Pragramming Concepts Sample Notes
Pragramming Concepts Sample Notes
Pragramming Concepts Sample Notes
Programming concepts
TOPIC 1 ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Types of programing languages ......................................................................................................... 3
TOPIC 4 .................................................................................................................................................... 4
LANGUAGE TRANSLATION PROGRAMS............................................................................................. 4
Assembler ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Compiler.................................................................................................................................................. 5
Interpreter ............................................................................................................................................. 5
What is a Software Defect, Bug and Debugging ............................................................................... 6
TOPIC 6 ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
PROGRAMMING TOOLS ............................................................................................................................ 6
A computer program is a series of organised instructions that directs a computer to perform
tasks. Without programs, computers are useless.
A program is like a recipe. It contains a list of variables (called ingredients) and a list of
statements (called directions) that tell the computer what to do with the variables.
Programming is a creation of a set of commands or instructions which directs a computer in
carrying out a task.
Machine language
Assembly language
High-level language
We just went over what machine language is - it's the language of machines, consisting of bits
(1s and 0s) put together into chunks like bytes, a group of 8 bits, and lots of other larger sizes.
It's highly unlikely you will ever have to write in machine language, but in the old days, we used
to plot 1s and 0s on graph paper and then type them in, to make pictures appear on the computer
screen. Very tedious!
A computer language translator is a program that translates a set of code written in one programming
language into a functional equivalent of the code in another programming language.
The different types of computer translators are
An assembler translates assembly language into machine code. Assembly language consists of
mnemonics for machine opcodes so assemblers perform a 1:1 translation from mnemonics to a
direct instruction. For example:
Conversely, one instruction in a high level language will translate to one or more instructions at
machine level.
A Compiler is a computer program that translates code written in a high level language to a
lower level language, object/machine code. The most common reason for translating source code
is to create an executable program (converting from a high level language into machine
Source code is not included, therefore compiled code is more secure than interpreted code
Tends to produce faster code than interpreting source code
Produces an executable file, and therefore the program can be run without need of the source
Disadvantages of using a compiler
Object code needs to be produced before a final executable file, this can be a slow process
The source code must be 100% correct for the executable file to be produced
An interpreter program executes other programs directly, running through program code and
executing it line-by-line. As it analyses every line, an interpreter is slower than running compiled
code but it can take less time to interpret program code than to compile and then run it — this is
very useful when prototyping and testing code. Interpreters are written for multiple platforms,
this means code written once can be run immediately on different systems without having to
recompile for each. Examples of this include flash based web programs that will run on your PC,
MAC, games console and Mobile phone.
Source code is required for the program to be executed, and this source code can be read
making it insecure
The programming is a solution of different problems of our real life. If efficient programming
tools are used, problems are effectively solved. We code some instructions to instruct computer
for problem solving purposes. The choice of tools depends on nature of problems.
There are many tools for programmers for programming. For instance, algorithms, flowcharts,
pseudocodes, data dictionary, decision table, data flow diagrams etc are effective tools.
Enough and adequate knowledge of programming tools are essential for programming (Software
The pictorial presentation of program is called Flowchart. It is a tool and technique to find out
solution of programming problems through some special symbols. It is a way to represent
program using geometrical patterns. Prior to 1964, every manufactures use different types of
symbols, there was no uniformity and standards of flowcharting. The Standard symbols were
developed by American Standard National Institute (ANSI).
(i) Start / Stop: This oval is used to represent START and STOP of program.
(ii) Input/Output: Parallelogram is used to denote input and output of data. We take data
through it and display result also using this symbol.
(iii) Process: Rectangle is used to denote process, formula, increment, and decrement and
assigned value also.
(iv) Pre-defined Process: The predefined process is denoted by this symbol. Example: Sorting
and Display is pre-defined process and represented as:
(iv) Decision box: It is a symbol of decision. All type of decisions is written in it.
(vi) Data flow: It is used to show data flow from one component to other component, one
process to other and one symbol to other symbol.
The John Von Neumann used flowchart to solve problem in 1945 and explained its importance
in program designing.
Illustration: In our everyday life, there is a sequence of works. These sequences of works are
called routine. We all are tied with it. Suppose, we arise early in the morning at 5 0’ clock, go to
toilet, after coming from toilet, clean hands with soap and water, brush our teeth then take bath.
Here, one sequence of work is formed.
