Implications of Nep2020 For Education

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Volume 9, Issue 11, November – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Implications of Nep2020 for Education

Dr. Jayaashish Sethi,
Director, MMIM, Maharishi Markandeshwar
(Deemed to be University), Mullana-Ambala

Abstract:- This paper examines the implications of the II. ROLE OF TEACHER IN EDUCATION
National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) on India's
educational landscape, with a particular focus on teacher While they are essential in the realm of education,
education and the holistic development of students. NEP teachers hold an even more significant position in shaping the
2020 aims to transform India into a global knowledge lives of their students. The capability to educate and leave a
superpower by instituting significant reforms across lasting, positive impact on students is what truly characterizes
educational tiers. This policy underscores the importance a teacher. Generally, a teacher's responsibilities extend beyond
of empowering educators through comprehensive pre- merely disseminating knowledge in the classroom. In
service and in-service training, thus ensuring they are contemporary education, teachers are required to adopt
equipped to fulfill diverse roles extending beyond various roles, including those of mentors, surrogate parents,
conventional teaching duties. By advocating for a holistic counselors, role models, among others.
approach to education, NEP 2020 seeks to enhance Educators fulfill numerous functions within the classroom,
cognitive, emotional, and social development in students. encompassing
The policy's approach aligns with contemporary  Sharing Knowledge : Primarily, teaching serves as the
pedagogical strategies, fostering an educational conduit for the dissemination of knowledge, and it
environment that values inclusivity and adaptability. represents the central role of an educator. Ensuring
Ultimately, NEP 2020's success hinges on the effective students' comprehension of the material and adhering to an
adoption of its teacher empowerment and holistic established curriculum are common elements of teaching.
educational strategies, integral to India's progress as a Since it can be challenging to exert any additional
knowledge-based economy. influence on students if the educator is unable to fulfill the
essential duty of knowledge transfer, all other
I. INTRODUCTION responsibilities of a teacher stem from this foundational
There is a strong enthusiasm for education, yet the  Role Modeling : While educators might not identify
prevailing formal education system is flawed, rooted in themselves as such, they indeed serve as role models for
outdated concepts. Although discussions on educational their students. Due to the extensive time they interact with
reform and public discourse surrounding this issue are long- students each day or week, educators inevitably have some
standing, recent years have seen a substantial amount of degree of influence over them. It is the educator's
literature on the topic. We have curated the most inspiring and responsibility to ensure that this influence is positive. This
progressive readings on school reform from the past century role extends beyond merely adhering to a curriculum; it
for your consideration. Guiding students from the ignorance to involves aiding in the development of a child's character.
knowledge is among the most critical missions of educational Educators contribute to shaping students' character as well
institutions, and teachers are pivotal in facilitating this as imparting knowledge.
transformation. As highlighted by the National Council of  An External Parent : Educators' responsibilities extend
Teachers of English (NCTE) in their 1998 report, "Quality beyond merely adhering to a specified curriculum and
Concerns in Secondary Teacher Education," educators are work plan. They often inadvertently assume the role of an
fundamental to executing educational programs at all levels. external guardian, given the significant amount of time
This underscores the necessity of investing in teacher spent with their students. In their capacity as mentors,
development to ensure a nation's future success. The teachers have the ability to steer students toward positive
significance of competent educators to the educational system directions. By fulfilling this role, they can motivate
is immeasurable. Thus, both initial and ongoing teacher learners to reach their maximum potential and serve as
education must meet the demands and expectations set by the both mentors and sources of inspiration.
National Curriculum Framework of 2005.

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Volume 9, Issue 11, November – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

In both the classroom and society, the teacher's role has thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. This includes advancing
evolved significantly from the past. Over time, educators have their skills in self-analysis, self-assessment, adaptability,
received specific guidelines alongside a set curriculum to creativity, and innovation.
follow. In the current environment, a teacher's responsibilities  Engage educators in developing critical thinking by
extend beyond mere instruction. Among their contemporary evaluating disciplinary content and societal realities,
duties are teaching students how to utilize and apply drawing connections between their field of study and the
knowledge in everyday situations, providing mentorship, and broader social milieu.
offering guidance. Educators today are seeking innovative  Provide avenues for refining their professional skills in
methods to impact students on a deeper level, inspiring them pedagogy, documentation, analysis, drama, craft,
to achieve greater levels of success and aspiration. storytelling, and observation.

