Kantar Ignite UNLOCKED 2024 Report1

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UN:LO CKED Repor t

October 2024
Welcome to IGNITE Un:locked

Kantar IGNITE is designed It requires clear strategy, compelling

to equip marketers and insight execution and C-suite alignment
professionals to succeed by on commercial outcome KPIs that
building brands, better. link to the business strategy in both
the short and longer term. KPIs
In recent years there’s been that unlock the full power of the
an unmistakable shift in emphasis ultimate commercial marketing
as marketing budgets come multiplier: Brand.
under pressure to deliver greater
bang for every buck invested. There's no better place to find that
growth than Kantar IGNITE. A safe
To grow the topline, and the space to get fresh evidence-based
bottom, without additional budget. inspiration from BrandZ 2024 and
And quicker. And based on our our Blueprint for Brand Growth.
Language of Effectiveness Report
with Marketing Week, 2024 Our ‘IGNITE Un:locked’ Report
continues that trend. 2024 distils key elements from our
sessions into practical takeaways.
But while AI may have replaced Read it, share it, debate it and
Big Data as the organisational – most importantly – act on it.
imperative du jour, driving
growth requires more than AI.

Dom Boyd
UKI Managing Director UK Insight
and Marketing Effectiveness Practice

Kantar BrandZ Most Valuable UK Brands 2024

Brands in the Boardroom panel, with Marketing Week

Speakers What? ꟷ Effective campaigns drive price

inelasticity which the C-suite
Martin Guerrieria Results and implications from really cares about - but too
the annual ranking of the Kantar few campaigns have this as
UK brands are Head of BrandZ, Kantar
BrandZ Top 75 Most Valuable UK an objective

falling behind. Adele Joliffe Brands, where brand value is a

combination of financial performance
ꟷ Tips for influencing senior
stakeholders include:
Head of Brand
Consultant Team, Kantar and consumer opinion.
ꟷ Take time to understand the
It's time for Marketers different C-suite individuals
to bring the Panellists Key takeaways and how your marketing
strategy helps their agendas
commercial power of Ian Whittaker ꟷ The Top 75 UK brands are trailing
ꟷ Focus on telling the
the rest of the world in value
Kantar’s 'Blueprint for CityAM Analyst of the Year creation story of the scale of business
Liberty Sky Advisors outcome required, and the
Brand Growth’ ꟷ Kantar's Blueprint for Brand role effective marketing
Annabelle Cordelli Growth provides an evidence-
into the Boardroom SVP Brand & Marketing based approach and strategic
investment plays

through a common Virgin Atlantic framework for maximising

profitable brand growth which Key actions
organisational Clare Phillips can set a common organisational you can take
agenda and language
agenda and Head of Marketing
YouTube ꟷ Ask for a Blueprint for Brand
ꟷ Too few of the UK Top 75
language. are leveraging the three Growth inspiration session,
Laurence Green Blueprint growth accelerators to assess and prioritise the
Director of Effectiveness biggest growth areas for
IPA ꟷ Strong 2024 examples of your brand vs competitors
brands getting it right
Russell Parsons include M&S, Nationwide,
Monzo, Greggs, Range Rover &
Premier Inn
Marketing Week


Mark Ritson: ‘A Blueprint for not messing up your brand’

