3739 Books Doubtnut Question Bank

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Sample Problem

1. A beam of 35.0 keV electrons strikes a

molybdenum target, generating the x rays

whose spectrum is shown in Fig. What is the

cutoff wavelength?

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2. A cobalt target (Z = 27) is bomberded with

electron and the wavelength of its

characteristic spectrum are measured . A

second , fainter characcteristic spectrum is

also found because of an impurity in the

target. The wevelength of the Kα lines are

178.9 pm (cobalt) and 143.5 ± (impurity).

What is the impurity?

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3. In the helium-neon laser of laser action

occurs between two excited states of the neon

atom. However, in many lasers, laser action

(lasing) occurs between the ground state and

an excited state, as suggested in fig.

(a) Consider such a laser that emits at

wavelength λ = 550nm . If a population

inversion is not generated what is the ratio of

the population of atoms in state Ex to the

population in the ground state E0 , with the

atoms at room temperature?

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1. Show that the number of states with the

same quantum number n is 2n . 2

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2. A hypothetical atom has only two atomic

energy levels, separated by 3.2 eV. Suppose

that at a certain altitude in the atmosphere of

a star there are 6.1 × 10

/ cm
of these

atoms in the higher-energy state and are

2.2 × 10
/ cm
in the lower-energy state.

What is the temperature of the star's

atmosphere at that altitude?

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3. Suppose two electrons in an atom have

quantum numbers n = 2 and . (a) How

l = 1

many states are possible for those two

electrons? (Keep in mind that the electrons

are indistinguishable). (b) If the Pauli exclusion

principle did not apply to the electrons, how

many states would be possible?

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4. An electron in a mercury atoms is in the 3d

subshell. Which of the following ml values are

possible for it, (a) − 3, (b) − 1, (c ) 0, (d) 1, (e) 2?

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5. An atom of uranium has closed 6p and 7s

subshell. Which subshell has greater number

of electrons?

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6. A tungsten (Z = 74) target is bombarded

by electrons in an x-ray tube. The K, L and M

energy levels for tungsten have the energies

69.5, 11.3, and 2.30 ke V, respectively. (a) What is

the minimum value of the accelerating

potential that will permit the production of

the characteristic Kα and Kβ lines of

tungsten? (b) For this same accelerating

potential, what is λ min ? What are the (c ) Kα

and (d) K bet


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7. A high-powered laser beam (λ = 600nm)

with a beam diameter of 10 cm is aimed at the

Moon, 3.8 × 10 5
km distant. The beam spreads

only because of diffraction. The angular

location of the edge of the central diffraction

disk is given by
sin θ = ,

where d is the diameter of the beam aperture.

What is the diameter of the central diffraction

disk on the Moon's surface?

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8. What are the initial and final shells for an

Mβ line in an x-ray spectrum?

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9. Consider the elements selenium (Z = 34) ,

bromine (Z = 35) , and krypton (Z = 36) . In

their part of the periodic table, the subshells

of the electronic states are filled in the


What are (a) the highest occupied subshell for

selenium and (b) the number of electrons in it,

(c ) the highest occupied subshell for bromine

and (d) the number of electrons in it, and (e)

the highest occupied subshell for krypton and

(f) the number of electrons in it?

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10. Which element has Kα x-ray line whose

wavelength is 0.180 nm?

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11. An X-ray tube operates at 20 kV. A particular

electron loses 5% of its kinetic energy to emit

an X-ray photon at the first collision. Find the

wavelength corresponding to this photon.

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12. The x rays shown are produced when 35.0

ke V electrons strike a molybdenum (Z = 42)

target. If the accelerating potential is

maintained at this value but a silver (Z = 47)

target is used instead, what values of (a) λ min

(b) the wavelength of the K line, and (c ) the


wavelength of the K line result? The K, L, and


M atomic x-ray levels for silver are 25.51, 3.56,

and 0.53 keV.

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13. (a) From Eq. what is the ratio of the photon

energies due to Kα transitions in two atoms

whose atomic numbers and Z and Z? (b) What

is this ratio for uranium and aluminum? (c )

For uranium and lithium?

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14. Show that a moving electron cannot

spontaneously change into an x-ray photon in

free space. A third body (atom or nucleus)

must be present. Why is it needed?

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15. A population inversion for two energy

levels is often described by assigning a

negative Kelvin temperature to the system.

What negative temperature would describe a

system in which the population of the upper

energy level exceeds that of the lower level by

10% and the energy difference between the

two levels is 2.32 eV?

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16. Two of the three electrons in a lithium

atom have quantum numbers (n, l, m l , m s )

of (1, 0, 0, + 1 / 2) and (1, 0, 0, − 1 / 2) . What

quantum numbers are possible for the third

electron if the atom is (a) in the ground state

and (b) in the first excited state?

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17. A pulsed laser emits light at a wavelength

of 694.4 nm. The pulse duration is 12 ps, and

the energy per pulse is 0.150 J. (a) What is the

length of the pulse? (b) How many photons

are emitted in each pulse?

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18. From Fig, calculate approximately the

energy different EL − EM for molybdenum.

Compare it with the value that may be

obtained from Fig.

