked” social me- was leading strongly, with
votes for Schmerelson and known, the district’s evolv- before the school board. In this contest, the dis- dia posts with content that 74.1% of the vote through
83,256 votes for Chang. ing leadership could swing Chang had courted Val- trict’s two most powerful was antisemitic, pro-gun or early Wednesday.
The other school board either more strongly or less ley charter school parents unions — which are fre- pornographic. He apolo- The charter amendment
races are not as close. favorably to charter schools, and portrayed Schmerelson quently allies — faced off in gized, but UTLA dropped its would move control of redis-
In District 5 — which while also affecting the fu- as a threat to their interests. an effort to gain a political support just before primary tricting away from current
makes an arc north and west ture of school police and the United Teachers Los An- edge in their leverage with election day. elected officials to a citizens
of downtown and takes in level of support for initia- geles — which represents the Board of Education. UTLA belatedly en- commission that is designed
several Southeast L.A. tives of L.A. schools Supt. Al- the district’s teachers, coun- United Teachers Los An- dorsed Hendy Newbill, but to be independent.
B4 T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M
Place a paid notice latimes.com/placeobituary
Search obituary notice archives:
porary replacement for
Mark Ridley-Thomas after
his indictment on corruption
charges. After Ridley-Thom-
as was convicted, the council
more aggressive than Hutt
in tackling homelessness,
trash removal and neighbor-
hood quality-of-life issues.
In an interview, Yoo said
trict. Both DD and LL would
go into effect in time for the
next redistricting, which
coincides with the release of
U.S. census results in 2030.
nical changes to the City
Charter, won voter approval.
That measure would, among
other things, clarify that the
Los Angeles Zoo and the El
legacy.com/obituaries/latimes reappointed Hutt to the in- her campaign was about Charter Amendment ER, Pueblo de Los Angeles His-
terim post. change. a plan to strengthen the toric Monument are park
Minutes after the polls “It was about having an power of the City Ethics property.
Don’t despair — California will remain a force for good and innovation
State’s demise: “California: fortably. The booms and Hollywood recently de- what it can do to move the California goes, so eventu-
Despite expected The Endangered Dream.” busts of an innovation econ- clared, “L.A. is a much-bet- world forward? ally goes the country, and
“California: State of Shock.” omy. It’s the story of Califor- ter-weather version of De- James Fallows makes eventually much of the
hostility from Trump, “Los Angeles: Is the City of nia — thrilling and a bit un- troit right now.” that case in a pre-election world.”
state can move ahead Angels Going to Hell?” Not stable at the same time. It’s easy to see Kamala essay in Wired, where he ar- Fallows, a noted Ameri-
to be outdone, Newsweek Back in the 1990s, the Cali- Harris’ defeat as one more gues that California’s role as can chronicler who grew up
as a bellwether. weighed in with “California: fornia-as-disaster-epic nar- loss for California, both be- a force for good and innova- in Redlands, offers coun-
American Dream, American rative was tinged with some cause she is a product of the tion will continue despite ternarratives to some of Cal-
By Shelby Grad Nightmare” and a few years gloating — a comeuppance state and because so much the election results. He says ifornia’s bigger black eyes.
later with “California in Cri- for a star-making destina- of her political philosophy the state’s pushback against Our grossly over-budget
By the time I started sis,” complete with a cartoon tion that for decades was was formed here. the rise of Trumpism is far “train to nowhere” high
working as a reporter at the showing the state literally America’s postwar wonder- Many Californians woke from its most important speed rail system? It’s an
Los Angeles Times three breaking apart and falling land. Now, the narrative feels up Wednesday with a deep contribution. epic project that, when fi-
decades ago, the California into the Pacific Ocean. more like a permanent state sense of darkness about the “California deserves new nally completed, will funda-
dystopia genre was already Earthquakes. Wildfires. of mind as well as a culture future of the state and the attention as the ‘reinvention mentally change the way we
well established. The palpable effects of cli- war weapon. In a sign of the nation. state’ rather than a ‘resist- get around and potentially
Three times in the early mate change. Racial injus- times, one popular pod- But does fatalism blind ance state,’ ” he writes. open up the Central Valley
1990s, the cover of Time mag- tice. The very rich and the caster talking about the us to what California’s role “Even under Trump, there’s as a hub for desperately
azine trumpeted the Golden very poor coexisting uncom- painful recession gripping needs to be right now and still a good chance that as [See California, B6]
Collectibles and Bids Wanted Bids Wanted Legal Notices Legal Notices Bids Wanted Bids Wanted Bids Wanted Bids Wanted
Memorabilia REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Londelius
Volunteers of America of Los Angeles (VOALA) an Volunteers of America of Los Angeles (VOALA) an
Baseball Cards Equal Opportunity Employer, with funding assistance Volunteers of America of Los Angeles (VOALA) an
Cash paid 4 pre1975. Buying Equal Opportunity Employer, with funding assistance Amended Summons/Orlando Mota/Marlan from state’s direct allocation of Coronavirus State Equal Opportunity Employer, with funding assistance
all SPORTS CARDS of any size from state’s direct allocation of Coronavirus State Mota/Joana M. Sosa/Does 1 to 10, inclusive from state’s direct allocation of Coronavirus State and
collections. (310) 614-3312 and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSFRF) and state’s and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSFRF) and state’s
Notice To Defendant (Aviso Al Demandado): General Fund for Homekey sites, is seeking qualified Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSFRF) and state’s Gen-
General Fund for Homekey sites, is seeking qualified eral Fund for Homekey sites, is seeking qualified Li-
Licensed Contractors to Bid on a project involving Orlando Mota, an individual; Marlan Mota, an Licensed Contractors to Bid on a project involving
individual, Joana M. Sosa, an individual, and Does 1 building improvements in an existing facility located censed Contractors to Bid on a project involving build-
building improvements in an existing facility located ing improvements in an existing facility located at
at 20205 Ventura Blvd, Woodland Hills, California to 10, inclusive You Are Being Sued By Plaintiff (Lo at 19325 Londelius St., Northridge, California 91324.
