Full Games and Gaming in Early Modern Drama: Stakes and Hazards Caroline Baird Ebook All Chapters
Full Games and Gaming in Early Modern Drama: Stakes and Hazards Caroline Baird Ebook All Chapters
Full Games and Gaming in Early Modern Drama: Stakes and Hazards Caroline Baird Ebook All Chapters
Experiencing God in Late Medieval and Early Modern England
David J. Davis
Series Editors
Cedric C. Brown
Department of English
University of Reading
Reading, UK
Andrew Hadfield
School of English
University of Sussex
Brighton, UK
Within the period 1520–1740, this large, long-running series, with
international representation discusses many kinds of writing, both within
and outside the established canon. The volumes may employ different
theoretical perspectives, but they share an historical awareness and an
interest in seeing their texts in lively negotiation with their own and
successive cultures.
Cover illustration: From a painting held by the Louvre: Georges de la Tour, Le Tricheur à
l’as de carreau [The Cheat with the Ace of Diamonds], 1635–1638 (detail of the hands
and cards of the young man) / The Picture Art Collection / Alamy Stock Photo.
This Palgrave Macmillan imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature
Switzerland AG.
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
vi Acknowledgements
1 Introduction 1
7 Conclusion249
Appendix B: Game References by Dramatist
(those with ‘inset’ games in bold)267
Abbreviations and Conventions
edn edition
f., ff. folio, folios
OED Oxford English Dictionary (online)
Q Quarto
n. note
sd stage direction
st. stanza
SEL Studies in English Literature 1500–1900
trans. translated
Due to the unusual names of some of the games discussed, and to avoid confusion
arising from the period’s name for modern-day Backgammon, ‘Tables’, the names
of all games are capitalised.
The spelling of historical texts follows the relevant source text. Modern spellings
are used where modern editions are used.
List of Figures
Fig. 2.1 Three astragali or bone gaming pieces from c. 1550–1458 BC,
Thebes, Upper Egypt, excavated 1915–1916. Metropolitan
Museum of Art, New York, 16.10.505a–c 24
Fig. 2.2 Game of Hounds and Jackals, c. 1814–1805 B.C. (Ebony and
ivory). Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 26.7.1287a–k 25
Fig. 2.3 Francis Willughby’s drawing of a playing card cut in a triangle
to form a match. Mi LM 14 (f. 52). By kind permission of
Manuscripts and Special Collections, University of Nottingham 34
Fig. 2.4 Title page of The bloody Game at Cards, 1643. © British Library
Board, E.246.(11) 43
Fig. 2.5 French King of Diamonds ‘Julius cézar’, c.1480, Jean de Dale,
Reserve KH-30 (1,2)-FOL. By kind permission of Bibliothèque
National de France / Estampes et photographie 58
Fig. 2.6 Leonardo da Vinci, Vitruvian Man (1492). Web Gallery of Art 63
Fig. 2.7 William Garrard, The Arte of Warre (1591), 200. RB 59154,
The Huntington Library, San Marino, California 64
Fig. 4.1 Willughby’s drawing of a Noddie Board, Mi LM 14 (f. 67).
Manuscripts and Special Collections, University of Nottingham 132
Fig. 4.2 James Sayers, The Battle of the Clubs or the Game of Beat Knave
out of Doors, 1792. Yale University Library, 7927378 134
Fig. 4.3 Detail (final panel) of Frontispiece to Charles Cotton, The
Compleat Gamester (London, 1674), RB 120898, The
Huntington Library, San Marino, California 136
Fig. 4.4 Four Elizabethan Noblemen playing Primero by an artist in the
circle of The Master of The Countess of Warwick, 1560–62. Oil
on panel. (Image courtesy of The Right Hon. The Earl of
Derby, 2020) 147
xii List of Figures
Charles Cotton, The Compleat Gamester (1674) in Games and Gamesters of the Restoration,
ed. Cyril Hughes Hartmann (London: Routledge, 1930), xx–114 (xxi). Sections of The
Compleat Gamester are lifted almost verbatim from John Cotgrave’s Wits interpreter, The
English Parnassus (London, printed for N. Brooke, 1655).
George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, Metaphors We Live By (London: University of Chicago
Press, 1980), 157.
of game metaphors in the drama of the early modern period, but this
needs to be addressed because it was a time when the idiom was novel,
exciting and, by any standards, profuse. Over eighty of the extant plays of
the Elizabethan and Jacobean playhouse mention specific games, with
twenty-four dramatizing the setting up or actual progress of a game of
dice, cards, Tables or Chess, with characters on stage actively involved in
the pursuit. Both in their mutual requirement for ‘players’, and in terms of
performance, deceit, plotting, risk and chance, games and theatre share
much common ground. Moreover, because audiences in the early modern
playhouses sat or stood in a complete circuit all around the stage, such an
inclusive, three-dimensional gathering of playgoers created particularly apt
conditions for vicarious play.
