Pest and Pest Control-1
Pest and Pest Control-1
Pest and Pest Control-1
be poisonous.
Every organism interacts with biotic and abiotic components of ecosystem and
struggle for its better survival and existence in nature. Different types of
interactions exist between pests and other components of ecosystem, especially
human, plants and animals. These interactions can create issues of competition
for food and space endemic or epidemic outbreak of diseases/ nuisance, damage
to properties and injury to both plants and animals.
Pests are organisms that damage or interfere with desirable plants in our fields
and orchads, landscapes, or wildlands, or damage homes or other structures.
Pests also include organisms that impact human or animal health. Pest may
transmit disease or may be just a nuisance. A pest can be a plant (weed),
vertebrate (bird, rodent, or other mammal), invertebrate (insect, tick, mite or
snail), nematode, pathogenic (bacteria, virus, or fungi) that causes diseases, or
other unwanted organism that may harm water quality, animal life, or other parts
of the ecosystem.
Nematodes are a group of worms. They occur naturally and are very hard to
detect visually. These are common soil pests that affects plants. The soil at low
levels contains numerous nematodes. They are parasites of both plants and
animals and attack insect also, however they cause severe damage to plants. But
not all nematodes are harmful to the plants, some play an essential role in
nutrient recycling. Nematodes have been known as pests of humans since the
down of medicine.
Guinea worms
Plant parastic nematodes include several groups causing severe crops losses. The
most common general are:
some nematodes species transmit viruses through their feeding activity on roots.
One of them is xiphinema index, vector of GFLV (Grapevine Fan Leaf Virus), an
important disease of grapes.
Examples are, citrus, cotton, cowpeas, peanuts, rice, soybean, cucumber, pepper,
flowers, tomato, banana, carrot, ginger, grape, strawberry, lettuce, papaw,
passion fruit, pineapple, Pumpkin, etc.
The two most important root diseases of cotton are root-knot caused by the root-
knot nematode, and Fusarium wilt.
The inspectors should look for the root knots caused by the root-knot nematodes
on cotton roots.
The inspectors should look for potato cyst nematode with small immature
females of white or yellow stages or brown cysts if the plant roots are examined
at the flowering stage. Soil analysis for extraction of cysts is also recommended
Phylum: Mollusca
The slug lacks shell and this permits movement into the soil in search of
food source
They cut through plant tissue held by soft mouth and scoops out cavities in
affected plants
In moist and warm weather, it may cause above-ground damage to leaves
of plant such as border plants establishing turf, lettuce and brussels sprout
Phylum: Arthropoda
Humans have shown great ingenuity in adapting to life in every corner of the
globe, which has, in turn, been of great benefit to many arthropod pests. These
creatures have taken advantage of us, either exclusively or on an ‘as need be’
basis, for both food and shelter. Whether it is feeding on our blood, food, homes
or garbage, many arthropods have adapted to a life in close contact with humans.
Humans regard insects as pests, and attempt to control them using insecticide,
and a host of other techniques. Some insect damage crops by feeding on sap,
leaves, fruits, or wood. Some species are parasitic, and may be a vector of
diseases. Some insects perform complex ecological roles, bow-flies for example,
help consume carrion but also spread diseases.
• Triploblastic
• Bilaterally symmetrical
• They are coelomates (fluid filed cavity) animals, although the coelom is
highly reduced
• Complete digestive system, with mouth and anus, with some parts that is
specialized for specific function
Stink bugs
Sugarcane beetle
Arthropods are adopted to life on land, at sea and in the air. One Arthropods class
in particular, class insecta can be formidable pest, devouring crops destroying
wood structures, spreading malaria and other life-threatening disease.
examples are water fleas, woodlice, scorpions, spiders tick, mites, cockroaches,
house flies, grasshoppers, mosquito, centipedes, millipedes.
Envenomization arthropods
Venomous arthropods suchs as bees, wasps, kissing bugs, ants, caterpillar hairs,
centipede bite, spider and scorpion
Inhalant allergies
Ingestant allergens
House pests
Phylum: chortdata
many mammals act as pests. Most dangerous mammals to crops are the rodents.