Scope: Conversion of an existing motel into a Home- 20205 Ventura Blvd, Woodland Hills, California 91364.
91364. Scope: Conversion of an existing motel into a Está Demandando El Demandante): MTC Financial Scope: Installation of a new elevator per RTI Plans.
Homekey site per RTI Plans. Inc. dba Trustee Corps Notice! You have been sued. key site per RTI Plans.
Requests for RFP packages can be sent to Maria Yescas Requests for RFP packages can be sent to Maria Yescas
Bids Wanted Requests for RFP packages can be sent to Maria Yescas The court may decide against you without your
to [email protected] until November 21st, 2024. to [email protected] until November 21st, 2024.
to [email protected] until November 21st, 2024. being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Please send your notice of intend to bid to Mr. Jimmie
Please send your notice of intend to bid to Mr. Jimmie Please send your notice of intend to bid to Mr. Jimmie
Rose Hill Courts II Read the information below. You have 30 Calendar Guzman via [email protected], by November 10th, Guzman via [email protected], by November 10th,
Guzman via [email protected], by November 10th, Days after this summons and legal papers are 2024. Final bids are to be emailed to jguzman@voala.
Housing Partners, L.P. Is 2024. Final bids are to be emailed to jguzman@voala. 2024. Final bids are to be emailed to jguzman@voala.
served on you to file a written response at this org until 4:00pm on November 28th, 2024. All further org until 4:00pm on November 28th, 2024. All further
Looking for Qualified org until 4:00pm on November 28th, 2024. All further
court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A qualifications and site appointments will be defined qualifications and site appointments will be defined
Contractors qualifications and site appointments will be defined in the RFP.
Rose Hill Courts II in the RFP. letter or phone call will not protect you. Your in the RFP.
For further information, contact Jimmie Guzman, For further information, contact Jimmie Guzman,
Housing Partners, L.P. is For further information, contact Jimmie Guzman, written response must be in proper legal form if
VOALA’s Director of Maintenance and Construction at VOALA’s Director of Maintenance and Construction at
looking for a qualified VOALA’s Director of Maintenance and Construction at you want the court to hear your case. There may be (213) 792-4335 or email at [email protected]. Please
a court form that you can use for your response. (213) 792-4335 or email at [email protected]. Please
general contractor to (213) 792-4335 or email at [email protected]. Please include “VOALA Londelius Proposal” in the email sub- include “VOALA Ventura Elevator Proposal” in the
construct 96 units of include “VOALA Ventura Proposal” in the email subject You can find these court forms and more ject field. email subject field.
affordable housing in field. information at the California Courts Online Self-
the El Sereno neigh- Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices
borhood of northeast Legal Notices Legal Notices county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If
Los Angeles. The deve- you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for
lopment will include
Installation Restoration Program Sites 1, 2, 3, 5, 16, 17, on time, you may lose the case by default, and your (CITACION JUDICIAL) IMPACT REPORT (ENV-2022-6688-EIR): 5950-6048 W
seven buildings of 18, and 24 and Anomaly Area 3
wages, money and property may be taken without CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso): Hollywood Blvd & 6037 West Carlton Way, LA, CA 90028.
multi-family residential Former Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, Irvine, Califor-
affordable housing nia, October 2024 further warning from the court. There are other 24NNCV02810 The 6000 Hollywood Boulevard Project proposes a
and one community The United States Department of the Navy (Navy), legal requirements. You may want to call an mixed-use development comprised of 350 residential
building. Construction is as the lead agency, has completed the Fourth Com- attorney right away. If you do not know an NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: units (including 44 units for Very Low-Income
scheduled to start in the prehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): households), 136,000 sf of office, 18,004 sf of retail, and
first quarter of 2025. and Liability Act (CERCLA) Five-Year Review (FYR) for service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may MAURICIO VIVANCO, An Individual; DE LOS 4,038 sf of restaurants within three primary buildings
Interested contractors Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Sites 1, 2, 3, be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit ANGELES, a California Limited Liability Company; (Buildings A, B, and C) and 11 low-rise structures. The
should contact: Jack 5, 16, 17, 18, and 24 and Anomaly Area 3 at Former legal services program. You can locate these and does 1 through 100, inclusive Project would result in a total floor area of 501,185
Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) El Toro, Irvine, Cali- nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services square feet on a 3.7-acre site, with a maximum building
Wickersham at jmwick
fornia. Former MCAS El Toro is located approximately Web site (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), the height of 419 feet. All existing improvements and uses
[email protected] 8 miles southeast of Santa Ana and 12 miles northeast YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF:
California Courts Online Self-Help Center (LO ESTÁ DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE)
on the site would be demolished.
of Laguna Beach. The Navy conducted the FYR in ac- (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or by contacting
cordance with the requirements of CERCLA Section ANIL GOPALA, An Individual
121(c) to determine whether the remedies are being your local court or county bar association. Note:
Based on the Draft EIR, the Project would result in
implemented in accordance with the Final Records of The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and
NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide significant and unavoidable impacts related to on-site
Decision and continue to remain protective of human costs on any settlement or arbitration award of
against you without your being heard unless you construction noise, off-site construction noise, on-site
health and the environment. The remedies at IRP Sites $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien
respond within 30 days. Read the information construction vibration for human annoyance, and off-
1, 2, 5, 16, 17, 18, and Anomaly Area 3 remain protec- must be paid before the court will dismiss the case.
site vibration for human annoyance, cumulative on-site
tive of human health and the environment. The rem- ¡Aviso! Lo han demandado. Si no responde dentro below.
