C-3 Bridge Design 3-1 - Loads
C-3 Bridge Design 3-1 - Loads
C-3 Bridge Design 3-1 - Loads
roadway width
Live Loads of Vehicles: LL
For design purpose, we are interested the kind of vehicle that produce the
worst effect
AASHTO has 3 basic types of LL called the HL-93 loading (stands for
Highway Loading, year 1993)
Design truck
Design tandem
Uniform loads
1. Design Truck
The design truck is called HS-20
(stands for Highway Semi-Trailer
with 20-kips weight on first two
HS-20 axles)
Weight shown are for each one
axle = 2 wheels
Total Wt = 325 kN ~ 33 t.
Distance between second and
third axles may be varied to
produce maximum effect
Need to multiply this load by
dynamic allowance factor (IM)
2. Design Tandem
Two axle vehicle with 110 kN
110 kN 110 kN
on each axle
per axle per axle Need to multiply this load by
PROFILE dynamic allowance factor (IM)
Lead to larger moment than the
HS20 truck for simple-support
spans less than about 13.4 m
55 kN 55 kN
55 kN 55 kN
1.2 m
3. Uniform Lane Loading
Uniform load of 9.3 kN/m acting over a tributary width of 3 m. (i.e. the
load is 3.1 kN/m2)
May be apply continuously or discontinuously over the length of the
bridge to produce maximum effect
No dynamic allowance factor (IM) for this load
Analysis Strategy for LL
Load Combinations
Transverse Placement
Longitudinal Placement
Live Load Combinations
3 ways to add the design truck, design tandem, and uniform load together
Combination 1: one HS20 truck on top of a uniform lane load per design lane
Combination 2: one Design Tandem on top of a uniform lane load per design
Combination 3: (for negative moments at interior supports of continuous
beams) place two HS20 design truck, one on each adjacent span but not less
than 15 m apart (measure from front axle of one truck to the rear axle of
another truck), with uniform lane load. Use 90% of their effects as the design
moment/ shear
The loads in each case must be positioned such that they produce
maximum effects (max M or max V)
The maximum effect of these 3 cases is used for the design
Live Load Placement
Need to consider two dimensions
Transversely (for designs of slabs and overhangs)
roadway width
Minimum distance
min. 2' from curb = 60 cm
Point of Max
L/2 L/2
However, truck load is a group of concentrated loads. It is not clear where
to place the group of loads to get the maximum moment
AT MIDSPAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Live Load Placement - Longitudinal
Methods of finding maximum moment and shear in span
Influence Line (IL) – Simple and Continuous spans
Design Equation – Simple span only
Design Chart – Simple span only
Live Load Placement – Influence Line
Influence line is a graphical method for finding the variation of the
“structural response” at a point as a concentrated live load moves across
the structure
Structural response can be support reaction, moment, shear, or displacement
Live Load Placement – Influence Line
Live Load Placement – Influence Line
Live Load Placement – Influence Line
Live Load Placement – Influence Line
Müller-Breslau Principle: “If a function at a point on a beam, such as
reaction, or shear, or moment, is allowed to act without restraint, the
deflected shape of the beam, to some scale, represent the influence line of
the function.
Live Load Placement – Influence Line
Live Load Placement – Influence Line
Influence line is a powerful visualization tool for the effects of live load
placements to the structural response
Live Load Placement – Influence Line
Live Load Placement – Influence Line
For Statically Indeterminate Structures, the Müller-Breslau Principle also
“If a function at a point on a beam, such as reaction, or shear, or moment,
is allowed to act without restraint, the deflected shape of the beam, to
some scale, represent the influence line of the function”
For indeterminate structures, the influence line is not straight lines!