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19. For a helium atom in its ground state, what

are quantum numbers (n, l, m l and m s ) for

the (a) spin-up electron and (b) spin-down


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20. A hypothetical atom has two energy levels,

with a transition wavelength between them of

580 nm. In a particular sample at 300 K,

4.0 × 10
such atoms are in the state of

lower energy. (a) How many atoms are in the

upper state, assuming conditions of thermal

equilibrium? (b) Suppose, instead, that

3.0 × 10
of these atoms are ''pumped'' into

the upper state by an external process, with

1.0 × 10
atoms remaining in the lower state.

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21. A laser emits at 424 nm in a single pulse

that lasts 0.500μs . The power of the pulse is

3.25 MW. If we assume that the atoms

contributing to the pulse underwent

stimulated emission only once during the

0.500μs , how many atoms contributed?

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22. X rays are produced in an x-ray tube by

electrons accelerated through an electric

potential difference of 50.0 kV. Let K0 be the

kinetic energy of an electron at the end of the

acceleration. The electron collides with a

target nucleus (assume the nucleus remains

stationary) and then has kinetic energy

K1 = 0.500K0 . (a) What wavelength is

associated with the photon that is emitted?

The electron collides with another target

nucleus (assume it, too, remain stationary)

and then has kinetic energy K2 = 0.500K1 .

(b) What wavelength is associated with the

photon that is emitted?

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23. Assume that lasers are available whose

wavelengths can be precisely ''tuned'' to

anywhere in the visible range-that is, in the

range 450nm < λ < 650nm . If every

television channel occupies a bandwidth of 10

MHz, how many channels can be

accommodated within this wavelength range?

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24. A certain gas laser can emit light at

wavelength 550 nm, which involves population

inversion between ground state and an

excited state. At room temperature, how many

moles of neon are needed to put 12 atoms in

that excited state by thermal agitation?

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25. How many electron states are there in the

following shells:

(a) n = 4, (b) n , (c ) n
= 1 , (d) n
= 3 ?
= 2

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26. The active volume of a laser constructed of

the semiconductor GaAIAs is only 200μm


(smaller than a grain of sand), and yet the

laser can continuously deliver 5.0 mW of

power at a wavelength of 0.80μm . At what

rate does it generate photons?

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27. In the subshell l = 4, (a) what is the

greatest (most positive) ml value, (b) how

many states are available with the greatest

mf value, and (c ) what is the total number of

states available in the subshell?

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28. A material whose K -absorption edge is

0.2 Å is irradiated by X-ray of wavelength

3644 Å , find the maximum energy of the

photoelectrons that are emitted from the K


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29. The wavelength of the K line from iron is

193 pm. What is the energy difference between

the two states of the iron atom that give rise

to this transition?

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30. An electron in a multielectron atom has

mf = + 4. For this electron, what are (a) the

value of l, (b) the smallest possible value of n,

and (c ) the number of possible values of m ?s

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31. A hypothetical atom has energy levels

uniformly separated by 1.2 eV. At a

temperature of 2000 K, what is the ratio of the

number of atoms in the 13th excited state to

the number in the 11th excited state?

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32. Ruby lases at a wavelength of 694 nm. A

certain ruby crystal has 19

4.00 × 10 Cr ions

(which are the atoms that lase). The lasing

transition is between the first excited state

and the ground state, and the output is a light

pulse lasting 1.50μs . As the pulse begins,

60.0% of the Cr ions are in the first excited

state and the rest are in the ground state.

What is the average power emitted during the


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33. How many electron states are there in a

shell defined by the quantum number n = 6 ?

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34. Through what minimum potential

difference must an electron in an x-ray tube be

accelerated so that it can produce x rays with

a wavelength of 0.100 nm?

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35. Calculate the ratio of the wavelength of

the Kα line for niobium (Nb) to that for

gallium (Ga). Take needed data from the

periodic table of Appendix G.

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36. An electron is in a state with l = 3 , (a)

What multiple of h gives the magnitude of L ?

(b) What multiple of μB gives the magnitude

of ? (c ) What is the largest possible value of


ml ? (d) what multiple of h gives the

corresponding value of Lz , and (e) what

multiple of μB gives the corresponding value

of μ or b , z
? (f) What is the value of the

semiclassical angle θ between the direction of

Lz and L ? What is the value of angle θ for

(g) the second largest possible value of ml

and (h) the smallest (that is, most negative)

possible value of m ? l

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37. When electrons bombard a molybdenum

target, they produce both continuous and

characteristic x rays as shown in fig. In that

figure the kinetic energy of the incident

electrons is 35.0 keV, (a) what is the value of

λ min , and (b) do the wavelengths of the

Kα and Kβ lines increase, decrease, or

remain the same?

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38. An electron in a hydrogen atom is in a

state with l = 5. What is the minimum

possible value of the semiclassical angle

between L and Lz ?

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39. An electron is in a state with n=4. What are

(a) the number of possible values of l, (b) the

number of possible values of ml , (c ) the

number of poosible values of ms , (d) the

number of states in the n = 4 shell, and (e)

the number of subshells in the n = 4 shell?

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40. (a) How many l values are associated with

n = 3 ? (b) How many ml , values are

associated with l ?
= 1

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41. The active medium in a particular laser that

generates laser light at a wavelength of 694

nm is 6.00 cm long and 1.00 cm in diameter. (a)

Treat the medium as an optical resonance

cavity analogous to a closed organ pipe. How

many standingwave nodes are there along the

laser axis? (b) By what amount Δf would the

beam frequency have to shift to increase of

the travel by one? (c ) Show that Δf is just the

inverse of the travel time of laser light for one

round trip back and forth along the laser axis.

