DLL Week2 LC36-39

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= GRADE 1-12 School Grade Level 10


Teaching Dates Quarter THIRD


I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives necessary
procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises, and remedial activities may be done for developing
content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support
the learning of content and competencies and enable
children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of combination and probability.
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to use precise counting technique and probability in formulating
conclusions and making decisions.
C. Learning The learner illustrates The learners Derives the formula for The learner solves
Competencies/Objectives the combination of differentiate finding the number of problems involving
Write the LC code for objects. permutation from combination of n objects permutations and
each. (M10SP-IIIc-1) combination of n taken r at a time. combinations.
objects taken r at a (M10SP-IIId-1) ( M10SP-IIId-e-1)
a. Illustrate time. (M10SP-IIIc-2) a. Solve
combination of a. Derive the problems
objects in real life a) Identify solutions formula in finding involving
situation. that involve the number of combinations.
b. Determine the permutations or combination of n b. Appreciate
number of ways a combinations. objects taken r at the essence of
combination may b)Solve real life a time. combination
occur. problems involving b. Find the in making
c.Value the combinations and number of wise
presence of permutations using combination of n decisions.
combinations in our listing method. objects taken r
daily life. c) Develop at a time r.
analytical mind while c.Value the
applying the lesson in presence of

real life situation. combinations in
our daily life.
II. CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the
content can be tackled

in a week or two.
Module 6:
Module 6:
COMBINATION Module 6: PERMUTATION Problems Involving
Topic: Combinations AND COMBINATION Combinations
Lesson 2:
Sub-topic: Permutations Lesson 2: Combinations
VS Combinations
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages TG pages 259-270 TG pages 259 - 270 TG pages 259-270 pp. 279 – 284
2. Learner’s Materials pages LM pages 301-318 LM pages 301 - 318 LM pages 306- 315 pp. 301 – 315
3. Textbook pages MSA Advanced MSA Advanced Algebra by
Algebra by Merle S. Merle S. Alferez, et.al,
Alferez, et.al, pages Making Connections pages 341-345
337-340 in Mathematics by MSA Statistics and
MSA Statistics and Obana, et al., pages Probability by Merle S.
Probability by Merle S. 377 -425 Alferez, et.al,
Alferez, et.al, pages 78-80
pages 76-78
4. Additional Materials http://
from Learning keydifferences.com/d PowerPoint Presentation
Resource (LR)portal ifference-between- Manila Paper
Laptop, Power Point
permutation-and- Marker
combination.html#ixzz Tape
406 CcCMpz
B. Other Learning Resource
Laptop, Power Point Google for the different
Presentation, pictures
z40 6CcCMpz
/dr. math/

A. Reviewing previous lesson or (Do this activity by
presenting the new lesson HEPHEP - HOORAY pair)

Study the following Think of the situations

situations. below. What’s the
Identify which situation Difference?
does not need order.
Motivation (Game)
Say HEPHEP if the Situation 1.” My fruit
situation needs order, salad is a
Your mother
otherwise HOORAY. combination of
asked you to Identify if the given
apples, grapes and
withdraw Php 5000 situation is
1. Picking a team bananas”
from her Landbank permutation or
captain, pitcher, and
account in Tagaytay combination. If
and gave you her shortstop from a
permutation, say
PIN. Unfortunately, group.
FACT, otherwise
you forgot the BLUFF. 2. Picking two colors
correct order of from a color brochure.
numbers. You only 1. You can 3. Picking first, second
remember that the arrange 3 and third place
PIN contains 7, 3, 5, students in 6 winners.
4 and the last digit different 4. Choosing 3
desserts from a menu Situation 2. “The
is 4. arrangements. combination of my
How many possible 2. Given 2 shirts of 10.
5. Listing your 3 cellphone pin code is
combinations are and 3 pants. There are 4720”
there? 5 different ways of favorite desserts, in
matching it. order, from a menu
of 10.

