Siemens-Healthineers Mi Alpha White Paper
Siemens-Healthineers Mi Alpha White Paper
Siemens-Healthineers Mi Alpha White Paper
2 White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications
AC_CT Attenuation correction CT
AI Artificial intelligence
CT Computed tomography
FDG Fluorodeoxyglucose
HL Hodgkin lymphoma
Ki Metabolic rate
MI Molecular imaging
MR Magnetic resonance
VD Distribution volume
WB Whole-body
White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications 3
Over the past decades, molecular imaging (MI) has grown into a vital tool for
precision medicine with potential to offer tremendous capabilities for the detection
and assessment of the significance of diseases, risk stratification, therapy selection,
and monitoring in oncology, cardiology, and neurology.1 Modern MI systems are
typically hybrid systems—PET/CT or SPECT/CT—that seamlessly combine the richness
in anatomical images (CT) with functional images (PET and SPECT). Furthermore,
technology advances in equipment, such as the introduction of silicon photomultiplier
(SiPM)-based PET detector, have increased spatial resolution and sensitivity that can be
utilized to obtain images of increased quality at lower radiation doses. Improvements in
reconstruction algorithms, such as xSPECT™ technology, further expand the spectrum
of clinical applications by incorporating CT-based tissue segmentation into a zonal
image reconstruction to enable a new degree of image quality2 as well as quantitative
SPECT measurements.
In the era of value-based medicine, it has become essential to assist technologists and
clinicians by reducing manual, laborious, and non-essential work to enable the efficient
processing of high volumes of data in a fashion that is efficient, robust, reproducible,
and less operator dependent. This will also allow them to focus their time and attention
on patients and critical clinical questions. Thus, to increase throughput without
sacrificing quality requires innovative, impactful features using unique intelligent
4 White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications
ALPHA1-6 can detect and contextualize anatomical structures at various levels
of anatomical abstraction, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1
Organ Segmentation
(eg, a fine segmentation of
kidney boundary on CT)
Bounding Boxes
(eg, bounding box for left kidney)
Slice Ranges
(eg, first and last slices containing colon)
Anatomical Orientation
(eg, knee meniscus midsagital plane)
White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications 5
Core idea: mimic human vision
ALPHA can be used to recognize and infer anatomical patterns and consists of an
algorithm to detect anatomical landmarks at its core, as shown in Figure 1a. An
anatomical landmark is a discrete labelled point in 2D or 3D medical images that can
be used as a reference point by readers to identify anatomy, eg, apex of left lung or
top of liver dome. The algorithm is designed to mimic the human foveal vision system,
which only focuses on points of interest, for example, landmark points while perceiving
a rough and blurred peripheral context at any given time. Typically, the human visual
system analyzes the complete scene and use redundancy and relationships of
surrounding structures to achieve a reliable recognition of objects or context. ALPHA was
designed in the same way to recognize an abundant number of anatomical landmarks
and structures by exploiting the rich context and high redundancy in a medical imaging.
The underlying technology is a multi-layered, machine-learning algorithm called learning
ensembles of anatomical patterns (LEAP).4-5
Figure 2
database Supervised learning phase
landmarking Annotated
learning Annotated
engine database
6 White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications
Increase accuracy and reliability via redundancy3
In the presence of a visual illusion, the human brain is vulnerable to misinterpretation
and ‘human error;’ conversely, machine learning algorithms similarly are also susceptible
to misinterpretation.7 In order to achieve robustness against diseases or imaging
artifacts, ALPHA uses multiple layers of redundancy3 to increase the reliability of the
results produced by the algorithm. The concept of redundancy has been shown to
work well in safety-critical systems, as failure of a single component can be either
detected or corrected by other working components. ALPHA uses three redundancy
concepts to achieve robustness.
1. R
edundancy of training data based on anatomical landmarks
Research has shown that ensemble learning algorithms, such as bagging6, improves
performance of the system: learning is performed by selecting a few samples for
training from the available training data to train multiple detectors. In contrast, ALPHA
uses a spatial re-alignment scheme that uses all available training data.3 The training
data was aligned according to anatomical landmarks that were annotated by the
experts as shown in Figure 3. Because of inherent anatomical variability, all landmarks
cannot be aligned together. Redundancy was included by replicating the data for
multiple landmarks within the body.3-6
Figure 3
White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications 7
Thus, if n-landmarks are annotated in data, there will be n times the original data
present for the training as new dataset is created by re-alignment of n-landmarks
as shown in Figure 3b. The advantage of spatial alignment can be seen in Figure 3c,
the median image, where images are much sharper in the region of landmark point
and blurry at the region away from the landmark point. The detector algorithm is
run separately on each of these images, creating redundant prediction of landmarks,
which is then appropriately selected based on the voting scheme described later in
section 3.
Figure 4
8 White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications
3. Redundancy via voting on other anatomical landmarks
Due to redundancy design during the detection, multiple candidate anatomical
landmarks are detected independently. In this step, every landmark casts a vote for
every landmark. Thus, each detected landmark serves as a candidate and a voter.
Voting exploits redundancy of spatial relationships between landmarks in a way where
correct landmarks reinforce each other, and incorrect landmarks are voted out. The
cumulative information is used to define landmark locations with both confidence,
and precision. The illustrative example in Figure 5 demonstrates how ALPHA
landmarking achieves robustness through redundancy. This example shows four
candidate landmarks for the “Right Costodiaphragmatic Recess,” which have similar
image features. Correct landmarks are positively reinforced by being voted in (thick
lines), while incorrect landmarks are voted out (thin lines). Both local and distant
anatomy is accounted for during the voting.
Figure 5
Figure 5. Illustrative
example demonstrating the
voting mechanism of ALPHA
landmarking algorithm
White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications 9
Applications on intelligent
PET/CT scanner platform (AIDAN)
The intelligent imaging platform, AIDAN, for our Biograph™ family of PET/CT scanners,
includes the proprietary ALPHA technology to bring artificial intelligence to PET scanner
operations, enabling more efficient, personalized, and standardize exams. The four
features enabled by the AIDAN platform[b] are shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6
10 White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications
FlowMotion AI
FlowMotion AI integrates FlowMotion8 continuous bed motion technology and
anatomical algorithms to automatically plan scan ranges using a CT topogram. With
FlowMotion AI9, landmarks associated with the top of the head, beneath the eye orbits,
the clavicle, the aortic arch, the adrenal gland, the mid-thigh, and the tip of the toes are
obtained from the CT topogram and used to establish PET scan ranges routinely used
within clinical workflows. Figure 7 and Figure 8 illustrate the PartialBody and TotalBody
configurations, respectively, which are typically defined on anterior-posterior (AP)
topograms. The PartialBody options represent “eyes-to-thighs” scans, with optional lung
and head-neck ranges. The TotalBody options span from the top of the head to the tip
of the toes, and include configurations for lung, head-neck, and legs ranges.
