Sri Rahayu Jurnal Fix
Sri Rahayu Jurnal Fix
Sri Rahayu Jurnal Fix
SRI RAHAYU (2402090128)
The main objective of this study was to improve students’ reading comprehension of recount
text using inquiry-based learning. This approach utilizes five phases of inquiry cycle
comprising engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation. The method
that was implemented in this research was the CAR or Classroom Action Research. The
subject of this research were 30 students, consisted of 18 males and 12 females. The result of
this research showed that after using inquiry-based learning, the students can significantly
improve their reading comprehension especially understanding the generic structure and
language features, as well as reading comprehension aspects such as identifying specific
information and understanding vocabulary. Based on the results of the process, the students
were more independent and willing to ask question related to recount text.
Reading is just one of the language abilities that English learners must learn. In an
academic situation, reading is the most crucial skill for second language learners. Fuchs and
Fuchs (2006), cited in Saraswati et al. (2021) stated that reading is a fundamental skill that
could assist students in mastering other skills. Reading is an essential tool for human
development, and it is the basic ability required to interpret the text (Ermawati et al., 2018).
Reading provides students with knowledge and information. It is a set of abilities that entails
making sense of and getting meaning from the printed word. Stimulating and encouraging
students to read English texts is essential to the English teacher’s responsibility for various
reasons. The students must be able to read English texts for their current study, further
education, a potential career, or simply for pleasure. Second, when students read more, they
become better readers. Additionally, better readers typically increase and expand their
vocabulary through reading activities, and they are more familiar with the grammar of the
language their reading language. The third stage is that reading texts help the students to have
a process of thinking in English, and it is also an approach to learning about new concepts,
experiences, and facts. English has become a compulsory subject to be taught in junior high
school. Reading comprehension is necessary for the students in the classroom.
In junior high school, students are directly taught several types of texts. One of the texts
is a recount text. Recount text is a text used to tell a past story or events. As stated in the 2013
curriculum implemented by SMP Negeri 13 Pontianak, the base competence (Kompetensi
Dasar 3.4) targeted the students to understand the purpose, generic structure, and language
features of recount text. To achieve this base competence, the first thing students must learn is
comprehending the reading of recount text. The researcher was informed by the teacher that
most students in Class 8-I were consistently found to struggle in reading comprehension. The
problems they encountered include difficulty in identifying the generic structure and language
features of reading texts, finding specific information, and understanding vocabulary related
to recount text. In SMP Negeri 13 Pontianak, the passing score for English subject is 77.
However, based on the data from the test results, the teacher gave the daily tests to the
students in the last month before the researcher conducted the research in this class. The
teacher showed only eight students could pass the standard minimum score (KKM) in Class 8-
I. 22 students could not pass the standard minimum score
(KKM). More than their reading comprehension results are needed to pass the standard
minimum score as required by the curriculum (2013 curriculum).
Referring to the problems above, the researcher was willing to help the teacher by
provides a method that could solve the problems. Inquiry-Based Learning is a teaching and
learning method that centers the learning experience on students’ questions, ideas, and
observation. According to Coffman cited in Prisila (2017) that Inquiry-Based Learning is
a hands-on approach that leads to higher level thinking. It provides many advantageous for
student from curiousity, creativity, positivity, and self-sufficience. It can also construct
students’ own ideas, as well as engage and inspire them. In Inquiry-Based Learning, students
are placed at the center of learning to encourage them to be more active, engaged, and self-
directed in their learning.
There are some studies that had been conducted to improve reading comprehension
using Inquiry-Based Learning. One of them was done by entitled “The implementation of
inquiry based learning to improve students' reading comprehension on recount text”. The
writer did her research to solve the problem that she found in SMPN 10 Pontianak. The
problem was the students not able identify the main idea, find details of the text and
understand the meaning of vocabularies. As the result, she found out that the use of Inquiry-
Based Learning was able to improve students’ reading comprehension especially on that
Another study was conducted by Oktarani (2015) entitled “Improving students' reading
comprehension by using inquiry-based learning”. The problems faced by the students of the
eighth grade at SMPN 7 Kota Bengkulu in reading comprehension there were: (1) difficulties
to understand idea of a text; (2) difficulties to find out a meaning of a text; (3) difficulties to
retell a text; (4) difficulties to state the generic structure of a text; and (5) difficulties to
interpret a text.
