SSC PANACEA Mind Map Comiplation
SSC PANACEA Mind Map Comiplation
SSC PANACEA Mind Map Comiplation
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By :- Sandeep Singh
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Parts of Indian Constitution
Union & It’s Territories – Article 1 to 4
Article 1- Name and Territory of the union.
Article 3- Formation of new states and alteration of areas boundaries
and name of existing States.
Part- 3
Fundamental Rights- Article 12 to 35
Article 13- loss inconsistent with or in derogation of the fundamental
Articles of Indian Constitution on Fundamental Rights.
All the citizens of India are provided with 6 fundamental rights.
These 6 fundamental rights are:-
1. Right to Equality
Article 14- Equality before law
Article 15- Prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of
religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth
Article 16- Equality of opportunity in matters of public
Article 17- Abolition of untouchability
Article 18- Abolition of titles
2. Right to Freedom
Article 19- Guarantees to all the citizens the six rights
(19a). Freedom of speech and expression
(19b). Freedom to assemble peaceably and without arms
(19c). Freedom to form associations or unions
(19d). Freedom to move freely throughout the territory of India
(19e). Freedom to reside and settle in any part of the territory of
(19f). Omitted
(19g). Freedom to practice any profession or to carry on any
occupation trade or businesses
Article 20- Protection in respect of conviction for offenses
Article 21- Protection of life and personal liberty
Article 21(A) – Right to Education
Article 22- Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases
Part- 4
Directive Principal of State Policy- Article 36 to Article 51
Article 37- Application of DPSP.
Article 39A- equal justice and free Legal Aid
Article 40- Organization of a village panchayat.
Article 41- Right to work, to education, and to public assistants in
certain cases.
Article 43- Living wages for workers.
Article 44- Uniform Civil Code.
Article 45- Provision of free and compulsory education for children.
Article 46- promotion of the educational and economic interest of
scheduled caste Scheduled Tribes and other backward classes.
Article 47- duty of the state to raise the level of nutrition and the
standards of living and two to improve public health.
Article 48- Organization of agriculture and animal husbandry.
Article 49- Protection of monuments and places and objects of
natural importance.
Article 50- Separation of Judiciary from the executive.
Article 51- Promotion of international peace and security.
Part- 4A
Fundamental Duties- Article 51A
With the 42nd amendment act 1976, there were 10 fundamental
duties, later with the 86th amendment act 2002, one more duty was
added to it. After that, we have a total of 11 fundamental duties.
Part 5
Union- Article 52 to Article 151
Articles which define President (Article 52-62)
Article 52- The president of India.
Article 53- Executive power of the union.
Article 54- Election of the president.
Article 60- Oath of President
Article 61- Procedure for impeachment of the president.
Part 6
State- Article 152 to Article 237
Article 153- Governors of States.
Article 154- Executive powers of Governors.
Article 155- Appointment of Governors
Article 161- Pardoning powers of the Governor.
Article 165- Advocate general of the state.
Article 167- Duties of Chief Minister
Article 213- The power of the Governor to promulgate ordinances.
Article 214- High courts for States.
Article 215- High courts to be a court of record.
Article 224- Appointment of Additional & Acting Judges in High
Article 226- The power of high courts to issue certain writs.
Article 233- Appointment of district judges.
Article 235- Control over subordinate courts.
Part 9
Panchayats- Article 243 to Article 243
Article 243A- Gram Sabha.
Article 243B- Constitution of Panchayat.
Part 12
Finance, Properties, Contracts, Suits
Article 264 to Article 300A
Article 266- Consolidated fund and Public account fund.
Article 267- Contingency fund of India.
Article 280- Finance commission.
Article 300A- Right to property.
Part 14
Services under Centre and State- Article 308 to Article 323
Article 312- All India services.
Article 315- Public Service commissions for the Union and for the
Article 320- Functions of public service commission.
Part 14A
Tribunals: Article 323A to Article 323B
Article 323A- Administrative tribunals
Part 15
Elections: Article 324 to Article 329
Article 324- Election commission.
Part 16
Special Provisions to SC, ST, OBC, Minorities, etc
Article 338 to Article 342
Article 338- National Commission for scheduled caste and
Scheduled Tribes.
Article 340- appointment of a Commission to investigate the
conditions of backward classes.
Part 17
Official Languages- Article 343 to Article 351
Article 343- Official languages of the union.
Article 348- Languages to be used in the supreme court and in the High
Article 351- Directive for development of Hindi languages
Part 18
Emergency- Article 352 to Article 360
Article 352- The proclamation of National Emergency.
Article 356- State emergency by president rule.
Article 360- Financial emergency.
Part 20
Amendment of Constitution- Article 368
Article 368- Powers of Parliament to amend the constitution.
Part 21
Special, Transitional, and Temporary Provisions
Article 369 to Article 392
Article 370- Temporary provision for the erstwhile state of Jammu
and Kashmir.
Article 371A- Special provision with respect to the state of Nagaland.
Article 371J- Special status for Hyderabad in the Karnataka region.
Part 22
Short Text, Commencement, Authoritative Text in Hindi
and Repeals- Article 392 to Article 395
Article 393- short title, this constitution may be called the
constitution of India.
भारतीय संविधान के भाग
भाग XVI कुछ वगों से संबंलित लवशेष प्राविान अनुच्छेद 330 से 342
भाग XVII राजभाषाएं अनुच्छेद 343 से 351
भाग XVIII आपातकािीन प्राविान अनुच्छेद 352 से 360
भाग XIX लवलवि अनुच्छेद 361 से 367
भाग XX संलविान में संशोिन अनुच्छेद 368
भाग XXI अस्थायी संक्रमिकािीन और लवशेष अनुच्छेद 369 से 392
भाग XXII लहं दी में िघु शीषतक प्रारं भ अनुच्छेद 393 से 395
आलिकाररक पाठ और लनरसन
भाग 1
संघ और उसका क्षेत्र - अनुच्छे द 1 से 4
भाग - 3
मौवलक अवधकार- अनुच्छेद 12 से 35
अनुच्छेद 13- मौलिक अलिकार के साथ असंगत या उसके अल्पीकरि में हालन।
1. समानता का अवधकार
अनुच्छेद 14- कानून के समक्ष समानता
अनुच्छेद 15 - िमत, जालत, जालत, लिंग या जन्म स्थान के आिार पर भेदभाव का
अनुच्छेद 16- सावत जलनक रोजगार के मामिों में अवसर की समानता
अनुच्छेद 17- अस्पृश्यता का उन्मूिन
अनुच्छेद 18- उपालियों का अंत
2. स्वतंत्रता का अवधकार
अनुच्छेद 19 - सभी नागररकों को 6 अलिकारों की गारं टी दे ता है
(19a). भाषि और अलभव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता
(19b). शां लतपूवतक और लबना हलथयारों के एकत्र होने की स्वतंत्रता
(19c). संघ या संघ बनाने की स्वतंत्रता
(19d). भारत के पूरे क्षेत्र में स्वतंत्र रूप से घूमने की स्वतंत्रता
(19e). भारत के राज्यक्षेत्र के लकसी भी भाग में लनवास करने और बसने की स्वतंत्रता
(19f). िोप
(19 g). कोई भी पेशा अपनाने या कोई व्यावसालयक व्यवसाय या व्यापार करने की
अनुच्छेद 20 - अपरािों के लिए सजा के सं बंि में संरक्षि
अनुच्छेद 21- जीवन और दै लहक स्वतंत्रता का संरक्षि
अनुच्छेद 21(A) – लशक्षा का अलिकार
अनुच्छेद 22 - कुछ मामिों में लगरफ्तारी और लनरोि से संरक्षि
3. श षण के विरुद्ध अवधकार
अनुच्छेद 23 - मानव के दु व्यात पार और बिात् श्रम का लनषेि
अनुच्छेद 24- कारखानों और खानों में 14 वषत से कम आयु के बच्ों के लनयोजन का
लनषेि (बाि श्रम का लनषेि)
भाग - 4
राज्य नीवत के वनदे शक वसद्धांत- अनुच्छेद 36 से अनुच्छेद 51
भाग- 4ए
मौवलक कतिव्य- अनुच्छेद 51ए
42वें संशोिन अलिलनयम 1976 से 10 मौलिक कततव्य थे, बाद में 86वें संशोिन अलिलनयम
2002 के द्वारा इसमें एक और कतत व्य जोडा गया। उसके बाद, हमारे पास कुि 11 मौलिक
कततव्य हैं ।
भाग 5
संघ-अनुच्छेद 52 से अनुच्छेद 151 तक
भाग 6
राज्य- अनुच्छेद 152 से अनुच्छेद 237 तक
भाग 9
पंचायतें- अनुच्छेद 243 से अनुच्छेद 243 तक
अनुच्छेद 243ए- ग्राम सभा।
अनुच्छेद 243B- पंचायत का गठन।
भाग 12
वित्त, गुण, अनुबंध - अनुच्छेद 264 से अनुच्छेद 300A
अनुच्छेद 266- संलचत लनलि और िोक िे खा लनलि।
अनुच्छेद 267- भारत की आकक्तस्मकता लनलि।
अनुच्छेद 280- लवत्त आयोग।
अनुच्छेद 300A- संपलत्त का अलिकार।
भाग 14
केंद्र और राज्य के तहत सेिाएं - अनुच्छेद 308 से अनुच्छेद 323 तक
भाग 14ए
न्यायावधकरण: अनुच्छेद 323A से अनुच्छेद 323B
अनुच्छेद 323A- प्रशासलनक न्यायालिकरि
भाग 15
चुनाि: अनुच्छेद 324 से अनुच्छेद 329 तक
अनुच्छेद 324- चुनाव आयोग।
भाग 16
SC, ST, OBC , अल्पसंख्यक ं आवद के वलए विशेष प्रािधान
अनुच्छेद 338 से अनुच्छेद 342 तक
अनुच्छेद 338- अनु सूलचत जालत और अनु सूलचत जनजालत के लिए रािरीय आयोग।
अनुच्छेद 340- लपछडे वगों की क्तस्थलतयों की जां च के लिए आयोग की लनयुक्ति।
भाग 17
राजभाषा-अनुच्छेद 343 से अनुच्छेद 351 तक
अनुच्छेद 343 - संघ की राजभाषाएं ।
अनुच्छेद 348 - सवोच् न्यायािय और उच् न्यायािय में प्रयोग की जाने वािी भाषाएाँ
अनुच्छेद 351 - लहं दी भाषाओं के लवकास के लिए लनदे श !
भाग 18
आपातकाल- अनुच्छेद 352 से अनुच्छेद 360 तक
भाग 21
विशेष, संक्रमणकालीन और अस्थायी प्रािधान
अनुच्छेद 369 से अनुच्छेद 392
भाग 22
वहंदी में लघु शीषिक प्रारं भ आवधकाररक पाठ और वनरसन
अनुच्छेद 392 से अनुच्छेद 395
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2 Million BC to 10,00 BC Palaeolithic Period Fire was discovered Tools
2 Million BC to 50,000 BC Lower Palaeolithic made of limestones were
50,000 BC to 40,000 BC Middle Palaeolithic used.