Additionally, an AP heart and a lateral brain range are also offered for single bed
acquisitions, as shown in Figure 9. The heart and brain ranges are designed to
respectively position the heart and cerebrum in the center of the field of view (FoV).
Figure 7
Figure 7. PartialBody
scan configurations in
FlowMotion AI.
Figure 8
Figure 8. TotalBody
scan configurations in
FlowMotion AI.
Figure 9
White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications 11
FlowMotion AI enables a PET acquisition that can be personalized for an individual
patient but standardized in clinical protocol strategy. This is achieved by specifying one
or more scan ranges, as is exemplified in Figure 10, and setting corresponding bed
speeds for each range. For example, Figure 10c illustrates a protocol strategy customized
for colorectal or prostate cancer, where the speed is reduced within the pelvic and
abdominal region to improve image statistics in the most clinically relevant area. The
bed speed can also be increased substantially outside the boundary of the region of
interest (ROI) to improve efficiency. Furthermore, respiratory gating strategies can
be employed to a certain range to reduce the impact of patient motion.
Figure 10
High High
resolution resolution
Normal gating
speed High
Fast Fast
speed speed
Figure 10. FlowMotion scan ranges can be tailored to patient anatomy and the clinical indication.
12 White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications
OncoFreeze AI
Physiological motion of internal organs causes motion-related blurring that affects
quantification and delineation of the smallest detectable lesions and structures more
severely, making compensation of respiratory motion in PET and PET/CT increasingly
important.10 Almost 90% of all oncological PET/CT cases involve lesions in the chest or
abdomen.10 In oncology, motion-related blurring is commonly seen in lung nodules and
tumors, as well as in liver and pancreatic tumors.11 Research shows that displacement
happens in organs and lesions by a range of 5-30 mm, blurring images and reducing
diagnostic confidence.12 Without respiratory gating, 40% of lung lesions may even not
be detected.13 Thoracic lesions tend to be more susceptible to respiratory motion that
can cause errors in definition of target volumes during planning of radiation therapy.
However, image acquisition for PET requires several minutes, so lesion blurring due to
respiratory motion is common. This can lead to an over-estimation of lesion volume, as
well as under-estimation of radionuclide uptake by the lesion. However, challenges in
respiratory motion management limit the use of gated images:
• Traditional motion management using physiological devices is labor intense and error
prone to provide for every patient
• Setup of external physiological devices can add complexity and additional time to
patient exams
Figure 11
White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications 13
Siemens Healthineers OncoFreeze,14-17 the existing solution for respiratory motion
correction for oncology, consists of three distinct steps:
1. Respiratory gating: This step involves sorting of the acquired raw data into different
gates based on the point in the respiratory cycle, at which the events were detected
2. Estimation of Motion Information: In this step images reconstructed from the gated
raw data are used to estimate motion between the gates
3. Motion Correction: Information from previous two steps is then applied to the image
reconstruction to generate motion-corrected PET images
Figure 13
14 White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications
respiratory motion, and the deviceless waveform technique generates the respiratory
signal without any additional setup or patient interaction. Representative waveforms
from three patients are shown in Figure 13. Finally, using OncoFreeze14-17 for the image
reconstruction, 100% of the acquired PET counts can be used for image reconstruction,
which means no additional scan time for a motion-frozen image. An example image
comparison between static and OncoFreeze image is shown in Figure 14.
OncoFreeze AI, being a deviceless approach for motion correction, also improves
patient experience by eliminating the need of external device and helps to acquire
high-quality images with no additional scan time.
Figure 14
White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications 15
Multiparametric PET AI
The implementation of SUV facilitates the utilization of semi-quantitative metrics in
the clinic for PET imaging. However, SUV cannot account for the PET tracer distribution
over time—a dynamic process altered by several factors specific to each organ and ROI.
Parametric analysis of dynamic PET helps to measure in vivo physiological processes
such as 18F fluorodeoxyglucose (18F FDG) metabolism (MRFDG), blood perfusion, oxygen
consumption, cell proliferation, and receptor density. MRFDG can be used to infer the
glucose metabolic rate (MRGlu) with corrections for metabolic differences between
F FDG and glucose, but, due to a typically cumbersome workflow to perform MRFDG,
its measurement remains a large, unmet need in the clinic to both stage and monitor
cancer treatments.18
The intense manual effort for measuring MRFDG obtained based on Patlak modeling18
is no longer required with the implementation of Multiparametric PET Suite AI, which
leverages several unique innovations to provide a robust solution: FlowMotion
continuous bed motion technology, whole-body (WB) dynamic imaging, ALPHA
technology, and direct reconstruction (see Figure 15).
16 White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications
Figure 15
The Patlak model is a graphical analysis technique based on a compartment model to estimate
the dynamic physiological process of PET using linear regression.18 The acquisition protocol for
parametric PET differs from the standard SUV acquisition protocol. The subject is either injected
on the bed at the same time as the PET acquisition is started (Figure 15), or the initial bolus
concentration in the blood is estimated using non-imaging techniques. The input function
obtained via non-imaging techniques, such as blood draws, can be invasive and requires
significant manual intervention, prohibiting its use for routine clinical practice. Research has
shown that an image derived input function can be substituted for invasive blood draw
techniques.18-19 However, a user is required to manually draw the ROI in a blood pool region,
eg, descending aorta or left ventricle, which can be automated with the use of AI technology.
White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications 17
In this fully automated approach, CT and dynamic PET data are used to generate an
image-derived input function (IDIF). Using ALPHA technology, landmarks are found
in left ventricle (LV) and proximal descending aorta on the CT images. The CT
reconstruction that is used for the PET attenuation correction (AC_CT by default) is
used to find these landmarks. These landmarks are transferred to the PET image to
create the volume of interest (VOI) around the landmark point in the descending aorta
(cylinder: 5 mm radius, 20 mm height), and LV (30 mm diameter sphere). The IDIF can
therefore be automatically generated from both the LV blood pool and proximal
descending aorta using ALPHA as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16
18 White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications
FAST PET Workflow AI
Once the scan is complete, technologists may still have multiple tasks on the scanner
console to prepare a patient exam for reading and archiving. Such additional tasks limit
time for a technologist to spend on patient care. Additionally, such repetitive tasks that
could be automated can influence reduction of technologist fatigue.
