Akif Digital Marketing Aim C
Akif Digital Marketing Aim C
Akif Digital Marketing Aim C
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Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in
the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Customer Segmentation:
Population: Young population: those in the working age (18–64 years), families, and
young adults aged between 18 and 35 years.
Locational: Legal residents within a ten-mile close proximity to the project site.
The psychographic of this includes people that are keen on the health aspects, lovers of
coffee and those who prefer products from local producers(Rérat, 2014).
Café Aroma was described as friendly, inviting, and community-focused, which translates
well into the brand personality of the website. Closeness and commitment to the values
of sustainability, quality, and adapting to individual customer requirements are the
essential factors.
A Chosen Local Establishment: However, the last part of the name which is
“Aroma” has more interpretive meanings, these include: ‘Café Aroma’
Elements of a Digital Marketing Campaign:
Engaging with Social Media: Pirate Parties International Pirate Parties
Post Consistently: Instagram and Facebook as two essential social platforms to share
more beautiful photos and videos including daily deals, other positive reviews from
customers and some inner working details. This way, the audiences will be introduced to
the types of food and beverages sold at the café and there will also be a creation of the
bond with the followers(Fredriksson, 2015).
Instagram Stories: Use IG Stories to share barista hacks, funny or weird customers, and
react to messages from followers. These brief updates remain active in retaining the
attention of one’s occasion while at the same time offering viewers a glance of how the
café operates on a day-to-day basis.
Campaigns for User-Generated Content: Heavily promote the use of a unique hashtag,
(#AromaMoments), with the aim to share consumers’ experience. Café Aroma
potentially enhance the perceived value of the business to the community by posting
pictures and reviews that customers have tagged the business in.
Goods available:
Stand Out Features: In this case, some of the things that should be emphasized with
regards to Café Aroma are the point of difference that they have to offer and the various
products that they source from local and organic producers. This assures customers that
taking a cup at the café meets their nutrition needs more than any other beverage.
Deals of the Season: To make people get interested and be eager to come to the café
more often, you should introduce the strategy of seasonal novelties or limited action
promotions(Dörnyei, 2020).
How much:
Competitive price: Maintain as high standard as possible of the quality of the product
while working with a price context that is affordable.
This is the prevalent effect of a loyalty programme in which clients are more likely to
spend their money by making more frequent purchases and spending more if they are
provided with discounts and combinations with other promotional incentives.
Enhance the cafés presence online by establishing a webpage that has easy access for
the customers where they can order their products. By having multiple sites, many more
customers can visit the café which adds advantage to the business.
To meet the customer’s desire of home delivery it is possible to use third party service
providers which help expand the geographical location coverage of a business.
Job Opportunity:
Advertisements on social media: Importantly, local citizens can be encouraged to
engage more through proper and effective advertising on social media platforms. This
advertisement could include features such as announcements of forthcoming activities
for the business, new products, and exclusive offers.
Promote cooperation with local businesses: Such as sponsoring promotional events
with other companies or partnering with them. This will be a much better option
because more people will get awareness about it and might purchase it from
you(Herawati et al., 2024).
Community Events: Involve the locals in sports events and other social functions on the
pretext of holding meetings at the café to create a repeat stream of business. As from
coffee brewing classes, live music to artist display among others might be prepared by
these events.
Smartphone App:
Justification: for this is that with a mobile application, the clients may be able to order
for more products and be in touch with the café(Shilton and Greene, 2019).
The strategy that can be employed for Café Aroma includes creating a mobile application
through which customers can view exclusive offers, order foods without stress, and track
their loyalty points.
Advantage: Customers may place their orders and interact with the café in a more
convenient manner with the help of a mobile application.
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