Mangement Assigment.01
Mangement Assigment.01
Mangement Assigment.01
Praveen Kumar
Submitted by:
Snehil Ahirwar Asst. Professor
1120202149 Management
Worldwide a process of globalization has continuously developed – imposed by
the credible desire of the powerful states to integrate as many economies (in
particular those of underdeveloped countries) – which gradually included most
fields of activity. This has caused problems for several companies to adapt to
their external environmental conditions. As such, management, has had to affect
more and more challenges, as a results of the ever- growing common global
environment created.
The thanks to integrate as many companies into the worldwide economy was
possible thanks to measures like the free movement of labor in many developed
and even in underdeveloped countries, the liberalization of financial-banking
markets, financial capital, etc. The
The main objectives of the paper are: to spot and analyze the most ways during
which global management practices and methods are often adapted to survive
within the context of the IT driven society, to work out which are the simplest
ways during which managers can affect the challenges of running global teams,
to work out new guidelines, so as to accommodate the common shared digital
workspace such created, and to vary the approach during which the managerial
functions and therefore the management process itself is being regarded in,
considering the continual changes of the digital environment, because the
current global workspace evolves.
As global economic exchanges are increasingly developing, it's been found that
such transactions are often facilitated by investing creative and innovative
human capital in high-tech information and communication fields. The
preoccupation of specialists in super high-tech IT field has become quite
evident within the last decade of the century. The interconnected global
economy creates transnational corporations that potentiate a system of
interdependent markets; the latter (system) wouldn't be possible without
digitization. Beginning with computer systems capable of manufacturing
through robotics, high performance, competitive, diversified and tailor-made
products adapted to satisfy the requirements of the marketplace, and continuing
with their fast and efficient promotion, distribution and delivery. Also with the
high tech information technology production marketing and management costs
are significantly reduced. Coordinating the activities of worldwide
organizations, on one hand, is relieved through the utilization of
telecommunications and top-level information systems which create a
replacement way of doing things, on the opposite hand, management of such
organizations is that the on left handling deciding which is that the best thanks
to do business within the new digital environment. As planning of
business/production activities is completed through direct/online
communications means, acting accordingly depends on understanding the
momentary changes of the ever-changing context. As such establishing and
managing global businesses strategies resumes more to "here and now",
paradoxically even when physical distances are great, and time zones are
Currently, as an immediate consequence of the IT driven society, many
companies have expanded their marketing, supply and production activities in
many regions that they considered opportune for them precisely due to the
moment transmission of data , which is so necessary for expansion.
The IT era has brought on the new, and therefore the incontrovertible fact that ,
if within the beginning firms were helped to regulate the markets, now the
businesses that became giants can, through advanced information technologies,
consolidate this control at a scale that they need not been ready to achieve
without IT, dominating the planet economy. The success of the many gigantic
economic, financial companies is essentially thanks to their efforts to support
research, development and technological innovation. Valuing the knowledge-
inducing, especially innovative human potential, has empowered organizations,
enabling them to take care of progress. Expenditures of companies with these
knowledge-rich human resources are amortized by the increased productive
efficiency of team members and managers.
We have seen that without the stimulation of research and innovation, it's
impossible to get development that within the end reflects welfare. Facilitating
communication development, through IT, creates interconnected networks of
varied dimensions, linked at micro and macroeconomic levels. A well-
established IT based business network can sustain a management process ready
to better prevent, anticipate, detect and affect all-level/all-type challenges and
malfunctions. Today’s society and economy are quite ever before, firstly digital:
through IT, especially with the assistance of the web , social networking, social
media, companies find it easy to enhance their efficiency within the economic
and social environment but seem to be struggling when it involves managing
certain situation created by the globalized context. Most successful businesses
perform their extensive activities in various areas through the utilization of IT,
they're supported advanced processing technologies, and ease their work by
reducing bureaucracy, by understanding that management must increase the
pliability of its strategies and assume a more active role within the adaptation of
the managerial process.
