Influence of E-Glass Fiber Addition On Mechanical Properties of Jute Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Composites
Influence of E-Glass Fiber Addition On Mechanical Properties of Jute Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Composites
Influence of E-Glass Fiber Addition On Mechanical Properties of Jute Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Composites
Abstract - The development of hybrid composite creation of hybrid composites with enhanced mechanical
materials has gained significant attention in recent years, properties.
especially with the growing demand for sustainable
alternatives to traditional materials. Jute fibers, being II. Scope of the Project
biodegradable, low-cost, and environmentally friendly, are
an attractive option for reinforcing composites. However, 1. Enhancement of Mechanical Properties: One of the
the mechanical properties of jute fibers alone may not be primary goals of this research is to investigate how the
sufficient for high-performance applications. The addition addition of E-glass fibers influences the mechanical
of E-glass fibers, known for their high strength and properties of jute fiber composites. The mechanical
durability, can potentially enhance the properties of jute- properties under consideration include tensile
based composites. This study investigates the impact of E- strength, flexural strength, and impact resistance.
glass fiber addition on the mechanical properties of jute Through the hybridization process, it is expected that
fiber reinforced hybrid composites, focusing on tensile, the composite's performance will be significantly
flexural, and impact characteristics. The findings improved compared to pure jute composites.
demonstrate that the hybridization of jute with E-glass 2. Optimizing Fiber Ratios: The study will also focus on
fibers results in significant improvements in the mechanical optimizing the fiber ratio of jute and E-glass fibers to
properties, making these composites more suitable for achieve the best balance between cost-effectiveness
various engineering applications. and mechanical performance. Various fiber
combinations will be tested to determine which
Key Words: Hybrid composites, Jute fibers, E-glass fibers, mixture provides the most favorable outcomes in terms
Mechanical properties, Sustainability. of strength, stiffness, and durability.
3. Sustainability and Environmental Impact: An important
I. INTRODUCTION consideration in this research is the sustainability of
the materials used. While E-glass fibers are synthetic
The increasing need for sustainable materials in the and non-biodegradable, jute fibers offer a renewable,
automotive, construction, and packaging industries has led biodegradable alternative. The project will evaluate
to significant advancements in the development of natural whether the hybrid composites maintain their
fiber reinforced composites (NFRCs). Among these, jute environmental friendliness while enhancing
fibers have emerged as one of the most widely used natural performance. This balance is critical for applications
fibers for composite materials due to their affordability, where sustainability is a priority, such as in eco-
availability, and biodegradability. Jute composites, however, friendly packaging materials or automotive
face limitations such as low strength, water absorption, and components.
poor durability under environmental conditions. These 4. Comparative Analysis with Pure Jute Composites: The
shortcomings restrict the applications of pure jute study will provide a detailed comparison between
composites, particularly in demanding engineering hybrid composites and pure jute composites in terms of
environments. mechanical behavior. This will include an analysis of
how the addition of E-glass fibers modifies the fracture
E-glass fibers, a type of synthetic fiber, are known for their behavior, fiber-matrix bonding, and overall composite
excellent mechanical properties, including high tensile integrity.
strength, rigidity, and impact resistance. E-glass fiber 5. Exploring New Applications: Based on the improved
composites are extensively used in the automotive and mechanical properties of the hybrid composites, the
aerospace industries but are not biodegradable. Hybridizing study will explore potential applications in various
jute fibers with E-glass fibers can combine the fields such as automotive, construction, and marine
environmental benefits of natural fibers with the high- industries, where both strength and sustainability are
performance attributes of synthetic fibers, leading to the important.
2024@IRJEdT Vol – 6 Issue- 11 Nov 2024
International Research Journal of Education and Technology
Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN 2581-7795
1. Jute Fibers: Jute fibers were sourced from a local The tensile test results revealed a marked improvement
supplier. The fibers were cleaned, cut to a specific in the tensile strength of hybrid composites compared to
length, and dried to remove moisture before use. pure jute composites. The 75% jute + 25% E-glass
2. E-glass Fibers: E-glass fibers were obtained from a composite exhibited the highest tensile strength, which
commercial supplier. These fibers are known for was approximately 30% higher than that of the pure jute
their high tensile strength and stiffness, making composite. This increase can be attributed to the
them suitable for reinforcing composites. superior strength of the E-glass fibers, which enhance the
3. Matrix Material: An unsaturated polyester resin was load-bearing capacity of the composite.
used as the matrix material due to its compatibility
with both natural and synthetic fibers, as well as its B. Flexural Properties
ease of processing. The flexural strength results indicated that the hybrid
4. Curing Agent: The matrix resin was mixed with a composites, particularly the 50% jute + 50% E-glass
hardener and catalyst to initiate curing at room composite, demonstrated better resistance to bending
temperature. compared to the pure jute composites. This improvement
is a direct result of the added stiffness from the E-glass
B. Composite Fabrication fibers, which provide additional support during bending
1. Fiber Preparation: The jute fibers were cut into
uniform lengths, cleaned, and dried. The E-glass C. Impact Resistance
fibers were also cut to the required size. Impact testing showed that hybrid composites with
2. Resin Mixing: The unsaturated polyester resin was higher E-glass fiber content exhibited better energy
mixed with a catalyst and hardener according to the absorption and resistance to fracture upon impact. The
manufacturer's specifications. 50% jute + 50% E-glass composite demonstrated the
3. Layering Process: Layers of jute and E-glass fibers highest impact strength, which is critical for applications
were alternately arranged and impregnated with the where sudden forces or shocks are common.
resin mixture. A roller was used to remove trapped
air and ensure proper impregnation. D. Fiber-Matrix Bonding
4. Curing: The composite samples were cured at room SEM analysis revealed that the addition of E-glass fibers
temperature for 24 hours to ensure the matrix enhanced the bonding between the fibers and the matrix.
material fully polymerized. The hybrid composites showed better fiber-matrix
adhesion compared to pure jute composites, reducing the
C. Testing Methodology likelihood of fiber pull-out during mechanical loading.
2024@IRJEdT Vol – 6 Issue- 11 Nov 2024
International Research Journal of Education and Technology
Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN 2581-7795
2024@IRJEdT Vol – 6 Issue- 11 Nov 2024