007 CoursewareRequirement SSP032 GCED

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Exit Ticket Report #14-#17: SDG14, SDG15, SDG16, SDG17

1. This is your homework for this week. This is done by group. Collective answers on these
exit ticket reports are required. Same with the standard groupings I posted on MS Teams.
2. Do answer and document the following:
SDG Activity Filename
14 a. Determine at least 5 marine and coastal ecosystems in PH. 2425-1-GCED-SECTION-
b. List down at least 5 problems found in our oceans especially SDG14-TEAM#-LASTNAM
regarding Life Below Water. Show pictures if possible and discuss EOFLEADER
c. Answer this question: As a global citizen, how can you save the
life below water?
15 a. Determine at least 5 terrestrial and inland freshwater 2425-1-GCED-SECTION-
ecosystems in PH. SDG15-TEAM#-LASTNAM
b. List down at least 5 problems found in our forests especially EOFLEADER
regarding Life On Land. Show pictures if possible and discuss
c. Answer this question: As a global citizen, how can you save the
life on land?
16 a. Define PEACE. 2425-1-GCED-SECTION-
c. List down 10 actual scenarios current or old events in our country EOFLEADER
that showed injustice and describe why is it considered unjust.
d. Answer this question: As a global citizen, how can you show
justice in your own way?
b. List down at least 3 pairs of countries who are official partners with SDG17-TEAM#-LASTNAM
regards to different aspects and discuss briefly. EOFLEADER
c. Answer this question: As a global citizen, how is partnership
important in meeting the goals?

3. One output per group only. Documentation may be in softcopy (pdf/word but ppt is more
4. Submit on or before 11:59PM of SATURDAY NOVEMBER 30 2024 via Submission Portal.

Additional instruction:
● Rate your members using this IGS (Individual Grading System). Your contributions will be
graded accordingly by your team members. Check the video guide here to know how.
Leaders, please take charge.
● Filename for the IGS is 2425-1-GCED-SECTION-007-IGS-TEAMNUMBER. One (1) IGS for
the 4 assignments only.


Name of Item Required to be accomplished Category

1. Exit Ticket Report (ETR) 14-17 Group
2. 007 IGS (check video for instructions and use excel for the IGS) Group
3. Final Project (check announcement for further instructions) Group
4. Final Project IGS Group

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