Covid Implication - S Gowrishankar
Covid Implication - S Gowrishankar
Covid Implication - S Gowrishankar
“The Editor”
Respected Sir/Madam,
Thanking You
Yours Sincerely
Dr K Lakshmi Kumari
Dental implications of COVID-19 - An Insight.
Author details:
1] Dr Ashwath V MDS
3] Dr S Gowrishankar M.D.S
COVID-19 is a pandemic viral disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome corona virus
2(SARS -CoV-2). This pandemic has created a massive impact globally and is indeed a challenge to the
mass healthcare management. Despite continuous, untiring efforts of the World Health Organisation
(WHO) and the Health departments of various countries to curb this zoonotic disease, the propensity
of the virus to spread through droplets, replicate and mutate has raised huge public health concerns.
Oral cavity is an index of body’s health. Oral manifestations such as ageusia, angular chelitis,
periodontal diseases, ulcers and fungal infections have been reported commonly in patients with
COVID-19. These oral manifestations are valuable diagnostic criteria for the disease. Periodontal
inflammation has been proved to increase the severity of the disease. Also, Periodontitis can present
secondary to COVID-19 due to compromised immune system in this viral disease. Proper and
adequate oral hygiene, appropriate use of corticosteroids and maintenance of glycemic control can
reduce oral infections in COVID-19. Considering the increased risk of contracting the virus due to their
proximity to the patients in the operating environment, oral health care providers must be aware of
safety protocols and should strictly adhere to the recommendations by the regulatory authorities.
This not only ensures higher safety, but also prevents the dental office from being a source of
transmission for the virus. This review provides an overview on COVID-19 with an insight on its oral
Key words: COVID-19, Corona virus, immune suppression, oral manifestation, diabetes mellitus, oral
The novel human corona virus disease COVID-19, a pandemic disease caused by Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS- CoV-2) is a severe respiratory disease associated with
high mortality and morbidity. This disease from Wuhan of China is exponentially spreading all over
the world exhibiting severe impact on routine lifestyle, economy and most importantly health. This is
the fifth documented pandemic subsequent to 1918 Spanish flu (H1N1), 1957 Asian flu (H2N2), 1968
Hong Kong flu (H3N2) and 2009 Pandemic flu (H1N1). Its origin has been traced to a province called
Hubei in the Wuhan city of China[1]. In India, the first case of this COVID-19 was reported from
Kerala among 3 medical students who have returned from Wuhan on January 30, 2020[2]. The novel
Corona virus outbreak was declared as a global pandemic by WHO on March 11,2020.
Oral cavity is considered a mirror of systemic health. Multiple oral manifestations have been and
are being reported in patients with COVID-19. Few manifestations appear secondary to the COVID-
19 disease and some as a result of the treatment regimen used to contain the disease. Common oral
manifestations include ageusia, anosmia, hypo salivation, ulcers, herpes ulcers, fungal infections like
mucormycosis, submandibular salivary gland enlargement, cervical lymph node enlargement etc.
This article is a comprehensive review on COVID-19 disease, its oral manifestations and the standard
The novel corona virus resembles a crown with multiple spikes on it and so it is named as ‘Corona’
which is derived from a Latin word meaning ‘crown’. The spiked structure of the virus can be
appreciated in an electron microscope[4]. It is an enveloped virus that has a single stranded RNA. It
belongs to the genera- beta corona virus and is 26-32 kilobase in size. This virus is also of zoonotic
origin similar to other corona virus. The China horse shoe type of bats is believed to be the zoonotic
species of origin for SARS-CoV-2[5]. The virus enters the host cell either by endosomal membrane
fusion or plasma membrane fusion. There is a glycoprotein in the viral called as the S protein. This
protein helps in binding and facilitate the entry of these organism into the host cell[6]. The S protein
binds to receptor ACE2 (angiotensin-converting enzyme 2) of the host cell. This binding is primed by
The respiratory droplet from the cough and sneeze of the infected patients is a transmitting
medium among humans. This transmission is higher when the exposure area to respiratory droplet is
within 6 feet distance. The transmission can also be from the hands touching the settled droplets
from the sneeze or cough and when the same hands are then taken to mouth and nose[8].
