Itu-T: Characteristics of A Bending-Loss Insensitive Single-Mode Optical Fibre and Cable For The Access Network

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I n t e r n a t i o n a l T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n U n i o n

ITU-T G.657

Transmission media and optical systems characteristics
Optical fibre cables

Characteristics of a bending-loss insensitive
single-mode optical fibre and cable for the
access network

Recommendation ITU-T G.657


General G.600G.609
Symmetric cable pairs G.610G.619
Land coaxial cable pairs G.620G.629
Submarine cables G.630G.639
Free space optical systems G.640G.649
Optical fibre cables G.650G.659
Characteristics of optical components and subsystems G.660G.679
Characteristics of optical systems G.680G.699

For further details, please refer to the list of ITU-T Recommendations.

Rec. ITU-T G.657 (11/2009) i
Recommendation ITU-T G.657
Characteristics of a bending-loss insensitive single-mode
optical fibre and cable for the access network

Worldwide, technologies for broadband access networks are advancing rapidly. Among these, the
technology applying single-mode fibre provides for a high-capacity transmission medium which can
answer the growing demand for broadband services.
The experience with the installation and operation of single-mode fibre and cable based networks is
huge, and Recommendation ITU-T G.652 describing its characteristics has been adapted to this
experience. Nevertheless, the specific use in an optical access network puts different demands on the
fibre and cable which impacts its optimal performance characteristics. Differences with respect to
the use in the general transport network are mainly due to the high density network of distribution
and drop cables in the access network. The limited space and the many manipulations ask for
operator-friendly fibre performance and low bending sensitivity. In addition, the cabling in the
crowded telecom offices where space is a limiting factor has to be improved accordingly.
It is the aim of Recommendation ITU-T G.657 to support this optimization by recommending
strongly improved bending performance compared with the existing ITU-T G.652 single-mode fibre
and cables. This is done by means of introducing two categories of single-mode fibres, one of which,
category A, is fully compliant with the ITU-T G.652 single-mode fibres and can also be used in
other parts of the network. The other, category B, is not necessarily compliant with ITU-T G.652 but
is capable of low values of macrobending losses at very low bend radii and is pre-dominantly
intended for in-building use.
This edition of this Recommendation includes the addition of two sub-categories in both fibre
categories A and B. These sub-categories differ in macrobending loss.

Recommendation ITU-T G.657 was approved on 13 November 2009 by ITU-T Study Group 15
(2009-2012) under Recommendation ITU-T A.8 procedures.

ii Rec. ITU-T G.657 (11/2009)
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of
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telecommunications on a worldwide basis.
The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA), which meets every four years,
establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T study groups which, in turn, produce Recommendations on
these topics.
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ITU 2010
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Rec. ITU-T G.657 (11/2009) iii
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 1
2 References..................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ................................................................................................... 2
4 Abbreviations and acronyms ........................................................................................ 2
5 Fibre attributes .............................................................................................................. 2
5.1 Mode field diameter ....................................................................................... 2
5.2 Cladding diameter .......................................................................................... 2
5.3 Core concentricity error .................................................................................. 2
5.4 Non-circularity ............................................................................................... 2
5.5 Cut-off wavelength ......................................................................................... 3
5.6 Macrobending loss .......................................................................................... 3
5.7 Material properties of the fibre ....................................................................... 4
5.8 Refractive index profile .................................................................................. 4
5.9 Longitudinal uniformity of chromatic dispersion ........................................... 4
5.10 Chromatic dispersion coefficient for category A fibres ................................. 4
6 Cable attributes ............................................................................................................. 5
6.1 Attenuation coefficient ................................................................................... 5
6.2 Polarization mode dispersion coefficient for category A fibres ..................... 5
7 Tables of recommended values .................................................................................... 6
Appendix I Lifetime expectation in case of small radius storage of single-mode fibre ....... 10
I.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 10
I.2 Network and network failure .......................................................................... 10
I.3 Fibre lifetime considerations .......................................................................... 10
I.4 Conclusions .................................................................................................... 12
Bibliography............................................................................................................................. 13