edies at IRP Sites 3 and 24 were found to be protec- You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and off-site construction noise, and cumulative on-site
de 30 días, la corte puede decidir en su contra sin
tive in the short-term, and the review recommended and legal papers are served on you to ile a written and off-site construction vibration for human
escuchar su versión. Lea la información a
actions to ensure they will be protective in the long response at this court and have a copy served on the annoyance. All other potential impacts would be less
continuación. Tiene 30 Días De Calendario después
term. plaintif. A letter or phone call will not protect you. than significant or mitigated to less-than-significant
de que le entreguen esta citación y papeles legales
para presentar una respuesta por escrito en esta Your written response must be in proper legal form
Remedies, Protectiveness Statements, and Recom-
mended Actions corte y hacer que se entregue una copia al if you want the court to hear your case. There may
IRP Sites 1 and 2 Groundwater – conduct in-situ bio- demandante. Una carta o una llamada telefónica be a court form that you can use for your response. Review and Comment: Submit comments on the DEIR
remediation and monitoring to address perchlorate no lo protegen. Su respuesta por escrito tiene que You can ind these court forms and more in writing, and reference the case number above, by
in groundwater (GW); implement monitored natural estar en formato legal correcto si desea que information at the California Courts Online Self-Help 4:00 pm on Monday, December 23, 2024, to Kathleen
attenuation (MNA) to address volatile organic com- procesen su caso en la corte. Es posible que haya Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your county King, Department of City Planning, 221 N Figueroa St,
pounds (VOCs) in groundwater; and implement insti- un formulario que usted pueda usar para su Ste 1350, Los Angeles, CA 90012, or by email to
law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you
tutional controls (ICs). Remedy is Protective. respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formularios de la [email protected]. Documents are available for
IRP Sites 2 and 17 Landfills – consolidate and cap cannot pay the iling fee, ask the court clerk for a fee
corte y más información en el Centro de Ayuda de waiver form. If you do not ile your response on review at the address listed above by appointment only
waste to prevent contact with and migration of sub- las Cortes de California (www.sucorte.ca.gov), en la
surface contamination; monitor landfill gas (LFG) and time, you may lose the case by default, and your by calling (213) 847-3624; at the following libraries: Los
GW; and implement ICs. Remedy is Protective. biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en la corte que Angeles Central Library, 630 W 5th St, 90071; Frances
wages, money, and property may be taken without
IRP Sites 3 and 5 Landfills – consolidate and cap waste le quede más cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota de Howard Goldwyn-Hollywood Regional Library, 1623 Ivar
presentación, pida al secretario de la corte que le further warning from the court.
to prevent contact with and migration of subsurface Ave, 90028 ; and Will and Ariel Durant Branch Library,
dé un formulario de exención de pago de cuotas. Si There are other legal requirements. You may want 7140 W Sunset Blvd, 90046; and online at
contamination; monitor LFG and GW; and implement
ICs. Remedy is Short-Term Protective at IRP Site 3. no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an http://planning.lacity.gov/development-services/eir
Remedy is Protective at IRP Site 5. Conduct LFG inves- caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podrá quitar attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral
tigation at IRP Site 3, Waste Area C1 to support Long- su sueldo, dinero y bienes sin más advertencia. Hay service. If you cannot aford an attorney, you may be
Term Protectiveness. otros requisitos legales. Es recomendable que eligible for free legal services from a nonproit legal SUMMONS
IRP Site 16 – implement MNA of VOC-impacted GW llame a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no conoce services program. You can locate these nonproit CITACION JUDICIAL
and ICs. Remedy is Protective. a un abogado, puede llamar a un servicio de groups at the California Legal Services Web site
IRP Sites 18 and 24 – extract and treat VOC-impacted Case Number (Numero del Caso): 24STCV04912
GW; prevent VOC-impacted GW migration; monitor remisión a abogados. Si no puede pagar a un (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), the California Courts
GW quality; and implement ICs. Remedy is Protective abogado, es posible que cumpla con los requisitos Online Self-Help Center NOTICE TO DEFENDANT:
at IRP Site 18. Remedy is Short-term Protective at IRP para obtener servicios legales gratuitos de un (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or by contacting (AVISO AL DEMANDADO):
Site 24. Restrict residential use or require vapor intru- programa de servicios legales sin fines de lucro. your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The Testate and Intestate Successors of the Estate of
sion evaluation before potential future residential use Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines de lucro en The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and Gilbert Spaan, deceased, and all persons claiming by,
at IRP Site 24 to support Long-Term Protectiveness. el sitio web de California Legal Services, costs on any settlement or arbitration award of through, or under such decedent; (“Additional Parties
Anomaly Area 3 Landfill – cap waste to prevent con- (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), en el Centro de Attachment Form is Attached”)
tact with and migration of subsurface contamination; $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must
Ayuda de las Cortes de California,
provide stormwater control; monitor LFG and GW; and be paid before the court will dismiss the case. YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF:
(www.sucorte.ca.gov) o poniéndose en contacto
implement ICs. Remedy is Protective. con la corte o el colegio de abogados locales. ¡AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde dentro (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE):
The Navy has identified the presence of certain per- de 30 días, la corte puede decidir en su contra sin SATISHBHAI J. PATEL, an individual; SEJAL S. PATEL, an
and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in groundwa- Aviso: Por ley, la corte tiene derecho a reclamar las individual; SATISHBHAI JETHABHAI PETEL, as Trustee
cuotas y los costos exentos por imponer un escuchar su version. Lea la información a
ter at IRP Sites 1, 2, 16, 18, and 24. Certain PFAS are continuación. and SEJAL SATISH PATEL, as Trustee of the PATEL
now listed as a CERCLA hazardous substances, and gravamen sobre cualquier recuperación de $10,000 FAMILY TRUST dated June 23, 2023;
the Navy has initiated the CERCLA process for these ó más de valor recibida mediante un acuerdo o una Tiene 30 DÍAS DE CALENDARIO después de que le
chemicals pursuant to United States Department of concesión de arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. entreguen esta citación y papeles legales para NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide
Defense guidance. A basewide Preliminary Assess- Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte antes de presenter una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y against you without your being heard unless you
ment/Site Inspection was finalized in November 2021 que la corte pueda desechar el caso. The name and hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. respond within 30 days. Read the information below.
and additional investigations were completed in Sep- address of the court is: (El nombre y dirección de la Una carta o una llamada telefónica no lo prolegen. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons
tember 2022 and May 2023. The Navy is conducting corte es): Stanley Mosk Courthouse 111 North Hill Su respuesta por escrito tiene que estar en formato and legal papers are served on you to file a written
further investigation of PFAS impacts to GW and soil Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 Case Number: response at this court and have a copy served on the
at IRP Sites 1, 2, 16, 18, and 24. legal correcto si desea que procesen su caso en la plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you.
