Radiographic Evaluation of Alveolar Ridge Preservation Using A Chitosan - Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanofibrous Matrix
Radiographic Evaluation of Alveolar Ridge Preservation Using A Chitosan - Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanofibrous Matrix
Radiographic Evaluation of Alveolar Ridge Preservation Using A Chitosan - Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanofibrous Matrix
Handling editor: Emeka Nkenke The objective of this randomized clinical trial (RCT) was to assess the effectiveness of electrospun chitosan/
polyvinyl alcohol (CS/PVA) nanofibrous scaffolds in preserving the alveolar ridge and enhancing bone remod
Keywords: eling following tooth extraction when compared to a control group. In this split RCT, 24 human alveolar sockets
Nanofibrous scaffold were randomly assigned to two groups, with 12 sockets receiving CS/PVA nanofibrous scaffold grafts (test group)
and 12 left to heal by secondary intention as the control group. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) was
Alveolar ridge preservation
performed at two different time points: immediately after extraction (T0) and 4 months post-extraction (T4).
Randomized controlled trial
Cone-beam computed tomography After 4 months, linear vertical and horizontal radiographic changes and bone density of extraction sockets were
Tissue engineering assessed in both the test and control groups. The RCT included 12 patients (4 male and 8 female) with a mean age
of 24 ± 3.37 years. The test group had a significantly lower mean vertical resorption vs the control group, with a
mean difference of 1.1 mm (P < 0.05). Similarly, the control group’s mean horizontal bone resorption was − 2.01
± 1.04 mm, while the test group had a significantly lower mean of − 0.69 ± 0.41 mm, resulting in a mean
difference of 1.35 mm (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the study group exhibited a significant increase in bone density
(722.03 ± 131.17 HU) after 4 months compared to the control group (448.73 ± 93.23 HU). In conclusion, we
demonstrated within the limitations of this study that CS/PVA nanofibrous scaffold significantly limited alveolar
bone resorption horizontally and vertically and enhanced bone density in alveolar sockets after 4 months when
compared to results in the control group (TCTR20230526005).
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (E.A. Al-Moraissi).
Received 10 June 2023; Received in revised form 14 August 2023; Accepted 30 September 2023
Available online 12 October 2023
1010-5182/© 2023 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Al-Madhagy et al. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 51 (2023) 772–779
Fig. 1. CS/PVA nanofibrous scaffold used in the current study. A-physical fom. B- shape of nanofibrous scaffold under scanning microscope at 5000× magnification
power. C- at 50.000× magnification power.
matrix (ECM), cells, and growth factors is crucial for achieving suc 2. Material and methods
cessful outcomes (Yen and Sharpe, 2008). Using nanofibrous polymeric
scaffolds can fulfill almost all the goals and requirements for a successful 2.1. Study design
TE scaffold. They have nanofibrous structural similarity to ECM, are
biodegradable, biocompatible, have adequate mechanical and physical A split-mouth RCT was carried out at the outpatient clinic of the Oral
properties, have interconnected porosity that allows the adhesion of and Maxillofacial Department, Faculty of Dentistry, University of
cells as well as growth factors, permit the transport of nutrients, oxygen, Damascus in Damascus, Syria, from 2021 to 2022. The institutional re
waste products, and enhance cell-to-cell communications, have higher view board and ethical committee of Damascus University, Damascus,
surface area to volume ratios that favor cell attachment, growth and Syria, approved the proposal of this clinical trial study (No : DN-
proliferation, and can retain the shape and final tissue structural form 30082022), and informed consent was obtained from each patient
while being replaced by the regenerative tissue (Hutmacher et al., 2007; after the proposal was explained to them. The study included 12 patients
Costa-Pinto et al., 2011). (4 male and 8 female) with a mean age of (24 ± 3.37 years) who
Numerous studies have investigated the suitability of chitosan/ required extraction of at least 2 teeth in the upper jaw except molars on
polyvinyl alcohol (CS/PVA) nanofibrous scaffold as a potential candi both sides. A total of 24 teeth were extracted after obtaining written
date for bone TE. The biocompatibility, biodegradability, non-toxicity, approval from the patients. All included patients were checked to meet
and porous nature of CS/PVA scaffolds have been demonstrated in the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) class I category and
both in vitro and in vivo studies, indicating their potential use in creating were not allergic to seafood or other components of the scaffolds used in
a three-dimensional (3D) environment similar to the ECM (Ding et al., this research. Patients with advanced and/or uncontrolled systematic
2014; Tao et al., 2020). Furthermore, chitosan possesses unique prop diseases, alcoholics, smokers, and pregnant or lactating women were
erties such as a positively charged surface and multifunctional chemical excluded from the study. The selection of the control and test sides was
groups, which allow it to bind and interact with a variety of materials achieved through simple randomization (ie, flipping a coin).
