Proposed Key Answer-Driver A Series Not Nos.103 To 115

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(Notification Nos.103 to 115/2024, dated 28.04.2024)

The proposed key answers marked in the Question Booklet

(A-Series), for the Written Examination for the post of Driver in the District
Judiciary in the State of Tamil Nadu conducted on 20.10.2024 (Sunday) are
hosted herewith.

Any objection with regard to any of the proposed key answers should
be sent by the candidates to the Registrar (Recruitment), High Court,
Madras, through e-mail ([email protected])
within two days from today. In such communication, Registration Number,
Name and address of the candidate, Question Number, Series of the
Question Booklet and answer for such question according to the candidate
with supporting material for such claim should be quoted invariably. Any
representation received after two days or without any of the above requisite
particulars will receive no attention.

Dated: 25.10.2024 Sd/-

Place: Chennai. Registrar (Recruitment)
( / )

([email protected])

: /-
DJDR24 Booklet Series:
Ggar4 Qprro_lig affikao& :
Booklet No.:
eSlarrrA Glprr(5OLI Grefur :
301397 Registration No.:
u$1611 r6*r:

Time : 120 Minutes (2 Hours) Maximum Marks: 100

.491,@ mops u C_616h6rr GpiTth : 120 kluSILstuadr (2 wesofl GpiTtb) GLorrAp wOOQualurs6tr : 100


Gpfrairrasi6sn-ar GAgltu ,5061.16og-adr

Read the following instructions carefully before you begin to answer the questions.
aClarrrrisaiz6 uklcoG-Tfliz6th Gp6isr etV5466dtri- L_ 44161.10Duzeoar IsaiesnorraO utilissap

The Candidate will be supplied with Question Booklet 10 minutes before commencement of
the examination.
esiarn- Clprr(5OL4 Gprral Qprn_rti(56-1_10 10 (61u51L__rL,EsEh(5 (p6iff6b-rprrE abtioicarriiluprrotai5(5

This Question Booklet contains 100 objective type questions. Before answering, the
candidates are requested to check whether all the questions are in seriatim and ensure that
there are no blank pages in the question booklet. In case any defect is noticed, it shall be reported
to the Invigilator within first 10 minutes and get it replaced with a new same series Question
Booklet. After 10 minutes of the commencement of the examination, it will not be replaced.
atp aClarrr$ Qprr(51_11 y 100 616-o-rrr&thmar& Q&ITGO'bi®Gtrargi. e516-6)L_u_JeflEsE Qprri_rL(5Lb (4)61sr
a4 Qprr(51_1161Gb orGb6urr 616-urr,t6Lip Qir1&uJFr LLb QuagGiTerrarairr Grarumpu.4th,
QD 1_1151 Gb GT§ Lb Qai,bgprr61-r6ci-r Gi-re-r6Israirr or6irrumpudib eyrflurrfro& Qffirrci-rGrraiLb. GiGpgiLip
(66),ourr61 ,@0OLS1e6r, Gpfrai Qpin_rL(5e_ip0(5 G36-irr1, (pp-i) 10 Ou51400(561-r,
ackr&rresaflt_IlurrerMI_Lb CIpMeSIN, &611.11n-th P_ ar Gu616-6)6Fu -ren- GalQ,Drro
eSlesur$ Qprri_11616-6)6-b-r QuOgib QarrGiTur GG1_16601@Lb. Gprrai Qprn_rtiglw 10 p_61140k5 616bTLI
(y) GROuLLrro, eSlarrO Qprr(sa4 upn-,t0A pijuul_uprrILL_rrgi.

All Questions in Part (A) and Part (B) carry equal marks. One mark will be awarded for each
correct answer. Marks will not be deducted for wrong answer. (No Negative Mark)
1_1(0 (1) in,bgth ()-61) (Part (A) and Part (B)) thrr rGixorr GSIGUTrrebffith ,EFLOLD11-61g
wCjQuith QrroiLu. 9 Gil Q rr &Muirrar 6166)[_16(50) pc-orr 9i LoOLIQueksr Guwit6C_JuGlib.
pai,Drrar aclea_k5 LoOLAucthyr (56.6),DEBEL:JuL_LnrrLi_rr§. (No Negative Mark)

1. You must write your Registration Number in the space provided on the top right side of the
first page of this booklet without fail. Do not write anything else in the Question Booklet.
P_rLEGOL_LLI UlQjorekropeur 6066-r4 Qprr(5C_1616-b-r GuGugi GLD61) uesmuSld) ,910Q650-1 .16-6)LD,6§Gi-rar
@406) G-r(Tp Gal Go'b Li) . Gait orapwb eSlarrr Qprr(51_116161) or(g)peb ern_t_rr§.