B. Establishing a purpose for How do the situations

the lesson Group Activity differ from each other? If your school cafeteria Municipality of
Analyze the given offers pork, beef, Rosario also known
Perform the activity as situations below. chicken, and fish for main as Salinas is one of the
a dish, chop first

group. Situation 1.” My fruit suey,pinakbet, and class urban
Follow all instructions salad is a black beans for municipalities in the
and write all your combination of vegetable dishes, province of Cavite.
answers on a clean pineapples, melon banana and pineapple Salinas is well known
sheet of paper. Then, and bananas” for dessert, and tea, with its finest and
answer the questions Situation 2. “The juice, and softdrinks for famous smoked
that follow. combination of my ATM beverage in how many fished (Tinapang
pin code is 4720”. ways can you choose Salinas). There are
Consider the fruits Situation 3. “An your meal consisting of 1 various smoke-fish
below. arrangement of cup of rice, 1 main dish, factory in towns.
Mathematics books, 1 vegetable Carms Food in
Science books, and dish, 1 beverage, and 1 Ligtong IV offers
English books on a dessert? Tinapang Salinas
shelf” like lawlaw, tulingan,
galunggong and
a. How did you find bangus. Aside from
the number of ways in smoke-fish there
choosing your meal? restaurants like
Chibugan along
b. What Marseilla Street is
mathematics famous for its pancit
1. a. Select one concepts or principles sa bilao such as
fruit at a time. Do did you apply? malabon, canton
all possible and luglog . If you
selections. c. How did you want something to
b. Illustrate or apply these concepts give to a relative
describe each or principles? from other provinces
selection you made. you can combine
c. Count the d. Does the situation those famous tinapa
number of different above illustrate and pancit sa bilao.
selections you permutations or not?
made. Why?

2. a. Select 2 fruits
at a time.
b. Illustrate or
describe each

c. Count the
number of different
selections you

Motive Questions

What kind of tinapang

Salinas do you want?
1. If given a
chance to
choose from
the kinds of
tinapa and
pancit bilao
which do you
2. How many
can you make
by choosing
three kinds of
tinapa and two
Pancit sa
3. What is the

formula to
be used in
the problem?

C. Presenting It is very important Illustrative example 1:
examples/Instances of the A group of to make the Suppose now, that you
new lesson students from distinction between are asked to form If Carms food offers
Manila wants to different triangles out tinapangLawlaw,
visit Tagaytay as permutations and of 4 points plotted, say, tinapangTulingan,
part of their Lakbay combinations. In A, B, C, and D, of which tinapang Galunggong
Aral. A tourist guide permutations, order no three are collinear. and tinapang
suggested some matters and in We can see that ABC Bangus., and
nice places to visite, combinations order is the same as BCA Chibugan Restaurant
namely, Taal Vista does not matter. The and CBA. In the same have Pancit Luglog,
Hotel ( Tv), Puzzle important manner, BCD is the Pancit Canton and
Mansion (Pm), Sky information can be same as CBD and Pancit Malabon in how
Ranch (Sr), summarized by: DBC. This is another many ways can you
Residence Inn (Ri) Order
illustration of choose your take
and Picnic Grove Permutation Matters combination. The home gift consisting
(Pg) , to name a different triangles that of 3 Tinapang Salinas,2
few. How many
Combination Does not matter
can be formed are ABC, pancit sa bilao?
ways can a student ABD, BCD, and CDA.
select three out of Thus, there are 4 Solution:
the mentioned Examples: combinations. If there are 4 kinds of
places? Tinapa and you need to
The The principal of choose 3 then
TCSNHS has to select n=4 total no.
possible 3 students from a of tinapa to choose
combinations of group of 5 candidates from
places to be visited (Anna, Bernard, Carlo, r= 3 what
are: Darna, and Efren) to The number of you want
attend the leadership different orders of 4 thus, C ( 4 ,3)
a. TvPmSr training as president, vertices taken 3 at a 4C3 = 4! =4●
b. TvPmRi vice president and time is given by 3!
c.TvPmPg secretary to be held at P(4, 3) = 4! 3!( 4-3)! 3! ● 1!
d. PmSrRi Tagaytay International
e. PmSrPg Convention Center. = 24. = 4
f.SrRiPg How 1
g. SrRiTv many different ways can There are 24 = 4 ways
h. SrPgTv possibilities. Since you
i.RiPgTv learned in Geometry For Pancit sa bilao
j.RiPmPg that we can name

