Lea-4-Final-Exam 2
Lea-4-Final-Exam 2
Lea-4-Final-Exam 2
answer 1: c
answer 2: b.
question 3: how can law enforcement use crime mapping to address crime trends?
answer 3: c.
question 4: what is one ethical concern associated with the use of crime mapping in law enforcement?
answer 4: a.
question 5: what does “predictive policing” based on crime mapping aim to do?
answer 5: b.
marvin tambiado
_d_1. it is a specific design, method or course of action to attain a particular objective in consonance
with strategy.
_a_3. a specific commitment to achieve use measurable result within a specific period of time.
_a_5. a general statement commitment to achieve a measurable result within a specific period of time.
1.what categories of police operation includes search, rescue and retrieval operation,fire drill,
earthquake drills?
d. intelligence operation
ans: b
2. what types of police unit are investigate accident and crimes that occur on the water and perform
dive searches and boater- safety,task?
c. cybercrime unit
d. k-9 unit
ans : b
a. bomb squad
b. k-9 unit
c. cybercrime unit
d. swat
ans: b
4. which shall be primarily used in a non- armed confrontation with an uncooperative and unruly
offender during the arrest?
ans: b
5. these police unit deal with scenarios where animals are in danger or are endangering civilians.
a. cybercrime unit
c. aviation unit
d. traffic unit
ans: b
what categories of police operations includes counter insurgency operations counter terrorist operation
and similars operations that are conducted to ensure internal security?
ans: c
which defined as the job duties responsibilities, and activities that law enforcement agents complete in
the field?
a. police operation
b. bfp operation
c. pcg operation
ans: a
it is rather than a type of mapping the term interactive crime mapping refers to simplified geographic
information systems made available to novice users over the internet?
a. density mapping
c. chart mapping
d. graduated mapping
ans: b
what is the process of using a geographic information system to conduct spatial analysis of crime
problems and other police related issues?
a. graduated mapping
c. crime mapping
d. interactive mapping
ans: c
it is designed to help prevent or minimize uneccesary loss of lives and properties at sea.
a. maritime safety
b. pcg
d. bfp
ans: a
it is used in policing to
a. crime mapping
b. graduated mapping
c. chart mapping
d. density mapping
answer: a
2. what are the analysts use point data to shade surfaces that are not limited to area boundaries.
a.density mapping
b. chart mapping
answer: a
this are the drug incident per street which different sizes or colors of features represent particular
values of variables
b. graduated mapping
d. analysis
answer: b
d. crime mapping
answer: b
5.it is the simplified geographic information system made available to novice newsers over the internet.
a.density mapping
b.chart mapping
c. graduated mapping
d.interactive crime mapping
answer: d
bs-crim iii
definition of sop
answer: d
police operational planning is the act of determining policies and guidelines for police activities and
operations and providing controls and safeguards for such activities and operations in the department.
a. true
b. false
c. maybe
d. it depends
answer: a.
a. bantay kalye
c .siyasat
c. anti – terrorism
answer: c
b. sop # 19
c. sop # 15
answer: b
a. search operations
b. intelligence operations
answer a
crim 3-b
1. it suggest little more than inspectional activity, whether carried out on foot, mobile or some other
a. patrol b. police
c. patroullier d. constable
answer : a. patrol
2. is the most extensively used, and the most effective means of police patrol, considering its speed and
3. this is the type of police plan according to range and which has a life span of three years or more.
4. criminals can hear the sound of the helicopter coming and so element of surprise is lost which is one
of the _______ of air patrol.
a. advantages b. features
c. disadvantages d. import
answer: c. disadvantages
c. planning d. objectives
answer: d. objectives
noquira, jeraldine c.
bs crim-3
section b
1. an act establishing the philippine national police under a reorganized department of theinterior and
local government and for other purposes,” gave way to the creation of thecountry’s police
force that is national in scope and civilian in character. it is administered andcontrolled by the national
police commission.
a. r.a 6975
b. r.a 8551
c. r. a 7456
d. act 4864
answer : a
2. in busy and thickly populated commercial streets like those in divisoria, police patrol is very
necessary.since there are several types of patrol, which of the following will you recommend:
a.horse patrol
b. mobile patrol
c.foot patrol
d.helicopter patrol
answer: c
3. these are work programs of line divisions which related to the nature and extent of the workload and
the availability of resources.