One more study was conducted by Irawan et al. (2019) entitled “The effect of using
Inquiry-Based Learning strategy on students speaking ability”. This study used quasi-
experimental study with one group design in order to test hypotheses. The result of this
research showed that IBL strategy affected students speaking ability with average increasing
score of 11.05 covering the four aspects (vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and pronounciation)
of speaking. Secondly, IBL strategy affected sufficiently significant (0.05) on students
speaking ability. Based on Irawan, research, IBL is effective for teaching speaking.
From the previous explanation about the improvement of reading comprehension, this
research has differences because this research focus on the students problems that happened
about recount text especially about the generic structure, language features, finding specific
information and understanding vocabulary. None of them use Inquiry-Based Learning to solve
the problem of generic structure, language features, looking for specific information and
understanding vocabulary, especially on recount text.
This research was conducted through Classroom Action Research (CAR) to solve the
classroom problem and improved students’ reading comprehension of recount text using
Inquiry-Based Learning method at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 13 Pontianak on
the second semester. The researcher believed that Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) has been
powerful in helping both teacher and student overcoming this classroom problems and recount
text comprehension.
The research design in this study is a classroom action research. According to Kemmis
et al. (2014), action research involves four phases in a cycle of research. The first phase was
planning. In this stage, the researcher identified the problems or issues in the classroom and
prepared to act. In this case, the researcher must interview the teacher to understand the issues.
It will explain what, when, where, why, and how the problems exist in the classroom. The
planning stage will include the identification of the issues, the analysis, and the development
of the action. They were preparing the lesson plan (curriculum 2013), preparing teaching
material, preparing test items, and preparing the needed media.
After preparing for the second step, the researcher applied the Inquiry-Based Learning
method in the classroom. In this step, the researcher collaborated with the English teacher in
teaching and learning. The researcher use Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) as the learning
method to enhance students’ understanding in learning reading comprehension of recount text.
The researcher started to introduce the research program to the students. The researcher also
continued introducing and implementing Inquiry-Based Learning as a method of learning
reading comprehension of recount text. The researcher used 5E inquiry cycle there were:
engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration and evaluation.
The third stage was observing. The researcher is required to watch and take notes
related to the situation during the implementation of the learning. Observing was done during
the performance of the action in the classroom. In this stage, all the activities that happened
were observed, monitored, and recorded. All the students’ activities were recorded using a
field note and an observation checklist. The researcher also used individual tests to collect the
data concerning implementing the Inquiry-Based Learning method in the classroom. The
action is considered successfully improved from the students’ participation and’
understanding of the generic structure and language features. Also, all the students’ scores in
individual tests almost reached the standard minimum score. The standard minimum score
used in that school was 77.
