BT4 Forming-C7 Manufacturing
BT4 Forming-C7 Manufacturing
BT4 Forming-C7 Manufacturing
d0 d1
b) Upper die
Part B 7.2
need no or only minor machining or similar shaping Sheet forming processes, on the other hand, deal
operations are formed. with planar workpieces (sheets, plates) and aim to
Figure 7.30 shows typical forging processes. In produce hollow pieces with almost constant wall thick-
these processes the initial – usually heated – work- ness. Here a change of wall thickness is not intended.
piece is formed between two dies. If the dies are flat Generally two-axial stress states exist. These are ei-
this process is called upsetting or open-die forging ther tensile–compressive or tensile–tensile, and the third
(Fig. 7.30a). If the part is formed between shaped dies stress component normal to the sheet plane is zero or
and during forging an excessive material flow occurs in nearly zero. Sheet forming processes are usually con-
form of a flash, this process is called impression die ducted with workpieces that are not heated. Figures
forging (Fig. 7.30b). Closed die forging is the forging 7.32–7.34 show some examples of typical sheet forming
process in which no flash is produced. This is also called processes. Figure 7.32 describes the bending of sheets.
trapped-die forging. The mechanics of deformation during bending depends
a) Workpiece b)
Punch Workpiece
Die Die
Fig. 7.29a,b Impact extrusion: (a) forward rod extrusion, (b) backward can extrusion
556 Part B Applications in Mechanical Engineering
7 Pressure roll
α Mandrel d0/2
Support plate
dm/2 dF/2
b) Support plate
Fig. 7.33 Spinning
Fig. 7.31a,b Ironing and flow turning: (a) ironing, (b) flow
turning α
Blank holder
Part B 7.2
very much on the ratio of the sheet thickness to the Fig. 7.34 Incremental sheet forming
bending radius. Mostly the thickness of the sheet varies
only slightly during bending. In the figure the free bend- ducing a hollow cup. The basic deformation occurs in
ing process is shown. Bending can be also conducted in the flange of the workpiece and the stress state here
dies. consists of a tensile and a compressive component. The
The process of stretching (Fig. 7.104) consists of sheet is thickening at the outer rim. In this process
applying tensile forces in the plane of the sheet.
The thickness of the sheet is reduced considerably in Deformation zone
stretching. Figure 7.105 shows the basic process of Forming Tool (rolls)
deep-drawing. During this process an originally mainly machine
flat sheet is drawn by means of a punch into a die pro- Interface
Factory workpiece –
Material prior
to forming Surface reactions
Fig. 7.32 Bending Fig. 7.35 Metal forming system (after [7.22, 23])
Manufacturing Engineering 7.2 Metal Forming 557
Part B 7.2
Another recent incremental sheet forming process other part is estimated as
is sketched in Fig. 7.34. In this process a punch control-
lable in three to five axes is used to shape an originally τtheoretical = to , (7.1)
flat sheet incrementally. The process is much slower 30 2π
than the classical deep-drawing or stretching process where G is the shear modulus of the metal. For typi-
and has the advantage of being flexible. Besides solid cal metals the theoretical shear strength as calculated
tools also pressure media can be used in sheet forming by (7.1) is tabulated in Table 7.16.
operations (Figs. 7.114–7.116). Hydroforming, aqua- A second mechanism of plastic deformation is
drawing, and tube-hydro-forming are various process twinning (Fig. 7.37). During twinning atoms on one
variants of this process family. side of the twinning plane are almost instantaneously
Analysis of metal forming processes can be done moved to a mirror position of the other side of the
most efficiently in a system approach. Basic items of plane. Twinning is a preferred mechanism of plas-
the metal forming system are shown in Fig. 7.35 for the tic deformation in hexagonal closed packed (HCP)
flat rolling process. The first item is the material prior metals such as titanium, magnesium and zinc al-
to forming. The deformation zone is the second item. loys. Also, for other metals twinning is preferred if
Table 7.16 Theoretical and actual shear strength for typical metals
Metal Shear modulus Theoretical shear strength Actual shear strength
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
Steel 75 800 2527–12 063 150 –750
Aluminum alloys 27 500 917–4377 50 –150
Copper alloys 41 400 1380–6589 100 –250
Titanium alloys 44 800 1493–7130 350 –800