Value Added Course - A.G.

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Value Added Course

Production and Postharvest Handling of
Duration : 30 hours

No. of Batches : 01

Course Coordinator
Dr. N. L. Saroj
Department of Agriculture
Sr. No. Content
1 Syllabus
2 Teaching Learning Evaluation Plan
3 Attendance Details
4 Evaluation Sheet (Award Sheet)
5 Certificates
Name of the value added Offered by Year of No. of items No. of Number of students Department Students
course (With 30 or more the Offering offered students completing the course opted the
contact hours) Department during the enrolled the in the year course
same year same year
Production and Postharvest Agriculture 2022 01 05 05 Agriculture 05
Handling of Mushroom Science Science
Course Objectives:
1. To enable the trainees to identify edible and poisonous mushroom.
2. To provide hands on training for the preparation of bed for mushroom cultivation pest
and disease control and harvesting and post harvesting management.
3. To provide awareness about the market trend of mushroom.
4. To give the exposure of experiences of experts in the field and to functioning in
mushroom farm.
5. To learn a mean of self-employment and income generation.
Course outcomes:
1. To acquaint with the nutrient value of mushroom.
2. To understand the morphology and types of mushroom.
3. To develop the skill of spawn production technology.
4. To aware the identification of edible and poisonous mushroom.
5. To learn the prospects and scope of mushroom cultivation in small scale industry.
6. To understand the diseases and post harvest handling of mushroom.
Introduction- History of mushroom cultivation; Classification and distribution of mushroom; life
cycle of mushroom. Identification of poisonous mushrooms.
Spawn preparation- Isolation of pure culture; Nutrient media for pure culture; layout of spawn
preparation room; raw material of spawn; sterilization; preparation of mother spawn and
Cultivation of mushroom, layout of mushroom shed - small scale and large scale production unit.
Types of raw material- preparation and sterilization; Mushroom bed preparation – maintenance
of mushroom shed; harvesting method and preservation of mushrooms.
Nutrient values of mushroom- protein, carbohydrate, fat, fibre, vitamins and amino acids
contents; short and long term storage of mushroom; preparation of various dishes from
mushroom. Medicinal value of mushroom- cultivation, extraction, isolation and identification of
active principle from mushroom. Pharmacological and economic values of mushroom.
Cultivation of following types of mushroom- milky mushroom; oyster mushroom, button
mushroom and any one medically valuable mushroom.
Reference Books:
1. Agri. Information Service, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla. How to grow mushroom Bull.
Agri. Inf serv. 1, 1972.
2. AOAC Official Methods of Analysis of Association of Official Agricultural Chemists,
12th ed. Published by the Association, Washington, 1975.
3. College of Agri. Cultivation of tropical mushrooms;Bull. Tamilnadu Agri. University,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, 1968.
4. Paul Stamets, J.S. and Chilton, J.S. 2004. Mushroom cultivation A practical guide to
growing mushrooms at home, Agarikon Press.
5. Tewan and Pankaj Kapoor S.C. 1993. Mushroom cultivation. Mittal Publication.
6. Marimuth et al., 1991. Oyster Mushrooms. Dept. of Plant pathology, TNAU,
7. Nita Bahl. 1988. Hand book of Mushrooms, 2nd Edition, Vol I & II.
8. Shu Fing Chang, Philip G. Miles and Chang, S.T. 2004. Mushrooms Cultivation,
nutritional value, medicinal effect and environmental impact. 2nd ed., CRC press.
Sr. No. Registration Number Student Name
1. 43722210001 Neeru
2. 43722210002 Rimsha Kaukab
3. 43722210003 Chhavi
4. 43722210004 Khushboo
5. 43722210005 Swati
Lesson Plant: 2022-23
No. of Evaluation
Unit No. Topic
Lectures Parameter
 History of mushroom cultivation Class
Unit-I 5  Classification and distribution of mushroom Test/Presentation/
 Life cycle of mushroom. Assignment/Quiz
 Identification of poisonous mushrooms.
Spawn preparation
 Isolation of pure culture
 Nutrient media for pure culture Class
Unit-II 6  Layout of spawn preparation room Test/Presentation/
 Raw material of spawn; sterilization Assignment/Quiz
 Preparation of mother spawn and
Cultivation of mushroom
 Layout of mushroom shed- small scale and
large scale production unit.
 Types of raw material- preparation and Class
Unit-III 7 sterilization. Test/Presentation/
 Mushroom bed preparation- maintenance of Assignment/Quiz
mushroom shed
 Harvesting method and preservation of
Nutrient values of mushroom
 Protein, carbohydrate, fat, fibre, vitamins and
amino acids contents. Class
Unit-IV 6  Short and long term storage of mushroom Test/Presentation/
 Preparation of various dishes from Assignment/Quiz
 Medicinal value of mushroom- cultivation,
extraction, isolation and identification of
active principle from mushroom.
 Pharmacological and economic values of
Cultivation of following types of mushroom
 Milky mushroom Class
Unit-V 6  Oyster mushroom Test/Presentation/
 Button mushroom and any one medically Assignment/Quiz
valuable mushroom.
Session: 2022-2023
Value Added Course Name: 22AGBS001: Production and Postharvest Handling of Mushroom
Course Coordinator: Dr. N. L. Saroj
Duration: 30 hours
Time: 09:30 am to 10:30 am
Sr. Student Name Registratio Branch 01 02 08 09 15 16 22 23 29 30 06 07 13 14 20 21 27 28 03 04 10 11 17 18 24 25 01 02 08 09
No. n No. Sep Sep Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Oc Oc Oc Oc Oc Oc Oc Oc N0 No No No No No No No De De De De
p p p p p p p p t t t t t t t t v v v v v v v v c c c c
B.Sc (H.)
1. 43722210001 Neeru P P A P P P P P P A P P P P P P P P A P P P P P P P P P P P
Rimsha B.Sc (H.)
2. 43722210002 P P P P P P A P P P P P P P P P P P A P P P P P P P P P P P
Kaukab Agri.
B.Sc (H.)
3. 43722210003 Chhavi A P P P P P P P P P P A P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P A P P
B.Sc (H.)
4. 43722210004 Khushboo P P P A P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P A P P
B.Sc (H.)
5. 43722210005 Swati P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P A P P
Course Evolution
Subject Name & Code: Production and Postharvest Handling of Mushroom & 22AGBS001

Session: 2022-23 Course Coordinator: Dr. N. L. Saroj

Duration: 30 hours

Class test Quiz Presentation Assignments
Sr. No. Registration No. Student Name Program Name Mark
MM: 15 MM: 15 MM: 15 MM: 15
MM: 60
B.Sc (Hons.)
1. 43722210001 Neeru 12 10 10 13 45
B.Sc (Hons.)
2. 43722210002 Rimsha Kaukab 10 10 12 11 43
B.Sc (Hons.)
3. 43722210003 Chhavi 13 13 12 12 50
B.Sc (Hons.)
4. 43722210004 Khushboo 12 13 12 11 48
B.Sc (Hons.)
5. 43722210005 Swati 10 11 10 12 43

Signature of the Course Coordinator

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