a.administrative plan
b. operational plan
c. strategic plan
d.tactical plan
answer: b
answer: d
5. it is the product resulting from the collection evaluation on analysis integration and interpretation of
criminal activity and which is immediately or potentially significant to policeplanning.
a. investigation
b. information
c. data
d. intelligence
answer: d
bs-crim 3-b
c) reducing transparency
ans- b
2.in the problem-oriented policing (pop) model, what is the central focus of law enforcement efforts?
a) maximizing arrests
b) community engagement
3.which of the following is not a component of the “cia” triad in industrial security?
a) confidentiality
b) integrity
c) availability
d) compliance
ans- d
4. which law enforcement department typically utilizes crime mapping to allocate resources effectively
and reduce crime rates?
a) traffic police
c) patrol division
d) k-9-unit
ans- c
5.what leadership style is characterized by leaders making decisions independently with little input from
a) autocratic leadership
b) laissez-faire leadership
c) transformational leadership
d) servant leadership
ans- a
the process of formulating coordinated sequence of methodical activities and allocation of resources to
the line units of the police organization for the attainment of the mandated goals and objectives.
operational planning
strategic planning
police planning
answer_( a )
answer_ ( a )
the following are the functions of police officer during police operations, except
answer_ ( c )
what is the category of police operations that includes search. rescue and retrieval operations, fire drills,
earthquake drills, and similar operations that promote public safety?
public safety operations
answer_ ( b )
be in the dialect that is known to the offender or in the national language. b. consist of the following:
police officer identifying himself; his intention; and what he wants
be done in the national language followed by a demonstrative act of police officer’s intent if the
offender is a foreigner.
answer _ ( b )
sherryl a. liguan
1. it is the execution of a plan requires the issuance of orders and directives to units and personnel
ans: b
organizational objectives.
a. plans
b. police planning
c. planning
d. strategic planning
ans: a
3. what principles and elements of planning can be defined as the process by which managers sets
objectives,assess the future,and develop course of action designed to accomplish objectives.
a. operational planning
b. strategic planning
c. plans
d. planning
ans: d
a. resources needed
b.course of action
c. a goal
d. plan
ans: d
manage financial
a. tactical planning
c. budget planning
ans: c
section b
scenario: a large crowd has gathered in the city center for a music concert. the primary objective of the
police in this situation would be:
e) intelligence operation
scenario: a group of armed robbers has been targeting banks in the city. the police have received
information about their whereabouts and plans. the primary objective of the police in this situation
would be:
e) intelligence operation
scenario: a high-profile political event is taking place, and there is a potential threat to the safety of the
attendees. the primary objective of the police in this situation would be:
e) intelligence operation
scenario: a terrorist group has infiltrated the city and is planning a major attack. the primary objective of
the police in this situation would be:
e) intelligence operation
scenario: the police receive information about a drug trafficking ring operating within the city. the
primary objective of the police in this situation would be:
e) intelligence operation
is an organized schedule or sequence by method activities intended for the accomplishment of mission
or assignment
-a. plan
b. planning
c. police planning
d. all of these
a. objective
-b. goal
c. strategy
d. all of these
this type of policy comes from the government in the forms of laws, administrative orders, and rules and
procedures or contract specifications
a. originated policy
b. appealed policy
is the use of a rational design or pattern for all department undertaking rather than relying on chance
b. reactive plans
c. proactive plans
d. all of these
includes search, rescue and retrieval operations, fire drills, earthquake drills and similar operations that
promote public safety
d. all of these
trases, maristella s
this one of the most common and effective surveillance techniques used by private investigators.
physical surveillance involves following a person or vehicle without being detected.
a. police surveillance
b. roving surveillance
c. inspection
a. inspection
b. roving surveillance
c. called for service
d. interrogation
the request made to police department by member of the public for assistance with various issues or
b. roving surveillance
c. inspection
d. hot spots
a. hot spots
b. crime prevention
c. thermatic mapping
d. geographic profiling
a. crime prevetion
b. inspection
c. hot spots
1. b
2. a
3. a
4. b
5. d
1. the following are some of the more common uses of the horse patrol: except,
answer: d
2. this type of policy comes from top management level and is intended to set up guidelines in the
operation of the police organization.
answer: c
answer: b
4. what type of plan are developed in anticipation of problems. to prepare a response in advance?
answer: a
5. these are plans designed to meet the specific tasks required to implement strategic plans.