(d) What is the corresponding fractional

frequency shift Δf / f ? The appropriate index

of refraction of the lasing medium (a ruby

crystal) is 1.75.

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42. How many electron states are in these

subshells: (a) n = 4, l = 3 , (b) n = 3, l = 2,

(c ) n = 4, l = 1, (d) n = 2, l = 0 ?

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43. (a) What is the magnitude of the orbital

angular momentum in a state with l = 3 ? (b)

What is the magnitude of its largest

projection on an imposed z axis?

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44. Fig shows that energy levels of a mercury

atom. Electrons with kinetic energies of 7.0 eV

are introduced into mercury vapor. (a) Convert

the energy levels to the system that sets the

ground state at 0 eV. (b) What is the kinetic

energy of an electron after an elastic collision

with a mercury atom? (c ) What are the

possible kinetic energies of an electron after

an inelastic collision with a mercury atom? (d)

What are the energies of the photons coming

from the mercury vapor?

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45. The kα X-rays of aluminium (Z = 13 ) and

zinc ( Z = 30) have wavelengths 887 pm and 146

pm respectively. Use Moseley\'s law

√v = a(Z − b) to find the wavelength of the

Kα X-ray of iron (Z = 26).

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46. An imaginaryy atom whose energy levels

are shown here undergoes an Auger

transition. This implies that the x-ray photon

emitted during transition from L to K state is

absorbed by another electron in M shell and it

comes out of the atom. Calculate the initial

energy of the Auger electron as in fig.

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47. (a) Find the energy in electron volts

required to strip a calcium atom (Z = 20) of

its last electron, assuming the other 19 have

been removed. How does this compare with

the energy required to excite the Kα x-ray

lines of Ca, which is about 3.7 keV? (b) Why

there is a difference?

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48. The Ka X-ray of molybdenum has

wavelength 71 pm. If the energy of a

molybdenum atom with a K electron knocked

out is 23:32 keV, what will be the energy of this

atom when an L electron is knocked out?

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Practice Questions Single Correct Choice Type

1. Electrons with energy 80keV are incident on

the tungsten target of an X - rays tube , k-

shell electrons of tungsten have 72.5keV

energy X- rays emitted by the tube contain

A. A continuous x-ray spectrum

(Bremsstrahlung) with a minimum

wavelength of ~0.155Å

B. A continuous x-ray spectrum

(Bremsstrahlung) with all wavelengths

C. The characteristic x-ray spectrum of


D. A continuous x-ray spectrum

(Bremsstrahlung) with a minimum

wavelength of ~0.155 Å and the

characteristic x-ray spectrum of


Answer: C

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2. If the atom( _ 100)F m

follows the Bohr

model the radius of _ (100)F m

is n time

the Bohr radius , then find n .

A. 1 / 4
B. 4

C. 50

D. 100

Answer: A

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3. An element of atomic number 9 emits Kα X-

ray of wavelength λ . Find the atomic number

of the element which emits Kα X-ray of

wavelength 4λ.
A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

D. 7

Answer: B

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4. Electrons with de-Broglie wavelength λ fall

on the target in an X-ray tube. The cut-off

wavelength of the emitted X-ray is

A. λ 0

B. λ 0

2 2 3
2m c λ
C. λ 0

D. λ 0
= λ

Answer: A

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5. Which one of the following statement is

W RON G in the context of X- rays generated

from X- rays tube ?

A. Wavelength of characteristic x-rays

decreases when the atomic number of

the target increases

B. Cut-off wavelength of the continuous x-

rays depends on the atomic number of

the target

C. Intensity of the characteristic x-rays

depends on the electrical power given to

the x-ray tube

D. Cut-off wavelength of the continuous x-

rays depends on the energy of the

electrons in the x-ray tube

Answer: B

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6. If λ Cu
is the wavelength of Kα X-ray line of

copper (atomic number 29) and λM o is the

wavelength of the Kα X-ray line of

molybdenum (atomic number ),then the

ratio λ Cu
/ λM o is close to

A. 1.99

B. 2.14

C. 0.50

D. 0.48

Answer: B

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7. A diatomic molecule is made of two masses

m 1 and m 2 which are separated by a distance

r . If we calculate its rotational energy by

applying Bohr's rule of angular momentum

quantization it energy will be ( n is an integer )

2 2
(m 1 + m 2 ) n h
2 2 2
2m m r
1 2

2 2
n h
B. 2
2(m 1 + m 2 )r

2 2
2n h
C. 2
(m 1 + m 2 )r

2 2
(m 1 + m 2 )n h
2m 1 m 2 r

Answer: D
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8. An atom stays in an excited state for about

