Tyfo SCH 11UP 062923
Tyfo SCH 11UP 062923
Tyfo SCH 11UP 062923
Density 0.063 lbs./in.3 (1.8 g/cm3)
Minimum weight per sq. yd. 11.6 oz. (393 g/m2)
Order Tyfo S-330 Epoxy in 5 gallon pails (23 kgs of
Part A and 17.9 kgs of Part B) Tyfo SCH-11UP Fabric
typically shipped in 24” x 600 lineal foot (0.6m x
182.9m) rolls. Typically ships in 14” x 14” x 27” (356mm
x 356mm x 686mm) boxes.
Epoxy – two years in original, unopened and
properly stored containers.
Fabric – ten years in proper storage conditions.
Store epoxy at 40° to 90° F (4° to 32° C). Avoid
freezing. Store rolls flat, not on ends, at temperatures
below 100° F (38° C). Avoid moisture and water
• Will be supplied COMPLIANCE
request, complete with state
and federal packaging laws with copy of labels used.
• Material safety data sheets will be supplied
upon request.
• Possesses 0% V.O.C. level.
The Tyfo System shall be designed to meet specific Recommended substrate temperature range is 50°F to 100°F (10°C to
design criteria. The criteria for each project is dictated 38°C). All coating applications to be performed at a minimum of 5.4°F
by the engineer of record and any relevant building above the dew point. Maintain conditions for the first 48 hours of cure.
codes and/or guidelines. The design should be based Temperatures below 50°F will significantly increase the viscosity of the
on the allowable strain for each type of application mixed product. Higher viscosity will reduce fabric penetration, introduce
and the design modulus of the material. The FyfeFRP additional air into the system, and extend the cure times beyond 48 hours.
LLC engineering staff will provide preliminary design DO NOT THIN. Solvents will prevent proper cure.
at no obligation.
INSTALLATION Record batch numbers for fabric and epoxy used each day and note
Tyfo System to be installed by FyfeFRP LLC trained locations of installations. Measure square feet of fabric and volume of
and certified applicators. Installation shall be in strict epoxy used each day.
compliance with the FyfeFRP LLC Quality Control
The required surface preparation is largely dependent
on the type of element being strengthened. In
general, the surface must be clean, dry and free of CLEANUP
protrusions or cavities, which may cause voids behind Collect with absorbent material. Dispose in accordance with local
the Tyfo composite. Column surfaces that will receive disposal regulations. Uncured material can be removed with approved
continuous wraps typically require only a broom solvent. Cured materials must be mechanically removed.
cleaning. Discontinuous wrapping surfaces (walls,
beams, slabs, etc.) typically require a light sandblast, HAZARDS
grinding or other approved methods to prepare for Consult the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for associated hazards. SDS will be
bonding. Tyfo® Composite Anchors are incorporated supplied upon request.
in some designs. The FyfeFRP LLC engineering staff
will provide the proper specifications and details
based on the project requirements.
APPLICATION Statement of Responsibility: The technical information and application advice in this publication
is based on the present state of our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the nature of
Apply one prime coat of Tyfo S-330 epoxy on the the information herein is general, no assumption can be made as to the product’s suitability for
substrate by using a roller. Saturate the fabric by a particular use or application, and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness,
either expressed or implied, is given other than those required by State legislation. The owner,
feeding ii through the Tyfo Saturator or by approved his representative or the contractor is responsible for checking the suitability of products for
hand methods (See the Tyfo Saturator Manual). Prior their intended use. Field service, where provided, does not constitute supervisory responsibility.
Suggestions made by the FyfeFRP LLC, either verbally or in writing, may be followed, modified or
to the application of the saturated fabric, fill any rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not the FyfeFRP LLC, are responsible
uneven surface. Saturate and apply subsequent layers for carrying out procedure appropriate to a specific application.
of the fabric according to the Specifications and the
Design Requirements. With the use of a roller or hand
pressure, ensure proper orientation f fibers. Release or
roll out entrapped air and ensure that each individual
layer is firmly bedded and adhered to the preceding
layer or substrate. Apply a final coat of thickened Tyfo
S-330 Epoxy and detail all fabric edges, including butt
splice, termination points and jacket edges.