Please see the last page of this booklet for rest of the instructions /
LISp&GiTGIT .1,_6161&615)E5E566)611- cap,61 ugEtE563 un-n-&6561163
ubluin-Gb Gurr®Lb E:0301611614pG1) ping at_G-nin.

(A) 6161,tpGurr ,9.1Goctpe_1(ra

(C) bl,Dbpairr/6 (D) LLJ frbpaioa

umr® 6uw6161) LiGbam GLothbpo - ,@Qprr6161) ci-rerr acleparG300.1.

(A) wrr® (B) 6IJU1Gb

(C) yd) Gmti4pg

`cpg1c-if -Qurroth

GinaLb (B) yeS1

(C) arOg (D) $fr

,91, 9Grr alami - G-rd.laiccoa or(9§?

(B) 1 LUUJ61(9MJ

(C) ErL® o1(00 (D) .@GYT oruAo

ord-rio eSIGorLAIGirr 9661 LDITy Eng.'?

'--PCY)Lb (B) 66gice,

(C) apgiLb (D) athloiLb

6. `,9s®' or6isr,D 'eSIGurtig68r gremnn Cluturr


(C) (06-zo6rr (D) ad-rg

[Turn over
7. GIELJQS1Gi) aglepar§ &Ow QpOuierramar


(C (D) aeoerru,60)

8. 90 Q&rrGi) 06-isrpt GioibuLt_ G216.6)(0 Qprri_jr,t§ e*prr6-1)

616igg G,D rah.

Qprri_rr (B) 6167Desr Qprri_rr

(C) uoioi L Qprrma (D) Q uujft

9. atOoparfti + g5ironbordsrup6-coar# G&ItOp(TplE g6-6>i_EBL:o QEFrrGi)

6,005)66r WOW (B) 60,0600T §frg Lb

(C) &O,D6n6q Agmb (D) EaD 675)661 Gprrgth

10. `u61' GrGisr,D Q&rr61)6616irr Clurrod-r E?

(06-6)7 (B) prrtii

(C) (D) GarrO1

11. GiTSGII G(E6 rr L_Li) crrtiGi-rar§?

(A) arrglyiTib QadsTODGIT

(C) QzgLaGbuL® (D) Oa' i ft

12. 6161uLi_ G-r(OoDp 666011_0


GD , Lb (B) Gorr, arr

(C) ar, Lb (D) Go, Gorr

DJDR24 4 A
13. 9661616-iff airfi aurFaith

(A) Gulf& orc0§.1

(C) (1)-61) (D) urrL@

'Q(50' 6-reirrgnh QTrrGbeS16irr ClurroGir

at01 (B) fil&G,E6rrci-r

(C) Q,E6rrGtrayi6 (D)

prrailGoth G-r6isrDth Q6crrGbes)Goi_11 61MA§ orup& glea__Uug

(A) prr + 6616oLb Prr6b-r

(C) prr + (616ab (D) prr6irr + (616ab

16. 613,06truNisr GiEub orurrgi airr@Lb?

pth cy)ffiLb Lon-,thlarrr6b (B) prrth p6irr e.i9-GalaDrrGb

(C) eSlopgi Qffirr®Aprr6-1) (D) pthi 061 LorrOarrrGb

17. Welcome - pu5101Gb CluprrOlQuuirriLa.

pGbaliTei (B) 9Uumes1

(C) glapion2F (D) 4b6 -

18. `uoioi' ordrr,D ClarrGb6616b-r Qurrod-r Eng].

@66)6F (B)

(C) 6166)6F (D) GReDerruirrL®

[Turn over
19. ® LJ ILI_ GT (06Op ts660114

u-' (B) prr, U1 IT

(C) 6361, (11 (D) p, L.] rr

20. or661§1 orecrrwb Gzf rrGb6616irr GTO rrIFQ rrGb

.161§ (B)

(C) G urqo (D) e_10§

21. oiuft(fa JLr 66-6)o-rill rr®.

1 (B) Lorrg u L@

(C) p6-61§ (D) u Gb-ms§

IT L6-6)1_1666 rrC_1 rtJE56616b dig

AGot:JuAlarrinb (B) oft Dth

(C) p401615)61-1 (D) LIXP rrSirg

'goal cr6i5ruopplE Q&rrGi)

(A) jrS1 C&6661

(C) ar (D)

24. ije_1661Girr wit rroQuuirr

(A) LIP61)T

(C) a,t0 IT6isr errag

DJDR24 6 A
25. QprrGisreDup or6-131g0 QarrGba616isr QurrociT

(A) p 611) LD

(C) QuooDu) (D) grreDup

26. prrth gg)GuoLb G6116-5)60 QEFtiig z66-6)6TrApairr

(A) LocEPithl (B) GEn-uLb

(C) GuoAp-b

prru:J QinrrOluSIGi) uici_Aprr6i) .aien_tuGurrth.

