Exp 7 - Headloss
Exp 7 - Headloss
Exp 7 - Headloss
University of Ibadan,
University of Ibadan.
Yours faithfully,
O.A. Osuporu
AIM OF EXPERIMENT: To compare and contrast the head losses in the orifice plate and
venture meter when a liquid flows through them using a flow meter calibration rig.
INTRODUCTION: Head losses are as a result of pressure drops along pipe due to obstacles
along this path hence the determination of this loss(es) in pipe is important in the
petroleum industry to determine the transport efficiency of products (crude oil and gas)
along an onshore and offshore pipeline.
THEORY OF EXPERIMENT: Venturi meter, orifice meter, nozzle meter and Pitot tube are flow
metering devices that can be used to determine the head loss. Head loss can be defined as
the drop in the sum of the pressure head, velocity head and potential head between two
points along the path of a flowing fluid, due to different causes such as fluid friction. The
sum of the pressure head, velocity head and potential head is called the TOTAL HEAD. Head
loss is unavoidable and is present because of the friction between the fluids and the walls of
the pipe and is also present between adjacent fluid particles as they flow along the pipe.
Head loss is a measure of the reduction in the total head of the fluid as it moves through a
fluid system. It is unavoidable in real fluids. The head loss for fluid flow is directly
proportional to the length of the pipe, as flow rate increases, the pressure will drop.
Friction loss occurs as the fluid flows through the straight pipes while minor losses occur due
to bends, elbows, joints, valves and other fittings in the systems i.e. whenever there is a
change in the direction of fluid flow or a change in the cross sectional area, a minor head
loss would occur. The Darcy-Weisbach equation can be used to determine head loss due to
friction while the minor head losses are determined experimentally. The Darcy-Weisbach
equation is as follows:
The experiment measures the head loss between the inlet and outlet points of a
measuring device. This is done by determining the coefficient of discharge of flow through
each device. The principle is based on the theory that energy is lost when a flowing fluid
velocity is reduced by constricting its path of flow. The energy losses are measured in terms
of the head loss experiment by the fluid.
Since flow through pipe is horizontal, and for a small orifice, relative to .
So that the equation becomes
; ⁄ .
( ) ; ⁄ √ ; √
Also, the pipe is horizontal and the head loss term introduced
From continuity equation
; ⁄ ;
( )( )
( )( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
The main apparatus is the FLOW METER CALIBRATION RIG which consists of:-
A centrifugal pump
A water reservoir
A manometer
Water level indicator
Flow measuring systems (Orifice plate, Pitot tube, Venturi meter)
1. I filled the reservoir of the flow meter calibration rig with water and ascertained that
the water level was above the critical level.
2. I connected the differential hoses to the orifice plate and made sure that the levels
of liquid in both arms of the manometer were equal.
3. I then shut the measuring tank with a piece of foam and opened the gate valve
slightly. After that, I turned on the machine.
4. I observed the volume of water until the level rose to the zero mark on the small
5. I started my stop watch simultaneously and recorded the time for 5000cm 3 of water
to flow.
6. I put off the machine immediately and noted the manometer readings in both arms
and subtracted them giving me the head loss.
7. I drained the measuring tank to the storage tank.
8. I repeated steps 3-7 thrice varying the flow rate by slightly increasing flow rate each
time with the gate valve.
9. I removed the differential hoses from the orifice plates and connected them to the
Venturi meter, and confirming that the level of fluid in the manometer is equal.
10. I shut the measuring tank with a piece of foam and opened the gate valve slightly.
11. I switched on the machine and observed the volume of water until the level rose to
the zero mark on the smaller manometer.
12. I then started my stop watch and recorded the time for 5000cm 3 of water to flow. I
then put off the machine.
13. I noted the manometer readings and drained the measuring tank into the storage
14. I repeated steps 10 – 13 twice, varying the flow rate with the gate valve.
15. I measured the diameter of the orifice plate, the throat and broad portion of the
Venturi tube.
16. I determined the head losses and velocity of discharge.
From Bernoulli,
+ + = + + +
= - +
( )
( )
where and A=1.98cm2
1. There was increased turbulence in the flow when the gate valve was opened.
2. I observed that the high values gotten initially at the beginning of the experiment
were as a result of the high flow rates.
3. I observed that the head loss when using the orifice plate is much greater than the
head loss for that of Venturi meter.
4. I observed that as the gate valve was freer, it took less time for 5000cm3 of water to
1. I ensured that the water levels in both arms of the manometer were the same
before the start of each experiment.
2. I avoided errors due to parallax while taking readings from the manometers.
3. I made sure that the water level was above the critical level at the beginning of the
4. I ensured I started with a low flow rate, so as to allow for increase in the subsequent
In general, the greater the diameter, the greater the area of flow available to the fluid, and
therefore the lesser the pressure drop. The orifice meter also had a greater head loss than
the Venturi meter. The orifice meter is also easier to install as opposed to the Venturi meter
due to the complex structure of the Venturi meter and this is the reason why orifice plates
are frequently used in the Petroleum industry to regulate flow rate according to the quota
allocated by OPEC.
In the petroleum industry, it is important to keep a check on the flow of fluid and the
pressure losses in the flow lines. The orifice meter and venture meter are very important
flow meters in the petroleum industry. The measure the rate of crude oil production and
determines the pressure losses in flow lines.