Lab 01
Lab 01
Lab 01
Lab Equipment
The oscilloscope is most important device to the practicing technician or engineer. It permits the
visual display of a signal that can reveal a range of information regarding the operating
characteristics of a circuit or system that is not available with a standard multi-meter. At first
glance the instrument may appear complex and difficult to master. The system is used
throughout a set of experiments.
In addition to the display of a signal, it can be used to measure the average value, rms value,
frequency and period of a sinusoidal or non-sinusoidal signal. The screen is divided in to
centimeter division in the vertical and horizontal directions. The vertical sensitivity is provided
as volts /cm, while the horizontal scale is provided in time as (s/cm).
• If a particular signal occupies 6 vertical centimeters and the vertical sensitivity is
5mV/cm, the magnitude of the signal can be determined from the following equation:
• If one cycle of the same signal occupies 8cm on the horizontal scale with a horizontal
sensitivity of 5µ/cm, the period and frequency of the signal can be determined using the
following equations:
T= (5µ/cm) (8cm) = 40µs
And f =1/T = 1/40=25kHz
Linear Circuit Analysis Lab Lab 5
An oscilloscope allow voltage signals to be viewed, usually as a two-dimensional graph of
electrical voltage potentials (vertical axis) plotted as a function of time (Horizontal axis). In
addition one can plot a voltage potential (vertical axis) against another voltage (horizontal axis).
Although an oscilloscope displays voltage on its vertical axis, any other quantity that can be
converted to a voltage can be displayed as well. The oscilloscope is one of the most versatile and
widely-used electronic instruments. Oscilloscopes are widely used when it is desired to:
Calibration is often regarded as including the process of adjusting the output or indication on a
measurement instrument to agree with value of the applied standard, within a specified accuracy.
1) Align the slot in the probe connector with the button on the CH 1 BNC.
2) Push to connect, and twist to the right to lock the probe in place.
3) Attach the probe tip and ground lead to the PROBE COMP connector.
4) Press auto button and the oscilloscope will set itself according to the applied signal. You
can press the Run/Stop button to stop the waveform at any instant.
Oscilloscope Probe
A test probe is a device used to connect electronic test equipment to the device under test. Most
probes have a 9MΩ resistor for attenuating, which, when combined with a standard 1MΩ input
Linear Circuit Analysis Lab Lab 5
impedance on a scope, creates a 1/10 voltage divider. These probes are commonly called 10X
attenuated probes.
Many probes include a switch to select between 10X and 1X (no attenuation).
Attenuated probes are great for improving accuracy at high frequencies, but they also reduce the
amplitude of the signal. If you’re trying to measure a very low-voltage signal, you may have to
go with a 1X probe. You may also need to select a setting on your scope to tell it you’re using an
attenuated probe, although many digital oscilloscopes can automatically detect this.
Function generator
The function generator is an electronic instrument that can produce time varying voltage
waveforms like, Sinusoidal, triangular and square-waves. Most electrical signals and forcing
functions are either of these functions or combinations of these basic types. Therefore, for the
study and analysis of the circuit parameters like time response, frequency response the function
generator acts as a required forcing function for the circuit under study.
The Most common features of available function generator are given below
1) Provide a way to give sine, square, and triangle wave.
2) A way to select the waveform frequency. Typical frequency ranges are from
3) A way to select the waveform amplitude.
4) At least two outputs. The “main” output, which is where you find the desired waveform,
typically has a maximum voltage of 20 volts peak-to-peak, or ±10 volts range. The most
common output impedance of the main output is 50 ohms, although lower output
impedances can sometimes be found. A second output, sometimes called “sync”, “aux”
or “TTL” produces a square wave with standard 0 and 5 volt digital signal levels. It is
used for synchronizing another device (such as an oscilloscope) to the possibly variable
main output signal.
Linear Circuit Analysis Lab Lab 5
A wide variety of other features are available on most modern function generators, such as
“frequency sweep”—the ability to automatically vary the frequency between a minimum and
maximum value, “DC offset”—a knob that adds a specified amount of DC voltage to the time-
varying waveform, and extra inputs or outputs that can be used to control these extra features by
other instruments.
Example of Waveform:
• Sine Wave.
• Square Wave.
• Triangle Wave.
• Sawtooth Wave.
r.m.s value
Peak value
r.m.s value
Peak value
Linear Circuit Analysis Lab Lab 5
Wave type: _____________
Sr. No Calculated Measured Absolute % Error % Accuracy
value value error
r.m.s value
Peak value
Score Card
Performance Viva Report Total
Maximum Marks 10 5 5 20
Obtained Marks