(A) U6111-66)LD GuNisrmw

(C) Gurroimm (D) AgG-ow

AloispG•616/yr QuNrAp ( pLurr&a0Girr or66016661166na

(A) 13 (B) 130

1330 (D) 10

Orr L9_ OD U1 §Db iqu rrEjEFQ&ui u Wyue.at_th ,@(5156616


G.zscrnbuGb (B) ErgffrgiLly

Q&Gbalib (D) 6)361

[Turn over
30. ErrGu016irr ,91066)LoanuE6 &IDA?) 001.6,06.1-r ,9i0E1rinb

(A) 66GbeS1 ErrGoinfilp6b

(C) 616-6)6-trruifilp‘b (D) wtaGisrmu)

31. 01—®0P68r 6161Mi Gruo-

(A) GTQL.G + Gp6irr (B)GTLG + G-rGGp6irr

GT@ ± Gi@Gp6tir (D) j 4- G--r®Gpar

ErOu_nci_EGirr Gurr,bp airrrrrr.

(A) (6161)th epe_Ruth

(C) EGmb (D) airranb

‘&60.01 6001 — un-d) GLIM& E566b

. 1141.

(A) Quabi urr6b ,wakrrurrGb

(C) .10°.fil6tDosr (D) u6isrmu)

34. pth prrG eS1GpamU GuaD ,9scdurG

1947 (B) 1948

(C) 1950 (D) 1920

DJDR24 8 A
35. pGud) adyruo @GbGurand) Gu p Gb

(A) ,916b-61 (B) uestsfl

616661 (D) LD 6-661

36. Clumr01Quuirraa.


EMILIO) (B) orthlmu)

(C) GpeiFLb (D) Gll 1164 111 Gb

37. prrQarrro - cr68-rgAb Q6FrrGbaxou 61r4§

(A) Pn" 1- 90 (B) prrGisr + Qarrro

+ rj (D) prrGar +

38. P_66blean - orOrr&Q,Eur61) poa.

ClurrtLiaoa (B) Pprres)u)

(C) irru:Jamn (D) goimu;

`errarth' - u rroGiT alga.

=%1,61 e-i (B) Giigeno

(C) , GnaliTth (D) uesonb

40. adirarGurrm_ pau- th oro?

- 00111 61t (B) Qef6iSrebeiT

G&GuLb (D) Gaffes)

A 9 DJDR24
[Turn over
41. W6 LL QalartAutilipg - NAQprn_n- „916-6)0g6tre-r§

@u-t.:66)1_&g1GrreSI (B) u Gdoi Gprrom

(C) QprrOlGurrClutot (D) ueftfrun- Cluurr

G60g aw_A-6161) p@Gurr.

(A) 64_ (B) uuclrr

(C) Lou-Co PrrOP

051Guiii_ Gr(061DP GrU.D.

AlOCIp G61J051

(C) 6b-r

44. `Q6,tpu61W6-r6brgAb C1.51-rGixnGuCi Ls161§, 6-r(To gesm_c_iuo

Q,ERbemo + puS1 (B) QEF,t +

(C) ClaLb + pL.61 (D) G1&6b16)LD + pu64

45. G7-6-6)pEs P461 G611:J61.1G5

(A) LJ611E [TOD&

(C) aigeslin (D) CLErr@GDLD

DJDR24 10 A
`asFn-CouGlY G-r6b-rgmb Q6Frr6b&&661u_i QurroApLorrar orprIFCLEFITGI)

(A) ,9101al (B) §6isruLb

Ergag.IULA (D) G6Frr&Lb,D61s)Grr @ILIAD 111611

(A) &thurr (B) @GrrrO&FGuicF&Gtr

061_161-1GIJ (D) up-6001(r

48. (61mGDu_Jrr6r CIEF6benb or§?