Radiologists have no need to review blank images (as shown in Figure 17; depicted by
red lines), as it is inefficient to manually scroll through air as well as taxing on the data
storage systems. Technologists therefore often manually review images and either define
ranges to remove blank images or auto-create ranges and subsequently select the images
containing tissue to be sent to picture archiving and communication system (PACS).
Fully Assisting Scanner Technologies (FAST) Workflow Auto PACS-ready ranges use ALPHA
to identify a skin-to-skin range of images and automatically creates ranges with anatomy
present in the images. Figure 17 illustrates an example with the eliminated slices in red
and useful slices shown in white. With the FAST PET Workflow AI feature, we remove the
blank images in coronal, sagittal, and axial views. Additionally, images can be exported
to a predefined storage location at any specific time of the day. Since blank slices are
removed, it also helps to reduce the storage space for PACS, as shown in Figure 18.
Figure 17
Figure 18
#of images: traditional #of images: fast #of blank images removed
White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications 19
MI applications on the syngo.via
intelligent reading solution
AI-powered applications in syngo.via to enable efficient clinical analysis of PET and
SPECT images are shown in Figure 19.
Figure 19
20 White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications
Automated image registration
The utility of molecular imaging is expanding in the selection of patients who would
most benefit from targeted therapy, early treatment responders to predict therapeutic
efficacy, and tumor response to survival.20 Clinicians need to visually compare the same
lesion(s) from two or more timepoints but also quantitatively measure SUV changes.
Figure 20
White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications 21
Figure 21
Figure 22
22 White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications
Creation of reference regions for Lesion Scout and Deauville criteria
Lesion Scout (formerly known as Multi-Foci Segmentation (MFS) in previous versions
of syngo.via) is designed to offer the reading physician a way to segment uptake and
create findings based on pre-selected criteria. Lesion Scout works on PET or SPECT
data from any quantitative reconstruction that results in data with SUV values and is
agnostic of the tracer used. This enables the reader to customize the segmentation
criteria to varying clinical needs, different radiopharmaceuticals, or local site
segmentation preferences. This feature may also aid in removing inter-user variability
because the parameters used for segmentations can be easily and repeatably applied
by different reading physicians, supporting manual as well as PERCIST-based
PERCIST recommends the use of reference ROIs positioned either in the right lobe of the
liver or the descending aorta, to determine reportable lesions or to quantify changes in
lesion uptake across timepoints. To manually draw and place an ROI of a particular size
in a consistent and appropriate location inside the liver or descending aorta is not a
difficult task for the clinician, but surely a tedious one, especially if PERCIST criteria is
used on all the patients.
ALPHA landmarking supports the automatic placement of reference ROIs in the liver and
in the descending aorta using the CT image. ALPHA detects multiple landmarks in and
around the liver and the descending aorta and uses all of them to infer and confirm the
final placement of the two ROIs. As a result, the reference ROI detectors are very
reliable despite changes in image contrast and highly robust to abnormalities such as
calcifications in the aorta or lesions in the liver. The landmarks are transferred to PET
image and ROIs are centered around these (see Figure 23).
Figure 23
White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications 23
Deauville criteria
The Deauville scale is an internationally recommended scale used by physicians in
staging and assessment of treatment response in Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) and certain
types of non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL).23 This criterion provides a simple visual
assessment of FDG uptake in the hottest lesion relative to blood and liver reference
A Deauville score is calculated for each lesion as shown in Figure 23, and the score for
the hottest lesion can be assessed across timepoints in the trending tab, as shown in
Figure 24. The Deauville criteria21 are evaluated on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is the
best and 5 is the worst:
1 - No uptake
2 - Uptake ≤ mediastinum
3 - Uptake > mediastinum but ≤ liver
4 - Moderately increased uptake compared to liver
5 - Markedly increased uptake compared to liver and/or new lesions (Markedly
increased uptake is taken to be uptake > 2-3 times the SUVmax in a normal liver.)
Figure 24
Figure 25
Figure 25
24 White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications
Spine and rib labeling
The spine consists of 33 vertebrae (7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 fused sacrum,
4 fused coccyx), 23 intervertebral disks, the spinal cord, and connecting 24 ribs, making
it a complex anatomy. Hybrid technology (SPECT/CT or PET/CT) is a sensitive tool to
detect skeletal metastasis in known malignancies. However, its high sensitivity and
low specificity may account for false positive diagnosis in cases of trauma, infection,
inflammation, and other benign conditions. When detecting such skeletal metastasis,
careful review is required by a reading physician, necessitating accurate anatomical
correlation with findings on hybrid imaging.22 -25 For the spine and rib labelling,
ALPHA detects the center of each vertebral body and suggests its label (C1-C7 in
cervical, T1-T12 in thoracic region, L1-L5 lumbar region, S - sacrum) along with the
ribs (right 1-12, left 1-12) in CT datasets, as shown in Figure 26.
Figure 26
Data courtesy of
Le Centre Hospitalier
Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV),
(b) Lausanne, Switzerland.
White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications 25
Auto views
Increasing use of molecular imaging in non-oncology applications, eg, orthopedics,
requires re-orientation of CT and fused (PET/CT or SPECT/CT) datasets based on the
anatomy of interest or when data is prepared for a report. It may be required, for
example, to re-orient the patient anatomy to be the same as a baseline scan.
Additionally, for each patient anatomy of interest is re-oriented in a consistent manner
that can help to standardize the reading report. Auto Views functionality helps to
eliminate manual steps to re-orient images and zoom in on a required region. An ALPHA
gallery shows landmark points and body regions, along with the preview of how image
will be reoriented based on the user selection (Figure 27 (a)). When a user makes a
particular selection, the ALPHA landmarking algorithm runs to detect the landmark and
then re-orients image, as shown with an example in Figure 27 (b).
Figure 27
26 White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications
Auto ranges
Radiologists have no need to review blank images, as described in the AIDAN platform
feature FAST PET Workflow AI. However, images could come from non-Siemens
Healthineers scanners, so this feature is also included in syngo.via. Auto Ranges uses
ALPHA to detect the skin-to-skin images and creates ranges automatically only with
anatomy present in the images, like the FAST PET Workflow AI feature on the PET/CT
scanner. The newly created ranges can be transfer to PACS. Figure 28 shows the
syngo.via application of creating parallel ranges that removes extra blank slices.