iv Rec. ITU-T G.657 (11/2009)
Worldwide, technologies for broadband access networks are advancing rapidly. Among these, the
technology applying single-mode fibre provides for a high-capacity transmission medium which
can answer the growing demand for broadband services.
The experience with the installation and operation of single-mode fibre and cable based networks is
huge, and Recommendation ITU-T G.652 describing its characteristics has been adapted to this
experience. Nevertheless, the specific use in an optical access network puts different demands on
the fibre and cable. Due to the dense distribution and drop-cable network, the limited space and the
many manipulations in this part of the network, fibre and cable requirements may be optimized
differently from the use in a general transport network. It is the aim of this Recommendation to
support this optimization by recommending different attribute values for the existing ITU-T G.652
single-mode fibre and cables and by recommending other categories of single-mode fibre types.
As for the network structures in which the single-mode optical fibre cable is used, users are referred
to the extensive information that is available in the references listed in the bibliography.

Rec. ITU-T G.657 (11/2009) 1
Recommendation ITU-T G.657
Characteristics of a bending-loss insensitive single-mode
optical fibre and cable for the access network
1 Scope
This Recommendation describes two categories of single-mode optical fibre cable which are
suitable for use in the access networks, including inside buildings at the end of these networks. Both
categories A and B contain two sub-categories which differ in macrobending loss.
Category A fibres are suitable to be used in the O, E, S, C and L-band (i.e., throughout the 1260
to 1625 nm range). Fibres and requirements in this category are a subset of ITU-T G.652.D fibres
and have the same transmission and interconnection properties. The main modifications are
improved bending loss and tighter dimensional specifications, both for improved connectivity.
Sub-category ITU-T G.657.A1 fibres are appropriate for a minimum design radius of 10 mm. This
sub-category encompasses fully the former ITU-T G.657(12/2006).A category.
Sub-category ITU-T G.657.A2 fibres are appropriate for a minimum design radius of 7.5 mm.
Category B fibres are suitable for transmission at 1310, 1550 and 1625 nm for restricted distances.
These fibres may have different splicing and connection properties than ITU-T G.652 fibres, but are
capable at very low values of bend radius.
Sub-category ITU-T G.657.B2 fibres are appropriate for a minimum design radius of 7.5 mm. This
sub-category encompasses fully the former ITU-T G.657(12/2006).B category.
Sub-category ITU-T G.657.B3 fibres are appropriate for a minimum design radius of 5 mm.
The meaning of the terms used in this Recommendation and the guidelines to be followed in the
measurement to verify the various characteristics are given in [ITU-T G.650.1] and
[ITU-T G.650.2]. The characteristics of these fibre categories, including the definitions of the
relevant parameters, their test methods and relevant values, will be refined as studies and experience
2 References
The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the
editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision;
users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the
currently valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. The reference to a document within
this Recommendation does not give it, as a stand-alone document, the status of a Recommendation.
[ITU-T G.650.1] Recommendation ITU-T G.650.1 (2004), Definitions and test methods for
linear, deterministic attributes of single-mode fibre and cable.
[ITU-T G.650.2] Recommendation ITU-T G.650.2 (2007), Definitions and test methods for
statistical and non-linear related attributes of single-mode fibre and cable.
[ITU-T G.652] Recommendation ITU-T G.652 (2009), Characteristics of a single-mode
optical fibre and cable.
[ITU-T L.59] Recommendation ITU-T L.59 (2008), Optical fibre cables for indoor