&GbeS1 (B) pi-LEW

(C) u 6001 Lb (D) 0®

49. u&66),EFC_I uG&G-1) G-r6irco 61_111_1606Oct rresu @GisruLb poLb. uL®C_I Gurren- wp-Amp&
FT6001 poLb. (6-41(r/FQ&rrGb)

(A) „9111_1(ral (B). &mai

§6-b-ruth (D) C6Frntal

50. airrmp + @GDGO GrOsrupmarly G6H2rAgi G-r(_yp& Q6FrrGI)

airrovitSlme) . (B) GurrmposKu

(C) 611 rrOlam (D) J 5lGOGD

A 11 DJDR24
[Turn over

51. In India right to vote is given to all the citizens at the age of

(A) 21 18

(C) 25 (D) 31

111_11109 61) 61-rar ,91611)66T$§1 L9_ wfr5Wairr&aG61:E5Lb 616tr)L.D GliwrtJELiu@th

(A) 21 (B) 18

(C) 25 (D) 31

52. India is a land of

(A) Multi-religious faith

(B) Multi-cultural beliefs

Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of these

.@(t 1U-Irr 90 Q8rrGoort_

uGoGaio.1 &LDU_I pb61166toa

uGbGaig u‘oolurrLO pb611E6na

(A) Lovbg (B) @Iyeits-r@Lb

GLoO6EGOoli_ Gr§aiuSIGba)60

DJDR24 12
53. The process of changing of water from gaseous to liquid form is known as





$9761u9oSlobgi prr& mr-rgiLb geDiDls GT615-rg Cluturr.

$6- Pal LorrE Ei-orpGi)

.G)51111 ITO)



54. The liquid metal used in thermometers is

(A) Copper

0 Mercury



Q61.11:JUOMGOLDIT661E6616b uu.iGisru@pi_liu@Lb #1)1ai _GGurr6sCo



Q atrr


13 DJDR24
[Turn over
55. The materials which allow electric charges to pass through then easily
are called

uS16isr ,§66€1-r&eurr prL661E(Gtr urnu QurrodrzfiGiT


uS168-r &40666i-r
,@dsra-C6oLi_rr (L.616tff 66L4prr Qurr(dr)



56. Public Sector is on motive.

(A) profit motive

service motive
speculative motive
none of these

QurrooG1S),M P._ 60 LAI§ .

@Gurru Gpn-lumb

Gamai Gprriubth

Pirs.1_65 6661E GpITERElb

alathl 61) 6-11 119 6b 66)60

DJDR24 14 A
57. Income tax is a

Direct tax

Indirect tax

(A) and (B)

Degressive tax

GuoLorrar GuM ordruo

GprrcyiEs al 61

upoRm(y),E6 GuM

(A) L.D,thpb (B)

@Gu4016b GT§ al La 61)61D GU

58. In which district Courtallam

' waterfalls is located?





cr,Pp uprraiLi_OGb (,b,DrrG)Lb rre3V4 166)LoctoGi-rgro ?





A 15 DJDR24
[Turn over
59. The metal which is liquid at room temperature is




(D) silver

,9161D,D aGuCiufilexuaGb AliTaurrE G.tre-r CGorraLi) G-ro?




QeJ dm-61

60. The magnitude of an earthquake is measured by

(A) Seismograph

'Richter scale



061) p@ER:606b-r .st,061) Q5,00516b-r ,icrreS16-6)6o-r UGUL:D ..16rr8ffiGurrt.b.

gdoG rrk lyrro001_11

6116i_fr .c9161TGIPErr6-1)


(D) GijrnTh_rr ALLA

DJDR24 16 A
61. What is the recommended treatment for a foreign object in the eye?
(A) Rub the eye vigorously to dislodge the object
Rinse the eye immediately with plenty of water for 10-15 minutes
Attempt to remove the object with a cotton swab or tweezers
Cover the eye with a patch and seek medical attention
1560'61061d) gr& e_51(Tprr61) Q(EFUIJUJ C&iruJ OD ITt66 n LILL_ AglIFem 6r6irrerr?

(F666010)6001 p6treDrra ffizRtglQurro6-tour QaiGtflQuaDap

iu rrEE 10-15 OuSli_rL&Gtr 66601606W p6in-,Drra .161).EF G61_16601 Lb

LJ(51n u,51-r61) ,z1G-i)G1)§ u 659-6000 n-61) Clurromur QaithlGuiitem


6)-Gp0 Lip $@6nuoiLliurr61) 66E001606001 cymq. Loogjai G)516t011l prri_ap

62. What is the recommended treatment for a snakebite?

Apply a tourniquet above the snakebite

Suck out the venom from the snakebite
Immobilize the affected limb and seek medical attention
(D) Apply heat to the snakebite area to neutralize the venom
uraby&EisiALI u61,t06-ou-16EnuLt_ Agifem orGifferr?

urrthylsaki_uL Lp

LirabLi&Eski_ uLt_ @i4AleSlat§ ackl,p-op

urrOEssnuLl_ arram .66),EFIEsEsranGb 66)G1_0(5,tgi,

G)5161Dui prn_ap

uraby16,Eici_turrGb urrpffinuLi_ $@4061) Qamliuti) GT,Ou ®0 61611,66)p

Gl_ige_51wEus# Q6c11nualLb

A 17 DJDR24
[Turn over
63. What to do on a suspected fracture spot?

