TRF Rubric Scoring Guide Combined
TRF Rubric Scoring Guide Combined
TRF Rubric Scoring Guide Combined
Key Academic Vocabulary Vocabulary terms are listed but the Vocabulary terms are defined using a Vocabulary terms are defined in the
Anchor Standard: Examine key academic definition does not fit the context. dictionary definition. student’s own words.
and content-related vocabulary to
deepen comprehension of texts.
What I Know About My Question Determine key points from learning Make connections between key Employ key learning points to real-
Anchor Standard: Apply learning to experiences. learning points and new contexts. world applications.
demonstrate knowledge and achieve
Pre-Work Inquiry
Critical Thinking About Initial Initial question is copied, minimal work Initial question has been worked on, Information is synthesized and
Question has been attempted, and no graphic but the graphic organizer is not well organized effectively, Point of
Anchor Standard: Synthesize and organizer is present. matched to the task. No Point of Confusion is clearly marked with a “?”
Chapter 2: Before the Tutorial
organize information effectively, Confusion is identified and/or a-ha! and/or a-ha! moments marked with an
including usage of digital tools. moments are marked if the POC is “!” if the POC is resolved. Other marks
resolved. might be included.
General Steps List the steps that led to the POC. Describe the steps that led to the POC Describe generalized steps within a
Anchor Standard: Upon arriving at a and pair them to your critical thinking process that could be used to solve
solution, identify generalized steps/ graphic organizer. similar problems and explain the
processes that could be used to solve connection between the steps and
similar problems. your critical thinking graphic organizer.
Tutorial Question from the Point of Tutorial Question is the same as the Tutorial Question identifies the POC Tutorial Question is derived from the
Confusion initial question. but does not use key academic POC, uses key academic vocabulary,
Anchor Standard: Identify specific vocabulary and/or is not authentic. and is an authentic, higher-level
questions based on a misunderstood question.
concept or problem.
Socratic Questioning Ask questions based on Costa’s Levels Develop inquiry skills through focused Use questioning techniques to think
Anchor Standard: Use questioning of Thinking, only using language scripts observations and analyses, using critically about content and concepts,
techniques to engage in discussions and/or question stems. language scripts and/or question rarely needing language scripts and/or
and think critically about content and stems as needed. question stems.
Collaborative Inquiry
Resources Locate sources that are relevant to the Determine the relevance, validity, and Determine the perspective, validity, and
Anchor Standard: Evaluate the validity topic and support the purpose of the reliability of information found within reliability of information found within
and reliability of both digital and print research assignment. sources. multiple sources (e.g., books, articles,
sources. Distinguish between primary and and websites).
secondary sources.
Focused Note-Taking Take notes with an emphasis on Take notes with an emphasis on Take notes with an emphasis on
Anchor Standard: Take notes to meet identifying and recording the note- recording main ideas and important selecting the appropriate format for
the note-taking objective. taking objective and/or Essential information. note-taking based on the note-taking
Question. Take notes with an emphasis objective.
Take notes with an emphasis on on condensing information by Take notes with an emphasis on using
setting up notes, including all required using abbreviations, symbols, or strategies to organize notes (e.g.,
components. paraphrasing. bullets, indentation, skipping lines,
Verbal/Nonverbal Apply a basic understanding of Distinguish between effective Adjust ineffective verbal and nonverbal
Anchor Standard: Clearly communicate effective public speaking. and ineffective language during communication into effective
verbally and nonverbally, including Incorporate visual aids and/or interactions. communication.
appropriate usage of technology. technology, when appropriate. Refine usage of nonverbal
communication when speaking,
including body language and eye
Active Listening Describe the characteristics of Demonstrate active listening skills Demonstrate active listening by asking
Anchor Standard: Listen effectively to effective listening, such as eye contact during academic conversations. clarifying questions.
decipher meaning. and mirroring.
Academic Vocabulary Monitor word choice when speaking. Utilize academic vocabulary when Demonstrate command of grammar
Anchor Standard: Demonstrate communicating. when communicating.
command of language and grammar
usage when communicating.
Formal Speech Identify formal and informal language Speak effectively before small groups Speak effectively in various group
Anchor Standard: Adapt speech to a registers. of peers. settings.
variety of contexts and communicative
Summarizing the Learning Summarize new academic learning. Summarize academic learning to make Summarize academic learning to make
Anchor Standard: Summarize and connections between new learning and connections between new learning and
reflect to synthesize learning and previous experiences. the broader world.
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
___ / ___ / ___ / ___ / ___ /
Indicate how the student demonstrated engagement in tutorials. Check all that apply.
Collaborative Inquiry Communication Closure
Uses Socratic questioning Communicates clearly, both Summarizes key academic
Utilizes resources to verbally and non-verbally learning points
investigate student Listens effectively to decipher Reflects on today’s tutorial
presenter’s POC meaning process and identifies next
Takes focused notes Demonstrates command of steps
(Phase 1) or supplements academic vocabulary
academic class notes Adapts speech to an academic
(Phases 2–3) setting
Initial Question:
2. 4 = Makes connections between key learning points and relates them to the question.
______ /