Speakers Key takeaways Key actions

Mark Ritson ꟷ Industry debate is unhelpfully you can take
territorial – think BOTH
Brilliant brands Marketing Professor, Marketing
Week Columnist and Marketing rather than 'OR' e.g. Qual
ꟷ Kantar's MDS framework
is your friend - it's the industry
are brilliantly MiniMBA founder AND Quant, Distinctiveness
AND Differentiation
benchmark for equipping
you to successfully grow
simple. What? ꟷ Brands need to cultivate and measure your brand
Meaningfulness, Salience
ꟷ Ask to see how to apply it
AND Difference relative to the
Sticking to the Kantar's BrandZ MDS model
shows binary thinking holds competition to maximise growth.
in action and evaluate
daily activities via a
fundamentals back brand success. All three are important to drive
Brand Dynamics demo
with Kantar's MDS Marketers need to cultivate all
ꟷ Saliency and Meaning drive
ꟷ Stick to getting the
three qualities (MD and S) for their
approach is a surefire brands – and ignoring any of them penetration, but (Relative)
fundamentals right
Difference drives price power, ꟷ Find a relevant role in
way to avoid messing is a sure-fire way to mess up
your brand. a key EBITDA driver – don't people’s lives (Meaning)
up your brand: underestimate it. Difference
makes the difference to the
ꟷ Have a tight position and
execute it consistently
be Meaningful, be bottom line and goes beyond (Difference)
Different & be Salient. ꟷ Own category entry points
ꟷ Great brands have great and show up consistently
consistency – KitKat position with your Distinctive Brand
Just ask KitKat. 'Breaks are good for you’ and idea
'Have a break, have
Assets (Salience)

a KitKat' is 60 years young ꟷ Then, be consistent, like KitKat

– a brand Kantar continues
to partner with


Humour: a deadly serious business

(that made Liquid Death into a $1.4bn brand in 5 years)

Speakers Key takeaways Key actions

Lynne Deason ꟷ Humour is being used much you can take
less in advertising, across all
Laughter is Head of Creative Excellence,
Kantar UK media contexts, yet ads with
ꟷ If you want to use humour
but aren't sure how to best
the best medicine Bina Edwards
humour are far more effective
use it effectively talk to Kantar
ꟷ Laughter releases feel-good – we know how to apply it to
for brand growth. Head of Sales UK, Liquid Death hormones associated with unlock brand potential
pleasure, bonding and learning
Bridget Angear ꟷ Ask to see Kantar Marketplace
– these create brand memories
Whether humour Founding Partner of craig+bridget, and how our LINK solutions
ꟷ The most effective humorous incorporate best-in-class
is in the DNA of IPA Fellow
ads link intuitively to the brand emotional diagnostic traces,
your entire brand What?
creating strong positive
association e.g. 'Should've gone
attention measures, eye tracking
and deep diagnostic measures
- like Liquid Death to Specsavers’; McDonald’s that ensure humour always
ꟷ Kantar LINK+ Database Raise your Arches; Yorkshire amplifies the brand
- or whether you Tea with Sean Bean
ꟷ IPA effectiveness databank ꟷ Our Creative Strategy team love
use it to fuel the ꟷ IPA & LINK data shows humour partnering with clients and
effectiveness of ꟷ Liquid Death: a $1.4bn
brand in 5 years
is a shortcut to brand and
business value; it creates stronger
agencies to develop the world's
most impactful campaign ideas
your campaign… 'active' attention, market share from early concept to execution
volume and price power growth
ꟷ Examples include KitKat,
ꟷ As Liquid Death's rapid growth Nationwide, Cadbury, Guinness,
…it WORKS! shows, it can also be effective in HSBC, Dove, and many more
disrupting conventions to radically
amplify earned media / PR,
and market penetration


Effectiveness Unlocked: Applying the AI multiplier

Speakers Key takeaways Key actions

Chris Lindsley ꟷ AI provides great opportunities you can take
to transform your marketing
AI is an Global Insights & Analytics
Director, Reckitt lifecycle and ROI
ꟷ Talk to our Marketing
Effectiveness Practice about
effectiveness Simon Valcarcel
ꟷ Reckitt has partnered optimising your Effectiveness
with Kantar to apply an Programme to maximise AI
multiplier Marketing Director, Effectiveness Framework
ꟷ Ask to see a demo of MRS
- not just an
Virgin Media O2 for AI impact using LINKAI:
Award-winning LINKAI
and LIFT+ THX to explore
efficiency play. Matthew Dodd
Head of Analytics,
1. Creative Transfer
(International) the radical benefits they
Global Clients, Kantar can bring
2. Competitive Campaign
But to harness its Pallavi Kheria
Assessment ꟷ Ask your Kantar contact about
AI Labs and our solution suite
potential to deliver Head of Data Strategy and
3. Full funnel (digital content)
including QualAI, LINKAI, Lift+
4. Creative Quality optimisation
effectiveness at Customer Analytics, Kantar THX BrandDynamics live
campaign forecasting and
ꟷ As VirginMedia 02 have learnt
scale AI requires “Even with AI tools,
What? in developing Bubl campaigns, LiftROI MMM's

