Spreadsheet Instructions
This spreadsheet is to be used as a tool for design engineers to design pump station and force main systems to connect to the
Brunswick County Collection System. The use of this spreadsheet does not relieve the design engineer of the responsibility o
verifying the results of the spreadsheet and taking into account conditions which may not be accounted for with the spreadsh
Should such conditions which are not accounted for in this spreadsheet be present, the designer should contact the Brunswi
County Engineering Department prior to submittal. Data should only be entered into shaded cells. User entered data will be
linked to calculations in subsequent sheets as required. Warnings and approval messages appear behind Bold & Italicized
Begin with the "Tributary Flow Calculations" tab. Insert the number of applicable units corresponding to the description in th
Establishment column. Add additional flow generating establishments as required which are not included in the list. The flow
generated by these units is subject to Brunswick County approval.
Move to the "Design Pumping Flow Rate" tab. The Minimum Pumping Rate Required is calculated. The designer should ente
desired Design Pumping Rate in the shaded cell. The Design Pumping Rate should not be less than the Minimum Pumping Ra
Required. Additional pumping capacity may be beneficial to allow for non-clog pumps, larger force main diameters, etc.
Move to the "Cycle Time & Wet Well Geometry" tab. Input the target cycles per hour in the Target Cycles per Hour box. Pick
Wet Well Diameter and Wet Well Cycle in the "Determine Wet well Diameter" box. The Volume in Cycle value should closely
match the Required Volume value. If not, adjust desired Cycles Per Hour, Wet Well Diameter, and Wet Well Cycle values. No
Wet well diameter to be standard precast wet well inside diameter. Submit manufacturer's cut sheet of proposed wet well.
Input the existing Ground Elevation and the Sanitary Sewer Invert In elevation. Do not enter the Bottom Invert Elevation unt
the specific pump has been determined in instruction item #11. The vertical distance between Pump Off and Bottom Invert E
shall provide for complete pump submergance, and not be less than 4'.
Move to the "Force Main & Piping Design" tab. Input the proposed force main diameter. Resultant velocity should be betwee
fps. Check for warnings below the velocity line. Enter the length of force main from the downstream connection point to the
transition at the valve vault piping.
Enter the Connection Point in the shaded box. Example Values are as follows: Existing 12" FM at Mt. Misery Rd & Cedar Hil
Existing MH at Hwy 17 & Holden Beach Rd., etc.
Select Valve Vault and Wet Well Piping Size. This piping may be slightly smaller than the Off-Site Force Main. Enter the
appropriate quantity of fittings and the total length of pipe the flow travels through from one pump until transiting to the lar
off-site force main diameter, or leaving the valve vault (if Pump Station Piping and Off-Site Force Main are same diameter). A
additonal fittings and associated L/D values as required.
Spreadsheet Instructions
Enter data provided by Brunswick County in the GPM, Pressure Head at Connection Condition "All Pumps On", and Pressure
Head at Connection Condition "Only Proposed Pump On" columns. The Engineer shall determine the appropriate value to inp
into the “Static Head” column from either 1) the “Connection Point Elevation” minus the wetwell “Pump Off” elevation or 2)
Force Main High Point elevation minus the wetwell “Pump Off” elevation. Option #2 is appropriate when the High Point
Elevation exceeds the Hydraulic Grade Line elevation at the location of the proposed force main High Point. As a quick chec
see if option #2 needs further investigation, sum the “Pressure Head at Connection” and the “Connection Point Elevation” to
calculate the Connection Point Hydraulic Grade Line for both the “All On” and “Only Proposed Pump Station On” scenarios.
the Connection Point Hydraulic Grade Line exceeds the High Point Elevation for both conditions then option #1 is the
appropriate choice for determining the static head. If static head is determined by option 2 for any condition, the designer s
indicate the flow rate above which static head as defined by option 1 is the approperate value.
Select a pump that can provide the “Minimum Required Pumping Rate” at the head in the column "’All On TDH”. Check to en
the proposed pump will also provided the Design Flow Rate at the head in column "’All Off TDH”. Use the graph provided on
"System Curve" tab to aid in determining operating points. All pumps should be non-overloading at the impeller diameter cho
Note: If the proposed force main discharges to a non-pressurized point such as a gravity manhole or to a WWTP outfall, or o
2 above governs static head, the values for both “Pressure Head at Connection” columns will be 0.” Note: Velocity Head is no
included in spreadsheet calculation due to neglidgeable value for normal force main operating velocities.
Enter specific pump information in the shaded areas. Attached manufacturer's cut sheet. Move to "Cycle Time & Wet Well
Geometry" tab and enter Wet Well Invert Elevation based on the depth required to provide complete submergence for the
specific pump chosen.
Move to the "Operational Check" tab. The operational points entered should be points on the pump curve that intercept the
system curves.
Check for Warnings in Red at the bottom of the page. If both read OK, then the pump and force main design can be submitte
Brunswick County for review. If warnings are present adjust previously entered values as required to obtain a cycle time bet
2-8 cycles per hour. Values which can affect cycle time include: wet well diameter, wet well cycle, pump selection, etc.
Move to the "Buoyancy Calculations" tab. Input the outside diameter of the wet well, diameter of the extended base, extende
base slab thickness, and top slab thickness in appropriate shaded boxes. Provided manufacturer's cut sheet to verify dimensi
Enter the Saturated unit weight of soil. Use 50 pcf for the submerged unit weigh of soil unless geotechnical investigations ju
greater values. Attach supporting geotechnical information if applicable.
If Wet Well ballast is required as indicated on the last box on the sheet submit proposed concrete anchor design for approval
Once the design of the pump station and force main is complete, move to the "Cover & Summary" tab. Input the project spec
data as required. Note these cells are not shaded.
Brunswick County
Wastewater Pump Station
Force Main
Design Calculations
Project Name:
Designed By:
Checked By:
Project no.:
Brunswick County
Wastewater Pump Station
Force Main
Project Summary
Project Name:
Pump Manufacturer:
Model Number:
Impeller Diameter:
Horse Power:
From 15A NCAC 02T .0114 Average Daily Flow (gallons per
ter Flow Calculations
# of Units Discharge, GPD
500 180,000
0 0
0 0
5 625
100 2,500
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
100 3,000
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
10 500
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
368 3,680
0 0
ter Flow Calculations
# of Units Discharge, GPD
0 0
0 0
1000 12,000
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Peak Factor = 18 + √P
4 + √P
Calculated Peak Factor = 2.0
Design Peak Factor = 2.5
Pressure Head at Proposed
Pressure Head at Connection "Only Pump Station
Connection "All Proposed Pump "All On" TDH On" TDH
GPM On" (feet) Station On" (feet) Static Head (feet) (feet) (feet)
100 14 0 20 37 23
300 16.6 0.4 20 59 43
600 20.8 1.4 20 123 103
900 25.5 2.9 0 199 176
1200 30.5 5 0 326 301
Horsepower: 35
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Flow (GPM)
Pg. 8
Station Operation Check