Firewall Lecture Notes and Demo
Firewall Lecture Notes and Demo
Firewall Lecture Notes and Demo
Customer RFC:
A company called Kiwi Co. wants you (the cloud expert!!) to design the network and do the
implementation with the following conditions:
1- The server Srv-Work will be on Windows 2016 Datacenter OS and will have absolutely NO
public Internet Access.
2- The connection to Srv-Work will be done over Bastion system
3- The Virtual Network to be established, will have only 3 subnets (1- Firewall, 2 – Srv-Work, 3-
Bastion 4-AzureFirewallManagementSubnet)
4- For the IP range of SRV-WORK subnet, will have to be at least 114 IP addresses available
5- The subnet of Srv-Work will be named as Workload-SN
6- The firewall will have to have only 1 task – which is allow access to
• Server subnet needed at least 114 IP addresses and we supply 128. This is OK.
• Each new subnet IP starts +1 IP where the previous subnet ends. Regardless of subnet mask.
510 total
– 128 server subnet
– 64 firewall subnet
– 64 bastion subnet
– 64 firewallmanagement subnet
190 IP addresses are unowned and unsubnetted.
BASTION NODE = (a.k.a hop node) is used to reach the resources from within the
specific Azure network, without resources be needing any public IP address.
For Bastion to reach the relevant datacenter the RDP port has to be enabled. 3389
It is not enough to create the route table; you must ASSOCIATE this route with some network
and subnets. After association with a subnet, we will add route in it. (that means WHERE I
want all the traffic to be going). At this step it is crucial to tell Microsoft network that all the
traffic has to pass through the firewall. And default route does that!
Default route GUARANTEEs all the traffic outgoing from the server will go through ONLY the
Navigate to Firewall > add application rule > rules (classic) > Application rule collection > Target FQDNs
Priority 101
Action: ALLOW
Target FQDNs
Source type – IP address
Source – either * or private IP address of the server
Protocol:Port – http,https
Target FQDNs –
Priority 102
Action: ALLOW
IP Addresses
Protocol – UDP
Source type – IP address
Source - either * or private IP address of the server
Destination type - IP address
Destination Addresses -,
Destination Ports - 53 and IP Addresses belong to random DNS servers inside of Microsoft
Network, NOT in the Internet!!
A DNAT rule is required when the server is on an internal network (a network does not
normally connect to internet) and must be accessed through another public IP address.
We must let the server know which DNS server it should go to resolve domain name
into an IP address for
Navigate to resource group > network interface of Server > DNS servers > custom
Add Microsoft DNS server IPs
In the firewall there is term we call EXPLICIT DENY
That means deny everything. And it is the last row in the rule list.
= that means the things you DO NOT ALLOW will ALL BE DENIED!!!