an Effectiveness AI is only as good as its the basics of marketing

foundational data. There's no
ꟷ Showcase of Kantar AI don’t change, we still
Programme Assistant (KaiA) better than Kantar MDS to
differentiate your brand need to make our
Framework and ꟷ Showcase of Kantar Reckitt AI ꟷ Foster a culture brands meaningful
differentiating partnership and VMO2 GenAI of experimentation
and differentiated”
brand datasets to
– Simon Valcarcel, VMO2
train models on.


Learning Lab: Innovation Confessions ‘Room 101’:

What nobody talks about when innovating in a new space

Speakers Key takeaways Key actions Chance of growth if you can find new

uses for your range:
Nicki Morley ꟷ Innovation requires patience, you can take
something lots of businesses don't
Innovation is Head of Behavioural Science and
Innovation Expertise, Kantar have. Great innovations take time
ꟷ Ensure you are building from
strong insight foundations
key to 'finding new Marie Robelin
and setting tight, short-term
targets can hinder success
to give you the confidence
to stretch into a new space.
space' in Kantar's Consumer Market Insight, Strategy ꟷ Our cross-functional panel Don’t rush into ideation
Blueprint for Brand
and Innovation Lead, Unilever agrees: collaboration is the Increasing uses for a brand by 10%
ꟷ Ask about our analytics tool results in growth of 17%
key to great innovation
TrendEvaluate which helps
Growth. Geraldine Griffith
Head of R&D UK, PZ Cussons ꟷ Incrementality is King. Focus translate a new space into
on the strategic intent your a tangible proposition
innovation needs to deliver Brands that are meaningful,
But not all innovation Kate Watabiki
to ensure business growth
ꟷ Our Consulting practice ensures different and innovative double
Global Head of Innovation, Bacardi that your ideation process will their chances of growth
is created equal. ꟷ Think carefully about how you get you to fresh insights using
Simon Bailey create ideas. Some ideas are BAD an ‘outside in' perspective
You need to approach Senior Client Partner, Kantar ideas, ideation requires creativity
ꟷ Ensure the space you are
and an outside-in approach to
it in a meaningfully get to fresh outcomes
stretching into is right for your
brand. Test your assets using
differentiated way. ꟷ Innovation should be a deliberate Needscope AI
and purposeful process, enabling
ꟷ Our Kantar Marketplace
the right environment to innovate
Innovation tools focus
in. Learning along the journey
on ensuring your ideas are
must be a key part of ensuring
incremental and are right
ongoing success
for your brand
ꟷ Keep learning. Use innovation Source: Kantar BrandZ
post-launch guidance
to launch and love


Brand Collaborations Learning Lab:

Creating partnerships with stronger chemistry

Speakers Key takeaways Key actions Brand partnerships are

Top 3
Lindsay Gorton-Lee ꟷ Brand collaborations are you can take
important levers for both short
Brand Brand Strategy Consultant, Kantar
and long-term brand growth,
ꟷ Be clear on your Difference. Find
partners whose Difference might
Collaborations Oliver Gilding creating demand momentum
through bold, unexpected
amplify yours through shared
Head of Innovation values and attitude
with strong and Licensing, Iceland initiatives and helping brands
come to mind quickly (Salience) ꟷ Ask how NeedScopeAI can quickly Most important tactics for marketers
chemistry are Brett Hamer ꟷ Liquid Death’s collaboration with
assess whether your tone of
2024 Language of Effectiveness report,
voice is complementary
a powerful way Product Director, THG e.l.f. is a great example of doing
this well ꟷ Execute consistently using LINK+,
Marketing Week / Kantar