Also, the new way of working and doing business, remotely/online creates new
opportunities, relieves certain efforts for employees/managers and facilitates
cost reduction for the corporate . the chances on the worldwide market for
companies to seek out highly qualified personnel increase and cause a far better
match in terms of employer-employee, which successively creates a far better fit
and sustains the achievement of economic performance. Another advantage for
a worldwide organization refers to location and therefore the thinning of
location boundaries, which allows it to quickly determine deficiencies during a
remote region, act accordingly through the digital means we can better
understand and interact with potential partners or geographically distant
competitors, and so on. However, these virtual dimensions of business also can
pose risks and end in
Internal factors include the general organizational and company culture of the
corporate, also as policies, priorities, employee engagement and staff skill
levels. Generally, the higher-skilled staffs doesn't need the maximum amount
supervision, while less skilled staff would require more monitoring to
consistently achieve their objectives. External factors can include employment
laws, economy, competitors, suppliers and the consumers. These are factors that
are outside of the control of the organization, but will have an impact on both
managers and employees.
In this style, managers use their persuasive skills to convince employees that the
unilateral decisions that the manager implements are for the great of the team,
department, or organization. It’s not simply ordering employees to perform
tasks; managers employing this style would invite questions and would explain
the decision-making process and rationale behind policies. This will help
employees feel as if they're a more trusted and valued a part of the staff and are
involved in key business decisions, resulting in lower levels of resentment or
tension between management and staff.
In this style, the manager acts with the simplest interests of their subordinates at
bottom .Usually, the organization will ask staff as ‘family’ and invite loyalty
and trust from employees. Management using this style will use unilateral
deciding but will inform employees that the decision-makers are performing
from an area of experience , and thus, legitimacy. Decisions are explained to
employees, but there's no room for collaboration or questioning.
Democratic management styles:
In this style, managers encourage employees to offer input during the
decision-making process, but are ultimately liable for the ultimate decision.
Communication goes both ways, top-down and bottom-up, and team
cohesiveness is increased. This process allows for diverse opinions,
skills and concepts to tell decisions.
In this style, managers see themselves because the coach and their
employees because the valued members of their team. The manager’s job is
to develop and guide their team, putting their team’s professional
development at the forefront of their priorities. Long-term development is
valued above short-term failures during this style, and therefore the manager
wants to market learning, up skilling and growing within the workplace.
In this style, the manager is merely present to assign tasks, although they
still are liable for tasks being completed successfully. Once the task is
assigned, then the workers are empowered to try to to their work as they see
fit. After the task is complete, the manager steps back in to review the
work and provides advice about the way to improve future projects.
But change can't be achieved if past isn't fully understood. Therefore, only by
knowing important methodologies of managerial practices and methods –
regarding different specific aspects, of which we mention the following: phases
of the management process; evolution and interdependence of management
functions; main ways of business development; understanding and anticipating
new customers’ needs; launching/managing a business or innovation;
entrepreneurship strategies; the power to require under consideration the social
responsibility problems with the business; – can new management attempts and
approaches be made easier during this digital age.
The informal sector is purposely ex-directory within the labor legislation. for
instance , informal workers aren’t the topic considering the 1948 Factories
Act. This scheme covers vital factors like common working conditions,
safety, and health, the ban on child labor, working hours etc. Also,
globalization has caused poor health, disgraceful working conditions, also as
bondage, happening in several parts of the country.
The new technologies have had and have a positive impact on
humanity also as on the business environment generally , facilitating the
access of more customers as possible to their products/services, but also
stimulating creativity by getting things done not only better but cleverer and
faster-increasing user comfort, anticipating specific needs associated
with that product/service. Another IT benefit is adapting the
merchandise to the precise needs of potential customers accessing the
merchandise through the web – quick feedback on products and therefore
the ability to satisfy needs that the organization didn't know that they
had when creating the merchandise . The enemy of a corporation within
the digital era of the business environment is unprecedented
competition. during this situation, managerial abilities are put to the test, as
organizational changes pose a challenge. we've shown above qualities that
make the difference between a successful manager and a poor performer
and it's come to light that confidence during this “hot” environment can
make a difference. additionally , the manager must surround himself with
competent employees with creative and professional capabilities tailored to
continuously surpass the goals initially established.
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