answer: c
a. work plan
b. tactical plan
c. control plan
d. financial plan
a. directing
b. organizing
c. staffing
d. planning
3.)the operational plan which is designed to meet everyday or year around need is called?
a. extra office
4.)in a busy and thickly populated commercial street like public Market Valencia and imperium,
police patrol is necessary since there are several types of patrol, which of the following type of
patrol will you recommend if you are the chief of police?
a. horse patrol
b. mobile patrol
c. helicopter
d. foot patrol
5.)based on the fundamental theories of patrol, suppression of the desire of the offenders to commit a
crime refers to?
a. criminal jurisprudence
b. crime suppression
c. patrol activity
d. crime prevention
1. it is defined as evaluative and interpreted information concerning organized crime and other major
police problems.
a. military intelligence
b. military information
c. police intelligence
d. police investigation
ans: c
2. a form of intelligence which concerns with the various types of confidential information that filter into
the possession of the police, and the techniques employed in developing these lines of information.
a. counter intelligence
b. departmental intelligence
c. undercover intelligence
d. strategic intelligence
ans: c
3. which a police administrator must rely as one of the most indispensable tools of management; it is
derived from organized information available in the police records division which concerned with the
nature, size and distribution of the police problems of crime, vice and traffic?
a. strategic intelligence
b. counter intelligence
c. departmental intelligence
d. undercover intelligence
ans: c
4. intelligence which primarily long-range in nature with little or no immediate practical value.
a. strategic intelligence
b. counter intelligence
c. departmental intelligence
d. undercover intelligence
ans: a
5. the type of intelligence activity that deals with the defending of the organization against its criminal
a. counter intelligence
b. strategic intelligence
c. military intelligence
d. none of these
ans: a
1. it uses individual symbols to represent point, line and polygon features and allow for a detailed
analysis of a small amount of data.
a. buffers
b. chart mapping
d. density mapping
b. image feature
3. it is a vertical photo taken from a satellite or a plane that is digitized and placed within the geographic
information system.
d. crime analysis
4. an essential statement that identify the role of police in the community and the future conditions or
state to which the department can aspire.
a. strategic plans
b. proactive plans
c. visionary plans
d. reactive plans
1. PCPL Gorge Kigol, together with his companions, was conducting a checkpoint, when a car with blue
colored plates was about to pass by. should they inspect said motor vehicle?
a.no. diplomatic agents. under the vienna convention on diplomatic relations, should not be arrested r
b . yes, diplomats are immune from arrest but their cars re not immune from the inspection.
c.no. diplomats are immune from arrest so as their cars are immune from the inspection
d.yes, but the search to be conducted must be limited to a visual search only.
answer- d
. objects including weapons, equipment, and other items used or intended to be used as the c means of
committing an offense.
c.personal properties of the most corrupt public officials.
3.who is appointed by the unit commanders who shall be responsible in consolidating and maintaining
crime data files of each unit to ensure consistency and continuity?
b.chief investigator
c crime registrar
d.crime operative
4.who shall assume the responsibility over the crime scene and shall conduct a thorough assessment of
the scene and inquiry into the incident?
a.chief of police
b.soco team
c.first responder
5.what is undertaken to arrested suspects to record and document the information surrounding their
b.criminal processing
marjon amor
bs-crim 3b
1.in 1986, the state of california developed an experimental program using helicopters for police
patroling known as;
a. sky walker
b. sky knight
c. night walker
d. knight sky
2.if the area to be served is large enough air patrol can be actually be as economical as the ______?
a. automobile
b. patrol unit
c. patrolling vehicle
d. helicopter
ans: a. automobile
5.in the air patrol or air patrolling what is the common vehicle used?
a. airplane
c. helicopter
d. motor vehicle
ans: c. helicopter
b.functional plans
d.proactive plan
3. the use of physical force and clubs, restraining devices, firearms, tear gas and like shall, in dealing with
groups or individuals, shall also be outlined.
field procedure
headquarter procedure
procedural plan
4.the responsibility of every police officer is to serve the public and protect life and property.
police uniform
pre-operational clearance
inter-unit coordination
no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.
the privacy of communication and correspondence shall be inviolable except upon lawful order of the
rafuell a. cablas
crim 3-b
the determination in advance of how the objectives of the organization will be attained.
a. planning
b. organizing
c. directing
d. controlling
answer: a planning
the most recent use in the search and detection drugs in packages or on suspects.
a. horse patrol
b. aircraft patrol
c. water patrol
d. k-9 assisted patrol
which patrol is desirable in highly congested street like Valencia public market?