The Final Fourth CERCLA FYR Report is available for (Número del Caso): 21STCV36300 The name, corte. Es posible que haya un formulario que usted Your written response must be in proper legal form if
public inspection at the following website and loca- address, and telephone number of plaintiff's pueda usar para su respuesta. Puede encontrar you want the court to hear your case. There may be
tion: https://go.usa.gov/xhqEK attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney, is: (El estos formularios de la corte y más información en el a court form that you can use for your response. You
nombre, la dirección y el número de teléfono del Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California can find these court forms and more information at
Administrative Record File abogado del demandante, o del demandante que the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.
(www.sucorte.ca.gov), en la biblioteca de leyes de su
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command no tiene abogado, es): John C. Steele, Steele LLP, courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your county law library, or
Southwest condado o en la corte que le quede más cerca. Si no the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the fil-
17272 Red Hill Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614 (949)222-
750 Pacific Highway, Code EV33 1161 Date (Fecha): 10/18/2021 Sherri R. Carter puede pagar la cuota de presentación, pida al ing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you
Naval Base San Diego Building 3519 Executive Officer / Clerk of Court Clerk (Secretario), secretario de la corte que le dé un formulario de do not file your response on time, you may lose the
San Diego, CA 92132 by /s/ J. So, Deputy (Adjunto) extención de pago de cuotas. Si no presenta su case by default, and your wages, money, and property
respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el caso por may be taken without further warning from the court.
For information about the Fourth CERCLA FYR or any Published in the Los Angeles Times on: There are other legal requirements. You may
11/7, 11/14, 11/21 & 11/28/2024 incumplimiento y la corte le podrá quitar su sueldo,
environmental cleanup activities at Former Marine want to call an attorney right away. If you do not
Corps Air Station El Toro, please contact the following: dinero y hiener sin más advertencia. know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney
Ms. Elizabeth Roddy Hay otros requisitos legales. Es recomendable que referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you
Base Realignment and Closure Environmental Coor- llame a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no conoce a may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit
dinator un abogado, puede llamar a un servicio de remision legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit
Base Realignment and Closure Program Management Don’t let the phone a abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abogado, es groups at the California Legal Services Web Site (www.
Office West
33000 Nixie Way, Building 50, Suite 207 stop ringing posible que cumpla con los requisitos para obtener lawhelpcalifornia.org), the California Courts Online
Self-Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or
San Diego, CA 92147 servicios legales gratuitos de un programa de by contacting your local court or county bar associa-
(619) 524-4048 servicios legales sin ines de lucro. Puede encontrar tion. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived
[email protected] estos grupos sin ines de lucro en el sitio web de fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award
Advertise with of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must
California Legal Services,
LA Times Classified (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), en el Centro de Ayuda be paid before the court will dismiss the case.
de las Cortes de California, (www.sucorte.ca.gov) o іAVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde
LA Times Classified dentro de 30 dias, la corte puede decider en su
poniéndose en contacto con la corte o el colegio de contra sin escuchar su version. Lea la informacion a
(800) 234-4444 abogados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte tiene continuacion.
derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los costos extentos Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO despues de que
por imponer un gravamen sobre cualquier le entreguen esta citacion y papeles legales para
THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME recuperación de $10,000 ó más de valor recibida presenter una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y
By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una
mediante un acuerdo o una concesión de arbitraje
carta o una llamada telefonica no lo protegen. Su
Unscramble these Jumbles, en un caso de derecho civil. Tiene que pagar el
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble
one letter to each square, respuesta por escrito tiene que estar en formato legal
gravamen de la corte antes de que la corte pueda correcto si desea que procesen su caso en la corte. Es
to form four ordinary words. desechar el caso. posible que haya un formulario que usted pueda usar
para su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formularios
PNEIT The name and address of the court is: de la corte y mas informacion en el Centro de Ayuda
(El nombre y dirección de la corte es): de las Cortes de California (www.sucorte.ca.gov), en
la biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en la corte
COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES que le quede mas cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota
Glendale Courthouse de presentacion, pida al secretario de la corte que le
600 East Broadway
CBEHA Glendale, CA 91206
de un formulario de exencion de pago de cuotas. Si
no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el
caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podra quitar su
The name, address, and telephone number of the sueldo, dinero y bienes sin mas advertencia.
plaintif’s attorney, or plaintif without an The name and address of the court is: (El nombre y
attorney, is:
UAAING (El nombre, la dirección y el número de telefono del
direccion de la corte es):
abogado del demandante, o del demandante que 111 N. Hill Street
no tiene abodgado, es): Los Angeles, CA 90012
Ajay Scott Narayan, 695 Town Center Drive #1200,
The name, address, and telephone number of
CNELTU Costa Mesa, CA 92626,
[email protected]
310-717-9907, plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an at-
torney, is: (El nombre, la direccion y el numero
de telefono del abogado del demandante, o del
Now arrange the circled letters Date: 07/10/2024 demandante que no tiene abogado, es):
©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as Lori C. Hershorin, Esq. of Hershorin & Henry LLP
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon. David W. Slayton Executive Oicer/ 26475 Rancho Parkway South
Lake Forest, CA 92630
Clerk of the Court 949-859-5600
A Oliva Deputy Date: (Fecha) 04/05/2024
(Answers tomorrow) (Adjunto)
Jumbles: PEACE BRINK CROUCH GALLOP David W. Slayton Clerk
Yesterday’s (Secretario)
Answer: The tiger leapt at his prey but totally missed. He Published in the Los Angeles Times 11/7, 11/14,
S. Bolden Deputy
was very bummed, but he’d — “POUNCE” BACK 11/21, and 11/28/2024 (Adjunto)
B6 T H U R S DAY , N OV E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M
5-day forecasts Pressure: L Low H High Warm Front Cold Front Jet Stream Trough
High/low temperatures are average forecasts for entire zone.