In computer world, programming language is used to solve certain problems. The solution of
problem is a sequence of processes. In one problem, there may be many processes, the flowchart
help to arrange processes in definite order. Suppose, we have to convert Fahrenheit temperature
into Celsius, it has following five steps:
Step-1: Start
Step-2: Enter Fahrenheit temperature (F)
Step-3: Application of formula: C=(F-32)(5/9)
Step-4: Displaying the result (C)
Step-5: Stop
These types of processes involved in solution of problem are called Algorithm. It is a stepwise
presentation of problem solution in simple English without using confusing words and phrases.
Flowchart is like as city map. Travelers or tourists search places of historical importance through
city map. Buildings are built on the basis of building-design (map) drawn by Architect engineers.
Just like it, program is coded on the basis of flowchart. Flowchart is a language free concept, if it
is prepared, any language can be used for program coding. In software development cycle,
flowcharting is one essential phase. 0728 776 317
System Flowchart:
System flowchart is a pictorial representation of procedure flows inside and outside of the
systems. It is also called Data Flow Chart or Procedure Chart.
(i) Manual Input: It is used to enter data manually. For example, keyboard is a manual input
(v) Display: This is a symbol for online display, Example: Monitor (VDU).
(Integrated Development Environment) A set of programming tools for writing applications (source code
editor, compiler, debugger, etc.), all activated from a common user interface and menus. IDEs are
necessary standard procedure for program development.
Note: Visual Basic makes it easy to create event-driven programs. An event-driven program is one which
responds to users' actions especially mouse clicks and mouse movement.
Each object in Visual Basic is defined by a class. A class describes the variables, properties,
procedures, and events of an object. Objects are instances of classes; you can create as many
objects you need once you have defined a class.
To understand the relationship between an object and its class, think of cookie cutters and
cookies. The cookie cutter is the class. It defines the characteristics of each cookie, for example
size and shape. The class is used to create objects. The objects are the cookies.
Two examples in Visual Basic might help illustrate the relationship between classes and objects.
The controls on the Toolbox in Visual Basic represent classes. When you drag a control
from the Toolbox onto a form, you are creating an object — an instance of a class.
The form you work with at design time is a class. At run time, Visual Basic creates an
instance of the form's class — that is, an object.
Tim Anderson summed it up best: It sounds like perfection. Microsoft had perhaps the largest
number of developers in the world hooked on a language which in turn was hooked to
Windows. Yet Microsoft took this asset of incalculable value and apparently tossed it
aside. Back in 2002, Microsoft announced that the language was to be replaced by something
new, different and incompatible. That caused rumblings that continue today. Developers
expressed emotions ranging from frustration to anger. They felt betrayed.
Much has been written lately about the fall of Visual Basic, triggered by an Evans Data survey
indicating that VB use has dropped 35% in the past year, and other language surveys show VB
falling behind its brother C# and market leader Java.
The problem is simply that when Visual Basic became VB.NET, it became a “real”
programming language for trained developers, no longer the layman’s “Application Construction
Kit” of its original vision. As such, there’s little to positively distinguish VB from the other
.NET programming languages, especially the superior and more popular C#. The result is an
expected drop in market share.
Perhaps next-generation Web development environments like Popfly and Silverlight will fill the
gap left by VB. And there is a concerted effort including a web petition to convince Microsoft to
support and upgrade the last “simple” version of Visual Basic, VB6. This support is unlikely,
however, and VB’s reign as “programming language for the masses” is over.
Humble Beginning
Alan Cooper is widely regarded as the father of Visual Basic. In 1987, Cooper was a director at
Coactive Computing Corporation where he developed “Tripod,” an improved shell/desktop for
the fledgling Windows operating system. After initial testing, Cooper realized that “every user
would need their own personal shell, configured to their own needs and skill levels.” The idea of
a “shell construction set” was born. There would be a palette of tools and controls, which users
could drag & drop onto forms to create their custom shell.
Cooper began shopping the product around Silicon Valley seeking a publisher. There was little
interest until March 1988 when Cooper showed a prototype to Microsoft CEO Bill
Gates. Visionary that he is, the 32-year-old billionaire immediately saw Tripod’s
potential. Gates declared that Tripod was “cool” and would have significant impact across
Microsoft’s entire product line. In a few months the deal was done, Tripod became Microsoft’s
“Ruby,” and Cooper assembled a team of engineers to deliver a commercial product.