a. mobile
b. foot
c. motorcycle
d. bicycle
answer: b. foot
1. in busy and thickly populated commercial street like those in divisoria, police patrol is very necessary.
since there are several types of patrol, which of the following is appropriate?
a. horse patrol
b. foot patrol
c. mobile patrol
d. helicopter patrol
answer. b
2. it is the product from the collection, evaluation, analysis and interpretation of all available
information which concers one or more aspects of criminal activity and which is immediately or
potentially significant to police planning.
a. investigation
b. information
c. data
d. intelligence
3. these are work program of line divisions which related to the nature and extent at the workload and
the availability of resources.
a. administrative plan
b. strategic plan
c. operational plan
d. tactical plan
answer: c
4.the observation of a person, place or thing,generally but not necessarily in an unobtrusive manner
c.undercover operation
d.cover operation
5. it is the organized and physical movement of all units and elements of the Philippine national police
for purposes of crime prevention and control.
answer: a
lastimado, adone-zedic j.
bs-crim 3b
it is used in checking residential buildings, business establishments, dark alleys, and parking lots.
these plans typically cover a period of several years and outline the organization’s broad goals and
a. operational plans
b. short-term plans
c. tactical plans
d. long-term plans
a. financial plans
b. marketing plans
d. contingency plans
the most common in patrolling that covers large areas like park or beach that automobiles cannot go or
a. water patrol
b. horse patrol
c. aircraft patrol
d. helicopter patrol
a. police planning
b. strategic planning
d. operational planning
bs-crim3b loyal
1.ensuring that officers receive necessary training and professional development opportunities.
d.family planning
2.these are the following the following classification of plan and law enforcement plans; except.
a.contingency plans
b.patrol plans
3.identifying and mitigating potential risks and liabilities within the police department
a. a goal
b. police planning
-police planning
5.these plans cover hr related activities like recruitment,training, and performance management
a.tactical plans
a. r.a. 7659
b. r.a. 9745
c.r.a. 9262
d. act 1612
d.right to discriminate
3. this are rights which are granted and protected by the constitution.
a.statutory rights
b.rights of person
d.right to life
ans: c. constitutional
a. the right of children to assistance, including proper care and nutrition, and special protection from all
forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty.
b.human dignity,reduce social economic, political inequalities , remove cultural inequities by equitably
diffusing wealth and political power for the common good.
ans: a
5. constitutional refers to rights provided by laws which are granted by the legisture and may be
abolished by the same. is it true or false?
b. false
c. yes
ans: a. true
name: johsua l. calano
section: 3-b
a. contengecy plans
b. patrol
c.operational plans
d. enforcement
a. tactical planning
b. continuing planning
c. strategic planning
d. budget planning
it is a term to used in policing to refer to the process of conducting spatial analysis within crime analysis?
b. crime mapping
c. mapping analysis
d. graduated mapping
4.which patrol is advisable in highly congested street in malaybalay city public markit?
a. horse patrol
b. bycycle patrol
c. foot
d. motorcycle
ans: c foot
5.it is outlining strategies for investigating crimes collecting evidence, and comprehend suspects?
a. forensic unit
b. investigation plan
c. law enforcement
d. patrol plans
1. what is the document containing the means and ways of attaining a goal or objective?
a. strategy
b. plan
c. action
d. tactic
ans: b
2. which of these refers to the sequence of activities to reach a point or to attain that which is desired?
a. rules
b. procedure
c. regulations
d. policy
ans: b
3.the fundamental reason for creating s strategic approach to managing acquires a model of what a
police department should be. this statement is
a. true
b. false
c. partly true
d. partly false
ans: a
4. what is the attempt by the administraton to allocate anticipated resources to meet anticipated
services demands?
a. none of these
c. police planning
d. management
ans: c
a. supervisors
b. chief, pnp
ans: d
jaide piasidad
bs.crim 3b
1. this are rights which are granted and protected by the constitution.
a. statutory rights
b. right of person
c. constitutional
d. all of these
answer: c
a. operational plan
b. police planning
c. reactive plan
d. proactive plans
answer: b
3. what is the document containing the means and ways of attaining a goal or objective?
a. strategy
b. plan
c. action
d. tactics
answer: b
4. which federal law prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin?
answer: a
5. these are rights provided by the law making body of a country or by law. such as right to receive a
minimum range and the right to preliminary investigation.