40,000 BC to 10,000 BC Upper Palaeolithic They are found in Chota-
Nagpur plateau and
Kurnool district
10,000 BC to 7000 BC Mesolithic Age Hunters and Herders
Microlith tools were used
7000 BC Neolithic age Food producers
Use of polished tools
Pre-Harappan Phase – 3000 Chalcolithic Age Use of Copper – first
BC metal
2500 BC Harappan Phase Bronze age civilization
Development of Urban
1500 BC-1000 BC Early Vedic period Rig Veda period
1000BC-500BC Later Vedic period Growth of 2nd Urban
phase with the
establishment of
600 BC – 325 BC Mahajanapadhas 16 kingdoms with certain
republics established
544 BC – 412 BC Haryanka Dynasty Bimbisara, Ajatshatru and
412 BC – 342 BC Shisunga Dynasty Shisunga and Kalashoka
344BC – 323 BC Nanda Dynasty Founder -
563 BC Birth of Gautama Buddha Buddhism established
540 BC Birth of Mahavira 24th Tirthankara of
518 BC Persian Invasion Darius
483 BC 1 st Buddhist council Rajgir
326 BC Macedonian Invasion Direct contact between
Greek and India
250 BC 3 rd Buddhist council Pataliputra
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322 BC – 185 BC Mauryan Period Political unification of
322 BC – 298 BC Chandragupta Maurya India, Dhamma policy of
298 BC – 273 BC Bindusara Ashoka, the growth of Art
273 BC – 232 BC Ashoka and architecture
232 BC – 185 BC Later Mauryans
185 BC – 73 BC Sunga Dynasty Pushyamitra Sunga
73 BC – 28 BC Kanva dynasty Vasudeva founded the
60 BC – 225 AD Sathavahana dynasty Capital at Paithan,present
day Maharashtra.
2 nd BC Indo-Greeks Menander(165-145AD)
1st BC – 4 th AD Shakas Rudradaman (130 AD –
150 AD)
1st BC – 1 st AD Parthians St Thomas arrived in
India during the reign of
1st AD -4 th AD Kushans Kanishka (78 AD – 101
72 AD 4 th Buddhist Council Kashmir
3rd BC – 3 rd AD Sangam age Convene of Sangam
Commune, Rule of
Cheras, Cholas and
319 AD – 540 AD The Gupta Age 319 AD – Gupta Age
319 – 334 AD Chandragupta I ( The golden age of India
335 – 380 AD Samudragupta Development of numerous art
380 – 414 AD Chandragupta II and literature. Nagara style of
415 – 455 AD Kumaragupta Temple Building)
455 – 467 AD Skandagupta
550 AD – 647 AD Vardhana Dynasty Harsha (606-647 AD)
Kannauj assembly and
Prayag assembly held
Huan-Tsang visited
Harsha’s assembly
543 – 755 AD Chalukyas of Vatapi Development of Vesera
575 - 897 AD Pallavas of Kanch Structural temples in
Dravida style started to
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Period of the Paleolithic (2 million BC – 10,000 BC):
• Limestone-based fire-starting tools
• Eggs from ostriches
• Bhimbetka (MP), Hunsgi, Kurnool Caves, Narmada Valley (Hathnora, MP), Kaladgi are
all important Paleolithic sites.
Mesolithic Age (10,000–8,000 BC):
• Domestication of animals, i.e. cattle rearing, began as a result of a major climatic
• Brahmagiri (Mysore), Narmada, Vindya, Gujarat microliths.
Neolithic Age (8000 BC – 4,000 BC):
• Agriculture began when the wheel was discovered.
• An early settlement called Inamgaon.
• Burzahom (Kashmir), Gufkral (Kashmir), Mehrgarh (Pakistan), Chirand (Bihar),
Daojali Hading (Tripura/Assam), Koldihwa (UP),
• Mahagara (UP), Hallur (AP), Paiyampalli (AP), Maski, Kodekal, Sangana Kaller,
Utnur, Takkala Kota) are important Neolithic sites.
• Brahmagiri and Adichanallur are megalithic sites.
Chalcolithic Age (4000 BC – 1500 BC):
• The Age of Copper.
• It's possible that it's from the Bronze Age. Indus Valley Civilization (BC 2700 – BC
1900) (Bronze = Copper + Tin)
• Brahmagiri, Navada Toli (Narmada region), Mahishadal (West Bengal), and Chirand
also have civilizations (Ganga region)
The Iron Age:
• Vedic Period (Aryan Arrival, BC 1600–BC 600) - Nearly 1000 years from the arrival of
the Aryans (Basic books of Hinduism, ie Vedas were composed, might have written down
• Buddhism and Jainism are two different religions.
• On the banks of the Ganga, the Mahajanapadas were a major civilisation after the Indus
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• Bimbisara of the Haryanka Kula Sisunga dynasty – Kalasoka – Magadha empire
• Mahapadma-nanda and Dhana-nanda were the rulers of the Nanda empire.
• Alexander the Great, Persian-Greek, 327 BC
Empire of the Mauryans (321-185 BC):
• Chandra Gupta was a powerful emperor in the Mauryan Empire. Asoka, Maurya,
• Sunga (181-71 BC), Kanva (71-27 BC), Satavahanas (235-100 BC), Indo-Greeks,
Parthians (19-45 AD), Sakas (90BC-150AD), Kushanas, Parthians, Parthians, Parthians,
Parthians, Parthians, Parthians, Parthians, Parthians, Parthians, Parthians, Parthians,
Parthians, Parthians, Parthians (78AD) Chola, Chera, and Pandya kingdoms in South
India (BC 300)
• Classical Period: Gupta Kingdom (300 AD – 800 AD)
• Important ruler under the Gupta dynasty: Gupta, Samudra (Indian Napoleon)
Guptas of the Post-Gupta Era:
• Vakatakas, Pallavas, and Chalukyas. Harshvardana, Vakatakas, Pallavas, Chalukyas.
Hunas, Maitrakas, Rajputs, Senas, and Chauhans are also among them.
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• ओस्ट्रीच के अंडे
•Bhimbetka (MP), हुनस्गी, कुरनूल गुफाएं, नर्मदा घाटी (हैथनोरा, एमपी), कलादगी एरियल महत्वपूर्ण पैलियोलिथिक साइटें।
• ओं का समाजीकरण, अर्थात् गायों का पालन, एक प्रमुख जलवायु परिवर्तन के परिणामस्वरूप शुरू हुआ।
•Burecahom (कश्मीर), गुफाकल (कश्मीर), मेनहिन (पाकिस्तान), चिरंद (बिहार), कोल्डिहवा (यूपी),
(उत्तर प्रदेश), हल्लुर (आंध्र प्रदेश), पाईयम्पल्ली (आंध्र प्रदेश), मास्की, कोडेकल, संगना कलेर, उत्नूर,
तक्कला कोटा) महत्वपूर्ण नवपाषाणिक स्थल हैं।
• कांस्य का युग.
संभव है कि यह ब्रॉन्ज युग से आया है। इंदू घाटी सभ्यता (ईसा पूर्व 2700 – ईसा पूर्व 1900) (ब्रॉन्ज = कांस्य +
•ब्रह्मग इरी, नवाद तोली (नर्मदा क्षेत्र), महिशादल (पश्चिम बंगाल) और चिरंदल भी सभ्यताएँ हैं (गंगा क्षेत्र)
आयरन एज:
वैदिक काल (आर्यों का आगमन, पूर्वकाल 1600 – पूर्वकाल 600) - आर्यों के आगमन से लगभग 1000
वर्षों में (हिंदू धर्म के मूल पुस्तक, अर्थात् वेद, लिखे गए हो सकते हैं, बाद में लिखे गए हो सकते हैं.)
गंगा के तट पर, महाजनपद सिंधु घाटी के बाद एक प्रमुख सभ्यता थी।
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हरयं का जाति के बच्चे के बिम्बिसारा डिनस्टिया के अलसोका मगध साम्राज्य (काकवर्णी)
अलेक्जेंडर द ग्रेट, पर्शियन-ग्रीक, 327 ई.पू.
मौर्य साम्राज्य (321 - 185 ई.पू.):
चंद्र गुप्ता मौर्य साम्राज्य में एक शक्तिशाली सम्राट थे। अशोक, मौर्य, बिंदुसरा
सुनागा (181 - 71 ईसा पूर्व), कनवा (71 - 27 ईसा पूर्व), सातवाहन (235 - 100 ईसा पूर्व),
इंडो - यूनानियों, पार्थियन (19 - 45 ईस्वी), सकस (90BC - 150AD), कुशानस, पार्थियन,
पार्थियन, पार्थियन ।
गुप्ता राजवंश के तहत महत्वपूर्ण शासक: गुप्ता, समुद्रा (भारतीय नेपोलियन) गुप्टास
ओ एफ पोस्ट - गुप्ता युग:
• वकतकस, पल्लव, और चालुक्य। हर्षवर्धन, वकतकस, पल्लव, चालुक्य।
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एस नं । नाम थापना वष
रामसर क वशन टॉकहोम सं वहन 1971
3 .. सीआईटीईएस जै वक व वधता पर सं वहन 2001
4 ..
वाइन -
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1. रामसर क वशन:
2. टॉकहोम स मे लन:
यह 2004 म लागू आ।
3. उ तृ :
यह 1975 म लागू आ।
यह जै वक व वधता के सं र ण के लए एक स मे लन है ।
यह 1993 म लागू आ।
5. बॉन क वशन:
यह जं गली जानवरा क वासी जा तया के सं र ण पर एक स मे लन है ।
यह 1983 म लागू आ।
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6. वयना क वशन
यह ओजोन परत क सुर ा के लए एक स मे लन है ।
यह 1988 म लागू आ।
7. मॉ यल ोटोकॉल
यह 1989 म लागू आ।
8. योटो ोटोकॉल:
यह ीनहाउस गै स उ सजन को कम करने के लए एक अं तररा ीय ोटोकॉल है ।
यह 1994 म लागू आ।
यह पयावरण और वकास पर एक सं यु त रा स मे लन है ।
11. यूएनसीसीड :
यह रे ग तान का मुकाबला करने के लए एक सं यु त रा स मे लन है ।
यह 1996 म लागू आ।
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12. बे सल क वशन:
यह 1992 म लागू आ।
यह 2003 म लागू आ।
14. अन-बे ड:
यह 2014 म लागू आ।
16. COP24:
यह सं यु त रा के लए पा टया (सीओपी) के स मे लन क 24 व बै ठक है
जलवायु प रवतन पर े मवक क वशन।
यह 2018 म आ।
17. COP21:
यह सं यु त रा के लए पा टया (सीओपी) के स मे लन क 21 व बै ठक है
जलवायु प रवतन पर े मवक क वशन।
यह 2018 म आ।
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यह 2017 म लागू आ।
यह 2004 म लागू आ।
21. COP25:
यह सं यु त रा के लए पा टया (सीओपी) के स मे लन क 25 व बै ठक है
जलवायु प रवतन (UNFCCC) पर े मवक क वशन।
यह 2019 म आ।
2. पु लस 28:
23. पु लस 29:
वाइन -
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12. Basel Convention:
• It is a convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous
Wastes and their Disposal.
• It was adopted in 1989.
• It came into force in 1992.
13. Cartagena Protocol:
•It is an international environmental protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on
Biological Diversity.
• It was adopted in 2000.
It came into force in 2003.
14. UN-REDD:
•It is a United Nations Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation
and Forest Degradation.
• It was created in 2008.
15. Nagoya Protocol:
.It is an international environment protocol on Access to Genetic Resources
and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization
(ABS) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
It was adopted in 2010.
• It came into force in 2014.
16. COP24:
It is the 24th meeting of the conference of parties (COP) to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change.
It took place in 2018.
17. COP21:
It is the 21st meeting of the conference of parties (COP) to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change.
It took place in 2018.
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18. Kigali Agreement:
It is an amendment to the Montreal Protocol.
It was adopted in 2016.
It came into force in 2019.
19. Minamata Convention:
It is an international environmental treaty intended to protect health and the
environment from the adverse effects of mercury.
It was adopted in 2013.
• It came into force in 2017.
20. Rotterdam Convention:
• It is an international environmental convention on Prior Informed Consent (PIC)
Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade.
It was adopted in 1998.
• It came into force in 2004.
21. COP25:
It is the 25th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP) to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
It took place in 2019.