Live Load Placement – Influence Line
Live Load Placement - Longitudinal
Methods of finding maximum moment and shear in span
Influence Line (IL) – Simple and Continuous spans
Design Equation – Simple span only
Design Chart – Simple span only
Live Load Placement – Design Equation
Another Method: Using Barre’s Theorem for simply
supported spans
The absolute maximum moment in the span occurs under the load
closet to the resultant force and placed in such a way that the
centerline of the span bisects the distance between that load and the
172.1 19.8
M max 81.25l 387 kN-m M max 55l 66 kN-m
l l
Mmax occurs at a section under middle Mmax occurs at a section under one of
axle located a distance 0.73 m from the axle located a distance 0.30 m from
midspan midspan
Live Load Placement – Design Equation
Case Load Configuration Moments (kips-ft) and Loading and limitations
shears (kips) (x and l in feet)
32 32 Truck loading
8 ª § x · 42 º P = 16 kips
Px «4.5¨1 ¸
l ¹ l »¼
M ( x) MA t MB for:
A ¬ © l > 28
ª § x · 42 º x d l/3
V ( x) P «4.5¨1 ¸ » x + 28 d l
x ¬ © l¹ l ¼ VA > VB for any x
32 32 ª § x · 21 7 º Truck loading
8 M ( x) Px «4.5¨1 ¸ » P = 16 kips
B ¬ © l¹ l x¼ MB t MA for:
l > 28
ª x 21º
V ( x) P «4 4.5 » x > l/3
¬ l l ¼ 14 d x d l/2
§ x 2·
25 25 M ( x) 50 x¨1 ¸
© l l¹ Tandem loading
§ x 2· is more severe than truck
V ( x) 50¨1 ¸ loading for l d 37 ft
© l l¹
0.64 k/ft (l x)
M ( x) 0.64 x
D Lane loading
§l ·
V ( x) 0.64¨ x ¸
x ©2 ¹
Live Load Placement – Design Equation
If we combine the truck/tandem load with uniform load, we can get the
following equations for maximum moment in spans
Live Load Placement - Longitudinal
Methods of finding maximum moment and shear in span
Influence Line (IL) – Simple and Continuous spans
Design Equation – Simple span only
Design Chart – Simple span only
Live Load Placement – Design Chart
Bending Moment in Simple Span
for AASHTO HL-93 Loading
for a fully loaded lane
Moment in kips-ft
IM is included
1 ft = 0.3048 m
1 kips = 4.448 kN
1 kips-ft = 1.356 kN-m
Live Load Placement – Design Chart
Shear in Simple Span
for AASHTO HL-93 Loading
for a fully loaded lane
Shear in kips
IM is included
1 ft = 0.3048 m
1 kips = 4.448 kN
Live Load Placement – Design Chart
Allowance Factor
Dynamic Load Allowance: IM
Sources of Dynamic Effects
Hammering effect when wheels hit the discontinuities on the road surface
such as joints, cracks, and potholes
Dynamic response of the bridge due to vibrations induced by traffic
Actual calculation of dynamic effects is very difficult and involves a lot of
To make life simpler, we account for the dynamic effect of moving vehicles
by multiplying the static effect with a factor
Dynamic Load
Allowance Factor
Effect due to Effect due to
Static Load Dynamic Load
Multiple Presence of LL
Distribution Factors
Multiple Presence of LL
roadway width
Exterior Exterior
DFs are available for one design lane and two or more design lanes (the
larger one controls)
Must make sure that the bridge is within the range of applicability of the
AASHTO Girder Distribution Factor
Factors affecting the distribution factor includes:
Span Length (L)
Girder Spacing (S)
Modulus of elasticity of beam and deck
Moment of inertia and Torsional inertia of the section
Slab Thickness (ts)
Width (b), Depth (d), and Area of beam (A)
Number of design lanes (NL)
Number of girders (Nb)
Width of bridge (W)
For AASHTO method
first we must identify
the type of
(support beam & deck
Distribution factor for
moment in Interior
Distribution factor for
moment in Interior
Beams (continued)
Distribution factor for
moment in Exterior
Distribution factor for
shear in Interior Beams
Distribution factor for
shear in Exterior Beams
GDF – Finite Element Analysis
Bridge Model
GDF – Finite Element Analysis
1 2
Boundary Conditions
Moment and Shear in Typical Girder
At any section, if not using AASHTO’s GDF
At any section, if using AASHTO’s GDF
Place them Increase the Moment/ Shear
to get static load by from Live Load
(Truck, Multiply
maximum IM to account to be used in the
Tandem by DF
static for dynamic design of girders
and Lane
effects effects
Loads on Bridges Design Lane
Typical Loads AASHTO HL93 Loads
Dead Load
Live Load
Uniform Load
Live Load of Vehicle
LL Combinations
Pedestrian Load
LL Placement
Dynamic Load Allowance
Influence Line
Other Loads Design Equation
Fatigue Design Charts
Wind Multiple Presence
Earthquake Distribution to Girders
Load and Resistance Factor
Other Loads
Fatigue Load
Fatigue load depends on two factors
Magnitude of Load:
use design truck with 9m between 145 kN axles placed on the bridge to
produce maximum effect PLUS IM
Frequency of Occurrence:
Have to estimate ADTTSL = average daily truck traffic in a single lane
Fatigue Load
Average Daily Traffic Table C3.