A. 10μs

B. 10ms

C. 10ns

D. 10s

Answer: C

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9. The ratio of magnetic field at the center due

to the rotation of a Bohr's electron in the first

state of hydrogen atom and second excited

state of Li + +
atom is

A. 9 : 1

B. 27 : 4

C. 9 : 4

D. 27 : 1

Answer: A
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10. With increasing quantum numbers, the

energy difference between adjacent energy

level atoms

A. Increases

B. Decreases

C. Remains constant

D. First increases then decreases

Answer: B
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11. If in nature they may not be an element for

which the principle quantum number n > 4 ,

then the total possible number of elements

will be

A. 60

B. 32

C. 4

D. 64
Answer: A

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12. An electron has a mass of 9.1 × 10 − 31

kg . It

revolves round the nucleus in a circular orbit

of radius 0.529 × 10
− 10
metre at a speed of

2.2 × 10 m / s . The magnitude of its linear

momentum in this motion is

A. 1.1 × 10 − 34
kg. m / s

B. 2.0 × 10 − 24
kg. m / s
C. 4.0 × 10 − 24
kg. m / s

D. 4.0 × 10 − 31
kg. m / s

Answer: B

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13. In a beryllium atom, if a0 be the radius of

the first orbit, then the radius of the second

orbit will be in general

A. na 0
B. a 0

C. n 2


Answer: C

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14. The velocity of an electron in its fifth orbit,

if the velocity of an electron in the second

orbit of sodium atom (atomic number =11) is v,

will be :
A. v

B. v

C. v

D. v

Answer: D

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15. The number of values of the orbital

quantum number associated with the

principal quantum number n = 3 is

A. 1

B. 2

C. 9

D. 4

Answer: C

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16. The number of states in a shell with

principal quantum number n = 3 is

A. 3

B. 9

C. 15

D. 18

Answer: D

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17. Of the following states,

5s, 3p, 4f, 5p, 4g, 3d, and 2p, the one which

is NOT allowed is
A. 3p

B. 4f

C. 3d

D. 4g

Answer: D

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18. An electron is in a quantum state for which

the magnitude of the orbital angular

momentum is 6√2h / 2π . How many allowed

values of the z component of the angular

momentum are there?

A. 4

B. 5

C. 7

D. 8

Answer: D

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19. An electron in an atom is in a state with

l = 1. The minimum angle (in degree)

between L and the z axis is

A. 0

B. 18.0

C. 45

D. 36.7

Answer: A

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20. The spin angular momentum of an

electron is equal to

A. √3

B. h√3 / 4π

C. h / 2

D. ± h / 2

Answer: B

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21. The X-ray beam coming from an X-ray tube

A. Is monochromatic

B. Has all wavelengths smaller than a

certain maximum wavelength

C. Has all wavelengths greater than a

certain minimum wavelength

D. Has all wavelengths lying between a

minimum and a maximum wavelength

Answer: C

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22. The mimmum wevelength of X-ray that can

be produced in a Coolisge tube depends on

A. The metal used as the target

B. The intensity of the electron beam

striking the target

C. The current flowing through the filament

D. The potential difference between the

cathode and the anode

Answer: D

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23. If the potential difference applied to tube

is doubled and the separation between the

filament and the target is also doubled, the

cutoff wavelength

A. Will remain unchanged

B. Will be doubled

C. Will be halved
D. Will become four times the original

Answer: C

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24. If the current in the circuit for heating the

filament is increased, the cutoff wavelength

A. Will increase

B. Will decrease

C. Will remain unchanged

D. Will change

Answer: C

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25. If a potential difference of 20,000 volts is

applied across X-ray tube , the cut -off

wavelength will be

A. 6.21 × 10 − 10

B. 6.21 × 10 − 11
C. 6.21 × 10 − 12

D. 3.1 × 10 − 11

Answer: B

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26. The potential difference applied to an X-ray

tube is 5k V and the current through it is 3.2

mA. Then, the number of electrons striking the

target per second is. (a) 2 × 10 16

(b) 5 × 10 (c

) 1 × 1017
(d) 4 × 10 . 15
A. 2 × 1016

B. 5 × 106

C. 1 × 1017

D. 4 × 1015

Answer: A

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27. In an x-ray tube, the target should be made

up of material having
A. High atomic number and low thermal


B. High atomic number and high thermal


C. Low atomic number and low thermal


D. Low atomic number and high thermal


Answer: B

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28. X ray can be made harder by

A. Increasing the potential difference

between cathode and target

B. Decreasing the potential difference

between cathode and target

C. Increasing the current through filament

D. Decreasing the current through filament

Answer: A
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29. Which of the following wavelength falls in

X - ray region

A. 10000Å

B. 1000Å

C. 1Å

D. 10 −2

Answer: C

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30. The energy of a photon of characteristic X-

ray from a Coolidge tube comes from

A. The kinetic energy of the striking


B. The kinetic energy of the electrons of

the target

C. The kinetic energy of the ions of the

D. An atomic transition in the target

Answer: D

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31. The following figure shows the intensity-

wavelength relations of x-rays coming from

two different Coolidge tubes. The solid curve

represents the relation for tube A in which the

potential difference between the target and

the filament is VA and the atomic number of

the target material is ZA . These quantities are

VB and ZB for the other tube. Then

A. V A
> VB , VA > Z B

B. V A
> VB , Z A < Z B

C. V A
< VB , Z A > Z B

D. V A
< VB , Z A < Z B

Answer: B
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32. In a characteristic x-ray spectra (as shown

in the following figure), L shell of some

element is superimposed on continuous x-ray

spectra. Ere

A. P can represent L line


B. Q represents L line
C. Q and P represent Lα and Lβ lines,


D. Q and P represent Lβ and Lα lines,


Answer: C

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33. The Kα X -ray emission line of tungsten

occurs at λ = 0.021nm . The energy difference

between K and L levels in this aotm is about :

0.51M eV

A. 0.51 MeV

B. 1.2 MeV

C. 59 ke V

D. 13.6 eV

Answer: C

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34. Mosley's law for characteristic x rays is

given by √f = a(Z − b)

Choose the correct statement(s).

