Hbo Exams

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Republic of the Philippines

Abra Institute of Sciences and Technology State

Bangued Campus, Bangued, Abra

Graduate School

EM 207: HBO
Final Examination

Instruction: Read and answer the questions comprehensively. Include

theories, principles or concepts in human behavior in organizations plus
plausible examples or scenarios to prove your point.

1. Situation: You are the newly installed principal in a public school which
is currently facing challenges with productivity and morale among its
teachers. You were able to observe inconsistencies in teaching
performance and behavior, impacting the overall school effectiveness.
Question: How can the understanding of individual behavior within the
workplace environment influence the success or failure of the school’s
vision and mission? What strategies would you utilize to address
behavioral factors that may either make or break the school
organization? Cite plausible examples or scenarios. (20 points)
Within an organization, individual behavior plays a critical role in
shaping the organization's trajectory toward success and ensuring its
long-term prosperity. It affects leadership, motivation, communication,
satisfaction, and individual and group resolutions, which in turn affects
the entire atmosphere of the organization. The consequences could be
the difference between the organization succeeding and failing in its
endeavor. Therefore, there must be an awareness of people's behavior
within an organization.
Understanding the unique behaviors of individual promote a
positive environment because it creates connections and rapport
within the group and can help everyone become more compassionate
toward those around you. You will also be able to help individuals to
perform better and to assist them adjust in the diverse working
environment. It will promote the essence of inclusivity within an
organization. Not only that, as you understand individuals’ behavior in
an organization, you might create or trigger a chain reaction among
individuals to become also more understanding of their co-workers.
As a public school principal, knowing the given situation, it is
right then to take necessary action about it and medicate the
inconsistencies affecting the overall effectiveness of the school. First,
talk to them individually and tell them what is happening around them
based on your observation. Have a comprehensive understanding of
their statement and have a thematic analysis. After that, conduct a
meeting or a conference with the teachers and present the problem
you have observed that seems affecting the school's performance, it is
what we call group dynamics and teamwork. Present your
understanding as part of your analysis of their statement. Ask for their
ideas and opinions on what more they can do to improve their teaching
so that it will improve the performance of the school. Collate all their
opinions and give yourself enough time to come up with a
memorandum of agreement and present it to them. In that way, you
were able to implement individual decision-making and group decision-
In the context of our school, our school head ensures individual
and group decision making for she knows that not all the problems
occurring in our school require only one mind or only two minds to
address it. Some concerns require her to decide alone and other issues
require all of us to decide. Concerning our teaching, she usually
conducts conferences with us individually and sometimes as a group.
During our conferences, she tells all the observations she made both
positive and negative. She asks some questions regarding our
weaknesses and suggests things that can improve our teaching. In
addition, she ensures the submission of our individual professional
Development Plan for it here she can see our weaknesses and
strengths in terms of our teaching. It will be her basis for conducting
meetings, conferences, or LAC sessions with us. In doing so, she was
able to understand our individuals behavior
2. In today's globalized and technologically advanced world, diversity in
organizations has become a vital aspect for efficiency and effectivity.
As a district supervisor in the DepEd, you are tasked with ensuring that
the school districts adopt a diverse and inclusive workplace culture.

a) Define diversity in the context of organizational behavior and

provide examples of diversity that can exist within the organization.
(10 points)


The range of individual differences that exist within an

organization is known as workplace diversity. Differences in age,
gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, and disability are all
included. It is critical to embrace this diversity because it fosters
creativity and innovation, both of which are beneficial to the
organization and its employees.
In connection, diversity can be one of an organization's greatest
assets. Every individual is special and unique. We may find
someone who is almost the same as us but note that we are not the
same exactly. Meaning, we have differences and we are diverse
from each other. An organization's overall experience and
knowledge base are increased by having a diverse workforce,
especially in key areas that have a direct impact on the
organization. Others may have already experienced what we are
about to experience. When faced with obstacles, the organization's
collective experiences will surely be helpful.
In our school, the common diversity I have seen among my
fellow faculty members at our school is our varied approaches to
the tasks assigned to us. Although we have different coordinators,
meaning different loads of work, different levels of difficulty, and
different time frames are given, the way we handle the given task is
diverse. When a task is assigned to me, I make sure to finish it the
following day without checking the deadline. One of my fellow
teachers, when given the work usually asks for the deadline. One of
us when given the work, forgets the deadline on purpose and waits
for the school head to remind them. The tendency now is more work
given to me compared to them. But in the end, our school tried her
best to equally distribute the work and keep on monitoring us.
b) Discuss the benefits of having a diverse workforce for organizational
performance, innovation, and employee engagement. (10 points)

As I mentioned, diversity can be an asset for an organization to
become successful and it can lead to greater performance,
innovation, and engagement.
In connection, one of the benefits of having a diverse workforce
is boosting and fostering innovation support. They can collate
different ideas from different minds to find some alternative ways
and diverse perspectives that can support the organization. It
influences the best planning and development for innovations.
Moreover, diversity can lead to the best performance of the
organization through the aid of creativity from the diverse ideas and
inputs of every individual. The best performance can be achieved
also through having harmonious relationships among the members
by minimizing biases and fostering a welcoming environment for
every individual. Thus, building relationships and increasing
creativity within the organization can inspire everyone to give more
input and have the sense of responsibility to collaborate and to
work with one another as a whole despite the diversity. In this way,
it increases performance and engagement among the members of
the organization.

