Interstitial Lung Diseases
Interstitial Lung Diseases
Interstitial Lung Diseases
1-Classification of ILD.
2-Pathogenesis of ILD.
3-clinical Features of ILD.
4-Investigation of ILD.
5-Common causes of ILD.
6-Treatment of ILD.
The term interstitial lung disease (ILD) refers to a heterogeneous group of
diffuse parenchymal infiltrative disorders that impair the gas exchange
function of the lung by disrupting the alveolar walls.
In many ILDs, lung regeneration fails and interstitial fibrosis resulting from
fibroblastic proliferation and excessive collagen deposition is the dominant
pathologic process as a reparative response to injury of the gas-exchanging
However, nonfibrotic processes can also cause ILDs by abnormal infiltration
of the lung parenchyma (interstitium and/or alveolar spaces) by cells (e.g.,
eosinophils, histiocytes) or substances (e.g., amyloid). Thus ILDs comprise a
broad spectrum of disorders of varying etiology with some similarities in
clinical, imaging, physiologic, and pathologic features.
2- Nintedanib.
As a result of these data, nintedanib has been approved for the treatment of
IPF in the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan, and many other countries. The
usual dosing of nintedanib is 150 mg by mouth twice a day. The main adverse
effects are gastrointestinal and hepatic.
In sum, both pirfenidone and nintedanib reduce the rate of FVC decline
by approximately 50% over 1 year of treatment in patients with IPF.
Pooled data analyses and post hoc analyses suggest these drugs may
improve quality of life, reduce the rate of hospitalizations and acute
exacerbations, and prolong survival.A recent real-world retrospective
cohort analysis using a large insurance database suggested the use of
these medications reduced risk of allcause mortality (hazard ratio 0.77)
for up to 2 years with no significant difference between the two
drugs.157 Studies to date suggest the adverse effects of these
medications are manageable for the majority of patients with a
reasonable long-term tolerability profile. Combination therapy with
both pirfenidone and nintedanib is being explored.