(All Vehicles/ 1 Direction)
From Survey (and Class of Hwy % of Truck
extrapolate to future) Rural Interstate 0.20
Max ~ 20,000 vehicles/day
Urban Interstate 0.15
% of Truck Other Rural 0.15
in Traffic Other Urban 0.10
Average Daily Truck Traffic Table
(Truck Only/ 1 Direction) Number of Lanes p
Available to Trucks
Fraction of Truck Traffic in a
Single Lane (p) 1 1.00
2 0.85
3 or more 0.80
Average Daily Truck Traffic
(Truck Only/ 1 Lane)
Wind Load
Horizontal loads
There are two types of wind loads on the structure
For longer span bridge over river/sea, wind load on the structure is very
§ V10 · § Z ·
VDZ 2.5V0 ¨ ¸ ln ¨ ¸
© VB ¹ © Z 0 ¹
VDZ = design wind velocity at design elevation, Z (km/h)
V10 = wind velocity at 10 m above low ground or above design water level (km/h)
(needs to be measured at the site or assume as equal to 160 km/h)
VB = base wind velocity of 160 km/h at 10 m
Z = height of structure at which wind loads are being calculated > 10 m
V0 = friction velocity depends on terrains
Z0 = friction length of upstream fetch depends on terrain
Wind Load
After having the wind velocity, we can calculate the pressure on the
structure (in MPa)
§ VDZ · VDZ 2
PD PB ¨ ¸ PB
© VB ¹ 25, 600
Structural component Windward Leeward load,
load, MPa MPa
Trusses, columns and arches 0.0024 0.0012
Beams 0.0024 NA
Large flat surfaces 0.0019 NA
For small earthquakes (more likely to occur), the bridge should still be in
the elastic range (no structural damage)
Earthquake Load: EQ
Analysis Methods to determine EQ
Nonlinear Dynamic Method (most complex)
Linear Dynamic Method (still complex)
Nonlinear Static Method (many programs can do it)
Linear Static Method (we’re familiar with this)
Earthquake Load: EQ
To do the Nonlinear Dynamic Method you probably have to learn
Structural Dynamics – to do the dynamic part
Advanced Design of RC/ PC/ Steel – to properly model the nonlinear
behavior of materials
Earthquake Design – to understand the earthquake behaviors and the
design requirements
Numerical Methods and/or Finite Elements – to be able to solve the
problems correctly
ȘȖiQi ĭRn
Load Multiplier
Nominal Resistance
Load Factor
Resistance Factor
Nominal Load Effect
Load Multiplier
Load Multiplier
KI = Importance factor
The owner may declare a bridge or any structural component and
connection thereof to be of operational importance.
For strength and extreme event limit states
1.05 for bridge considered of operational importance e.g. the only bridge
crossing the river
1.00 for typical bridges
0.95 for bridge considered nonimportant
For all other limit states
1.00 for all bridges
Load Multiplier
KD = Ductility factor (Brittle v.s. Ductile failure)
The structural system shall be proportioned and detailed to ensure the
development of significant and visible inelastic deformations at the
strength and extreme event limit states before failure.
For strength limit states
1.05 for nonductile components & connection which may fail in a brittle
1.00 for conventional designs
0.95 for components with enhanced ductility e.g. has additional stirrups for
shear reinforcements
For all other limit states
Load Multiplier
KR = Redundant factor
Multiple load path and continuous structures should be used. Main
elements whose failure is expected to cause the collapse of the bridge
shall be designated as failure-critical (nonredundant)
For strength limit states
1.05 for nonredundant members e.g. a simple span bridges
1.00 for conventional level of redundancy
0.95 for exceptional level of redundancy e.g. multi-girder continuous beam
For all other limit states
Load Factor &
Load Combinations
Loads & Probabilities
How do we use all the loads for the structural analysis?
Add all the mean value of loads together?
No, because we must consider the chance that the load may be larger or
smaller than calculated.
Add all the extreme value of loads together?
No, because then the bridge must have to resist an enormous load and
that would make it really expensive!
The chance that the maximum value of one load occurring at the same
time as the maximum value of another load is very small.