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By – Sandeep Singh
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Foreign Travellers in India
S. No. Travellers Description
1. Nearchus (326-324 BC) Army head of Alexandar.
Visited during the reign of Dhanaanda
of the Nanda Dynsaty.
“The Voyage of Nearchus from Indus” -
book wrote by Arrian, which Describes
the attacks of Nearchus in India.
Reference about Gymnosophists (Naked
No reference about Buddhism
2. Megasthenes (302- 298 Visited during the reign of Chandra
BC) gupta Maurya .
Ambassador of Seleucus Nicator
Wrote book “Indica”
Called Chandra gupta as Sandro cottus
Observed that there were no slavery in
3. Deimachos (320-273 BC) Visited during the reign of Bindusara of
Mauryan Dynasty
Greek Ambassador sent by Antiochus I
(son of Seleucus Nikator) .
Called Bindusara as Amitraghata
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7. Huien Tsang (630 - 645 Chinese Buddhist traveller.
AD) Visited during the reign of
HarshaVardhana of Pushyanhuti
Also visited courts of Narsimha Varman
of Pallava dynasty and Pulkesin II of
chalukya dynasty.
Studied Yogashastra in Nalanda
Wrote book “si-yu-ki”
8. Wang Xuance (648-664 Chinese Ambassador sent by Tang
AD) dynasty
Visited during reign of HarshaVardhana
Stayed 16 years in India
He observed that Jainism was
flourishing in bengal
9. I -Xing (671-695 AD) Student of Huien Tsang .
Visited during the reign of
Book - ‘A record of Buddhist Religion’
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Monuments & their Builders
Monument Built b~
1 Shish Mahal Shahjahan
I~ (li}I,,! '1
!i~ September-
Tamil Nadu,
l / , October Kerala &
I I .fj Soybean. Maharashtra
I 1)
t \L
Sown &
Most Of The
Northern And
··.• ~,.'!, March-July
i1 RabhiAnd States
I Crops.
Ssc panacea
Landmark Acts in India
S.No. Act Year Key Points
1. The Representation of 1951 • Rules for election for Parliament
the People Act and State Legislature
( Amended many times)
2. Protection of Civil 1955 To implement article 17 ( abolition of
Rights Act untouchability) and protect rights of
3. Essential Commodities 1955 • Uninterrupted supply of essential
Act goods; to stop hoarding or black
• In 2020, the Act was modified
along with 2 Farm Acts
4. The Citizenship Act 1955 Rules for acquiring Indian citizenship
5. States Reorganization 1956 Reorganization of States on linguistic
Act basis-14 State, 6 UTs
6. Unlawful Activities 1967 Give powers to Govt to deal with
(Prevention) Act people for protecting integrity and
(UAPA) sovereignty of India
7. The Water (Prevention 1974 Control and prevent water pollution
and Control of
Pollution) Act
8. The Air (Prevention and 1981 Control and prevent air pollution
Control of Pollution)
9. The Forest 1980
(Conservation) Act
10. The Muslim Women 1986 This Act was brought by Govt. to
(Protection of Rights on nullify the SC judgement on Shah
Divorce) Act Bano case
11. Prevention of 1988 To minimize corruption in
Corruption Act government agencies and public
12. Scheduled Caste and 1989 • To prevent discrimination, atrocities
Scheduled Tribe and hate crimes against SC/ST
(Prevention of • It was felt that Protection of Civil
Atrocities) Act Rights Act 1955 was not adequate for
13. The Wildlife Protection 1972 Protection of wild animals, birds and
Act plants
14. Energy Conservation 2001 To conserve energy and promote
Act clean energy.
15. The National Green 2010 • NGT was set up quick disposal of
Tribunal Act the cases pertaining to environmental
• To implement Right to Clean
environment under article 21
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16. Maintenance of Internal 1971 • Govt. might arrest anyone on
Security Act (MISA) suspicion of threats to national
• MISA was used during Emergency
(1975- 77) to arrest opposition
leaders, journalists. etc
• Janata Govt. abolished MJSA in
17. Persons With 1995 • Special provisions, special quota for
Disabilities (Equal disable persons.
Opportunities. • Was amended in 2016- 'Rights of
Protection of Rights and Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016'
Full Participation) Act
18. Foreign Exchange 1999 • Orderly development and
Management Act, maintenance of foreign exchange
(FEMA) market in India • Replaces Foreign
Exchange Regulation Act (FERA)
19. Information 2000 • To regulate ICT in India
Technology Act • Also called cyber Act
20. The Competition Act 2002 • Competition Commission of lndia
(CCI) was set up under this Act •
Replaced MRTP Act
21. Right to Information Act 2005 Landmark Act to implement 'Right to
22. National Rural 2005 MG NAREGA is implemented under
Employment Guarantee this Act
23. Protection of Women 2005 The Act provides a definition of
from Domestic Violence "domestic violence" for the first time
Act in Indian law
24. Disaster Management 2005 Corona Pandemic was dealt in under
Act this Act
25. Commission for 2006 Constitution of a National
Protection of Child Commission and State Commissions
Rights Act for Protection of Child Rights and
Children's Courts for providing
speedy trial of offences against
26. Right of Children to 2009 • Also called RTE Act • Right to
Free and Compulsory Education (under article 21) is
Education Act implemented under the Act
27. Sexual Harassment of 2013 'Visakha Guidelines' came out of this
Women at Workplace Act
(Prevention, Prohibition
and Redressal) Act
28. National Food Security 2013 National Food Security Mission is
Act implemented under this Act
29. The Lokpal and 2013 Lokpal and Lokayuktas were
Lokayuktas Act appointed under the Act
30. Whistle Blowers 2014 To protect those who disclose
Protection Act 2011 corruption in Govt. organization
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31. Goods and Services Tax 2017 GST was implemented under this Act
(Compensation to
States) Act
32. Jammu and Kashmir 2019 State of J&K was made 2 UTs- J&K
Reorganization Act and Ladakh
33. Consumer Protection 2019 New and more stronger Consumer
Act protection Act in which many new
services added
34. Muslim Women 2019 • Made triple talaq unlawful
(Protection of Rights on • Called anti- triple talaq Act
Marriage) Act
35. Transgender Persons 2019 To protect the rights of Transgender
(Protection of Rights) Persons
36. Citizenship 2019 Provide Indian citizenship for
(Amendment) Act persecuted religious minorities from
Afghanistan, Bangladesh and
Pakistan who are Hindus, Sikhs.
Buddhists, Jains, Parsis or Christians,
and arrived in India before the end of
December 2014
37. The farmers' produce 2020 These are 3 Farm laws which provide
trade and commerce for market reforms in Indian Farming
(promotion and sector. contract farming, and
facilitation) act, 2020. liberalisation of trade in farm
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T20 world cup 2024 important facts
Edition – 9th
Important Facts :-
Player of the Final Match – Virat Kohli
ICC Men’s T20 World Cup takes
Player of the Series – Jasprit Bumrah place in every two years.
It Started in 2007 in Africa
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ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Upcoming
Tournament Co-Hosts
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Parts of Indian Constitution
Union & It’s Territories – Article 1 to 4
Article 1- Name and Territory of the union.
Article 3- Formation of new states and alteration of areas boundaries
and name of existing States.
Part- 3
Fundamental Rights- Article 12 to 35
Article 13- loss inconsistent with or in derogation of the fundamental
Articles of Indian Constitution on Fundamental Rights.
All the citizens of India are provided with 6 fundamental rights.
These 6 fundamental rights are:-
1. Right to Equality
Article 14- Equality before law
Article 15- Prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of
religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth
Article 16- Equality of opportunity in matters of public
Article 17- Abolition of untouchability
Article 18- Abolition of titles
2. Right to Freedom
Article 19- Guarantees to all the citizens the six rights
(19a). Freedom of speech and expression
(19b). Freedom to assemble peaceably and without arms
(19c). Freedom to form associations or unions
(19d). Freedom to move freely throughout the territory of India
(19e). Freedom to reside and settle in any part of the territory of
(19f). Omitted
(19g). Freedom to practice any profession or to carry on any
occupation trade or businesses
Article 20- Protection in respect of conviction for offenses
Article 21- Protection of life and personal liberty
Article 21(A) – Right to Education
Article 22- Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases
Part- 4
Directive Principal of State Policy- Article 36 to Article 51
Article 37- Application of DPSP.
Article 39A- equal justice and free Legal Aid
Article 40- Organization of a village panchayat.
Article 41- Right to work, to education, and to public assistants in
certain cases.
Article 43- Living wages for workers.
Article 44- Uniform Civil Code.
Article 45- Provision of free and compulsory education for children.
Article 46- promotion of the educational and economic interest of
scheduled caste Scheduled Tribes and other backward classes.
Article 47- duty of the state to raise the level of nutrition and the
standards of living and two to improve public health.
Article 48- Organization of agriculture and animal husbandry.
Article 49- Protection of monuments and places and objects of
natural importance.
Article 50- Separation of Judiciary from the executive.
Article 51- Promotion of international peace and security.
Part- 4A
Fundamental Duties- Article 51A
With the 42nd amendment act 1976, there were 10 fundamental
duties, later with the 86th amendment act 2002, one more duty was
added to it. After that, we have a total of 11 fundamental duties.
Part 5
Union- Article 52 to Article 151
Articles which define President (Article 52-62)
Article 52- The president of India.
Article 53- Executive power of the union.
Article 54- Election of the president.
Article 60- Oath of President
Article 61- Procedure for impeachment of the president.
Part 6
State- Article 152 to Article 237
Article 153- Governors of States.
Article 154- Executive powers of Governors.
Article 155- Appointment of Governors
Article 161- Pardoning powers of the Governor.
Article 165- Advocate general of the state.
Article 167- Duties of Chief Minister
Article 213- The power of the Governor to promulgate ordinances.
Article 214- High courts for States.
Article 215- High courts to be a court of record.
Article 224- Appointment of Additional & Acting Judges in High
Article 226- The power of high courts to issue certain writs.
Article 233- Appointment of district judges.
Article 235- Control over subordinate courts.
Part 9
Panchayats- Article 243 to Article 243
Article 243A- Gram Sabha.
Article 243B- Constitution of Panchayat.
Part 12
Finance, Properties, Contracts, Suits
Article 264 to Article 300A
Article 266- Consolidated fund and Public account fund.
Article 267- Contingency fund of India.
Article 280- Finance commission.
Article 300A- Right to property.
Part 14
Services under Centre and State- Article 308 to Article 323
Article 312- All India services.
Article 315- Public Service commissions for the Union and for the
Article 320- Functions of public service commission.
Part 14A
Tribunals: Article 323A to Article 323B
Article 323A- Administrative tribunals
Part 15
Elections: Article 324 to Article 329
Article 324- Election commission.
Part 16
Special Provisions to SC, ST, OBC, Minorities, etc
Article 338 to Article 342
Article 338- National Commission for scheduled caste and
Scheduled Tribes.
Article 340- appointment of a Commission to investigate the
conditions of backward classes.
Part 17
Official Languages- Article 343 to Article 351
Article 343- Official languages of the union.
Article 348- Languages to be used in the supreme court and in the High
Article 351- Directive for development of Hindi languages
Part 18
Emergency- Article 352 to Article 360
Article 352- The proclamation of National Emergency.
Article 356- State emergency by president rule.
Article 360- Financial emergency.
Part 20
Amendment of Constitution- Article 368
Article 368- Powers of Parliament to amend the constitution.
Part 21
Special, Transitional, and Temporary Provisions
Article 369 to Article 392
Article 370- Temporary provision for the erstwhile state of Jammu
and Kashmir.
Article 371A- Special provision with respect to the state of Nagaland.
Article 371J- Special status for Hyderabad in the Karnataka region.