They destroy crops in fields, they are harmful in houses and buildings also they
can consume all kinds of food stuffs and destroy property.
Rabbits, mice, wood chucks and some others forage in vegetable fields and
gardens. Pocket gophers eats roots of plants, while squirrels damage grain and
other crops. Besides, bigger herbivorous ungulates such as deer, bear, boar,
hippopotamus, elephant and kangaroo etc., also damage and eat up crops.
Rodents are the worst carriers and distributors of the germs of certain diseases.
Rats, mice, pigs, cats, dogs etc., transmit many diseases to humans such as
bubonic plague, typhus, relapsing fever, spotted fever, tularemia, trichinia and
hydrophobia etc.
biological control
Cultural control
Mechanical and physical controls kill a pest directly, block pests out, or make the
environment unsuitable for it. Traps for rodents are examples of mechanical
control. Physical controls include mulches for weed management, steam
sterilization of the soil for disease management, or barriers such as screens to
keep birds or insects out.
Chemical control
Chemical control is the use of pesticide. Pesticide are used only when needed and
in combination with other approaches for more effective, long-term control.
Pesticides are selected and applied in a way that minimizes their possible harm to
people, non-target organisms, and the environment.
Several advance techniques for pest control were developed to prevent and
minimize the loss of crops and diseases due to pests in the ecosystem. Some of
the methods includes:
Biorational products
Insect growth regulators (IGRs) are synthetic insect hormones, which can be
used as insecticides to regulates the populations of harmful insect pests. IGRs
prevent an insect from reaching maturity by interfering with molting process.
Many IGR products are mixed with other insecticides that kill adult insects.
IGRs are generally less toxic to humans.
CRISPR gene editing tool is a method to alter key genes that regulates the
fertility and sex determination of insects. CRISPR technology has allowed
researchers to invent a new effective control technology which can be safe,
self-limiting, and scalable genetic population for a specific species. It has a
potential to be developed and utilized for a plethora of insect pests and
disease vectors. This technology can be safely used in the field to suppress and
even destroy target species.
Since last few years, the major focus surrounding green products has been
from a public health perspective. The demand of green product is increasing
and shifting to eco-protection. Nowadays, second-generation green products
are emerging. These products will have a better ingredient, greater efficacy,
and less disadvantages. For example, a first-generation insecticide containing
plant essential oils may have an unpleasant smell. In contrast to this, second-
generation insecticide contains different amounts of the original ingredients or
other materials, which reduces the smell, while it is still being effective.
A pesticide is any substance used to kill, repel, or control certain forms of plant or
animal life that are considered to be pests. Pesticide include herbicides for
destroying weeds and other unwanted vegetation, insecticides for controlling a
wide variety of insects, fungicides used to prevent the growth of molds and
mildew, disinfectants for preventing the spread of bacteria and compounds used
to control mice and rats.
These are grouped according to the types of pests which they kill
Chemically-related pesticides:
Examples of Pesticides
Boric acid
Malathion etc.,
Benefits of Pesticides
The major advantage of pesticides is that they can save farmers, by protecting
crops from insects and other pests. However below are some other primary
benefits of it.
Effects of Pesticides
The toxic chemicals in these are designed to deliberately released into the
environment. Though each pesticide is meant to kill a certain pest, a very
large percentage of pesticides reach a destination other than their target.
Instead, they enter the air, water, sediments, and even end up in our food.
Pesticides have been linked with human health hazards, from short-term
impacts such as headaches and nausea to chronic impacts like cancer, and
reproductive harm.
The use of these also decreases the general biodiversity in the soil. If there
are no chemicals in the soil there is higher soil quality, and this allows for
higher water retention, which is necessary for plants to grow.
Note: always read and follow label directions before buying or using a pesticide.
Follow all appropriate federal, state, tribal and local regulations
Safety and legal use of pesticides requires that the entire label be followed, but
some label information is particularly focused on safety.