2 Rec. ITU-T G.657 (11/2009)
[IEC 60793-1-47] IEC 60793-1-47 (2009), Optical fibres Part 1-47; Measurement methods and
test procedures Macrobending loss.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this Recommendation, the definitions and the guidelines to be followed in the
measurement to verify the various characteristics are given in [ITU-T G.650.1] and
[ITU-T G.650.2]. Values shall be rounded to the number of digits given in the tables of
Recommended values before conformance is evaluated.
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations and acronyms:
DGD Differential Group Delay
PMD Polarization Mode Dispersion
5 Fibre attributes
The optical fibre characteristics that provide the essential design framework for fibre manufacture,
system design and use in outside plant networks are recommended in [ITU-T G.652]. In this clause,
the emphasis is on attributes that optimize the fibre and cable for its use in broadband optical access
networks, especially its improved macrobending behaviour which supports small volume fibre
managements systems and low radius mounting in telecom offices and customer premises in
apartment buildings and single dwelling houses.
For completeness, also those characteristics of the fibre that provide a minimum essential design
framework for fibre manufacture are recommended in this clause. Ranges or limits on values are
presented in the tables of clause 7. Of these, cable manufacture or installation may significantly
affect the cabled fibre cut-off wavelength and PMD. Otherwise, the recommended characteristics
will apply equally to individual fibres, fibres incorporated into a cable wound on a drum and fibres
in an installed cable.
5.1 Mode field diameter
Both a nominal value and tolerance about that nominal value shall be specified at 1310 nm. The
nominal value that is specified shall be within the range found in clause 7. The specified tolerance
shall not exceed the value in clause 7. The deviation from nominal shall not exceed the specified
5.2 Cladding diameter
The recommended nominal value of the cladding diameter is 125 m. A tolerance is also specified
and shall not exceed the value in clause 7. The cladding deviation from nominal shall not exceed the
specified tolerance.
5.3 Core concentricity error
The core concentricity error shall not exceed the value specified in clause 7.
5.4 Non-circularity
5.4.1 Mode field non-circularity
In practice, the mode field non-circularity of fibres having nominally circular mode fields is found
to be sufficiently low that propagation and jointing are not affected. It is therefore not considered

Rec. ITU-T G.657 (11/2009) 3
necessary to recommend a particular value for the mode field non-circularity. It is not normally
necessary to measure the mode field non-circularity for acceptance purposes.
5.4.2 Cladding non-circularity
The cladding non-circularity shall not exceed the value found in clause 7.
5.5 Cut-off wavelength
Two useful types of cut-off wavelength can be distinguished:
a) cable cut-off wavelength
b) fibre cut-off wavelength
The correlation of the measured values of
depends on the specific fibre and cable design
and the test conditions. While in general
, a general quantitative relationship cannot be
easily established. The importance of ensuring single-mode transmission in the minimum cable
length between joints at the minimum operating wavelength is paramount. This may be performed
by recommending the maximum cable cut-off wavelength
of a cabled single-mode fibre to be
1260 nm, or for worst-case length and bends by recommending a maximum fibre cut-off
wavelength to be 1250 nm.
The cable cut-off wavelength,
, shall be less than the maximum specified in clause 7.
5.6 Macrobending loss
Macrobending loss observed in uncabled fibres varies with wavelength, bend radius and number of
turns about a mandrel with a specified radius. Macrobending loss shall not exceed the maximum
value given in clause 7 for the specified wavelength(s), bend radii and number of turns.
The actual low radius exposure of the fibre is on relatively short lengths only. As the typical choice
of the bending radius and the length of the bent fibre may vary depending upon the design of the
fibre management system and the installation practice, a specification at one single bending radius
is no longer sufficient. Although modelling results on various fibre types have been published, no
generally applicable bending loss model is available to describe the loss versus bend radius
behaviour. For this reason, the recommended maximum macrobending loss is specified at different
bend radii in the tables in clause 7.
While a baseline on macrobending performance can be established for uncabled fibres, the actual
design and materials of cable construction can contribute to the resulting performance in the field.
Macrobending loss in cabled fibre may differ from that observed in uncabled fibre measurements
because of the bend-limiting effect of the cable structure on the fibre bend. Study is continuing on
the macrobending effects of cabling and any result in the need for additional cable specification or
parameters in the future.
Macrobending loss of installed cabled fibres in in-building networks may depend on the installation
technique used. According to [ITU-T L.59], any fibre bend radius remaining after cable installation
is recommended to be large enough to limit the macrobending loss and long-term strain that would
reduce the lifetime of the fibre. For that purpose, certain demanding installation techniques are not
recommended (e.g., stapling indoor cable using flat staples).
As optical bending losses increase with wavelengths, a loss specification at the highest envisioned
wavelength, i.e., either 1550 or 1625 nm, suffices. If required, a customer and supplier can agree on
a lower or higher specification wavelength.
NOTE 1 A qualification test may be sufficient to ensure that this requirement is being met.
NOTE 2 In case another number of turns than the recommended number of turns is chosen to be
implemented, it is assumed that the maximum loss that occurs in that deployment is proportional to the
specified number of turns.