(A) Apply heat to the affected area

Never press hard on a suspected fracture spot

Massage the area to reduce swelling

Continue to use the injured limb as normal

66&.i1166rrGi) cy),6161,t ord-rar Q1JUJGaiGoof®Lb?

uüuL @i406i) ub

.10,E6CJuicEuirres-r .1(.0pLb plytEn_i_rro

GS51666th ( 66),Du_ithuki_ Gpul_0§ Ggi_ap

urrOluELJuili__ 60E, ffirra)Go @uiGburr& uGu_irrgl&66G-iid)

64. During night travel, if head lamps goes OFF

Apply brake and park the vehicle

(B) Can go small distance

(C) Can operate with the help of moon light

(D) None of the above

Qad-rg Q65rr60014(1/Bib rr656t4061), ,@9-611 Ge_161DGrr6161) (pELIILA a9err16

AILECID-6b-rg .10)60000 G1Li_rr61)

61GD-16Qij,airra606op 000p GG1_16601@lb

gru-Lb Q&GimGurrLb

(61Gual 9061d) Cl&g4p6orrib

@opal GT§ u51 Gb es)Go

DJDR24 18 A
65. When the engine screams out of control?

Disconnect the diesel line

Disconnect Battery

Disconnect Radiator

None of the above

Gral6isr pen-§ EL@OurnLem_ uSfil GAOL® ,Diagmb Gurro - ortherr QEFulni

6do 61 ?

(A) rOgi,
G- LE&Gb 6-r@§i# CLEFGbgni) 6nuC_1 66)606t06-ur

cJ(000I ®Lb

GuLl_61 &Duo! C_16-tou gy,601 LEIAE uodoi Lb

rjtXuJLLJr@eDestfrnoDu §6801 Lq1666 Gai6601®th

@Mal GT§ Lb @Gb66)61)

66. Why Pre-driving check should be done?

For trouble free journey

Pre-inspection not necessary

Move the vehicle front and back

None of the above

Gurraar g6irruMG6Frrp6-toa1 676151 Qujuj Gawfolgth?

1111_1600i Lip pmi_ui_n-LoGb @oeteL

airrffiar Gpeo-ruMG,Trrpopar Q&EILIJ GpepaRiS161)66)GD

Gurrcssesrcop g6isrLpth, 616isnADCB (56En- p Ga166010Lb

@opal 6)-§th &tem

A 19 DJDR24
[Turn over
67. To increase Tyre running Kilometres

If tyre pressure maintained, tyre wear will be even and several RT

can be done to get better tyre life
Carry less load
Operate in less speed
None of the above

LUJJ16b1 L.L. grOmp ,D106EhtftE

,EFMuirrar 65 rCt ,MCYP1-.° uu-n-LorfiCiuprrGb LuJ1S16TGptinnrrarib 9G7 grjrra

[email protected]. uGu(p66),0 PLQu- L. G4fulio ginjpnp ,DiOar9ImsGurrib
(6-6),Te_irresr urni- th GTAM Gal Gdo Lb

(615),0,6p Gaia061) Q,EFG1)Go Galeio-r®th

@mai Gygmb &bone) ,

68. What is the punishment for drunk driving?

Driver's license will be cancelled

Driving license shall not be cancelled
Six months jail or Rs. 10,000 fine or both
(D) None of the above

in§ ,910(60 61L® airr&arth ,@u__11416-b-rrr6b Grdsrar p6dbil_66)61T?


9L®per 61u)i.b ITA§ ,%csur§

wrrb Amem ,91Gb‘o§ 5. 10,000 .,iurjrrpib 61)60§ .@ r ib

@mai GT§Lb @Gbesm

DJDR24 20 A
69. Places where rear end collision happens

(A) Blind curves

(B) Narrow roads, Market place

0 National Highway, Urban Roads junction

(D) None of the above

1.516b-ryx GL.Drrp‘bffiGtr pos)i_Clugth L_I-Lactr

u rrrrepai uiebx (5 u aGiT

(0.1kuj ErremaeiT, wrrittQail u0,566i-r

Clp®arres)Go, pErrOLLD/F zureDG-olf 6FOILIILIEGtr

&nal 67-§ th 61)66)60

70. Anticipation characters on road

Anticipating other road users character

(B) Being confident

(C) Acting with defensive mind set
(D) None of the above

Erresm6161) orprurni- Lb pe6T6-ow crthu§

&rresm6-6)uj CI LI ILI 6ifru@ftib webx GurrEar G&W Gbamerr cy)6b-rurrffiCal 6r ft



pzErrC_ILd warnurrGisrallo6161) ClauiGbu@pb

@Goal 6)-§mb ,@6i)es)61)

