qb64 Notes
qb64 Notes
qb64 Notes
When you open QBasic, you see a blue screen where you can type your program.
Let’s begin with the basic commands that are important in any program.
LET x = 10
LET y = 5
LET z = x + y
In QBASIC, LET is optional. You can also write x = 10 instead of LET x = 10.
Type the highlighted text into QBasic and press F5 to run the program. On the screen you’ll see:
My name is Nick.
You must put the text in quotes, like this – "text". The text in quotes is called a string. If you put
the PRINT alone, without any text, it will just put an empty line. PRINT can also put numbers on
the screen. PRINT 57 will show the number 57. This command is useful for displaying the result
of mathematical calculations. But for calculations, as well as for other things in the program, you
need to use variables.
When you think, you keep words or numbers in your mind. This allows you to speak and to
make calculations. QBasic also needs to keep words or numbers in its memory. To do this, you
use variables, pieces of QBasic memory, which can keep information. A variable can be named
with any letter, for example – a. It can also have a longer name, which can be almost any word.
It is important to know that there are two main types of variables – that keep a number and that
keep a word or a string of words.
Numeric variables. It’s basically variables named with just a letter or a word. You tell this
variable to keep a number like this:
a = 15
and run the program, the computer will show this number on the screen.
String variables can keep so called "strings", which is basically any text or symbols (like % or £),
which you put in the quotes "". You can also put numbers in a string variable, but again, you
must include them in quotes, and QBasic will think that those numbers are just a part of text.
The string variables look like this – a$. The $ sign tells QBasic that this variable contains text.
The PRINT command can print more that one string on the line. To do this, put the ; sign
between the variables. For example, you have two variables – name$, which contains name
Rob, and age, which contains the number 34. Then, to print both name and age, you type:
As you can see, the name of a variable can be more than just one letter – it can be a short word
which describes what sort of information does this variable keep.
What you see on the screen when you run the program will look like this:
INPUT is a command that allows you or anybody else who runs the program to enter the
information (text or number) when the program is already running. This command waits for the
user to enter the information and then assigns this information to a variable. Since there are two
types of variables, the INPUT command may look like this – INPUT a (for a number), or INPUT
a$ (for a string).
Example (Type this program into QBasic and run it by pressing F5)
The END command tells QBasic that the program ends here.
You don’t have to use PRINT to ask the user to enter the information. Instead, you can use
Mathematical Calculations
QBasic was obviously created for us to have fun, play games, draw nice graphics and even
make sounds. But, as you might guess, nothing good comes without a bit of effort that has to be
put in it. In the most QBasic programs a bit of math has to be done. The math… Doh! If you hate
mathematics, don’t worry. Qbasic will do it all for you, you just need to know how to tell QBasic
to do that.
Qbasic can perform the following mathematical operations:
+ Add 7+2 9
- Subtract 7-2 5
* Multiply 7*2 14
Example 1:
a = 15 / 4 + 3 PRINT a
Example 2:
c = a + b
d = a * b
an integer(the whole
^ Raises a number to the 3^4
2.5 ^ 3
(means: 15.625
integer result.
In many programs (for example - games), the user has a choice of what to enter. In this case,
QBasic has to check what the user has typed, and to react accordingly. This can be done with
the IF...THEN command.
If the argument is not true (if a is not equal to 15), QBasic bypasses this line and goes to the
next. In some cases, you can use the ELSE command, which tells QBasic exactly what to do if
the argument is not true.
This example means that if a equals to 15, the computer will show OK on the screen:
It's not 15
To check the argument in IF…THEN command, you can use any of these mathematical
= Equal to IF a = 15 THEN…
<> Not equal to IF a <> 15 THEN…