Temps –0 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100+ Rain T-storm Snow Ice
L.A. Basin Valleys Beaches Mountains Deserts
Today 75/50 73/46 72/47 47/20 76/50 Winnipeg
Sunshine Sunny and windy Sunshine Sunny; windy, chilly Sunny, but cool Montreal
Friday Sunny 75/53 Sunny 77/48 Sunny 73/51 Sunny; milder 57/22 Sunny 80/50 57/45 52/42
Saturday Sunny 75/52 Sunny 76/49 Sunny 73/50 Sunny 61/29 Sunny 80/53 Billings Toronto
Sunday Partly sunny 75/51 Partly sunny 75/51 Some sunshine 70/50 Partly sunny 62/29 Hazy sun 81/54 54/32 57/44
Monday Partly sunny 66/56 Partly sunny 69/52 Rather cloudy 64/53 Partly sunny 55/28 Hazy sun 81/56 Minneapolis 60/43
50/37 New York
Air quality Good Moderate Unhealthful for: Sensitive people All Not Available San Francisco
59/41 Washington
70/49 Denver
SANTA Santa Clarita South Coast Air Quality Management District forecasts air quality 34/27 78/54
BARBARA CO. Santa Paula 73/42 Hesperia Kansas City
Santa Ojai78/44 64/27 Los Angeles
Barbara 76/46 Simi Valley 75/50
Chatsworth SAN BERNARDINO CO. Atlanta
71/42 73/43 Burbank Monrovia
Ventura Camarillo 73/46 77/65
74/45 74/49
72/50 77/46 Pomona/ Yucca Valley
El Paso
UCLA 62/38
Westlake 73/47 L.A. Downtown Fairplex Ontario San Bernardino 63/41
76/50 Woodland 75/50 76/43 74/42 87/71
Village 75/46
Hills Chihuahua
76/45 Whittier 82/45 Miami
76/44 Chino Monterrey 86/77
Santa Monica Hills 78/38 Riverside RIVERSIDE CO. 85/69
72/47 78/48 Fullerton 72/36
Surf and sea Torrance 78/46 U.S. cities
Inner waters: Northeast winds 20- Long ORANGE CO. Hemet Palm WEDNESDAY’S EXTREMES AS OF 2 P.M. FOR THE 48 CONTIGUOUS STATES
40 knots becoming north to north- Beach Newport Irvine 73/35 Springs High 93 in Gonzales, La. Low –2 in Lake Yellowstone, Wyo.
west 15-30 knots. Seas 3-5 feet; 78/47 79/45 76/50
mixed swell 1-3 feet at 8 seconds. Beach
Mission Viejo
76/48 Temecula Wednesday* Today Wednesday* Today
Surf zone: The risk of strong rip cur- Laguna 76/46 City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky
rents is moderate at Ventura County 76/36
Beach San Albany 76 62 .02 63 41 Pc Seattle 55 41 -- 57 45 Su
beaches and low elsewhere. 74/49 Clemente Albuquerque 40 38 .09 38 32 Sn Tampa 91 78 .18 88 72 Ts
76/48 SAN DIEGO CO. Anchorage 43 39 -- 37 30 Pc Tucson 67 44 -- 59 38 Su
Oceanside Aspen 34 19 .16 41 16 Sn Tulsa 68 41 -- 66 50 Pc
Atlanta 74 67 .02 77 65 Sh Washington, D.C. 82 62 -- 78 54 Sh
County Height Period Direction Temp Sun and moon 80/33 Austin 81 43 -- 78 70 Ts Wichita 63 41 -- 60 47 Pc
Santa Barbara 1-3’ 8 sec S 61 Baltimore 80 62 -- 77 45 Cy
Today’s rise/set
Ventura 2-4’ 8 sec SW 61 Escondido Ramona Boise 45 23 -- 49 30 Su World
Los Angeles 1-3’ 8 sec SW 59 Los Angeles Co. Orange Co. Ventura Co. 78/38 74/35 Boston 81 61 -- 70 44 Su Acapulco 86 75 .04 88 77 Pc
Orange 1-3’ 8 sec SSW 61 Sun 6:19a/4:55p 6:17a/4:54p 6:23a/4:58p Bufalo 65 62 .13 57 47 Su Amsterdam 52 43 -- 49 38 Cy
Moon 12:04p/10:01p 12:02p/10:00p 12:08p/10:04p Poway
San Diego 1-3’ 8 sec SSW 64 Burlington, Vt. 70 64 Tr 55 44 Su Athens 64 55 -- 66 54 Su
77/40 Charleston, S.C. 83 65 .01 79 69 Ts Bangkok 86 79 -- 89 77 Pc
Charlotte 74 66 .15 76 64 Sh Barcelona 70 61 -- 69 56 Pc
Tides San Diego Chicago 52 50 Tr 59 41 Su Berlin 55 33 -- 46 38 Cy
L.A. Outer Harbor, in feet. 75/45 Cincinnati 69 63 .55 62 42 Pc Cabo San Lucas 82 57 -- 81 63 Su
Nov. 8 Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 30
Today 11:43a 5.1 Hi 8:24p 0.4 Lo Cleveland 66 64 .28 58 43 Pc Cairo 79 60 -- 83 65 Su
------ Hi ------ Lo Columbia, S.C. 82 65 1.02 74 67 Ts Dubai 95 81 -- 93 78 Su
Fri. 4:50a 3.7 Hi 7:13a 3.7 Lo
Almanac Columbus 68 63 .31 63 38 Su Dublin 63 54 .02 58 52 Cy
Wednesday Downtown readings Dallas/Ft.Worth 73 51 -- 73 63 Ts Havana 81 77 1.96 83 73 Sh
1:16p 4.8 Hi 9:28p 0.3 Lo Denver 30 27 .42 34 27 Sn Ho Chi Minh City 90 76 .19 92 77 Ts
Temperature Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura* Precipitation Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura* Detroit 69 58 .02 60 43 Su Hong Kong 83 73 -- 82 70 Pc
