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Journal of Luminescence 122–123 (2007) 301–303


Spatial location of photosystem pigment–protein complexes

in thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts of Pisum sativum
studied by chlorophyll fluorescence
F. Vachaa,b,, F. Adameca,b, J. Valentaa,c, M. Vachad
Institute of Physical Biology, University of South Bohemia, Branisovska 31, 370 05 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
Biological centre, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, UMBR, Branisovska 31, 370 05 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
Department of Chemical Physics and Optics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2, Czech Republic
Department of Organic and Polymeric Materials, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama 2-12-1-S8, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 152-8552 Japan
Available online 9 March 2006


Ultrastructure of plant chloroplasts was studied by a single-molecule spectroscopy setup at a temperature of 77 K exploring spatial
location of photosystems. Two chloroplast thylakoid membrane regions were visualized by fluorescence microscopy and detected at
different wavelengths. The size of these regions and the spatial resolution of the microscope allowed us to measure their chlorophyll
fluorescence emission spectra of these membrane domains. While the grana regions are characterized by a predominant presence of
Photosystem II pigment–protein complexes emitting at 685 nm, Photosystem I complexes are localized in stroma regions and emit at
730 nm.
r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Photosynthesis; Single molecule spectroscopy; Chloroplast ultrastructure; Photosystem; Fluorescence

1. Introduction regions contain mainly photosystem I (PSI) complexes [2].

The presence of chlorophyll molecules in photosynthetic
The process of photosynthesis converts the energy of pigment–protein complexes gives to these complexes
light radiation into the energy of chemical bonds. Primary distinctive absorption and fluorescence properties. While
processes of photosynthesis take place in pigment–protein the PSII emits light in the region of 680–695 nm both at
complexes of thylakoid membranes of plants and algae room and low temperature, the emission of PSI at room
chloroplasts, cyanobacteria and photosynthetic bacteria. temperature is negligible and can be detected only below
Chloroplast thylakoid membranes are organised into two 200 K as a broad emission around 720–730 nm.
types of regions, grana and stroma. Stroma regions are free The spatial distribution of PSI and PSII has been
floating membranes, grana are formed by several mem- observed by several destructive methods based mainly on
branes stacked together [1]. The grana and stroma are electron microscopy or analysis of isolated thylakoid
interconnected but the distribution of photosynthetic membrane fragments. The only method that was, so far,
pigment–protein complexes in these two regions is differ- used to follow the different PSI and PSII distribution in
ent. Whereas cytochromes b6f are distributed equally, native state of chloroplast is a spectrally resolved laser
grana regions are predominantly formed by photosystems scanning microscopy [3,4]. With this method the fluores-
II (PSII) with their light-harvesting complexes, and stroma cence images of single chloroplast were obtained at
different emission wavelengths, and a picture of spatial
Corresponding author. Institute of Physical Biology, University of distribution of PSI and PSII was created.
In this work, we have used single molecule spectroscopy
South Bohemia, Branisovska 31, 370 05 Ceske Budejovice, Czech
Republic. Tel.: +420 387775533, fax: +420 385310356. setup to detect different fluorescence emission spectra of
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Vacha). the two major photosynthetic pigment–protein complexes

0022-2313/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
302 F. Vacha et al. / Journal of Luminescence 122–123 (2007) 301–303

of chloroplast thylakoid membrane, the PSI and PSII, in

their natural environment. This approach allowed us to
study non-invasively their spatial distribution.

2. Materials and methods

Chloroplasts were isolated from pea plants (Pisum

sativum) according to Vacha et al. [4]. Chlorophyll a was
extracted from pea leaves by 100% acetone and isolated by
preparative HPLC. Isolated chlorophyll was transferred
from methanol to diethylether and dried under stream of
nitrogen gas.
The single molecule setup used in this work is based on
Olympus IX70 inverted fluorescence microscope, long-
working-distance objective (60  , N.A. 0.7), micro-cryo-
stat, imaging spectrometer and liquid-nitrogen-cooled
back-thinned CCD camera. The excitation was provided
by 442 nm line of HeCd laser in the case of chlorophyll
molecules and by a 100W mercury lamp when chloroplasts
were detected. The scheme of the setup is shown in Fig. 1.
The images were recorded using mirror position of the
spectrometer’s turret with fully opened entrance slit
(7 mm). The emission spectra of spots placed in a central
region of the image (defined by the entrance slit closed to
0.5 mm) were measured by the diffraction grating. For low
temperature experiments, the chloroplast suspension was
placed in a cryoprotecting medium of 70% (v/v) of glycerol
prior to cooling to 77 K.

3. Results and discussion

As a test sample, we have used chlorophyll a molecules

deposited on a cover slip by spin coating in 6% (v/v) of
poly(methyl methacrylate) in chloroform. Fig. 2a shows

Fig. 2. (A) Microscope image of fluorescence of chlorophyll a molecules

embedded in solid poly(methyl methacrylate) matrice by spin coating and
viewed by Olympus 100  objective, N.A. ¼ 0.95. Number of pixels is
100  objective, 100. The molecules were excited by a 442 nm laser line
from HeCd laser in a total reflection mode. (B) Cross-section fluorescence
intensity profile of the chlorophyll a fluorescence spots (diamonds). The
solid line is Gausian fit of cross sections of six chlorophyll a molecules.

the fluorescence image of individual chlorophyll molecules.