Transmission of infection via faecal-oral route transmission have also been evident in recent
studies[9]. Patients are infectious until symptoms subside. Even after the recovery, patients can be
contagious. These viruses can even stay as droplets on surfaces and survive, if the surrounding
atmosphere favours them. But this can be eliminated with disinfectants such as sodium
hypochlorite[10]. Although multiple ways of transmission has been documented, the most
significant and appropriate way of transmission is by directly getting exposed to the infected
The clinical features this COVID-19 varies among each and every individual. Manifestations range
from asymptomatic to severe acute respiratory distress, at times leading to death. Symptoms
include fever, sore throat, cough, myalgia, fatigue, head ache and in few cases difficulty in breathing.
In a study by Chen et al[11], fever was a manifesting sign in 82 of 99 COVID-19 positive cases. Cough
was present in almost 81 of 99 cases, followed by shortness of breath in 31 cases. More than one
symptom as manifestation was reported in 90% of cases. Fever, cough and shortness of breath were
protein 10), MCP1(monocyte chemo attractant protein 1), MIP1A (macrophage inflammatory
protein 1), and TNFα (tumor necrosis factor α )were seen increased. Acute Respiratory Distress
Syndrome was seen in 17% of cases, Acute renal injury in 3% and Acute respiratory injury in 8% of
cases. Septic shock was seen in 4% of cases and Ventilator-associated pneumonia in 1% of cases.
Chest radiograph and Computed Tomography are gold standard diagnostic technique in evaluating
the stage of disease as they detect the condition of lungs affected with pneumonia. A study by
Attaway et al, revealed that about 15-30% of the COVID-19 patients develop acute respiratory
distress syndrome. Diffuse alveolar damage with high thrombus burden in pulmonary capillary is
seen in autopsy of patients who succumb to COVID-19[12]. Initially the disease was seen affecting
and causing death in elderly and immuno-compromised patients, but gradually cases were among
younger patients as well. A severe pneumonia with multiple organ dysfunction was observed in a
case first reported in China[13]. The first case of neonate was also reported from China and was
COVID-19 presents with an array of oral manifestations which appear during the course of the
disease, few lesions manifesting post disease as a secondary infection or as a result of the treatment
Most frequently reported oral manifestations include ageusia, anosmia, hyposalivation, ulcers in
various parts of oral cavity including tongue, glandular enlargement, cervical lymph node
enlargement, angular chelitis, periodontitis, aphthous and herpetic ulcers. Ageusia(loss of taste) and
infection in COVID-10 patients[17]. Another Mycotic disease that has been reported in COVID-19
patients is the invasive yeast infections caused by candida species. Prolonged ICU stays, central
venous catheters and broad spectrum antibiotic use are the key factors leading to onset of invasive
Several other non-specific lesion such as mucositis have been reported in some cases. Exanthema,
enanthema, macules, papules and plaques on tongue, lip, palate, etc have been reported. Vasculitis,
COVID-19 is transmitted through respiratory droplets. Dentists are more prone to exposure to the
respiratory droplets as their occupation involves working in oro-facial region. Particularly aerosol
inducing procedures such as scaling, root canal treatment etc transmits the disease and the
probability of getting infected is high. Hence, safety measures are essential to prevent the dentist
from contracting the disease as well as prevent the patient from transmitting the disease. In India,
Dental Council of India has formulated a standard to be followed by every Dentist in his practice[20].
Patient management:
appointment. Initial screening is done by asking 3 important questions like whether the patient has
come in contact with any COVID-19 patient or suspected patient, their travel history and finally any
symptoms for Covid-19 present. Positive response for any of the three question should be
considered and in such cases the appointment should be delayed for at least 14days and the patient
is advised for a mandatory quarantine. The patient is also advised to consult his general
On patient arrival to the clinic, the patient temperature is measured with an infrared thermometer
or camera with infrared sensors. Any patient presenting with fever or any of the COVID-19
symptoms should be given appointment after 14days. As per Centre for Disease Control(CDC)
guidelines, the suspected patients should be seated 6ft away from the healthy patients. Their
and analgesics can be advised to these patients. Patient screening and management should be
followed as in Fig1[23]. Patients are classified into elective, urgent and emergency care for their
treatment and then further treatment is planned. For elective care, appointment is delayed for 2
weeks. For urgent care, pharmacological management is first advised and then a close follow up with
telephone or video call is done. In case of emergency, care a negative pressure room or airborne
Patient should be given 0.2% povidone iodine mouth rinse or 0.5-1% hydrogen peroxide mouth
rinse as these have proven to reduce load of Corona virus in saliva[24][25]. Personal care has to be
taken by the dentist to prevent the disease transmission. Double masking, use of face shield and
personal protective equipment, frequent sanitization of hands can help prevent transmission to the
There are certain guidelines propsed by Centre for Disease Control and prevention for wearing and
safe removing of Personal Protective Equipment kits. The type of PPE used will vary based on the
level of precautions required, such as standard and contact, droplet or airborne infection isolation
precautions. The procedure for putting on[TABLE 1] and removing PPE[TABLE 2] should be tailored
There are a variety of ways to safely remove PPE without contaminating our clothing, skin, or
mucous membranes with potentially infectious materials. Remove all PPE before exiting the patient
room except a respirator, if worn. Remove the respirator after leaving the patient room and closing
the door. A proper sequence must be followed in removing the PPE kit(TABLE 2)
The COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis due to its propensity to replicate and spread rapidly. It is
indeed extremely challenging to control because of emergence of new mutated versions of the virus.
