L12 Notes
L12 Notes
L12 Notes
corresponding responses (when the input is unit step). When there are complex poles (pair) in
the left half s-plane, the response is stable but oscillatory. If the two poles are on the negative
real axis, the response will reach the final value exponentially. If the poles purely imaginary,
then there will be sustained oscillations. For example, if 𝐺(𝑠) = 𝑠2 +4 then the response will
be oscillatory with constant amplitude and frequency of 2 rad/sec. Similarly, RHS poles give
unstable response. Imaginary part the frequency of the oscillation and the real part shows the
amount of damping.
In lecture 11, we derived the transfer function of an RLC circuit. We got the transfer function
1 2500
as = The general form of a second order transfer function
0.0004𝑠 2 +0.01𝑠+1 𝑠 2 +0.2.5𝑠+2500
is 𝑠2 +2𝜁𝜔 2 where ωn is the natural frequency and ζ is the damping ratio (See the mistake
𝑛 𝑠+𝜔𝑛
in the slide, in the second term of the denominator s is missing). Natural frequency of the given
circuit is ω=2πf= 1⁄ = 50 rad/sec. The poles of this system, the roots of the denominator
polynomial (characteristic equation), are -1.25+j49.844 and -1.25 -j49.844 −𝜁ω𝑛±𝑗 ω𝑛 √1 − ζ2
Note that the damped frequency of oscillation 49.844 rad/sec is slightly differing from the
natural frequency. If R= 0 (Coeft. of s is 0, damping is zero), the system will oscillate in its
natural frequency at 50 rad/sec (Imaginary part of the pole is 50 then). See the step responses
and MATLAB commands at the end of these notes.
The above circuit has 2 energy storage elements, hence the order of the circuit is 2 and there
are 2 poles. If there are 4 energy storage elements, the 4th order system will have 4 poles (4
modes of oscillation). Complex systems are of high order and in different parts of the system
with different natural frequencies may interact each other. Sometimes resonance can occur
when the frequencies (imaginary part of the poles) match causing damage to the system.
Slide 2 (lecture 12) shows the poles of a complex system (turbine + generator +transmission
line). Turbine and generator mechanical parts are modelled as a 12th order system. Generator
electrical parts and transmission line are modelled as a 4th order system. In the table in slide
only 12 poles (12+4) are shown. The complex system is very high order (>16), but in the table
in slide 2, the real poles are not shown. The transmission line is normal modelled as a resistance
in series with an inductor. In slide 2, it is shown that a capacitor is added in the transmission
line. This is to improve the power transfer. Adding capacitor in a transmission line is called
series compensation. If capacitive reactance (Xc) is half of the inductive reactance (XL), then
we say it is 50 % compensation.
So far, we studied the classical (transfer function) approach of modelling. This is in s-domain.
The modern (state variable) approach is in time domain. We can also find poles using the state
variable approach, the same poles we got using transfer function. Then we get poles as
eigenvalues of matrices. We will study this approach late.
Now you can have a look at the paper attached which is also studying the complex system in
slide 2. You don’t have to read the full paper. Just look at the table 3 in page 6 of the paper. The
poles of the mechanical system alone are shown (they used the modern approach of modelling,
hence use the eigenvalues instead of poles). Understand that they are the damped frequencies,
but natural frequencies will be very near to this frequency). The last column shows f (Hz) and
last but one ω rad/sec. Also see the Table 8 in page 6 where the all the poles, including the real
poles are shown. Mechanical modes are TM0, TM1…TM5 and electrical modes are sub-
synchronous and super-subsynchronous modes. When the compensation is very high, one of
the mechanical mode frequency is near to the electrical sub-synchronous mode and it undamp
the mechanical mode (see the real part of the TM1 mode in table 8 last column, increased to
+3.99 when compensation is 90% causing instability). This phenomenon is called sub-
synchronous resonance (SSR) and it can damage the system.
Slide 3 shows the ‘simulation’ of the same system in slide 2 using PSCAD a software available
in our Power System lab. See that the TM3 (LPB-GEN) mode is unstable in the table of slide
2. PSCAD simulation graphs in slide 3 verify this.
Type these lines in R=1;L=0.4; C=0.001;
MATLAB command window n=1;
d=[L*C R*C 1];
After this, type