Educators are dedicated professionals who leave a Teacher preparation programs should incorporate
profound impact on their students. By choosing to become an elements that enable future educators to achieve these goals.
educator, you can harness your skills and passion to lead  Embrace the responsibility of caring for children and
within the educational field. This career is deeply rewarding finding joy in spending time with them.
for those who aim to make a positive influence on the lives of  Acknowledge the influence of social, cultural, and political
young individuals. Crafting engaging lessons will challenge contexts on children.
your creativity, patience, and communication skills on a daily  View learning as a personal journey to understand life
basis. Your dedication to nurturing students' unique talents through individual experiences.
and intellect as both a mentor and role model will serve as an  Comprehend the mechanisms of learning, how to create
inspiration to them. environments that facilitate it, and recognize the diversity
in learners' preferences, speeds, and styles.
III. TEACHER EDUCATION  Regard knowledge creation as an ongoing, reflective
process of introspective learning.
The National Council for Teacher Education
 Maintain an open mind and commit to continuous learning.
characterizes teacher education as a program encompassing
instruction, research, and preparation for educators ranging  Consider learning as the process of extracting meaning
from personal experiences and knowledge creation as an
from pre-primary to higher education levels. The current
enduring, introspective endeavor.
framework categorizes teacher education into pre-service and
in-service segments. Pre-service education encompasses all  Perceive knowledge not as external facts confined to
the training and educational experiences an educator textbooks but as something developed within the
undergoes before embarking on a compensated teaching career communal spaces of teaching, learning, and human
in a school setting. Conversely, in-service training refers to the experience.
education and development that a teacher undertakes after  Accept social responsibility and endeavor to contribute to a
commencing their professional role. Teacher education better world.
encompasses the strategies and standards formulated to equip  Recognize the value of work and practical experience as
prospective educators with the essential knowledge, attitudes, educational tools, both within and beyond the classroom.
behaviors, and skills needed to effectively execute their duties  Analyze texts, policy outcomes, and curriculum design.
within the classroom, school, and broader community. The  Possess a solid foundation of background knowledge and
primary objective of teacher education is to enhance teachers' fundamental linguistic skills.
proficiency and competence, enabling them to more
effectively address the challenges and demands of their IV. NEP 2020
In July 2020, the Union cabinet sanctioned the New
 Aims of Teacher Education Education Policy (NEP), which aspires to deliver universal
The objectives of teacher education encompass the education from pre-school through the secondary level. NEP-
following principles: 2020, a comprehensive framework addressing education from
 Facilitate opportunities for educators to interact with elementary to higher education across the nation, is set to
students, fostering engagement and building meaningful replace the National Policy on Education (1986). Given that
relationships. supporting children is the fundamental goal of any educational
 Encourage autonomous learning, enabling educators to system, NEP-2020 aims to achieve a 100% Gross Enrollment
reflect, assimilate, and express new ideas, thereby Ratio (GER) in schooling by 2030. This initiative stems from
enhancing their self-directed learning, critical thinking, and the belief that no child should be deprived of the opportunity
collaborative abilities. to learn and excel due to their birth circumstances or
 Promote self-discovery and interpersonal understanding, background.
assisting educators in examining their own and others'

