9A Revised Midterm Syllabus 24 25

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Subject Revised Syllabus

Additional 1. Chapter 1 (Functions)
Mathematics 1.1 Mappings
1.2 Definition of a function
1.3 Composite functions
1.4 Modulus functions
1.5 Graphs of y=|f(x)| where f(x) is linear
1.6 Inverse functions

2. Chapter 2 (Simultaneous equations and quadratics)

2.1 Simultaneous equation (one linear and one non-linear)
2.2 Maximum and minimum values of a quadratic function
2.3 Graphs of y=|f(x)| where f(x) is quadratic
2.4 Quadratic inequalities
2.5 Roots of a quadratic equations
2.6 Intersection of a line and a curve

3. Chapter 3 (Factor and polynomials)

3.1 Adding, subtracting and multiplying polynomials
3.2 Division of polynomials
3.3 The factor theorem
3.4 Cubic expressions and equations

4. Chapter 5 (Logarithmic and exponential functions)

5.1 Logarithms to base 10
5.2 Logarithms to base a

5. Chapter 6 (Straight-line graph)

6.1 Problems involving length of a line and midpoint
6.2 Parallel and perpendicular lines
6.3 Equations of straight lines
6.4 Areas of rectilinear figures

6. Chapter 7 (Coordinate geometry of the circle)

7.1 the equation of a circle

Bangla চিঠি

সচি(স্বরসচি এেং েযঞ্জনসচি)

োগধারা(চনেবাচিি এেং প্রাব াচগক)
প্রোদ-প্রেিন(চনেবাচিি এেং প্রাব াচগক)
োকয ও োকয পচরেিব ন(প্রাব াচগক)
উচি ও উচি পচরেিব ন(প্রাব াচগক)
শূনযস্থান পূরণ(Cloze Passage)
বোধ জ্ঞাবনর েহুচেকল্প প্রশ্ন(Multiple Choice Comprehension)
বোধ জ্ঞাবনর মুি প্রশ্ন(Open Ended Comprehension)
Bangladesh Paper 1
Studies Topic 1: Bengal During the Nawabs
Bangladesh Studies
3c, (pg 96 to 107)

Topic 2: Bengal During the Rule of the British

Bangladesh Studies
4a, 4b, (pg 108 to 124)

Paper 2
Topic 1: Environmental Challenges of Bangladesh
Bangladesh Studies
4b, 4c, 4d, 4e, 4f, 4g (pg 270 to 298)

Topic 2: Agriculture and Settlement

Bangladesh Studies
5d, 5e, 6a,(pg 314 to 327)

Biology Ch-1: Characteristics and classification of living organisms

Ch-2: Cells
Ch-3: Movement into and out of cells
Ch-4: Biological molecules
Ch-5: Enzymes
Ch-6: Plant nutrition
Ch-8: Transport in plants
[Note to avoid confusion: Ch-7 to be taught in Term-2]
Chemistry Ch-1: States of matter
Ch-2: Atomic Structure
Ch-3: Chemical bonding
Ch-4: Chemical Formulae and equations
Ch-5: Chemical Calculations
Ch-6: Electrochemistry
Resource:Chemistry for Cambridge IGCSE
Richard Harwood, Ian Lodge
English Paper 1 Reading (all unseen extracts/texts)[ as per Cambridge IGCSE QP]
Units to revise from: Unit 1-3(Coursebook and Practice book)
80 marks- 2hrs
Text A Q1 a-e: comprehension and knowledge questions-15marks
Text B Q1f- Summary writing -15marks
Text C: Q2 a-c-Vocabulary based questions- 10marks
Text C: Q2d: Writer’s choices and effects –15marks
Text C: Q3: extended response (Speech/ informal letter based on Text C)-25
General Chapter 1: Review of number concepts
Mathematics Ex: 1.1,1.8,1.9,1.12,1.14,1.15,1.17,1.18 & Practice Questions (Page: 36-37)
Chapter 2: Making Sense of Algebra
Ex: 2.7,2.8,2.9,2.10 & Practice Questions (Page: 67-69)
Chapter 3: Line, angles and shapes
Ex: 3.4,3.5,3.6, 3.7 & Practice Questions (Page: 104-106)
Chapter 5: Fraction, percentages and standard form.
Ex: 5.8,5.9,5.10,5.11,5.13,5.14
Chapter 6: Equation, factors and formulae
Ex: 6.1,6.2,6.3 & Practice Questions (Page: 191 to 193)
Chapter 10: Straight line and Quadratic equations
Ex: 10.4,10.5,10.8 ,10.10,10.11, 10.12 & Practice Questions (Page: 332-334)
Chapter 11: Pythagoras’ Theorem
Ex: 11.1, 11.2

Physics Chapter 1: Describing motion

Chapter 2: Forces and motion
Chapter 3: Turning effects
Chapter 4: Forces and matter
Chapter 5: Energy stores and transfer
Chapter 6: Energy resources
Chapter 7: Work and power

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