The lateral size of the dots is on the average 7.6 pixles in
diameter. The Gaussian fit of cross sections of chlorophyll
fluorescence dots is in Fig. 2b and gives the microscope
experimental resolution (rexp) of 600764 nm.This should
be compared with theoretical resolution rth based on the
Rayleigh criterion, given by rth ¼ 0.61l/N.A. For the
100  objective with N.A. ¼ 0.95 the rth is 437 nm at
680 nm, the emission wavelength of chlorophyll. Compar-
Fig. 1. Scheme of the single-molecule set up based on an Olympus IX70
ing rexp and rth we can conclude that the theoretical and
inverted fluorescence microscope attached to a Jobin-Yvon Triax320 experimental values of microscope resolution are in good
spectrograph equipped with a liquid-nitrogen-cooled CCD camera. correlation. Similar procedure can be applied to other
F. Vacha et al. / Journal of Luminescence 122–123 (2007) 301–303 303

only. Finally, the ‘‘PSI’’ and ‘‘PSII’’ fluorescence images

were overlaid. The resulting image shows the PSI stroma
regions in light and the PSII grana regions in dark shades.
The size of the chloroplast and its ultrastructure and
organisation of grana and stroma membrane domains fit
well with many other observation as reviewed recently
Chlorophyll fluorescence emission spectra were mea-
sured from various sites of the imaged chloroplast. Results
are shown in Fig. 3b, with the spectra normalised at
685 nm. Locations 1 and 2 were chosen to demonstrate the
emission of PSII from grana membranes, location 3 and 4
to detect the presence of PSI in stroma. Spectra 1 and 2
show typical shape of PSII fluorescence emission at low
temperature. They have maximum at 685 nm with a
shoulder and 695 nm. The presence of emission of PSI
may be explained by several reasons. (i) The spatial
resolution of the optical microscope is close to the size of
the grana compartments and therefore some overlap can be
expected. (ii) In the inner space of the chloroplast, grana
membranes and the intergranal stroma regions can occur
above each other affecting the resulting spectrum by the
fluorescence of PSI located out of the focal plane. (iii) PSI
complexes can occur at the sides of grana membranes.
Spectra 3 and 4 show the presence of both PSI and PSII
complexes. The intergranal stroma membranes are known
to be populated mainly by functional PSI but contain also
PSII [7].
The heterogeneity in spatial distribution of photosyn-
thetic pigment–protein complexes in thylakoid membrane
of plants has been observed and reported many years ago.
However, the measurements of such heterogeneity using
Fig. 3. (A) Fluorescence image of single chloroplast from Pisum sativum
showing grana membrane regions in dark and stroma lamellae in light
intact systems in vivo or in situ were impossible until the
shades. Numbers show positions where the spectra were recorded from. development of appropriate methods. The image data we
(B) Fluorescence emission spectra recorded from four different positions presented here are consistent with our previous measure-
in the chloroplast. Two positions, 1 and 2, represent areas of grana ments [4], yet this is the first spectral characterisation of the
membranes, positions 3 and 4 represents areas of stroma membranes. grana and stroma membrane regions in intact chloroplasts
in their natural conditions.

microscope objectives and it was found that the experi-

mental resolution rexp is sufficient to record the chloroplast Acknowledgements
ultrastructure and to measure the spectra of different
thylakoid membrane domains. This work was supported by grants MSM6007665808
Chloroplasts were carefully isolated to get a high yield of and AV0Z50510513.
intactness. Fig. 3a shows the low-temperature chlorophyll
fluorescence image of chloroplast processed according to
Vacha et al. [4]. First, the overall fluorescence image was References
recorded capturing all emitted radiation above 515 nm.The
[1] W. Menke, Experientia 16 (1960) 537.
image was composed of contributions of both photosys- [2] B. Andersson, J.M. Anderson, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 593 (1980) 427.
tems, PSI and PSII. Keeping the low temperature during [3] M. Vacha, H. Yokoyama, T. Tokizaki, M. Furuki, T. Tani, Rev. Sci.
the experiment is essential since PSI almost does not emit Instrum. 70 (1999) 2041.
light at a room temperature. In the next step, the [4] F. Vacha, M. Vacha, L. Bumba, K. Hashizume, T. Tani, Photo-
fluorescence image was recorded using a long pass filter synthetica 38 (2000) 493.
[5] L.A. Staehelin, Photosynth. Res. 76 (2003) 185.
RG715 to detect only the emission of PSI complexes. Then, [6] S.G. Wildman, A.M. Hirsch, S.J. Kirchanski, D. Spencer, Photosynth.
such image was subtracted from the overall fluorescence Res. 80 (2004) 345.
image to get the image of areas with fluorescence of PSII [7] J. Barber, B. Andersson, TIBS 17 (1992) 61.

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