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Volume 9, Issue 11, November – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 Key Points out, and all undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs
will adopt a multidisciplinary approach. An Academic Bank of
 School Education Credits will be established to facilitate the transfer of credits.
 All individuals from preschool age to high school
graduates will attain a Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) of Comparable to the prestigious IITs and IIMs,
100% in education by the year 2030. Multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities
 The objective is to utilize an open education system to (MERUs) are to be established as exemplary institutions of
facilitate the reintegration of 20 million out-of-school multidisciplinary education that adhere to global standards.
youth into society. The National Research Foundation is expected to take the lead
 The current 10+2 educational model is set to be superseded in cultivating a robust research environment and enhancing
by a novel 5+3+3+4 curricular framework, aligning with research capacities within higher education. Excluding legal
the age brackets of 3-8, 8-11, 11-14, and 14-18 years. and medical studies, the Higher Education Commission of
 The age bracket of 3-6 years, acknowledged as a pivotal India (HECI) will act as a unified and comprehensive
period in cognitive development for children, is set to be authority for tertiary education. Public and private higher
integrated into the educational curriculum. education institutions will be governed by the same
 Additionally, it will encompass three years of Anganwadi regulations, accreditation requirements, and academic criteria.
or preschool education as part of the twelve years of The HECI will include four distinct divisions: 1. The National
formal education. Higher Education Regulatory Council (NHERC) for
 All students should have the opportunity to retake the regulation, 2. The General Education Council (GEC) for
board examinations for grades 10 and 12, which should be setting standards, 3. The Higher Education Grants Council
revised to focus on fundamental skills rather than the rote (HEGC) for funding, and 4. The National Accreditation
memorization of facts. Council (NAC) for accreditation. Over the next fifteen years,
the affiliation system for colleges will be gradually phased out
 The governance of both public and private educational
institutions is poised for transformation with the and replaced by a tiered process that grants institutions
impending introduction of a novel accreditation framework varying degrees of autonomy.
and an autonomous regulatory body.
 There is no rigid separation in educational institutions
among the academic, extracurricular, and vocational
Let's examine more closely at what the National
spheres; rather, the emphasis is placed on fundamental
Education Policy 2020 has in store for educators as Teacher's
literacy and numeracy.
Day draws near in order to help them overcome their current
 From the sixth grade onward, vocational training will unfulfilling positions, widespread abuse, and demotivating
incorporate internships.
working conditions. The NEP 2020 acknowledges the
 Delivering instruction in the mother tongue or regional existence of demoralized and unenthusiastic Indian teachers
language through at least Grade 5 students will not be and proposes a thorough overhaul of the teaching profession to
required to communicate in any specific language. create a robust merit-based system of tenure, compensation,
 Transforming assessment through the implementation of a and progression that honors and commends outstanding
comprehensive 360-degree progress report and tracking teachers.
student development to achieve educational goals.
 The National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) will While an empowered teacher is capable of doing great
partner with the National Council of Educational Research things, the reality is quite different. The 2012 Justice J. S.
and Training (NCERT) to create the National Curriculum Verma Committee Report states that over 370 million pupils
Framework for Teacher Education (NCFTE) 2021, are at risk due to a deficient teacher education system. The
ensuring its updates and comprehensiveness. By 2030, a findings of inspections conducted on private Teacher
four-year integrated Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) will Education Institutes (TEI) showed that their infrastructure was
become the minimum qualification required for teaching. inadequate and their passing percentage was just 99%.
Research revealed that teachers failed the Central Teacher
 Higher Education Eligibility Test (C-TET), a post- qualification competency
By the year 2035, it is projected that 50% of students will test, on average 85% of the time. Post-employment concerns
be engaged in higher education. In conjunction with this, there and issues include absenteeism, obsolete teaching knowledge
are initiatives to generate 3.5 million additional seats within and abilities, a lack of professionalism and commitment, and
the higher education sector. Currently, the Gross Enrollment exploitative employment conditions marked by insecurity and
Ratio (GER) for this sector stands at 26.3%. During this low pay.
timeframe, students will have the opportunity to pursue a
three- or four-year comprehensive undergraduate program
characterized by a flexible curriculum, various exit strategies,
and necessary certifications. M.Phil. courses will be phased