A. Both a and b depend on the target


B. Both a and b are independent of the

target material

C. Both a and b depend on the energy of

the electron beam

D. Both a and b depend on the nature of

the lines (i.e.,K,L,M,…)

Answer: D

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35. The wavelength of the Kα line for an

element of atomic number 57 is λ . What is the

wavelength of the Kα line for the element of

atomic number29 ?
A. α

B. 2α

C. 4α

D. 8α

Answer: C

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36. If the frequency of Kα , Kβ and Lα , X-ray

lines of a substance are v Kα

, vKβ , and v

A. vKα
= vKβ + vLα

B. vLα
= vKα + vKβ

C. vKβ
= vKα + vLα

D. None of these

Answer: C

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37. The K, L, and M energy levels of platinum lie

roughly at 78, 12, and 3 KeV, respectively. The

ratio of wavelength of Kα line to that of Kβ

line in x-ray spectrum is





Answer: D

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38. The potential difference applied to an X-ray

tube is V The ratio of the de Broglie

wavelength of electron to the minimum

wavlength of X-ray is directrly proportional to

A. V

B. V 1/2

C. 1 / √V

D. Independent of V

Answer: B
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39. The energy of a tungsten atom with a

vacancy in L small is 11.3KaV . Wavelength of

Kα photon for tungsten is 21.3pm . If a

potential difference of 62kV is applied across

the X -raystube following characterstic X-rays

will be produced.

A. K, L series

B. Only K and L series


C. Only L series
D. None

Answer: B

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40. Photons in a laser beam have the same

energy, wavelength, polarization direction, and

phase because

A. Each is produced in an emission that is

stimulated by another
B. All come from the same atom

C. The lasing material has only two

quantum states

D. All photons are alike, no matter what

their source

Answer: A

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41. Photons in a laser beam are produced by

A. Transition from a metastable state

B. Transitions to a metastable state

C. Transitions from a state that decays


D. Pumping

Answer: A

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42. A metastable state is important for the

generation of a laser beam because it assures


A. Spontaneous emission does not occur

more often than stimulated emission

B. More photons are emitted than are


C. Photons do not collide with each other

D. Photons do not make upward transitions

Answer: A

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43. Each atom in the periodic table has a

unique set of spectral lines. Which one of the

following statements is the best explanation

for this observation?

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44. Which one of the following pairs of

characteristics of light is best explained by

assuming that light can be described in terms

of photons?

A. Photoelectric effect and the effect

observed in Young's experiment

B. Diffraction and the formation of atomic


C. Polarization and the photoelectric effect

D. Existence of line spectra and the

photoelectric effect

Answer: D

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45. Complete the following statement: An

individual copper atom emits electromagnetic

radiation with wavelengths that are

A. Evenly spaced across the spectrum

B. Unique to that particular copper atom

C. The same as other elements in the same

column of the periodic table

D. Unique to all copper atoms

Answer: D

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46. Determine the maximum wavelength of

incident radiation that can be used to remove

tha remaining electron from a singly ionized

helium atom He
(Z = 2) . Assume the

electron is in its ground state

A. 6.2 nm

B. 22.8 nm

C. 12.4 nm

D. 45.6 nm

Answer: B

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47. To which model of atomic structure does

the Pauli exclusion principle apply?

A. The nuclear atom

B. The quantum mechanical atom

C. The billiard ball atom

D. The plum-pudding model

Answer: B

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48. Which one of the following statements

concerning the electrons specified by the

notation 3p is true?

A. The electrons are in the M shell

B. The electrons are in the l = 2 subshell

C. The electrons are necessarily in an

excited state

D. They have principal quantum number 4

Answer: A

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49. Which one of the following subshells is not

compatible with a principal quantum number

of n = 4?

A. s

B. d

C. g

D. p

Answer: C

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50. Which one of the following electronic

configurations corresponds to an atomic

ground state?

A. 1s 2 1
2s 2p

B. 1s 1 2
2s 3p

C. 1s 1 1
2s 2p

D. 1s 2 2
2s 2p

Answer: D
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51. In an x-ray tube, electrons with energy 35

keV are incident on a cobalt (Z = 27) target.

Determine the cutoff wavelength for x-ray


A. 1.4 × 10 − 11

B. 3.6 × 10 − 11

C. 1.8 × 10 − 11

D. 3.2 × 10 − 11
Answer: B

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52. Which one of the following statements

concerning the cutoff wavelength typically

exhibited in x-ray spectra is true?

A. The cutoff wavelength depends on the

target material

B. The cutoff wavelength depends on the

potential difference across the x-ray


C. The cutoff wavelength is independent of

the energy of the incident electrons

D. The cutoff wavelength occurs because of

the mutual shielding effects of K-shell


Answer: B

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53. Calculate the Kα x-ray wavelength for a

gold atom (Z = 79) .

