ACN Solved Que 3 Summer 2023

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Advanced Computer network
Summer 2023 Paper
Question 3

3. Attempt any THREE of the following: (12M)

(a) Explain distance vector routing with suitable example.
=> Distance Vector Routing (DVR) is a dynamic routing protocol where each router
maintains a table containing the shortest estimated distances to all other routers in
the network. This table is called a distance vector. Routers periodically share their
distance vectors with their neighbours, allowing them to update their own tables and
determine the best path to reach any destination.
How it Works
1. Distance Vector Creation: Each router calculates the distance (cost) to reach
every other router in the network. This distance is usually based on the number
of hops, but it can also consider other factors like bandwidth or delay.
2. Sharing Distance Vectors: Routers periodically share their distance vectors
with their directly connected neighbours.
3. Route Calculation: Upon receiving a distance vector from a neighbour, a
router calculates the shortest path to each destination by adding the cost to
reach the neighbour to the distance provided by the neighbour.
4. Route Update: If the newly calculated distance to a destination is shorter than
the previously known distance, the router updates its routing table
Consider a simple network with three routers: A, B, and C. A
• Link costs:
o A to B: 2
o B to C: 3
o A to C: 7 C

Initial state:
• Each router knows only the direct link costs to its neighbours.
Iteration 1:
• Router A shares its distance vector with B and C:
o A to B: 2
o A to C: 7
• Router B shares its distance vector with A and C:
o B to A: 2
o B to C: 3
• Router C shares its distance vector with A and B:
o C to A: 7 A
o C to B: 3
Iteration 2:
• Router A receives distance vectors from B and C:
o A to B: 2 C

o A to C: 7
o A to C via B: 2 + 3 = 5 (shorter than direct link)
• Router A updates its routing table:
o A to B: 2
o A to C: 5 (via B)
Similar calculations are performed by routers B and C.
(b) Describe the working of TELNET.
=> TELNET is an abbreviation for TErminaLNETwork. It is the standard TCP/IP
protocol for virtual terminal service.
TELNET Working:
• TELNET is a client-server application that allows a user to log on to a remote
machine, giving the user access to the remote system.
• The user sends the keystrokes to the terminal driver, where the local operating
system accepts the characters but does not interpret them.
• A terminal driver correctly interprets the keystrokes on the local terminal or
terminal emulator.
• The characters are sent to the TELNET client, which transforms the characters to
a universal character set called network virtual terminal (NVT) characters and
delivers them to the local TCP/IP protocol stack.
• The commands or text, in NVT form, travel through the Internet and arrive at the
TCP/IP stack at the remote machine.
• Here the characters are delivered to the operating system and passed to the
TELNET server, which changes the characters to the corresponding characters
understandable by the remote computer.
• However, the characters cannot be passed directly to the operating system because
the remote operating system is not designed to receive characters from a TELNET
server: It is designed to receive characters from a terminal driver.
• A piece of software called a pseudo terminal driver is added which pretends that
the characters are coming from a terminal.
• The operating system then passes the characters to the appropriate application
(c) List UDP services and UDP applications (any 4 each).
=> UDP Services and Applications
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a connectionless protocol used for fast and
efficient data transmission. While it doesn't guarantee delivery or order of packets,
it's ideal for applications that prioritize speed and can tolerate some packet loss.
UDP Services
• Port Number Assignment: UDP assigns unique port numbers to applications
to differentiate between different data streams.
• Checksum Calculation: UDP includes a checksum to verify data integrity
upon arrival.
• Encapsulation: UDP encapsulates data into datagrams and adds a header
containing source and destination port numbers, length, and checksum.
• Domain Name System (DNS): While DNS can use both UDP and TCP, UDP
is often preferred for quick query-response interactions.

UDP Applications
UDP is widely used in various applications due to its speed and efficiency. Here are
some common examples:
Real-Time Applications
• Voice over IP (VoIP): Applications like Skype, WhatsApp, and Zoom use UDP
for real-time voice communication.
• Video Conferencing: Platforms like Google Meet, Zoom, and Skype utilize
UDP for transmitting video and audio data.
• Online Gaming: UDP is essential for online games to ensure low latency and
minimal delays.
Other Applications
• Network Time Protocol (NTP): Synchronizes clocks across different
computer systems.
• Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP): Assigns IP addresses to
devices on a network.
• Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP): Manages network devices.
• Routing Information Protocol (RIP): Used for routing updates in networks.
• Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP): Transfers small files efficiently.
• Real-time Streaming Protocols (RTSP): Controls multimedia sessions.

(d) Find out the error, if any in the following IPv4 addresses:
c. 75.45.301.14
d. 11100101.23.14.67
=> IPv4 Address Structure
An IPv4 address consists of four octets (groups of eight bits), separated by dots. Each
octet can have a value from 0 to 255.
Error Analysis
• a. This address is valid. All octets are within the range of 0-
• b. This address is invalid. It contains five octets instead of four.
• c. 75.45.301.14: This address is invalid. The third octet, 301, is greater than
• d. 11100101.23.14.67: This address is invalid. It contains a binary number in
the first octet, while IPv4 addresses use decimal notation.

Summary of Errors
• b: Too many octets.
• c: Octet value out of range.
• d: Incorrect format (binary instead of decimal).
Therefore, only a. is a valid IPv4 address.

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