Figure 28
White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications 27
ALPHA technology reliably provides anatomical context and has been used to
enrich applications on the AIDAN platform and syngo.via reading solutions. Scanner
applications help to improve the patient experience by reducing the scan time and
performing motion management without external devices. Automatic adjustment of
scan parameters and multi-parametric analysis based on the anatomy and disease
condition will open new opportunities for precision medicine. Applications in reading
solutions enable optimal workflow solutions for performing daily clinical analysis, such
as tracking lesion over time, placement of reference region for lesion segmentation
or Deauville score measurement, and re-orienting images in standardize format for
reporting purposes. Additionally, these applications are efficient to use, enabling
reproducible and standardized results. Rather than performing mundane tasks in the
workflow, results only need to be reviewed and verified before making any clinical
conclusions. This will increase efficiency of both technologist and nuclear medicine
readers and will allow them to focus on patients to improve patient experience and
transform care delivery.
The author thanks Dr. Bruce Spottiswoode, Dr. Sven Zuehlsdorff, Dr. Anne Smith,
Dr. Carl Von Gall, Dr. Gerardo Hermosillo Valadez, Dr. Zhigang Peng, Dr. Sebastian
Fuerst, Ms. Jessie Reed, Ms. Katherina Swystun, Ms. Colleen Smith, and Ms. Nicole
Trezciak for valuable discussions, contributions, and review of this document.
28 White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications
1 J. Czernin, I. Sonni, A. Razmaria, and J. Calais, “The Future of Nuclear Medicine as
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2 P. Ghosh, “xSPECT Bone: a clinical overview,” White Paper, Siemens Healthineers,
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Healthcare GmbH, 2016.
9 D. Pigg and B. Spottiswoode, “FlowMotion AI,” White paper, Siemens Healthineers,
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irradiation.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, Volume
57, Issue 3, 875-890.
13 Garcia Vicente AM, et al. (18) F-FDG PET-CT respiratory gating in characterization of
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April 24 (3) 207-14
14 J. Hamill, P. Ghosh, “HD Chest Respiratory Gating for PET,” White Paper, Siemens
Medical Solutions, USA, 2011
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15 M. Dawood, F. Gigengack, X. Jiang, KP Schäfers, “A mass conservation-based
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30 White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications
Clinical Results F 18 Injection, USP
HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING The recommended dose: and reversible loss of systolic function in patients with coronary artery disease and left
INFORMATION • for adults is 5 to 10 mCi (185 to 370 MBq), ventricular dysfunction, when used together with myocardial perfusion imaging.
These highlights do not include all the in all indicated clinical settings (2.1). 1.3 Neurology
PRESCRIBING to use Fludeoxyglu- The• recommended
for pediatric patients dose: is 2.6 mCi in the neu- andFor the identification
reversible of regions
loss of systolic of abnormal
function in patients glucose metabolism
with coronary associated
artery diseasewithand foci
left of
cose F 18 Injection safely and effectively.
INFORMATION • forrology
adults setting
is 5 to 10 (2.2).
mCi (185 to 370 MBq), epileptic dysfunction,
ventricular seizures. when used together with myocardial perfusion imaging.
See highlights
These full prescribing do not information
include all for theFlude- Initiate
in imaging
all indicated withinsettings
clinical 40 minutes
(2.1).following 1.32 Neurology
information F 18 Injection.
needed to use Fludeoxyglu- drug
• for injection;
pediatric acquire
patients is static emission
2.6 mCi images
in the neu- ForFludeoxyglucose
the identificationF of 18regions
Injection emits radiation.
of abnormal glucoseUse procedures
metabolism to minimize
associated with radiation
foci of
cose F 18 Injection safely F 18 Injection, USP
and effectively. 30 to 100
rology minutes
setting (2.2).from time of injection (2). exposure.
epileptic Calculate the final dose from the end of synthesis (EOS) time using proper
SeeFor intravenous
full prescribinguse information for Flude- Initiate DOSAGE
imaging within FORMS40AND STRENGTHS
minutes following 2 radioactive
DOSAGE AND decay factors. Assay the final dose in a properly calibrated dose calibrator
Initial U.S.F Approval:
oxyglucose 18 Injection. 2005 drugMulti-dose
injection;30mL acquire and 50mL
static glass vial
emission conta-
images before administration
Fludeoxyglucose to the patient
F 18 Injection [see Description
emits radiation. (11.2)]. to minimize radiation
Use procedures
F 18 Injection, USP 30ining
to 1000.74 minutesto 7.40from GBq/mL
time of(20 to 200
injection mCi/
(2). 2.1exposure.
Recommended CalculateDose for Adults
the final dose from the end of synthesis (EOS) time using proper
intravenous useF 18 Injection is indicated mL)DOSAGEFludeoxyglucose
FORMS ANDF STRENGTHS 18 Injection and Within the oncology, cardiology and neurology
radioactive decay factors. Assay the final dose in a properly calibrated settings, the recommended dose for
dose calibrator
for positron emission
Initial U.S. Approval: 2005 tomography (PET) ima- 4.5mg of sodium chloride
Multi-dose 30mL and 50mL glass vial conta- with 0.1 to 0.5% adults
before is 5 to 10 mCito(185
administration to 370 MBq)
the patient as an intravenous
[see Description (11.2)].injection.
the following AND settings:
USAGE w/w0.74
ining ethanol
to 7.40 as a GBq/mL
to 200 mCi/15 2.12.2Recommended
RecommendedDose Dosefor forAdults
Pediatric Patients
• Oncology: ForF assessment
Fludeoxyglucose 18 Injectionofisabnormal indicated glu- mL) to 50 mL volume) for Fintravenous
Fludeoxyglucose 18 Injectionadministra-
and Within
Within thethe neurology
oncology, setting, the
cardiology andrecommended
neurology settings,dose for thepediatric patients dose
recommended is 2.6for
cose metabolism
for positron to assist in the
emission tomography evaluation
(PET) ima- tion (3).
4.5mg of sodium chloride with 0.1 to 0.5% as an
adults is 5intravenous
to 10 mCi (185 injection.
to 370 TheMBq)optimal
as andose adjustment
intravenous on the basis of body size or
ging of malignancy
in the followinginsettings:patients with known or w/w ethanol as CONTRAINDICATIONS
a stabilizer (approximately 15 weight has not
2.2 Recommended Dose been
fordetermined [see Use in Special Populations (8.4)].