A. 5.13 × 10 − 10

B. 2.00 × 10 − 11

C. 8.54 × 10 − 10

D. 3.60 × 10 − 11

Answer: B

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54. Electrons in an x-ray tube are accelerated

through a potential (Z = 40) target.

Determine the cutoff frequency for x-ray


A. 4.7 × 10 19

B. 3.2 × 10 18

C. 9.7 × 10 18

D. 6.7 × 10 17

Answer: C

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55. What is the operating voltage of a medical

x-ray machine that has a cut-off wavelength of

2.20 × 10
− 11
m ?

A. 83 800 V

B. 56 500 V

C. 10 900 V

D. 44 900 V

Answer: B

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56. An argon-ion laser emits a blue-green

beam of light with a wavelength of 488 nm in

a vacuum. What is the difference in energy in

joules between the two energy states for the

atomic transition that produces this light?

A. 4.08 × 10 − 19

B. 6.18 × 10 − 20

C. 1.05 × 10 − 20

D. 4.76 × 10 − 24
Answer: A

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57. A pulsed laser has an average output

power of 4.0 W. Each pulse consists of light at

wavelength 5.0 × 10
m and has a 25 ms

duration. How many photons are emitted in a

single pulse?

A. 1.0 × 10 17

B. 3.7 × 10 17
C. 2.5 × 1017

D. 5.0 × 1017

Answer: C

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Practice Questions More Than One Correct

Choice Type

1. A single electron orbits around a stationary

nucleus of charge + Ze where Z is a constant

and e is the magnitude of electronic charge. It

requires 47.2 eV to excite the electron from

the second bohr orbit to the third bohr orbit

a. Find the value of Z

b. Find the energy required to excite the

electron from n = 3 to n = 4

c. Find the wavelength of radiation required to

remove the electron from the second bohr

orbit to infinity

d. Find the kinetic energy, potential energy

and angular momentum of the electron in the

first orbit
e. Find the ionisation energy of above electron

system in electron-volt.

A. The value of Z is 5

B. The wavelength of electromagnetic

radiation required to remove the

electron from first orbit to infinity is

nearly 3653 pm

C. The radius of the first orbit is 10.6 pm

D. The angular momentum of the electron

in first orbit is 1.05 × 10 − 34

J. s
Answer: A::B::C::D

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2. A X-ray tube operates at an accelerating

potntial of 20 kV. Which of the following

wavelength will be absent in the continuous

spectrum of X-rays ?

A. 12 ±

B. 45 ±

C. 65 ±
D. 95 ±

Answer: A::B

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3. Electrons with energy 80keV are incident

on the tungsten target of an X - rays tube , k-

shell electrons of tungsten have 72.5keV

energy X- rays emitted by the tube contain

A. A continuous x-ray spectrum

(Bremsstrahlung) with a minimum

wavelength of 0.155Å

B. A continuous x-ray spectrum

(Bremsstrahlung) with all wavelengths

C. The characteristic x-ray spectrum of


D. A continuous x-ray spectrum

(Bremsstrahlung) with a minimum

wavelength of 0.155 Å and the

characteristic x-ray spectrum of


Answer: A::C::D

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4. Which (if any) of the following are essential

for laser action to occur between two energy

levels of an atom?
A. There are more atoms in the upper level

than in the lower

B. The upper level is metastable

C. The lower level is metastable

D. The lower level is the ground state of

the atom

Answer: A::B

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Practice Questions Comprehension

1. When a particle is restricted to move along

x-axis between x = 0 and x = a , where α if of

nenometer dimension, its energy can take only

certain specific values. The allowed energies of

the particle moving in such a restricted region,

correspond to the formation of standing

waves with nodes at its ends x = 0 and x = a

. The wavelength of this standing wave is

related to the linear momentum p of the

particle according to the de Broglie relation.

The energy of the particle of mass m is related
to its linear momentum as E = . Thus the

energy of the particle can be denoted by a

quantum number n taking values 1,2,3, ...(

n = 1 , called the ground state) corresponding

to the number of loops in the standing wave.

Use the model described above to answer the

following three questions for a particle

moving along the line from x = 0 to x = α .

Take h = 6.6 × 10
− 34
Js and e = 1.6 × 10
− 19


Q. The allowed energy for the particle for a

particular value of n is proportional to

A. a −2

B. a −3/2

C. a −1

D. a 2

Answer: A

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2. When a particle is restricted to move along

x-axis between x = 0 and x = a , where α if of

nenometer dimension, its energy can take only

certain specific values. The allowed energies of

the particle moving in such a restricted region,

correspond to the formation of standing

waves with nodes at its ends x = 0 and x = a

. The wavelength of this standing wave is

related to the linear momentum p of the

particle according to the de Broglie relation.

The energy of the particle of mass m is related

to its linear momentum as E = . Thus the

energy of the particle can be denoted by a

quantum number n taking values 1,2,3, ...(

n = 1 , called the ground state) corresponding

to the number of loops in the standing wave.

Use the model described above to answer the

following three questions for a particle

moving along the line from x = 0 to x = α .