c) Identify one strategy that you could implement in the districts to

level off diversity among the teachers and learners. Discuss how
you are going to apply this. (10 points)

One way to level off diversity among the teachers and learners in
our districts is the conduct of Gender and Development activities by
conducting and providing interactive activities like field trips,
gathering with games, and going picnics to resorts or beaches. One
thing more is the most conventional way by conducting seminar
training workshops, leadership training, and symposiums.
In the implementation of Gender and Development through
picnics or a gathering in a resort or beach, member of an
organization will be able to develop more sense of responsibility and
belongingness despite their differences. During picnics, provide
interactive games, games that promote belongingness and require
contributions of ideas. Today, there are many innovative games to
level off diversity like the traditional game tug of war, I am but I am
not, relay, and many more.
Furthermore, the most conventional but still effective is the
conduct of seminar training workshops. In this, you can present
topics about what is diversity, the how, and the importance of it.
During the conduct of the activity provide also an interactive
activity and reflections.

3. In your school, so much controversies and issues have been

experienced by everyone. As the principal, you wanted to de-stress a
bit and proposed for a team building activity.

a) Make a short proposal about a team building activity with the

following parts: Title of activity, budget, date, venue, persons
involved, rationale, objectives, program of activities. Make sure you
signed and prepared the proposal. (30points)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Abra
Tineg District


Title of Activity Arakup Ni Eskwela
Budget Particulars:
a. Ball pens
20 pcs x 6 = 120.00
b. Manila Papers
20 pcs x 10 = 200.00
c. Colored paper
2 reams x 300 = 600.00
d. Glues
5 pcs x 45 = 225.00
e. Cartolina
10 pcs x 10 = 100.00
f. Meals and Snack
300 x 20 x 2 = 12, 000.00
g. Venue and Accommodation
Rent for the resort = 20,000.00

Total: P 33, 245.00

Date April 2-3, 2024

Venues Balay ni Ilocos or Kubo ni Presto
San Vicente, Ilocos Sur
Persons Involved Proponent:
School Head

Teacher III


Teacher III/Guidance Coordinator

1 Teacher I
2 Teacher III
1 School Head
1 Administrative Officer
15 selected learners
2 parent
Rationale Diversity and Inclusivity training has a vital role in
making an organization a place for treating every
individual with dignity, fairness, and rights
regardless of diverse backgrounds. Apao
Elementary School is dedicated to ensuring a
positive environment for every individual by
celebrating diversity and valuing the feelings of
each member by investing in such kind of
training. Furthermore, when teachers and
learners feel valued, encouraged, and part of the
team, they are more likely to be engaged and
dedicated to their work. Training in diversity and
inclusivity increases teachers’ and learners’ sense
of belonging, which in turn improves morale,
increases job satisfaction, and eventually
increases retention rates.

Successful collaboration and communication are

essential in a diverse workplace. Sensitive
educators and learners are more adept at
handling differences with efficacy and grace,
which strengthens bonds with all stakeholders
and reduces conflict. Diversity and inclusivity
training show an organization's commitment to
social responsibility and inclusivity, which
improves its reputation as a top employer and
responsible corporate citizen.

In line with the DepEd MATATAG Agenda which

was launched last 2023 stated the commitment to
improving the quality of basic education in the
country and in pursuant to the DepEd Order No.
72 series of 2009, Inclusive Education is the
strategy organized by the Department of
Education to increase the participation rate of
children in the Philippines. Thus, this activity aims
to increase the participation rate of children
through the conduct of Arakup ni Eswkela

In line with DepEd Order No. 32 series of 2011

that the need to expedite the progress towards
the achievement of the Education for All (EFA)
and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by
2015 is the main driver of training and
development at each level. Thus, Arakup ni
Eskwela is among the training and development
developed by the school in fostering the
achievement of Education for All.

Objectives The following are the objectives of this activity:

1. Strengthened diversity awareness among
the learners and the school administration
2. Equipped learners and the school
administration with lifelong strategies in
leveling off diversity
3. Orient learners and school administration on
the importance of team building and Gender
and Development
4. Conduct interactive activities that promote
belongingness and cooperation
Program of Day 1: April 2, 2024
Activities 7:00 – 8:00 Arrival and Registration
8:00 – 9:00 Opening Program
National Anthem
Opening Remark
Statement of the Purpose
Acknowledgment of Participant
Session Proper
9:00 – 10:30 Promotion of Diversity10 Awareness
10:30 – 10: 40 Health Break
10:40 – 12: 00 Leveling off Diversity
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch
1:00 – 2:30 Team Building: Definition and it
2:30 – 3:00 Gender and development
3:00 – 3:10 Health Break
3:10 – 3:30 Gender and Development
3:30 – 5:00 Workshops and Reflections

7:00 – 9:00 Socialization Night

Opening Prayer
Opening Remarks
Presentations from the participants
Song and Dances

Day 2: April 3, 2024

8:00 – 9:00 Opening Program
National Anthem
Roll Call
Review and Insight
Word to Ponder
9:00 – 10:00 Workshops and Reflection
10:00 – 10:10 Health Break
10:10 – 12:00 Workshops and Reflection
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch
1:00 – 3:00 Games
3:00 – 3:10 Health Break
3:10 – 5:00 Closing Program
Makabayan Song
Roll Call
Closing Message

Prepared by:

Maed Student/Teacher III

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