022 Article A006 en
022 Article A006 en
022 Article A006 en
Development challenges
and flic
World Bank's response
Edward V. K. Jaycox
Edward V.K. Jaycox, Vice-President, Eastern capita income for all of Africa was marginally generally unfavorable climate and geograph-
and Southern Africa Region of the World positive in the 1970s as income growth barely ical factors: tropical soil which is fragile and
Bank, spoke on this topk at the Woodrow outpaced population increase. But in the 1980s, deficient in organic materials, and only one
Wilson International Center for Scholars, The domestic production has declined every year fourth of which is well watered Fifth, ex-
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, in white population has continued to grow rap- tremely rapid population growth.... -
August 1985. Here are excerpts from his lecture: idly. The decline in per capita income has . These already vulnerable countries have
been so steep that it is now below its 1970 been particularly hard-nit, by a series,of ex-
The tragedy unfolding in Africa has riveted level: we now face the prospect that Africa ternal shocks in rapid succession: the oil
world attention on the region's plight. Since will experience a generation of declining per shocks of J973 and 1979, wSii increased
1980, some 34 countries have been afflicted capita income. imported energy costs.and devalued com-
by drought. Millions of people have died and Agriculture, the backbone of African econ- modity exports accordingly; the major reces-
many more are threatened by famine and omies and the key to the development of the sion in industrialized countries which trans-
malnutrition. Emergency assistance, though continent (since it is overwhelmingly rural mitted itself to Africa-as a decline in demand
much needed, will not suffice. This tragedy and agrarian) has been a lagging sector. for commodity exports and declines in their
is not of recent origin. Its causes have deep Agriculture output per capita has been de- prices to levels Hot seen since the Great
roots and are structural. The drought, though, clining steadily over the last two decades and Depression; worldwide inflation which en-
has revealed the vulnerability of Africa's eco- food imports have increased sixfold in the last couraged countries to finance their develop-
system, its structure of production, and its 20 years.... ment through debt and then disinflation which
low level of development. The appropriate left them with Mgh debt at high real interest
response must therefore involve tackling all Unfortunately, the decline in production rates. At the same titne access to new credit
of these problems in a comprehensive manner. was not confined to agriculture. Mining output and private equity investment has all but dried
It must, however, be realized at the outset in 1982 was 68 percent of its 1970 level. up and concessional aid has declined, partly
that sub-Saharan Africa suffers from deformed Much of industrial capacity lies idle because in response to budget stringency in the donor
production structures inherited from the co- of falling domestic demand, poor investment countries and partly as a result of growing
lonial era. Much of the region's exports choices and inadequate foreign exchange for dissatisfaction with the results that aid has
consists of a vulnerable and narrow spectrum materials and spare parts.... achieved—so-called "aid fatigue." Moreover,
of primary commodities, while manufactured Looking at the basic constraints to devel- as recovery began to get underway in indus-
goods and capital equipment form a small opment, we find: first, a weak human resource trialized countries, the benefits have eluded
proportion of domestic output. Trade forms base, lack of technical, managerial, and en- most African countries. Demand for their
a high proportion of gross domestic product trepreneurial skills due to neglect of education products has not picked up significantly, prices
and is highly concentrated with respect to during colonial times. Second, political fragility remain low, interest rates remain high and
trading partners. resulting from newness of independence and aid continues to stagnate....
Over the past two decades, the fragility of diverse cultures and languages and a lack of ...In the face of these external shocks, by
Africa's economies began to unfold. The eco- national integration. Third, a heritage of un- and large African governments have failed to
nomic situation began to deteriorate in the even, dualistic development, weak infrastruc- adjust their economies, and have therefore
1970s and continues to do so. Growth of per ture, and subsistence agriculture. Fourth, been overwhelmed by difficulties and decline.
Finance & Development I March 1986 21