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Volume 9, Issue 11, November – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 Pre-Service Teacher Education has thus gained prominence in parenting practices. From an
The guidelines outlined in the NEP 2020 for teacher early age, children acquire new skills through participation in
education and training will form the foundation for creating diverse sports and activities, which has substantially
the National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education, or influenced instructional approaches in schools, leading to
NCFTE 2021. This framework will provide a comprehensive significant changes. With the emergence of modern
roadmap for all pre-service and in-service teacher education technologies and educational strategies, the holistic
within academic, vocational, and special education domains. development of children in preschool has become essential.
The minimum qualification set for teachers is a four-year Similarly, the focus on comprehensive development for
integrated Bachelor’s degree in Education (B.Ed.), designed to students in elementary and secondary education has grown
be both a specialized and a multidisciplinary, integrated dual increasingly important.
major. To gain admission to this program, prospective
students will be required to undertake academic and aptitude  The Five Skills for Holistic Development
assessments conducted by the National Testing Agency  Cognitive : Robust cognitive abilities empower individuals
(NTA). All multidisciplinary universities are mandated to to effectively navigate and resolve complex issues
establish an education department and work collaboratively encountered in everyday life, whether these challenges
with other departments to offer B.Ed. programs. These arise within professional settings, educational
departments will span various disciplines, including environments, or personal spheres. Cognitive skills
psychology, philosophy, sociology, neuroscience, languages, encompass elements such as working memory, problem-
arts, music, history, literature, physical education, science, and solving, concentration, and cognitive flexibility. Mastering
mathematics. Additionally, these institutions are encouraged these abilities allows one to tackle demanding tasks and
to engage in pioneering research across numerous educational devise efficient solutions.
fields to enhance the quality of their B.Ed. programs. The
B.Ed. curriculum will encompass a comprehensive range of  Creative : Robust creative capabilities equip us to
knowledge areas and teaching methodologies, along with formulate innovative solutions for challenges the future
significant practical training. The curriculum will also focus may present. Our capacity for creativity enhances our
on learner-centered and collaborative learning approaches, the openness to novel experiences and supports the meaningful
integration of educational technology, instruction tailored to evolution of concepts. Examples of these creative abilities
students with specific needs or interests, multilevel teaching include developing and articulating ideas, actualizing
and assessment strategies, and effective methods for teaching them, embracing uncertainty, exploring alternatives,
fundamental literacy and numeracy skills. Further, shorter evaluating concepts, and determining the most effective
certification courses following the B.Ed. will be available for course of action.
teachers aspiring to advance their careers, transitioning from
foundational, preparatory, intermediate, and secondary stages  Physical : Robust physical capabilities enable individuals
to more specialized teaching fields or roles in leadership and to engage both their bodies and minds, fostering wellbeing
management within the educational sector. Enhancing the and contributing to successful living. Engaging in physical
credibility and acceptance of the teaching profession is activity, developing sensory-motor skills to better
achievable by requiring all new Ph.D. candidates to complete understand movement and spatial dimensions, enhancing
credit-based courses in teaching, education, pedagogy, and spatial awareness, and maintaining a vigorous and healthy
writing relevant to their doctoral studies. These courses should physique are some examples of these physical
include practical teaching experience obtained through proficiencies.
teaching assistantships.
 Social: Robust social skills empower individuals to
VI. HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT communicate and collaborate effectively. Social adeptness
also facilitates the maintenance of positive relationships
The advancement of humanity hinges on holistic with loved ones and friends. Social competencies
education, which not only transforms society but also encompass abilities such as perspective-taking,
profoundly impacts individuals at a personal level. Beyond communication, and teamwork. Cultivating empathy,
academic achievements, most companies and organizations negotiating norms, and exchanging ideas are integral
prioritize the comprehensive development of candidates when components.
hiring new employees. Consequently, it is crucial for higher
education institutions to focus on the overall development of  Emotional: A high level of emotional intelligence equips
their students. The era when parents could spend entire days individuals to navigate life's challenges and foster
with their children is a thing of the past. With evolving significant connections with loved ones. Examples of
educational methods and technological advancements, parents emotional intelligence encompass developing self-
are now keenly interested in ensuring that their children awareness, regulating impulses, sustaining motivation and
engage with multiple facets of learning. Holistic development