Part 22
Short Text, Commencement, Authoritative Text in Hindi
and Repeals- Article 392 to Article 395
Article 393- short title, this constitution may be called the
constitution of India.
भारतीय संविधान के भाग
भाग XVI कुछ वगों से संबंलित लवशेष प्राविान अनुच्छेद 330 से 342
भाग XVII राजभाषाएं अनुच्छेद 343 से 351
भाग XVIII आपातकािीन प्राविान अनुच्छेद 352 से 360
भाग XIX लवलवि अनुच्छेद 361 से 367
भाग XX संलविान में संशोिन अनुच्छेद 368
भाग XXI अस्थायी संक्रमिकािीन और लवशेष अनुच्छेद 369 से 392
भाग XXII लहं दी में िघु शीषतक प्रारं भ अनुच्छेद 393 से 395
आलिकाररक पाठ और लनरसन
भाग 1
संघ और उसका क्षेत्र - अनुच्छे द 1 से 4
भाग - 3
मौवलक अवधकार- अनुच्छेद 12 से 35
अनुच्छेद 13- मौलिक अलिकार के साथ असंगत या उसके अल्पीकरि में हालन।
1. समानता का अवधकार
अनुच्छेद 14- कानून के समक्ष समानता
अनुच्छेद 15 - िमत, जालत, जालत, लिंग या जन्म स्थान के आिार पर भेदभाव का
अनुच्छेद 16- सावत जलनक रोजगार के मामिों में अवसर की समानता
अनुच्छेद 17- अस्पृश्यता का उन्मूिन
अनुच्छेद 18- उपालियों का अंत
2. स्वतंत्रता का अवधकार
अनुच्छेद 19 - सभी नागररकों को 6 अलिकारों की गारं टी दे ता है
(19a). भाषि और अलभव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता
(19b). शां लतपूवतक और लबना हलथयारों के एकत्र होने की स्वतंत्रता
(19c). संघ या संघ बनाने की स्वतंत्रता
(19d). भारत के पूरे क्षेत्र में स्वतंत्र रूप से घूमने की स्वतंत्रता
(19e). भारत के राज्यक्षेत्र के लकसी भी भाग में लनवास करने और बसने की स्वतंत्रता
(19f). िोप
(19 g). कोई भी पेशा अपनाने या कोई व्यावसालयक व्यवसाय या व्यापार करने की
अनुच्छेद 20 - अपरािों के लिए सजा के सं बंि में संरक्षि
अनुच्छेद 21- जीवन और दै लहक स्वतंत्रता का संरक्षि
अनुच्छेद 21(A) – लशक्षा का अलिकार
अनुच्छेद 22 - कुछ मामिों में लगरफ्तारी और लनरोि से संरक्षि
3. श षण के विरुद्ध अवधकार
अनुच्छेद 23 - मानव के दु व्यात पार और बिात् श्रम का लनषेि
अनुच्छेद 24- कारखानों और खानों में 14 वषत से कम आयु के बच्ों के लनयोजन का
लनषेि (बाि श्रम का लनषेि)
भाग - 4
राज्य नीवत के वनदे शक वसद्धांत- अनुच्छेद 36 से अनुच्छेद 51
भाग- 4ए
मौवलक कतिव्य- अनुच्छेद 51ए
42वें संशोिन अलिलनयम 1976 से 10 मौलिक कततव्य थे, बाद में 86वें संशोिन अलिलनयम
2002 के द्वारा इसमें एक और कतत व्य जोडा गया। उसके बाद, हमारे पास कुि 11 मौलिक
कततव्य हैं ।
भाग 5
संघ-अनुच्छेद 52 से अनुच्छेद 151 तक
भाग 6
राज्य- अनुच्छेद 152 से अनुच्छेद 237 तक
भाग 9
पंचायतें- अनुच्छेद 243 से अनुच्छेद 243 तक
अनुच्छेद 243ए- ग्राम सभा।
अनुच्छेद 243B- पंचायत का गठन।
भाग 12
वित्त, गुण, अनुबंध - अनुच्छेद 264 से अनुच्छेद 300A
अनुच्छेद 266- संलचत लनलि और िोक िे खा लनलि।
अनुच्छेद 267- भारत की आकक्तस्मकता लनलि।
अनुच्छेद 280- लवत्त आयोग।
अनुच्छेद 300A- संपलत्त का अलिकार।
भाग 14
केंद्र और राज्य के तहत सेिाएं - अनुच्छेद 308 से अनुच्छेद 323 तक
भाग 14ए
न्यायावधकरण: अनुच्छेद 323A से अनुच्छेद 323B
अनुच्छेद 323A- प्रशासलनक न्यायालिकरि
भाग 15
चुनाि: अनुच्छेद 324 से अनुच्छेद 329 तक
अनुच्छेद 324- चुनाव आयोग।
भाग 16
SC, ST, OBC , अल्पसंख्यक ं आवद के वलए विशेष प्रािधान
अनुच्छेद 338 से अनुच्छेद 342 तक
अनुच्छेद 338- अनु सूलचत जालत और अनु सूलचत जनजालत के लिए रािरीय आयोग।
अनुच्छेद 340- लपछडे वगों की क्तस्थलतयों की जां च के लिए आयोग की लनयुक्ति।
भाग 17
राजभाषा-अनुच्छेद 343 से अनुच्छेद 351 तक
अनुच्छेद 343 - संघ की राजभाषाएं ।
अनुच्छेद 348 - सवोच् न्यायािय और उच् न्यायािय में प्रयोग की जाने वािी भाषाएाँ
अनुच्छेद 351 - लहं दी भाषाओं के लवकास के लिए लनदे श !
भाग 18
आपातकाल- अनुच्छेद 352 से अनुच्छेद 360 तक
भाग 21
विशेष, संक्रमणकालीन और अस्थायी प्रािधान
अनुच्छेद 369 से अनुच्छेद 392
भाग 22
वहंदी में लघु शीषिक प्रारं भ आवधकाररक पाठ और वनरसन
अनुच्छेद 392 से अनुच्छेद 395
1. Phillips curve
Rate of Inflation
2. Lorenz curve
• Example - "the bottom 20% of all households have 10% of the total
Gini coefficient
• The Gini coefficient is the ratio of the area between the line of
perfect equality and the observed Lorenz curve to the area between
the line of perfect equality and the line of perfect inequality.
• The higher the coefficient, the more unequal the distribution is.
• In the diagram, this is given by the ratio A/(A+B), where A and B are
the areas of regions as marked in the diagram.
• The Gini Coefficient can vary from 0 (perfect equality) to 1 (perfect
• A Gini Coefficient of zero means that everyone has the same
income, while a Coefficient of 1 represents a single individual
receiving all the income
3. J Curve
J Curve
J Curve
4. Kuznets curve
Kuznets curve
• The East Asian miracle has been used to criticize the validity of the
Kuznets curve theory.
• The rapid economic growth of eight East Asian countries—Japan,
South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore (Four Asian Tigers),
Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia—between 1965 and 1990, was
called the East Asian miracle (EAM).
• Manufacturing and export grew quickly and powerfully. Yet
simultaneously, life expectancy was found to increase and
population levels living in absolute poverty decreased.
5. Laffer curve
Quick Revision
Phillip Curve
Lorenz Curve Curve
J Curve
By – Sandeep Singh
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Bacteria in soils and oceans Human
Agriculture- synthetic fertilizers + livestock urine and manure
Industry: 1. Byproduct in prod of commercial fertilizer 2. Byproduct in prod. of adipic acid
(production of fibers like nylon).
Very high GWP
Most potent and longest lasting GHGs
Removed only when destroyed by sunlight in far upper atmosphere
HFC- refrigerants, aerosol propellants, solvents, fire retardants
PFC- Aluminum production, Manf of semiconductors
SF6- Used in: Magnesium processing, semiconductor manufacturing, tracer gas (leak
detection), electrical transmission equipment.
NOTE- HFC= NOT ozone depleting, but GHG.
Uses- refrigerants, propellants in aerosol sprays, foaming agents in plastic manufacturing,
fire extinguishers, solvents for cleaning electronics and metallic components, food freezing
CFC + UV light= Cl, Cl + O3= ClO + O2, ClO + O= Cl + O2
Thermonuclear weapons, industrial emissions, agricultural fertilizers
Photolytically destroyed in stratosphere to form Nitric oxide which destroys Ozone.
Ozone Hole- in lower stratosphere.
Under KYOTO protocol, 1997
One Credit Permits the emission of a mass equal to one ton of carbon dioxide.
Tradeable certificate or permit representing right to emit one ton of carbon dioxide
How it is obtained? >>>Org which produces One ton less Carbon, then obtains 1 Carbon
credit>>>can sell to company emitting more than its limit>>thus org can get finance + limit
breacher can achieve target
Traded in stock exchanges.
Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX)- first in Asia to allow carbon credit trading
Important facts related to COP (Conference Of Parties)
The first UNFCCC conference of the parties took place from 28 March to 7 April 1995 in
Berlin Germany. Delegates from 117 Parties and 53 Observer States attended the
COP3 – 1997, Held :- Kyoto, Japan, (Outlined the greenhouse gas emissions reduction)
COP8 – 2002, Held:- New Delhi , India
COP11/CMP1- 2005, Held :- Montreal Canada( to protect Ozone layer).
2021: COP 26/CMP 16/CMA 3, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
2022: COP 27/CMP 17/CMA 4, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.
2023: COP 28/CMP 18/CMA 5, Dubai, UAE
2024: COP 29/CMP 19/CMA 6, Baku, Azerbaijan
2025: COP 30/CMP 20/CMA 7, Belém, Brazil
You can join our 2024 Batch which includes test series and private batch for discussion.
