Answer 1
Answer 1
Answer 1
Institutional Affiliation:
Nurses communicate and collaborate with the communities to deliver value according to
the witnessed challenges improving the overall awareness and wellness. However, failure to use
the ideal frameworks and approaches reduces the overall ability to respond to the growing
community's needs. This project is based on the Vila health scenario, where the primary focus
will be on developing a reliable framework for approaching disaster recovery and guaranteeing
better outcomes. Since the disaster happened, numerous changes have been witnessed affecting
the community. Their effects have been influenced by the lack of a reliable framework for
Additionally, the disaster led to adverse effects and deaths of many people. The lack of
immediate response made it hard for the community to achieve the desired outcomes since the
majority of them were displaced and distributed across the area. The project develops a reliable
intervention that accounts for the current challenges that the community faces while
Develop a disaster recovery plan for the Vila Health community to lessen health disparities
One of the factors that influence the overall wellness that a community exhibits after a
disaster is aligning the healthcare sector according to the current needs. Many people in the
community face diverse challenges ranging from poor access to health services to segregation
based on their cultural backgrounds. Understanding the community makeup in the scenario given
above will offer the ideal platform for understanding the current needs and their effects on
wellness. Therefore, one of the areas to address in developing a reliable disaster recovery process
is the community needs assessment. In this process, the report first outlines the community
immigrants have limited mastery of the English language, which is commonly used in the
community. From another dimension, the community has special needs people and populations.
The community boasts 204 residents with complex conditions and needs. Additionally, the
community has recorded 147 physically disabled parties. The homeless shelter for the
community is limited in capacity and may not fully accommodate the total population needed for
help. The city has reported a financial crisis affecting the ability to deliver value to the
community from a health dimension. The community has numerous challenges affecting the
abilities to respond to the disaster and the needs of the affected populations. Therefore, the
community has limited resources for improving the response processes following the disaster.
In responding to the current community needs, numerous resources will help the primary
stakeholders promote wellness (Horney et al., 2018). The primary resources are the workforce,
community-based nurses, and finances. The workforce will comprise nurses, doctors, and other
stakeholders who will promote the overall community awareness and wellness. The primary
personnel required are nurses, practitioners, doctors, and the local law enforcement agencies,
federal and state representatives. These stakeholders are internal to the community and provide
the ideal framework for promoting the response processes. Valley City has a population of 8295
people, which is an increase from the 2010 census. The population's average age is 43.6, where
the majority are from 46 to 64, and the lowest being 14.48% for the group between 18 and 24.
The population comprises largely whites who occupy at least 93%, with Latin Americans,
Blacks, and Indians recording 3, 2, and 1%, respectively. It is expected that the program will take
at least $100000 since it will consider remuneration, community awareness training, bridging the
Accountable people
The primary stakeholders reasonable for implementing the plan are nurses, doctors,
police, and federal representatives. These parties will work towards ensuring smooth community
interactions and collaborations. Their collaboration will form the ideal foundation for
accomplishing the intended goals concerning patient health improvement during the disaster
recovery processes. Furthermore, the actions undertaken align with the Healthy People 2030
initiatives that concern health promotion to reduce infections and counter chronic illnesses. It
will redefine the current community needs and requirements through such alignment, focusing
This project will be completed in the next 12 months. The project will take phases to
complete since the primary focus will first to educate the community, gather the necessary
resources and provide reliable interventions according to the witnessed demands. Then, the
progressive follow-up will occur in intervals of 1 year to ensure maximum health outcomes.
Apply the MAP-IT (Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track) framework to guide the
Mobilize partners
The MAP-IT framework will inform the response process. The primary players, such as
nurses, will follow this framework to deliver the desired services according to the community's
needs and demands. The first process in this framework is mobilizing the respective resources
and partners in responding to the underlying disaster. This stage allows the primary stakeholders
to understand the community's current needs while boosting the overall awareness about the
potential stakeholders to assist in the response process. The collaborative partners include nurses,
The demographics data provided in the previous section shows that the community is
diverse. The community is made up of white, primarily with Indians occupying the least
proportion. Their health outcomes depend on the culture, access to resources, and the disaster
that happened years ago. In addition, the community has physically disabled people who may
need financial and emotional support. The homeless require emotional, financial, and social
Further, the immigrants need social support since they may not feel welcome or directly
related to the underlying communities because of their nationalities and cultural differences.
These needs will drive the stakeholders into creating the ideal intervention for responding to the
increasing community demands. The healthcare providers are responsible for ensuring equity in
resources allocation. This goal will be achieved through analyzing the community needs and the
individual requirements according to the witnessed disaster. Such a trend will boost the ability to
ensure equity in resources provision. The team should focus on the triage classification to
determine the people who need immediate assistance. This approach will classify the community
and victims according to their respective status from a health dimension such as dead, delayed,
urgent, and critical. The homeless, displaced, and disabled will be contacted through the
The existing disparities will be reduced through awareness creation and resources
provision such as education, finances, and medical assistance. These interventions align with the
Healthy People 2030 goals concerning health promotion. In addition, through collaboration, the
team will focus on community empowerment which will boost the overall wellness according to
After the disaster, the community differed various losses. Some people were displaced
while others passed on. Determining the victims will require a contact tracing framework. The
interventions will allow the team to contact the affected victims reaching out to them to deliver
essential services and interventions. The team will utilize the existing neighborhood groups and
community-based systems to track the affected victims. This intervention will promote the
overall ability to achieve high follow-up rates while ensuring health promotion among the
disaster victims.
The healthcare sector offers the ideal framework for linking the community and the
underlying communities concerning their wellness needs. One of the issues that may undermine
the overall ability to maintain a positive relationship with the community is the inability to
understand the current community needs. Performing a community needs assessment helps
nurses gain insight into the potential challenges that influence society's overall growth and
development trends from a wellness and well-being dimension. Nurses are essential players in
such a situation since they provide the ideal framework for responding to the growing
community's needs and demands. The effectiveness of their roles is determined by the ability to
understand the underlying community requirements and needs while creating reliable plans for
approaching the witnessed challenges. Through the proposed plan, nurses and the other
stakeholders will foster the recovery process while improving community awareness and
resilience against similar incidents. The allocated budget will support the overall ability to
Hipper, T. J., Davis, R., Massey, P. M., Turchi, R. M., Lubell, K. M., Pechta, L. E., ... &
Chernak, E. (2018). The disaster information needs of families of children with a special
Horney, J., Dwyer, C., Chirra, B., McCarthy, K., Shafer, J., & Smith, G. (2018). Measuring
Disasters, 36(1).
Wax, R. S. (2019). Preparing the intensive care unit for disaster. Critical care clinics, 35(4), 551.