B-Cat 1st Year Most Imoportant Questions (Subject Wise)
B-Cat 1st Year Most Imoportant Questions (Subject Wise)
B-Cat 1st Year Most Imoportant Questions (Subject Wise)
1. Define heartbeat, what the origin and conduction process of heart beat. Draw diagram? (2)
2. Give structure of nephron and explain formation of urine? (2)
3. Write a brief note on electrocardiogram (ECG)?
4. Define anemia and explain its classification? (2)
5. What is neuron? Describe it along with labelled diagram?
6. Define joints, its types, structure and function?
7. What is anemia? Explain its types (Pernicious anemia, folic acid deficiency, iron deficiency,
hemolytic anemia)?
8. What is blood pressure? How do we measure it and explain physiological factors affecting its
9. Define respiration and explain mechanism of pulmonary ventilation?
10. Write a note on diffusion or transport of gases (O2 & CO2) in human?
11. Write down the names of layers of respiratory membrane? (2)
12. Write a note on regulation of breathing (Any)?
13. Write a note on any of these (Cell membrane, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria & nucleus)?
14. How many types of cell? Define any two?
15. Explain the function of lymphatic cell?
16. Define blood. Write a note on its composition and functions?
17. Briefly explain RBCs or Erythrocytes?
18. Explain ABO blood group system of human body?
19. Explain structure and functions of skin in human body?
20. Describe about nephron and formation of urine?
21. What is neuron? Describe it alone with label diagram? Or Classification of neuron?
22. Differentiate between different muscle types?
23. Define special senses, its types and write a detailed note on sensation of vision (Eye) or Ear
24. Define hormone, its classification based on production? (Insulin & Glucagon)? OR Explain
hormones and its classification based on production/chemical nature?
25. Define synapses and explain its structure and classification?
26. What is ESR? Write its importance? Explain factors affecting ESR?
27. Explain the functions of stomach?
1. Write a short note on crude drugs? OR Define crude drug. Explain classification of crude drug
with examples? OR How the crude drugs are classified by pharmacological and taxonomical
methods? Explain with examples?
2. Write a note on organoleptic evaluation of crude drugs? OR Briefly explain evaluation of crude
drugs (Any one or two)?
3. Write a short note on enzyme, hormone and plant cell?
4. Difference between enzyme and catalyst? (3)
5. What are the properties of enzymes? (4) OR Define enzyme. What are the properties of
6. Write a note on Papain?
7. Define allergy and write the sign and symptoms of allergy?
8. Define allergen. What are different kind of allergens? (3) OR Define hypersensitivity. What are
the various types of allergens?
9. What do you know about immediate hypersensitivity?
10. What do you know about cell mediated hypersensitivity?
11. What is allergen? How intradermal test of allergy is conducted?
12. Briefly describe methods perform to test/diagnosis? OR Write different types of tests for skin
allergy? (2)
13. Compare different types of hypersensitivity (Table)?
14. Define allergy. What is the mechanism of allergy?
15. Name the plants causing dryness of mouth and CVS disturbances?
16. Write a note on plants causing CNS & CVS disturbance? OR What are poisonous plants?
Write a note on poisonous plant acting on CNS?
17. Briefly explain mouth or oral cavity toxic plant concept?
18. Write a short note on cyanogenetic plants?
19. Define alkaloids. Give their classification with examples?
20. Briefly describe fixed oils with examples of plant containing fixed oil?
21. Describe chromatography and write a detail note on thin layer chromatography (TLC)? Or
22. Write a note on chromatography and its types?
23. Explain the procedure of paper chromatography?
24. Describe column chromatography and its applications? (2)
25. Differentiate between maceration and percolation with examples? OR Explain percolation in detail?
26. Briefly explain maceration of unorganized drugs?
27. Define extraction. Briefly explain different methods of extraction?
28. Define resins. Give detail on its classification? (2)
29. Define following with examples:
a) Bulb
b) Rhizome
c) Resins
d) Seed
e) Inhalant
30. Write botanical name, family, constituent and uses of plants containing fixed oil?
31. How may classification of carbohydrates? Define any two of them?
32. Write a note on carbohydrate, glycosides and resins with example?
33. Describe chemical class, biological source, family and medicinal uses of:
a) Glycyrrhiza
b) Ginger
c) Aloe
d) Atropa belladonna
e) Digitalis
f) Fennel
g) Clove
h) Curcuma
i) Tragacanth
1. What is the difference between hospital and community pharmacy? OR Define pharmacy, its
various branches and explain forensic pharmacy? OR
Define the following:
a) Retail pharmacy
b) Forensic pharmacy
c) Hospital pharmacy
d) Clinical pharmacy
e) Pharmacist
2. What is British National Formulary (BNF)? How is it beneficial for health professional? (USP & BP)
3. Differentiate between official and non-official books in pharmacy?
4. Write down the name of some important (7) official books? (2)
5. Write the contribution of AL-Bironi and Ibn-Zuhur in pharmacy?
6. What are the contribution of Al-kindi and Abu ali sena in the field of pharmacy?
7. Define drug, what are the classification of drug on the basis of sale?
8. Define dosage form. Describe briefly five types of dosage forms? (2)
9. What is the difference between dose And dosage form and describe different dosage forms on the
basis of oral route of administration?
10. What are OTC drugs?
11. What is crystallization? Also describe its importance to the stability and efficiency of drug?
12. Define tablet. Explain different types of tablets? (2) Or Explain advantages or disadvantages of
tablet dosage form?
13. Describe various components of aerosols? (2)
14. What is meant by pharmaceutical incompatibility? Explain therapeutic incompatibility?
15. Describe chemical incompatibility?
16. Describe standard total parenteral preparation (TPN) for adult and pediatric patients?
17. Write a note on lyophilization? OR what is the principle of freeze drying? Explain the steps involved
in freeze drying and its applications? (2) OR In how many stages freeze drying process carried out?
18. Define ionization and write the applications of ionization?
19. Define viscosity. Enlist the factors affecting viscosity. Write applications of viscosity?
20. What is crystallization? Discuss various methods of crystallization. (3)
21. Define pH. Write down different types of pH indicators and their applications? (2)
22. What is absorption? What are the types of absorption and application in pharmacy?
23. What are buffers? How they work? Write their applications? OR What are buffers and their
applications in the pharmacy? (3)
24. What is difference between imperial system and metric system of measurement?
25. Briefly explain different types of container or closures?
26. How many types of dispensed pharmaceutical products? Explain any two of them?
27. What is evaporation? Mention the factors affecting rate of evaporation?
28. What is the difference between boiling point and evaporation?
29. Briefly explain the method of exsiccation?
30. How many types of distillation? Explain any one? OR differentiate between vacuum and
fractional distillation?
31. What is isotonicity? Enlist applications of isotonic solution in pharmacy?
32. Define surface tension and what are the factors that affect surface tension?
33. Define syrup and explain types of syrups? (3)
34. Define emulsion and explain different methods to prepare emulsion?
35. Explain tinctures and its types?
36. What are pharmaceutical suspensions? What should be qualities of good suspension?
37. Differentiate between paste and gel?
38. Write a note on classification of ointment?
39. What are the parts of prescription? Give details?
40. Define sterilization. What should be the characteristics of a sterile product? Differentiate
between aseptic and terminal sterilization? OR Methods of sterilization?
41. What is difference between trituration and levigation? Write their applications in pharmacy?
42. Define aerosols and explain different components of aerosols?
43. Define suppositories. Write a note on its classification?
44. Differentiate between elixir and syrup?
45. What is the principle of centrifugation? Define its types and write down its applications?