4 Rec. ITU-T G.657 (11/2009)
NOTE 3 In the event that routine tests are required, deviating loop diameters can be used instead of the
recommended test, for accuracy and measurement ease. In this case, the loop diameter, number of turns and
the maximum permissible bend loss for the several-turn test should be chosen so as to correlate with the
recommended test and allowed loss.
NOTE 4 In general, the macrobending loss is influenced by the choice of the values for other fibre
attributes as the mode field diameter, chromatic dispersion coefficient and the fibre cut-off wavelength.
Optimization with respect to macrobending losses usually involves a trade-off between the values of these
fibre attributes.
NOTE 5 A mandrel winding method (method A), which is described in [IEC 60793-1-47], can be utilized
as a measurement method for macrobending loss by substituting the bending radius and number of turns
specified in Tables 7-1 and 7-2.
5.7 Material properties of the fibre
5.7.1 Fibre materials
The substances of which the fibres are made should be indicated.
NOTE Care may be needed in fusion splicing fibres of different substances. Provisional results indicate
that adequate splice loss and strength can be achieved when splicing different high-silica fibres.
5.7.2 Protective materials
The physical and chemical properties of the material used for the fibre primary coating and the best
way of removing it (if necessary) should be indicated. In the case of single-jacketed fibre, similar
indications shall be given.
5.7.3 Proof stress level
The specified proof stress,
, shall not be less than the minimum specified in clause 7.
NOTE 1 The definitions of the mechanical parameters are contained in clauses 3.2 and 5.6 of
[ITU-T G.650.1].
NOTE 2 See also the informative Appendix I on this subject.
NOTE 3 The failure probability for fibre under 30 mm of radius bend as described in [ITU-T G.652]
increases with decreasing bend radius. The mechanical reliability of optical fibre in this application space is a
function of the characteristics of the cable structure, the installation techniques and deployment conditions.
Care should be given that, for some installations, additional constraints on installation, such as higher fibre
proof test levels or other factors may be required to ensure the full expected life.
NOTE 4 It is recommended that the proof stress level applied to fibre and the required reliability level
during its lifetime are agreed between supplier and customer.
5.8 Refractive index profile
The refractive index profile of the fibre does not generally need to be known.
5.9 Longitudinal uniformity of chromatic dispersion
This attribute is usually less relevant for applications in the access network. For more details, see
[ITU-T G.652].
5.10 Chromatic dispersion coefficient for category A fibres
The measured group delay or chromatic dispersion coefficient versus wavelength shall be fitted by
the three-term Sellmeier equation as defined in Annex A of [ITU-T G.650.1]. (See clause 5.5 of
[ITU-T G.650.1] for guidance on the interpolation of dispersion values to unmeasured
The Sellmeier equation can be used to fit the data in each range (1310 nm and 1550 nm) separately
in two fits or as one common fit with data from both ranges.