Take h = 6.6 × 10
− 34
Js and e = 1.6 × 10
− 19


Q. If the mass of the particle is

m = 1.0 × 10
− 30
kg and α = 6.6nm , the

energy of the particle in its ground state is

closest to

A. 0.8 MeV

B. 8 MeV

C. 80 MeV
D. 800 MeV

Answer: B

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3. When a particle is restricted to move along

x-axis between x = 0 and x = a , where α if of

nenometer dimension, its energy can take only

certain specific values. The allowed energies of

the particle moving in such a restricted region,

correspond to the formation of standing

waves with nodes at its ends x = 0 and x = a

. The wavelength of this standing wave is

related to the linear momentum p of the

particle according to the de Broglie relation.

The energy of the particle of mass m is related

to its linear momentum as E = . Thus the

energy of the particle can be denoted by a

quantum number n taking values 1,2,3, ...(

n = 1 , called the ground state) corresponding

to the number of loops in the standing wave.

Use the model described above to answer the

following three questions for a particle

moving along the line from x = 0 to x = α .

Take h = 6.6 × 10
− 34
Js and e = 1.6 × 10
− 19

Q. The speed of the particle that can take

discrete values is proportional to

A. n −3/2

B. n −1

C. n 1/2

D. n

Answer: D

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4. A neutral atom has the following electronic

configuration: 1s 2 2 6 2
2s 2p 3s 3p

How many electrons are in the M shell?

A. 2

B. 6

C. 5

D. 7

Answer: D

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5. A neutral atom has the following electronic

configuration: 1s 2 2 6 2
2s 2p 3s 3p

How many protons are in the atomic nucleus?

A. 4

B. 12

C. 7

D. 17

Answer: D

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6. A neutral atom has the following electronic

configuration: 1s 2 2 6 2
2s 2p 3s 3p

To which group of the periodic table does this

element belong?

A. I




Answer: B
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7. An electron in an atom has the following set

of quantum numbers:

n = 3, l = 2, m l = + 1, m s = + 1/2

What shell is this electron occupying?

A. K shell

B. M shell

C. L shell

D. N shell
Answer: B

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8. An electron in an atom has the following set

of quantum numbers:

n = 3, l = 2, m l = + 1, m s = + 1/2

In which subshel can the electron be found?

A. s

B. d

C. p
D. f

Answer: B

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9. An electron in an atom has the following set

of quantum numbers:

n = 3, l = 2, m l = + 1, m s = + 1/2

According to the quantum mechanical picture

of the atom, which quantum number(s) could

be different for electons in this same atom

that have exactly the same energy?

A. n, l, m l
and m S

B. only l and m l

C. only l, m l
and m S

D. only m l
and m S

Answer: C

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10. Consider the following list of electron


(1) 1s 2 2
2s 3s
(2) 1s 2 2
2s 2p

(3) 1s 2 2
2s 2p 3s
6 1
(4) 1s 2 2 6 2
2s 2p 3s 3p 4s
6 2

(5) 1s 2 2 6 2
2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d
6 2 6

Which one of the above configuration

represents a neutral atom that readily forms a

singly charged positive ion?

A. 1

B. 3

C. 2
D. 4

Answer: B

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11. Consider the following list of electron


(1) 1s 2 2
2s 3s
(2) 1s 2 2
2s 2p

(3) 1s 2 2
2s 2p 3s
6 1
(4) 1s 2 2 6 2
2s 2p 3s 3p 4s
6 2

(5) 1s 2 2 6 2
2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d
6 2 6
Which one of the above configurations

represents an excited state of a neutral atom?

A. 1

B. 3

C. 2

D. 4

Answer: A

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12. Consider the following list of electron


(1) 1s 2 2
2s 3s
(2) 1s 2 2
2s 2p

(3) 1s 2 2
2s 2p 3s
6 1
(4) 1s 2 2 6 2
2s 2p 3s 3p 4s
6 2

(5) 1s 2 2 6 2
2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d
6 2 6

Which one of the above configuration

represents a transition element?

A. 1

B. 5

C. 2
D. 4

Answer: B

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Practice Questions Matrix Match

1. Match the statements in Column I labeled as

(a), (b), (c ), and (d) with those in Column II

labeled as (p), (q), (r ), and (s). Any given

statement in Column I can have correct

matching with one or more statements in

Column II.

An electron in hydrogen atom moves from

n = 1 to n .
= 2

Column I Column II

(a) Angular momentum (p) One-forth times

(b) Kinetic energy (q) Two times

(c) Potential energy (r) Four times

(d) Mechanical energy (s) Half times

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2. Match the statements in Column I labeled as

(a), (b), (c ), and (d) with those in Column II

labeled as (p), (q), (r ), and (s). Any given

statement in Column I can have correct

matching with one or more statements in

Column II.
Column I Column II

(a) Lithium atom (p) 54.4 eV

(b) Helium atom (q) 13.6 eV

(c) Beryllium atom (r) 122 eV

(d) Hydrogen atom (s) 217.6 eV

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3. In each equation, there is a table having 3

columns and 4 rows. Based on the table, there

are 3 questions. Each question has 4 options

(a), (b), (c ) and (d), ONLY ONE of these four

options is correct.

The x-rays have different penetration power. In

the given table, Column I shows their

penetration power of x-rays, Column II shows

their frequenc and speed and Column III

shows their wavelength range and mode of

What are the characteristics of hard x-rays?