UV index High/low 76/51 76/51 75/52 24-hour total (as of 2 p.m.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 El Paso 72 43 -- 63 41 Pc Istanbul 59 48 -- 65 53 Su
Minutes to burn for sensitive people Normal high/low 75/56 77/53 72/50 Season total (since Oct. 1) 0.00 0.01 0.08 Eugene 51 38 Tr 58 37 Fg Jerusalem 75 56 -- 73 59 Hz
High/low a year ago 76/55 76/51 74/53 Last season (Oct. 1 to date) Trace Trace 0.00 Fort Myers 89 77 .09 87 73 Ts Johannesburg 84 50 -- 82 56 Cy
Las Vegas, 45 Phoenix, 45
Record high/date 95/2006 96/2006 95/2006 Season norm (Oct. 1 to date) 0.68 0.59 0.95 Hartford 83 58 -- 71 39 Pc Kuala Lumpur 89 76 .43 92 76 Ts
Los Angeles, 45 San Francisco, 45 Record low/date 40/1879 47/2011 42/1951 Humidity (high/low) 93/12 96/27 66/8 Honolulu 85 73 .07 85 73 Sh Lima 69 62 -- 70 61 Cy
Houston 86 64 -- 87 71 Ts London 52 48 -- 57 46 Cy
California cities* Indianapolis 69 59 1.05 60 40 Su Madrid 70 48 -- 67 45 Cy
Wed.* Today Fri. Wed.* Today Fri. Wed.* Today Fri. Jacksonville, Fla. 85 72 .52 86 69 Ts Mecca 95 71 -- 96 73 Su
Kansas City 59 38 -- 58 40 Pc Mexico City 78 51 -- 79 51 Pc
City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo Knoxville 78 59 Tr 81 62 Sh Montreal 70 59 .01 52 42 Su
Anaheim 74 51 -- 79 43 80 45 L.A. D’ntown/USC 78 48 -- 75 50 75 53 San Diego 78 48 -- 75 45 77 46 Las Vegas 60 48 -- 64 43 Su Moscow 37 28 .28 41 38 Cy
Avalon/Catalina 65 52 -- 65 58 70 59 L.A. Int’l. Airport 77 50 -- 73 49 73 51 San Francisco 70 50 -- 70 49 68 48 Louisville 71 67 .96 66 47 Sh Mumbai 95 81 -- 97 73 Su
Bakersfield 75 42 -- 73 45 74 46 Laguna Beach 76 53 -- 74 49 72 50 San Gabriel 77 48 -- 76 49 78 53 Medford 61 32 -- 63 35 Su New Delhi 86 65 -- 87 67 Su
Barstow 61 34 -- 65 38 70 42 Lancaster 60 26 Tr 65 27 71 32 San Jose 76 47 -- 75 46 74 47 Memphis 70 63 1.76 67 57 Ts Paris 62 48 Tr 57 46 Pc
Big Bear Lake 39 17 -- 47 20 57 22 Long Beach 78 48 -- 78 47 78 48 San Luis Obispo 75 38 -- 79 43 78 44 Miami 85 81 .08 86 77 Ts Prague 41 39 .01 45 34 Cy
Bishop 53 24 -- 64 27 71 30 Mammoth Lakes 41 13 -- 53 20 60 23 Santa Ana 77 60 -- 78 50 77 51 Milwaukee 53 50 .04 58 43 Su Rome 70 50 -- 71 53 Pc
Burbank 74 48 -- 74 45 77 48 Mission Viejo 76 51 -- 76 46 75 46 Santa Barbara 73 41 -- 71 42 72 44 Minneapolis 49 33 -- 50 37 Su Seoul 54 34 -- 58 32 Pc
Camarillo 73 58 -- 77 46 73 48 Monrovia 75 49 -- 74 49 77 51 Santa Clarita 67 45 -- 73 42 79 46 Nashville 80 68 .19 71 57 Sh Singapore 86 77 -- 86 75 Ts
Chatsworth 67 51 -- 73 46 78 47 Monterey 73 48 -- 69 45 69 43 Santa Monica Pier 78 49 -- 72 47 73 51 New Orleans 87 72 -- 84 75 Pc Taipei City 73 68 -- 72 67 Pc
Chino 71 46 -- 78 38 78 41 Mt. Wilson 57 40 -- 48 42 54 42 Santa Paula 73 51 -- 78 44 76 48 New York 80 64 -- 73 49 Pc Tokyo 61 56 .01 64 52 Su
Compton 79 47 -- 78 48 79 47 Needles 66 50 -- 69 45 73 45 Santa Rosa 74 38 -- 75 37 74 37 Norfolk 82 58 -- 79 61 Sh Vancouver 52 43 -- 54 45 Pc
Dana Point 79 52 -- 75 49 72 47 Newport Beach 77 56 -- 76 48 73 51 Simi Valley 68 50 -- 73 43 78 42 Oklahoma City 69 43 -- 64 51 Cy Vienna 54 36 Tr 53 32 Hz
Death Valley 74 51 -- 77 55 80 50 Northridge 71 51 -- 75 44 79 49 Tahoe Valley 42 16 -- 52 18 58 27 Omaha 56 34 -- 54 36 Pc
Del Mar 82 50 -- 72 47 74 49 Oakland 73 46 Tr 72 46 70 46 Temecula 73 38 -- 76 36 81 41 Orlando 86 75 .50 86 71 Ts Key: Su sunny; Pc partly cloudy; Cy cloudy; Fg
Escondido 74 43 -- 78 38 81 40 Oceanside 83 40 -- 80 33 81 36 Thousand Oaks 70 53 -- 76 45 76 47 Philadelphia 80 61 -- 77 49 Pc foggy; Prcp precipitation; Dr drizzle; Hz hazy Sh
Eureka 59 41 -- 61 40 58 44 Ojai 74 45 -- 76 46 77 48 Torrance 75 51 -- 74 49 71 51 Phoenix 70 50 -- 67 47 Su showers; Ts thunderstorms; R rain; Sn snow; Sf
snow flurries; I ice; Rs rain/snow; W windy; Tr
Fallbrook 75 43 -- 77 39 80 40 Ontario 70 51 -- 75 46 78 48 UCLA 77 50 -- 73 47 75 50 Pittsburgh 72 65 .03 65 40 Pc trace. Notes: National extremes exclude Alaska
Fresno 70 43 -- 72 43 73 44 Palm Springs 72 54 -- 76 50 80 50 Van Nuys 72 55 -- 77 46 81 50 Portland, Ore. 59 43 Tr 61 41 Su and Hawaii. * - data estimated.