A 21 DJDR24
[Turn over
71. Driver's attention on road is

Concentrate on road and keeping calm mind

Quite confident

Do not blink eyes

None of the above

9L®per arr6-toGoia Ee.J6-mb G-r6b-rugi

warepp .16-6)GDUITUJ 61L_ITLDGI), 6Frr6-6)61) LEgi &Gliarth G5W§G1J§

LSO pthalbmffi QEurGi-re_igi

66661E606g 610 Is rr Gb @onuo

@mai GT§Lb @Gba)Go

72. What is the use of kingpin?

To connect front axle and stub axle

To brake

To accelerate

None of the above

15J L61 uu_Jecrurr@ Greo-rar?

(A) cy36irr GiofJ„VsA6-toGou_ith 66)6001 &&

(B). 611.916E

(C) Ge_1061Dp .416561.ta

@mai Gip”) @Gb6-6)Go

DJDR24 22 A
73. What is the use of carburator?

To mix air and petrol

To mix air and diesel

To mix petrol and diesel

None of the above

arnYLAGITLI_616b-r _.uGuirraLip

ErrithGorDu_itb, CluLGip-reD‘uttith &Goztffi

Eurit6-6),mu_iLb, LE6Femu_ith 66-ois&

QuLLCip-resmu_ILb, LE.56-mu_ith aGoisa

@mai ggith @Gbesmo

74. On seeing cautionary road sign

(A) Avoid moving on road sides

Reduce speed to the need

Not necessary to reduce the speed

None of the above

6FrramuuS1Gb orMr9166na& Ather*-topis &um L.rrGb

&rrom 9FLRE56.61Gb Q&Gbe_16op pG)51(r&&

Galap-np Gp6naiturrar „9.161-161_1 &ale-rwri-& Cl&GI)Go Gaido-r®th

GaRspDpst ( 66),D,t0 GpeoaltiSIGbem

@mai q-pb @Gbesm

23 DJDR24
[Turn over
75. While vehicle skidding which side the steering shall be used?

(A) Opposite to skidding direction

.-,Towards skidding direction

Do not turn steering wheel

None of the above

&rreDGutiSlcb GurrEaRb fEcolEsLip Gurr§, GrAp 00)&61Gb 6iu4illfit 00)64 AloCiu

Gal do-r®Lb ?

airrzsarth 6Fo.iistb GrOfr 61D & Gb

airraarth &giE(5th 066)&616-b

GiutqathlrLi 066)6o AloCiuls

GO GTO Lb .@ Gi) GD

76. How many types of hand gestures are there?

(D) 9

0)65 66)&61DE GiT 066)6trr 6-tualluGib?

DJDR24 24 A
77. What type of sign is this?


(A) Warning sign

(B) Mandatory sign

0 Information sign
(D) None of the above

.@i Gi-(tp Gua-m4 AGisranb?

G-T.#a61,tos- Adsres-fth

pETGII Ad-rani)
aG-1_16b 41 6b-r osnl
@aletfilGb oriaiLb, @GboDa)

78. Which indicates Engine speed?

(A) Speedo Meter (B) Odo Meter

0 RPM Meter (D) Ampere Meter

o*.5i16isr Erwa41 Cai,c4G-6)p -1,thlui pGiith LISLA___rr or§?

(A) ci-DLIL_FT LELI_ft (B) 9t_rr uSc_i_rr

(C) 1'1 . 61.6-rLb. uStiiir (D) ,Di Lh LE r_i_it

A 25 DJDR24
[Turn over
79. What does this indicates?

0 Pedestrian crossing
Animal crossing

Two wheeler crossing

None of the above

atptt c,61u-s'@ G-ra0 cfil,tgl6b-r,T§?

ii rrp6Fri-61ffici-r ffil_.Li3 Cffirr®

eS1Gor65G-1-r al_kV) GErr@

&du® &&Erj airraarrLEci-r at___62, Cffirr®

4@G-6)G-1J G-T.ILb @Gb6-6)e)

DJDR24 26 A
80. Which type of road sign is this?

