Mathworks - EDGEngineer - Accepted - Jasvin James
Mathworks - EDGEngineer - Accepted - Jasvin James
Mathworks - EDGEngineer - Accepted - Jasvin James
1. Please do not fill in the personal details in this document, nor any company related
2. In the experience section please fill out a brief summary of the interview and topics
focused on.
Round 0
This was a test on Hackerrank of 2 hours which contains the following sections,
1. MCQs on Math and Aptitude (quite some questions on probability)
3. Two DSA questions each of which must be solved in a separate language, options are C,
C++ and Java.
Solve this very strategically, determine the easy question and check whether you can solve it in
your non-primary language and then go to the tough question with your primary language.
In our case, the easy problem was quite easy and the other problem was very very difficult, I
assume only a few people must’ve fully solved it. I only passed 7/13 test cases but looks like
that was enough.
I’m adding this as a separate section because they ask quite a lot of questions from this PPT in
the interview, so it’ll do you good to maintain notes of this. I’m attaching the notes I made as well
Social Mission
Investment in Education
Staff-Driven Initiatives
Local Community Support
Green Initiatives
Global Relief Efforts
Choose a domain to start work on and once you are comfortable with the project team, the
process will be initiated to go from EDG to a full time member of that team.
Topic: Open Source vs Licensed Software
Everyone can speak but obviously shouldn’t rudely interrupt. Must make good points and speak
clearly and this was a surprisingly high elimination round with around 3 people being eliminated
from each group. No particular focus given to making introductions and conclusions.
Round 1
Round 2
How to fetch some objects depending on some search query parameters in your project?
Interviewer was asking in terms of SQL (whereas we used NoSQL), so I explained the schema
design and explained what search query parameters will be given beforehand for the query that
the interviewer asked for and what kind of table will I be searching in and then wrote the SQL
query for it.
How do you ensure authorization in your project (because one of the main features itself was
JWT tokens and how they work.
Some more questions on the project which were discussion based.
Interviewer jumped to pointers and asked me about their use and my knowledge of what each
thing means.
I talked around reference variables and pass-by value and pass-by reference. So the next
couple of questions were related to passing variables as pointers and as reference and what
would happen in each.
I explained some points about why pointers should be used as they are more general purpose
than reference variables.
Then he put up a code snippet that would result in a dangling pointer, so you had to identify that.
Then a pointer arithmetic code snippet.
Many snippets like these were there where you had to identify some error or object references
or operator precedence and things like that.
Given m queues that contain atleast n values each, find out which queue has the minimum
number of elements. You can only do one operation on a queue which is pop() which removes
the front of the queue. You need to return the index of the smallest queue (and obviously don’t
have access to the size() method of a queue).
More code output in C++ and Java but this time it’s related to OOPS concepts.
Inheritance, static functions, virtual keyword and things like that.
Round 3
Type (Technical/Managerial/HR): HR
This was basically HR formality questions and a repeat of some managerial questions, so this
was more like a timepass round.
Very relaxing experience and I'm happy that everything went great. Just because I was asked
relatively easy DSA questions doesn’t mean that everyone had the same experience. Some of
my friends were asked some quite difficult questions, so it's all luck based as usual. If you can
divert your interview discussions to project stuff and OOPS, then that’d work out in your favour
very much. But they also have a preset list of topics that they’d like to go through irrespective of
what you do, so you always have to be prepared. No hand waving answers for managerial
questions, you need concrete examples from your life for each question and positive outlook
answers always even if it's a negative emotion evoking question, always have to put a positive
spin on things.