a. constitutional rights
b. miranda rights
c. statutory rights
d. bill of rights
answer: c
petalcorin, antoniette p.
lea 4 ( questions)
it is the backbone or nucleus of the police service. also, it is apparent and it is practically responsible for
the performance of all primary police tasks.
a. police service
b. police operation
c. police patrolling
d. patrol
answer :
the following are stages in the planning process of the cycle of planning , except :
a. identity of aim
b. analysis of opportunities
c. feedback
d. plan
answer :
these are the procedures for coping with specific situations at known locations. included in this
categories are plan for dealing with an attack against building with alarm system and attack against the
police headquarters by lawless elements.
a. tactical plan
b. operational plan
d. strategic plan
answer :
tactical plan
a. to enforce laws
b. to protect assets
c. to prevent crime
answer :
to protect assets
the most extensively used and most effective means of transportation for police patrol, it is equipped
with the latest kinds of police gear. it provides a rapid, safe and efficient means of transportation under
average operating conditions.
a. automobile patrol
b. mobile patrol
c. motorcycle patrol
d. foot patrol
automobile patrol
segovia , janus james s.
from the brief history of police patrol , it is where the existence of shire reeve: watchmen , police
protection by use of able-bodied men .
a. england
b. france
c. united states
d. africa
these are plans for the operations of the patrol, investigation, traffic, juvenile and vice control division.
a. operational plan
b. strategic plan
c. tactical plan
d. police planning
answer :
operational plan
a type of patrol that is restricted to small areas and used to deal with special problems of prevention
and repression of crime that cannot be adequately handled by policemen in mobile cars. usually also
used for traffic, surveillance, parades and special events.
a. bicycle patrol
b. air patrol
c. foot patrol
d. horse patrol
answer :
foot patrol
the word “police “ was originated from greek word that means government of a city.
a. politia
b. politeia
c. polisya
d. pulis
answer :
it is a regular repeated circuit of in guarding normally performed by the police over a particular are
either on foot, mobile or other means of patrol mobility for purposes of crime prevention, law
enforcement and peace and order maintenance.
a. patrol
b. patrolling
c. police operation
d. police service
a. ra 6975
b. ra 9675
c. ra 6957
d. ra 7569
b. politeia
c. police surveillance
d. inspection
3.) it refers to a body of civil authority which is tasked to maintain peace and order, protect lives and
properties and ensure public safety
a. police
b. check point
c. politeia
d. inspection
4.) these are general statement and typically with time horizon, or it is an achievable and state that can
be measured and observed.
a. goals
b. search team
c. arrest
d. operational planning
5.) refers to an individual who has been held by suspect against his/her will.
a. kidnapping
b. hostage
c. goals
d. arrest
bs.crim 3b
1. these refers to rights provided by laws which are granted by the legisture and may be abolished by
the same.
a. statutory rights
b. law
c. constitutional
answer: a
2. what is the atempt by the administraon to allocate ancipated resources to meetancipated services
a. management
b. police planning
d. none of these
answer: b
3. the act of determining policies and guidelines for police activities and operations and providing
controls and safeguards for such activities and operations in the department.
a. proactive plans
b. reactive plan
c. operational planning
answer: d
4. the process of setting goals and developing strategies and outlining tasks and schedules to
accomplish the goals.
a. directing
b. staffing
c. planning
d. organizing
answer: c
5.the “exclusionary rule” prevents which of the following from being used as evidence in court?
c. witness testimony
d. hearsay evidence
answer: a
the right to freedom, religion, speech ang etc.. this are rights which are granted and protected by the
a. right of person
b. statury rights
c. human rights
d. constitutional rights
it is legal rights granted to someone under state of federal law and the example of this is, basis of an
employment relationship and are in place to protect employees from unfair treatment
a. rights of person
b. statury rights
c. human rights
d. constitutional rights
the rights to life liberty and the right to a fair trial are under what rights
a. civil rights
b. rights of person
c. constitutional rights
d. right to life
in article 2 what section in the philippine constitution that the state is responsible for promoting social
justice and recognize the value of human dignity and respect for human rights.
a. art. 1-2
b. art. 3-4
c. art. 4-5
d. art. 6-7
if you buy an item from a company. you have a ______ rights to get a refund within a certain period if
the item turns out not to be what you wanted
a. statury
b. human rights
c. constitutional
d. civil rights
1. b
2. d
3. 2
4. c
5. c
taganas, van christian
section b, lea 4
1. if the information or documents are procured openly without regard as to whether the subject of the
investigation becomes knowledgeable of the purpose or purposes for which it is being regarded.