and proteins. It can also activate platelets to release growth factors and After the extraction of the desired teeth, the alveolar sockets of the
encourage adhesion to it, as well as initiate various biological and control group were left to heal by secondary intention while those of the
physiological interactions with other cells (Divya and Jisha, 2018). test groups were filled with CS/PVA nanofibrous scaffolds that were
Chitosan’s degradation byproducts, glucosamine and saccharides, can fabricated and characterized in the Nano laboratory of the University of
be incorporated into the formation of the new ECM’s proteoglycans and Damascus. For more details about synthesizing, characterizing pro
glycoproteins or metabolized readily by the body (Aranaz et al., 2021). tocols, and in vitro studies of the scaffolds, please refer to our previously
To date, no previous randomized clinical trial (RCT) has evaluated published article (Al-madhagy et al., 2022) (Fig. 1).
the effects of these nanofibrous scaffolds as socket preservation mate
rials in humans. Therefore, this RCT aimed to clinically apply a CS/PVA
2.2. Surgical procedures
nanofibrous scaffold into alveolar sockets following tooth extraction and
to assess its ability to enhance bone repair by monitoring ridge alter
The dental procedure began by administering local anesthesia (2%
ations and bone density at two time points: immediately after tooth
lidocaine with 1:100.000 epinephrine) to the targeted teeth. Extraction
extraction (T0) and 4 months later (T4). Cone-beam computed tomog
was performed by luxating the teeth with appropriate forceps and small
raphy (CBCT) was used to evaluate the efficacy of the scaffold, which has
elevators to minimize trauma to the alveolar sockets and soft tissues.
potential implications for future bone tissue engineering and regenera
Gentle curettage was performed to remove any excess soft tissue and
tive applications (Aranaz et al., 2021).
pathologies, if present. The sterilized CS/PVA NF scaffolds were then
grafted into the test-group sites (12 alveolar sockets) and ensured to
G. Al-Madhagy et al. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 51 (2023) 772–779
Fig. 2. Clinical steps of extraction and application of CS/PVA nanofibrous scaffold in the socket.
A- Before Extraction B- Extraction of test side. C- Extraction of control side. D- Application of CS/PVA nanofibrous scaffold. E- X-sutures for both sides.
saturate and cover with blood. Hemostasis was quickly achieved due to without adding any material. Finally, sutures were made to both sides to
the powerful hemostatic effect of chitosan. Meanwhile, the control- stabilize the scaffolds using Vicryl 0/3 reverse cutting edge. All teeth
group sides (12 alveolar sockets) were left to fill with blood only extraction was performed by the same surgeon. After the procedure,
Fig. 3. Drawing the two reference lines in different planes. A- In the Axial plane; the first line (1) passes through the pulp canals of adjacent teeth (a). B- In the
Sagittal plane; the second line (2) passes through the cementoenamel junction of adjacent teeth (b). C- In the Coronal plane; the two reference lines can be seen and
used to take the required measurements.
G. Al-Madhagy et al. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 51 (2023) 772–779
patients were given written post-extraction instructions and prescribed box in the center of the alveolar process (Yosouf et al., 2021) (Fig. 3).
pain medication (paracetamol 500-mg tablets as needed). A mouth rinse
was also recommended for use starting from the second day. Patients 2.5. Statistical analysis
were asked to contact the clinic in case of any discomfort, persistent
pain, or allergic signs (Fig. 2). The sample size calculation was performed using G*Power program
v3.19.4, based on a t-test for independent samples with a significance
2.3. Radiographic assessment level of 0.05, study power of 80%, and effect size of 1.06 mm at 4
months. The estimated sample size required by the program was 12 for
The present study utilized CBCT to evaluate changes in alveolar each group, with a total of 24 sockets. The statistical analysis was con
height, width, and density following tooth extraction. CBCT radiographs ducted by an independent researcher who was also blinded. Indepen
were taken at the day of surgery (T0) and 4 months post-surgery (T4) dent t tests were used to assess the differences in means between the
using a PaX-i3D GREEN device (VATECH, Korea) with the same pa control and test groups for the measurement of height, width, and
rameters and processed using Ez3D plus software provided by the radiographic bone density separately, using SPSS program V23. A p
company. To ensure standardization and to avoid changes caused by value of ≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. This randomized
patient positioning, a reference line method was employed based on clinical study followed and was prepared according to the Consolidated
previous research by Yosouf et al. (2021). Two fixed reference lines were Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) checklist (Supplemental file
determined in the axial and sagittal views, passing through the pulp 1).
canals and cemento-enamel junctions of adjacent teeth, respectively.
These reference lines were fixed in the coronal view for measurement of 3. Results
alveolar height, width, and density using the third view window.