A. (II) (iii) (M)

B. (III) (ii) (K)

C. (I) (ii) (M)

D. (I) (iii) (J)

Answer: C
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4. In each equation, there is a table having 3

columns and 4 rows. Based on the table, there

are 3 questions. Each question has 4 options

(a), (b), (c ) and (d), ONLY ONE of these four

options is correct.

The x-rays have different penetration power. In

the given table, Column I shows their

penetration power of x-rays, Column II shows

their frequenc and speed and Column III

shows their wavelength range and mode of


What are the characteristics of continuous x-


A. (I) (ii) (M)

B. (II) (i) (L)

C. (II) (ii) (K)

D. (III) (iv) (M)

Answer: B

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5. In each equation, there is a table having 3

columns and 4 rows. Based on the table, there

are 3 questions. Each question has 4 options

(a), (b), (c ) and (d), ONLY ONE of these four

options is correct.

The x-rays have different penetration power. In

the given table, Column I shows their

penetration power of x-rays, Column II shows

their frequenc and speed and Column III

shows their wavelength range and mode of


What are the characteristics of soft x-rays?

A. (III) (i) (L)

B. (IV) (i) (J)

C. (III) (iv) (J)

D. (III) (iii) (K)

Answer: D

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6. In each equation, there is a table having 3

columns and 4 rows. Based on the table, there

are 3 questions. Each question has 4 options

(a), (b), (c ) and (d), ONLY ONE of these four

options is correct.

There are different types of lasers. In the given

table, Colums I shows the properties of

different lasers or material used in lasers,

Column II shows the different names of the

lasers and Column III shows the uses of

different type of lasers.

What are the characteristics of solid-state

A. (III) (ii) (L)

B. (I) (ii) (L)

C. (II) (i) (M)

D. (II) (i) (K)

Answer: B

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7. In each equation, there is a table having 3

columns and 4 rows. Based on the table, there

are 3 questions. Each question has 4 options

(a), (b), (c ) and (d), ONLY ONE of these four

options is correct.

There are different types of lasers. In the given

table, Colums I shows the properties of

different lasers or material used in lasers,

Column II shows the different names of the

lasers and Column III shows the uses of

different type of lasers.

What are the characteristics of semiconductor


A. (I) (iii) (K)

B. (IV) (iii) (J)

C. (I) (ii) (M)

D. (II) (i) (K)

Answer: D

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8. In each equation, there is a table having 3

columns and 4 rows. Based on the table, there

are 3 questions. Each question has 4 options

(a), (b), (c ) and (d), ONLY ONE of these four

options is correct.

There are different types of lasers. In the given

table, Colums I shows the properties of

different lasers or material used in lasers,

Column II shows the different names of the

lasers and Column III shows the uses of

different type of lasers.

What are the characteristics of liquid state


A. (III) (i) (K)

B. (I) (i) (L)

C. (III) (iv) (M)

D. (I) (iv) (M)

Answer: C

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9. In each equation, there is a table having 3

columns and 4 rows. Based on the table, there

are 3 questions. Each question has 4 options

(a), (b), (c ) and (d), ONLY ONE of these four

options is correct.
Four quantum numbers shows the electronic

configuration of the element. In the given

table, Column I shows the different values of

principal quantum number, Column II shows

the different values of angular momentum

quantum number and Column III shows the

energy levels for different orbitals.

What are the characteristics of 1s orbital?

A. (I) (ii) (J)

B. (IV) (i) (M)

C. (II) (iv) (K)

D. (II) (i) (J)

Answer: D

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10. In each equation, there is a table having 3

columns and 4 rows. Based on the table, there

are 3 questions. Each question has 4 options

(a), (b), (c ) and (d), ONLY ONE of these four

options is correct.

Four quantum numbers shows the electronic

configuration of the element. In the given

table, Column I shows the different values of

principal quantum number, Column II shows

the different values of angular momentum

quantum number and Column III shows the

energy levels for different orbitals.

What are the characteristics of 2p orbital?

A. (III) (ii) (J)

B. (I) (ii) (K)

C. (II) (iii) (K)

D. (I) (i) (M)

Answer: B

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11. In each equation, there is a table having 3

columns and 4 rows. Based on the table, there

are 3 questions. Each question has 4 options

(a), (b), (c ) and (d), ONLY ONE of these four

options is correct.

Four quantum numbers shows the electronic

configuration of the element. In the given

table, Column I shows the different values of

principal quantum number, Column II shows

the different values of angular momentum

quantum number and Column III shows the

energy levels for different orbitals.

What are the characteristics of 2s orbital?

A. (I) (i) (L)

B. (I) (i) (K)

C. (III) (iii) (J)

D. (I) (ii) (M)

Answer: A
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Practice Questions Integer Type

1. How many electron could be accommodated

in a g subshell?

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2. Frequency of a photon emitted due to

transition of electron of a certain element

from L → K shell is found to be 4.2 × 1018

Using Moseley 's law, find the atomic number

of the element , given that the Rydberg's

constant R = 1.1 × 10 m
7 −1

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1. Does the cutoff wavelength λ min of the

continous x- ray spectrum increse decrease or

remain the same if you (a) increase the kinetic

energy of the electrons that strike the x ray

target (b ) allow the electrons to strike a thin

foil rather than a thick block of the target

material ,(c ) change the target to an element

of higher atomic number ?

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