Pediatric Patients
• Oncology: For abnormalities
assessment of abnormal found by glu- other None.
to 50 mL volume) for intravenous administra- 2.3Within
the Preparation
neurology setting, the recommended dose for pediatric patients is 2.6 mCi,
cose testing modalities,
metabolism to assistor in patients
in the with an
evaluation tion (3). WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS • To
as an minimize
intravenous the injection.
radiation absorbed
The optimal dose to the
dose bladder, encourage
adjustment on the basis adequate
of bodyhydration.
size or
of existing
malignancydiagnosis of cancer.
in patients with known or • Radiation risks: use smallest dose neces-
weight has notthe patient
been to drink[see
determined water Useorinother fluids
Special (as tolerated)
Populations in the 4 hours before
• Cardiology:
suspected For the identification
abnormalities found by other of left None. sary for imaging (5.1). their PET
2.3 Patient study.
ventricular myocardium
testing modalities, or in patients with residual
with an glu- • Blood
WARNINGSglucoseAND adnormalities:
PRECAUTIONS may cause • To• Encourage
minimize the theradiation
patient to void as soon
absorbed dose asto the imaging
bladder, study
encourageis completed
adequate and as often as
cose metabolism
existing diagnosis ofand reversible loss of sys-
cancer. suboptimal
• Radiation risks: imaging (5.2). dose neces-
use smallest possible the
Encourage thereafter
patientfor to at least
drink one or
water hour.
other fluids (as tolerated) in the 4 hours before
tolic function
• Cardiology: For in thepatients with coronary
identification of left ar- ADVERSE
sary for imaging (5.1). REACTIONS • Screen
their patients for clinically significant blood glucose abnormalities by obtaining a his-
PET study.
tery disease
ventricular myocardiumand left withventricular
residual glu- dys- Hypersensitivity
• Blood reactions have
glucose adnormalities: may occurred;
cause tory and/or [see Warnings and Precautions (5.2)]. Prior
• Encourage thelaboratory
patient to void testsas soon as the imaging study is completed andtoas
often as
cose function,
metabolism whenand used together
reversible losswith myo-
of sys- have emergency
suboptimal imaging resuscitation
(5.2). equipment cose Fthereafter
possible 18 PET imaging in the
for at least oneoncology
hour. and neurology settings, instruct patient to fast
toliccardial perfusion
function imaging.
in patients with coronary ar- and personnel immediately available (6).
• Screen to 6 hours forprior to the
clinically drug’s injection.
significant blood glucose abnormalities by obtaining a his-
• Neurology:
tery disease For andtheleft identification
ventricular of regions
Hypersensitivity reactions have occurred; • In and/or
tory the cardiology
[see Warningsofand glucose-containing
Precautions (5.2)]. foodPrior
or liquids (e.g., 50 to 75
to Fludeoxyglu-
of abnormal
function, when glucose metabolism
used together with associat-
myo- REACTIONS, contact PETNET Solutions, Inc.
have emergency resuscitation equipment cosegrams)
F 18 prior to Fludeoxyglucose
PET imaging in the oncologyF 18 Injection facilitates
and neurology localization
settings, of cardiac
instruct ischemia.
patient to fast
ed with foci of epileptic seizures (1).
cardial perfusion imaging. andatpersonnel
877-473-8638 or FDA available
immediately at 1-800-FDA-1088
(6). 2.4forRadiation
4 to 6 hours Dosimetry
prior to the drug’s injection.
identification of regions To or
report SUSPECTED ADVERSE Thecardiology
• In the estimated human
setting, absorbed radiation
administration doses (rem/mCi)
of glucose-containing food ortoliquids
a newborn
(e.g., 50(3.4
to 75kg),
of abnormal glucose F 18 metabolism
Injection emits radiation.
associat- REACTIONS, USEcontact
Solutions, Inc. 1-year
grams) prioroldto(9.8 kg), 5-year old
Fludeoxyglucose F 18(19 kg), 10-year
Injection oldlocalization
facilitates (32 kg), 15-yearof cardiacoldischemia.
(57 kg), and
ed procedures to minimize
foci of epileptic seizures radiation
(1). expo- • Lactation: Temporarily
at 877-473-8638 discontinue breast-
or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 adult (70
2.4 Radiation Dosimetry kg) from intravenous administration of Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection are
sure. Screen for
DOSAGE AND blood glucose abnormalities.
or lactating woman should pump
Theshown in Table 1. These estimates were calculated based on to human data(3.4
• In the oncology estimated human absorbed radiation doses (rem/mCi) a newborn
Fludeoxyglucose F 18 and neurology
Injection settings, in-
emits radiation. andUSEdiscard
IN SPECIFIC breastmilk for 9 hours after
POPULATIONS the data published by theoldInternational Commission on Radiological kg), andfor
Protection 4
struct patients 1-year old (9.8 kg), 5-year (19 kg), 10-year old (32 kg), 15-year old (57
Use procedures to to fast for radiation
minimize 4 to 6 hours prior
expo- Fludeoxyglucose
• Lactation: Temporarily F 18discontinue
Injection (8.2).
breast- Fludeoxyglucose F. The dosimetry data show that there are slight F 18variations
Injection inareab-
adult (70 kg) from intravenous administration of Fludeoxyglucose
sure. to the for
Screen drug’s
blood injection. Consider medical
glucose abnormalities. • Pediatric
feeding. Use: Safety
A lactating womanand should
pump in sorbed radiation dose for variouswere organs in each of the age groups. 2 These dissimilari-
therapy and laboratory testing to assure shown in Table 1. These estimates calculated based on human data and using
• In the oncology and neurology settings, in- at andpediatric
discard patients
breastmilk have
for not been after
9 hours estab-
struct two days of normoglycemia
to fast for 4 to 6 hours prior prior to lished in the oncology and cardiology set- theties
datain published
absorbed radiation dose are dueCommission
by the International to developmental age variations
on Radiological (e.g.,4 organ
Protection for
Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection (8.2). size, location, and
the drug’s administration
to the drug’s injection. Consider medical (5.2). tings (8.4). Fludeoxyglucose 18
F. overall metabolic
The dosimetry datarate
showfor that
age group).
are slight Thevariations
• Pediatric Use: Safety and effectiveness in organs (in descending order) across all age groups evaluated are the urinary bladder,
• In theand
therapy cardiology
laboratory setting,
testing administration
to assure at of See 17 forpatientsPATIENThave COUNSELING sorbed radiation dose for various organs in each of the age groups. These dissimilari-
pediatric not been estab-
two days of normoglycemiafood or liquidsprior (e.g.,
to 50 INFORMATION tiesheart, pancreas,
in absorbed spleen,dose
radiation and lungs.
are due to developmental age variations (e.g., organ
lished in the oncology and cardiology set-
75 grams) prior to the
administration drug’s injection fa-
(5.2). Revised: 10/2019 size, location, and overall metabolic rate for each age group). The identified critical
tings (8.4).
