C.S 1st Year and 2nd Year Quarterly Exam Q.P SEP 2024

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Kallam Anji Reddy Vocational Jr college, Madinaguda

Half Yearly Examinations Sep 2024

IInd year - Computer Science– P-I (OOPS and JAVA)

Max Marks: 50
Section – A

Answer all the questions each carries 2 marks 2x10=20 marks

1) Who developed Java Language?

2) What are the commands for compiling and executing java programs?
3) What is JVM, JRE, JIT?
4) What is an interface?
5) What is Java byte code?
6) What are literals, keywords in java?
7) What is a conditional operator?
8) What is an Array?
9) What is Abstract Method?
10) What are Applets?

Section – B

Answer any five questions each carries 6 marks 5x6=30 marks

11) Write down the features of Java?

12) Write down the basic structure of java program with example?
13) Write down the data types available in java?
14) Explain Constructors, its types with example?
15) What is Polymorphism, its types with example?
16) What is Inheritance Explain with example?
17) Explain Looping structures of java program?
18) What are packages? Write the types of packages and give example of user
defined package?
Kallam Anji Reddy Vocational Jr college, Madinaguda
Half Yearly Examinations Sep-2024

IInd year - Computer Science and Engineering – P-II (RDBMS)

Max Marks: 50
Section – A
Answer all the questions each carries 2 marks 2x10=20 marks
1) Define Data, Database
2) What is the difference between information and data?
3) What is Data Processing?
4) What is RDBMS?
5) What is Entity and Entity set?
6) What is Strong Entity and weak Entity?
7) Write down the symbols used in ED Diagrams?
8) What is Tuple, Degree of a table?
9) What is DBMS?
10) What is Data Independence?

Section – B
Answer any five questions each carries 6 marks 5x6=30 marks
11) What are the advantages of DBMS over File Processing System?
12) What are the functions of DBA?
13) Explain about different Data Models?
14) What is a key? Explain the types of keys?
15) What are mapping constraints or mapping cardinalities? Explain?
16) What is an attribute? Explain the types of Attributes?
17) Write down the CODD rules in Relational Model?
18) Write down the differences between Formal and Commercial Query
Kallam Anji Reddy Vocational Jr college, Madinaguda
Half Yearly Examinations Sep-2024
IInd year –Computer Networks – P-III
Max Marks: 50
Section – A
Answer all the questions each carries 2 marks 2x10=20 marks
1) Define Band width,
2) List out the various communication channels?
3) What is the parallel and serial interface?
4) What are the different types of networks?
5) Write various advantages and disadvantages of Networks?
6) Define HTML?
7) What is the use of paragraph tag?
8) What is hyper link?
9) What is a frame?
10) Write the different header tags available in HTML?

Section – B

Answer any five questions each carries 6 marks 5x6=30 marks

11) Explain various types of Data Communications?

12) Write about Transmission Modes?
13) Explain any four Network Topologies with its advantages and
14) Write the structure of HTML Program?
15) Explain different formatting tags available in HTML?
16) Define a list? Explain various types of lists used in HTML?
17) Explain various web browsers?
18) What is an internet? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of internet?
Kallam Anji Reddy Vocational Jr college, Madinaguda
Half Yearly Examinations Sep- 2024

Ist year - Computer Science – P-I (Computer Fundamentals and Ms Office)

Max Marks: 50
Section – A
Answer all the questions each carries 2 marks 2x10=20 marks
1) Categorize the types of computers?
2) List out various auxiliary storage devices?
3) Define Cache memory?
4) What is Compiler, Interpreter?
5) What is Machine language and Assembly Language?
6) Convert (1100)2 into (?)10
7) What is SSD?
8) What is Control panel?
9) Define Water Mark?
10) What is the header and footer?

Section – B
Answer any five questions each carries 6 marks 5x6=30 marks
11) Write down the generations of computers
12) Draw the block diagram of computers and Explain each unit neatly?
13) Write about primary memory and secondary memory?
14) Explain various hardware components of computers?
15) Explain the features of windows operating system?
16) Write the stepwise procedure to create, edit and save a document in Word?
17) Describe the functionality of find and replace features in Excel?
18) Write about text formatting options in font group?
Kallam Anji Reddy Vocational Jr college, Madinaguda
Half Yearly Examinations Sep-2024

Ist year – Computer Science – P-II (Interactive Web Design)

Max Marks: 50
Section – A

Answer all the questions each carries 2 marks 2x10=20 marks

1) What is a search Engine? Give examples?
2) Write down the procedure to create simple HTML page?
3) What is the use of <Head> and <Title> Tag?
4) Write about header and footer section in HTML?
5) Write a program to display video and audio file in HTML?
6) What is HTML Canvas?
7) Define Border, Padding and Margins
8) What are collapsing Margins
9) What is inheritance
10) What is CSS visibility property?

Section – B
Answer any five questions each carries 6 marks 5x6=30 marks

11)Explain various types of lists in HTML?

12) define browser? Explain different types of browsers?
13) explain about HTML Elements?
14) Explain the elements and attributes associated with the table tag?
15) Create a feedback form using HTML?
16) Write down the different types of CSS with Examples?
17) Explain about CSS BOX Model?
18) Explain about CSS backgrounds with proper examples?
Kallam Anji Reddy Vocational Jr college, Madinaguda
Half Yearly Examinations Sep -2024

Ist year – Computer Science – P-III (Problem Solving Using ‘C’)

Max Marks: 50
Section – A
Answer all the questions each carries 2 marks 2x10=20 marks
1) Define Algorithm, Flow chart?
2) What is Pseudocode?
3) What are the symbols used in flowchart?
4) What are the basic steps involved in problem solving
5) Define a variable and constant in C
6) Write is Recursion
7) What are local and global variables
8) What are storage classes
9) Write the syntax of while , do..while and for loop?
10) What is a preprocessor statement in C?

Section – B

Answer any five questions each carries 6 marks 5x6=30 marks

11) Write down the differences between algorithm and flowchart?

12) Draw the flowchart and write algorithm to find the roots of the
quadratic equations
13) Write the basic structure of C program?
14) Explain various types of operators in C
15) Explain various conditional statements in C?
16) Write a c program to generate nth multiplication table?
17) Define function, write its syntax? Write a C program to find the
largest value among 3 values using functions?
18) Explain about Call by value and Call by Reference with example?

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