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Multivariable Calculus CAPTER 3

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Multivariable Calculus

“Topics in Differentiation”

Supporting Lecture:
Eni Defitriani, S.Pd.,M.Pd
Teaching Assistant:
Martha Lestari, S.Pd.,M.Pd

Created by:
Nabila Suryani Irawan

Mathematics Education Study Program

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
University of Batanghari
1.1 Functions Defined Explicity and Implicity

An equation of the form y=f ( x ) is said to define y explicitly as

a function of x because the variable y appears alon on one side of the
equation and does not appear at all on the other side. However,
sometimes functions are defined by equations in which y is not alone on
one side; for example, the equation
yx + y +1=x
is not of the form y=f (x ), but it still defines y as a function of x since
it can be rewritten
Example 1 x +1

a. If Thus, we say that (1) defines y implicitly as a function of x , the function

x + y =25,
2 2
find x−1
dx f ( x )=
Differentiate x +1
both side of the An equation in x and y can implicitly define more than one
equation function of x . This can occur when the graph of the equation fails the
2 2
x + y =25: vertical line test, so it is not the graph of a function of x . For example, if
d we solve the equation of the circle
2 2
x + y =1
for y in terms of x , we obtain y=± √ 1−x 2, so we have found two
functions that are defined implicitly by (2), namely,

f 1 ( x )= √ 1−x 2 and f 2 ( x )=− √ 1−x 2

The graphs of these functions are the upper and lower semicircles of the
2 2
x + y =1 (Figure 3.1.1). This leads us to the following definition.

d 2 d 2
( x ) + ( y )=0
dx dx

Remembering that y is a function of x and using the Chain Rule, we have :

d 2 d 2 dy
( y )= ( y ) =2 y dy
dx dy dx dx
2 x+ 2 y =0
Now we solve this equation for dy /dx :
dy −x
dx y

1.2 Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions
We will establish that f ( x )=¿ ln x is differentiable for x >0 by applying the derivative
definition to f (x). To evaluate the resulting limit, we will need the fact that in x is continuous
for x >0 (Theorem 1.6.3), and we will need the limit
lim ( 1+v ) =e

` This limit can be obtained from limits (7) and (8) of Section 1.3 by making the
+¿¿ −¿ ¿
substitution v=1/ x and using the fact that v → 0 as x →+ ∞ and v → 0 as x →−∞ . This
produces two equal one-sided limits that together imply (1) (see Exercise 64 of Section 1.3).

Example 3

[( )] [ ]
d x sin x d 1
ln = 2 ln x +ln (sin x)− ln (1+ x)
dx √ 1+ x dx 2

2 cos x 1
¿ + −
x sin x 2(1+ x )
2 1
¿ cos x−
x 2+2 x

1.3 Derivatives of Exponential Functions

Our next objective is to show that the general exponential function b x (b> 0 , b≠ 1) is
differentiable everywhere and to find its derivative. To do this, we will use the fact that b x is

the inverse of the function f ( x )=log b x. We will assume that b> 1. With this assumption we
have ln b> 0, so
d 1
f ( x )=
[ log b x ]=
x ln b
>0 for all x interval (0 ,+ ∞)

It now follows from Theorem 3.3.1 that f −1 ( x )=b x is differentiable for all x in the range of
f ( x )=log b x. But we know from Table 0.5.3 that the range of log b x is (−∞ ,+∞ ), so we have
established that b x is differentiable everywhere.

To obtain a derivative formula for b x we rewrite y=b x as

x=log b y

and differentiate implicitly using Formula (5) of Section 3.2 to obtain

1 dy
1= .
y ln b dx
solving for dy /dx and replacing y by b x we have
dy x
= y ln b=b ln b
Thus, we have shown that
d x
[ b ]=b x ln b
In the special case where b=e we have ln e=1, so that (5) becomes
d x
[ e ]=e x
Moreover, if u is a differentiable function of x , then it follows from (5) and (6) that
d u
[ b ]=bu ln b . du and d [ e u ]=e u . du
dx dx dx dx

Example 3
The following computations use Formula (7) and (8).
d x
[ 2 ] =2x ln 2
d −2 x
[ e ]=e−2 x . d [ −2 x ] =−2 e−2 x
dx dx
d x d 3
[ e ]=e x . dx [ x ]=3 x2 e x
3 3 3

d cos x
[ e ]=ecos x . d [ cos x ] =−(sin x )ecos x
dx dx

Function of the form f ( x )=u v in which u and v are nonconstant functions of x are
neither exponential functions nor power function. Functions of this form can be differentiated
using logarithmic differentiation.

1.4 Derivatives of The Inverse Trigonometric Functions

To obtain formulas for the derivatives of the inverse trigonometric functions, we will need to
use some of identities given in Formula (11) to (17) of Section 0.4. Rather than memorize
those identities, we recommend that you review the “triangle technique” that we used to
obtain them.
−π π
To begin, consider the function sin−1 x . If we let f ( x )=sin x (
≤ x ≤ ), then it follows from
2 2
−1 −1
Formula (2) that f ( x )=sin x will be differentiable at any point x where cos ¿ ¿ ¿ . This is
equivalent to the condition
−1 π −1 π
sin x ≠− and sin x ≠
2 2
so it follows that sin−1 x is differentiable on the interval (−1 , 1).