• In cilitates localization
the cardiology of cardiac
setting, ischemia (2.3).
administration of organs
Table (in descending
1. Estimated order)Radiation
Absorbed across all Doses
age groups evaluated
(rem/mCi) Afterare the urinary bladder,
Aseptically withdraw
glucose-containing foodFludeoxyglucose
or liquids (e.g.,F 50 18 heart, pancreas,
Administration ofspleen, and lungs. F 18 Injectiona
to 75 grams) from its container
prior to the drug’s andinjection
administer fa- Revised: 10/2019 Newborn 1-year old 5-year old 10-year old 15-year old Adult
by intravenous
cilitates localization injection
of cardiac(2). ischemia (2.3). Organ
Table 1. Estimated Absorbed
(3.4 kg) Radiation Doses(19
(9.8 kg) (rem/mCi)
kg) After Intravenous
(32 kg) (57 kg) (70 kg)
Aseptically withdraw Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Administrationb of Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injectiona
Injection from its container and administer Bladder wall 4.3 1.7 0.93 0.60 0.40 0.32
Newborn 1-year old 5-year old 10-year old 15-year old Adult
intravenous INFORMATION:
injection (2). CONTENTS* 8.2 Lactation Organ
Heart wall 2.4 1.2 0.70 0.44 0.29 0.22
1 INDICATIONS AND USAGE 8.4 Pediatric Use (3.4 kg) (9.8 kg) (19 kg) (32 kg) (57 kg) (70 kg)
Pancreas 2.2 0.68 0.33 0.25 0.13 0.096
1.1 Oncology 11 DESCRIPTION Bladder wallb 4.3 1.7 0.93 0.60 0.40 0.32
1.2 Cardiology
FULL PRESCRIBING INFORMATION: CONTENTS* 8.211.1 Chemical Characteristics
Lactation Spleen 2.2 0.84 0.46 0.29 0.19 0.14
Heart wall 2.4 1.2 0.70 0.44 0.29 0.22
1.3 Neurology
1 INDICATIONS AND USAGE 8.411.2 Physical
Pediatric Characteristics
Use Lungs 0.96 0.38 0.20 0.13 0.092 0.064
21.1DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION Pancreas 2.2 0.68 0.33 0.25 0.13 0.096
Kidneys 0.81 0.34 0.19 0.13 0.089 0.074
Recommended Dose for Adults 12.1 Mechanism of Action
11.1 Chemical Characteristics Spleen 2.2 0.84 0.46 0.29 0.19 0.14
2.2 Recommended
1.3 Neurology Dose for 11.212.2 Pharmacodynamics
Physical Characteristics Ovaries 0.80 0.8 0.19 0.11 0.058 0.053
Lungs 0.96 0.38 0.20 0.13 0.092 0.064
2 DOSAGEPediatric Patients
AND ADMINISTRATION 12.3 Pharmacokinetics
12 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY Uterus 0.79 0.35 0.19 0.12 0.076 0.062
Patient Preparation
Dose for Adults 13
Mechanism of TOXICOLOGY
Action Kidneys 0.81 0.34 0.19 0.13 0.089 0.074
Radiation Dosimetry
Dose for 12.213.1 Carcinogenesis, Muta-genesis,
Pharmacodynamics LLI wall * 0.69 0.28 0.15 0.097 0.060 0.051
Ovaries 0.80 0.8 0.19 0.11 0.058 0.053
Radiation Safety – Drug Handling
Patients Impairment of Fertility
12.3 Pharmacokinetics Liver 0.69 0.31 0.17 0.11 0.076 0.058
Uterus 0.79 0.35 0.19 0.12 0.076 0.062
Preparation and Administration 1314 CLINICAL STUDIES
NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY Gallbladder wall 0.69 0.26 0.14 0.093 0.059 0.049
Guidelines 13.114.1 Oncology
Carcinogenesis, Muta-genesis, LLI wall * 0.69 0.28 0.15 0.097 0.060 0.051
Radiation Safety AND STRENGTHS
– Drug Handling 14.2 Cardiologyof Fertility
Impairment Small intestine 0.68 0.29 0.15 0.096 0.060 0.047
Liver 0.69 0.31 0.17 0.11 0.076 0.058
Drug Preparation and Administration 14.3 Neurology
14 CLINICAL STUDIES ULI wall ** 0.67 0.27 0.15 0.090 0.057 0.046
52.7WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS 16 HOW SUPPLIED/STORAGE AND DRUG Gallbladder wall 0.69 0.26 0.14 0.093 0.059 0.049
Imaging Guidelines 14.1 Oncology
5.1 Radiation RisksSTRENGTHS HANDLING Stomach wall 0.65 0.27 0.14 0.089 0.057 0.047
3 DOSAGE FORMS AND 14.2 Cardiology Small intestine 0.68 0.29 0.15 0.096 0.060 0.047
5.2 Blood Glucose Abnormalities
Neurology Adrenals 0.65 0.28 0.15 0.095 0.061 0.048
ULI wall ** 0.67 0.27 0.15 0.090 0.057 0.046
Sections or subsections omitted
AND DRUG Testes 0.64 0.27 0.14 0.085 0.052 0.041
Radiation Risks full prescribing information are not listed.