Rec. ITU-T G.657 (11/2009) 5
The Sellmeier fit in the 1310 nm region may not be sufficiently accurate when extrapolated to the
1550 nm region. Because the chromatic dispersion in the latter region is large, the reduced accuracy
may be acceptable; if not, it can be improved by including data from the 1550 nm region when
performing the common fit, or by using a separate fit for the 1550 nm region. It should be noted that
a common fit may reduce the accuracy in the 1310 nm region.
The chromatic dispersion coefficient, D, is specified by putting limits on the parameters of a
chromatic dispersion curve that is a function of wavelength in the 1310 nm region. The chromatic
dispersion coefficient limit for any wavelength, , is calculated with the minimum zero-dispersion
, the maximum zero-dispersion wavelength,
, and the maximum
zero-dispersion slope coefficient, S
, according to:
( )






min 0 max 0
max 0 max 0

The values of
and S
shall be within the limits indicated in the tables of clause 7.
NOTE 1 It is not necessary to measure the chromatic dispersion coefficient of single-mode fibre on a
routine basis.
NOTE 2 The chromatic dispersion for category B fibres is generally not critical for the application of this
category of fibres, and therefore its value is not included in the attributes listed in Table 7-2, category B.
6 Cable attributes
Since the geometrical and optical characteristics of fibres given in clause 5 are barely affected by
the cabling process, this clause gives recommendations mainly relevant to transmission
characteristics of cabled factory lengths.
Environmental and test conditions are paramount and are described in the guidelines for test
6.1 Attenuation coefficient
The attenuation coefficient is specified with a maximum value at one or more wavelengths in both
the 1310 nm and 1550 nm regions. The optical fibre cable attenuation coefficient values shall not
exceed the values found in clause 7.
NOTE The attenuation coefficient may be calculated across a spectrum of wavelengths, based on
measurements at a few (3 to 4) predictor wavelengths. This procedure is described in clause 5.4.4 of
[ITU-T G.650.1] and an example is given in Appendix III of [ITU-T G.650.1].
6.2 Polarization mode dispersion coefficient for category A fibres
When required, cabled fibre polarization mode dispersion shall be specified on a statistical basis,
not on an individual fibre basis. The requirements pertain only to the aspect of the link calculated
from cable information. The metrics of the statistical specification are found below. Methods of
calculations are found in IEC/TR 61282-3, and are summarized in Appendix IV of
[ITU-T G.650.2].
The manufacturer shall supply a PMD link design value, PMD
, that serves as a statistical upper
bound for the PMD coefficient of the concatenated optical fibre cables within a defined possible
link of M cable sections. The upper bound is defined in terms of a small probability level, Q, which
is the probability that a concatenated PMD coefficient value exceeds PMD
. For the values of M
and Q given in clause 7, the value of PMD
shall not exceed the maximum PMD coefficient
specified in clause 7.
Measurements and specifications on uncabled fibres are necessary, but not sufficient to ensure the
cabled fibre specification. The maximum link design value specified on uncabled fibres shall be less

6 Rec. ITU-T G.657 (11/2009)
than or equal to that specified for the cabled fibres. The ratio of PMD values for uncabled fibres to
cabled fibres depends on the details of the cable construction and processing, as well as on the mode
coupling condition of the uncabled fibres. [ITU-T G.650.2] recommends a low mode coupling
deployment requiring a low tension wrap on a large diameter spool for uncabled fibre PMD
The limits on the distribution of PMD coefficient values can be interpreted as being nearly
equivalent to limits on the statistical variation of the differential group delay (DGD), that varies
randomly with time and wavelength. When the PMD coefficient distribution is specified for optical
fibre cable, equivalent limits on the variation of DGD can be determined. The metrics and values
for link DGD distribution limits are found in Appendix I of [ITU-T G.652].
specification would be required only where cables are employed for systems that have the
specification of the max DGD, i.e., for example, PMD
specification would not be applied to systems
recommended in this Recommendation.
should be calculated for various types of cables, and they should usually be calculated
using sampled PMD values. The samples would be taken from cables of similar construction.
specification should not be applied to short cables such as jumper cables, indoor
cables and drop cables.
NOTE 4 The PMD coefficient for category B fibres is generally not critical for the application of this
category of fibres and therefore its value is not included in the attributes listed in Table 7-2, category B.
7 Tables of recommended values
The following tables summarize the recommended values for the sub-categories of fibres in
categories A and B that satisfy the objectives of this Recommendation.
Table 7-1, category A attributes, contains the recommended attributes and values needed to support
optimized access network installation with respect to macrobending loss, while the recommended
values for the other attributes still remain within the range recommended in ITU-T G.652.D. This
category has two sub-categories with different macrobending requirements: ITU-T G.657.A1 fibre
(former ITU-T G.657(12/2006).A) and ITU-T G.657.A2 fibre.
Table 7-2, category B attributes, contains the recommended attributes and values needed to support
optimized access network installation with very short bending radii applied in fibre management
systems and particularly for restricted distance installations. For the mode-field diameter and
chromatic dispersion coefficients, the recommended range of values might be outside of the range
of values recommended in [ITU-T G.652]. This category has two sub-categories with different
macrobending requirements: ITU-T G.657.B2 (former ITU-T G.657(12/2006).B) fibre and
ITU-T G.657.B3 fibre.