Warning sign

Information sign

0 Mandatory sign
(D) None of the above

,@pteb or,tp alcoa &1166)61),# Ad-re-Rb?

6-r6FM:556b-)eth Ads-rarrLb

paalGb 616is-rarib


G--rctp b168-res-r&Lb @Gbem

A 27 DJDR24
[Turn over
81. What are the major controls in a vehicle?
(A) Ignition switch, Wiper switch
Accelerator pedal, brake pedal, clutch pedal, gear shifting lever,
steering wheel, hand brake
Starter button, indicator switch, horn switch
None of the above

airr6600Gb Gu)Nrr zs6irriL_Gu-rrGb&Gir

,@&664iudir GaLif , Glinufr ffreSliLtF

.sls416oGri-Li_frQu , LiKjá Q u , lGrrL# Quo, gluit Ciri

616-urr, GfuLq_u_irfirL 061), amsaGITIE

( GfuL_Frn_l_i_er uLLL_Gisr, 06irrui_GELLIr &GOL&, 961C_Iurr6irr eReS1L#

(D) @6-6)Gu GTO Lb ,@ 61) OD GU

82. How driver shall adjust the rear view mirror?

To see the vehicle coming from right side

To see the vehicle coming from left side
Vehicles coming from the back side
(D) None of the above

912._®5rer 6-16b-rurntlsth &66sr6u1ramin nJu rfiQEFtinu Gaieftyr®Lb?

alogi utzseirrilig_Gb 61.10Lb GurrEarrtiEctr Gprfiu_iwrrg
L_§ utaairnlicf _G-1) ai3d) airpEarri-LEciT Qprfiu_iLorrg

aGirresurci) GurREseyrit&GiT Qpr9unrrg

66) al GT§ Lb GbOD GI)

DJDR24 28 A
83. How to sit in the driver seat?

The centre part of the body of the driver should present in front of
the mid line of steering rod
Can sit in slanding position
Move to the back side and sit
None of the above

Lft @oe566)&6161) J6u1r litEErru- G61_16001 Lb ?

eitiki_u_ArL ijrnsf.dsr 6oLou_AGarr® 9L@pit Gpijrrffi

@(515Lorro.1 p__LE61rrT Ge_mico®Lb
Afil§ ErruliairrE6 .;.ILDITGorab

L516igtoLb p,E6itO 2_11&rru-Gorrth

,(D) @Goat goth Gb 610 60

84. What does the broken white line indicates on the road surface?

Temporarily permitted to overtake other vehicle

Do not cross the line
Passing will cause on accident
None of the above

6FrramuSIG-b Q_61-16rr aleD9-C,Eur@&er961), GOL®GOL® G1166)17111 Cl LI Li_ Qaid-roDurls

GErr@ffiG•616isr u tu rrE Lb

GpepaiLliu@Lb Guff§ @66)14g @GbwrrinGb 61,m &ITMGD u rrcorrLb

,E6ktprrGb e514,§ Ou@Lb

@opal ggilb &bow)

A 29 DJDR24
[Turn over
85. The colour of the reflecting sticker present in front, back side and side of
the vehicle is

Red in back, white in front, yellow in side

White in back, red in front, yellow in side

Yellow in back, red in front, white in side

None of the above

airra60061) 616igypi13, &eccrypb, uluEairriLLEF GbLOuLLbrfiLiQoAs_fr

Giut9A66- Opth

616b-rypb geeccrypt.b Gaidrepar, L_CEBELairnlig_61)

616b-rypb QamtroDur, G36fri- Loth CiLj , uiJrro LD&EF6iT

6b-rypib Lr*EFGIT, &615-rypth ATEJLI, u&aairnib Q jthrr

@6-6)Gu GT§Lb @Gbem

86. Fork lift is

Less weight vehicle

Goods carrying vehicle

0 Other type of vehicle

(D) Passenger vehicle

0°0Currrut eS1L1IL GrGisru§

GT66)1_ (60,0,t airrEs661- th

Clun-oLE5Gnar GVOIF 6F61)& Lb GU rrEarth

61palem Gurrffierab

uu i rrW

DJDR24 30 A
87. Major district roads are maintained by

(A) Central Government

State Government
Panchayat Union

aiTprr6v inrraiLL_IF &11-61D606566)errO uryrrinMCJuo

wuj T&


ID rrpaip-riLA

u6Frru.40 gthluid-r

88. When the number of roads increases in a junction the chances of


(A) Decreases

No accidents happen

0 Increases
(D) None of the above

EFOIC.J61G-b C6fOLb &1166)60666.616b-r 616601666filt66)65 LLb Qurrc9§ CLorrp6bffiGtr

Ou@Lb airrtyadr

( 611)PADO
(B) Cumrp6)Edr 6)-,t11®61106b61D61)

(C) :910&M&g,DO]

(D) @mai 6)-§-tb @Gb6-6)Go

A 31 DJDR24
[Turn over
89. Which type of vehicle is Dipper?