this be done if: a triangle using its three n=3 total no. of
vertices in any order, pancit
then if
1. The students are we look more closely, we r= 2 what you
distinct? can see that all the want
2. The students are not in the same column are thus,C ( 3, 2)
distinct? identical.
Thus, the actual number C
3 2 = 3! = 3 ● 2!
Solution: combinations is 2!( 3-2)! 2! 1!
It is very important
whether or not these C(4, 3) = 24 or = 3ways
students are distinct. 6
If the students are P(4, 3) or Therefore, there are 12
distinct, we are picking 6 ways to combine Tinapa
triple (A, B,C) with each P(4, 3) with pancit sa bilao.
being a candidate, and 3!
order matters. This Using the multiplication
we are finding a 3- Notice that 6 or 3! is the counting principle.
permutation from a set number of ways of 4C 3 ● 3C 2
of 5
elements. So there are: arranging 3 objects taken
all = 4 ●3 ●2 ● 3 ●
at a time. We divided by 2

P(5,3) = to eliminate duplicates. 3 ●2 2●1
60 distinct ways to pick = 4 ●3
these officers. = 12 ways
If the students are
distinct, the triples
(A,C,B), (C,B,A) , etc.
the same since
positions are the same.
we are finding a 3
combinations from a
set of
5 elements

Therefore, there are
10 combinations.
D. Discussing new concepts and Study the following
practicing new skills # 1 situations. Then,
answer the questions
that follow. Illustrative example 2.

1. Choosing 2 In how many ways

household chores to can a committee
do before dinner consisting of 4
2. Selecting 5 members be formed
1. If you are one of basketball players from 8 people?
the students, what out of 10 team Christopher is packing
three places will you members for the his bags for his Solution:
suggest? different positions vacation. He has 888 n = 8, r = 4
3. Choosing three C(n,r) = 𝑛!
2. How many unique shirts, but only
combinations are of your classmates to 555 fit in his bag.
attend your party C(8,4) =
there? How many different
3. Is there another 4. Picking 6 balls groups of 555 shirts
way to get the from a basket of 12 can he take?
balls C(8,4) =4•3•2•1•4•3•2•1
correct answer aside
from listing 5. Forming a
committee of 5 C(8,4) = 7•2•5
method? Explain
members from 20 after common factors
briefly your answer.
people are
a. In the items C(8,4) = 70 ways
above, identify
which situations
illustrate permutation
and which illustrate

b. How did you
differentiate the
situations that involve
permutation from
those that involve
E. Discussing new concepts and At Dexter’s pizza
practicing new skills # 2 Do the following with a parlor Here is the situation: 1. Does the given

partner! there are three situation need
different toppings There are 12 boys and an order?
Aside from (all meat, pepperoni, 14 girls in Mrs. Dela 2. How are you
beautiful places, shawarma) Cruz’s math class. Find going to find
Tagaytay is also to choose from, where the number of ways Mrs. the no. of
known for its a costumer Dela Cruz can select a combination
pasalubong items. can order any number team of 3 students from ?
of these the class to work on a 3. What is the
Rowena’s Pasalubong toppings. If you dine in group project. The difference
Shop offers different a said team is to consist of 1 between
tarts: (Buko, Ube, pizza parlor, with how girl and 2 boys. permutation
Pineapple, Yema many Solution: Let us fill in the and
and Mango). A box possible toppings can blank combination
of tart contains 9 you actually order your For ?
pieces and you are pizza? boys n 4. Can you give
allowed to have a = 12 other
maximum of three r= situations
different flavors per Solutions: within our
box, how many a. How many C ( 12 , ) school that
possible pizzas are there illustrate
combinations are with only one 12C2 = 12! = combination?
there? 12● 11 ●10! = 5. What is the
topping? List down
all answer. importance of
a. There is !( 12 - )! studying
only one flavor combination
( , , )=
Solution: in making
number of pizzas.
How many flavors are decision?
a. How many
there? =
pizzas are there
ways to select There are 12 boys and
with only two boys 14 girls in Mrs.
toppings? List down
Cottingham’s math
b. There are two all answer.
class. Find the
flavors Solution: number of ways Mrs.
How many ( , , )= Now, try Cottingham can
different flavors number of pizzas. to complete select a team of 3
can you pair b. How many students from the
with Buko? pizzas are there this, class to work on a
with only three group project. The team
For girls is to consist of 1 girl
toppings? List down
How many all and 2 boys.
different flavors Solution: Let us fill in
can you pair the blank
with Ube? For boys