We need to consider several cases where each case we have one load
at its maximum value expected while other loads are around their
mean values
Loads & Probabilities
Load factors are
determined so that, for
each factored load, the
probability of being
exceeded is about the
same for all load
Limit States
There are 4 types of “limit states”
Ultimate limit states – involving the strength and stability of the structure,
both local and global
Strength I, II, III, IV
Extreme Event limit states - relates to the structural survival of a bridge
during a major earthquake, flood, or collision
Extreme Event I, II
Serviceability limit states – involving the usability of the structure including
stress, deformation, and crack widths
Service I, II, III
Fatigue limit state - relates to restrictions on stress range to prevent crack
growth as a result of repetitive loads during the design life of the bridge
All limit states are equally important (AASHTO LRFD
Permanent Loads
DC = dead load of structural components and nonstructural attachments
DW = dead load of wearing surface and utilities
EL = accumulated locked-in force effects resulting from the
construction process
DD = downdrag
EH = horizontal earth pressure load
ES = earth surcharge load
EV = vertical pressure from dead load of earth fill
Transient Loads
LL = vehicular live load
IM = vehicular dynamic load allowance
PL = pedestrian live load
LS = live load surcharge
BR = vehicular braking force
CE = vehicular centrifugal force
CT = vehicular collision force
CV = vessel collision force
EQ = earthquake
Transient Loads
CR = creep
SH = shrinkage
FR = friction
TG = temperature gradient
TU = uniform temperature
WA = water load and stream pressure
IC = ice load
WL = wind on live load
WS = wind load on structure
SE = settlement
Load Combinations
Load Combinations
Load Combinations
STRENGTH I: Basic load combination relating to the normal use of bridge.
Maximum combination is used when LL produces the same effect as DC.
Minimum combination is used when LL produces opposite effect to DC.
STRENGTH II: load combination for special vehicles specified by owner
STRENGTH III: load combination where the bridge is subjected to high
wind (> 90 km/h) and traffic is prevented
STRENGTH IV: load combination for long span bridges (>67 m span)
which has large ratio of DC to LL
STRENGTH V: load combination where bridge and traffic on the bridge is
subjected to wind velocity of 90 km/h
Load Combinations
EXTREME EVENT I: load combination for structural survival under major
EXTREME EVENT II: load combination for structural survival under
combination of events such as flood and vessel collision
SERVICE I: load combination for normal operation of the bridge and for
checking compression in prestressed concrete
SERVICE II: load combination for steel bridges to control yielding
SERVICE III: load combination relating to tension in prestressed concrete
during service
Resistance and Probabilities
Resistance factor is
determined so that the
reliability index, ȕ, is
close to the target
value, ȕT (about 3.5)
Resistance Factors
Resistance factors are different for different types of action (moment or
shear, for example) and for different types of materials (steel or
concrete). They are specified under each section of materials.
Concrete Structures
Types ĭ
Flexure and Tension
in Reinforced Concrete 0.90
in Prestressed Concrete 1.00
Shear in Normal Weight Concrete 0.90
Axial Compression 0.75
Bearing on Concrete 0.70
Resistance Factors
Steel Structures
Types ĭ
Flexure 1.00
Shear 1.00
Axial Compression (steel or composite) 0.90
Block shear 0.80
Yielding limit state 0.95
Fracture limit state 0.80
Design Equation
32 32 Truck loading
8 ⎡ ⎛ x ⎞ 42 ⎤ P = 16 kips
M ( x) = Px ⎢4.5⎜1 − ⎟ − ⎥ MA ≥ MB for:
A ⎣ ⎝ l⎠ l ⎦
l > 28
⎡ ⎛ x ⎞ 42 ⎤ x ≤ l/3
V ( x) = P ⎢4.5⎜1 − ⎟ − ⎥ x + 28 ≤ l
x ⎣ ⎝ l⎠ l ⎦ VA > VB for any x
32 32 ⎡ ⎛ x ⎞ 21 7 ⎤ Truck loading
8 M ( x) = Px ⎢4.5⎜1 − ⎟ − − ⎥ P = 16 kips
B ⎣ ⎝ l⎠ l x⎦ MB ≥ MA for:
l > 28
⎡ x 21⎤
V ( x ) = P ⎢ 4 − 4 .5 − ⎥ x > l/3
⎣ l l ⎦ 14 ≤ x ≤ l/2
⎛ x 2⎞
25 25 M ( x) = 50 x⎜1 − − ⎟
⎝ l l⎠ Tandem loading
⎛ x 2⎞ is more severe than truck
V ( x) = 50⎜1 − − ⎟ loading for l ≤ 37 ft
⎝ l l⎠
0.64 k/ft (l − x)
M ( x) = 0.64 x
D Lane loading
⎛l ⎞
V ( x) = 0.64⎜ − x ⎟
x ⎝ 2 ⎠
Bending Moment in Simple Span for AASHTO HL-93 Loading for a fully loaded lane
Moment in kips-ft
IM is included
1 ft = 0.3048 m
1 kips = 4.448 kN
1 kips-ft = 1.356 kN-m
Shear in Simple Span for AASHTO HL-93 Loading for a fully loaded lane
Shear in kips
IM is included
1 ft = 0.3048 m
1 kips = 4.448 kN
Design Chart for Negative Moment due to Live Load Combination 3 at Interior Support of Continuous Beams with Equal Spans
For one lane loading
IM is included