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Volume 9, Issue 11, November – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

confidence amidst adversity, and articulating one's them without making definitive judgments about what is right
emotions effectively. or wrong. This territory remains largely unexplored. Often,
this process unfolds as a collaborative journey of discovery
VII. ROLE OF TEACHER IN HOLISTIC between the instructor and the student, with the instructor
DEVELOPMENT offering their broader life experiences to enrich the learning
India hosts one of the most extensive educational
networks globally, characterized by substantial growth in Educators face challenges from the holistic development
enrollment and institutional numbers over the past fifty years. paradigm, prompting a reevaluation of their strategies for
Historically, the Indian educational system transitioned from addressing students' cognitive and emotional growth, as well
exclusivity to inclusivity. For instance, the number of primary as a critical analysis of their pedagogical techniques. The
schools has surged to over 600,000 today from just 200,000 in interaction between teacher and student transforms into a more
1950. When considering the addition of upper elementary, equitable, dynamic, and inclusive relationship. To adequately
secondary, and various alternative schools, the network address the developmental needs of students, deliberate and
comprises over a million institutions. Since independence, the proactive interventions should be adopted as the preferred
importance of education within learning environments has teaching approach. A teacher's skills in facilitation,
progressively increased, leading to significant transformations mentorship, and guidance significantly enhance learning and
in the role of school teachers. The expansion of the understanding on both social and intellectual planes. For
educational system, underscored by rising enrollment figures example, the objective is for students to appreciate the
and the development of its comprehensive character, has importance of relationships, understand diverse perspectives
amplified the complexity of school administration. Teachers on information and its evaluation, recognize the value of life
now confront heightened challenges due to the rapid pace of skills, and be aware of the impact their actions have on others.
technological advancements, such as Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) and the knowledge It is imperative for educators to assess the educational
revolution. It is crucial for them to embrace these new roles environment within their institutions to ensure it fosters the
and responsibilities related to ICT and to enhance students' development of an inclusive learning community that
access to informal and non-formal educational settings. This encourages individuals to engage with creativity and curiosity
evolution requires head teachers and instructors to acquire beyond the classroom setting. Therefore, the objective
new knowledge and skills. Moreover, it demands greater becomes nurturing well-rounded, inquisitive individuals who
capacity at the school level to address the increasing diversity are self-motivated and confident learners, capable of acquiring
among students and prospective educators. The role of the essential knowledge and applying it effectively in diverse new
school teacher has become even more pivotal given these contexts.
systemic changes. Has the State, as the primary provider of
education, adapted to these new realities? Has the authority of IX. CONCLUSION
teachers increased accordingly? Have teachers received
adequate training to equip them for these emerging The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020)
challenges? What is the current status concerning the roles, signifies a transformative moment in Indian education,
responsibilities, and standing of head teachers and teachers in particularly for teacher education and their crucial role in
India? How can these challenges be surmounted? These issues holistic student development. This policy emphasizes the
warrant attention, especially as the nation transitions to a empowerment of teachers, acknowledging their central
knowledge-based economy, highlighting the essential nature position in shaping both the educational system and individual
of high-quality education in this process. student experiences. It proposes a comprehensive
redevelopment of teacher training, incorporating pre-service
VIII. HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT: IMPLICATIONS and in-service education to prepare educators for a variety of
FOR THE TEACHER roles beyond traditional teaching. The policy's commitment to
holistic education aligns with modern pedagogical approaches,
For both students and educators, holistic development promoting the intellectual, emotional, and social growth of
represents a new beginning, necessitating that both parties students. By establishing a robust framework for teacher
mature and critically evaluate deeply held values and beliefs. education, NEP 2020 aims at elevating the teaching profession
This can be challenging for instructors, as it requires them to and ensuring that educators possess the necessary skills to
step beyond their subject matter expertise and venture into foster an inclusive and dynamic learning environment. This
unfamiliar territory. In this context, instructors do not depend evolution not only enhances the quality of education but also
solely on their expertise in a particular subject but instead supports the broader objective of positioning India as a global
facilitate students in developing and examining their own knowledge superpower. As the country transitions into a
beliefs and biases, critical thinking, and behaviors. They also knowledge-based economy, the success of these initiatives
encourage students to engage with perspectives that are new to will depend on the effective implementation of NEP 2020,

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Volume 9, Issue 11, November – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

particularly its strategies for teacher empowerment and

holistic development.


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