Tourism Grade 8
Tourism Grade 8
Tourism Grade 8
Introduction to Tourism
"Tourism and travel have been part of the human experience for millennia" - Smith
• In the last 30 years, most certainly with the rise of the jet aircraft, tourism has
grown significantly and emerged as a global phenomenon.
• The late 20th century and the new millennium have witnessed the sustained
growth of the leisure society in which people place value on holidays, travel and
the experience of visiting new places and societies.
• The growth of this consumer focused society in the developed world since 1950,
with its emphasis on discretionary spending on leisure activities, reflects greater
disposable income and the increased availability from time to time to engage in
leisure pursuits and holidays.
• Although the leisure society has its roots in the Western developed world, trends
that emerged in the 1990's indicated and expansion in the global propensity to
travel and engage in holidays.
• As a result of major economic, political, social and cultural changes, demand is
escalating in countries formerly not engaged in international tourism activities such
as post-communist countries and in new world regions such as Asia, China and the
Indian subcontinent.
Tourism is the temporary movement of people to destination outside the
place where they normally live and work and include the activities they
indulge in at the destination as well as all facilities and service especially
created to meet their needs.And the people who move away from their
usual place of work and stay for more than 24hours and less than a year are
known as tourist.
Tourism market is divided into two categories:
1. Leisure tourist- recreation activities or enjoyment
2. Business tourist – main motive for travel is to make profit or
expanding their business
Tourism is of two types:
1. Domestic tourism: residents of a country travelling within the borders
of that country
2. International tourism: travelling from one country to another
· Inbound tourism - this refers to incoming tourist or tourist entering a
· Outbound tourism- this refers to outgoing tourist or tourist leaving their
country of origin to travel to another country.
Visitor: any person visiting a country other than his usual placeof
residence for any other reason than following an occupation from within
the country visited.
Excursionist: a day visitor who stays for less than 24 hours at a place.
Excursionists do not stay overnight.
Tourist: a temporary visitor to a place. People who leave their usual place
of residence and work to have a change from their usual routine for a short
time, they stay at the place overnight i.e. for at least 24 hours.
Traveller: a person who travels from one place to another, irrespective of
the purpose of travel or duration of stay.
Transit visitor: a traveller who passes through a country without
breaking journey other than taking connecting transport.
Destination: the place where the tourist travel for leisure or business
related activities. There can be no tourism without a destination. For a
destination to develop and sustain itself, the following five A’s are (classic
five ‘A’s of tourism) are:
1. Accessibility – refers to transport and transport infrastructure.
2. Accommodation –refers to place to stay
3. Amenities- facilities available at the destinationwhich help in meeting
the needs of the tourist.
4. Attraction- reason for travel( natural, human made, cultural, social)
Activities- thing to do.
5. Affordability- cost of tour
· Traveller generating region
· Transit region
· Tourist destination region
· Tourist
· Tourism industry
All the above are influenced by the external environment.
¨ Adventure on land-includes jungle safari, desert safari, motor racing,
wall climbing, trekking, camping, rock climbing, mountain biking, skiing,
heli- skiing,
¨ Water adventure-includes diving, scuba diving, snorkelling, parasailing,
water scooters, water skiing, wind surfing, white water rafting.
¨ Aerial adventure-ballooning, parachuting, skydiving, para gliding,
parasailing, gliding, hang gliding, bungee jumping
1. who are tourists and what is tourism?
2. What are the main fundamentals of tourism?
3. What are the objectives of tourism?
4. What are the types of tourism?
5. Write a short note on :-
a. natural attractions
b. health tourism in India
c. Annual holiday
d. Visa
e. Foreign currency
f. Water transport tourism
g. Use of Internet in Tourism
6. Define the elements of tourism
7. Write in detail about the great wars on tourism.
8. What do you mean by historic tourism and geo – tourism?
9. State any two environmental impacts of tourism.
10. List any two places well known for beach tourists in India.
11. Explain the impacts of tourism on wildlife
12. Describe the role of railway as mode of transport in tourism.
13. Discuss the merits and demerits of Sports Tourism.
14. What is adventure tourism?
15. State any two places where caves are located in India.
16. Give any two merits and demerits of roadways as a mode of transport in
17. Explain the role of tourism in foreign exchange earnings and balance of
payment in India.
18. Discuss the range of services in tourism sector with proper examples.
19. Discuss the social and cultural impacts of tourism.
20. Discuss the role of accommodation in tourism industry.