AIR 22 CSE 2019
YAMUNA Yamunotri 1. Chambal (longest) Uttarakhand>>Himachal Joins Ganga Makes Border betn:
Glacier, S.W. 2. Sindh >>Haryana>>Delhi>> near 1. UP and Haryana
slope of 3. Betwa UP Allahabad 2. UP and Delhi
Banderpooch 4. Ken
peaks of Lower Forms border:
Himalayas, Tons (largest), Rind, 1. UK and HP
Uttarakhand Sengar, Varuna, Hindon 2. Harayana + Delhi and
CHAMBAL Janapav hills, Left: Banas, Mej Joins Yamuna Forms Boundary betn:
Vindhya Range, at Jalaun Dist, 1. MP and rajasthan
MP Right: Parbati, Kali UP 2. MP and UP
Sindh, Shipra
Dams: Rana Pratap Sagar dam,
Gandhi Sagar dam, Kota barrage
INDUS Near Mansarovar Left: 5 + Zanskar + J&K 1. flows betn Ladakh and Zaskar ranges
lake, Tibetian Suru + Soan + Panjnad 2. Zaskar joins Induas @ Leh
plateau, Northen + Ghaggar* (note- Zaskar origins near Bara Lacha
slope of Kailash La in Greater Himalaya)
mountain Range Right: Shyok + Hunza +
Gilgit + Swat + Kunar +
Kabul + Kurram
JHELUM Spring @ Verinag Joins Chenab 1. Makes boundary Betn Ind and
in S.E. Kashmir in pak @ Pakistan
Valley Trimmu 2. drains Wular>>then changes direction
3. drains DAL lake
4. Dams: Mangla dam, Rasul barrage,
Trimmu barrage (Confluence of Chenab
and Jhelum), Uri dam, Kisanganaga
CHENAB Bara Lacha pass Marusadar river (Pakal Drains in Dams: 1. Salal dam
Aka Chandrabhaga in Lehul- spiti Dul Dam) SUTLUJ 2. baglihar dam 3. Dul Hasti plant
(part of Zaskar) 4. Pakul Dul dam 5. Ratle Plant
AIR 22 CSE 2019
Chadra + Bhaga
RAVI Near Rohtang Pass Drains in 1. Ranjit sagar dam aka Thein dam
CHENAB 2. Shahpurkandi dam (Pathankot)
3. makes border betn India and
NARMADA Narmada Kund, Shakkar + Dudhi + MP>>> MH>>> GJ Gulf of 1. flows in rift valley
Amarkantak hill, Tawa (longest) + Ganjal Khambat 2. projects: Indira sagar, Sardar sarovar,
Maikal Range + Hiran + Barna + Omkareshwar, Bargi
(not Vindhya) Choral + Karam + 3. waterfall: Dhuandhar falls bnear
Lohar Jabalpur
TAPI Multai Forest in Girna, Purna, Panzara, MP>>>MH>>>GJ Gulg of 1. Ukai dam (GJ)
Satpura Range Bori, Waghur, Aner Khanbat 2. Hathnur Dam (MH)
(MP) (Betul 3. Girna Dam (MH)
MAHANADI Various streams @ Seonath, Jonk, Mand, CH>>>Odissha False point 1. Hirakud
Sihawa Mountain, Ib, Ong Tel, near Paradeep
Chattisgarh Drain: JH, MH, MP Distributaries:
AIR 22 CSE 2019
SUBARNAREKHA Piska, Chota Kharkai, roro, Kanchi, JH>>>WB>>>Odisha BoB 1. Hundru falls
Nagpur Plateau Harmu Nadi, etc 2. Makes boundary betn West Bengal
(Near Ranchi), JH and Odisha
3. makes Estuary (NOT delta)
4. GoOdisha to create Kirtana Port on
Subarnarekha’s mouth
BAITARNI Hill near Keonjhar Catchment: JH, OD, 1. Variation in elevation + prone to flood
district, Odisha
NOTE: North to South: Subarnarekha>>> Baitarni>>> Brahmani>>> Mahanadi
DAMODAR Chota Nagpur Barakar, Konar, JH>>>WB Joins Hugli 1. Flows thr rift valley having large
Tenughat mineral>>thus large scale mining
2. Valley: ‘Ruhr of India’
3. 1st dam: Barakar river
GODAVARI Trimbakeshwar Left- Banganga, kadva, MH>> Telangana>> @ Rajmudry: 1. Polavaram
(only 80 km from shivna, purna, Pranhita CH>> AP>> Yanam divides- 1. 2. forms boundary betn MH and
arabian sea) (Wardha+ Penganga (Puducherry) Gautami Telangana for short distance
+Waiganga), Indravati, Basin: MP + KR + Godavari 3. NOTE- Pranhita (W+ P+ W) also
Sabari, Kadam, Taliperu Puducherry (flows to east) form boundary betn MH and Telangana
AIR 22 CSE 2019
KRISHNA Western ghtas Right: Tungbhadra, MH>>>AP>>>KR 1. 2nd largest east flowing of peninsula
(Satara), just north Malaprabha, 2. Nagarjun sagar
of Mahabaleshwar Ghataprabha 3. makes border betn Telangana and
Left: Bhima, Musi, Andhra Pradesh
(Bhima= Matheran)
QUALIFICATION NHRC 1.Person of eminence NOTE- CBI under Qualification for chairman:
1. chair- retired CJI/ J in public life with administrative control 1. s or r CJI or s or r Judge of
2. members wide knowledge and of DoPT, Ministry of SC or non judicial member
-s or r Judge of SC exp in law, sci-tech, Personnel only if (eminent + 25 yr exp
-s or r CJ of HC social service, mana, in anticorruption, Pub Ad,
-3 member: knowledge journalism, mass Vigilance, finance including
or practical exp wrt HR media or admini and insurance and banking, law,
governance Management)
2. not MP or MLA NOTE- min Age of chair= 45 yrs
AIR 22 CSE 2019
3.ex officio- SC, ST, 3. Not conn with Pol
BC, Minorities, party
Woman, PwD, Child 4. no business or
pursuing any
REAPPOINTMENT HR (Amend) Act, Not eligible Not eligible Both not eligible for any
2019- Chair and IC- as CIC, no other constitutional or statutory
Members of N & post + cannot contest
SHRC Eligible for election + gupchup ghari bas
reappoint in same
SALARIES/ ALLO Central Govt 1.CIC- CEC Same as UPSC Chairman= CJI
SHRC- State govt 2. IC- ECs Members= Judge of SC
MISCELLANEOUS 1. only 1 year window 1. suo motu powers 1. Nodal agency for 1. under CVC act,2003 1. L&L Act- Applicable to
of crimes + Suo Motu (if reasonable PoCA,1988, – superintendence rest whole country (Including
grounds) PMLA, with Central govt J&K + public servents
2. power of civil court Whistleblowers (except when PoCA- outside India)
Power to regulate own 2. can impose penalty - Investigate cases CVC)
procedure- proceedings on PIO refered by central 1.Juridiction of lokpal:
have Judicial against authorities 2.Directorate of - Anyone who is or has been:
character 3. power of civil under central in prosecution -for PM + Ministers + MPs
court PoCA conducting (except Art 105)+ Group A,
3. have own prosecution under B, C, D official of Central
investigation staff 4. Removal: 2.ONLY agency lokpal act,2013 govt.
CIC- Prez against motivated + Institutions financed Fully
3. Amendment in 2006- SIC- Gov or false complaints 3.PoCA investigation or Partially (but Not aided
1)SHRC – from 5 to 3 for employees of insti) by centre or estd by Act
2)NHRC- visit jail NOTE- 3. own secretariat central govt and UTs of parliament,
w/o intimation of Salaries of SIC: and their public sector + Entities receiving FCRA
state govt 1. SCIC- Election 4. consulted by undertakings above 10 Lakh
Commissioner centre on
4. HR courts- By state 2. SIC- Chief disciplinary matters 4. infringement of 2. Confiscation of property
govt with concurrence Secretary of state of AIS and CS fiscal/economic laws, even if prosecution is pending
of CJ of HC govt serious crimes, taking
5.Jurisdiction- AIS, up request of state 3. Clear timelines
SHRC- 5. CIC- only PSB, RBI, SIDBI govt, any case of public Preliminary 2 2
1. only wrt state and appellate authority NABARD, PSU, importance. Inquiry m m
Investigation 6 6
concurrent list, 1+2 which can declare GIC, LIC, local Maintaining crime
m m
members, removed only body as public authorities statistics and Trial 1yr 1yr
by President (BUT authority if &socities controlled disseminating criminal
resignation- Gov) convinced that body by central govt info 4. Investigation Wing and
fits into criteria for Prosecution Wing: IW-
2. SHRC qualification being under RTI act 6. Lokpal>>Group 5.’national central conduct preliminary inquiry
Chair- retired CJ or J A,B,C,D>>CVC>> bureau’ of Interpol in PW- prosecute public servent
of HC enquire>>send india.
Member- report about A and 5. NO suo motu + within 7
I. S or r judge of HC or yrs to file complaint + legal
AIR 22 CSE 2019
district judge with 7 yr B to lokpal>> do 6.role of CBI- assistance to public servent+
exp investi on C and D Supplementary to that no anonymous complaints
II. Person with practical of state police forces
exp in HR 7. powers of Civil 6. Direct. of prosecution:
Court 7. organized crime, HR, From law ministry>>CBI
3. Committee- CM+ Cyber & high-tech director
LoO+LoO+Speaker+ 8. NO suo motu 8.Suo motu
HM + chairman (Not 7. public servents>> not
depty as in NHRC) 9. Advise govt for 9. General Consent : represent in preliminary
proper action As CBI has juri wrt inquiry if case requires
against employee only central govt surprise Raids and searches
(thus no employees>> thus
prosecution) perimission from states 8. CBI>> panel of advocate
with lokpal permission>> not
- Central Govt can depend on govt advocate
authorize CBI to
investigate crime in 9. Lokpal shall NOT enquire
state only with states into Complaints against its
consent own chairperson or
- BUT, SC and HC can members
do it w/o state’s
consent 10. Chair or members are
deemed to be public servent
SALARY AND Similar to SC judge Charged on: - as per Same as Not 1. Parliament
ALLOWANCE 1. UPSC- CFI provisions by Secretary of specified 2. Judge of SC
2. SPSC- CFoS Central Govt GoI 3. Charged on
(FC Act, 1951)
AIR 22 CSE 2019
ANNUAL President - To President: 1.President To 1. President and
REPORT TO - place before BOTH he laid before 2. Annual + President Governor
houses with both houses when deems thr Union 2. 3 audit reports –
memorandum with memo of necessary minority appropriation,
- Cases of non acc: action taken 3.President- minister finance, public
must be approved by both houses undertaking
Appoint. Committee 4.Prez>>Gove Prez>>eac 3. Prez- both houses-
rnor if report h house + then PAC examines
SPSC & JPSC- pertaining to State govt them and reports
Govornor state govt- SL findings to parliament
ADDITIONAL Parliament-
FUNCTION Jurisdiction of UPSC
BY can be extended by
AIR 22 CSE 2019
MISCELLENO 1. Expenses: NOT 1. president wrt AIS 1. FC= 1. Central and 1.recomm 1. Centre- Audit only 1. NOT a
US charged on CFI & central service may autonomous State govt of State State- Audit and govt servent
notify matters in body governed required to reorg Account
2. Determines which not necessary to by GoI consult Comm 2. Consulted
territorial AREA of consult UPSC (but commission on 2. 7th 2. CAG act, 1971- with
electoral placed before parlia 2. ALL powers ALL major amend Duties, power and approval of
constituencies for 14 days>> parlia of Civil Court policy matters 1956 function law
based on can amend or repeal as per CrPC affecting SCs (amend in 1976- Ministry
delimitation comm this) 3. HQ @ separate Audit and
Act of parliament 3. depends on 2. 338(10)- Allahabad A/c function) 3. Right to
2. Govt may make data supplied OBC and audience
4. If disqualified rules regulating scope by states Anglo Indians 3.Agent of parliament ALL courts
candidate>>elected of advisory function within india
>> then Consti has of UPSC 65th amen 4. condition of person
no provision>> thus 1990- serving in IAAS and 4. Accept
dealt under 3. Consulted: Method NCSCST administrative appointment
RPA,1951>>HC of recruitment, powers of CAG- as director
declares election promotion and 89th amen determined by of ANY
void (not EC) transfers, disciplinary 2003- bifurcate President in company
matters consultation with with
5. State Election 3. ANNUAL CAG approval of
Commissoner- 4. NOT consult: report GoI
Removed as on Reservation, chair of regarding 5. CAG can disallow
grounds and tribunals, temporary Constituional any expenditure 5.NOTE-
procedure of Judge appointments safegurads violating Consti or Solicitor
of HC any law general is
5. NOTE- President 4. NCST- appointed
6. Advice for DO NOT constitute Measures to be 6. SC judgement by Cabinet
disqualification- JPSC>>its statutory taken for Full 2014: he can audit Committe
BINDING on prez implementatio Private firms in
&gov 6. UPSC- Exams for n of PESA, revenue Share deals
7. Depty ECs- AIS, Central services, 1996 with govt
Appointed by ECI UT services (Exploitation of
(NOT Prez) natural resources)
NOTE- UPSC: advice
8. ECI can not GoI (NOT state) 7. External auditor
deregister party, to 11 UN agencies
but can de-list it or 7. Earlier: UPSC
derecognize it members equated with
AIR 22 CSE 2019
9. RPA: NO suo SC judges>> but in
motu of ECI on 2018: change in rules
disqualification to equate with Central
cases govt Secretaries
Ssc panacea
By – Sandeep Singh
Important Points :-
Some Common Personalities of Instruments.
All Personalities are not important but some of them are the
most important and frequently asked by SSC.
