Sheet Metal Fabrication Design Guide
Sheet Metal Fabrication Design Guide
Sheet Metal Fabrication Design Guide
Design Guide
Unlock Precision in Sheet Metal Design: Your
Essential Guide to Making Flawless Creations.
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter One
General Tolerance
Sheet metal fabrication follows general industry tolerances aligned with international standards.
Exceptions exist in precision-critical areas like aerospace and automobiles.
Curls >2x material thickness curl dimension would make the sheet
Corner Fillets
Corner fillets are rounded edges on
sheet metal, preventing sharpness
and reducing stress concentration
to avoid failure.
For sheet metal, use a fillet size equal to or Fillets on a part should be symmetrical;
greater than its thickness; e.g., 2mm metal opposing corners must have equal sizes.
needs a 2mm fillet.
Fillets on a part should be uniform; all corners Place fillets in stress-prone areas, like bends or
must be the same size. shape changes in sheet metal.
Maximize fillet radius for even stress distribution Design the part for easy fillet addition without
and reduced stress concentrations. compromising its integrity.
Raised features on sheet metal
enhance strength and stiffness
without significant weight addition.
Keep the rib thickness to no more than 60% of Use fillets to smooth the transition between the
the sheet metal thickness to avoid creating rib and the surrounding material, which will help
stress concentrations. to distribute stresses more evenly.
Avoid placing ribs too close together or too Consider using tapered or variable-height ribs
close to bends, as this can create weak spots in to distribute stresses more evenly.
the material.
Recessed features on sheet metal
add depth, texture, or create space
for component fitting.
Keep the depth of the embossment to no more Use fillets to smooth the transition between the
than 50% of the sheet metal thickness to avoid embossment and the surrounding material,
creating stress concentrations. which will help to distribute stresses more
Avoid placing embossments too close together Consider the impact of the embossment on the
or too close to bends, as this can create weak overall appearance of the part, and make sure
spots in the material. it is aligned with any branding or design
Dimple Feature
Dimples in sheet metal enhance
stiffness, offer a flush surface for
fasteners, and provide clearance
for components.
Choose dimple size and location strategically Excessively large or deep dimples can weaken
for maximum benefit, ensuring appropriateness the material, while undersized ones might not
for the application. offer enough reinforcement.
Select the appropriate tool for dimpling, Consider sheet metal thickness and material
considering dimple size, shape, and material type. Different metals might need varied
type. Options include punches, dies, and form techniques or tools for dimpling; thicker sheets
tools. demand more force or bigger tools.
Consider design limitations; dimples aren't always suitable. Ensure designs address potential
challenges from their inclusion.
Round Knockout
Round knockouts create holes in
sheet metal, varying by punch and
die size, commonly used in
electrical boxes, HVAC systems, and
Ensure correct punch and die size; wrong sizes Use knockout tools suitable for the specific
lead to improper holes. sheet metal type.
Maintain tool sharpness to prevent poor-quality Round knockouts favor thinner materials;
holes. thicker ones might need alternative methods.
Louver Feature
Louvers enhance airflow and
ventilation in enclosures. They can
direct air, reduce noise, and shield
against dust, dirt, or moisture.
Choose l ouver size based on required airflow Choose louver orientation considering airflow
and installation space. Too small limits direction and potential obstructions to ensure
ventilation; too large risks structural integrity. effective ventilation.
Louver shape affects ventilation efficiency; Choose louver material based on application
streamlined, aerodynamic designs improve and environmental exposure; stainless steel or
airflow and minimize turbulence. aluminum is ideal for outdoor settings.
Select louver manufacturing method based on precision, consistency, and cost-effectiveness of the
Bend line
For Cutting
Another important process in sheet metal fabrication is cutting. In many cases, it’s an easier alternative
that delivers fast results with acceptable precision.
Diameter: 2mm
Center: -31.5mm, 0mm, -15.75
=sheet thickness
a b
d c
Distortion Kerf
Distortion in sheet metal fabrication involves Kerf denotes the material's width removed during
warping or bending due to factors like temperature cutting, influenced by the tool's width and material
changes or stress, leading to inaccuracies and thickness. It's pivotal in determining material
reduced product strength. wastage in the cutting process.
Chapter Two
Mistake 1:
A CAD File with No Bends
One common mistake to avoid is providing a CAD
file with no bends. A sheet metal part without
bends cannot be fabricated as a single piece and
may require additional parts and labor to join
multiple pieces together. It is important to include
bends in the design and specify the bend angles
and radii to ensure the part can be manufactured
Mistake 2:
Features Too Close to a Bend
Another similar mistake includes accidentally placing features such as holes,
tabs, etc. too close to a bend. What happens if you keep the features too
close? You’ll end up with a deformed metal part that just wastes your money
and time. To avoid making this mistake, you can just implement the 4T rule in
all your CAD designs. The 4T rule dictates that all features should be 4x
material thickness away from any bend line at least.
Mistake 3:
Perfectly Perpendicular Internal
Bend Radius
In CAD design, while sharp corners seem ideal, bending sheet metal often
results in a radius, preventing perfect corners. Trying for sharp bends can
cause deformation and cracks. It's advised to set a minimum bend radius
based on material and thickness for integrity. For consistency and cost-
effectiveness, using the same radius for all bends is recommended.
Mistake 4:
Not Including Hardware
Details in CAD File
For efficient fabrication and product accuracy,
always provide comprehensive details in your CAD
files, including hardware specifications, sizes, and
locations. Overlooking specifics, like needing a
CLS-440-2 clinching nut, can result in waiting for
hardware arrangements. Such oversights invariably
lead to increased assembly delays and costs.
Mistake 5:
Choose an Unsuitable Finish
Finishing is crucial in manufacturing, serving beyond mere aesthetics. While some finishes, like powder
coating, enhance appearance and offer minimal protection, others like Silk Screening only add designs.
Chemical Conversion Finishes provide a protective layer, extending product lifespan. Chromate Conversion
finishing not only ensures electrical connectivity but also primes for painting. Choosing the correct finish is
pivotal, depending on the metal part's intended application.
Mistake 6:
Select the Wrong Sheet of Metal
When designing parts, always consider their end-use environment. Using unfinished steel in marine
settings invites rust. Select the appropriate sheet metal by addressing key questions:
What is the daily expected wear? Is your metal part being used in an
environment prone to corrosion and rust?
How easily can sheet metal be manufactured? How important is the cosmetic appearance of
your metal part?
Does your part require conductivity? What mechanical properties do your metal
parts need to have?
Mistake 7:
Not Considering Material
Strength for U Channels
U channels are an important part of any product
design and their strength mostly depends on the
overall strength of the material. Neglecting to take
the material strength into account can result in U
channels that are too weak, leading to bending or
breaking under stress. To avoid this mistake, it’s
essential to select the appropriate material and
thickness for the U channel. Based on the expected
load and to factor in any additional stresses, such
as vibrations or impacts, that the channel may
experience in use.
Mistake 8:
Designing Unachievable Welding Requirements
No matter how simple a design is, there are high chances that it would require some welding or other
mechanical joints. Some designers make the common mistake of overestimating the welding capabilities
of the unit, which in turn increases the complexity and costs.
The best way forward to avoid such issues is to implement strict design for manufacturing (DFM) practices.
This ensures that all features are according to the prevalent standards.
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