FBSS English
FBSS English
FBSS English
CPS Caseworker/Telephone
CPS Supervisor/Telephone
Medicaid/Food Stamps/TANF
Budgeting skills 211
Alcohol/Substance Abuse referral information, www.yourtexasbenefits.com
education, counseling, treatment
Texas Health Steps
Domestic Violence referral information and
Parent/child relationship issues
1-877-THSTEPS or 1-877-847-8377
Medical and dental checkups for children on Medicaid
Supporting Your Family
Anger management
Texas Abuse/Neglect Hotline
through Family Based
Referrals for public assistance resources
Other information and referrals in your
CHIP/Children's Medicaid
1-877-KIDS-NOW (1-877-543-7669)
Safety Services (FBSS)
community as needed and available www.CHIPmedicaid.org The Texas Department of
Stock Code P20919-0000 May 2008 Family and Protective Services
What are Family Based Safety
Have you been investigated by Child
Protective Services (CPS)?
Have you been told your children may be at
risk of abuse or neglect?
Have you been told your children may be
removed from your home?
Are you working to get your children back?
If you said “yes” to any of these questions, you
may be offered Family Based Safety Services
(FBSS). These services will be given in your
home by CPS. They will be for a limited time—it
depends on your case. They will help you make
sure your children are healthy and safe.
Most families in trouble want help. They want
to fix their problems. They can change.
We will be your partner. We will focus on your Meet with my caseworker regularly and allow my Assess the safety of your children on an ongoing
family’s needs and strengths. We will respect your children to meet with the caseworker basis
culture. We will honor how you feel about school Participate in services I identify with my caseworker Provide you with the resources needed so you can
ing and raising children. and others who may work with my family make changes and provide your children with a
safe and stable home
Make the changes needed to provide a safe and stable
What will I be expected to do? home for my children
Be open and honest with my caseworker What kinds of things can I get help with
Keep my children safe
What is my caseworker is expected to do? depending on my family’s needs and
Meet with you and your family to figure out your
Figure out what I need help with and what my
family’s strengths and needs
what services are available?
family needs
Day care
Work with you to develop a plan for services for you
Identify my strengths and the strengths in my
and your family that focuses on those strengths and Parenting skills
Make a plan for services with my caseworker Housekeeping skills
that focuses on strengths and needs that we Meet with your family regularly to provide support
and guidance and review your progress Nutrition and health information