A derivative formula for sin−1 x on (−1 , 1) can be obtained by using Formula (2) or (3) or by
differentiating implicitly. We will use the latter method. Rewriting the equation y=sin−1 x as
x=sin y and differentiating implicitly with respect to x , we obtain
d d
[ x ]= ¿
dx dy
1=cos y .
dy 1 1
= =
dx cos y cos(sin−1 x )

Thus, we have shown that
[ sin−1 x ]= 1 2 (−1< x <1)
dx √1−x
More generally, if u is a differentiable function of x , then the chain rules produces the
following generalized version of this formula:
[ sin−1 u ]= 1 2 du (−1<u< 1)
dx √ 1−u dx
The method used to derive this formula can be used to obtain generalized derivative formulas
for the remaining inverse trigonometric functions. The following is a complete list of these
formulas, each of which is valid on the natural domain of the function that multiplies du /dx .

1.5 Diferentiating Equations To Relate Rates

At this point we have succeeded in obtaining the

derivative; however, this derivative formula can be
simplified using the identity indicated in Figure 3.3.3. This
dy 1
dx √ 1−x 2

Figure 341 shows a

liquid draining through a
conical filter As the liquid

drains, its volume V, height 4. And radius are functions of the clapsed time r, and at each
instant These variables are related by the equation
π 2
V= r h

f we were interested in finding the rate of change of the volume V with respect to the
time 1, we could begin by differentiating both sides of this equation with respect to to obtain

= r
dt 3 [
dV π 2 dr
+h 2 r (
π dh
)] (
= r 2 +2 rh
3 dt
dt )
Thus, to find dV / d: at a specific time t from this equation we would need to have
values for r, h, dh/dt, and dr/dt at that time. This is called a related rates problem because
the goal is to find an unknown rate of change by relating it to other variables whose values
and whose rates of change at time are known or car be found in some way. Let us begin with
a simple example.

A water tank has the shape of an inverted circular cone with base radius 2 m and
height 4 m. If water is being pumped into the tank at a rate of 2 m³/min, find the rate which
the water level is rising when the water is 3 m deep.
We first sketch the cone and label it as in Figure 3. Let V. R, and be the vol ume of the
water, the radius of the surface, and the height of the water at time t. Where Fis measured in
We are given that dV/dt = 2 m³/min and we are asked to find dh/dt when h is 3 m. The
quantities Vand h are related by the equation
1 2
V= π r h

But it is very useful to express Vas a function of halone. In order to eliminate r, we use the
similat triangles in Figure 3 to write
r 2 h
= r=
h 4 2

and the expression for V becomes

1 h π 3
V= π h= h
3 2 12
Now we can differentiate each side with respect to t


Recall from Section 2.2 that if a function f is differentiable at x 0,

then a sufficiently magnified portion of the graph of f centered at the
point P(x 0 , f ( x 0))takes on the appearance of a straight line segment.
Figure 3.5.1 illustrates this at several points on the graph of y=x 2+1.
For this reason, a function that is differentiable at x 0 is sometimes said to
be locally linear at x 0.

The line that best approximates the graph of f in the vicinity of

P(x 0 , f ( x 0))is the tangent line to the graph of f at x 0, given by the
[see Formula (3) of
Section 2.2]. Thus, for y=f (x 0)+ f (x 0)(x−x 0)
values of x near x 0we
can approximate values
of f (x) by
f (x)≈ f ( x 0)+ f ( x 0)(x−x 0)(1)

This is called the local linear approximation of f at x0. This formula can also be expressed in
terms of the increment ∆ x=x −x 0 as
f (x 0+ ∆ x)≈ f (x 0)+ f ' ( x 0)∆ x (2)

1.7 Differentials
The ideas behind linear approximations are sometimes formulated in the terminology
and notation of differentials. If y=f (x ) , where is a differentiable function, then the
differential is an independent variable that is, dx can be given the value of any real number.
The differential dy is then defined in terms of by the equation
dy =f ( x ) dx
So dy is a dependent variable; it depends on the values of x and dx. If is given a
specific value x and is taken to be some specific number in the domain of f, then the
numerical value of is dy determined.

The geometric meaning of differentials is shown in Figure
5. Let P ( x , f (x) ) and Q ( x+ ∆ x , f ( x +∆ x ) )be points on the
graph of f and let dx =∆ x . The corresponding change in y is
∆ y =f ( x +∆ x )−f (x )

The slope of the tangent lie PR is the derivative f ' (x) .

Thus the directed distance from S to R is f ' ( x ) dx=dy .
Therefore represents the amount that the tangent line rises
or falls (the change in the linearization), whereas ∆ y
represents the amount that the curve y=f (x )rises or falls
when changes by an amount dx.

Compare the values of and if y ¿ f ( x )=x 3 + x 2−2 x+ 1and x changes
(a) from 2 to 2.05 (b) from 2 to 2.01


NOTE 1 L’Hospital’s Rule says that the limit of a quotient of functions is equal to the limit of
the quotient of their derivatives, provided that the given conditions are satisfied. It is
especially important to verify the conditions regarding the limits of and before using
l’Hospital’s Rule.
NOTE 2 L’Hospital’s Rule is also valid for one-sided limits and for limits at infinity or negative
infinity; that is, “ x → a ” can be replaced by any of the symbols x → x , x → a−¿, x → ∞ ¿ or x →−∞

NOTE 3 For the special case in which f ( a )=g ( a )=0 , f’ and g’ are continuous, and g' ( a ) ≠ 0 ,
it is easy to see why l’Hospital’s Rule is true. In fact, using the alternative form of the
definition of a derivative, we have

1.9 Indeterminate Forms Of Type∞ ∕ ∞


1.10 Indeterminate Forms Of Type0. ∞

1.11 Indeterminate Differences

1.12 Indeterminate Power
Several indeterminate forms arise from the limit
g (x)
lim [ f ( x ) ]
x →a


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