Other Awardees :-
M.S Subbulakshmi - ▪️First Indian to Win RamonMagsasay
Award in 1974
Pt. Bhimshen Joshi - ▪️Padma Shri in 1972
▪️ Padma Bhushan in 1985
▪️ Padma Vibhushan in 1999
▪️ Bharat Ratna in 2008
▪️ SangeetNatak Academy Award Fellowship in 1998.
Allah Rakha Khan -▪️Padma Shri in 1977
▪️SangeetNatakAkademi Award in 1982.
Zakir Hussain(Son of Allah Rakha) - ▪️ Padma Shri in 1988
▪️ Padma Bhushan in 2002
▪️ Padma Vibhushan in 2023
▪️ SangeetNatakAkademi Award in 1990
Alauddin Khan– ▪️ Padma Bhushan in 1958
▪️ Padma Vibhushan in 1971
Ali Akbar Khan (Son of Alauddin) - ▪️ Padma Bhushan in 1967
▪️ Padma Vibhushan in 1989
Ravi Shankar – ▪️ 1st Indian Grammy Winner in 1968
(His Album – “West Meets East”)
▪️Bharat Ratna in 1999
▪️ Padma Vibhushan in 1981
▪️ Padma Bhushan in 1967
▪️SangeetNatakAkademi Award in 1962
▪️SangeetNatakAkademi Fellowship in 1975.
▪️ Ramon Magsasay in 1992
▪️ KalidasSamman of MP Govt (1987-88)
Bismillah Khan - ▪️ Bharat Ratna in 2001
▪️ Padma Shri in 1961
▪️ Padma Bhushan in 1968
▪️ Padma Vibhushan in 1980
LalgudiJayaraman - ▪️ Padma Shri in 1972
▪️ Padma Bhushan in 2001
HariprasadChaurasiya - ▪️ Padma Bhushan in 1992
▪️ Padma Vibhushan in 2000
KishanMaharaj - ▪️Padma Shri in 1973
▪️ Padma Vibhushan in 2002
Amjad Ali Khan - ▪️ Padma Vibhushan in 2001
Ram Narayan Sarangi - ▪️ Padma Vibhushan in 2005
BhajanSopori - ▪️ Padma Shri in 2004
▪️ Sangeet Natak Akademy Award in 1992
Annapurna Devi - ▪️ Padma Bhushan in 1977
Asad Ali Khan - ▪️ Padma Bhushan in 2008
Pt. Vishwa Mohan Bhatt - ▪️ Grammy Award in 1993
▪️Padma Shri in 2002
▪️ Padma Vibhushan in 2017
Pt. Shiv Kumar Sharma - ▪️ Padma Shri in 1991
▪️ Padma Bhushan in 2001
By – Sandeep Singh
उदाहरण:-तबिा, मृदं ग
ु म, ड्रम, ढोिक, जाइिोफोि, घटम, पिावज, घंकटयााँ
द्वारा तारों को बजािे या ककसी तरीके से बजािे पर कंपि करिे वािे तारों से
ध्वधि उत्पन्ि करते हैं ।
सरोद - 17 से 25 तार
धसतार - 18, 19, 20 या 21 तार
वायधिि - 4 तार
धगटार - 6 तारें
में पुर्कार
अिाउद्दीि िाि –
1958 में पद्म भूषण
1971 में पद्म क्तवभूषण
पं. रक्तवशंकर -
1968 में प्रथम भारतीय ग्रैमी क्तवजेता (उिका एल्बम -
"वे्ट मीट्स ई्ट")
1999 में भारत रत्न
1981 में पद्म क्तवभूषण
1967 में पद्म भूषण
1962 में संगीत िाटक अकादमी पुर्कार
1975 में संगीत िाटक अकादमी फेिोधशप।
1992 में रे मि मैगसेसे
मप्र सरकार का काधिदास सम्माि (1987-88)
क्तबख्मल्िाह िाि -
2001 में भारत रत्न
1961 में पद्मश्री
1968 में पद्म भूषण
1980 में पद्म क्तवभूषण
िािगुर्डी जयारमि-
1972 में पद्मश्री
2001 में पद्म भूषण
हररप्रसाद चौरधसया -
1992 में पद्म भूषण
2000 में पद्म क्तवभूषण
ककशिमहाराज –
1973 में पद्म श्री
2002 में पद्म क्तवभूषण
भजिसोपोरी –
2004 में पद्म श्री
1992 में संगीत िाटक अकादमी पुर्कार
अन्िपूणाक दे वी –
1977 में पद्म भूषण
2. कौि सा एक बडा, संकीणक मुंह वािा धमट्टी का बतकि है खजसका उपयोग ताि
वाद्य यंत्र के रूप में ककया जाता है ? – घाटम
3. एि.आर. मुरिीिरि का संबंि ककस संगीत वाद्ययंत्र से है ? - वायोधिि
4. पं. क्तवश्व मोहि भट्ट ककस संगीत वाद्ययंत्र से संबंधित हैं ? – मोहि वीणा{वह
मोहि वीणा के आक्तवष्कारक हैं }
5. पोिुयोकसी, एक तिवार जैसा वाद्य यंत्र, खजसका उपयोग पुजाररयों द्वारा ककए
जािे वािे औपचाररक िृत्यों के दौराि ककया जाता है ? - अरुणाचि प्रदे श
6. धिम्िधिखित में से कौि सा संगीत वाद्ययंत्र पखिमी राज्थाि के मंगधियारों
द्वारा बजाए जािे वािे तार वािे वाद्ययंत्रों का उदाहरण है ? - कमैचा
7. रामिारघवि का संबंि ककस संगीत वाद्ययंत्र से है ? – मृदं ग
ु म
8. ककशिमहाराज ककस संगीत वाद्ययंत्र से संबंधित हैं ? – तबिा
9. अिी अकबर िाि ककस संगीत वाद्ययंत्र से संबंधित हैं ? – सरोद
13. अमजद अिी िाि ककस संगीत वाद्ययंत्र से संबंधित हैं ? – सरोद
14. अिी अहमद हुसैि ककस संगीत वाद्ययंत्र से संबंधित हैं ? – शहिाई
15. असद अिी िाि ककस संगीत वाद्ययंत्र से संबंधित हैं ? – रूरवीणा
Join :-
Features of Ram Temple
Ghanta made of Ashtadhatu (gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, tin, iron,
Hour weight - 2100 kg
Sound of bells - 15 kilometers away
Sculpture making - made from 6 crore years old Shaligram
Rocks from Gandak River (Nepal)
Circumference (Parikota) - Length: 732 meters, Width: 14 feet.
Four temples - Dedicated to Suryadev, Maa Bhagwati, Lord
Ganesha and Lord Shiva will be built on its four corners.
Main entrance - Singhdwar (32 stairs))
In the northern direction - Temple of Goddess Annapurna.
In the southern direction - Temple of Lord Hanuman.
Holy pond in the temple complex - Sita Kund
Other temples within the temple complex will be - Temples of
Maharishi Valmiki, Maharishi Vashishtha, Maharishi Vishwamitra,
Maharishi Agastya, Raja Nishad, Mata Shabari and Devi Ahilya
Chronology from 1528-2024
Supreme Court Judgment 2019
Chief Justice Gogoi formed a bench of 5 judges in 2019 and rejected the old
2018 decision
On 9 November 2019, the Supreme Court ruled in the interest of the Hindu
side and ordered the Ram Temple to be built through a trust.
Gave 5 acres of land to Sunni Waqf Board to build a mosque at a separate
place in Ayodhya.
मंनिर निमािणकताि
प्रबंधि - श्री राम िन्मभूनम तीथि क्षेत्र टर स्ट
निमािण कंपिी - लासिि एं ड टबो (L&T)
मंनिर निमािण िैली - िार्र िैली
वास्तुकार - चंद्रकांत बी स मपुरा और (2 बेटे-निखखल, आिीष स मपुरा)
निमािण लार्त - 1400-1800 कर ड़ (अिु)
राम मंनिर की नविेषताएँ
घंटा अष्टधातु (स िा, चांिी, तांबा, िस्ता, सीसा, नटि, ल िा, पारा) से निनमित
घंटे का विि - 2100 किलोग्राम
घंटे की आवाि - 15 किलोमीटर दू र
मूनतियां निमािण - 6 िरोड़ वर्ष पुरानी शाकलग्राम कशलाओं से बनी, गंडि नदी
(नेपाल) से
पररनध (पररक टा) - लंबाई :732 मीटर, चौड़ाई :14 फीट, इसिे चारों िोनों पर
सूर्षदेव, मााँ भगवती, भगवान गणेश और भगवान कशव िो समकपषत
चार मंकदरों िा कनमाष ण होगा
मुख्य प्रवेि द्वार - कसंहद्वार (32 सीक़िर्ों से)
उत्तरी नििा में - िे वी अन्नपूणाि का मंनिर
िनक्षणी नििा में -भर्वाि ििुमाि का मंनिर
मंनिर पररसर में पनवत्र कंु ड - सीता कंु ड
मंनिर पररसर के भीतर अन्य मंनिर - मिनषि वाखिकी,
मिनषि वनिष्ठ, मिनषि नवश्वानमत्र, मिनषि अर्स्त्य, रािा नििाि, माता िबरी और
िे वी अनिल्या के मंनिर ि र्
ं े।
मंनिर में प्रयुक्त निमाि ण सामग्री
1528-2024 तक कालक्रम
2011 - सुप्रीम िोटष ने इलाहाबाद हाई िोटष िी रूकलंग पर रोि लगाई
2018 - सुप्रीम िोटष ने अपना फैसला कदर्ा (जगजाकहर नही किर्ा)
चीफ जस्जिस गोगोई ने 2019 में 5 जजों िी बेंच बनाई और पुराने 2018 वाले फैसले िो
खाररज िर कदर्ा
9 नवंबर 2019 में सु प्रीम िोटष ने कहं दू पक्ष िे कहत में फैसला सुनार्ा और राम मंकदर
िो एि टर ि िे जररए बनवाने िा आदे श कदर्ा।
सुन्नी वक्फ बोडष िो 5 एिड़ जमीन दी, अर्ोध्या में अलग जगह मस्जिद बनाने िे
Ssc panacea
By - Sandeep Singh
Join -
Indian dances can be categorised into three segments, namely classical,
folk and tribal. There are eight distinct classical dance style of India but
there are several folk and tribal dances. Every state has folk and tribal
We have compiled all important dances from Exam Point of View in
the Best Way, After this pdf you will not have to read this topic from
any other source.
Learn & Revise Again & Again
Classical Dances
Kathak Dancers
1. Shambhu Maharaj - Sangeet Natak Akademi (1967)
Padma shri (1958).
2. Birju Maharaj - Sangeet Natak Akademi Award(1964)
Padma Vibhushan(1986)
Kalidas Samman (1987)
Lata Mangeshkar Puraskar (2002)
3. Sitara Devi - Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (1969)
Padma Shree (1973)
Kalidas Samman (1995)
4. Shovana Narayan- Padma Shri (1992)
Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (1999–2000)
Dadabhai Naoroji Award (1993)
Bihar Gaurav Puraskar (1985)
5. Saraswati Sen- Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (2004).
6. Roshan Kumari- Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (1976)
Padma Shri (1984)
Maharashtra Gaurav Puraskar (1990)
Kuchipudi Dancers
Mohiniattam Dancers
1. Kalamandalam Kalyanikutty Amma – Kalidasa Samman (1997–1998)
Kerala Sangeetha Nataka
Akademi Award (1974)
Kathakali Dancers
1. Milena Salvini – Padma Shree (2019)
2. Mrinalini Sarabhai – Padma Shri (1965)
(Bharatnatyam & Padma Bhushan (1992)
Manipuri Dancers
1. Guru Bipin Singh – Sangeet Natak Academy (1966)
Odissi Dancers
1. Sonal Mansingh - Padma Bhushan (1992)
Padma Vibhushan (2003)
Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (1987)
2. Kelucharan Mohapatra - Kalidas Samman from Madhya Pradesh gov.
Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (1966)
Sangeet Natak Akademi Fellowship (1991)
Padma Shri (1974)
Padma Bhushan (1988)
Padma Vibhushan (2000)
Sattriya Dancers
1. Jatin Goswami – Sangeet Natak Academy (2004)
Padma Shri (2008)
2. Tankeswar Hazarika Borbayan - Sangeet Natak Akademi
Award (2018)
Chhau Dancers
1. Gopal Prasad Dubey – Jharkhand Award (2007)
Padma Shri (2012)
2. Makar Dhwaja Darogha – Padma Shri (2011)
Folk Dances
1.Andhra Pradesh - Kolattam, Dhimsa, Lambada, Veernatyam,
Bhamakalpam, Lambadi.
