Kanigir Park

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Kanigiri Municiplity

Rejunevation of Nagula Tank in Kanigiri Municipality

Sl. No. Description of work
(Rs. In Lakhs)
Lake Development works

1 De-silting of Ponds Bed

2 Improvements to existing Ring Bunds around the lake
3 Construction of Retaining Wall along the bund 8948458.00

4 Construction of walkway with concrete blocks 6075808.00

5 Construction of Storm water drains around the bund 8789170.00

6 Construction of Toilet block.(2 Nos) 3439831.00

7 Electrical works of Ponds for providing Hymast lightings 583088.00

8 Providing Garden Posts with LED Lamps 1359177.00

9 Procuring and installation of Childern Paly Equipment 575592.00

10 Development of Greenary inside the Tank (as per Quattions) 2255823.00

11 Procuring and installation of Idel Benches (as per Quatations) 97500.00

12 providing Acrylic Letters Name Board (as per Quatation) 201300.00

13 Providing Water Fountain (as per Quatation) 269900.00

14 Construction of Entrance Arch 162743.00

15 Provision towards Drip Irrigation and Water Supply pipe Line 500000.00

16 Parking Area in front of Park 3209180.00

17 Construction of Chainlink Mesh 1348776.00

Total Rs. 49019426.00

18 Seniorage Charges @ 0.5% 245097.00

19 NAC Charges @ 0.10% (ECV+Seignorage)*0.1% 49265.00

20 PROVISION FOR GST 18% (ECV+Seignorage+NAC)*18% 8876482.00

21 CFMS @ 0.15% on ECV 73529.00

22 QC charges @ 1% 490194.00

23 Provision towards Consultancy charges @ 1% 490194.00

24 Provision for Transformer for Eletrical Depot. 500000.00

25 Provision for Landscape Drawings and Walkthrough 150000.00

26 Provision for Tender Premium @ 5% 2450971.00

27 Provision for Price Variations @ 5% 2450971.00

28 Provision for Physical & Price contingencies 245097.00

Total Amount in 'INR" : 65041226.00

Total Amount in 'Crores' : 6.50

Amount in
S.No Details
1 development of landscape works at Kanigiri Park, Kanigiri 101.68
2 Supply, Delivery and Planiting of specified plants 0.95

3 development of landscape works at Atmakuru 23.31

Park,Atmakuru,Nellore Dist.
4 Providing Central Lighting & development of Park, 18.19
Atmakuru,Nellore Dist.
5 Construction of Compound Wall 50.00

6 Laying of Pathway and Walking Tracks 50.00

(A) Sub Total 244.13

B Seignorage Charges
7 0.73
( A+B ) Sub Total 244.86
C GST & Labour Cess
8 GST @ 18% 43.94
( A+B+C ) Sub Total 288.81
D Contingencies & Administrative Charges
9 TPQA @ 1% 2.44
10 Consultancy Charges @ 1% 2.44
11 User Charges @1% 2.44
12 NAC @ 0.10% 0.24
( A+B+C+D ) Total of Admissible Components 296.38
13 Provision towards Tender Premium and unforeseen items 53.62
( E ) Total of Inadmissible Components 53.62
( A+B+C+D ) + ( E ) Total Project Cost Rs. In Lakhs 350.00
Say 350 Lakhs

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