In the hands of the dramatists, games perform in more complex ways
than simply through metaphor. With a taxonomic methodology this book
closely examines the games played by character-gamesters in fifteen plays
by more than ten early modern dramatists as well as unpicking many more
subtle passing gaming references in further plays. It finds games can be
sophisticated syntheses of emblem and dramatic device which illuminate
the stakes and hazards of early modern life. Johan Huizinga’s Homo
Ludens, a seminal work on the play-element in culture, demonstrates that
‘the great archetypal activities of human society are all permeated with
play from the start’, albeit with a sometimes ‘hazy border between play
and seriousness’.3 Conversely games have features which ably illustrate
society’s commonplace—and not so commonplace—games, from the
romantic chase to the financial gamble and legal contest, and even war.
Games are not merely decorative additions to pad out a scene or add
local colour; they are deeply embedded in the dramatic structure and
become plot-defining, with the moment of gaming occurring at a crucial
juncture and reflected throughout. The choice of game is deliberate and
in a great many instances I have found a marked congruence between the
form of game and the action of a play so that the entire play is, in essence,
an extension of the chosen game. Researching the games played in early
modern England reveals the creative impetus they provide and advances
the study of the period’s dramaturgy.
The ludic and competitive milieu of the early modern period cannot be
doubted. From bowling and the attractions of cockfighting and
Johan Huizinga, Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play Element in Culture (Boston, MA:
Beacon Press, 1950), 4.
George Chapman, All Fooles, 1.1.219 in All Fooles and The Gentleman Usher, ed. Thomas
M. Parrott (London: D.C. Heath, 1907).
See W. Gurney Benham, Playing Cards and their History and Secrets (Colchester: Ward,
Lock, 1931), 10, 26.
H.J.R. Murray, A History of Chess (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1913), 428.
Serina Patterson, ‘Introduction: Setting up the Board’ in Serina Patterson, ed., Games
and Gaming in Medieval Literature (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), 2.
Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part 1, ed. David Scott Kastan (London: Arden Shakespeare, 2002).
The OED gives ‘A gambling game with two dice’ as the first definition of ‘hazard’, n.
and adj.
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risk of loss or harm, and chance or accident, with ‘chance’ the name of the
caster’s throw in the game of Hazard.10 In addition the holes of the
billiard-table, to which the lines above nominally refer, were called ‘haz-
ards’, as were the openings or galleries of a tennis court into which
Shakespeare’s Henry V so memorably says he will strike the French King’s
crown when presented with the insulting gift of a tun of tennis balls.11 As
a verb, it could mean to stake or wager something, to expose something
or oneself to danger, to venture, or to get something by chance. Through
wordplay, amalgams of the various meanings can of course be implied by
a single use, and, as M.M. Mahood said many years ago, ‘wordplay was a
game the Elizabethans played seriously’.12 In the drama, imagery of the
allure and danger of gaming and its stakes is never far away and we will see
how, in order to show themselves gamesters, our protagonists need, in the
words of one of Robert Daborne’s pirates, ‘bellies full of hazard’.13
Ironically, it is from the attempts at their prohibition that we first learn
of games and the playhouse was frequently linked with gaming, particu-
larly dicing, in declamatory tracts of the period, with both equally con-
demned. In consequence, at the most basic level, reference to a game is a
clear signal of error, wrong-doing or over-reaching of some kind. Nigel
Pennick considers that the many prohibition attempts were ‘a tacit recog-
nition that such games were more than mere diversions, having supernatu-
ral connotations’.14 The frisson derived from the origins in divination,
astrology and sacred geometry is thought likely to have contributed to the
popularity of table games.15 Few people today ponder the reason for the
fifty-two card deck, the number of spots or ‘pips’, as they were termed, of
a die (opposite sides always making seven), or the thirty men and twenty-
four points of a backgammon board, twelve per ‘table’. But none of this is
haphazard, symbolising respectively the weeks in a year, the days in a week,
the days in a month, the hours in a day and months in a year.
Shakespeare, King Henry V, ed. T.W. Craik [1995] (London: Bloomsbury, 2009): ‘We
will in France, by God’s grace, play a set/Shall strike his father’s crown into the hazard’
M.M. Mahood, Shakespeare’s Wordplay (London: Routledge, 1957), 9.
Robert Daborne, A Christian Turned Turk, in Three Turk Plays from Early Modern
England, ed. Daniel J. Vitkus (New York: Columbia University Press, 2000), 1.17–18.
Nigel Pennick, Games of the Gods: The Origin of Board Games in Magic and Divination
(London: Rider, 1988), 230.
Ibid., 144.
Murray, A History of Board-Games other than Chess (New York: Hacker Art Books,
1978), 25.
All names for Chess evolve from the Persian word for king: ‘shah’. See Murray, Chess, 26.
François Rabelais, ‘Le cinquiesme et dernier livre des faicts et dicts héroiques du bon
Pantagruel’, chapitres 23–24, François Rabelais: Oeuvres Complètes, ed. Mireille Huchon
([Paris]: Editions Gallimard, 1994).
Paul G. Brewster, ‘Games and Sports in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century English
Literature’, Western Folklore, 6/2 (1947), 143–156 (143).
