Call For CMDRT Beta Exam Candidates 2019

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Medical Device Reprocessing Technician


Beta Testers Needed

CSA Group is updating the Medical Device Reprocessing Technician certification examination. Before the
examination items can be used to certify candidates, it must be beta-tested to provide valuable feedback and
assist in establishing the pass/fail score.
Candidates can take the beta exam for $100 (compared to the standard $263)
Candidates wishing to recertify, who meet the recertification requirements, may do so within 1 year of their
certification expiring (compared to standard 6 months)
Who is this for?
Health Care employees with medical device reprocessing responsibilities including:
 Medical Device Reprocessing Technicians
 Laboratory Technicians
 Nurses
 Administrative Personnel
 Supervisors, Managers and Educators of Medical Device Reprocessing Departments
 Government/Public Health Inspectors
 Occupational Health & Safety
BETA Exam Details
 The BETA exam consists of 270 multiple choice questions developed by industry experts.
 Each BETA tester will be allowed up to 4 hours to complete the exam.
 The test will be conducted at computer based testing centers throughout Canada, or delivered via remote
proctoring on your own computer.
 An application and meeting exam pre-requisites are required
 There is a delay to receiving exam results (approximately 6 months)
If you are up for the challenge of beta-testing the new exam, visit

© Canadian Standards Association

What does the test cover?
The certification examination will cover the knowledge required for medical device reprocessing
activities including:
 Applying the principles of basic microbiology and infection prevention and control to decrease risk
to both patients and staff during routine reprocessing procedures
 Use Personal Protective Equipment
 Follow dress code/hand hygiene practices
 Maintain traffic control and
 Maintain one-way workflow
 Following written department policies and standard operating procedures
 Handling and transporting contaminated medical devices
 Decontaminating reusable medical devices
 Preparing and packaging medical devices
 Identify common medical instruments and other medical devices by type and function
 Use appropriate packaging material
 Inspecting instruments and devices for cleanliness, function, and damage
 Selecting and safely using reprocessing products (e.g., detergents, low and high-level disinfectants)
 Disinfecting medical devices
 Chemical
 Thermal
 Sterilizing medical devices via
 Steam
 Low temperature methods (gases and liquids)
 Monitoring and Documenting quality
 Recognizing non-compliant reprocessing outcomes,
 Respond appropriately to non-compliant reprocessing events
 Storing and distributing medical devices.
 Recognizing and responding to occupational health and safety hazards or events
 Troubleshooting common problems
 Using common reprocessing equipment (e.g., washer disinfectors, ultrasonic, pasteurizers, cart
washers, steam sterilizers, low temperature sterilizers, automatic endoscopic reprocessors).
If you are up for the challenge of beta-testing this certification examination, visit for more information.

© Canadian Standards Association

Medical Device Reprocessing Technician Personnel Certification
Program Overview:
The Certified Medical Device Reprocessing Technician (CMDRT) Personnel Certification has been
developed by CSA Group in conjunction with industry stakeholders to provide assurance that an
individual possesses the competencies deemed necessary to perform the job function of a Medical
Device Reprocessing Technician. The certification is designed to complement accreditation programs
for verification bodies. The CMDRT certification is the only program developed specifically for Canada
and is based on the Canadian standards.

This certification program is designed to:

 Help Ensure patient and practitioner safety

 Create a national benchmark for minimally acceptable practices for safe Medical Device
 Meet the needs of the industry and regulators for relevant, standardized Canadian training, based
on CSA standards and recognized best practice guidelines
 Reduce on-the-job training
 Encourage consistency and best practice throughout the industry

Who is this for?

Health Care employees with medical device reprocessing responsibilities including:
• Medical Device Reprocessing Technicians
• Laboratory Technicians
• Nurses
• Administrative Personnel
• Supervisors, Managers and Educators of Medical Device Reprocessing Departments
• Government/Public Health Inspectors
• Occupational Health & Safety

© Canadian Standards Association

What are the certification pre-requisites to become a Certified Medical Device Reprocessing
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Education High School Graduate or 150 hours
equivalent (e.g. GED) documented
continuous learning
Successful completion of a
recognized medical device
reprocessing educational
program within the past 2

Experience 400 hours practicum and/or 4000 hours work 2500 hours work
work experience in medical experience in medical experience in medical
device reprocessing within the device reprocessing device reprocessing
past 2 years within the past 5 within the past 5 years
Performance Required Required Required

What are the recertification requirements?

For the beta exam Medical Device Reprocessing Technicians may apply for recertification up to 1 year
prior to their certification expiration date.
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Experience Candidate must have worked Candidate must have Candidate must have
a minimum of 4,000 hours in worked a minimum of worked a minimum of
a Medical Device 3,000 hours in a 2,000 hour in a
Reprocessing area Medical Device Medical Device
Reprocessing area Reprocessing area
Continuous Completed 100 hours of Completed 150 150 hours of
Learning documented Continuous hours of documented
Learning in medical device documented Continuous Learning
reprocessing over the five (5) Continuous in medical device
year certification term Learning in medical reprocessing over the
device reprocessing five-year certification
over the five (5) year term
certification term
Exam Pass the written

© Canadian Standards Association

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