HANDLING Stomach wall 0.65 0.27 0.14 0.089 0.057 0.047
Abnormalities 17 PATIENT COUNSELING INFORMATION Red marrow 0.62 0.26 0.14 0.089 0.057 0.047
Adrenals 0.65 0.28 0.15 0.095 0.061 0.048
8.1 Pregnancy
6 ADVERSE REACTIONS * Sections or subsections omitted from the Thymus 0.61 0.26 0.14 0.086 0.056 0.044
Testes 0.64 0.27 0.14 0.085 0.052 0.041
INTERACTIONS INFORMATION full prescribing information are not listed. Thyroid 0.61 0.26 0.13 0.080 0.049 0.039
8 1USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS Red marrow 0.62 0.26 0.14 0.089 0.057 0.047
8.1 Fludeoxyglucose
Pregnancy Muscle 0.58 0.25 0.13 0.078 0.049 0.039
F 18 Injection is indicated for positron emission tomography (PET) ima- Thymus 0.61 0.26 0.14 0.086 0.056 0.044
ging in the following
FULL PRESCRIBING INFORMATIONsettings: Bone surface 0.57 0.24 0.12 0.079 0.052 0.041
Thyroid 0.61 0.26 0.13 0.080 0.049 0.039
Oncology AND USAGE Breast 0.54 0.22 0.11 0.068 0.043 0.034
For assessmentFof Muscle 0.58 0.25 0.13 0.078 0.049 0.039
Fludeoxyglucose 18abnormal
Injection glucose metabolism
is indicated to assist
for positron in thetomography
emission evaluation of(PET)
ima- Skin 0.49 0.20 0.10 0.060 0.037 0.030
in in
ging patients with known
the following or suspected abnormalities found by other testing modalities, or in
settings: Bone surface 0.57 0.24 0.12 0.079 0.052 0.041
1.1 Oncology with an existing diagnosis of cancer. Brain 0.29 0.13 0.09 0.078 0.072 0.070
Breast 0.54 0.22 0.11 0.068 0.043 0.034
assessment of abnormal glucose metabolism to assist in the evaluation of malignancy Other tissues 0.59 0.25 0.13 0.083 0.052 0.042
For the with
identification Skin 0.49 0.20 0.10 0.060 0.037 0.030
in patients known orof left ventricular
suspected myocardium
abnormalities with
found by residual
other testingglucose metabolism
modalities, or in a
MIRDOSE 2 software was used to calculate the radiation absorbed dose.
patients with an existing diagnosis of cancer. Brain
The dynamic bladder 0.29 0.13 voiding0.09
model with a uniform frequency of 0.078 0.072
1.5 hours was used. 0.070
1.2 Cardiology * LLI tissues
Other = lower large intestine;
0.59 ** ULI = upper
0.25 large intestine
0.13 0.083 0.052 0.042
For the identification of left ventricular myocardium with residual glucose metabolism a
MIRDOSE 2 software was used to calculate the radiation absorbed dose.
The dynamic bladder model with a uniform voiding frequency of 1.5 hours was used.
* LLI = lower large intestine; ** ULI = upper large intestine
White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications 31
Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Results
Injection, USP
32 White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications
Clinical Results F 18 Injection, USP
In comparison to background activity of the specific organ or tissue type, regions of 14.2 Cardiology
decreased or absent uptake of Fludeoxyglucose F 18 reflect the decrease or absence of The efficacy of Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection for cardiac use was demonstrated in ten
glucose metabolism. Regions of increased uptake of Fludeoxyglucose F 18 reflect greater independent, prospective studies of patients with coronary artery disease and chronic
than normal rates of glucose metabolism. left ventricular systolic dysfunction who were scheduled to undergo coronary revascula-
12.2 Pharmacodynamics rization. Before revascularization, patients underwent PET imaging with Fludeoxyglu-
Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection is rapidly distributed to all organs of the body after intravenous cose F 18 Injection (74 to 370 MBq, 2 to 10 mCi) and perfusion imaging with other dia-
administration. After background clearance of Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection, optimal PET gnostic radiopharmaceuticals. Doses of Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection ranged from 74
imaging is generally achieved between 30 to 40 minutes after administration. to 370 MBq (2 to 10 mCi). Segmental, left ventricular, wall-motion assessments of
In cancer, the cells are generally characterized by enhanced glucose metabolism partially asynergic areas made before revascularization were compared in a blinded manner to
due to (1) an increase in activity of glucose transporters, (2) an increased rate of phospho- assessments made after successful revascularization to identify myocardial segments
rylation activity, (3) a reduction of phosphatase activity or, (4) a dynamic alteration in the with functional recovery.
balance among all these processes. However, glucose metabolism of cancer as reflected Left ventricular myocardial segments were predicted to have reversible loss of systolic
by Fludeoxyglucose F 18 accumulation shows considerable variability. Depending on tu- function if they showed Fludeoxyglucose F 18 accumulation and reduced perfusion
mor type, stage, and location, Fludeoxyglucose F 18 accumulation may be increased, nor- (i.e., flow-metabolism mismatch). Conversely, myocardial segments were predicted to
mal, or decreased. Also, inflammatory cells can have the same variability of uptake of Flu- have irreversible loss of systolic function if they showed reductions in both Fludeoxyglu-
deoxyglucose F 18. cose F 18 accumulation and perfusion (i.e., matched defects).
In the heart, under normal aerobic conditions, the myocardium meets the bulk of its ener- Findings of flow-metabolism mismatch in a myocardial segment may suggest that suc-
gy requirements by oxidizing free fatty acids. Most of the exogenous glucose taken up by cessful revascularization will restore myocardial function in that segment. However,
the myocyte is converted into glycogen. However, under ischemic conditions, the oxidati- false-positive tests occur regularly, and the decision to have a patient undergo revascu-
on of free fatty acids decreases, exogenous glucose becomes the preferred myocardial larization should not be based on PET findings alone. Similarly, findings of a matched
substrate, glycolysis is stimulated, and glucose taken up by the myocyte is metabolized defect in a myocardial segment may suggest that myocardial function will not recover in
immediately instead of being converted into glycogen. Under these conditions, phospho- that segment, even if it is successfully revascularized. However, false-negative tests oc-
rylated Fludeoxyglucose F 18 accumulates in the myocyte and can be detected with PET cur regularly, and the decision to recommend against coronary revascularization, or to
imaging. recommend a cardiac transplant, should not be based on PET findings alone. The rever-
In the brain, cells normally rely on aerobic metabolism. In epilepsy, the glucose metabo- sibility of segmental dysfunction as predicted with Fludeoxyglucose F 18 PET imaging
lism varies. Generally, during a seizure, glucose metabolism increases. Interictally, the sei- depends on successful coronary revascularization. Therefore, in patients with a low like-
zure focus tends to be hypometabolic. lihood of successful revascularization, the diagnostic usefulness of PET imaging with