a. overt operation
b. evaluation
c. covert operation
d. interpretation
ans: a
2. refer to the uprightness in character, soundness of moral principles, honesty and freedom from moral
a. integrity
b. loyalty
c. discretion
d. moral
ans: a
3. principles or standards of conduct of an individual, his ethical judgment in human relations and his
respect to superiors.
a. character
b. reputation
c. moral
d. integrity
ans: c
4. maximum security measures applied to prevent possible decryption of encrypted data on radio
a. transmission
b. cryptographic security
c. operation security
d. computer security
ans: b
5. final security measures undertaken prior to the entry into a communication area.
d. perimeter control
ans: c
the process of visualizing future situations, identifying the issues, and advance determination of how the
goals objectives of an organization will be attained.
directing organizing
it is the systematic and orderly determination of facts and events as basis for policy formulation and
decision affecting law enforcement management.
police planning
police administration
police operation
police strategy
it is the development and preparation of techniques and procedures in accomplishing the primary tasks
and functions of an organization.
operational planning
b. strategic planning
police planning
. policy
reactive plans
proactive plans
c. visionary plans
stationary plans
section: iii- b
relying on chance
operational planning
c) management plan
d) planning
answer: a.
term used in policing to refer to the process of conducting spatial analysis within crime analysis.
crime mapping
b ) mapping
answer: a
3.rather than a type of mapping, the term interactive crime mapping refers to simplified geographic
information systems made available to novice users over the internet.
density mapping
c)chart mapping
d) graduated mapping
answer: b
4.short to medium-term planning that outlines specific actions to achieve strategic goals. it deals with
day-to-day operations and resource deployment.
tactical planning
b ) strategic planning
c) operational planning
answer: a
5.ensuring that officers receive necessary training and professional development opportunities.
b ) development planning
answer: a
elustrisimo christian b.
crim lll b
form of surveillance where an investigator will observe suspect in person from a distance to obtain
a. field surveillance
b. electronic surveillance
c. three-person surveillance
d. undercover operation
answer: a
it’s a vintage type of patrol and still place an important role in the development of officers today
automobile patrol
b motorcycle patrol
c. foot patrol
d. bicycle patrol
answer: c
is the unit of police organisation which is directly and constantly in contact with the public
a. police force
b.patrol force
c. police power
d. traffic division
answer: b
police visibility in strategic and crime prone area projects thus, an effective crime prevention strategy
a. police discretion
b. police authority
c. police omnipresence
d. police effectiveness
answer: c
the patrol strategy which employs patrol officers in their police uniform and marked police vehicles
refers to
a. decoy patrol
b. visibility patrol
d. blending patrol
answer: c
lumanog, jericho b.
bs-crim 3b
1.it is the most extensively used and the most effective means of transportation of police patrol.
a.decoy patrol
b.foot patrol
c.mobile patrol
d.police patrol
answer: c.
a.bicycle patrol
b.foot patrol
c.mobile patrol
answer: d
a.air patrol
b.foot patrol
c.automobile patrol
d.bicycle patrol
answer: a
a.motorcycle patrol
b.mobile patrol
c.foot patrol
d.bicycle patrol
answer: a
b.foot patrol
c.motorcycle patrol
d.mobile patrol
answer: b
answer: b
2.which technology is commonly used for digital evidence analysis in cybercrime investigation?
a.dna profiling
c.computer forensic
3.in forensic science,what is the term for study of skeletal remains to determine identity?
c.always truthful
- The concept of human rights empowers people and tells them that they
deserve dignity from society, whether it's the government or their work environment.
When they don't receive it, they can stand up.
4. Why is it important for Filipino workers to know their rights?
- There may have been offers but most of them are contractual agreements and
you may be scared to take on these positions. Don't be! There is importance in knowing
your rights as an employee. By being aware of these rights, workers can better
advocate for their well-being and demand fair treatment in the workplace.
Madelyn Marcon
Answer: A
A. PCG Operation
B. BFP Operation
C. BJMP Operation
D. Police Operation
2. Plans that continuously seek to motivate, promote and maintain an active public
concern in the affair.
Answer: D
A. Meeting unusual needs
B. Tactical plans
C. Operational plans
D. Etra- office plan
3. Who shall assume responsibility over the crime scene and shall conduct a thorough
assessment of the scene and inquiry into the incident.