2.Arunachal Pradesh - Ponung, Popir, Wancho, Chalo, Pasi, Kongki.
3. Assam - Bagurumba, Bihu, Bichhua, Natpuja, Khel Gopal, Gamocha,
4. Bihar - Jat Jatin, Panwariya, Bakho Bakhein
5. Chattisgarh - Gaur Maria, Panthi, Kapalik, Raut Nacha, Pandwani, Saila
6. Goa - Fugdi, Shigmo, Tarangamel, Dhangar
7. Haryana - Jhumar, Phag, Daph, Dhamal, Loor, Gugga.
8. Himachal Pradesh - Jhora, Jhali, Dhaman, Mahasu, Chharhi, Chhapeli
9. Jammu & Kashmir - Hafiza, Hikat, Rauf, Mandjas, Kud, Dandi Nach,
Bhand pather
10. Jharkhand - Karma Munda, Alkap, Birhor, Kadsa, Paika, Phagua
11. Karnataka - Yakshagana, Karga, Kunitha, Suggi, Huttari, Hampi
12. Kerala - Ottam Thulal, Kummattikali.
13. Ladakh - Drugpa, Spawo, Shondol.
14. Lakshadweep - Kolkali, Parichakali
15. Madhya Pradesh - Matki, Jawara, Khada Naach, Phulpati, Selalarki.
16. Maharashtra - Lezim, Lavani, Povada, Dasavtar
17. Manipur - Thang ta, Pung Cholam, Dol Cholam, Lai Haroba.
18. Meghalaya - Nongkrem, Laho, Ka shad suk Mynseim
19. Mizoram - Cheraw, khuallam, Chailam,
20. Nagaland - Bamboo, Leshalaptu
21. Odisha - Paika, Dalkhai, Gotipua, Munari, Ranapa.
22. Punjab - Giddha, Bhangra, Daff, Bhand, Dhaman, Viyahula.
23. Rajasthan - Chakri, Bhavai, Jhulan Leela, Gangor, Ghapal, Ghumar,
Terah Tali, Suisini.
24. Sikkim - Chu Faat, Yak Chaam, Sikmari, Singhi Chaam, the Snow
Lion, Denzong Gnenha.
25. Tamil Nadu - Kumi, Kolattam, Kabadi.
26. Tripura - Hojagiri, Maimata
27. Uttar Pradesh - Raslila, Nautanki, Jhora.
28. Uttarakhand - Kumayuni, Garhwali, Kajari, Jhora.
29. West Bengal - Gambira, Dhali Jatra, Alkali, Puruliya Chau, Santhali.
Tribal Dances
There are many types of tribal dances in India, performed during social and
religious occasions like the weapon dances, pertaining to martial dances, fertility,
sun and moon worshipping dances, initiation, war and hunting dances.
Hindi Version
भारतीय नृ त्यों कय तीन खों डयों में वर्गीकृत ककया जा सकता है , अर्ाा त् शास्त्रीय, लयक और
आकिवासी। भारत की आठ कवकशष्ट शास्त्रीय नृ त् शै कलयााँ हैं लेककन कई लयक और आकिवासी
नृ त् भी हैं । हर राज्य में लयक और आकिवासी नृ त् हयते हैं ।
हमने परीक्षा के दृष्टिकोण से सभी महत्वपू णण नृ त्ोों को सर्वोत्तम तरीके से सोंकष्टित ष्टकया
है , इस पीडीएफ के बाद आपको इस टॉष्टपक को ष्टकसी अन्य स्रोत से पढ़ने की
आर्वश्यकता नही ों होगी।
शास्त्रीय नृत्
1. भरतनाट्यम – तष्टमिनाडु
2. कथक - उत्तर प्रदे श
3. कथकिी – केरि
4. कुष्टिपुडी - आों ध्र प्रदे श
5. मष्टणपुरी – मष्टणपुर
6. मोष्टहनीअट्टम – केरि
7. ओष्टडसी-ओष्टडशा
8. सत्त्रिया – असम
9. छाऊ - झारखोंड, ओष्टडशा, पष्टिम बोंगाि
सोंबोंष्टित नतण क
भरतनाट्यम (तष्टमिनाडु ):- 🔸रुक्मिणी िे वी अरुोंडे ल,🔸 ई.कृष्णा स्वामी अय्यर, 🔸
याकमनी कृष्णमूकता, 🔸 पद्मा सुब्रह्मण्यम, 🔸 मृणाकलनी साराभाई, 🔸मक्मिका
साराभाई,🔸अलामेल वे िी, 🔸तोंजौर बालासरस्वती, 🔸नार्ाकी नटराज,🔸मीनाक्षी
कथक (उत्तर प्रदे श):- 🔸पों . कबरजू महाराज, 🔸लच्छू महाराज , 🔸शों भू महाराज,
🔸सयनल मानकसोंह, 🔸कसतारा िे वी, 🔸शयवना नारायण, 🔸अकिकत मोंर्गलिास, 🔸रयशन
कुमारी, 🔸राजश्री कशके, 🔸सरस्वती सेन.
कुष्टिपुडी (आों ध्र प्रदे श) - 🔸बालासरस्वती, 🔸राजा रे ड्डी और राधा रे ड्डी, 🔸पद्मजा
रे ड्डी, 🔸याकमनी कृष्णमूकता, 🔸वेम्पकत किन्ना सत्म, 🔸अपणाा सतीसन🔸 वी.
सत्नारायण शमाा ।
छाऊ नृत् - 🔸मकर ध्वजा िरयर्गा, 🔸इकलयाना कसटाररस्टी (ओकडसी एवों छाऊ),
🔸शशाधर आिाया .
नतणक और उनके पुरस्कार
भरतनाट्यम नतणक
1. याष्टमनी कृष्णमूष्टतण - पद्म श्री (1968)
पद्म भूषण (2001)
पद्म कवभूषण (2016)
2. अिारमेि र्वेल्ली - सोंर्गीत नाटक अकािमी पुरस्कार (2001)
पद्म भूषण पुरस्कार (2004)
पद्मश्री (1991)
3. रुत्त्िणी दे र्वी अरुोंडे ि - पद्म भूषण (1956)
सोंर्गीत नाटक अकािमी फेलयकशप (1967)
काकलिास सम्मान (1984)
4. पद्मा सुब्रह्मण्यम :- सों र्गीत नाटक अकािमी पुरस्कार (1983)
पद्म भूषण (2003)
पद्म श्री (1981)
5. ई.कृष्णा अय्यर - पद्म श्री (1966)
6. नतणकी नटराज - सों र्गीत नाटक अकािमी पुरस्कार (2011)
पद्म श्री (2019)
7. मीनाक्षी श्रीष्टनर्वासन - उस्ताि कबक्मििाह खान यु वा पुरस्कार (2011)
कथक नतणक
1. शोंभू महाराज - सों र्गीत नाटक अकािमी (1967)
पद्म श्री (1958)।
2. ष्टबरजू महाराज - सोंर्गीत नाटक अकािमी पुरस्कार (1964)
पद्म कवभूषण (1986)
काकलिास सम्मान (1987)
लता मोंर्गेशकर पु रस्कार (2002)
3. ष्टसतारा दे र्वी - सोंर्गीत नाटक अकािमी पुरस्कार (1969)
पद्म श्री (1973)
काकलिास सम्मान (1995)
4. शोर्वना नारायण- पद्म श्री (1992)
सोंर्गीत नाटक अकािमी पुरस्कार (1999-2000)
िािाभाई नौरयजी पुरस्कार (1993)
कबहार र्गौरव पु रस्कार (1985)
5. सरस्वती सेन- सों र्गीत नाटक अकािमी पुरस्कार (2004)।
कुष्टिपुडी नतणक
1. र्वी. सत्नारायण शमाण - पद्म श्री (1970)
सोंर्गीत नाटक अकािमी (1961)
मोष्टहनीअट्टम नतणक
1. किामोंडिम कल्याष्टणकुट्टी अम्मा - काकलिास सम्मान (1997-1998)
केरल सोंर्गीत नाटक अकािमी पुरस्कार (1974)
कथकिी नतणक
1. ष्टमिेना सात्त्िनी - पद्म श्री (2019)
2. मृणाष्टिनी साराभाई - पद्म श्री (1965)
(भरतनाट्यम और पद्म भूषण (1992)
मष्टणपुरी नतणक
1. गुरु ष्टबष्टपन ष्टसोंह - सोंर्गीत नाटक अकािमी (1966)
ओष्टडसी नतणक
1. सोनि मानष्टसोंह - पद्म भूषण (1992)
पद्म कवभूषण (2003)
सोंर्गीत नाटक अकािमी पुरस्कार (1987)
2. केिु िरण महापात्रा - मध्य प्रिे श सरकार से काकलिास सम्मान।
सोंर्गीत नाटक अकािमी पुरस्कार (1966)
सोंर्गीत नाटक अकािमी फेलयकशप (1991)
पद्म श्री (1974)
पद्म भूषण (1988)
पद्म कवभूषण (2000)
सत्त्रिया नतणक
1. जष्टतन गोस्वामी - सोंर्गीत नाटक अकािमी (2004)
पद्म श्री (2008)
2. टों केश्वर हजाररका बोरबयान - सोंर्गीत नाटक अकािमी पुरस्कार (2018)
छऊ नतणक
1. गोपाि प्रसाद दु बे - झारखोंड पुरस्कार (2007)
पद्म श्री (2012)
2. मकर ध्वज दारोघा - पद्म श्री (2011)
िोक नृत्
1.आों ध्र प्रदे श - कयलट्टम, किम्सा, लों बाडा, वीरनाट्यम, भामाकल्पम, लम्बाडी।
9. जम्मू और कश्मीर - हकफजा, कहकत, रऊफ, मोंिजस, कुि, िाों डी नाि, भाों ड पत्थर
17. मष्टणपुर - र्ाों र्ग ता, पुोंर्ग ियलम, डयल ियलम, लाई हरयबा।
23. राजस्थान - िकरी, भवई, झूलन लीला, र्गोंर्गयर, घपाल, घूमर, तेरह ताली, सु इकसनी।
24. ष्टसत्त्िम - िू फाट, यक िाम, कसकमरी, कसोंघी िाम, ि स्नय लायन, डे नजयोंर्ग र्गनेन्हा।
29. पष्टिम बोंगाि - र्गक्मम्बरा, धली जात्रा, अलकली, पुरुकलया िाऊ, सोंर्ाली।
आष्टदर्वासी नृत्
भारत में कई प्रकार के आष्टदर्वासी नृत् हैं , जो सामाष्टजक और िाष्टमणक अर्वसरोों के
दौरान ष्टकए जाते हैं , जैसे हष्टथयार नृत्, माशणि नृत्, प्रजनन, सूयण और िोंद्रमा की पू जा
नृत्, दीक्षा, युद्ध और ष्टशकार नृत् से सोंबोंष्टित।
1. सोंथािी नृत् - सों र्ाली नृत् पष्टिम बों गाि, झारखोंड, उडीसा और असम की
सोंर्ाल जनजाकत द्वारा ककया जाता है ।
4. शाद सुक ष्टमनसीम (मेघािय) – मे घालय का शाि सुक कमनकसएम नृत् र्वसोंत
के आगमन का प्रतीक है । इसे मकहलाएों और यु वकतयाों ियनयों ही बडे उत्साह और
आनोंि के सार् करती हैं । इस नृत् कय िन्यर्वाद दे ने र्वािे नृत् के रूप में भी जाना
जाता है क्योंकक नताक शाों कत और समृक्मद्ध के कलए प्रकृकत और िै वीय कृपा के प्रकत
अपना आभार व्यक्त करते हैं ।
5. दाि खाई और िूप नृत् (ओष्टडसा) – सोंबिपुर का दाि खाई नृत् पुरुषयों
और मकहलाओों द्वारा प्रस्तुत ककया र्गया। जबकक पुरुष ियल बजाते हैं , मकहलाएों
एकरूपता में नृत् करती हैं जय कववाह और कववाह समारयह की शुरुआत का प्रतीक
है ।
7. नागा नृत् (नागािैंड) – नार्गालैंड का लयककप्रय नार्गा नृत्, नार्गाओों द्वारा ककया
जाता है (इसमें लर्गभर्ग 18 प्रमु ख जनजाकतयााँ शाकमल हैं )। इसे कशकारी नृत् के नाम से
जाना जाता है ।
8. कादर नृत् (केरि) – यह केरल की कािर जनजाकतययों द्वारा प्रस्तुत ककया जाता
है । यह कोत्त्ि क्षे त्र की मकहलाओों द्वारा ककया जाता है ।
By :- Sandeep Singh
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Planning Commission
The Planning Commission of India was a non-constitutional body,
which was responsible to formulate India’s five years plans.
