Descriptive Words

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Positive Adjectives To Describe a Person

 Able
 Agreeable
 Amiable
 Appealing
 Approachable
 Astute
 Authentic
 Bighearted
 Bright
 Brilliant
 Comfortable
 Content
 Cultured
 Curious
 Cute
 Dashing
 Defiant
 Delightful
 Devoted
 Discerning
 Educated
 Experienced
 Fabulous
 Fanciful
 Farsighted
 Fashionable
 Friendly
 Generous
 Gentle
 Gifted
 Hopeful
 Humble
 Illustrious
 Incisive
 Intelligent
 Joyful
 Knowledgeable
 Likable
 Lucky
 Mature
 Popular
 Professional
 Punctual
 Qualified
 Resilient
 Resourceful
 Smart
 Steady
 Strong
 Sweet
 Talented
 Teachable
 Unaffected
 Well-respected
 Well-rounded

Negative Adjectives To Describe a Person

 Absent-minded
 Awful
 Awkward
 Bad-tempered
 Bitter
 Callous
 Capable
 Churlish
 Closed-off
 Clumsy
 Cold
 Combative
 Conceited
 Condescending
 Contemptuous
 Contentious
 Crabby
 Crass
 Crude
 Demonic
 Dim
 Disagreeable
 Fickle
 Foolish
 Grim
 Grouchy
 Gruff
 Gullible
 Haggard
 Harried
 Hateful
 Hypercritical
 Ignorant
 Impudent
 Insecure
 Lazy
 Meddlesome
 Morose
 Naughty
 Nosy
 Obnoxious
 Petulant
 Pompous
 Quarrelsome
 Querulous
 Quick-tempered
 Resentful
 Short-tempered
 Sneaky
 Sour
 Spiteful
 Stupid
 Sulky
 Sullen
 Supercilious
 Unlucky
 Vulgar
 Weak
 Weak-willed
 Willing

Adjectives To Describe a Person’s Personality

 Amicable
 Amusing
 Anxious
 Brave
 Broad-minded
 Carefree
 Caustic
 Cheerful
 Clever
 Confident
 Considerate
 Consistent
 Cool-headed
 Cowardly
 Crazy
 Creative
 Critical
 Cynical
 Dedicated
 Deep
 Dependable
 Determined
 Diligent
 Direct
 Dispassionate
 Earnest
 Easygoing
 Egotistical
 Emotional
 Empathetic
 Exacting
 Fair-minded
 Faithful
 Funny
 Gentle
 Giving
 Hilarious
 Honest
 Humorous
 Independent
 Inflexible
 Intellectual
 Kind
 Moody
 Narrow-minded
 Nervous
 Nice
 Open-minded
 Overemotional
 Passionate
 Pessimistic
 Powerful
 Practical
 Proud
 Reliable
 Self-centered
 Self-confident
 Sensible
 Sensitive
 Shrewd
 Silly
 Sincere
 Sophisticated
 Sympathetic
 Thoughtful
 Thoughtless
 Timid
 Tough
 Trustworthy
 Unassuming
 Understanding
 Unsophisticated
 Untrustworthy
 Upbeat
 Vain
 Warmhearted
 Wise

Adjectives To Describe a Person’s Behavior

 Alert
 Adept
 Adventurous
 Affectionate
 Aggressive
 Aloof
 Ambitious
 Apologetic
 Apprehensive
 Ardent
 Arrogant
 Artistic
 Assertive
 Attentive
 Aware
 Blunt
 Boastful
 Boisterous
 Bold
 Boring
 Bossy
 Calm
 Careful
 Careless
 Cautious
 Charming
 Chatty
 Childish
 Childlike
 Chivalrous
 Civil
 Clingy
 Collaborative
 Commanding
 Communicative
 Compassionate
 Competitive
 Compliant
 Composed
 Compromising
 Confrontational
 Conscientious
 Cooperative
 Courageous
 Courteous
 Cruel
 Cynical
 Deceitful
 Decisive
 Defensive
 Deferential
 Deliberate
 Depressed
 Devious
 Dexterous
 Diplomatic
 Discreet
 Dishonest
 Domineering
 Efficient
 Eloquent
 Energetic
 Enterprising
 Enthusiastic
 Entrepreneurial
 Envious
 Extravagant
 Extroverted
 Fastidious
 Fearless
 Ferocious
 Flamboyant
 Flirtatious
 Forceful
 Friendly
 Frugal
 Gallant
 Generous
 Grumpy
 Hardworking
 Helpful
 Hostile
 Idle
 Imaginative
 Impartial
 Impatient
 Impolite
 Impulsive
 Inconsiderate
 Indecisive
 Indiscreet
 Industrious
 Intolerant
 Introverted
 Inventive
 Irresponsible
 Jealous
 Laid-back
 Lazy
 Loud
 Loving
 Loyal
 Mean
 Modest
 Nasty
 Neat
 Non-judgmental
 Observant
 Obstinate
 Optimistic
 Organized
 Overcritical
 Patient
 Patronizing
 Persistent
 Polite
 Possessive
 Proactive
 Quick-tempered
 Quiet
 Rational
 Reserved
 Resourceful
 Responsive
 Romantic
 Rude
 Secretive
 Self-disciplined
 Selfish
 Shy
 Sociable
 Spirited
 Staid
 Stoic
 Straightforward
 Stubborn
 Tactless
 Talkative
 Tidy
 Tolerant
 Un-motivating
 Unpredictable
 Unreliable
 Unsure
 Untidy
 Vague
 Vigilant
 Watchful
 Wild
 Witty

Unique Adjectives To Describe a Person

 Above-average
 Absent-minded
 Adaptable
 Affable
 Analytical
 Angelic
 Belligerent
 Beneficent
 Bigheaded
 Calculating
 Candid
 Cantankerous
 Capricious
 Charismatic
 Circumspect
 Complex
 Convivial
 Cordial
 Courtly
 Crafty
 Crotchety
 Dainty
 Dauntless
 Deft
 Delicate
 Demure
 Dynamic
 Ebullient
 Eccentric
 Erudite
 Ethereal
 Exuberant
 Fervent
 Finicky
 Forthright
 Frank
 Freewheeling
 Funky
 Genial
 Giddy
 Glib
 Gregarious
 Intuitive
 Kooky
 Philosophical
 Pigheaded
 Pioneering
 Placid
 Plucky
 Quick-witted
 Reclusive
 Shrewd
 Tenacious
 Testy
 Touchy
 Venal
 Versatile
 Visionary
 Vulnerable
 Zealous

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