The last stage was reflecting. In this stage, the researcher analyzed and evaluated
whether the action was successful. The researcher reviewed what has been done in the
teaching and learning process through the results of field notes, the observation checklist, and
individual tests. The weaknesses of the first cycle would be fixed and improved in the second
cycle. In this research, the researcher did research in two cycles. Both the first cycle and the
second cycle have similar stages. The stage in cycle two was based on the result of the
reflection in cycle one. Therefore, the researcher gave better activity to the students to
improve their reading comprehension of recount text using the Inquiry-Based Learning
This research aims to improve students reading comprehension on recount text used
inquiry-based learning to the eighth of SMPN 13 Pontianak. There were 18 males and 12
females in this class. Their ages are between 13-14 years old. The research was conducted in
this class because the students need some help with reading comprehension. In this research,
the researcher took two cycles, each cycle consisted of planning, acting, observing, and
reflecting. The appropriate techniques of data collection were needed to achieve the objective
of this research. In collecting data, the researcher used observation and measurement
For tools of data collection, the researcher used field note, observation checklist and
individual test as the tools of data collection. To analyze field note and the observation
checklist, the researcher used qualitative analysis. The teacher observed the students during
the teaching and learning process. The teacher observed important information based on
observations and made in detail on the field note sheet. In addition, the teacher gave a
checklist on each statement on the observation checklist. The researcher checklist “Yes” if the
observation fulfill the criteria of the statement. Otherwise, the researcher checklist “no” if the
observation do not fulfill the criteria of the statement. After that, the teacher explained the
results of field note and the observation checklist in the form of qualitative data.
To analyze the individual test, the researcher used quantitative analysis. Quantitative
data is used to measure or count and through this step of technique data analysis, the
researcher knew about the improvement of the students. To evaluate students’ improvement in
reading comprehension, the researcher gave two test about reading comprehension using
multiple choice. In scoring recount text test, it was determined that the ranging from 0-100 by
count the score of students test.
The researcher analyzed students score by using formula :
S= R X 100 (1)
Where :
S = students score
R = the total number of the students’ correct item
N = total number of the test questions items
The researcher used the standard minimum socre for the English subject at SMP Negeri
13 Pontianak whether the students passed or not. The standard minimum of English lesson in
SMP Negeri 13 Pontianak was 77. The standard minimum score was categorized as follows :
Table 1. Standard Minimum Score for English Subject in SMP Negeri 13 Pontianak Barat
Total Individual Score Category
0-76 Not Passed
77-100 Passed
Cycle 2
(1). Engagement
In the engagement stage, the teacher reviewed the first cycle material. Then, the teacher
showed a recount text story titled “My Holiday in Bali” using PowerPoint slides. Also, the
teacher asked them to read aloud and translate unfamiliar vocabulary to make them
understand well. Next, the teacher asked the students to make one question using a piece of
paper based on the text. After the students finished making one question, they all collected the
answer. The teacher randomly shared the questions with the students and asked them to write
the answers. Then, the teacher asked all the students to read the question and their responses
in a stand-up position. In this stage, the students are more enthusiastic and enjoy in the
(2). Exploration
The researcher asked the students to answer five questions about in pair with their
chairmates. The questions about looking for the verb 1 and make it into verb 2.Then the
students discussed to their chairmates to find the correct answered.
(3). Explanation
The researcher as a teacher explained about the text and discussed the correct answer.
In this stage, the researcher showed a video about recount text. Then, the students asked some
question related to the video.
(4). Elaboration
The teacher asked the students to do group work consisting of 5-6 groups. The teacher
asked the students to correctly arrange and stick to the generic structure and content. In this
activity, the students have discussed the correct structure. Also, the students have to find the
verb-2 or past tense words. The process of this stage ran well; the students enjoyed and
participated actively in the teaching and learning process. The results of their group work
were satisfactory.
(5). Evaluation
The teacher asks about some of the language features, such as conjunction words and
simple past tense words, and then the students paste a sticky note on the whiteboard. After
that, the students did a reading comprehension task consisting of ten multiple-choice
questions. After that, the teacher concluded all the recount text material and checked the
students’ understanding by asking some questions about the recount text.