To avoid exposure to dentists and also prevent the dental office from serving as area for
transmission standard operating protocols by Dental Council of India and from Centres for Disease
Control and prevention should be strictly implemented and followed. To conclude, proper oral
hygiene to reduce severity of COVID-19, appropriate use corticosteroids and maintenance of blood
sugar at optimum level helps prevent severe oral infections that can cause mortality.
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2. Perappadan, Bindu Shajan (30 January 2020). "India's first coronavirus infection confirmed
3. Singh G, Priya H, Mishra D, Kumar H, Monga N, Kumari K. Oral manifestations and dental
5. Mackenzie JS, Smith DW. Covid-19: A novel zoonotic disease caused by a coronavirus from
6. Choudhary S, Malik YS, Tomar S, Tomar S. Identification of sars-cov-2 cell entry inhibitors by
drug repurposing using in silico structure-based virtual screening approach. Front Immunol
7. Hoffmann M, Kleine-Weber H, Schroeder S, Krüger N, Herrler T, Erichsen S, et al.
SARS-CoV-2 cell entry depends on ACE2 and TMPRSS2 and is blocked by a clinically proven
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surfaces and its inactivation with biocidal agents. J Hosp Infect. 2020 Feb 6. pii: S0195–
11. Chen N, Zhou M, Dong X, et al. Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of
13. Chen F, Liu ZS, Zhang FR, et al. First case of severe childhood novel coronavirus pneumonia
14. Zeng LK, Tao XW, YuanWH,Wang J, Liu X, Liu ZS. First case of neonate infected with novel
15. Vaira LA, Salzano G, Deiana G, De Riu G. Anosmia and Ageusia: Common Findings in COVID-
16. Lechien, J. R., Chiesa-Estomba, C. M., De Siati, D. R., Horoi, M., Le Bon, S. al Olfactory
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22. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Infection control: severe acute respiratory
23. Ather A, Patel B, Ruparel NB, Diogenes A, Hargreaves KM. Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-
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25. Peng X, Xu X, Li Y, et al. Transmission routes of 2019-nCoV and controls in dental practice.
Table 1: Procedure to wear a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Centre for Disease Control and
Table 2: Procedure for safe removal of PPE kit - Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
and prevention26
• Fully cover torso from neck to knees, arms to end of wrists, and wrap around the back
• Fit-check respirator
• If your hands get contaminated during glove removal, immediately wash your hands or use
• Using a gloved hand, grasp the palm area of the other gloved hand and peel off glove
• Slide of ungloved hand under remaining glove at wrist and peel off second glove over glove
• If your hands get contaminated during goggle or face shield removal, immediately wash your
• Remove goggles or face shield from the back by lifting head band or ear pieces
• If the item is reusable, place in designated receptacle for reprocessing. Otherwise, discard in a
waste container
• If your hands get contaminated during gown removal, immediately wash your hands or use an
• Unfasten gown ties, taking care that sleeves don’t contact your body when reaching for ties
• Pull gown away from neck and shoulders, touching inside of gown only
• If your hands get contaminated during mask/respirator removal, immediately wash your hands or
• Grasp bottom ties or elastics of the mask/respirator, then the ones at the top, and remove without
Fig1: Clinical Dental Care of COVID-19 patients [Adapted from Ather A et al 23