Fullerton 76 49 Tr 78 46 78 48 Pasadena 75 48 -- 73 48 77 53 Ventura 75 50 -- 72 50 70 51 Providence 77 59 -- 71 40 Pc Wednesday’s readings as of 2 p.m.
Hemet 70 34 -- 73 35 77 37 Paso Robles 74 29 -- 75 31 76 33 Whittier Hills 77 47 -- 78 48 79 49 Raleigh/Durham 82 58 -- 80 64 Sh
Hesperia 57 29 -- 63 30 70 36 Redding 70 42 -- 74 39 71 41 Woodland Hills 71 52 -- 76 44 78 49 Reno 45 31 -- 55 28 Su
Huntington Beach 76 56 -- 75 47 73 49 Riverside 69 40 -- 72 36 77 40 Wrightwood 45 30 -- 52 34 60 34 Richmond 81 57 -- 82 58 Sh Forecasts by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2024
Idyllwild 53 36 -- 55 36 64 40 Sacramento 73 39 -- 71 38 72 40 Yorba Linda 73 50 -- 77 41 78 39 St. Louis 60 49 -- 61 41 Pc
Irvine 77 55 -- 79 45 77 46 San Bernardino 75 43 -- 74 42 77 45 Yosemite Valley 56 36 -- 66 36 68 36 Salt Lake City 46 29 Tr 46 29 Su
to the ace of diamonds at 3NT to offer partner a choice
By Frank Stewart Trick Three, then take the of games. With a hand such
A-Q of spades to pitch his as 5 4, Q 8 3, K 5 4, A K J 7 6,
Unlucky Louie wouldn’t last diamond and exit with a he will pass.
lose as much in his penny trump.
game if he understood that When West wins, he is North dealer
no extra points are awarded stuck. If he leads a club, N-S vulnerable
for speed. Louie plays as if Louie gets a free finesse; if
the idea is to get in as many West leads a diamond, Louie ♠AQ6
deals as possible, and the re- tries dummy’s queen. If East ♥ 10 9 7 4
sult is more of his “bad luck.” had the king, Louie could ♦AQ3
As South, Louie roared still finesse in clubs. ♣ Q 10 5
into six hearts, a fine spot. You hold: ♠ A Q 6 ♥ 10 9 7 4 WEST EAST
♠ J 10 ♠987542
He won the first spade with ♦ A Q 3 ♣ Q 10 5. Your partner ♥K3 ♥ None
the king and cashed the ace opens one club, you respond ♦ K 10 8 5 ♦J976
of trumps, sighing when one heart and he raises to ♣K8743 ♣962
East discarded. Louie then two hearts. The opponents SOUTH
had 11 tricks and needed a pass. What do you say? ♠K3
winning minor-suit finesse Answer: Your partner ♥AQJ8652
for one more. He shrugged, has minimum opening val- ♦42
led a spade to dummy and ues. He will often have four- ♣AJ
tried a club to his jack. West card heart support but may NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST
won and cashed his king of have raised you with good 1♣ Pass 2♥ Pass
trumps. three-card support and un- 3♥ Pass 6♥ All Pass
Louie’s play was hasty — balanced or semibalanced Opening lead — ♠ J
and wrong; he can try both pattern. You certainly have
KENKEN finesses. Louie should lead enough for game, but bid Tribune Content Agency
Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be ASKING ERIC
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.
Dear Eric: I’m 51 years old. Dear Not Sure: Not to be most a year. I realize the only
I’ve been dating “John” for too blunt but I’m confused thing I can control is my own
2 1⁄2 years now. After a year, about what you’re getting behavior, so I have drasti-
he moved in to help with out of this relationship. Part cally cut back on the amount
the mortgage. Most of the of the reason for the move of money I give her.
time he pays, but if he misses was financial, but he is in- But I hate feeling angry
a month and I ask about it consistent and angry about and resentful toward her,
he gets angry, which I find mortgage payments. He and I would love to be able to
to be a very strange reaction. makes a lot of time for his find a way to move forward
If I ever get mad about parents and work, but no and let go of all of this nega-
something he turns around time to build a relationship tive emotion.
and gets mad at me and with you. Funding Family
often blames me. There’s a difference be-
Most of the time he works tween being a workaholic Dear Family: Money talks,
from home and is on many and being a person who isn’t but it mumbles a lot, so
Zoom calls a day. He says the prepared to be an equal we have to be especially clear
11/7/24 work is better than he could partner in a relationship. It in our communications
have imagined. But in this seems he’s the latter and if around it. Cutting back on
time, we have been on zero he isn’t interested in learn- your generosity is fine, but
vacations together. When I ing how to show up for you, it’s not going to get at the
HOROSCOPE ask him about taking a trip you have to show up for your- root issue and is likely to be
together, he always says I self and show him the door. misconstrued.