Table 2. Comparison between Test-1 & Test-2
No. Initial Name Cycle 1 Cycle 2
1 AKS 70 90
2 AMS 80 100
3 AH 90 70
4 AZ 60 70
5 AWK 70 100
6 BPS 80 90
7 CAS 70 70
8 DR 70 90
9 DPY 80 80
10 DV 60 70
11 DSN 100 100
12 DAP 70 80
13 F 80 90
14 IF 70 90
15 MB 100 100
16 MA 90 90
17 MDP 60 60
18 ME 60 70
19 MFD 70 90
20 MF 80 80
21 MKH 70 80
22 NN 60 90
23 NA 80 70
24 PA 70 90
25 SM 90 100
26 SJ 60 80
27 SGH 90 100
28 SKZ 100 90
29 UL 80 80
30 ZH 70 100
MEAN 76 85,3
The table demonstrates the use of Inquiry-Based Learning in teaching and learning of
recount text could improve the students’ reading comprehension of recount text, especially the
generic structure and language features. By using Inquiry-Based Learning, the students have a
better knowledge of understanding the definition, purpose, generic structure and language
features of recount text. The students have a better knowledge of understanding of recount
text. In addition, the students were able actively participate and independently solved some
tasks given by the teacher.
The data reveal that using Inquiry-Based Learning in teaching and learning of recount
text could improve the student’s reading comprehension of recount text, especially the
generic structure and language features. By using Inquiry-Based Learning, the students
better know the definition, purpose, generic structure, and language features of recount text.
The students have a better knowledge of understanding of recount text. In addition, the
students could actively participate and independently solve some tasks the teacher gave.
Based on the results of the two cycles, there was a significant improvement from cycle
1 to cycle 2. In the cycle 1, the results of the students’ test were not satisfied. From 30
students who attended the class, there were 14 students whose scores reached the standard
minimum score and there were 16 students who could not reach the standard minimum socre.
Meanwhile, in cycle two, there were 23 students could reach the standard minimum score and
there were 7 students could not reach the standard minimum score. Moreover, in cycle 1, the
teacher did not ran exploration stage well. In the cycle 2, the researcher and the
teacher had improved the lesson plan so that the teaching and learning process ran well and
obtained good results. In the cycle 2, the researcher and teacher changed the way how to make
the students enjoy the process of inquiry by using a piece of paper to share their question
about a text of recount, Also, to make the students enjoyed the learning process, the students
wrote their new vocabulary related to language features of recount text.
The students improved significantly during the teaching and learning process by
Inquiry-Based Learning method. It could be seen from the results of the observation checklist
and field notes. The use of Inquiry-Based Learning was successful in improving students’
motivation and curiousity for learning to reading recount text. In the teaching and learning
process, the implementation of this method had a positive influence on the students. In the
second cycle, the positive influence could be seen in the students’ improvement, attitude, class
situation, and test score. In the observation checklist and field notes, the students showed
positive progress and good improvement from the first to the second cycle. In the line with
According to the results above, Inquiry-Based Learning has contributed to the
improvement of students’ reading because Inquiry-Based Learning enhance students’
curiosity and independent in learning, so it has had a positive impact on students’ reading
comprehension, particularly recount text. In this study, teaching reading comprehension of
recount text through Inquiry-Based Learning could improve the students’ reading
comprehension because it encourages them to become perservered and active in the learning
process. Inquiry-Based Learning can help the students’ improvement in reading
comprehension of recount text in many aspects, so that helped the students to become active
reader, especially in reading recount text. In line with Sulastri (2012), Inquiry-Based Learning
method could improve the teaching and learning process, such as, the class situation, students’
become active, and making students’ personal competence and making independent learning.
Furthermore, in this research, the results of students’ reading comprehension test
indicates better improvement in each cycle. The mean of students who passed the standard
score reached the indicator of success. The improvement of reading comprehension was
identifying specific information and understanding vocabulary. The result of this research
some similitaries from the aspects reading comprehension improvement, from Prisila et al.
(2017) inquiry-based learning improved students problem on recount text in helping the
students to identify main idea, find the details of the text and understand the meaning of the
However, there are differences from previous studies such as identifying the main idea
and the text from the second previous study about narrative text. The novelty of this
research is to improve the use of the inquiry-based learning on the students’ reading
comprehension including identified specific information, understanding vocabulary,
understanding generic structure and language features of recount text, and the students’
attitudes, behavior, and reading skill improved.
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