Radiographic measurements were performed by a blinded specialist. Among of 30 patients, 24 alveolar sockets in 12 patients were
included after exclusion of 16 for different reasons (Fig. 4), with 4 male
2.4. Measuring the radiologic linear alveolar bone height and width (33.33%) and 8 female (66.66%) participants with a mean age of 24 ±
3.37 years. Of these sockets, 12 were treated with a CS/PVA nanofibrous
A standardization method was used to ensure consistency between scaffold, whereas the remaining sockets were left empty to heal through
the two time points, which involved drawing reference lines in two secondary intention. Radiographic imaging was used to measure
different views based on fixed anatomical points. The alveolar bone dimensional changes in the alveolar ridge and radiographic bone density
height was measured by drawing a line perpendicular to the reference at two time points: immediately post-extraction and after 4 months (T0,
line from the highest point of the buccal and palatal bone. Alveolar bone T4) using CBCT.
width was measured by taking two lines, the first connecting the two The mean difference in linear vertical bone height buccally between
highest points of the buccal and palatal plates (W1), and the second T0 and T4 in the control group was 2.3 ± 0.78 mm, whereas in the test
lying 2 mm beneath the first line (W2). The sum of these two lines gave group it was 1.09 ± 0.83 mm. Similarly, the mean difference in linear
the maximum bone width in the buccopalatal direction. Density was vertical bone height palatally was 1.43 ± 1.04 mm in the control group
measured using Hounsfield units by selecting a 5 × 2-mm rectangular and 0.35 ± 0.3 mm in the test group. The mean difference in overall
G. Al-Madhagy et al. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 51 (2023) 772–779
Fig. 5. CBCT images of test and control groups at two different times (T0 and T4) showing the linear dimensional changes over time.
Fig. 6. Change in height buccally, palatally, and total height between control and test groups after 4 months.
vertical bone height was 1.82 ± 0.82 mm in the control group and 0.72
Table 1
± 0.43 mm in the test group (Figs. 5 and 6 and Table 1).
Descriptive statistics of the changes in ridge height after 4 months. BHD: buccal
The mean difference in linear alveolar bone width at W1 between T0
height difference, PHD: palatal height difference, THD: total height difference.
and T4 was 1.93 ± 1.17 mm in the control group and 0.63 ± 0.30 mm in
Group Sample Num. Mean SD 95% Confidence Interval the test group. The mean difference in linear alveolar bone width at W2
Lower Limit Upper Limit was 2.13 ± 1.04 mm in the control group and 0.78 ± 0.68 mm in the test
BHD Control 12 − 2.3 0.78 − 3.70 − 1.20 group. The mean difference in maximum bone width was 2.01 ± 1.04
Test 12 − 1.09 0.82 − 3.40 − 0.60 mm in the control group and 0.69 ± 0.41 mm in the test group (Figs. 5
PHD Control 12 − 1.43 1.04 − 3.80 0.00 and 7 and Table 2).
Test 12 0.35 0.30 1.00 0.00
− −
In terms of radiographic bone density, the mean difference between
THD Control 12 − 1.82 0.82 − 3.75 − 0.80
Test 12 − 0.72 0.43 − 1.90 − 0.35
T0 and T4 was 448.72 ± 93.23 HU in the control group and 722.03 ±
G. Al-Madhagy et al. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 51 (2023) 772–779
Fig. 7. Change in ridge width at the different measuring points and the maximum width difference between control and test groups after 4 months.
than 0.05. The difference in means of the maximum alveolar bone width
Table 2 was 1.325 mm with a P value less than 0.05, and the difference in means
Descriptive statistics of the changes in ridge width after 4 months. WDT0: width
of the radiographic bone density was 273.31 HU with a P value less than
difference at the alveolar crest, WDT1: width difference 2 mm below the alveolar
0.05 (Tables 3 and 4).
crest, WDMax: maximum width difference.
Group Sample Mean SD 95% Confidence Interval
4. Discussion
Lower Upper
Limit Limit In this split RCT, we evaluated the effectiveness of CS/PVA nano
WDT0 Control 12 − 1.93 1.17 − 4.60 − 0.40 fibrous scaffolds as biomaterials for socket preservation by comparing
Test 12 − 0.63 0.30 − 1.00 − 0.10 them to natural blood clot. Our evaluation of changes in ridge di
WDT1 Control 12 2.13 1.03 3.40 0.20
− − −
mensions and bone density was conducted radiographically using CBCT,
Test 12 − 0.78 0.68 − 2.00 − 0.10
WDMax Control 12 − 2.01 1.04 − 3.90 − 0.30 to provide a relevant assessment of this biomaterial for socket preser
Test 12 − 0.69 0.41 − 1.30 − 0.10 vation. This study is, to our knowledge, the first to evaluate the
131.17 HU in the test group (Fig. 8). To analyze the data, a Kolmogorov- Table 3
Smirnov test was applied to assess normal distribution, and an inde Difference in bone density in control and test groups after 4 months.
pendent Student t-test was performed to compare means between the Group Sample Num. Mean SD Std. Error Mean
control and test groups at T0 and T4 time intervals. The difference in Bone Density Control 12 448.73 93.23 26.91
means of overall alveolar bone height was 1.1 mm with a P value less Test 12 722.03 131.17 37.86
Fig. 8. Difference in radiographic bone density between control and study groups after 4 months.
G. Al-Madhagy et al. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 51 (2023) 772–779
G. Al-Madhagy et al. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 51 (2023) 772–779
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