Rec. ITU-T G.657 (11/2009) 7
Table 7-1 ITU-T G.657 category A attributes
Fibre attributes
Attribute Detail Value
Mode field diameter Wavelength 1310 nm
Range of nominal values 8.6-9.5 m
Tolerance 0.4 m
Cladding diameter Nominal 125.0 m
Tolerance 0.7 m
Core concentricity
Maximum 0.5 m
Maximum 1.0%
Cable cut-off
Maximum 1260 nm
Uncabled fibre
macrobending loss
(Notes 1, 2)
ITU-T G.657.A1 ITU-T G.657.A2
Radius (mm) 15 10 15 10 7.5
Number of turns 10 1 10 1 1
Max. at 1550 nm (dB) 0.25 0.75 0.03 0.1 0.5
Max. at 1625 nm (dB) 1.0 1.5 0.1 0.2 1.0
Proof stress Minimum 0.69 GPa
Chromatic dispersion

1300 nm

1324 nm
0.092 ps/nm
Cable attributes
Maximum from 1310 nm to
1625 nm (Note 3)
0.4 dB/km
Maximum at 1383 nm 3 nm
(Note 4)
0.4 dB/km
Maximum at 1550 nm 0.3 dB/km
PMD coefficient M 20 cables
Q 0.01%
Maximum PMD

0.20 ps/ km
NOTE 1 ITU-T G.652 fibres deployed at a radius of 15 mm generally can have macrobending losses of
several dB per 10 turns at 1625 nm.
NOTE 2 The macrobending loss can be evaluated using a mandrel winding method (method A of
[IEC 60793-1-47]), substituting the bending radius and the number of turns specified in this table.
NOTE 3 This wavelength region can be extended to 1260 nm by adding 0.07 dB/km induced Rayleigh
scattering loss to the attenuation value at 1310 nm. In this case, the cable cut-off wavelength should not
exceed 1250 nm.
NOTE 4 The sampled attenuation average at this wavelength shall be less than or equal to the maximum
value specified for the range, 1310 nm to 1625 nm, after hydrogen ageing according to
[b-IEC 60793-2-50] regarding the B1.3 fibre category.

8 Rec. ITU-T G.657 (11/2009)
Table 7-2 ITU-T G.657 category B attributes
Fibre attributes
Attribute Detail Value
Mode field
Wavelength 1310 nm
Range of nominal
6.3-9.5 m
Tolerance 0.4 m
Cladding diameter Nominal 125.0 m
Tolerance 0.7 m
Core concentricity
Maximum 0.5 m
Maximum 1.0%
Cable cut-off
Maximum 1260 nm
Uncabled fibre
macrobending loss
(Notes 1, 2)
ITU-T G.657.B2 ITU-T G.657.B3
Radius 15 10 7.5 10 7.5 5
Number of turns 10 1 1 1 1 1
Max. at 1550 nm (dB) 0.03 0.1 0.5 0.03 0.08 0.15
Max. at 1625 nm (dB) 0.1 0.2 1.0 0.1 0.25 0.45
Proof stress Minimum 0.69 GPa
(Note 3)