Ibid., 143.
Joseph T. McCullen, Jr., ‘The Use of Parlor and Tavern Games in Elizabethan and Early
Stuart Drama’, Modern Language Quarterly, 14 (1953), 7–14 (7).
Delmar E. Solem, ‘Some Elizabethan Game Scenes’, Educational Theatre Journal, 6/1
(1954), 15–21 (21).
Jean-Claude Mailhol, ‘L’Esthétique du jeu cruel dans la tragédie domestique élisabé-
thaine et jacobéenne’, Actes des congrès de la Société Française Shakespeare, 23 (2005),
91–107 (107).
Kevin Chovanec, ‘“Now if the devil have bones,/These dice are made of his”: Dice
Games on the English Stage in the Seventeenth Century’ in Robin O’Bryan, ed., Games and
Game Playing in European Art and Literature, 16th–17th Centuries (Amsterdam: Amsterdam
University Press, 2019), 139–156.
O’Bryan, ed., Introduction, Games and Game Playing, 17–71 (24).
Lisa Martinez Lajous, ‘Playing for Profit: The Legitimacy of Gaming and the Early
Modern Theater’ (unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 2007). See also
Daniel Paul Timbrell, ‘“When I am in game, I am furious”: Gaming and Sexual Conquest in
Early Modern Drama’ (unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Southern
Queensland, 2010).
orking in this field today. Her discussion of the game scenes in Arden of
Faversham and A Woman Killed with Kindness was published in 2012 and
2013 and on Chess in The Tempest in 2016.27 Late in the course of my own
enquiry, in summer 2018, these became part of Bloom’s own book,
Gaming the Stage: Playable Media and the Rise of English Commercial
Theater, in which she argues that ‘gamification enabled the early modern
commercial stage to compete with more overtly interactive forms of enter-
tainment, such as blood sports and festive games’.28 As her title indicates,
she considers theatre ‘playable media’, a term she explains, borrowed from
games studies scholar Noah Wardrip-Fruin, who employs it, as she does,
‘to highlight the crucial role of audience-users in defining what counts as
a game’.29 Her investigations come ‘full circle’ in her Epilogue on com-
puter gaming, which she considers is ‘deeply indebted to theatrical con-
cepts’.30 Bloom approaches the topic from the viewpoint of participatory
spectatorship and looks at scenes of cards, Backgammon and Chess but
does not consider dicing. She analyses half a dozen scenes of gameplay and
suggests that these ‘cameo appearances’ foreground how plays ‘engage
spectators by cuing their desire to play’.31 Her argument is that the formal
structure of a game develops particular competencies in a game’s players
and spectators, but when such games were staged in theatres, audiences,
being at some distance, could not participate in ways to which they were
accustomed. She feels that by preventing spectators from seeing the actual
board, or cards, such scenes ‘encourage audiences to know by feeling’,
experiencing the game ‘in ways that differ considerably from the game’s
onstage players’.32 As I do, she finds games occurring at climactic moments,
and notes how, in the case of Two Angry Women of Abington, the whole
play becomes a game. She reasons that ‘theater—like friendship,
Gina Bloom, ‘Games’, Early Modern Theatricality, ed. Henry S. Turner (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2013), 189–211; ‘“My feet see better than my eyes”: Spatial Mastery and
the Game of Masculinity in Arden of Faversham’s Amphitheatre’, Theatre Survey, 53/1
(2012), 5–28; ‘Time to Cheat: Chess and The Tempest’s Performative History of Dynastic
Marriage’, The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Embodiment: Gender, Sexuality and
Race, ed. Valerie Traub (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016), 419–434.
Bloom, Gaming the Stage: Playable Media and the Rise of English Commercial Theater
(Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2018), 146.
Ibid., 6.
Ibid., 21.
Ibid., 6.
Ibid., 7, 8.
Louis Montrose suggests that it is this Prologue with its insistence on the
audience’s imagination that makes ‘perhaps the most explicit Shakespearean
appeal to the contractual relationship between playwright, players, and
audience in the production of theatrical illusion’.35 As Scham’s title, Lector
Ludens, suggests, we need to be not just imaginative but ludic readers and
play along. Such a mode of reading is enlightening across genres, as will be
seen from the tragedies I include.
Ibid., 18.
Miguel de Cervantes cited in Michael Scham, Lector Ludens: The Representation of Games
The card game is a masterpiece of sustained metaphor as the fact and proof
of Anne’s infidelity are conveyed to Frankford through the unerring choice
by each character of the meaningful pun. The pairing of Wendoll and Anne
against Frankford is an image of the larger truth.38
David Parlett, The Oxford Guide to Card Games (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990).
Margaret Jane Kidnie, ed., A Woman Killed with Kindness by Thomas Heywood (London:
Bloomsbury, 2017).
Ibid., 203, citing Three Elizabethan Domestic Tragedies, ed. Keith Sturgess (London:
Penguin, 2012), 45.
Sturgess, ed., Three Elizabethan Domestic Tragedies, 45.
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