things that captivate you; Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. should go because he is too It will help a lot if you can
By Holiday Mathis this is your brilliance at play. 18): There’s something good busy and to stop being an- Dear Eric: Over the last 30 both have a conversation
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): in hearing unwanted advice tagonistic. some years, I have been very that’s focused on the way
Aries (March 21-April 19): Today, it seems like every- today. It’s not about the wis- He seems to be a worka- generous with a sibling who you feel about each other
Ambition takes a back seat one around you is on your dom of words but in the op- holic. He likes to watch mov- has never been in very good and about your relationship.
to something even sweeter: side, supporting your mis- portunity to understand ies with me and occasionally financial shape. You need a place to work
contentment. Check off sion to make everything how another person thinks. have dinner out together. I have sensed a certain through your resentment
tasks and savor the feeling of beautiful and functional. Pisces (Feb. 19-March I’m flattered he wants to contempt from her and her and she likely does too.
accomplishment. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): 20): Confidence doesn’t spend time with me but sad family about my generosity. I Before you reach out to
Taurus (April 20-May Fun is in the air, and there’s come from pretending to be we have no community to- get a thank you or an ac- her, think about what you
20): Life is in a constant state more of it to go around than flawless. The truly confident gether. I feel bored and unin- knowledgment maybe half actually want. It may be as
of flux. Instead of clinging to you had in years past. fall in love with their quirks. spired. the time. She is very short- simple as a thank you. But I
an idea of permanence, Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): Today’s birthday (Nov. He doesn’t share tempered and regularly nee- suspect it’s more compli-
you’ll see the scene for what Your personal growth is a 7): Your year will be wonder- anything about his financial dles me about things that cated than that. Is there a
it is — momentary, fluid and DIY project. You get inspira- filled. You’ll learn and dis- situation. He is very secre- happened 20 or 30 years ago. part of you that’s hurt by her
ripe with opportunity. tion from the world, but ulti- cover exciting things that tive. After many years of letting it response to you or her
Gemini (May 21-June 21): mately you act on your own could only happen in this When his parents are in go, I find myself very angry snarky comments? Is there
A whimsical energy sur- accord, putting it all to- time. Your tastes expand as town, he has dinner with about her ungratefulness frustration that the money
rounds you now, encourag- gether in a unique way. you see new places and expe- them at 5 p.m. six nights a and her attitude toward me. you gave didn’t stop the
ing you to enjoy the people Sagittarius (Nov. 22- rience different styles. Your week for a couple months. I I have always felt sorry for hurt? Ask yourself what
around you with no agenda. Dec. 21): The pond is murky, needs for comfort, novelty find this excessive. her and wanted to make her would make you feel valued
Cancer (June 22-July 22): but stirring the water only and friendship are well met. I don’t know if we should life better but maybe in do- in this relationship.
Luck is a fickle fairy who makes it worse. Let it be. Discipline, an excellent plan break up or stay together. ing so I’ve made her feel bad
hates to be chased. It’s bet- Clarity comes from stillness. and a stellar team bring cash Not Sure About about herself. Email questions to
ter to work diligently and ig- Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. rewards. Gemini and Cancer Being Single Again We have not spoken in al- [email protected].
nore her. She’ll flutter by 19): After repeatedly losing adore you. Lucky numbers:
when you least expect it. and finding yourself, you’ll 5, 10, 14, 35, 7.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): realize that neither state is FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keane DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham
Isn’t it funny how the smart- inherently better than the Mathis writes her column
er someone is, the more fas- other. It’s just a fleeting for Creators Syndicate Inc.
cinated they are by the mun- opinion about your relation- The horoscope should be
dane”? Today, it’s the simple ship to your surroundings. read for entertainment.
Edited By Patti Varol
By Simon Marotte & Trenton Lee Stewart © 2024 Tribune Content Agency
1 Mobile app for staying
5 “In your face!”
10 Draw
13 __-gazing
15 “Funeral Blues” poet
16 Short expression of
17 Earnhardt and Andretti
work as ushers?
19 Snub-nosed dog
20 Lyricist Gershwin
21 Assays FREE RANGE By Bill Whitehead MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson
22 Mispronounces esses,
24 “Gracias” response
26 Parcel (out)
27 Gerwig and
DuVernay work at the
33 “We are not amused”
36 Potential queens
37 Sorority letter
38 Texted titters
39 Eyelashes, anatomically
40 Cry of pain
41 Açaí bowl grain
42 Daytona entry
43 Swear words 9 Moose feature 46 Prefix with -vore
44 Austen and Morrison 10 Upper-level clearance 49 Geothermal
choreograph a play? level alternative
47 Surrounds in a rush 11 Cry from the recently 50 Wear away
48 Fools (with) roused 51 Learned ones
52 Chihuahua, for one 12 Spurs (on) 52 Utters
54 “Haters __ hate” 14 Allow to peter out 53 Pants, informally
57 Pop star Rita 18 Caboose 54 College figs.
58 Statues, paintings, 23 “__ not for me to 55 Great Plains people
BLISS By Harry Bliss SPEED BUMP By Dave Coverly
etc. say” 56 Condé __
59 Hook and Kirk haul 25 Puts in 60 Sounds heard at a
timber? 26 Title at the Louvre 61-Down
62 Mirror image? 28 Heroic accounts 61 Massage locale
63 Word from the Greek for 29 McLaughlin of ANSWER TO
“chasm” “Stranger Things” PREVIOUS PUZZLE
64 Fashion designer Kate 30 Take for a spin?
65 Total 31 “Whoops!”
66 Valuable one 32 Tugs along
67 Aphrodite’s consort 33 Ground-breaking
DOWN 34 Crowd eruption
1 Overturned 35 Demand that rarely
2 Dance studio rail ends in compromise
3 Dasani alternative 39 Pixar film set in
4 Fire (up) Radiator Springs
5 Barbershop quartet 40 Hairy beasts
part 42 Only Hitchcock film to
6 Boot from power win Best Picture
7 Praiseful poems 43 Current locations?
8 Affirmative vote 45 Young’un 11/7/24