Cable attributes
Maximum at 1310 nm 0.5 dB/km
Maximum at 1550 nm 0.3 dB/km
Maximum at 1625 nm 0.4 dB/km
PMD coefficient
(Note 4)
NOTE 1 The macrobending loss can be evaluated using a mandrel winding method (method A of
[IEC 60793-1-47]), substituting the bending radius and the number of turns specified in this table.
NOTE 2 While a baseline on macrobending performance can be established for uncabled fibres, the
actual design and materials of cable construction can contribute to the resulting performance in the field.
Study is continuing on the macrobending effects of cabling and any result in the need for additional cable
specification or parameters in the future.
NOTE 3 Chromatic dispersion coefficients are not essential because the category B fibre supports a part
of optimized access network installation with very small bending radii.
NOTE 4 PMD coefficients are not essential because the category B fibre supports a part of optimized
access network installation with very small bending radii.

Rec. ITU-T G.657 (11/2009) 9
To illustrate the different macrobending specifications of the various sub-categories defined in this
clause, the recommended values have been represented in Figures 7-1 and 7-2 .

Figure 7-1 Macrobending loss data from Tables 7-1, category A

Figure 7-2 Macrobending loss data from Tables 7-2, category B

10 Rec. ITU-T G.657 (11/2009)
Appendix I

Lifetime expectation in case of small radius storage of single-mode fibre
(This appendix does not form an integral part of this Recommendation)
I.1 Introduction
Fibre storage at reduced radius in fibre management systems and in closures may impose concerns
with respect to the fibre lifetime expectation. Important parameters that determine the expected
lifetime are the applied proof stress level when producing the fibre and the intrinsic strength of the
fibre. The required values of these parameters have to be offset against the accepted failure rate in
the network. In assessing the result of this, the major question is whether the single-mode fibres as
specified in this Recommendation fulfil the requirements for a sufficiently long lifetime
expectation. In this appendix, more background is given on this question.
I.2 Network and network failure
For the lifetime calculations, a simple network is considered to consist of a 1000-fibre distribution
cable with a tree structure as indicated in Figure I.1. Depending upon the installation and customer
connection procedures of the operator, the individual fibres or groups of fibres are stored in
cassettes in the main distribution cable or in the branches. For simplicity and as a worst-case
situation, it is assumed that all 1000 fibres pass five cabinets or enclosures with a storage cassette in
every individual fibre link and in every cabinet or enclosure.

Figure I.1 Simplified network structure
In this particular network structure, a failure rate per individual single fibre cassette of 0.001% in
20 years, results in a 5% probability that in 20 years one single spontaneous break in the total
network. This probability has to be compared with the probability of other failures that may occur
in the distribution network during the 20-year operational lifetime. Causes for this are in the failures
due to re-work or re-configuration in the link or due to other causes of cable or cabinet damage. For
most access network situations, it may be assumed that the stated failure probability due to
spontaneous fibre breakage is much lower than the failure probability due to other causes. Each
operator has to determine the accepted failure rate based on more precise data on the outside plant
failure rate statistics.
I.3 Fibre lifetime considerations
Apart from the intrinsic fibre strength characteristics and the fibre environment, the main
parameters that determine the failure rate per cassette are the length of the stored fibre and the
bending radius, R, of the storage. Shorter storage length will have a positive influence, whereas
reduced bending radius will have a negative influence. Applying the [b-IEC/TR 62048] lifetime
model with more details in [b-OFT] on current fibres with standard setting of the proof stress and
normal proof-test performance, the resulting maximum storage length for a 20-year lifetime as a

Rec. ITU-T G.657 (11/2009) 11
function of the fibre bend radius is indicated in Figure I.2 for different values of the static stress
corrosion susceptibility coefficient, n (fatigue parameter).

