IT Assigngment
IT Assigngment
IT Assigngment
Submitted to : Submitted by :
Class: X-A
Roll no: 6
Sr no. Assignments Teacher's
Unit 1: Digital Documentation (Advanced)
1 Types of Styles and Steps to create a new style
from selection
2 Steps to insert from gallery and crop an
image in open office writer.
3 Create a template of your own choice and
set it as default template.
4 Create a customized table of content
in open office writer and change
background to green.
5 Send Invitation to our friends on your
birthday party.
Unit 2: Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced)
6 Scbank has deposits and withdrawed
details of each custom for 3 months,
prepare consolidated data for the same.
7 Scbank distributer distributes various
items to different sellers, calculate the
seller wise distribution of products using
subtotal option.
8 Prepare a scenario to calculate profit and
profit % for selling price 550 and cost
price 500.
9 Find the value of cost price if the value of
profit is 250 using gaol sub operation.
10 Steps to create a marksheat using macros
in open office calc.
Unit 3: Datebase Management System
11 Create a table in open office base using
design view and wizard.
12 Execute the following SQL command on
the given table insert, select and delete.
13 Create a query using design view and
execute the given commands on tabe.
14 Write the steps to create form using
wizard in OOB in student details.
15 Write the steps to create using wizard in
OOB report
16 Project on student database system.
Character styles
Frame styles
Page styles
Lists styles
4) Right-click the
Computer-Desktop image