answer n= n = 12------------n is
the total no. of boys
How many ( )= number
r= r=-----------------r is
combinations of two of pizzas. the no. of boys to be
flavors are there? Therefore, C ( , selected
there are
combinations of 1) C ( 12 , 12!
12C2 =
2!(12− )!
toppings in Dexter’s
c. There are three
Pizza Parlor. C! =
flavors Solution: =2!(
How many therefore there are
different flavors ways to select girls =
can you pair 12•11•10•9•8•7•6•5•4•3•2
with Ube?
= 6• (after
How many different common factors
flavors can you are
pair with Pineapple
and Ube? Cancelled)
= ways
to select boys
How many different
flavors can you pair Now, try to complete
with Ube and Mango? this,For girls
n= , r= C(
, 1)
How many
combinations of three C =
flavors are there? Therefore there are
ways to select girls
F. Developing mastery Who am I? Solve the following Solve the following
(leads to Formative Assessment You want to problems completely.
3) surprise your Identify which 1. In how many ways
mother on her situations illustrate can you arrange 5 1. At the National
birthday by preparing permutation and Mathematics books, 4 Bookstore in
a fruit salad. You went which illustrate Science books,

Tagaytay City market combination, then solve. and 3 English books on Rosario, there
to buy the following a shelf such that books of are 7 Biology
fruits pineapple, a. Determine the the same subject are books and6
papaya, banana, top five winners from 6 kept together? Chemistry
and buko. Due to contestants books in the
limited budget, you (1,2,3,4,5,6) in a 2. In how many shelf. In how
are opted to buy mathematics quiz bee. ways can 6 students be many ways
only 3 different b. Choosing 2 seated in a row of 6 can one select
fruits. List all household chores to seats if 2 of the 2 Biology
possible do before dinner from students insist on books and 2
combinations. 4 different chores sitting beside each Chemistry
(cooking, washing, other? books to buy if
marketing, all the said
scrubbing). 3. How many books are
c.Forming a different 3- member equally
committee of 4 committees can be necessary?
members from 5 selected from a class
people (Alma, of 20 students?
Brando, Charlie,
Dhana, Ella). 4. A cookie jar
d. Four people contains 5 cookies.
(Ivy, Cheska, Neil, Max) How many ways can
posting picture in a a child choose all 5
row. cookies if order 2. Mrs. Rivera’s
doesn’t matter? business is
gown rental
and sale. She
decided one
day that she
would display
her 10 newest
gowns in her
window to
customers. If
she only had
5 mannequins
and planned
change the set

gowns every
2 days, how
many days
will have to
pass before
she runs out
of a new set
to display?

G. Finding practical application of Think, Pair and Share!

concepts and skills in daily living Here GROUP ACTIVITY
are some Answer the following
1. Let us say Solve the given word
problems which you question given the
there are three problem.
can solve with your situation:
best friend flavors of ice
cream: cheese, chocolate Suppose you are the
and vanilla. owner of a sari-sari
Choose wisely, Choose board game that
We can have two store and you want
me! incorporates
scoops. How many to put 12 pieces of
Solve the mathematical skills in
variations will there canned goods in a row
following the Filipino game
be? on the shelf. If there
problems DAMA. In a school
are 3 identical cans
completely. DAMATH tournament,
of meat loaf,
(Choose a there are 28
4 identical cans of
partner.) participants who are
tomato sauce, 2
1. If there are divided into 7 groups.
identical cans of
seven district in the Each participant plays
sardines, and 3
South Unit of Cavite against each member
identical cans of
(Amadeo, Mendez, of his group in the
corned beef, in how
Tagaytay, Indang, eliminations. The
many different ways
Alfonso, winner in each group
2. In how many can you display
Magallanes, advances to the semi-
General Aguinaldo) ways can 6 students finals where they again these goods?
competing for SCSSAU be seated in a compete with each
and each team must other. The 5 players
play every other with the most
team in the

list down the possible row of 6 seats if 2 of number of wins proceed
games in each team the students insist on to the final round and
meet. sitting beside each play against each other.
other? Assume that there are
no ties.

