Call For CMDRT Beta Exam Candidates 2019
Call For CMDRT Beta Exam Candidates 2019
Call For CMDRT Beta Exam Candidates 2019
Experience 400 hours practicum and/or 4000 hours work 2500 hours work
work experience in medical experience in medical experience in medical
device reprocessing within the device reprocessing device reprocessing
past 2 years within the past 5 within the past 5 years
Performance Required Required Required
For the beta exam Medical Device Reprocessing Technicians may apply for recertification up to 1 year
prior to their certification expiration date.
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Experience Candidate must have worked Candidate must have Candidate must have
a minimum of 4,000 hours in worked a minimum of worked a minimum of
a Medical Device 3,000 hours in a 2,000 hour in a
Reprocessing area Medical Device Medical Device
Reprocessing area Reprocessing area
Continuous Completed 100 hours of Completed 150 150 hours of
Learning documented Continuous hours of documented
Learning in medical device documented Continuous Learning
reprocessing over the five (5) Continuous in medical device
year certification term Learning in medical reprocessing over the
device reprocessing five-year certification
over the five (5) year term
certification term
Exam Pass the written