Answer: B
A. Chief of police
B. SOCO team
C. First responder
D. Investigator on-case
4. Plans for operation of special division like patrol, detective, traffic, vice and juvenile
control division.
Answer: C
A. Procedural plan
B. Tactical plan
C. Operational plan
D. Extra office plan
5. BFP conduct preparedness planning to address not only fires but also natural and
man made disasters like typhoon, earthquake, floods and other calamities.
Answer: D
A. Fire prevention planning
B. Training and skills development
C. Community outreach and education planning
D. Disaster preparedness planning
Heart Loro
C. 1. It is a type of crime mapping which specified area around a feature on a map
a. Single-Symbol Mapping b. Chart Mapping
c. Buffers d. Crime Mapping
C. 2. What refers to the process of conducting spatial analysis within crime analysis
a. Crime Stat b. Crime Trend
c. Crime Mapping d. Patrol Deployment
B. 3. It is a type of crime analysis deals with long-range comparisons semi or annually
a. Strategic b. Administrative
c. Geographic Information System d. Tactical
C. 4. What is the name of the system that is a database of geographic information
a. Geographic Data b. Crime analysis
c. Geographic Information System d. Bar chart mapping
A. 5. It is the analytical process of interpreting the specific features of a crime and
related crime scenes
a. Crime Analysis b. Crime Mapping
c. Pie Chart Mapping d. Strategic
Alango, Jehanne A.
1. It is a means of determining the crime pattern, most regular time and place of
commission of crime,
Answer; B
A. Crime stat B. crime mapping
C. Crime trend D. Patrol deployment
2. It allows the crime analysts to display several values within particular variable at the
same time.
Answer; B
A. Buffers B. Chart mapping
C. Pie chart mapping d. Bar chart
3. It deals with immediate Criminal offenses (immediate, hours, days, or weeks from the
time of the crime).
Answer; D
A. Administrative b. strategic
C. Geographic information d. Tactical
Answer; A
A. Administrative B. Strategic
C. Geographic information D. tactical
5. It is primarily concerned with operational strategies and seeks solutions to Ongoing
problems (weeks,months, quarters, or years).
Answer; B
A. Administrative B. Strategic
C. Geographic information D. Tactical
Jabes Ollada
A.1. A ______ is an organized schedule or sequence by methodical activities intended
to attain a goal and objectives for the accomplishment of mission or assignment
a. Plan b. Planing
c. Police planning d. Operational plan
B. 2. _______ is an attempt by police administrator in trying to allocate anticipated
resources to meet anticipated service demand.
a. Plan b. Police planning
c. Operational plan d. Planing
D. 3. All the choices below are part of strategic planning except.
a. Develop mission and objectives
b. Diagnosed environmental threats and opportunities
c. Generate alternative strategies
d. Congruence
B. 4. These are not the characteristics of good police planning except.
a. Improve analysis of problem
b. Provide better information for decision making
c. Simplicity, directness, and clarity.
d. Improve the performance of the program
D. 5. These are the guidelines in planning except.
a. What to dob. Why to do
c. When to do d. They will do
Rubio Arman
B 1.It is Building positive relationships with the community is crucial. These plans outline
outreach efforts, community meetings, and initiatives aimed at fostering trust and
A.Technology Integration Plans
B.Community Engagement plans
C.Budgetary Plans
D.Crisis Intervention Plans
C 2.The Police may have plans for dealing with individuals experiencing mental health
or other non-violent emergencies. This plans called?
A.Crowd control plans
B.Investigation Plans
C.Crisis Intervention Plans
D.Training development Plans
A 3.It is Police departments must allocate resources efficiently?
A.Budgetary Plans
B.Community Engagement plans
C.Technology Integration Plans
D.Crime Prevention Plans
D 4. This Plans Focus on managing traffic flow, enforcing traffic laws, and responding to
accidents or incidents on the road.
A.Crowd Control Plans
B.Crisis Intervention Plans
C.Crime Prevention Plans
D.Taffic Management Plans
A 5. This Plans often involve the use of specialized units and equipment, Like protests,
parades or large gathering to ensure Public safety and maintain order.
A.Crowd Control Plans
B.Crisis Intervention Plans
C.Crime Prevention Plans
D.Community engagement Plans
A 4.These plans detail how police respond to various types of emergencies, such as
natural disasters, terrorist attacks or Large-scale accidents.