Figure I.2 Maximum storage length for a bent fibre and different values
of the fatigue parameter, n
Note that a value of n = 18 is the minimum value as stated in [b-IEC 60793-2-50] and in Telcordia
Generic Requirements for Optical Fiber and Optical Fiber Cable (GR-20-CORE). For a storage
length per cassette of, for example, 100 cm, i.e., 2 50 cm for one single fibre, the bend radius can
be lowered from the current 30 mm value down to 15 or even 9 mm depending upon the guaranteed
n- value without violating the 0.001% failure rate per cassette in 20 years.
A second storage issue is at the entrance and exit ports in the fibre management system. The
required small volume for optical access network components is not only dependent upon the
storage area, but also on the minimum bend radius of the input and exit ports. The effect of this can
be taken into account in several ways. For the purpose of this appendix, it is assumed that in every
storage cassette four additional 90-degree bends are required for guiding the fibres into and out of
the storage areas. It is also assumed that the additional failure rate due to these additional bends
should be limited to less than 10% of the accepted failure rate of 0.001% per cassette. This results in
the minimum values as indicated in the middle column of Table I.1.
Table I.1 Minimum value of non-storage bend radii
n- value Four 90 bends Single 180 bend
18 R
= 15.0 mm R
= 12.6 mm
22 R
= 11.1 mm R
= 9.2 mm
29 R
= 8.0 mm R
= 6.6 mm
In the right column, the minimum radius in case of a single 180-degree erroneous bend is given.
Also for this situation, a maximum additional failure rate per individual cassette of 0.1 0.001% is
assumed. All figures relate to single fibre management and are given for three different values of
the fatigue parameter, n.

12 Rec. ITU-T G.657 (11/2009)
I.4 Conclusions
The examples given in clause I.3 show that rather detailed knowledge on a realistic deployment of
the fibre in a real-life distribution network is required to perform a reliable prediction of the
operational lifetime. But even under the rather severe assumptions used in these examples, it also
shows that for the reduction of the fibre storage radii into a much lower range than the currently
applied 30 mm, the current lifetime characteristics of the single-mode fibre as specified in
[ITU-T G.652] are sufficient to support a 20-year operational lifetime.

Rec. ITU-T G.657 (11/2009) 13

[b-ITU-T G.671] Recommendation ITU-T G.671 (2009), Transmission characteristics of
optical components and subsystems.
[b-ITU-T G-Sup.39] ITU-T G-series Recommendations Supplement 39 (2008), Optical system
design and engineering considerations.
[b-ITU-T L.13] Recommendation ITU-T L.13 (2003), Performance requirements for
passive optical nodes: Sealed closures for outdoor environments.
[b-ITU-T L.42] Recommendation ITU-T L.42 (2003), Extending optical fibre solutions into
the access network.
[b-ITU-T L.65] Recommendation ITU-T L.65 (2006), Optical fibre distribution of access
[b-ITU-T L.66] Recommendation ITU-T L.66 (2007), Optical fibre cable maintenance
criteria for in-service fibre testing in access networks.
[b-ITU-T ANT] Access Network Transport Standards Overview.
[b-IEC 60793-2-50] IEC 60793-2-50 (2004), Optical fibres Part 2-50: Product specifications
Sectional specification for class B single-mode fibres.
[b-IEC/TR 62048] IEC/TR 62048 (2002), Optical fibres Reliability Power law theory.
[b-OFT] Matthijsse, P., and Griffioen, W. (2005), Matching optical fiber lifetime and
bend-loss limits for optimized local loop fiber storage, Optical Fibre
Technology, Vol. 11, No. 1, January, pp. 92-99.

Printed in Switzerland
Geneva, 2010
Series A Organization of the work of ITU-T
Series D General tariff principles
Series E Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors
Series F Non-telephone telecommunication services
Series G Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks
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Series N Maintenance: international sound programme and television transmission circuits
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