12.3 Pharmacokinetics Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection is more limited.
Distribution: In four healthy male volunteers, receiving an intravenous administration of 14.3 Neurology
30 seconds induration, the arterial blood level profile for Fludeoxyglucose F 18 decayed In a prospective, open label trial, Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection was evaluated in 86
triexponentially. The effective half-life ranges of the three phases were 0.2 to 0.3 minutes, patients with epilepsy. Each patient received a dose of Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection in
10 to 13 minutes with a mean and standard deviation (STD) of 11.6 (±) 1.1 min, and 80 to the range of 185 to 370 MBq (5 to 10 mCi). The mean age was 16.4 years (range: 4
95 minutes with a mean and STD of 88 (±) 4 min. months to 58 years; of these, 42 patients were less than 12 years and 16 patients were
Plasma protein binding of Fludeoxyglucose F 18 has not been studied. less than 2 years old). Patients had a known diagnosis of complex partial epilepsy and
Metabolism: Fludeoxyglucose F 18 is transported into cells and phosphorylated to [18F]- were under evaluation for surgical treatment of their seizure disorder. Seizure foci had
FDG-6-phosphate at a rate proportional to the rate of glucose utilization within that tis- been previously identified on ictal EEGs and sphenoidal EEGs. Fludeoxyglucose F 18 In-
sue. [18F]-FDG-6-phosphate presumably is metabolized to 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-6-phos- jection PET imaging confirmed previous diagnostic findings in 16% (14/87) of the pati-
pho-D-mannose([18F]FDM-6-phosphate). ents; in 34% (30/87) of the patients, Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection PET images provi-
Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection may contain several impurities (e.g., 2-deoxy-2-chloro-D- ded new findings. In 32% (27/87), imaging with Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection was
glucose (ClDG)). Biodistribution and metabolism of ClDG are presumed to be similar to inconclusive. The impact of these imaging findings on clinical outcomes is not known.
Fludeoxyglucose F 18 and would be expected to result in intracellular formation of 2-de- Several other studies comparing imaging with Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection results to
oxy-2-chloro-6-phospho-D-glucose (ClDG-6-phosphate) and 2-deoxy-2-chloro-6-phospho- subsphenoidal EEG, MRI and/or surgical findings supported the concept that the degree
D-mannose (ClDM-6-phosphate). The phosphorylated deoxyglucose compounds are de- of hypometabolism corresponds to areas of confirmed epileptogenic foci. The safety
phosphorylated and the resulting compounds (FDG, FDM, ClDG, and ClDM) presumably and effectiveness of Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection to distinguish idiopathic epilepto-
leave cells by passive diffusion. Fludeoxyglucose F 18 and related compounds are cleared genic foci from tumors or other brain lesions that may cause seizures have not been
from non-cardiac tissues within 3 to 24 hours after administration. Clearance from the established.
cardiac tissue may require more than 96 hours. Fludeoxyglucose F 18 that is not involved 16 HOW SUPPLIED/STORAGE AND DRUG HANDLING
in glucose metabolism in any tissue is then excreted in the urine. Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection is supplied in a multi-dose, capped 30 mL and 50 mL
Elimination: Fludeoxyglucose F 18 is cleared from most tissues within 24 hours and can glass vial containing between 0.740 to 7.40 GBq/mL (20 to 200 mCi/mL), of no carrier
be eliminated from the body unchanged in the urine. Within 33 minutes, a mean of 3.9% added 2-deoxy-2-[18F-fluoro-D-glucose, at end of synthesis, in approximately 15 to 50
of the administrated radioactive dose was measured in the urine. The amount of radiation mL. The contents of each vial are sterile, pyrogen-free and preservative-free.
exposure of the urinary bladder at two hours post-administration suggests that 20.6% NDC 40028-511-30; 40028-511-50
(mean) of the radioactive dose was present in the bladder. Receipt, transfer, handling, possession, or use of this product is subject to the radioac-
Special Populations: tive material regulations and licensing requirements of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
The pharmacokinetics of Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection have not been studied in renal- Commission, Agreement States or Licensing States as appropriate.
ly-impaired, hepatically impaired or pediatric patients. Fludeoxyglucose F 18 is eliminated Store the Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection vial upright in a lead shielded container at
through the renal system. Avoid excessive radiation exposure to this organ system and 25°C (77°F); excursions permitted to 15-30°C (59-86°F).
adjacent tissues. Store and dispose of Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection in accordance with the regulations
The effects of fasting, varying blood sugar levels, conditions of glucose intolerance, and and a general license, or its equivalent, of an Agreement State or a Licensing State.
diabetes mellitus on Fludeoxyglucose F 18 distribution in humans have not been ascerta- The expiration date and time are provided on the container label. Use Fludeoxyglucose
ined [see Warnings and Precautions (5.2)]. F 18 Injection within 12 hours from the EOS time.
13.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility Instruct patients in procedures that increase renal clearance of radioactivity. Encourage
Animal studies have not been performed to evaluate the Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection patients to:
carcinogenic potential, mutagenic potential or effects on fertility. • drink water or other fluids (as tolerated) in the 4 hours before their PET study.
14 CLINICAL STUDIES • void as soon as the imaging study is completed and as often as possible thereafter for at
14.1 Oncology least one hour.
The efficacy of Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection in positron emission tomography cancer Pregnancy: Advise pregnant women of the risk of fetal exposure to radiation with Flude-
imaging was demonstrated in 16 independent studies. These studies prospectively oxyglucose F 18 Injection [see Use in Specific Populations (8.1)].
evaluated the use of Fludeoxyglucose F 18 in patients with suspected or known malignan- Lactation: Advise lactating women that exposure to Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection
cies, including non-small cell lung cancer, colo-rectal, pancreatic, breast, thyroid, melano-
through breast milk can be minimized by pumping and discarding breast milk and
ma, Hodgkin‘s and non-Hodgkin‘s lymphoma, and various types of metastatic cancers to
avoiding close (breast) contact with the infant for 9 hours after Fludeoxyglucose F 18
lung, liver, bone, and axillary nodes. All these studies had at least 50 patients and used
Injection [see Use in Specific Populations (8.2)].
pathology as a standard of truth. The Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection doses in the studies
ranged from 200 MBq to 740 MBq with a median and mean dose of 370 MBq.
Manufactured and distributed by:
In the studies, the diagnostic performance of Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection varied with
PETNET Solutions, Inc.
the type of cancer, size of cancer, and other clinical conditions. False negative and false
810 Innovation Drive
positive scans were observed. Negative Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection PET scans do not
Knoxville, TN 37932
exclude the diagnosis of cancer. Positive Fludeoxyglucose F 18 Injection PET scans can not
replace pathology to establish a diagnosis of cancer. Non-malignant conditions such as
fungal infections, inflammatory processes and benign tumors have patterns of increased
glucose metabolism that may give rise to false-positive scans. The efficacy of Fludeoxyglu-
cose F 18 Injection PET imaging in cancer screening was not studied.
White paper · Automatic landmarking and parsing of human anatomy (ALPHA) for innovative and smart MI applications 33
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