CoachingDiabetes Table
CoachingDiabetes Table
CoachingDiabetes Table
Description A chronic condition wherein the pancreas A condition wherein blood sugar is chronically A condition wherein blood sugar is
produces little to no insulin. higher than normal, but not high enough to chronically elevated due to insulin resistance
be Type 2 Diabetes. and hyperinsulinemia.
Common The most common treatment is insulin. Lifestyle changes (nutrition, exercise, sleep, Lifestyle changes (nutrition, exercise, sleep,
Treatments/ Exercise and diet can help control blood stress management) should be the main stress management) should be the main
Medical glucose and increase insulin sensitivity. intervention. Oral medications such as intervention. Medications such as insulin and
Interventions metformin or blood-pressure-reducing drugs metformin, as well as other oral medications,
are sometimes prescribed. are often prescribed.
How Nutrition Can Whole, unprocessed foods can reduce Whole, unprocessed foods are the first line Whole, unprocessed foods are the first
Help insulin resistance. This would result in less of defense. If prediabetes has progressed line of defense. Quantification might be
exogenous insulin needed to maintain blood- too far, quantification might be necessary necessary to reduce insulin resistance. Ratios
glucose control. Quantification can help to reduce insulin resistance. Ratios of of 40C/30P/30F are a good starting point,
further manage blood glucose by providing 40C/30P/30F are a good starting point, but but carbohydrates might have to be reduced
a solid baseline for overall intake and carbohydrates might have to be reduced and fat increased to improve the metabolic
macronutrient ratios. This baseline can easily and fat increased to improve the metabolic profile.
be manipulated to accommodate intensity, profile.
training volume, and changes in stress and
How Exercise Can Exercise can help minimize the risk of Exercise can help increase insulin sensitivity, Exercise can help increase insulin sensitivity,
Help complications due to T1D and lead to improve glycemic control, and promote improve glycemic control, and promote
increased insulin sensitivity, decreased need weight loss. weight loss.
for insulin supplementation, and decreased
risk of hyperinsulinemia and its associated
How To Be Check in with athletes pre-, during, and Determine which, if any, medications your Determine which medications your athlete
Prepared/Support post-workout to determine blood-glucose athlete is on to control blood glucose. Make is on to control blood glucose. Make sure
Diabetic Athletes measurements. Use CrossFit training for the sure they are advising their physician about they are advising their physician about
best blood-glucose stabilization, resistance starting an exercise program. Have juice, starting an exercise program. Have juice,
training, metabolic conditioning, and relative glucose tablets, or honey available just in glucose tablets, or honey available just in
intensity. There are certain warm-ups and case hypoglycemic events occur due to the case hypoglycemic events occur due to the
cool-downs that can be used to manage interaction of exercise and blood-glucose- interaction of exercise and blood-glucose-
blood glucose. As an example, low-intensity lowering medication. lowering medication. Those taking insulin are
aerobic cool-downs can be used to manage at a higher risk of hypoglycemia.
blood-glucose spikes due to anaerobic
training, while 10-second sprints can be
used to prevent hypoglycemic events due to
aerobic exercise. Have juice, glucose tablets,
or honey available for hypoglycemic events.