to activate the Gui Pasculli

ꟷ Collaborations drive brand
LIFT+ THX and BrandDigital.
Head of Culture & Partnership Are we set up for success?
Blueprint for Brand Malibu, Pernod Ricard
Meaning by tapping into culture,
connecting to new audiences, and
Did we create engagement?
Brands that are Meaningfully
Growth. meeting new needs – while driving
Did we impact brand perceptions?
Different to More People command

Matt Rooney Did we meet ROI goals?
relevance in new occasions and
Head of Measurement pushing category boundaries ꟷ Use Cultural Intelligence from
They can help for Global Accounts, TikTok
ꟷ Iceland’s collaboration with
Kantar Global Monitor and digital
to build Meaningful Thomas Prosser Myprotein is a great example
analytics to keep your finger on
the cultural pulse and uncover new
of this
Difference, Predispose Head of Qualitative, Kantar communities
ꟷ Collaborations can also
More People, Find build authentically on
ꟷ Read Kantar's Brand Strategy
more penetration today and real
Unpacked for inspiring
New Space and even brand memories to amplify
Difference and strengthen
case studies
advantage in penetration growth
over the next two years
Be More Present. price power
ꟷ Malibu’s summer collab with
Oatly, the Pina Oatlada, and Kith
x Taylormade are strong examples
ꟷ Collabs provide an opportunity
to quickly test and learn
IGNITE Un:locked

01 02 03 04 05
Kantar BrandZ 2024 “Brilliant brands It's time to take AI is an effectiveness Kantar's Blueprint
UK Award winners M&S, are brilliantly simple. humour seriously. multiplier: especially for Brand Growth
Monzo, Nationwide, Kantar's MDS It builds brands. when using MDS framework with
Greggs, Premier Inn framework is Using humour well can
as the golden thread MDS can be a powerful
and Range Rover show a surefire way to be a powerful shortcut across a campaign catalyst for getting
what it takes to drive avoid going wrong.” to brand success. effectiveness innovation and
brand growth. – Mark Ritson, IGNITE It magnifies attention, programme. partnerships right too.
emotion, positive brand
This year's winners showcase Enough said. memories, volume, value AI is most powerful when Brands are built from everything
the importance of getting the and market share growth. prioritised as an outcome a brands says and does.
brand fundamentals right. The key is to ensure it always enabler, not a tool.
Brand collaborations including
Strengthening predisposition links to – and magnifies But it's only as good as the influencers and innovation are
through a strong position - your brand, rather than quality of your data inputs. both an increasing part of the
brought to life compellingly being a distraction. brand-building mix.
Kantar’s MDS framework
and consistently.
and connected AI solution But to be impactful, brand
Converting that predisposition into suite enables you to apply it building still holds true.
sales through the right presence in consistently with confidence You need to ensure you’re
the right channels at the right across each stage of your clear on the strategic role each
moments. And extending campaign and innovation is playing in building MDS and
occasions and opportunities by journey to deliver superior ensure you're measuring it.
finding new space. outcomes.
How Kantar can help

Kantar is dedicated to shaping For more information contact:

your brand future.
And with our industry-leading Blueprint for Brand
Sarah Hazlehurst
Growth framework with MDS, specialist expertise,
best-in-class AI, industry-leading benchmarks Creative and Media
and thought leadership we love partnering with [email protected]
ambitious brands.

We hope that you enjoyed IGNITE and our Alistair Nel

Un:locked 2024 report. But more importantly, Brand
that you've been inspired to take action and [email protected]
unlock the full potential in your brand.

This could be through getting a demo, having Ben Holland

a conversation or asking for additional Innovation
thought leadership. [email protected]

Please do reach out. We'd love to help.

Marisha Plaskocinski
[email protected]


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