(A) Other type of Vehicle

(B) Passenger Vehicle

0 Goods Vehicle
(D) None of the above

Lci_uut G-rp QictsmE Glirr&osub?

61,me_IGNE 611 rrffierrth

LIU166t1EGDOIT GMA:F Qa6bgnh airrffienb

Qurroll&G-nar 6)-00,1 Qa6bgji_b GurrEarLiD

@opal G--j§iLb @GboDGD

90. This road sign indicates

(A) Branch road in front (B) Service road in front

0 Main road ahead (D) No road ahead

(,61Lt3@ ores) (0&g6b-r,m§?

(A) cy36b-ry,LoLh Ale96-Tr.#5F6-ne) p_draro (B) &Girry,mth 6FrrOduCijr-r® p_ci-rerrtj

(C) g,6-isrLoLb 61 7p-rat& rra)G-D P___Gtrar§i (D) GD68-resurGb csur6-6)G-D

DJDR24 32 A
6 A
91. If — = — then the value of A is
7 49





6_A r.,$)
A @Gig LIDOCJLA Gred-reff?
7 — 49 GT-16°





92. The difference between two successive odd number is

(A) 1

.@0 'zD•1 64P@M 9,ta),D 6101 681 GGlig u Fr®

A 33 DJDR24
[Turn over
93. The smallest 7 digit number is




(D) 9999999

L151E61410 LLI GT 01 OA& 6T6001





94. 78.56 78.57


78.56 78.57



DJDR24 34 A
95. The height of a person is 165 cm. Express this height in metre.

0.165 m

16.5 m


(D) 160.5m

90 Lo661p6-616isr g_uiD-Lb 165 G6F.L.S. @paar uSLI_MGI)




160.5 m

96. Between which two whole numbers 1.7 lie?

2 and 3

3 and 4

0 land 2

(D) 1 and 7

1.7 orbp s@o GrGoola&gem_1151GI) „9161DLD(6§61-re-r§?

2 Lnibgib 3

3 infbp.b 4

1 u*pb 2

1 LetboRb 7

A 35 DJDR24
[Turn over
97. 2.08 x10 =





2.08x10 =





98. Subtract: 7.5 — 3.4

(A) 0.41




a016b,s6 : 7.5 — 3.4





DJDR24 36 A
99. Add: 3.2 + 6.4




(D) 96

&ILO& : 3.2 + 6.4





A 37 DJDR24
[Turn over

DJDR24 38 A

39 DJDR24
[Turn over
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P__rtmbsit .zDIGT),D &6601arres6lOurrarlyrrGb pigiu®Lb. OMR 610o-)14prrGi-r (. 61D,Durr®Gtsn_u_Jprr5
3,tprrGi), .1061) 6166)1_61)11_16b (thlAg.v.tErrL616-1_10 cies),0 ackr&rroaf1C_Iurrerr616b-r
6sGua-0,b Qffirrefirr® alb§ 2alQ,mrr3 OMR 616-6m_prreourC_I Quagil5 Qsn-GiTur Gaiefor®Lb.

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9GiJQQ_Irr3 eSlarrrap (A), (B), (C) up,bp.i) (D) Grar prreo-r6 Ggem_EGtoGrut Clarreiol®Gtrurgi. (6[LaGtr,
,16-6)Glizsofl6b 9G7 93 &ffluirrar 6601_6-m4 Gprrai QLluAGuabi®Lb. 96b-ro*5 GU* U LI_ EfiL111615T
GO6DLT 93 GffiGi-re51&(5 ,@3C_Iiip1ra& 663#66-ur6b, PLEGIT uSlE# &UJUr6STgi o16 -r0.1 Gropp&
a3g.41PraGerrrr eSlamGniugrrGisr 0966)4prrth161) (thlgi,t &FILL_ Calekr@CD. G-rumg_turruSIDLb
93 G&GtreSleB3 9Giy 93 6166)1_66u4prrd-r GprOCIp®Ibffi Gabat-r@Lb. prr13-GoolLorra, (graGi-r (C)
ordyrump ,EF69urrar 616-tot_iurreut 6s(016-trm-61), .16-6>p 616-461_13Lorroi (5,thloctrrL ur®Lb.

0 ® @
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