A.Emergency Response Plans
B.Investigation Plans
C.Crime Prevention Plans
D.Operational Plans
C 5.The Police Departments invest in ongoing training for their officers.
A. Community Engagement Plans
B.Budgetary Plans
C.Training and Development Plans
D.Crowd Control Plans
1. It is the systematic study of crime and disorder problems as well as other other police
related issues including: sociodemographic, spatial, temporal factors, assist the police
in criminal apprehension, crime and disorder reduction, crime prevention and
A. Crime Mapping B. Crime Analysis
C. Both A and B D. None of the above
2. Its a type of Crime analysis that study the recent criminal incidents or series of
incidents or also known as a short- term development which partol and investigate
priorities in law enforcement operations.
A. Tactical Crime Analysis B. Administrative Crime Analysis
C. Strategic Crime Analysis D. None of the above
3. In law enforcement operations .It used to map, visualize and analyse crime incidents
pattern through (GIS) Geographic Information System. That help to resource allocation
and geographic profiling of criminals and suspicious location.
A. Crime Analysis B. Chart Mapping
C. Buffer Mapping D. Crime Mapping
4. A type of crime analysis that includes the collection of primary data from a variety of
other sources through both quantitative and qualitative methods and includes trend
analysis, hot spot analysis, and problem analysis that seek solutions to ongoing
problems.Also know as long- term development in law enforcement operation.
A. Strategic Crime Analysis B. Tactical Crime Analysis
C. Administrative Crime Analysis D. Crime Analysis
5. A descriptive and analytical instrument used in crime mapping system that allows
police to identify crime within specific areas based on precedent cases or victimization
data. Also allows police officers to identify crime hotspots using trends, patterns, and
relationships and areas where the police has already intervened.
A. Single- symbol Mapping B. Crime Mapping
C. Geographic Information System (GIS) D. Administrative Crime Analysis
4. What is the category of police operations that includes search, rescue and retrieval
operations, fire drills, earthquake drills, and similar operations that promote public
Answer: B
a. Public Safety Operations
b. Disaster Risk Reduction Operations
c. Internal Security Operations
d. Law enforcement operations
Judith Dagsan
1. Which of the following amendment guarantees citizens against ''unreasonable
searches and seizures ?
Ans- Fourth Amendment
2.What is right due process?
Ans- the right to be treated fairly, efficiently and effectively by the administration
of justice.
3. What is article 3 Section 1 of the 1987 Philippine constitution?
Ans-No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process
of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.
4. What is the right against unreasonable searches and seizures?
Ans-The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
effects against unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature and for any
purpose shall be inviolable.
3. are plans for the operation of special divisions like patrol, detective, fire, traffic, and
juvenile control divisions.
Jimmy Orevillo
B 1. Are sequence of activities to reach a point or to attain what is desired.
A. Tactics B. Procedures
C. Plan D. Planning
A 2. Are specific design, method or a course of action to attain a particular objective in
consonance with strategy.
A. Tactics B. Procedures
C. Plan D. Planning
B 3. Involves strategies or tactics, procedures, policies or guidelines.
A. Procedures B. Police Operational Planning
C. Planning D. Plan
A 4. The use of rational design or patten for all departmental undertakings rather than
relying on chance in an operational environment
A. Operational Planning B. Police Operational Planning
C. Plan D. Planning
C 5. Is a police operation purposely to seal off the probable exit points of fleeing suspect
from the crime scene to prevent their escape.
A. Buy bust Operation B. Police Operation
C. Dragnet Operation D. Non of the above
Johnber L. Efe
2. ) The Use of rational design or pattern for all departmental undertakings rather than
relying on chance in an operational environment.
Answer ; C
Answer; A
a.) Tactics b.) Police operational planning c.) strategy.
Answer; B
1. Is a term used in policing to prefer the process of conducting spatial analysis within
crime analysis.
Answer: C
a. Crime Mopping b. Crime Analizing C. CRIME MAPPING d. Crime Analysis
2. A method by which the researchers and ______ identify local tends in criminal
Answer: B
a. Crime Mopping B. CRIME ANALYST c. Crime Maping d. Crme Analitical
3. It is a public service that allows enforcement to share selected crime data with the
Answer: A
A. LEXISNEXIS b. LixesNexis c. LexieLore d. Lexis and Nexis
4-5. Give atleast two of the 5 Crime Mapping technique.