a. What is the total

number of games to be
played in the
2. Suppose you are elimination?
the owner of a sari-sari
store and you have 8 b. How many
pieces of different matches will be played
canned goods (Ligo, in the final round?
555, Mega, Young’s
Town, Master, Saba, c.In how many
Blue Bay, and possible ways can the
Century) and you top 5 in the semi-
are only allowed to finals come up?
display 7 canned
goods on the shelf, d. In how many
list down all the possible ways can the
possible 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
combinations. placer be declared in
the final round?

e. How many
matches will be
played altogether

H. Making generalizations and Combinations- the Combination is the A combination is the
abstractions about the lesson number of ways of number of ways of A combination is the choice of r things from
choice a

selecting from a selecting from a set of r things from a set set of n things
set when the when the order is not of n things without without replacement
order is not important. replacement and and where order does
important. Permutation refers to where order does not not matter
the different possible matter
arrangement of sets C = _ n!
n r
of objects. r! ( n-r)!
The basic n Cr =
difference between a Remember :
combination and a n! r! ( n total
permutation is that n-r)! r want
while the former is
just a way of Remember
selecting something, :n
the latter is a way of --------
selecting as well as total
arranging it. r-------want
I. Evaluating learning Solve the Choose wisely, Choose Choose wisely, Choose
following me! Answer the following me!
problems. questions completely.
Solve the Solve the
1. Mrs. Dela Cruz following problems 1. How do you following
selected 8 completely. determine if a problems
students in the (Choose a situation involves completely.
entire Grade 10 partner.) combination? (Choose a
to represent in partner.)
Math 1. Albert is a 2. To find the total 1. If there are 12
culminating member of Cavite number of polygons teams in the NCSU
activity. List mountaineers. On his that can be formed basketball
down the ways semestral break, the from 7 points on a tournament and
Mrs. Dela Cruz group plan to climb plane with no three of each team must
can select 2 Mt. Buntis at which are collinear, Joy play every other
students to Maragondon, Cavite. answered: team in the
work in the He has 5 shirts ( eliminations, how
activity. yellow, orange, red C(7, 3) = 7! many elimination
2. In a 10-item white, blue ) but he will 4!3! games will there
Mathematics only take 3 for the trip. =7●6●5●4 ! be?
problem-solving In how many different 4!3! 2. If there are 7
test, how many ways can he do this? = 7●6●5 distinct points on a
ways can you plane with no three
select of which are
5 problems to collinear, how many
different polygons can

solve? 2. Anna forgot the 3●2●1 possibly formed?
telephone number of = 35 different 3. How many
Riza. All that she polygons different sets of 5
remembers is that cards each can be
there are three 1’s, Is Joy correct? Justify your formed from a
two 7’s, one 9 and one answer. standard deck of
4. How many possible 52 cards?
telephone number Flex that brain 4. In a 10-item
arrangements can be Find the unknown in each Mathematics
done? item. problem- solving
test, how many
1. C(8, 3) = 6. ways can you
C(10, r) = 120
2. C(n, 4) = 15 select 5 problems
7. C(n, 2) = 78 to solve?
3. C(8, r) = 28 5. A box contains 5 red
8. C(11, r) = 165
4. C(9, 9) = balls, 7 green balls,
9. C(8, 6) = and 6 yellow balls. In
5. C(n, 3) = 35 how many ways can 6
10. C(14,10) =
balls be chosen if
there should be 2
balls of each color?
J. Additional activities for Study: Combination
application or remediation
1. What is the
formula for finding Answer the following
the number of problems completely Assignment:
combinations taken Give an example of
Answer the following one at a time? Give 3 example of situations in real life
problems completely. situations in real life that illustrate
Give 3 examples 2. What is the that illustrate combinations. In each
of situations in real formula for finding combination. In each situation, formulate a
life that illustrates the number of situation problem and solve
combination. combinations taken 1. formulate a the problem.
two at a time? problem.
2. solve the problem.
3. explain how this
3. What is the particular problem may
formula for finding help
the number of
combinations taken
at a time?

4. What is the
formula for finding
the number of
combinations taken all
at a
2. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What
works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional
supervisors can provide for you so when
you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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