Joseph Stalin implemented the first Five-Year Plan in the Soviet
Union in 1928.
The PM of India is the Ex-officio chairman of the planning
It was established on March 1950, under Presidency of the Prime
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.
Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru was the first chairman of the Planning
The apex body gives final approval to a five-year plan in India -
National Development Council. (NDC was established on 6th August
There were three breaks in five-year plans during 1966-69, 1978-80,
and 1991-92.
First Five Year Plan (1951-1956)
Based on Harrod Domar Model.
Main Focus – Agricultural Development.
This five years plan's president was Jawaharlal Nehru and
Gulzarilal Nanda was the vice-president.
Growth :- Target – 2.1%, Achieved – 3.6%
Family Planning Programme - 1952
Dam Construction – Bhakra Nangal Dam , Hirakud Dam &
Damodar ghati.
Published by - Transparency
International (TI)
Current Affairs Updated Dewashish Sir Official
Published by - International
Institute for Management
Development (IMD)
Current Affairs Updated Dewashish Sir Official
Published by - Reporters
Without Borders
Current Affairs Updated Dewashish Sir Official
Published by - World
Economic Forum + Yale
and Columbia University
Current Affairs Updated Dewashish Sir Official
Democracy Index
Published by - Sustainable
Development Solutions
Network (SDSN)
Current Affairs Updated Dewashish Sir Official
Published by - Institute
for Economics and
Peace (IEP)
Current Affairs Updated Dewashish Sir Official
Published by - World
Economic Forum (WEF)
Current Affairs Updated Dewashish Sir Official
Published by - IQAir
Current Affairs Updated Dewashish Sir Official
Published by - Stockholm
International Peace Research
Institute (SIPRI)
Current Affairs Updated Dewashish Sir Official
Published by - QS
Quacquarelli Symonds
Current Affairs Updated Dewashish Sir Official
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Heritage Foundation
Current Affairs Updated Dewashish Sir Official
Published by - U.S.
Chambers of Commerce
Current Affairs Updated Dewashish Sir Official
Published by - Ministry of
housing and urban affairs
Shifting Cultivation
Shifting Cultivation is a form of primitive subsistence
agriculture in which farmers clear a small area of land
(usually cleared by fire ) and cultivated food grains like
cereals and paddy.
Shifting Cultivation
Sl.No State/Region
Hilly Region of
3. the Western Ghats Kumari
of Kerala
Kaman, Vinga
8. Odisha
and Dhavi
Terms used for shifting cultivation in different
parts of the World
Shifting Cultivation
S. No. Country
1. Myanmar Taungya
2. Sri Lanka Chena
3. Thailand Tamrai
Java, Indonesia and Ladang
Malaysia Humah
5. Philippines Caingin
6. Zambia Chetemini
7. Brazil Roka
8. Venezuela Konuko
Mexico and
9. Milya
Central America
Equatorial African
16. Fang
[B] Fallowing
A) Kharif
B) Jhumming
C) Ludang
D) Rabi
C) Ludang
5. Roca is an agricultural practices followed in
B) Indonesia
C) China
D) Malaysia
l_____H_e_a_d_qu_a_r_te_r_s_&_F_o_u_n_d_in_g_Y_ea_r_ _ _ _j
Name Headquarters Foundation Year
sco Beijing China 15 June 2001
OIC Jeddah Saudi Arabia 1969
OPEC Vienna Sept 1960
NATO Brussels Belgium 4April 1949
G20 Cancun, Mexico 26 Sept 1999
GCC) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 25 May 1981
BRICS Shanghai I 2009
The Arab League Al Tahrir Sq., Cairo, Egypt 22.03.1945
African Union Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 26.05.2001
' I
ASEAN Jakarta, Indonesia \'., 08.08.1967
- - ..'
INTERPOL) Lyon, France 7 September 1923
-- -- -
World Banlc Washington D.C. (U.S.A.) July 1944
WTO Geneva, Switzerland I January 1995
- - - - -
IMF Washington D.C. (U.S.A.) 27 December 1945
ADB Metro Manila, Philippines 22 August, 1966
ICC Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- ~
- -15 June 1909 - -
FIFA Zurich 1904
SAARC Kathmandu 1985
l_____H_e_a_d_qu_a_r_te_r_s_&_F_o_u_n_d_in_g_Y_ea_r_ _ _ _j
Name Headquarters Foundation Year
sco Beijing China 15 June 2001
OIC Jeddah Saudi Arabia 1969
OPEC Vienna Sept 1960
NATO Brussels Belgium 4April 1949
G20 Cancun, Mexico 26 Sept 1999
GCC) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 25 May 1981
BRICS Shanghai I 2009
The Arab League Al Tahrir Sq., Cairo, Egypt 22.03.1945
African Union Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 26.05.2001
' I
ASEAN Jakarta, Indonesia \'., 08.08.1967
- - ..'
INTERPOL) Lyon, France 7 September 1923
-- -- -
World Banlc Washington D.C. (U.S.A.) July 1944
WTO Geneva, Switzerland I January 1995
- - - - -
IMF Washington D.C. (U.S.A.) 27 December 1945
ADB Metro Manila, Philippines 22 August, 1966
ICC Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- ~
- -15 June 1909 - -
FIFA Zurich 1904
SAARC Kathmandu 1985
abha (1814)
Q stablishmeno
of vendanta
ollage (1825) C oung Benga:')
idow Marriag~
sociation 1850s
~ .!. .!. ~
Founding of Brahmo Samai
Brahmo Samaj Tattvabodhini of India and Adi
Hindu Collage Sabha (1839) Brahmo Samaj
(1817) (1828)
ovement (1887)
Sadharan V
( : (1878)
Samaj (1873)
Samaj (1867)
~ ~ ~ ~
Arya Samaj (1875) Poona
Ramakrishna Arya Mahila Sarvajanak
Samaj (1881) Theosophical Society
Mission (1897) (1875) Sabha (1870)
ri Narayan~
uru Dharma
palana (SNDP) f Self Respect\
ogam (1902) ~vement (19:Y
Servants of Vaikom
India Society Satyagraha
(1905) (1924·25)
Nalanda University Bihar Kumaragupta I -
Saint George Fort Chennai (Tamil Nadu) East India Company 1644 AD
Jantar Mantar Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh) Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II 1724-1737 AD
Akbar's Tomb Sikandra, Agra (Uttar Pradesh) Akbar and his son Jahangir 1613 AD
Jantar Mantar Varanasi ( Uttar Pradesh) Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II 1724-1739 AD
Instrument Measure
Altimeter Altitude (height)
Ammeter Electric charges
Anemometer Wind speed
Bolometer Electromagnetic radiation
Calipers Distance between two opposite sides of an object
Calorimeter Heat of chemical reactions or physical changes as well as heat capacity
Cryometer Freezing temperature
Galvanometer Electric current
Hydrometer Density of liquids
Hygrometer Moisture content in the atmosphere
Hypsometer Height (altitude)
Nephelometer Suspended particulates in a liquid or gas colloid
Ondometer Frequency of electromagnetic waves
Pyknometer Density of substance
Pyrometer High temperature
Refractometer Refractive index
Sextant Angle between any two visible objects
Sphygmomanometer Blood pressure
Telemeter Distances to remote objects
Tonometer Internal pressure of the eye
Venturi meter Rate of a flow of a fluid flowing through a pipe
Voltmeter Electrical potential difference between two points in an electric circu
TrNty YNr Description
TrNty of Alx-t.a-Chapelle 1748 • 1st camatic war
• Madras was handed back to the English.
• The French got back their territories In North
The TrNty of Alin■gar 1757 • Signed between Siraj-ud-Oaula and Robert Clive.
•The British could fortify Calcutta and allowed duty
free movement of goods.
TrNty with Mir K■lim 1760 • He ceded Burdwan, Mldnapur and Chittagong.
• Company would get half of the share In Chunam trade
of Sylhet.
Shah Alam II
• Issue a flrman for Olwanl of Bengal, Blhar and
• Nlzamat rights
TrNtl■I of B■n■ r■s 1773 and • Warren Hastings and nawab of Awadh.
1775 • Nawab of Awadh, Shah Alam II got back Allahabad.
• Resulted In Roh Illa war of 1774.
TrNty of Surat 177S • During Warren Hastings and 1st Anglo Maratha war
• Raghunathrao ceded Salsette and Bassein.
01 Union Powers Committee awaharlal Nehru
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Blahnol 1700 Khejuli, Manvar Amrita Devi Used to hug trees to stop their
Movement region in felling.
Chlpko 1973 Uttarakhand Sunderlal The main objective was to protect
Movement Bahuguna the trees on the Himalayan slopes
from the axes of contractors of
the Tehri Dam project.
Silent Valley 1978 Silent Valley, Kerala Sastra A movement against the Silent
Movement Kerala Sahitya Valley Hydroelectric Project. In
Parishad November 1983, the Silent Valley
Hydroelectric Project was
cancelled. In 1985, Prime Minister
Rajiv Gandhi inaugurated the
Silent Valley National Park.
Applko 1982 Kantipuza river in Tribals Against government plans to
Movement Singbhum district replace the natural forest with
of Jharkhand Teak plantations.
SaveAarey 2019 Aarey National Medha Patkar, Against the felling of trees in the
Movement Park in Mumbai Arundhati Roy, Aarey Colony for the Mumbai
and various Metro Limited's (MMRLC) project.
Save Dehlns- Nov Dehing-Patkai Rohit A movement against the decision
Patkal 2019 Wildlife Sanctuary Chaudhary, by the National Board of Wildlife
in Assam Adil Hussain, (NBWL) to allow mining in the
Randeep Dehing-Patkai Sanctuary.
Hooda, and Joi
Jadav Payeng
Savethe 2019- The Sundarbans, All Assam A campaign to raise awareness
Sundarbans 2020 West Bengal Students' about the threats to the
Union and All Sundarbans mangrove forest after
Assam Matak Cyclone Amphan in May 2020.